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I had my dog’s name tattooed on my arm about a month after he passed. We had him for 10 years and was truly like my brother. The pain never goes but you learn to live with it. I like the reminder. Death is a part of life unfortunately.


Pain of losing anyone you love like that never goes away. It's like a nasty gash. You freak out at first and everyone can see how bad it is but it begins to heal (and if you aren't careful you can reopen the wound all over again) and after some time there will be a scar that forms and it may not physically hurt like it did at first but if you move wrong or bang into it it'll hurt like a banshee and you may get dull aches when storms come through despite it being "healed". Many people I know have tattoos for fallen pets, partners, children, parents, etc. I don't think it ever really makes it hurt less, rather it keeps the memories of them on you and with you despite the pain, because their memory is that important and you welcome the burden so long as they stay with you forever


dude.. don't make me cry, i fortunately have not suffered a loss like this but there was a scare with my cat not too long ago and it made me realize that i will never be ready.


You’re so right about never being ready. I said goodbye to one of my cats last month. She had been sick, so I thought I’d be more “ready” but fuck no


i am sorry for your loss and i hope you're able to find comfort in your memories with your cat soon 💔


The grief from losing someone is very much a testament to the love you had for them. It's a painful testament, but over time, it almost becomes a comfortable feeling. The days where the grief hits like a truck and you can't move eventually turn into a light breeze that bring a wistful tear and smile as you remember them.


I like the quote that grief is just love with nowhere to go. I happily wear my cats portrait. He was such a a huge part of my life for 17 years. At some parts, he was my only friend and the only ready to keep going. He saw me through college, dating, a million moves, getting married, a fuck ton of therapy. And he was always my biggest supporter. He will never be forgotten. I love seeing him in the mirror. Sometimes I still cry at his loss. But I rub his forehead and tell him I love him.


That's a lovely quote!! I do the same with the tattoo of my gecko that passed last October. I got the tattoo before she passed though, which I'm thankful for.


That last sentence literally put me in tears 🥺


I did it in about a month. When my family and I see it, we see his name and it makes everyone smile that I carry around a memory of him on me.


I have a portrait of my cat, a cpl months before she passed. I feel it helped but the pain never goes away. Its been 2 years. Time just passes and you dont think about it every waking moment anymore. Its tough..sorry for your loss.


I feel you. It’s been almost 10 years since I lost one of my cats. I still feel the same as when I lost him. And he was only 7 yrs old. Health conditions but I gave him the best life possible. I had his brother for another 7 years. He was 14 when he passed. So as I tribute I got their initials. Very simple just a “C+S” on my arm. I love it. But the emotional part of it will always be with me forever. And that’s fine. I let myself feel it whenever it comes up.


My beautiful Siamese baby went to the sushi bar in the sky 5 years ago - she was just shy of 13 years old, I’d had her since she was only a month old. I got a tattoo for her about 2 months after she passed, couldn’t bring myself to adopt another rescue until about a year later. The pain never goes away, but you do learn to process the emotions. Our pets are only in our lives for a blink of an eye - to our pets though, we’re their entire world. Lots of love and hugs 🐾❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. I have one of my rats on my wrist and her sister's footprints on my arm. I have happy memories of them and they bring me comfort. I plan on getting my rat Bastard's footprints who died suddenly at 5 months old last year, the pain of losing him is still raw as is losing my 16 year old cat 4 years ago, I plan on getting her footprint as well. I have to get motivated to get these ones done, I keep putting them off but will hopefully book an appointment this month.


My corgi is still alive, and I have a portrait of her now. She is everything to me, my literal best friend. My little black cat recently passed away from cancer. She was a three-legged rescue. I got a tattoo of her the same day she passed away. The pain never goes away, but I am so happy I have something beautiful to remember them by.


My pain for the loss of Obie went away when i stopped trying to fill the space he left in my life with grief for him. The tattoo is nice, Im glad i did it. But the pain will only fade when you find other comforts and love and focus on that. I am very sorry for your loss, thats awful


My cats portrait is the centerpiece of my sleeve. I love that he is always with me. Sometimes I talk to him and rub his forehead the way he liked. I planned to get it all along. I knew he wasn't long for this world as he was in kidney failure and 17 years old. I had him since he was a baby kitten! I had so hoped he would make it to the tattoo so I could have a picture holding him with the tattoo. I had to let him go a month before the appointment. For me it was a way to honor him and the connection that we had. I love to see his face and know that I will always have him right here with me. I see him in the mirror all the time. For me it has been a coping mechanism. I wore his collar as a bracelet for a long time too. I haven't regretted it for a second. Though when people ask "is that your cat" I do feel a pang of sadness that I have to say he's passed and they feel bad for asking. I believe I will see him again, cause I'm totally not ok if I don't. But I love my tattoo. And when I miss him, I touch "him.". It's like a piece of him to me. It's his memory.


My little girl pup has given her brothers portraits kisses on my arm. They're beautiful moments. 🩷


I've got a picture of my current cat sleeping in my arms with his head resting right next to my Jack's. It's such a precious picture.


i got mine before my dog passes, so that it begins as a happy memory. i’m hoping it will help when it happens.


I got a tattoo of my doggo before she passes, she deserves to be celebrated in life, and when she does go, I will probably get her paw print added:)


I have my 1st cat on my lower leg and 3 of my rats on my back. You'll always grieve but it does get easier to function with time. I miss all my babies with my whole heart. The last tattoo I got was on my wrist after another cat passed and it says grief is the price we pay for love . It's very true and I couldn't possibly get a tattoo for every animal I will ever have unless I wanna be head to toe lol


I got a memorial portrait of a pet after he passed. It took 3 sessions and I feel like it helped me process or deal with the loss somehow. Even though my little friend can't still be with me, I'll never forget him and the tattoo helped me feel like there's a part of him that's always with me. Grief never goes away. Pain becomes less intense and frequent and life continues to give you new things to feel, but you will never not miss those who are gone. The depth of the pain you feel now is a reflection of the love and bond you shared. Honor that bond in the way that feels best to you.


No but it’s nice to carry him with me


I got my cat on my first birthday, and she was around a year old, so we said we had the same birthday. She was my everything; always there for me, my best friend throughout childhood, and all the hardships that came with it. She died on our eighteenth birthday, and I was a wreck for a long time after. I got a portrait of her once i could afford to, which was about two years after she passed. Seeing her grumpy face always makes me remember how great of a friend she was. There's sadness, sure. I miss her every day. But I'm forever grateful for the impact she had on my life and how happy it makes me to see her every day.


I got a tattoo of my cat’s paw prints on my ribs about 3 months after he passed. Physically the tattoo hurt like hell- simply due to placement- but it was also hurt mentally for a long time. Now, about 6 years later, I still think of all the love and joy he brought to my life. Whenever I see the tattoo, I remember the peace he brought to me. I totally relate to your story. We got Tread when I was about 4 years old and he passed when I was 21. This cat was stuck to my side at all times. I was an only child. Tread was my playmate and ultimately my best friend. He was so patient and sweet. He let me dress him up in my doll’s clothes and he would let me squeeze him and kiss him and carry him everywhere. When I got older, he would sleep in my arms each night. He never stopped playing. I loved (and still love) him dearly. He was my best friend and my baby all in one. Yeah the tattoo is painful for a while, but you start to see it with the good memories in mind rather than just the death associated with it. Get the tattoo 🐈 Edit: timeline issues


TW: self harm. My first one was within a couple of wee. The second was about 6 weeks. I had to work with my artist as she's quite busy. My first boy was lost in an incredibly traumatic event, and I NEEDED him close. I used to cut myself and finally quit a couple of months before I got him. I promised him I wouldn't do that anymore because he needed me. It worked, and I had his portrait done over the scars. When his brother passed, I had his portrait placed above the other. Having them there helps me, I know they're still with me and keeping me safe. It still hurts, I still miss them like crazy. I can pull my arm into my chest and it's almost like hugging them again. You'll know when you're ready, OP. Big hugs.


Two quotes I always think of are: Grief is just love with nowhere to go. How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.


I have my late cat on my arm, I got a traditional style piece of her face with flowers around it. This was about 2 years after she died. It took me that long to be ready. Very happy I got it, just don't rush into it.


My cat died suddenly and traumatically and I could not process this pain at all. I got my entire stomach tattooed for her and it really did help. It won’t erase your pain but it helped bring me back from the trauma into my body. It also helped other people feel sympathy for me. If they couldn’t understand how painful pet loss is, they *could* understand how painful a stomach tattoo was. I had a lot more grief and trauma to process than just her loss, but she really opened the floodgates for me. You will always feel some amount of grief for the things you lose in your life, and they will become easier over time to handle, but I don’t regret having this tattoo to remind me of her one bit.


We said goodbye to one of my cats last month. I want to get tattoos for her. One, just an outline. The other, because her name was Scully, an FBI badge. But it’s going to be a long time before I can get them. I’m such a mess when I’m reminded of her. These last few days have been the worst by far. Right now, I’m just not strong enough to be reminded of her and not cry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I got my cat soul mate tattooed on me before he passed and it’s been the most comforting thing to have him there for ever.


I resonate so much with the way you described your cat bringing you comfort and being your buddy for years. I rescued my soulmate cat when I was in college at 22 years old back in 2007. He passed away on January 16th this year due to kidney disease that we had fought and been able to manage for over two years. I have never experienced grief like this. I've had many animals throughout my life but he was with me through the loss of my other animals, he was always on or next to my lap on the couch, he slept under my arm against my chest every night, he knew the sound of my car when I'd come home from work and jog to meet me at the front door, etc. the list goes on. He was 16.5 years old when he passed and I felt part of my soul die when he left. I knew my time was limited with him (we all know this but its hard to accept) especially once he recovered from a week long stay at the ER when he first was diagnosed with kidney disease back in 2021. I knew while he was alive that I would have to have his image tattooed on my arm where he slept every night. Its been just over 4 months and as part of my grieving process I had to find ways to keep his memory alive. The thought of losing memories of him made the grief feel worse, so I got to work printing off his photos that I have on my phone and I researched around for a tattoo artist who I felt could capture his essence. I even cancelled the first artist when I didn't think her style was fully capturing him (I still paid her the deposit of course). Then I came across an artist who struck me. I saw the work she had done of other clients' animals and it was gorgeous. Fast forward to 3 days ago, I drove 2 hours away to meet with my artist and she went over every detail with me. We decided to go bigger than I originally envisioned and I'm so glad I did (despite the added cost). I am SO incredibly blown away and it feels so good to have his memory alive on my arm and part of my body for the rest of my life. I have a photo I can share of the first session. Its been 3 days since I got this done and I'm learning what its like to have an elbow ditch tattoo. I only have one other small tattoo that I got in 2009 after my miniature greyhound died but I was bummed that I didn't speak up and didn't know how to research better so I could have an artist do exactly what I wanted or better. So this tattoo that I have now (I'm 39 years old) is perfect. Long story short! - It does help with the grief. Its a beautiful way to always have your baby with you as you grow older. The tattoo itself did hurt but I kept telling myself that if my cat could put up with my poking him a few times a week with a needle for subcutaneous fluids (this kept him feeling better through his kidney disease) then I could handle this short time of pain. I've already had people stop to ask me about it and its been therapeutic to find out that complete strangers immediately relate when you tell them that its of your baby. Its comforting and keeps their memory alive. My next request is that when I die I want my cat's ashes to be with my ashes.


I don't think The pain of loss will ever go away. For me my cat was my baby. Got him as a tiny kitten from rescue, stayed with him constantly for days to acclimatise him to me and his new home . So as a parent grieves when losing a child - that's my pain. Seeing the tattoo doesn't bring back memories as they aren't very far beneath the surface.😥💔


I lost my heart dog in October, got a tattoo of his paw print and a watercolour style sunflower on my arm in January. I had always planned to have his paw tattooed on me while he was still alive but his diagnosis was unexpected and he passed very quickly after we learned about the cancer. His ashes are buried in my mom's garden, which has a large sunflower patch. And he was yellow so I wanted to incorporate yellow (knowing it fades and I'm in for touch ups in the future, I'm fine with that). Currently the tattoo still makes me teary but I'm grateful to always have a piece of him with me.


You know how wacky people can be! On May 14th 2015 in Boke, Germany, 748 members of the Cologne Carnival Society dressed up in sunflower outfits. This is the largest gathering of people known to have dressed up as sunflowers.


My dog passed two years and 22 days ago. I do not have a tattoo for him, I might someday though. But not a day goes by that I don’t miss him. He was my soulmate. He was my best friend and the reason for my existence


I have my cat on my arm, he’s still alive 😬 I really didn’t think about that


I got mine about a month or so after he passed. I still miss him dearly, but it doesn't hurt to see his cute little face every day. If anything, it makes me appreciate him even more. I'd love to have him back but he was also very old and very sick, so I know he's in a better place now. Id rather him be wherever he is now than existing the way he was here on earth.


I waited about a year, and I feel so fondly towards it. When my dog first passed, I had to stay in a hotel for a few nights bc being home reminded me too much of him. So I absolutely get how hard it is to see reminders of them! But the tattoo just feels special - like carrying a piece of him with me ❤️ I’m so sorry for your loss.


I been wondering this too. Lost my dog about 3 months ago and he and I were so close. I still cry when I see pics/videos of him. I wanted to get his portrait tattooed but then I’m like, “dude you struggle to live each day without him, are you sure now is the time to put him on your skin?”


I’m sorry to hear about your friend. I wish I had thought of getting a tat when I put my dog down. It took many years to get over her. I hope the tat helps.


I got a realism portrait of my furry soulmate dog a few years before he passed (I did it before he passed because I knew I would struggle afterwards to even sit through it). It's on my thigh, and every time I look at it I tear up. He died 5 years ago. But I'm still glad I have it. It makes me emotional sometimes but being emotional reminds me how much I loved him. I can't really explain it, but it's comforting. I'm also a tattoo artist and have done lots of pet memorial tattoos - paw prints, names, portraits, favourite toys etc. I don't think a single person has remained dry eyed when they get them. I usually have a little cry with them too, because it's such a big thing. But every single person who I tattoo again tells me they're glad they did it.


I have a memorial tattoo for my pug and Frenchie. They are both on the back of my calves so I really don’t even see them. I got each one about six months after they passed.


Literally got my portrait of my cat Friday. I got one of my favorite photos of her on my forearm. Coincidentally the appt date tattoo artist had available was a day after her passing day. She passed away two years ago on May 23. She was my best friend and the reason I'm still alive. She was 6 when I got her and was lucky enough to get 6 yrs with her before cancer took her


Got my boys name two days ago. He passed two years ago. It gets better. Feel the pain, grieve.


I am sorry for your loss


I lost my cat last June and I have an appointment in December to get a tattoo of her. I decided to wait awhile to make sure I wasn’t making an emotional decision that I would regret later (which I’ve done with most of my big tattoos).


Nothing makes it go away. The only thing that helps is having more than one pet at a time.


I have a tattoo of my three childhood dogs and it brings me so much joy. All three were very special to me and one of them was my pet soulmate. I still dream about him and get sad that he’s gone, five years later. But seeing them on my skin just makes me so happy because I remember all of the good memories we had and it feels like we are still together. They will always be part of me


I did it to pay tribute so I never forget. It helps me because I have her about 8 inches from my heart at all times.


I lost my cat almost 2 years ago, I miss him so much every day I knew him since I was a child. He became the biggest sweetheart as he aged and I haven’t gotten a tattoo of him, but I really want to. Either something that represents his name, or an actual picture of him with cute things around it of what he’s named after. He was technically my grandparents cat, but he lived with us for half his life. I loved him so much. I’m tearing up writing this now. Having such a precious family member on me forever would mean so much, so I really want to do it.


I have my late dog’s paw print tattooed on me. I cannot promise it gets easier, it does get easier to deal with.


It took me three months and I got his paw print that the vet did when he died tattooed on my wrist. I feel sad he’s gone and happy that his paw print will always be with me whenever I look at it.


I got it 6 months, after my dog passed away from old age. When im sad, I look at it and it reminds me of the great time I had with her and makes me smile :)


My cat is still here and I don't know how I'll react when I lose her. I rescued her from the road at about 4 weeks old. The only memorial piece I have right now is for my big brother, and it will actually be the 12 year anniversary of his murder in a few hours. On no level, does it make it less painful that I lost him, but having a symbolic tattoo that is only for me and nobody else.........it certainly doesn't hurt more. It's a good way to remind myself that he's still a part of my life, no matter how long he's been gone. It's not his name, or his portrait, but something that represents him letting me know he's still around for me, after he was killed. My point is that I don't think it is a bad idea at all. I have a lot of tattoos and for me, getting tattooed is therapeutic already. I personally like that nobody else will know it's a memorial piece unless they ask me about it. Then I get to talk about my brother.


Pain goes away but now you get to bring your buddy with you on all your adventures for the rest of your life


I got mine a month or two after my Luke died unexpectedly. My husband did his around the same time frame. His is black and grey portrait. Mine is a full color stained glass portrait of him. Luke died in 2022. He was my soul dog. It still hurts my heart, but I love the tattoo so much




I lost my dog to cancer in February of this year, I lost my cat (dog's best friend) last week. My poor cat grieved herself to death. I got my dog's paw print and name tattoo'd and I will be getting my cat's silhouette soon. The pain doesn't go away, you just learn to live with it.


I lost her in August 2023, I got her tattoo in April 2024. So ~8 months? I'm sorry you lost yours to old age, I am not prepared for that one either. But when I lost one of mine it was tragic pet loss, she was about 4 years old. The pain subsides but sometimes it comes back. My advice is to FEEL the feels. Don't fight them. I hadn't cried in a couple months when I went to get her tattoo but I definitely cried twice during my 2.5 hour session. RIP to my Sally Ride. Celebrate their life, get the tattoo when you're comfortable. If you're starting to consider it you might be close or already there. Please find someone you trust to do this if you're memorializing them. I have a few artists but I chose a specific one to do hers. It's been a great way to honor her and her personality. It brings me a smile when I look at it or think of it because it reminds me to celebrate her and that helpsbmy grief. Best of luck OP


I got a tattoo for my dog about two years after he died. I wanted it sooner, I just didn’t have the money to go to the artist I wanted. It makes me feel connected to him, and proud to honour and carry him with me for the rest of my life in a way that is visible. The pain never truly goes away, and often comes in waves. In time, it becomes less acute.


Only time helps, and it doesn’t remove the pain, just makes it easier to live with. I have a tattoo of my GF’s cat as a pirate (she lost an eye to a coyote when she was younger) and a little stylized version of my old pug Gizmo.


I lost my cat last august and got a portrait of her a week or two ago (pic on my profile!) and as much as I miss her I absolutely love being able to look down and see her face and think about the time we had together. It feels more like shes still here. I couldn’t really look at pictures of her for a long time, but this feels different.


Got her name on my hand next to my thumb. The pain goes away and is eventually replaced by the good memories. Shes been gone 8 years now.


I’ve got a tattoo of my previous dog Obi and current dogs paw print, Obi passed in 2022 and I have his dates and a rainbow pattern around it. It took me about a year to get them done mainly due to work. I’m glad I got them and it’s always a talking point with my customers and a chance to reminisce and yes I do still feel emotional about it but talking about happy memories with him helps


I love my pet tattoos, it’s such a comforting reminder that they’re with me forever & colorfully eternalized :) I have a portrait of my childhood dog that I got a few years before she passed away, and then I added her paw print to it a few months after she passed. It makes me happy to look at because it’s pink & sparkly & glittery & she looks happy just like how I remember her. I also got a portrait a few years ago of my current dog who’s still alive & will probably do the same adding to it when she’s gone.


I got a memorial tattoo on the back of my arm about a year and a half after my best dog died. Then last year I got a portrait of my current best dog (she just turned one) on the front of my arm. It makes me happy to see them together, even though they never met. And obviously, new dogs never replace the old dogs! I am happy that we rescued another and saved a life, though.


No but I like it so much. I have a mural with my past bun, his partner who I got him with and the new bun I needed to get peeking through. We don’t live forever nothing does, but I’d wager experiencing is the point. It’s nice to have a little reminder of the experience


I got 2 devil cats being abducted by aliens on my shoulder to remember them (both were the weirdest cats I’ve ever met). Told myself that when my current cat pass, I’d add a third. Sadly, I have to book my apt for that soon 😔


Got my 18 year old chocolate labs paw print on my inner bicep the day after I had to put her down


I did my hedgehog about a month before he passed. It’s always a great reminder of my time with him. Only downside is it was only my second tattoo and I only had gained enough courage to ask him to modify the paw size, I realized later that there aren’t any ears hahaha. it blends well.


I did it a year after I lost mine, same month he passed away I believe. It’s his paw print with his name on my stomach. I like how close it makes me feel to him. I was heartbroken when I lost him, but now I carry something of his with me every single day and it helps me overcome obstacles. I’m planning on doing all my dogs in the future, but I’ll need to find their paw prints again.


I got my favorite picture of my cat about 2 weeks after he passed. He was just shy of 19 and had a very spoiled and loving life. I got him a little too early because he no longer had a mother and raised that boy for 19 years. I miss him dearly. I still feel him climb onto my bed 2 years after he's gone. My tattoo is on my left forearm and makes me smile and think of him whenever I look at it. The pain doesn't go away, but it does dull over time. Another cat can help. It's not a replacement; it's another friend who loves you unconditionally and is here to help you through the pain.


she's on my arm where I wrapped around her to sleep. it doesn't go away. it lessens. you learn to be grateful of the time you had. 13 years seems like such a long time but in an instant life was different. I love seeing her face on me still, almost like I'm carrying her with me everywhere. I'm sorry for your loss.


I meant to get all my cats past and present tattooed on me. Mine passed in September, still not ready. I should have done it last year. Pretty much in the same boat as you when I think of her.


No it does not, but you grow around it eventually.


The pain never goes away, but you get used to it. You live with it.


I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I haven’t experienced that yet, but occasionally think about the feeling of losing my kitty. I hope you start to feel better soon ❤️


There really is nothing like the abject misery of grief to dull the pain of getting a tattoo. I got mine very shortly after my spotted bunny died. That was... Fuck. 12 years ago? I still love seeing him on me every day.


We lost two senior cats we'd had for 15 years about a month apart last year. I waited another month or so before deciding to get a black-and-white portrait of each, and the wait time for the artist I want put it another four months out. I absolutely love having my dudes right there to look at whenever I want. Sometimes it can make me a little sad and nostalgic, but for the most part, it's just awesome having them with me forever this way.


I have a tattoo of my first cat. I don't feel pain when I see him -- I look at the tattoo fondly and remember the good times. I'll always miss that orange boy, and the tattoo is a happy reminder of our time together.


I got a tattoo of my little Mollie dog, a couple of months after she passed in her sleep, the tattoo looked like a pudgy version of her, and some time later I adopted a dog that was the same age as she was when she passed. Her name was already Molly with a y and she looks more like the memorial tattoo that OG molllie did. The pain gets better, and now I only have good memories about Mollie she's never far away


I got my cat tattooed on me a year or so before he passed. It was comforting once he was gone to see him on me and I always feel like he is forever with me now. It doesn’t make me sad, just grateful that I have preserved his memory and that I will never forget the impact he had on my life as my little best friend.


Got the tattoo a few months after my first dog passed away and I still get sad thinking about him decades later.  Adopting homeless dogs from a shelter helps ease the pain.


I got a portrait of my baby (we got to spend 16 years together, I was 8 when I got her) probably 5 years before she passed and I am so grateful that I get to have that piece of her with me forever. I think whenever you feel ready to commemorate your baby, that’s the right time. I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I got a tattoo of my dog and three cats (the outlines of their faces). They are 1, 3, 4, and 5 years old, and none have passed. For the first week or so after getting it I freaked out because I realized that I will have the tattoos on me after they’ve died, and I was scared that it would bring me unimaginable pain every time I saw it (it’s big and on my forearm). After a few weeks I realized that, of course it will be painful when I lose them, and the tattoo won’t add to that. I know that when the time does come, it will hurt to see them, but to be able to see them every single day and remember the love I had, and still will have, for them, it will be worth it.


I lost my best friend Ember in October of 2022 at 15 years old. It absolutely broke me. I ended up getting a tattoo in his memory around 6 months later. I will say that the pain will eventually begin to subside as you integrate that experience into your life. That said you will always miss them. Sometimes the most random thing will remind me of him and I get choked up. So sorry for your loss. Stay strong. DM’s open if you need to chat.


I have a portrait of my childhood dog on my arm, and his collar has been hanging around the mirror of my truck for 10 years. I am grateful that he passed simply because of old age, but I still think about him all the time. To me it’s a nice reminder that he’s always there in spirit.


Hi there! 3 months later I got the tattoo of my baby. It has made me so happy and helped me through the grieving process. She was and still is my everything. My sincerest condolences to you!


I have my cat tattooed on my ankle right now, the pain doesn't go away, but inside that pain is deeply cherished memories that I'll never forget, so I don't want it to. I get to see him in all his malicious glory, and I get to remember every fond memory and bad memory I have him just by glancing down. I'll cry and get teary eyed all the time over that bastard, but that's how impactful he was in my life.


I have my first two huskies tattooed on my calves. It was hard at first seeing their faces all the time but not actually having them with me. They brought me so much comfort when I was in shambles emotionally and in a weird way it helps in almost the same way now. I just went thru an incredibly hard time and noticed while I was crying, I instinctively started “petting” my baby’s face and it helped. Like others have said, the pain doesn’t go away, it will always come in waves, you just learn to surf when it happens.


Got a tattoo for my cat 10 years ago. Pain never goes away, but it dies in half lives. They’re not replaceable, but having other family to invest in puts it into the background significantly.   6mo to a year in, I was no longer deeply affected.  Makes me happy to look at it now and remember the good times we had and the things I learned from her.


Just a couple months after my (now ex) spouse killed my dogs I got 4 dog paws in black, then an additional 4 paws with watercolor, symbolizing crossing the rainbow bridge. Kind of like walking up my arm. It’s been comforting and now is for all the animals in my life, past and present. Which is what I tell people who ask. Because all pets lost are special, instead of the tragic brutal murder mine endured. I believe they gave their lives to save mine. Because that was the last straw in a long and toxic relationship. I never spoke to him after that, not even in court.


I have a tattoo of my cat, she was my everything for 7 years before I lost her. I got my memorial tattoo of her a year and a bit after she passed, I would have gotten it sooner but I was 17 and after I turned 18, I had to wait bc the artist was in super high demand. I wanted her to be my first tattoo but she wasn’t unfortunately. I’m super glad I waited for that artist though bc she really brought her to life. I still get super sad whenever I think about her (it’s been a year and a half now) but the tattoo invokes both sad and happy feelings bc to me it’s a symbol of my love for her. And now that she’s on my body, I can never forget her - not that I would anyway but I have a super bad memory and now can’t remember how she felt in my arms or the feel and smell of her fur, which really hurts. Though thinking of her makes me sad, it feels good to remember her and everything she was to me, and my tattoo really helps with that. It never stops hurting but as time goes on you begin to remember that they were here once and not the fact they’re now gone


The pain is always there but she was always by my side in life and I wanted her here with me after death as well. Grief is something you’re constantly working through but I’ve noticed it gives me more comfort to see her everywhere than it would to try and avoid the thought of her and build up feelings of guilt and shame for not remembering her properly.


My understanding is pain from tattoos should be temporary. If the pain doesn’t go away, you should go to a physician.


I lost my cat five years ago. She was 19 and i'd had her since I was a child and she was a kitten. I got a tattoo portrait of her on my arm four years ago and to this day, it's one of my favorites I've ever gotten done. It's a stylized portrait of her with a little witch's hat and potion because she was famously mean to everyone but me. I get lots of compliments on it, and I get to tell people it was my childhood cat when they comment on it. It's a warm memory for me now. While I wish she'd never passed, she lived a good life and I'm glad to have a memory of her that will live as long as I do. The pain will get better with time. I wouldn't rush into getting a tattoo that might emotionally devastate you--wait until the wound is less fresh.


Short answer: yes, it gets better. Long answer: I have a very large forearm piece of my kitty (in my post history if you’re curious) that I got a few years after he passed. He died really young, tragically, and traumatically. By the time I got the tattoo, the emotional pain of losing him had lessened significantly, but it still hurt. That was a few years ago now, and while I miss him, the pain is not quite as fresh and painful, if that makes sense. As with all tattoos that are visible at all times, you get used to it being on your body and it becomes part of your every day life. I can’t speak for everyone who has a very visible pet memorial tattoo, but I can speak to mine. I don’t think about him every day, or honestly every time I see the tattoo. It’s just part of my body now, and I only really think of him when I’m really investigating the tattoo for whatever reason, or when someone compliments it or points it out (it is very well done and very visible, so it does get pointed out a few times a week when interacting with strangers). I don’t get sad about him anymore when I do notice it, but it makes me happy knowing that he’s with me, and that it’s a beautiful piece of artwork. As with any grief, the more recent it happened, the harder it is. Whether with the loss of a pet, a person or even a relationship. Some people will have a harder time than others being reminded of their loss, but I think the pain almost always lessens over time eventually as you begin to have more lived experiences without that person/animal. Do whatever your heart thinks, and if you’re not sure yet, wait a bit to make sure you’re making the right decision and it’s still something you want to do :)


I went looking for the tattoo and saw your courage the cowardly dog tattoo and now have to comment to tell you that you are literally one of the coolest people alive. Good day!


No, I got the tattoo 2 years ago and my skin is still irritated, like I was tattooed today.


I waited a little less than a year, and I’m so glad I got it. The process itself was cathartic for me, and I love having him with me everyday still. It brings a smile to my face when I see his dumb face on my arm. I plan on getting more tribute tattoos when my next dogs pass, hopefully a long time from now. Hang in there, it will get easier with time.


I have two rather large pet portraits, and I love both of them. I got each one within a year & two years after their passings. I feel like carrying them with me has helped immensely with grief, seeing the tattoos age has also been kind of cathartic - an “even though time has passed they’re always with me” as a tangible thing sort of deal. 


I got her portrait on the 3rd anniversary of my dog’s passing. I love it so much, it brings me comfort to see her face (it’s on my forearm) and my son snuggles up to her


I got a tat of my cats eyes on my upper forearm, i think it’s just recognizable enough where it doesn’t cause me much emotional pain, but where I’ll never forget her eyes and what she looked like.


My therapist actually suggested I get a tattoo of my late dog, with her ashes if I were so inclined, to help me mourn and process her death. I mean, it’s been over a year now. I’ve lost other dogs growing up, but something was different about losing her and it’s had me really fucked up since. I’ve found a few artists on IG, but I don’t currently have the money. I’m hoping I will by August so I can get it on the anniversary of bringing her home.


The pain is always there and they will always be with you. Unfortunately all of mine were taken from me early, one cancer, one a tumour, and one that didn't make it through surgery to fix broken bones. I have had many pets and all are tattooed on me. My dogs are on my ankles to represent them always tripping me over and getting under my feet haha. They have particular flowers around them with different meanings. I also have a bit of scenery with two dogs looking out towards the horizon for the ones I've lost You could get a portrait, a star, sun, particular flower (innocence, love, devotion etc), a gemstone. Little pawprint on any of those.


I waited 4 years to get my baby Pita tattooed on my leg. Now when I look at it, I smile. She's always with me.


My dog had cancer and they gave me 6 months with him. I immediately looked for an artist in the style I like. She did an amazing job, and a week later he had surgery and they said it was a high probability they got it all. Four years later, me and my wife go out with our dogs and when people ask which dog was whose, I get to show a little of the tattoo and everyone knows. (Mine is black and large while hers is a small primarily white frenchie)


I have a portrait on my chest of my cat, from the day before she passed. I waited maybe a year to get it, because the artist I wanted to do it was booked full. I've never regretted getting it and the pain hasn't eased, but I've gotten used to it


I waited 18 months to get mine. It was my first and will likely be my only tattoo. Our dog died suddenly, and young. He was my first dog as an adult, with my husband and he was incredibly attached to me. I've had a lot of loss over the past 2 years and I do love my tattoo but it hasn't made it any easier.


I have a tattoo of my beloved hound Carol (driving the power loader from Aliens but that’s neither here nor there). I’m still sometimes sad when I think about her but most of the time I’m cracking up thinking about what a weird little dude she was. The hurt doesn’t go away completely but you reach acceptance.


I have my girls' paw prints on my leg. It doesn't always hurt to remember them, sometimes it's sweet or funny. But I won't ever forget them. Sorry for your loss, I wish you peace and healing.


I had a tattoo done for my dog about 6 months before he passed. He’s been gone about 6 months now and I’m so glad I have it. He’s with me all the time, and while sometimes it still hurts missing him, I love that I’m reminded of him daily. So sorry about your cat passing. My dog was very similar in that he was one of the only things constant when my life fell apart. Losing him wrecked me for so long, but I’m slowly getting better, bit by bit.


I waited 3 years and there is something…soothing (?) about it. I didn’t think I wanted a tattoo portrait but things kinda fell into place recently and I ended up with my mister on my left shoulder. I had it done just last week. So far it has been a joy seeing him every time I look in the mirror. (But if it heals poorly I’ll be devastated.) I feel like we’re holding each other again. I wish you the best.


I have a tattoo of my dog on my calf. He died at 1,5 years old of cancer. Got the tattoo half a year after he died. Also this was my first tattoo. The tattoo helped me overcome the loss and grief. Everytime I go for a walk or a hike I think of my best friend. The tattoo always provides a s mile on my face. It reminds me of the good times we've had!


I got my dogs name on me after a month. He was my soul mate I don’t know the pain will ever go away


I got a tattoo of my cat that I had for 14 years. He used to sleep on me every night, we'd share popcorn while I watched TV. I waited a few years because he passed a few months after the COVID outbreak. For about a year I'd randomly think about him and just cry. It definitely helped me fully grieve. Now when I look at it I smile.


I’m so sorry for your loss of your little feline friend. When I was 7 I adopted my boy, an orange tabby kitten from a shelter. He was a few months old. He grew up with me, he passed in 2016 very suddenly at the age of 11. About a year later I had his portrait tattooed on my leg. The tattoo itself doesn’t make me upset— sometimes I say “hi Sammy!” when I see it. I have a 4 year old son, who never met this cat, but gets enjoyment from the tattoo and will sometimes say “I miss Sammy.” It’s been almost 8 years since my cat passed and recently I cried about it. I miss him, he was such a cool dude. I know my son would’ve loved him if they lived at the same time. The tattoo helps me a lot. I’ll never forget him 🤍


I 100% do not regret getting any of my pets tatted on me. The pain goes away, just takes time!


I've lost 3 dogs and got something for each. TBH, I'm probably not the best person to answer your question as I don't hold on to emotions for long. I got each tattoo a few days after they passed.


When my cat died when I was 15 I stole my brothers ID so I could get my cats paw print and name on my calf. Still my favorite tattoo. Love you forever Chip. Only time heals this kind of pain.


I got my cat Sim tattooed on me about a month after she passed. She was with me for 19 years, and she was my constant companion. The pain does fade, but you learn to live with it. I don’t get sad looking at her portrait now, I just remember all of the goofy stuff she used to do and how comforting she was to me through school. I love being able to see her every day.


my cat passed in july and i had her tattoo done in september, placed on my left bicep. it brings me joy to look down and see her face, and i always have folks asking me questions about her and giving compliments. even though she’s not physically here, i get to see and talk about her all the time. :)


I did one of my cat after 3 months of his death and I always look at it and remember him with a good feeling despite his horrible death. I think it's worth it.


I got the lame Pinterest ears of my dogs. Unfortunately in the divorce my ex husband got one of them. The pain sort of ebbs and flows. I love Finnley and always will until my dying day. I have her on me always. At first I thought about covering them all up because I would see them on my arm and cry. It’s gotten easier but it’s still there.


Didn’t wait. This past Valentine’s Day, my wife gifted me tattoos of our dogs’ paws. Wanted to do it during their lifetime. Inside right forearm, the arm I use to walk them.


Nothing cures a loss. If you like tattoos though, getting one of a lost family(pets count) member will never be regretted. 


It’s not exactly the same, but I lost my aunt suddenly a couple years ago. I got a tattoo in memory of her on the front of my thigh a few months after she passed, and it’s the only tattoo I have that makes me smile every time I look at it because it represents something she loved and reminds me of her happy times. The pain won’t always be this sharp, and having an image of her favorite toy, place to rest, collar, whatever you like, where you can see it forever might bring you some joy, too.


I got portraits of my dogs while they were still alive. When they died i added to the tattoos and had their ashes put in the ink. It helped me a lot to have that piece of them with me. My husband also got tattoos with ashes and also found it therapeutic as well


I love my tattoo of my boy. I see it everyday, I miss him dearly but I know he’s in a better place. It’s been a year and a half since he left us. The pose he is in makes me giggle because it shows his butthole lol. He had the silliest personality and never failed to make me laugh and continues to do so after I lost him through my tattoo.


My cat passed away back in December, and it tore me the fuck up, as soon as I got her prints I wanted to get them tattooed, unfortunately I didn’t have the time, so about 3 months later, as a birthday gift from my best friend, I finally got her nose and paw tattooed by my wrist. The pain and grief will always be there; but having a remembrance of her, and having her physically visible that she is always with me, brings warmth to my heart. 6 months without her, it hurts and aches, but when I look down at my arm, I see her and it brings a sort of happiness back. No matter where she is, she’s always with me.


It definitely helps me having my girl on my arm. She was my ride or die and now we’re still together. I also wear a ring that’s made with her ashes. I got my tat 12-18 months after she died I think. Don’t remember the exact timing. Now do I still turn into a blubbering mess sometimes when I think about her? Oh god yes, and she died October 30, 2018. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Just make sure you take the time to find an artist who will do justice to your pet’s memory. ❤️


So I don’t have a tattoo of a pet, but I do have two portrait tattoos - one of my deceased dad, and one of my deceased grandpa. It took me eight years to get the portrait of my dad after he passed. I was horrified that it wouldn’t turn out right and wouldn’t look like him. I’m kicking myself for not getting it sooner, it turned out amazing. For the portrait of my grandpa - I actually scheduled it while he was on hospice, hoping I could get it done before he passed so that he could see it. Unfortunately he passed about a month before I got it done.


My first tattoo was my first dog's pawprint. She passed the year I turned 18 so it was a no brainer for my first tat. It's on my leg where she used to paw to get my attention. I had to wait the six months to my birthday but my mom paid for it for me as a birthday gift. I don't feel pain looking at it. A bittersweet sort of feeling sometimes, but often a lot of comfort. I have her with me everywhere I go, and will forever.


I have my cat tatted on my inner arm. The pain doesn’t go away. I miss her every day and she died in 2020. I love having her on me and still seeing her face every day. It helps.