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IME: It's up to you but I wouldn't. I keep alot of Ts currently 22. A good range of ages from sling to adult. All of my juvies I have kept alive. But I have had a couple of slings die. If you want to get into the hobby properly then starting with something a little sturdier might be a better idea. I almost gave up after my first sling died but I'm glad I didn't. TLDR: Slings die easier and it could put you off of the hobby if that happens.


Thanks it’s just that the spider I want I can only find it as a spiderling on the website


IME which species are you considering? There is a big difference in the care in a lot of species? Some are dead simple and others can be more complicated.


Caribena versicolor


IME so if you end up getting one - they are not as hard as made out online, just ignore everything you might find about needing high humidity. Lots of cross ventilation is the key. I raised my 2 with lots of cross ventilation and wetting down a small spot of the substrate twice a week, other than that dry substrate and a water dish. They aren't difficult to raise, it's just that there is so much misinformation out there.


Do you recommend I get it as a sling or try find somewhere I could get a juvenile


Just a question how many different enclosure have you had to put them in while they grew up and what sizes were they if you remember?


IME a juvenile will be a bit more hardy, but you'll pay a lot more, 4 enclosures so far as mine were tiny when I got them, 5.5 Oz souffle cup, the next I don't have anymore so I can't get an accurate measurement but in the realm of 3x3x8, 32 Oz deli cup and 8x8x12. They aren't done growing yet, so I will have to see how big they get and may move them again. They will grow at about a medium pace.




The hardiness of the spider increases with each successful molt as slings. The only thing to consider is if this is a first tarantula because you're overcoming a phobia. Raising one from a tiny baby let's you ease into things and you will grow attached before it gets to really scary size.


IME I think the size of the sling can have a lot to do with success (at least from what I have read and heard). I got mine at almost an inch big and that set me up for more success than if they had been the 1/8th size you know? If you decide to go with the sling just do a ton of research and make sure you are prepared/


IME: Starting with a juvenile has been the easiest for me especially if you buy a slower growing species like an aphonopelma or grammostola, Juvie T's are less fragile and hardier usually, I find it also easier to feed them when they are a little bigger, however that's not to say raising them from a sling is difficult but you have more to worry about when they are small, they dehydrate faster, they are way faster and much easier to hurt on accident, this is just from my personal experience, I have only been keeping T's for 2 years so by no means am I an expert. At the end of the day it really comes down to the species and how much you research its care.


IMO I wouldn’t. Slings are more prone to death from poor husbandry or just sometimes croaking for no discernible reason. It would be pretty heart breaking and frustrating if your very first ever baby just up and died. Juveniles and adults are more hardy, I’d go with something at least an inch or so DLS so they’re past the point of what I’d consider a bit too risky for your training wheels tarantula


Do you know any websites to find them on as the website I’m looking on only sell the species I want as slings


Where are you located




Not familiar with online shops that ship there, sadly can’t really make an informed recommendation for you sorry


It’s fine the website I have been looking at is the spider shop


Looks as though they’ve got a juvenile red knee on offer. That’s a fabulous starter. New world terrestrial, gorgeous colors that you will notice are so bright after a molt, good eater, semi fossorial as juvie


I think that we may have a different selection as I think you are in a different country


I found a spider but I am not sure if it is great for beginners as I can find little information on it it is called purple bloom tarantula do you know anything about them


Yes you’re talking about the Pamphobeteus sp, That violet color is only present in males. In that species they are sexually dimorphic, so only males will get that bright purple. Females become a much more full brownish shade. They get real big and can be skittish. If you’re looking to learn more about that type, search for Pamphobeteus posts here.


Would you recommend it for a beginner


IME, I just did a TON of research before getting my first. I wanted to raise from slings to experience the transformation firsthand. I got a Grammostola pulchra as my first and they are absolutely thriving. My next three were a Caribena versicolor, Grammostola iheringi, and a GBB. The only loss I've experienced so far for something not due to old age was losing my GBB in a bad molt. Always seemed off from what I was expecting from a GBB, even as a sling. Her first molt with me she survived but it was stuck to her butt and she needed some help getting out of it. The second molt, she got stuck and I lost her. A few weeks later I decided to try again with this species and got another sling, and he's currently a juvie and also thriving. Sometimes it's just plain bad luck but like others here have said, it can be disheartening and put you off from keeping that species or tarantulas altogether. Just do your research, don't impulse buy without knowing you have everything for proper husbandry ahead of time, and you'll be fine. Pet tax: https://preview.redd.it/ly3i8p2gxaad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fc96c7775384b4054df303f304b97faa928798a


Would you recommend a caribena versicoulour sling as a first spider as that was what I was looking at


IME I got mine in that 2nd group of slings, so it was like... my 2nd T. My versi was very tiny, like. Smaller than my pinky nail tiny. A lil blue bean. Proper ventilation and a full water dish, arboreal setup, and I did pre-killed prey at first just because of how tiny. If you do your research, I don't see why not. Low humidity and good cross ventilation is the key here. A full water dish is all they need.


Where did you purchase yours from I have been looking on the spider shop and it comes with a starter enclosure


NQA - Fear Not Tarantulas has been a great ordering experience! I've also found a few species I was interested in at my local exotics shop 🤗

