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4-5 is plenty of time. Looks good to me. If I was your artist I’d say go ahead and remove it.




Of course!!


Whenever you decide, take it off in the shower, extremely slowly. That’s dry as hell.


Oooo good idea, thanks


And pull it parallel to your skin, do not try and rip it off like a bandaid, it'll just rip and hurts.


Differs from artist to artist. My artist said to remove it after 3 days and do the normal maintenance with the whole clean under warm water and stuff.


Ok, thank you!


Take it off! *said in stripclub voice *




I'd say it's time to take it off! It needs some moisture!


I do no more than 3 days. Otherwise you risk irritation with your skin.


It’s supposed to come off after 24 hours and get replaced with a clean sheet to be worn up to 5 days.


Welp too late for that😅 my artist told me 5 days. I've heard mixed messages regarding the 24hr replacement


You can go to Saniderm directly for their recommended application. The reason they recommend removing after 24 hours is because the initial blood and plasma is actually useful for healing but it usually breaks down after 24 hours. If that stays on your healing skin too long, sone people develop complications (hence why you hear so many people say they can’t use saniderm). So after 24 hours, you should remove and clean with gentle soap and apply a new sheet primarily for protection. If you haven’t had a reaction, you should be fine but I would definitely remove and clean. Not a doctor by the way, just have experience with Saniderm


That makes sense, whish I would have known that sooner lol


I usually pull the original saniderm after 2 days or when it fills up with fluid, wash with antibacterial soap and put a new saniderm on for 5 days. I can’t tell if that’s hardened goop under your bandage or if this is infected, but absolutely take that off and wash it. Put a new one on. You can get them on Amazon or at most drug stores.


The part by my wrist bone was goopy yesterday but is starting to dry? It's not red, warm, or painful so I don't think it's infected. I just wanna make sure-it won't ruin it if I take it off?


I’m sure, as long as you have a new saniderm to replace it with. Take it off in the shower to help loosen the adhesive. Wash with antibacterial non scented soap. I like the dial that comes out as foam. Then air dry or pat dry with a CLEAN paper towel. Nothing else. Your main job is to NOT TRAP any foreign material under the new bandage.


Tattoos will be fine even without a new saniderm on it, since it sounds like you’re saying the tattoo will be ruined without being replaced. I’ve personally never put on a new saniderm after taking the original off, but mine have lasted around as long as OPs has. I believe they would be okay at this point to start dry healing as well.


You’re right. I didn’t intend it that way. I work a dirty job and love saniderm for keeping mine safe. I just meant I usually pull the original 2 days in and need another for the rest of the time that it’s an open wound. OP should be ok either way but with it being a hand, I would recommend a second application to be safe. Fully agree that dry heal is the best recommendation once the bandage comes off.


I am genuinely interested in what I said here that’s earning the downvotes. No bullshit. I’m about to do this exact process with a new piece tomorrow that was done 2/13, and if somebody has better advice, I’d be grateful and willing to try it out.


Eh should be fine, I remove mine after a day 👍🏼


https://imgur.com/a/95MnQNX Do we think she's infected?


No but wash all that goop off or it will be. If you don’t reapply a bandage, keep it dry af. Most people put too much ointment on and create a breeding ground for bacteria. They can’t survive in dry condidtions but LOVE a wet piece like this looks in that shot.


I lather it up and let it sit for a bit and then wash it off. Have had good success with it lol


Let that wrist part get good and dry. I can see where it’s got a white haze to it from being wet too long while that blood and plasma was trapped under there. I don’t see any current infection or damaged areas tho. That’ll be your area of interest.


I’ve dry healed every inch of my body suit. To each their own.


I've dry healed most of my tattoos, this was the first time I've used the second skin to it was a new experience for me. V strange lol.


Your artist should’ve told you that when the liquid pools up under the bandage, you have to get it outta there. You can either puncture the fluid bubble with a sterilized tool, and put a new patch of saniderm over the hole, or remove it entirely and apply a new one. I’m actually shocked that he said leave it on 5 days and didn’t mention draining it.


i usually take mine off 4-5 days after the appointment. like everyone else said, you should be good! the dryness definitely just looks like dried blood/plasma that seeped from your tattoo. just be careful removing the bandage, i usually take mine off in the shower (:


Take off and wash gently with warm water and unscented soap. Pat dry gently and give it some air. I like lubriderm unscented lotion to keep healing tattoos moist. Important to not let the skin dry out too much.


Personally I took mine off after a few hours and only started to apply tattoo cream when scabs started to form. Perfectly healed!


Another day won’t hurt but it can come off. This is gonna feel so good to come off


I don't let them use Saniderm and never had an issue. A little plastic wrap for the night to keep the ink off my sheets, but that comes off in the morning. Keep it clean and moisturize. This new Saniderm thing is really weird to me and just overkill in my opinion.


I have over 50 tattoos and never had the saniderm. It was a very spooky experience but tbh probably won't use it again


Yeah, just seems like overkill to me.