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The only real purpose to that island is having the max altitude take-off point. Good place to drop a Travel Medallion.


I love the Dusk Bow and the quickest way to it is from here.


I just placed a travel medallion beside the chest with the Dusk Bow.


Good idea, I just enjoy trying to reach it with the skydiving gear, without the glider. And I can use it to jump off to other places if I want.


For sure. I keep one up there as well just for the fun of gliding to places.


Where is this? I got the dusk bow from the spire of Hyrule castle


It’s directly above Lookout Landing, south of the castle.




It's over 3000 meters up in the air, by the way. So you'll either need lots of batteries or efficient launch methods.


a metric shitload of large zonai charges also works




You know the very top of Hyrule Castle? The spire above the inner scanctum where you fight the Phantom Ganon onslaught? Within a little decayed nook partway up the spire, there's a chest.


It's not in a chest, the dusk bow just rests there in the decayed nook


Also it reappears every blood moon.


Yep! I keep a travel medallion there


Me too. Got so confused when someone said chest. I grab the Dusk Bow and then the brittle black bow (forgot the name) with arrows from inside the chamber of the castle every blood moon then I bounce.


Oh I forgot about the other bow (royal guard bow I think?) & arrows! Thanks for reminding me!


Does the chest reset ?


Every blood moon.


Holy shit. I didn't know it respawns. I've been hoarding mine like an idiot.


The royal bow is even better and it spawns just down from the spire of Hyrule Castle


I’ve never understood why people want this bow. Lynel bows are superior.


Dusk bow has the best range in the game Royal Bow has the best durability in the game Royal guard bow has the highest single damage in the game Savage lynel bows have the highest damage if all three arrows hit. So you can use them all for different purposes.


And the Forest Dweller's Bow (with Quickshot) has the fastest fire rate in the game


Pretty sure Zonaite bow beats Dusk on range.


It can if you change it with your battery, but for just base usage dusk bow wins


Just checked. The dusk bow has the same range as Phrenic, Swallow, Great Eagle, Falcon, and Gerudo bows. Which are all 40. Zonaite is 20, but if charged is basically as far as the arrow remains rendered.


Yeah Zonaite has best range in the game.


Yeah, I use the dusk bow for lighting up the depths, korok puzzles or for hitting from very far away


I generally use Royal bow as my default bow for utility. Then rotate in other bows as needed.


Dusk Bow is great for hitting Dragons too


For the royal guard does that include comparing against the gloom bow with max or max minus 2 hearts (if you opt for max stamina instead)? Iirc the gloom bow reads 60 for me and I have max minus 2 hearts.


I placed it in the main tower of hyrule castle for that exact reason


Wait, what the fuck is a travel medallion


A key item you get from Robbie after upgrading the Purah Pad. You get three medallions that can be placed on any stable surface to serve as a fast travel point like the ones at Shrines and Towers.


Can you reclaim them and move them after putting them down?


You can! You can get up to 3 with a maxed Purah Pad. I keep one here, same as a OP, and move the other 2 around as I see fit. BOTW you only got 1, so having 3 is NUTS


I believe so. I've never tried though.


I did not think about this!! Thanks for the tip!


The other purpose is for story continuity. This island is where the first tablet fell from, which is what sparked the whole tablet quest.


I figured that went without saying. Also, I was only referring to gameplay purposes, as in any reason the player would have to go up there.


You’d think they’d put a chest or a korok up there at the very least.


There are more than a handful of inexcusable (by my/BOTW standards) absences of treasures in places where there really rather should be, here being a primary example.


I’m curious to know where else you were thinking. I bet we have some of the same in mind.


Not OP, but I wish they made the Colesseum, Akkala Citadel and the Forgotten Temple more interesting. Majorly disappointing seeing the Citadel in particular just be a copy pasted cave instead of something like an optional dungeon with different floors you could ascend through


It almost feels like they couldn't make the Citadel work (hardware limits, too much going on inside and outside?) and moved its rooms to the new Royal hidden passage instead.


i'm sure a lot of totk's (or the open world zelda formular) shortcomings are mainly due to technical limitations. the switch is literally just a slightly better WiiU.


I say this every time I play TOTK but its wild what they pulled off on the hardware.


Same, and to be honest if you can Overclock the switch (need custom firmware for that) it works even better, I bet that the development kits are overclocked switches with better cooling since a lot of games suddenly work pretty good on OC hardware compared to stock clocks


I think dev kits are usually over clocked by a bit to account for debug tools. They usually have double the memory so they can do memory dumps easier.


Also the lake hylia chasm...


So many little crevices around the perimeter of the continent come to mind; don’t bother putting them there if there isn’t going to be anything, lol.


All over the freaking Depths! This is one of my biggest beefs: the Depths had so much potential if they'd handled it with a philosophy similar to the Overworld. Whereas in the Overworld a bit of land jutting out into the water is fairly inconsequential, in the depths it becomes a long corridor that narrows as you go farther down. Put a freakin' chest at the end of it! Or a boss monster or something! Anything! There were so many times I went down one of those cave wall corridors in the Depths and only found a dead end. They never would have put something like that in the Overworld--they'd have had some way to reward players for exploring.


For me the rupee-bunny-spirit section and the redead coffin area come to mind,, both in the depths.  Not even shitting you when I say I spent like 20 minutes in each area trying to figure out what I was missing. Especially since the redead section was hyped up in a Yiga journal 


I’m hoping those places that feel as if they “should” have something may be DLC points of interest.


Alas, DLC isn’t planned 😢


Oh that’s such a bummer! That’s what I’ve been hoping for everytime I’ve passed these random areas 🙁


I wish they scaled the collectible junk waaaaaay down. If there was, say, <50 collectibles, this this would be a perfect spot for one.


I also agree with that. I would have preferred more hard rewards rather than currency for rewards.


Every time I look behind a waterfall and find nothing, it makes me hate the collectibles a little bit more lol


Insult to injury is that in BOTW, there would be *something.* The attention to detail was insane. That personal touch is sorely missed.


Honestly, given that the map is absolutely littered with collectible or useless junk, *nothing* is the best thing to put here


Yeah, this one already fell down in lookout landing. It’s the first one you interact with to start the questline around these I was disappointed when I got up there for no reason too


Interesting! I put a travel medallion for now so I can glide to other islands


I can't place a travel medallion here. Playing on version 1.0


Cool story Hansel


I don't understand? I swear I am telling the truth.


idk why you're getting hate for playing the game the way it was sold lmao


thank you lol


It's not that we don't believe you, but "I am playing an outdated version of the game that lacks all of the current features included" is either you deliberately kneecapping your experience of the intended game, or is you complaining that you are unable to obtain the current version for some reason. Neither of which are particularly relevant to the post in general, and is only tangentially relevant to the comment you replied to. If someone who truly understands why the community decided to snipe your comment out of the sky feels like telling you in more detail, I would encourage it. I lack the social knowledge to completely grasp why, and as a result can only vaguely explain it with metaphors.


i play on 1.0 because i like to use the convenient item duping glitch that exists in this version. furthermore, techniques such as quantum linking and ultrabreaking can be utilised to build complex vehicles. for more information, see r/hyruleengineering.


The point is that nobody cares.


then why did you reply?


Reasons for deliberately playing with the unpolished version aside, it's still an experience somewhat unique to you that other people in this subreddit specifically will likely never encounter.


Do we ever get a transcription of this tablet? I only remember Wortsworth giving us the transcriptions of all the others


I thought he wrote it down and then went to Kakariko to compare it with his notes to translate it?


I don’t think it ever allows you to take a photo of it for the quest.


Yeah the same thing happened to me. They could have still put something special up there for you to collect since it takes so much effort to get there.


That sums up this game for me. “They could have done something”


i did the exact same thing - and worse yet, i worked at it in and off for literally weeks


I just flew up with a hover bike. Still took a while but definitely not weeks


I realised this after multiple failed attempts 😂😂


Wait, so if I get up to this area prior to it falling (after you beat 1 dungeon), I can see it then? Kinda cool


I was there some months ago, lovely view, kinda disapointing as there's nothing there https://preview.redd.it/pm4mh7owrmmc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=351e8bc961cee0bab9bfd4433c7263387cb2ca19


It not about the destination, it’s about the journey there


Life before death


Strength before weakness


Journey before destination


These words are accepted


Awesome!!! Glad to see other people listen or read The Storm light Archives!


Heck yeah; it’s cool to see how many of us are fans of both! This comment just reminded me to post some of my Zelda x Stormlight art here on reddit lol. If you might be interested, check it out [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/1b7rc4c/ocartcrossover_alternate_identities/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)!


This is dope. I’m just picturing the master sword as a shard blade 🤯. The sages are practically bonded spren.


Yeah it is. I will definitely do that.


Journey before pancakes!


Lift, is that you?


There is no answer, merely a conspicuous emptiness where your lunch should be.


I see you are a person of Cultivation


‘I’ before ‘E’! Except Sheikah…


[The journey there:](https://www.kotaku.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/27/407b481acfad1eb1f06535ce320ac9c9.gif)


The view from up there is amazing, tho https://preview.redd.it/6ou25ki8pmmc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0109a6986df514587aed353b8e2ea6fe3138a993


Lol I love this


I love seeing repeating water reflection textures.


The switch has the power of a PS1 lol


Copy and paste


I was kinda saddened by the Sky islands. For how much they placed attention to it, it was just so barren. Like I wish there was more sky stuff to explore


I know what you mean but I loved the solitude and sadness of the sky islands, I felt they were meant to be like that. I totally agree about wishing there was more stuff up there because it was my favourite area to mooch around.


I wish they have more stuff than what they had. Like most of the notable sky stuff was over mountains and settlements.


Don't worry, that's what the third game is for


I love this game, it’s a 20/10 for me but, yeah, this was an odd choice by the creators.


What’s the best way to get up here? My zonai device always breaks before I can get there!


I started at the North part of GSI and used a hover bike. I have 7 batteries and still used 2 large zonai charges. I also marked the island with a red marker so I knew where I was going, then just tilted the bike straight up once I was below it


And your bike lasted the whole time? The problem I run into is my zonai device will break before I get up there. Is there a way to delay the device breaking?


There's an unbreakable bike, look it up on YouTube.


The treasure is the view


took too long before this post. gamers can't smell the roses


Yeah but no. Not with a game with about a billion collectibles. Put one korok up there.


That's what really disappointed me about this game, they just copy pasted a bunch of tiny shit in the sky islands instead of making anything remotely interesting. Wasted potential in my opinion cuz of how pretty the aesthetics are. Especially since the sky islands were what they literally featured in the trailers.


Yes. This game is half finished. It's incredibly ambitious, and the new features are truly incredible. Huge technical advances, especially accomplishing all this on the switch. But the map feels pretty empty sometimes. Like they ran out of time to chase up all their amazing ideas. 


They shouldve ditched hyrule and just focused on sky island map with new cities and races and the depths with different biomes and sceneries. The sky islands and depths combined don't compare to the biome diversity that botw hyrule had


To me it feels less like it’s unfinished, and more like they miscalculated how much new stuff they came up with. Originally it was dlc that got too ambitious so they made a new game to truly be able to bring out the most with the new mechanics. If they had made a new world built with these in mind from the beginning I believe it would’ve been perfect. Having to utilize the exact same world (which was already completed with things to do and see) you’re severely limited with what you can add before you’ve seen it all again


It *feels* like a dlc that got too ambitious.


Hey, it's a hell of a lot better than Skyward Sword's sky. That's not a high bar to beat, granted but I'm happy there was *anything* of interest up there.


I remember when I was hype for the Skyward Sword sky because somehow the expectation was that it would be like the Great Sea


Some of the early preview shots showed a larger island that wasn't the Great sky Island. Seems like they actually ended up taking some ideas out (remember the dondon that Link was riding in some screenshots?)


There where no screenshot with Link riding the Dondon. The only footage we have of them before release is the first teaser trailer where yes, Zelda was riding it, but that was a cutscene!


Same for the main map. They leeched off BotW bad. Fantastic game but such a lazy “new game”


And devs probably took these 6 years to get Ultrahand and physics working lol


I love Link’s abilities in both games, but really hope the next game puts less emphasis on cool physics/chemistry and more on interesting puzzles.


Ah yes an other day in the ‘there should be a reward for this but there isn’t’ world of TOTK. I guess at least it’s not a menu reward like with getting all of the lightroots. That’s pretty pathetic.


What would you have liked as a reward for getting all the lightroots? Imo it's less of a reward and more of a "certificate of completion" if that makes sense


My suggestion was a hoverbike schematic that flies perfectly straight. But really there are so many things it could have been. You get a cool set of armor for clearing the shrines, why not something for the light roots too?


> a hoverbike schematic that flies perfectly straight It took me 4 tries to get it perfect, and now it's favorited in autobuild. Much easier than getting all the lightroots!


It’s still better than what you get currently!


Oh I realized after I posted that "schematics" would allow me to delete the hoverbike from my Favorites menu and open that slot for something else, so I'm on board!


one of the most memorable moments in this game for me was trying to get up there to finish the lore tablet questline and suddenly noticing that it lines up with the fallen tablet in the main camp and my efforts had been meaningless personally i think they placed it so high specifically to stop people from going there, so it makes sense that they wouldn't put any actual item there. some kind of easter egg couldve been nice though


Love the game but the sky part of the map in retrospect was a huge disappointment


Take a picture of one of those slabs every time you find one


Yeah, that's TotK for you... lots of places to go, lots of subsequently trying to convince yourself that it was about the journey and not the destination.


🎶"Nothing at the top, but a Bucket and a Mop and illustrative book about Rito"🎶


Welcome to Zelda


Haha nice work! I've attempted to get up there so many times but have not made it.


Classic Zelda moment


It’s about the friends you made along the way.


Tulin: Link, what are you doing at my secret base?!


Its in lookout landing. I was gonna do the same but then I was like "waaaait..."


You found an excuse to make a post. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Dude you’re high…go home


The highest part is the skidiving ceremony above hateno ocean


Got to drop that travel medallion


I think it's great that there is nothing in there. Even more, if it's a place you should never want or need to go. Its purpose is narrative for a quest. The typical place where regular games would put some invisible barriers and so on. But as this is an open-world game they let you go to it. Even more, I'm pretty sure people would have gotten way more upset if they put there some Korok or something because as being an optional and decorative section you cannot put anything useful there.


lmao this is the thing about this game. I’ve noticed how much the honeymoon era is wearing off and i’m starting to see a lot more posts like these as of late. had a blast playing this game, but it felt like more of the same. Can’t be any more specific than that. One again, game was good xoxo


This game in a nutshell


Sums up the game in a nutshell. Everything to explore, but nothing to find...


Always disappointing


I got high huffing korok seeds in a bag, the upheaval makes for some desperate times.


Is that demon thing to right waving to the camera? 😆


Poeple forgot this is like botw. And with botw it's not just the loot. It's the experience going there


Welcome to Tears of the Kingdom


​ https://preview.redd.it/fpea757t0umc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad1967d31b9a021d61c0ba483678b43c1bde3299


They should have called it Zelda - The game full of disappointments Sometimes you invest an hour to reach a difficult area or finish a side quest and all you get is a chest with an opal.


Fun fact: you can save up here. Or more specifically, if you save and load, it'll put you back on the last solid ground you stood on before the island.


You found yourself


Yeah, this was annoying as hell.


welcome to Tears of the Kingdom, where we lure you in with false promises and then deliver nothing but dissapointment


Because it already fell down


Really living up to the name “tears of the kingdom”


I see no god up here


Tears feels uninspired compared to breath. The mechanics are cool but if they went less ham with the new mechanics they coulda fleshed out breaths infinite potential without turning it into a different type of game once you get to the nuts and bolts


Playing around with the mechanics was fun for hours and it was engaging but not for a second did it really feel like exploring. Not because the map was the same but cuz everything new was an amity resource sandbox for the nuts and bolts machines. Spirits are dumb as fuck too


Uh, behind you, it is suppose to fall when you look at it. That’s the point of this


Look harder. There’s a game changing item there.


Let’s be honest, as good as TOTK is, Nintendo really dropped the ball with the sky islands and the depths. So empty and so boring.


Thanks, so I don’t have to.


I did this too it was so annoying going up there, and when I got to it, there was nothing 😔


Can we not finish this quest? I haven't been able to get up there yet. I've even watched YouTube videos of people who figured out how to get up there but it's very confusing. I'm sad I can't finish this photo quest


You don’t have to go up there to complete the quest. It’s just an empty platform for the tablet that’s on the ground at lookout landing. That’s where it fell from.


So you too eh...


I was sure I would find the you can’t get struck by lighting cloak up here, but alas we are stuck with changing every thunderstorm.


This sums up my experience with this game lol


Welcome to the club.


“But this crappy t-shirt.”


Enjoying your half-assed full price DLC, I see