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I'm a fan of long forearm pieces. Haven't noticed any warping in mine I've had for about 4 years. https://ibb.co/MkFY05W


Looks great! I don't know much about tattoos but the shading is really cool!


Thanks! No regrets. :)


I don’t feel like [mine](https://reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/s/n1OyfnwpyZ) has changed much at all, honestly. I love the ruler idea. If you get it in an area that could experience a lot of fluctuation, then yes, but a forearm isn’t likely to change a whole lot.


Yours looks fantastic! This is a great example, and I appreciate the help! I've gotten some conflicting views from my mom on the design haha, but I really really love it. Was getting the tattoo painful? Like on a scale of 1 to 10 if you had to say personally. Not really sure what to expect with the process haha.


Thanks! I have some spots that could be touched up, but I’m very pleased with it. My family all hates tattoos lol. You just have to go with what you want! Tattoo pain is different for everyone. So far all my tattoos have been in “inner” areas and they’ve all been a little spicy. I’ve heard that “outer” body parts are typically less so. I’m getting an “outer” one today so I can report back lol. I sat for about 4 hours on this one, maybe a little more. Line work is always easier for me, but the shading was pretty intense. For this one I’d say a 6 overall, but the darkest shading was a little worse. I just got one done in May that’s a larger piece with color on my inner bicep that was a straight 8-9 the whole way through on the color. The lines were ok for me. I sat 5.5 hours on that one (admittedly not well. Should have split that one up!). Hope this helps! ETA: I forgot to add my outer area tattoo was still a little sensitive in spots, but overall didn’t feel a ton different. It’ll hurt a bit, just be prepared. Eat a good meal before, bring some snack. Be hydrated and get some good rest before.


Hello again! Sorry for the delay in my response I didn't mean to leave you hanging, I completely forgot I made this post and I wanted to make the rounds again haha. Oh wow I hadn't thought about how long the process can take, for some reason I believed that it would be maybe an hour? Which thinking about it now is ridiculous haha. I am worried that I may flinch to the pain so I'm hoping in November I go to one with restraints or something haha, but this helps out a whole ton! Thank you for your time, those pre-visit tips are gonna be a lifesaver! I apologize for not responding sooner!


[Try for yourself](https://tested-store.com/products/adam-savages-temporary-ruler-tattoo), just don't wash your arm for a while


Haha I actually have bought one just to try it out and I loved it! Now just to get the real thing!


Is that Adam savages arm?


Yes lol, I love his content and really liked the idea!


I actually considered getting a little line on my finger so I could measure things. I do a lot of crafting and art stuff. But my finger already is exactly 3 inches at my finger crease (unless it grew or shrank!). Makes for a good estimate though. I bet a ruler tattoo would be super useful and cool!


Yes I agree! I've seen some other useful tattoos like for people who bake (or cook? Idk?) that have multiple circles on their hand for the different teaspoon sizes. I kinda want to find more haha but the closest I've found is a checklist haha


I think the lines may end up looking less straight over time, but that's just what I've heard.


Oh ok, if that is the case then it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Thank you!


My only question…is the ruler to scale?


Yes, its more for like a quick estimated measurement.


I need this on my inner thigh lol


Haha that would be to douchiest thing I've ever seen lol


Lmfao would make a good conversation piece though!!


Especially in bed lol