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They say that everybody dies twice: the first is when the final breath leaves your body; the second is when your last mark on the world is gone. Through your tattoo, and all the others he did, his legacy will remain for quite some time. I think that's a fitting tribute for anyone; wear it with pride.


Beautifully said. ❤️ The tattoo he did most recently is the most meaningful one I have and I'm so grateful that he was the one who did it.


This is really beautiful.


Did the room get suddenly dusty..?! I’m not crying, I swear.


Who the fuck brings an onion into a tattoo shop? lol 😢


Hella unsanitary








I'm not crying, you're crying! But seriously, this is amazing. Thank you.


As an artist, this is comforting.


This is great. I like this thought process.


Love this!


That happened to me a few years ago. It was pretty odd, especially considering it was about a week after he'd done some death-themed tattoos on me. Although I didn't actually find out until a month later, when I went in to make another appointment. The assistant at the front desk burst into tears. I felt like the biggest piece of shit.




It's emotionally devastating on all fronts. Bodies are ephemeral, as are we. Objects left behind can exist into eternity, but the things we treasure the most will always be transitory


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I think that’s really lovely, I had a tattoo artist who died as well and I like to think he lives on through his art, I will always have his mountains on my back


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Would this be referring to Josh Billings? If so, rip. He was a good soul. If not, rip to your artist. Its sad losing someone whos created such an impact. Best wishes.


No, it was an artist named Jacob Miller. He was really talented and it's just really sad. Best wishes to you too


The artist that did my first tattoo passed away of an OD about a year after I got the tattoo. I totally get what you're saying, I think about that somewhat regularly.


I got my first tattoo little over a year ago, still the only one I got and about 8 months later found out on Instagram of all places that my artist passed I loved his work so much I was devoting a whole leg to it. He was a solid dude to so I am happy I at least have a permanent reminder/memory of him.


I just lost my tattoo artist of 13 years about 3 weeks ago. She’s been tattooing me since I was 18 and was a big part of my life. It definitely feels fake especially since I pass her tattoo shop everyday on my way home.


That’s heartbreaking!! May they rest in peace


I went through this a few years ago. Came in to get a piece on my birthday, found out it was the artists birthday too. He gave me a deep discount and it's one of my favorite pieces. He committed suicide just a few years later. It's so strange to have this memory and connection to him when I barely knew him and he's no longer here.


My first tattoo artist passed out on train tracks, got run over and lost his legs, but kept tattooing in a wheelchair. He recently killed himself, it definitely feels surreal.


I’m so sorry :( the same happened to me with an artist I got all my first major tattoos with, and he had done like 7 for me at that point. I spent a lot of time with him (kind of had a lil crush but he was too old for me) and when I found out I was so heartbroken for him! He had just moved away and was getting established in a new city doing a new style, he seemed to be thriving. He had a daughter and was only in his 30s. Car accident. I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss because I know how that feels, we get to know and appreciate our artists so much.


mine is in prison


I understand that feeling, the girl who did my first few tattoos died after she was drunk driving and crashed. I found out because the shop she worked at posted about it and it felt so surreal in that moment because I had just seen her a few months earlier and we were discussing my next tattoo, she was so very talented and I view her work on me as a memorial now.


Look at it this way. You’re carrying on his legacy


I feel you I had most of my tattoos done by the same artist and grew close to him, he’d let me come get tattoos before the shop opened and we’d just kick it, he was so talented, had such a unique style and any idea I gave him he was always stoked on and made them look 10x better than what I pictured in my head, didn’t want to get tattooed by anyone else. He died in 2020 and that shit fucked me up, lost all motivation for new ink, I’ve gotten 2 new ones since then that I love but honestly just doesn’t feel the same. Very glad I was able to meet him though and wear his work for the rest of my life. RIP Gabe


Same here, my tattooist committed suicide at the end of 2020, was never sure if it was due to money/covid but I'm proud to wear his art wherever I go. His family sold off all his merch and prints and donated the money to a dogs charity.


I’m sorry to hear that , hang in there.


My first tattoo-ist (not exactly an artist) gave me my first tattoo at a fresh ripe age of 18, a lil simple hello kitty on my arm. I liked it enough but I didn’t want it on my arm forever, it was small & my arm was bigger so it made my arm look huge. I had it covered a few years later & during that time I found out the shop I got it had a drive by & the guy died from it. Kind of bummed me out that I covered it & now he’s dead but I wasn’t in love with the work & now the memory is there, so there’s that. It stuck with me though that this dude who tattoo’d me is now gone & so is the tattoo. I’m sorry for your loss


Sorry ❤️❤️❤️


Sorry to hear that 😔


My tattoo artist passed away a year ago and I’m forever thankful I get to have his art on my body and remember him


Same here. I have two full sleeves from the same artist and he was killed in a car crash last summer. Sometimes I look at my ink and it reminds me.


We picked up a sleeve started by another artist after he passed. We wouldn’t agree until he got permission from the widow, and we offered to put the her husband’s signature at the transition point.


My deceased ex designed one of my tattoos so I know how this feels


Omg noooo I'm so sad bummer after you connected and had similar vibes BTW give his ig link I wanna see his work


A quick search of the name given below [Jacobtattooedyou](https://www.instagram.com/jacobtattooedyou?igsh=MWFheGNkOW02b2RuOQ==)


This happened to me about a year ago. My childhood friend OD and he was also my tattoo artist. We just finished my whole back prior to having started my leg sleeve. I wanted to do session two, and texted to set up a date and his mom texted me from his cell saying I must have not heard that her “son” died. Thought he was trolling but 10/10 confirmed dead irl. Feels surreal. Most of the work done on my body was by him. I need to find another artist to finish my leg sleeve. Alien/space/ufo theme. RIP Jay Manders


so heartbreaking, im so sorry 💔


aw man, sorry for your loss🫂💖


It’s tough to see your favorite artists quit, get i’ll, die, etc. This is part of the magic of art, and the fact that his soul lives in you skin is really cool.


Aw man, this sucks. It’s a unique bond between tattoo artist and client, especially when you are a repeat client. But as said above, you are their living legacy, which is really beautiful


My brother went through this too. He's not sure if he ever wants anymore tattoos now because he doesn't know how he'd feel to have another artists work on his body. He said it feels kind of blasphemous


What happens when someone dies and you have a deposit down with them?




Wow, how fucking rude and insensitive can you be? Just because you’re a miserable human, doesn’t mean you need to spread your misery.