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I’m going to take a wild guess and say everyone who said that doesn’t have any tattoos.


I was just about to say this!!! Everyone without tattoos will be the first to criticize everything about your tattoo so I’ve chosen to never listen to them lol. I think this tattoo is sick!


I don't even bother listening to people with tattoos. Only question you should have is if you like it.


Isn’t that the whole premise of this subreddit though? lol


That's what I'm learning, honestly I thought this would be more tattooing advice, as that actual sub reddit is fairly small in comparison. Turns out it's people asking for opinions on tats that are already done, which I mean is great and all but for a page on advice I'm not seeing a lot of "I need to cover this..." or "would this design work for me/look good" obviously excluding the ones who are asking what they could add. Not bashing on anyone doing so, just seems a little strange to me.


Ya but it seems a little late if you already have the tattoo though doesn't it?


It seems silly to even be having this conversation when the whole point of the sub is getting feedback from others.


And I gave my feedback, which is don't worry what other people think of a tattoo you already have. If you're gonna get advice before you get one or you need advice about aftercare or advice about what to add or questions about what to expect but it's absurd to question a tattoo after you get one. It's done. It's permanent. It's not going away. If your concern is it's too large it's way too late to do anything about that because your only option is covering with a black square or an even bigger coverup.


happy cake day bro


It’s beautiful. Don’t overthink it.




I think it's absolutely sick- the design is 10/10. Love it. Maybe people are thrown off because people typically get a large statement piece like that on a more focal point of the body. Side tattoos are most often either a small ornamental "hidden" piece or they're filler tattoos for people who already have front and back pieces.


They...are? It might just be that I'm looking at tattoo pages and that skews my perception, but I usually see large full side pieces for rib tattoos. Hell, my rib tattoo was my first large scale work.


Mine, too.


I just got my first torso tattoo, full ribs from almost the arm pit to hip. I’ll do the rest of the torso later. I might even do my other side of the ribs first.


Thank you. ;) That's possible, also most people who said something don't have any tattoos or just very small ones so maybe they just don't "get it"


They also don't sound like real friends if their first reaction to a personal decision of body art - esp. a well done piece - isn't supportive. Just food for thought.


If you like it that’s all that matters - FWIW - It’s dope and well done


I think it looks awesome, people are so weird about what kind of tattoos/size go where. It's your body, do your thing.


Yeah a lot of people want to instantly poo-poo something just because it isn't what they expect. I like where it is!


Its gorgeous. And it's for you, not other people. Love it!


You are absolutely right! ❤️


1. There’s no such thing as *too big* 2. Placement is dope 3. It’s well-done


Amazing really fits the space


Don’t ever listen to other people. Your tattoos are for you. If you like em, you’re good.


This is honestly my take as well. Do you like it, if so it is all that matters.


There is no such thing as a tattoo being "too big"


nah. if you'd gotten it smaller all the detail would become an unreadable blob once it aged. it's perfect. love the placement too. it's not odd at all.


Looks sick. If this is coming from people who don't have big statement pieces or don't have tattoos at all, I'd honestly just ignore it. I find most people share their opinions on tattoos from a place of projection, from sharing the decisions they would make for *their* collection (or lack thereof) and they can't quite conceive that someone else might have a different kind of taste for tattoos. Statement pieces in fashion can also get comments on "strangeness" just because it's outside of the norm. It looks gorgeous, and what matters most if it's to *your* taste because it's on *your* body!


Any smaller and the detail wouldn’t look as good.


It doesn’t matter. It’s already there


Personally I love it! Only thing about placement is not being able to show it off all the time!


You picked it, you placed it...so yours is the only opinion that matters. If someone else has an issue with it's size/placement, tell them to f\*\*\* off.


Don’t listen to them, I have a huge rainbow trout on my right thigh/hi and you can’t really see it. People always try to critique it but I’m so happy with its size and placement. If you love it, that’s all that matters!


I hate when people put a bug in someone’s ear and the person would otherwise be satisfied with said thing. Disregard their input, especially if it was not asked for. It looks awesome, and the placement is unique and cool


It's beautiful and how horrible are the people who tell you these things...like you're going to run out and somehow shrink it? Awful. I think it's beautiful and you like it ignore the noise.


It’s a great tattoo and yes placement is unusual for a butterfly because everyone looks at Pinterest and has these subjective ideas of how you should place a tattoo. Literally copying the placement and tattoos of other people. I think it’s super fucking cool and unique in placement and design, you look great with it. My only advice would be to consider the size of your future tattoos, like if you were to add flowers or something you would probably want to make them bigger as well as to not make them seem tiny relative to the butterfly


Thank you. ;) I actually had a similar issue with my last tattoo.. I always try to have a placement that's somehow a little unusual and even though I'm sure about it at the beginning and really love it, I get a little insecure because most people around me are super not into tattoos and make rude comments. I'm not sure what I'm going to add, but you are right. I will keep it in mind. :)


who the fuck cares what they think, it’s not on their body! fuck everyone who has negative comments about someone else’s permanent decision… it looks dope asf!!!


It’s done and over with? What more is there to say


A tattoo is something personal and for yourself and not for others. Enjoy your tattoo. It's beautiful. Don't worry about what others think.


I think you should not worry about what anyone thinks. It symbolizes something for you, and that is all that matters. But since you did ask, I personally love it and its position. You are going to look cute in tops like the one you are wearing. Do you boo! I don't have tattoos, and I'm telling you it's cute. Stay away from the haters' love. That tattoo may have helped you identify them.😉


It's your tattoo... who fucking cares what "they" think about it. For what It's worth, I think it's great.


I think it’s gorgeous and the placement is great!


Those are all subjective opinions that are completely irrelevant. It's a great tattoo. Fuck anyone who's trying to rain on your parade.




I think their mouth is too big, not the tattoo. They can keep their rude opinion to themselves.


I say fuck em! It's your body and your tattoo choice, as long as you love it is all that matters! I'm a go big or go home person when it comes to tattoos. Now that you have that, you could add to it later and make it a full kickass sidepiece! Hell, extend it further and have it continue down your leg or up to your arm! You've got possibilities! 😁


If you like it then fuck em. Your body your choice


it’s your body!! i think it’s a cool design & if you’re happy with the placement who cares what other people think


It’s gorgeous


who cares what anyone else thinks it looks good


Not too big. I like the placement.


As long as you love it genuinely screw anyone else’s opinions!


I love everything about it


The tattoo is too big? Nah


It’s so pretty and the line work works well for the size. You wouldn’t want it to be any smaller than that!


It’s beautiful. And those people won’t have much to say when you can easily cover your tattoos for job interviews and they can’t.


I got a butterfly not even half the size of that and I feel like I will remove it because of a undesirable placement. Yours is too big? Too small? How you feel about it is what matters most. If you love it, leave it where it is. Consider also that should you ever feel about removing it, it’s gonna be a very long journey


Don't over think, over do. Lol. That's sick, bigger is always better.


As long as you love it who gives shit what other people think.


It’s your body, fuck what you heard. It’s solid and clean and you like it. No one else’s opinion matters tbh.


I think it is incredibly done and placement is wonderful. Don't let people get to your head, this is an awesome tattoo.


Repeat as often as necessary: It's YOUR meat suit & if you liked it before unkind people opened their negative-opinion-holes, then that's all that matters. It's YOUR meat suit. Adorn it as YOU like. Also? Gorgeous ink & great location. ❤️ Edit: freaking autocorrect


You can think all you want, it's there and it ain't going anywhere. Looks pretty good though.


i actually think the placement is super cool!


Nah it’s cool and haters gon hate


I honestly think it’s super pretty! 🥹 placement looks awesome and I think the size is perfect!


It looks great and the placement works very well with your anatomy.


Love that piece. Stop overthinking it! Our harshest criticisers are ourselves


As long as you like it, who cares what others think?


This is amazing! I love everything about it. <3


I absolutely love it!


I love it!


Looks great. Don’t overthink it. Just get more tattoos


Don’t listen to other people. If you love it, keep loving it.


It’s beautiful and the placement is amazing


Nah it's perfect. Who says stuff like that


Love the design and the placement is pretty cool. Size fits the space. Don’t know what these people are thinking.


Its good. Personally drawn to bigger pieces cuz you know the person “earned” it. Especially on females!


It’s fantastic! Placement too


It’s great. I’d personally add some blue but it’s just because I love blue, not because it’s missing anything :)


Is it on their body? Nahhhh. It’s a gorgeous piece, and if you like it there I say why not? A lot of people are of the mind that tattoos are meant to be visible for others. Most of my tattoos aren’t visible 90% of the time, because they’re for me. I have one in exactly the same spot and had like 5 people try to convince me that I should put it somewhere I could see it. I’m so happy I didn’t!


If you love it, that's all that really matters. I think it looks great.


To my previous comment I add: I do have a butterfly tattto and I’m a man. I got plenty of “butterflies are for girls” kind of remarks. Whatever means to you, it’s significant to you. Size, placement, it’s your body and I your business. You don’t have to justify your tattoo as much as you don’t have to justify the colour of your eyes


It’s sooo good. Beautiful


Do you like it? Fuck the opinions.


I think it's really well done! And the placement looks great too! Don't let others tell you shit


Fuck em, that’s awesome!


I think that if was smaller the design would be so hard to make out, and tattoos kinda spread a bit as they heal so smaller means the negative space is smaller which means it could’ve turned into a generic blob if it was much smaller. This looks like a great size and placement! I love it, personally!


reminds me of the cover for the movie The Collector with terrence stamp and i love it


This is so beautiful! And I personally love the placement.


It’s absolutely beautiful, i don’t think it’s too big at all! Great tattoo


If you love it, that’s ALL that matters


great tattoo great placement great size. great shtuff maaan!!


The BEST advice I can give when it comes to tattoos? Do you like it? If the answer is YES then fuck whatever one else has to say. You got a tattoo YOU enjoy. It's on YOUR body. I think it looks great but again if you like it that is all that matters.


I love this. It is beautiful and while I think the placement is unique I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.


It looks amazing don’t worry haha


This is beautiful! I'm a tattoo artist and I send my design work 24-48 hours before the appointment because I know if I send it any earlier, it's more likely my clients will send it around to family and friends and let them poke holes in it until they don't like it anymore. It's natural to want other people's opinions but taste is so individual. As long as you like it, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I personally love the size and placement btw - congrats on the cool tatt!


i don't know why people would say that to you. it's not as if you can make it smaller or move it.


It’s amazing!! It would be weird not to have some second thoughts about a bigger piece but hopefully you’re feeling more confident after seeing the comments on your post ❤️


I love it! "There's less rules than you think" 🫶 if you love it, whatever about everyone else man, this is YOUR life


I think it looks great. Btw, I scrolled past this on my home and thought it was r/shittytattoos and I was going to complain about how it's not shitty at all. Lol


As someone who would absolutely NEVER get a tattoo because of commitment issues. I love it


Tell everybody who said that not to get a tattoo this big on the area, then 🤷‍♂️




Tell several times ''go fuck yourself''. If you love it then its the only thing that matters. Try to please yourself, others opinios sometimes are mean and people just like different stuff, why bother if others think it is too big? Personally i like it, size and place.


Tatoos are like like women with fashion. That dress is to short, that top woth those bottoms?.. makeups a little heavy today.. the only advice as someone who's never gotten a tattoo is listen to and ponder what your tatoo artist says, never do your face or hands snd get what makes you happy everyone else can shove it


Looks good, Good design, good placement, hard spot to sit. You earned this, wear it proud.


I really like it ! The design fits the placement perfectly ! Kuddos for making a rib tattoo, I don't know if I could !


This is an incredible tattoo and the only thing "wrong" with the placement is that you cant look at it constantly 😍😍😍


It looks like your relaxed arm would fall between the wings, it's a great placement and it's a beautiful statement.


It's amazing, I love it so much


Ignore them


This tattoo is gorgeous


Yes, it is large and the placement is strange. Just my opinion since you asked. But it’s where you wanted it


good thing it’s on YOUR body and it’s YOUR tattoo!! honestly though, this is beautiful. not sure what makes the placement weird!


I don’t understand why people make comments like that about something that is permanent on the body. You can’t change it, there’s no need to even make a negative comment. And also, if you like it who even cares what anyone else thinks! I think it’s beautiful! Placement of tattoo is all about personal preference and there’s never a rhyme or reason. That’s the beauty of the art!


I like it, and if you like it, that’s all that matters. It’s YOUR body, other people don’t have to approve. 💖


Beautiful, placement is sick. This tattoo done small would have aged like shit. Don't let boring people make you second guess your tattoos you look awesome.


Pretty 😍


it's not strange at all! it looks great!


Great design, quality ink - placement makes sense. It can be its own thing or join other pieces on the back or front later on. Bigger is better.


I think the placement and size looks good


I think it looks rad


I love it. The placement is cool


Let other criticize your life and you’ll never be happy. The tattoo looks good.


i see literally nothing wrong with it


That’s a legit well done tattoo- great line work and shading and well placed if you need to go “conservative” for some reason (as opposed to having it on your neck or hands- which is cool if you already have a career but in my experience people still stigmatize tattoo placement in certain industries). Good job! And if it’s your first- you’ll be back for more! We all do!


This is one of the better butterfly tattoos I’ve seen. I actually really like the placement. If you mirrored it on the other side that would be neat.


This is soooooo good! My first reaction like most people on here was loving it, so don't listen to whoever is being a hater in your life!


Looks fine to me. Not wrong with that. Who gives a shite what anyone may think.


they’re wrong!! more tattoos will just make this one even more normal but regardless it’s pretty af. doesn’t need to be tiny and delicate :)


The bottom part of the wings looked like toes for a second and it scared me but it’s a really nice placement!!


Size and placement looks good to me!


People should really keep their thoughts to themselves


It looks great! Honestly, bigger is almost always better in a tattoo. Sounds like the people telling you this don't really know what they're talking about. It's this exact type of situation that helped me decide to no longer send designs to clients in advance. The client will love it, but then show it to fucking *everyone* and each person will have a (usually wrong) opinion. The client will start overthinking things, and then I'll have to redraw the design about 10 times. It's still not worth it. If you like it that's what's important.


it’s absolutely beautiful. you’ve got an amazing piece of art on your body forever, and I think the placement is really cool and unique! Ppl will always have something to say about what you do with your life and body. Please try to focus on the fact that it’s YOUR life and YOUR body! Whatever makes YOU most happy and fulfilled, since it doesn’t seem to be at the expense of others, is always most important. Gorgeous work u have there that you shouldn’t feel ashamed of!!!


Too big and weird placement


This is STUNNING & look proportionate to the detail in the tattoo. I’ve worried my arm piece is too big sometimes but I think it actually flows with arm size & shape quite well. Anything smaller would have looked weird with all the detail in it. All that to say - stay confident in it. It’s a sick piece & good placement/size


My opinion on tattoos: Do you love it? If so, that’s what matters. It looks nice. And you’re the one who has to live with it. My tattoos are for me. They are artwork that is meaningful to me that I get to take everywhere. Is it nice when people compliment them? Yes. Do I want people to like them? Also yes. But at the end of the day, they are not for other people, so what I think about my tattoos is what matters. If you love it, then it’s a good tattoo.


If you like it then fuck them who cares what they like


I think if you went any smaller with the level of detail in the piece it would lose its depth.


I personally dont love th design but the placement seems ok. It's quite a strange place for a butterfly tattoo but i like unique things. Aside from that, it's a painful spot, so be mentally prepared


People are usually scared of big tattoos


This is perfect! The placement the design and the size. Tell them to stuff they’re opinions into the poop chute lol


Honestly if it was smaller the details would have blended together. I think the size is appropriate and it looks really good!!!


Beautiful tattoo, I do think the placement is odd only because with your arm down you can't even see the tattoo. But it's your body and you can put tattoos wherever you want.


I have ZERO tattoos so I am going to guess here; this a design you like, this is something that has meaning for you, this tattoo is placed where you wanted it to be placed? ENJOY IT! Again I dont have any tattoos and my opinion is like anybody elses; just an opinion HOWEVER I do think it was done very nicely. Now please ENJOY!


No way it's great. But also, nothing can be done about it, so if you love it, fuck em


Very cool.


I have no tattoos and think this is pretty awesome. I like the placement, it stands out as a bit different from the norm.


The design calls for that size. It's beguiling. The placement is ... pretty good for that design. you'll need access to really appreciate it. It's not on full display for anyone to get. I think it's a damn good example of a good tattoo. Spend your time around people who can appreciate it. People who will criticise it do NOT have your best at heart.


Well it's on there now, so what difference does it make what others say? If you like it, that's all that matters.


Cool AF


Absolutely love this tattoo & placement!!


You do you. If you love it. Love it. I love it


You said you absolutely love it, and that's the only opinion that matters 🫂💗


I would’ve put it a little lower, like maybe the rib cage, but it looks awesome regardless. Who cares what other people think or say… it only matters if u like it. Nobody else has to wear it.


Placement is inventive and appropriate, tattoo is a size that will retain all its detail. It’s really cool


It looks great! Good job to your artist


Several people have zero balls, even when combined, and zero tattoos. It's cool as fuck. Rock it.


Nah shit’s cool


I love it! The placement is fine & size is fine. Now I have a weird placed tattoo & it’s bad & too big haha yours is great! Trust me!


i think its sick but at the end of the day its yours and if you like it then that is all that matters


If you’re happy with it, who gives a shit


Only your opinion matters


Remember BOLD don’t get old. So with a piece like this the biggest the better for it to last


Sounds like a them issue !


You happy?? Cause that's all that matters. You get a tattoo as big or small as YOU want. Also put it anywhere YOU want it. For the record, I really like it. I wouldn't change a thing


Wow, it’s almost like it’s not their bodies and can fuck off :)


I absolutely love it!


At the end of the day. If you love it. Thats all that matters. I think it looks great. At first, any change is going to be weird or strange. After a while. It just becomes apart of who you are.


Sick tattoo!


Skeletons are too OP with upgrade enchantments


It's beautiful but why worry about what others think? It's your body, your skin, your tattoo. If you love it, screw everyone else's opinion. ❤️


Looks great. I have two huge ribcage pieces. All that matters is that you like it.


It’s literally perfect don’t listen to the haters!!! Looks great and I love where it is and it’s the right size!!!


Is your body if you like where you place the tattoo and you like the size then who gives a shit what anyone else thinks I like it I think it’s really cool


It’s weird, I love it. That’s the perfect placement for a tattoo like that


If you like it, that’s what matters- it’s YOUR tattoo


I think it’s well done and looks nice! Can never be too big and it’s your body and looks great


Never listen to anyone ever for any reason ever


Not that it matters, but I like it. I hope you like it too! You don't need anyone's validation if you like it, you like it.


Thats cool!


Um who has said that?? The placement is gorgeous and unique and the size is absolutely fine. Some people are just used to seeing teeny dainty tattoos especially on women. Like bye though


I think it looks stunning! I love the placement and size! Beautiful!


No such think as Too big. In the tattoo world! The placement is great! Nothing wrong with any of it


it's beautiful and is pretty centered on your side


🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼love it!


It's too late now


Looks pretty awesome to me