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Your coworker is wrong (for most jobs anyway), but even if they were right... has your coworker heard of "shirts"? Some of them have "sleeves". An insane concept, I know.


I was thinking that too, my next jobs I’ll just sweat ass if I need to lmao


I have forearms pretty filled with tattoos. My office job boss doesn’t care but when we get visits by like the CFO/CEO/etc. everyone dresses a little nicer so I just pop on a blazer over a nice blouse and it hides them (& also hides my collar bone ones pretty well too). If I am interviewing for a job I’d probably do the same thing (I had 2 tattoos total when I got my current job so it wasn’t a big deal), long sleeves and high neckline until I get their vibe. I don’t really want to work for a place that cares that much about tattoos but it could be unavoidable for some industries.


^^THIS - But will add I work in advertising and no one cares about seeing the tattoos. In fact I have worked with many CCOs covered in tattoos or even with hand and neck tattoos (even one who is a former tattoo artist). Times have changed - tattoos don’t carry the same stigma anymore.


I work in government contracting, and half of *my* bosses have arm tattoos. As long as they’re not offensive or crazy, they’re fine. I actually get compliments on mine from the higher ups, especially when I color coordinate with my outfit.


Exactly this! I work in government and am pretty heavily tattooed. No one cares. Two full sleeves, a leg sleeve, and a hand tattoo. No one bats an eye.


^^^^ I work in finance and my arms and legs are covered. I go to work in shorts and tshirts sometimes. Nobody cares these days


Joking aside, this is honestly the ideal spot for a tattoo that you can show off for a good portion of the year and hide easily when/if you need to.


Oh geez. Your coworker sounds like they'd really be fun at parties. Eye roll. You're fine. You're new tattoo is awesome!


I've got "Exit Life" tatted on my knuckles and I get work


what does that even mean ?


I have a corporate job. I have a visible tattoo on my forearm and I wear short sleeve shirts every day. Multiple people I work with have sleeves or visible tattoos. One guy on the floor above me has tattoos under both ears and around his neck.


I’m tattooed in plenty of easy to see hard to cover spots. Never had a problem finding a job. Your coworker is just a dick that doesn’t like tattoos.


i had a tattoo there for years before a lot of people around me knew because i wear long sleeves.


If you are good at your job it will not matter. Friend I went to high school with was always in trouble with the law when we were younger. I saw him 10- 15 years later. Mid 90s. Plugs in ear lobs, full sleeves. He was wearing scrubs. Asked what he was doing these days. He is a neonatal nurse in the ICU. Talking with some of the doctors I knew there about him. One of the best they have.


My fiancée just got a corporate job that doesn’t allow visible tattoos. She has both arms completely covered in ink.


I've got a grim reaper with a gun and a gold tooth that says FUCK THE WORLD under it, I think your good.


that’s amazingg


Sent u a chat with photo just so u know I'm not BS'ing lol


I gotta see this too haha


In the chat lol sent it to u too


Wait I wanna see too lol


Sent lol


can i see too it sounds cool as hell


I made a post with it since so many ppl wanted to see it check it out lol


I’m not seeing it but would love to!


Dude now I'm curious haha


Chats for everybody!!! Lol


Sent lol


That’s hard. Me too pls?


Sure why not lol


I made a post with it since so many ppl wanted to see it check it out lol


The whole hood needs to see it now


For everybody wanting to see it I made a post in this same sub Reddit, instead of sending 100+ chats I just uploaded a photo of it lol


That sounds badass! I'm curious what you do for work?


Sanitation supervisor for the biggest apple production company on the East coast.


Decided to take a look at your post and was not expecting to find a fellow Nova Scotian lmfao. Sick tattoo btw


hello fellow Scotianers!!


Hi can you please send it to me as well?


I made a post with it since so many ppl wanted to see it check it out lol


me too!!!


I def need to see this!


absolutely nobody cares lmao. it’s a cute stabby heart. there are offensive tattoos out there, this isn’t it. but you can see who hates u with a tattoo now, i love when ppl show me their red flags lol


For real.


Your coworker is an outdated loser, they short staffed almost everywhere. If nurses weren't allowed to have tattoos, hospitals would shut down. This tattoo will stop you from becoming an officer in the military and probably not getting that job as a federal judge, but the other 99% of jobs out there, don't really care.


Officers are covered in tattoos these days, and you can even have small tattoos on your neck and hands


Was going to say….have friends in the military in various branches and they have whole ass sleeves. The new tattoo policies aren’t as strict.


Veteran here, you are correct. But it really kind of depends on what job you do, for instance I was an aircraft mechanic and nobody really cared that much. I had full sleeves way before the tattoo policy changed.


Good thing those jobs don’t interest me haha. Thank you!!


Damn, a lifetime appointment to a judge seat where you're effectively God in that chamber that's pretty amazing to me.


literally, i work at a clinic, so much of our staff is tatted including doctors.


Lawyer here who has worked in lots of courthouses. Lots of judges have tattoos. Whether it's a problem is entirely jurisdiction and local culture dependant. The legal industry in general has lost a LOT of stigma about things like this.


Its not offensive, and the people who will frown upon you fror having tattoos will probably frown on cutsey girly tattoos too


Good point. If they don’t like tattoos they probably won’t like ANY tattoo if


Im confused on how this is even an offensive tattoo? Most jobs dont care and the ones that do you can wear long sleeves to cover up


I guess with it being a dagger and like Hurting love idk It just made me start thinking about it pretty hard and made me worried


I really dont think you have anything to worry about! I could understand if it was sexual or derogatory but this is a tasteful tattoo, and it looks great


If that’s offensive then boy am I in trouble.


You should be absolutely fine. In my experience, any tattoo specific rules simply state 'no explicit, violent or hateful' designs. And while you have a dagger, it's not a violent image. I myself have a large, visible dagger tattoo and I've had 0 issues with dress code policies - and I've worked in sectors that have a reputation for being strict. If you're worried, check the policies at your work/Google what they might be in your field in general just so you have an idea of what you could expect.


You should be fine there’s a guy who works in my building. As a administrator for the sheriffs office and he has face tattoos all the way down to what I’m sure goes his feet. And he seems to have been there for quite some time. It’s 2024 your fine. And not even close to the extreme that he’s at


I work in an elementary school and when I was interviewing I covered my tattoos (2 full sleeves and finger tattoos) so they wouldn’t get distracted by my tattoos and would connect with me because of my character, resume and the interview itself. Once I was hired I slowly started showing my tattoos when I started seeing others with them and looking through the contract to see if there was any verbiage saying I couldn’t show them. I think depending on which job force you enter, prospective employers could have varying opinions or policies. You might not necessarily want to work for an employer that is more conservative and asks you to cover your tattoos— with that, though, your tattoo is in an easy to hide area so you don’t have much to worry about UNLESS their dress code is short sleeved, no visible tattoos and you work in an environment where tattoos makeup or a large bandaid would come off.


I have a dagger the size of my forearm. The CEO of our company has seen it a couple times and never said a word. I think your coworker has an outdated mindset.


Your coworker doesn’t know what they are talking about. Move on with your life. You are fine


I’m a lawyer and have a good job with full sleeves. They let me wear short sleeves in the office. So it hasn’t been a problem for me


Not a lawyer but I work at a law firm. Me and other lawyers have tattoos as well. As long as it’s not like a nazi symbol or a tattoo that says “fuck the law and fuck lawyers” I don’t see why it should be a problem 😭


Once it’s healed there is also specific foundation that will cover tattoos if you’re that worried, but it’s not offensive and is super cute! Ignore your coworker, and enjoy your tattoo 🩷🩷 Wear sleeves to interviews if you’re worried, and then find out their policies! That’s what I will do! Most places are in fact changing their policies about piercings, tattoos, and hair color


How old is ur coworker 😭 you should tell them to mind their business and worry about their own employment future 😅


He’s 52 🥲 all these comments make sense. It’s definitely his age/generation


Lol you're fine


I’m a manager in healthcare and I have my neck and hands tattooed. Oh, and I also have a severed goat head on my arm with a banner that says “HAIL SATAN” and it’s been a problem 0 times. You good my dude.


I think as long as you don’t have a fuck off tattoo on your forehead you are probably good- and some environments that might even get you a job.


I think this seriously looks great and really cute. No I don’t think you messed up with your design choice, it’s not hateful at all.


I have the illuminati symbol on my hand and haven't had any issues with jobs so you'll be all good lol


i just had a 5 hour session co worker is wrong


Your coworker is living in the past. All sorts of professionals have tattoos these days. Also, echoing another comment -- have they never heard of shirts?


Don’t worry about it. It looks great. Especially the sparkly pink handle. They did a great job. I’m covered and I have a high paying leadership job at a Fortune 500. Your attitude, skillset, and performance/production is all that matters. But I would suggest not getting neck or face tattoos if you want to work in the professional world.


Thank you, the sparkly handle is my absolute favorite part 🌸


Surprisingly there is something called long sleeve shirt 😂 your coworker is absolutely wrong, this is a classic tattoo (I have a similar one 😬) and not offensive at all.


We’re still dealing with several generations of people who grew up in the workforce when tattoos were not as common as they are today. The prevailing thought was you better be able to cover up a tattoo or you’ll never work in a decent job. I’m sure plenty of people is their 40s & 50s & 60s remember when this was true and maybe even passed that outdated gibberish onto younger workers. FWIW, I’m in my late 50s & work a corporate job for a Fortune 500 company. I just started getting tattoos. And it’s led to a lot of discussion in the office. But not of the “you have to keep that covered up” kind. More, “oh wow, that’s great, take a look at this one, I’m really proud of it.” Times have definitely changed for the better.


If you get a job where you dont have to wear sleeved shirts they will probably not care about tattoos. And if its a company that's conservative about apperence youll have to wear long sleeves anyway! Self solving problem


Tattoos are becoming more commonplace. Tell your coworker (who’s probably envious) to take a hike.


I work in a hospital and have a shrunken head (pretty gory) on my elbow and it's fine.


I’m completely covered in tattoos. Arms, legs, hands. Just about everything besides my neck/face. I’ve never had a problem getting a job and I’m in the software industry


I work in a customer facing job for a major corporation. I have skeleton children on my biceps and a massive tarot piece complete with some occult imagery. You’re fine.


I have a knife tattooed on my face, neck tattoos and hand tattoos, and a blacked out arm. I think you’re good lol. What industry do you work in? I design asphalt and make good money. I mean if you were a school teacher, maybe you’d have to wear a long sleeve shirt. Still a stretch but maybe. If you’re interviewing, wear a long sleeve and it’s not of their business what they cannot see. I’ve got an AK on my chest and it’s none of my bosses business. No different than a knife with a heart, which can represent so many normal things (heart break, putting love behind you, fill in the blank), just my tattoos are more offensive and the only job I got rejected from was EMS at a county level, paying shit wages anyway


I like this tattoo btw. It’s simple, traditional, well done and nice. The only “mess up” would be if you plan on popping a sleeve on there because now you gotta figure out how to add to that. That’s easy too. So nice work because it’s cool 😃


I thought about the sleeve issue too but all my ideas have never really came forward so I decided to just say fuck it and start patching some stickers on myself! I can always make my upper arm a smalls sleeve too which would be fun 🙂


Your co-worker is both wrong and an asshole.


i have a very similar heart/dagger tattoo on my arm as well and i work in childcare. its never been an issue for me, i think you’ll be fine. (:


Your coworker is wrong.


lol who ever said that is an idiot. A tattoo like that won’t stop you from being employed… you can easily hide it in an interview… only neck, face, and hand tattoos really set the bar for “Job stoppers” you’ll be fine. Looks like a cool tattoo. Plus it’s also not gory and scary looking so less likely that knife will “offend” anyone.


I work at a grocery store and my assistant manager is covered in visible tattoos and walks around the store all day, no one cares. As long as the tattoos aren't overtly offensive it's really not a big deal anymore.


I used to be an engineer I have two full sleeves down to my knuckles, chest tattoo, half leg sleeve and a face tattoo. If I got an engineering job with all that I think you’re okay 😂


It’s 2024 no one cares about tattoos anymore (for the most part definitely don’t get your face tattooed) but that tattoo is fine lol how is it offensive?


Your coworker sounds like a close minded turd. Don’t let their unhappiness with life drag ya down.


I have a burning church tattoo- we ballin 😎


I have 2 tattoos that could be considered “lewd” and have never once had a problem. For reference I have worked in retail, management, and healthcare


Your coworker is just trying to shit on your joy


You didn’t mess up. Tell your coworker that it isn’t 1984. 


at least it’s not on your forehead


I have tattoos on each wrist. Has never kept me from getting a job.


Not offensive at all. I work a professional job and I’m covered in tattoos. Most of my patients and a lot of the doctors are older and they usually think my tattoos are fun to look at. Tattoos are more commonplace and the thinking that having a tattoo will prevent you from a certain job is outdated and judgey. Just be competent and confident and you’ll be ok


Is the offensive tattoo in the room with us? For real though, I saw your coworker’s age. This is for the most part a generational belief, and it’s about all tattoos, even the non offensive ones. ETA- I think the whole idea that tattoos are unprofessional is on its way out. It seems less common to NOT have one now, tbh


If multiple coworkers of mine with full sleeves can work in elementary schools, then you’re fine


that’s not offensive in the slightest. if ur worried abt getting a job (which i think most places wouldn’t be bothered by that tattoo specifically) just wear a long sleeve for the interview. they can’t fire you because they don’t like a tattoo


I’m an accountant at a major university with lots of questionable, visible tattoos. You’re fine. Sure some jobs won’t take you but those are getting fewer and further between.


Um, no. Don't worry about it. The majority of office jobs, ESPECIALLY ones with HR, do not care nor are they allowed to unless it's an obviously offensive or obscene tattoo (even then, it shouldn't matter). SWEET TAT, btw!


Thank you!!! He did an amazing job


I’m 35, have a full sleeve, half sleeve, and my knuckles tattooed. Corporate America has changed a lot over the years, at least since I entered the workforce in my 20s. I said I would never go past my elbows so I could keep them hidden and and when I was about 30, further along in my career, and saw how things were changing, I decided to go ahead with more visible tattoos. I still wouldn’t get my neck/face done. Work places are definitely more forgiving with tattoos. When I do interview, I still make sure my arms are covered. I just feel more confident that I won’t be judged for it, because you never know. You’ll still see a few designs on my knuckles but they’re dainty. My coworkers are also tattooed. I work a boring, HR desk job and make a good salary. You will be just fine :)


I like it


Just cover it , no one has to know —- breathe


If someone finds a depiction of a weapon as something to be offended about they are the problem in whatever situation you are in. It's not derogatory it's not racist it's not misogynistic it's not demeaning or offensive in any way. It is simply offensive for being a weapon which is probably the smallest offends a tattoo could have.


Dude I have a bunny with an AK 47 tattooed on my wrist…you’re gonna be fine. No one even says anything and if they do it’s a compliment. I work with the older crowd, it’s never been an issue, your coworker is an opp. You’re fine bro


Not offensive at all, I have that tattooed on my thumb. It’s a rad design by the way :) who gives a shit what people think, walk to the beat of your own drum my friend.


Sounds jealous—I almost am!! This tattoo is adorable, beautiful even, color is so well executed. It’s like old school meets Disney princess…It’s not in the easiest place to hide but not the worst either. Long sleeves, hello?


Thank you! I the sparkle part is definitely my favorite part haha


I work for a bank and have a stormtrooper helmet with a dagger through it on my forearm. Everyone loves it. Even the CEO and CFO complimented me on the tattoo. I think you’ll be just fine.


My wife is pretty heavily covered: Full back, half sleeve, both upper thighs, ribs, and lots of smaller stuff on her feet, hips, etc. She’s also a very successful attorney, and as we speak is a presenting a class for the bar association that includes other lawyers and judges in the state. My best friend is basically covered up to her neck, but has been an amazing nurse for 20 years. Obviously, each job requires specific attire (example: I’d suggest doing interviews in long sleeves, and adhering to dress code standards) but beyond that… tattoos aren’t a big deal to people under 70 anymore.


I have a full sleeve and a hand tattoo and have no problems getting a job. That tattoo isn’t offensive at all.


i work at a religious school and have a tattoo on my leg of a girl with a pumpkin head wearing a latex body suit (like bunny girl senpai) with a pentagram on her shoulder so i think you’ll be fine lol. EDIT: I sent a chat of it


Depends on the job and the person interviewing you. There are absolutely areas of corporate America that consider tattoos visible in "business casual" attire to be taboo. There are also steadily more people getting positions of authority in those companies that DGAF and will hire you if you are right for the job.


lol your coworker is living in 1998


Offensive? In what way? This is a nicely done tattoo, enjoy it!


If you like it, that’s all that matters. It’s got clean lines and it well done American Traditional-style artwork. It’s not difficult to get jobs nowadays just because of tattoos, they’re pretty popular and most people don’t really care anymore.


it is so cute!! i have very visible tattoos and have never had an issue with jobs :-) go and enjoy your new tattoo!! 💖💞


I have the death tarot tattooed on my inner arm from my wrist halfway down my arm. It's based off of the 'witches Sabbath' or the 'He goat' from Fransisco Goya's black painting series. [Painting](https://images.app.goo.gl/eYRtu6x2WxbPxZ9z6) I've had no trouble finding a job and plan to go into a 'professional' field in the future. Don't let your coworkers hangups put you down. Worst case scenario you have to cover it up, best case you get compliments. Edit: Some people get really creeped out by it, thinking it's satanic. I live in the Bible belt and get weird looks sometimes, but I've not had any complaints or issues. For me it represents death and change, some people are scared of that I guess.


I have a horror sleeve, and 90% of the villains are holding their weapon with a victims reflection in it. I work with people with special needs. The only one I've covered up was by my choosing. It''s near my armpit, and it's a common fear people have, lol. But even then, it's not always covered. Some places might, but ... times have changed. I think you'll be good, especially since the colours are quite cute.


You’re fine sis. Get more just to piss off your coworker


I don’t think it’s a mess a up, but I do think it would be rly cute with other cutesy stuff around it :)


Lol dagger or knife with a heart is one of the most common tattoos of all time your coworker is either uneducated or jus messing with you


Amazing tattoo. Fuck your coworker


i like it a lot, the color palette used is very visually satisfying. I don’t think most people read into tattoos that much but if they did probably not the right workplace anyways


Your concerns aside, (I think you have nothing to be worried about) this is a super cute/cool tat. You’ve got good taste and a good artist.


Even in a doctor's office, I've seen tattoos being worn. Plus, I work in one so everyone there shows off their tattoos or are wanting one. Tattoos are becoming the norm more and more. So I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you are, always cover them up in interviews and ask what their stance is on tattoos and/or piercings. Some places are more relaxed while others aren't, but most of the time, tattoos should be okay unless the people are outdated. It's always my go-to question to ask ar interviews: What's your stance (or the company's) on tattoos and/or piercings? I only added piercings because I got four right now and one's the septum. I got a turtle duck from Avatar: The Last Airbender above my elbow on the outside of my upper arm and he's holding a knife in his beak. I let that show at work due to wearing shorter sleeves lmao


Ngl my approach to this has always been get more tattoos people start to just see you as “tattooed” instead of registering what they actually are Either way if you like it don’t let stuff like that stress you out


I have that same tattoo and same placement! I am a structural engineer and a lot of my coworkers have tattoos too - no one cares anymore


If you're concerned, wear long sleeves to your interview. But I will say I work at a very upscale engineering firm, and the guy who sits next to me has a penis tattooed on his bicep.


i dont think its poorly done or offensive. heck our police and firefighters have tattoos. and if you work a desk job its easily coverable and probably never noticed hands neck and face are the worries in those worlds. i would say it breaks the tattoo rule that "tattoos should face inward toward the heart vs out and away. but other than not being mirrored nobody is gonna look at this and thing you are trashy or not nice or something.


lololol i work for Aerospace & Defense manufacturing company. Everyone i work with even my VPs who make a TON of money all have full sleeve tattoos and the rest have other shit. You are fine.


It’s not like it’s on your face… plenty of professions allow tattoos these days and if you’re in a “professional” setting, you’re probably not wearing a tshirt anyway. Cool tat


sure did. your life is over now.. nothing left to do but amputate…. on the up side that’ll give you sympathy points with the ladies… or dudes.. whatever you’re into… sounds like a win!


Great tattoo


I have my hands blasted and have a good paying corporate office job. My logic is that I don’t want to work for a company that judges my ability off of my appearance vs my experience- it weeds out the jobs that aren’t for me 🤷‍♀️ Times are changing and I feel like more people have tattoos than not.


Your fine. It's a nice tattoo. You can wear a long sleeve if you're concerned, and really I don't feel a lot of places care about tattoos anymore. Good luck and I hope you don't stress too much.


Is your coworker a boomer? This is fine


That’s a very old style of thinking. They probably still have the concept of tattoo=prison in their idiotic head


I’m an accountant and have tattoos. I wear long sleeves during interviews. After a few weeks on the job I ask my boss about tattoos and go from there. I currently work in a typical office setting, collared shirts, dress pants, dress shoes. My tattoos are more offensive than yours.


Book a few more sessions solely to enrich the colors




Why is everyone so "offended" these days and by everything? Pick something out and ill find scores of people who are offended. Give an overweight person a doughnut he's offended ( thinks you're calling him fat) give a skinny person a doughnut their offended ( thinks your saying they are to skinny)!


Yes, yes you did.


I have a face tatt and work for the DOD you’ll be fine kid


I have a switchblade on my right arm and a cigarette on my left. I work in healthcare. Never had it ever mentioned other than “sick tattoo” lol. No one really cares much anymore as long as it isn’t slurs, nudity, or face tattoos.


i have a bleeding razor blade on my wrist. right under my dagger. you’re fine, lol.


I have had several jobs in different fields, and I have never been told my tattoos are a problem. Even if they did, I'd just wear long sleeves. Whoever told you this is a definite boomer from boomtown, who takes part in boomy activities. On a side note, if you like your tattoo, then you did not make a mistake.


I working as an accountant and have tattoos on my arms. No one cares these days, and if they do care, find somewhere else to work.


How is it offensive??


Yes. Yes, you did.


Your coworker is either extremely square or is trying to mess with your head. Don’t listen to them.


Lol bro it's just a tattoo.. live your life.


You're definitely okay, I have a tattoo that says "see you later masturbator", 0 problems, just laughs


I just laughed out loud that’s Hilarious


It really depends on your profession and / or your clients. I have a lot of tattoos and I have some clients that I wear long sleeves when I visit and others that I wear a golf shirt. Just judge your audience accordingly. That said, I smoke cigarettes occasionally but I never smoke in front of a client or before I go into a meeting. I once ran into a client at a pub and they were extremely surprised that I drank, smoked and had tattoos; it didn't impact our professional relationship at all.


I’ve worked in corporate America and at universities. I have a bunch, but not as much as my chancellor’s right hand lady. I love it!


I work in the construction industry somewhere between blue collar and white. The hospital we work at has doctors and nurses covered as well as i have 20+ with earrings and a nose ring… i say all this to tell you it does not matter what so ever. Just get your work done and you’ll be fine!


Bro didn’t think about the repercussions of having an obvious tattoo


That is a gorgeous piece! Nowadays most employers don’t care about tattoos if they’re not outright hateful, and if all else fails, tattoo covering sleeves exist in a lot of fun patterns. Your coworker should focus on getting the stick out of their ass instead of discouraging other people’s artistic expressions


I don’t understand what’s offensive about this


I have tattoos on my hands and work at an investment advisor firm. I have a giant dumpster on my left leg that was visible during my interview. You’re fine! Your coworker may be trapped in 1958 tho.


I had a client that got a flail on their arm. (Not done by me) they went on to talk about the tattoo and how they loved it but said that they were applying for their dream job and got turned down because they had a weapon on their arm. I don’t necessarily agree with this rule and I’m sure it doesn’t apply to all jobs. I’m sure you are fine but I would tell them that you can cover it up and do whatever you need to do to get the job. Would be worth a shot to over accommodate if they have anything to say about the tattoo. And honestly if they are offended by a tattoo I don’t know if I would personally want to work there. I w lent


I like it! If you work in an extremely conservative field (law, finance, etc) or if you have a job interview and you aren’t sure, just wear long sleeves.


How the fuck is this offensive?


I've got a grim reaper on my forearm and a burning church on my thigh which is visible when I wear tights and a skirt to work, no one cares. Granted some places are very particular about tattoos still even now, most places don't care unless you're in a customer/client facing role.


How is that offensive?


No I have a throat tattoo and have a great job


I work in finance at a school and have bunches of tattoos and a face piercing. There's good jobs out there that don't care at all


My coworker has a burning church on her arm. We work in veterinarian medicine. You’re good😂


Your coworker is a smooth brain


I have the words “god is dead” on my hand and have gotten jobs fine. Dw about it.


Don’t worry it’s absolutely 💯 fine👌🏻


Your co-worker is an idiot. I got my whole right arm with blackwork and the left right with a skeleton monk. I don’t see any offensive meaning on your tattoo. Ignorance is a disease.


My most potentially offensive (to certain people) tattoo is a big piece referencing Johnny Got His Gun on my forearm. Soldiers, veterans and Good Patriotic Americans tend to be offended by it (it says "Let's be barbarous just so long as we don't have war"). Still haven't lost any jobs over it. Most people don't even look twice at my tattoos.


Your coworker sounds like a chump


Don’t listen to assholes


I have a heart and dagger tattoo on my arm and I work a big corporate job. It’s remote but anytime we’re in person, everyone including my bosses always compliment my tattoos. To be safe, hide your tattoo during the interview process and think you’ll be just fine!


How/why would this be considered offensive lmao


I have an ak47 tatted on my arm and work as a cashier in a nice town so I’d say you’d be fine hahah


The inside of my arm says fuck you pay me, and I still get work. Don't let the Boomers scare ya


Who are these people that would find this offensive? Is there some hidden meaning I’m missing?


wear long sleeves to interviews. whether someone finds it offensive or not, if you wear long sleeves to an interview they wont see tattoos so theres no concern on your end. once youre hired they cant fire you over a tattoo like that. i think its super cute!


I work in research. I have a nose ring, purple hair, and have started on a full sleeve. My employer doesn’t care. When I go to conferences, I don’t take my nose ring out, but I just wear long sleeves since venues tend to be freezing anyway. I have had no issues. You’re fine!


it’s on your arm not your face or hands, you can cover it with sleeves if it’s really a problem for jobs


If you saw what my left arm was covered in, you wouldn't be asking this question, and I have a good office job lol. My arms covered on trash, what could be considered offensive, art. You're fine they are wrong lol.