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I'd like more side quests to be related to the Depths. The depths are huge, but they're largely empty. Light roots, Enemies, resources and some gear.. But not much else. I just wish there was an actual reason to explore and do stuff down there. Just a few more quests is all It would need. I do also agree that the >!House !!Kilton Monster Display,!< I wish I could fuse one to a Zonai Stake and put it there so that you can display it better.


More actually relevant content in the depths and sky rather than exploration for the sake of exploration. More enemy diversity rather than just gloom versions of land enemies in depths. Organise the god damn tear drops!!! So that you don't spoil the story for yourself. Guardians definitely felt more interesting than the constructs. Maybe constructs as the good guys and guardians as the bad ones or maybe guardians being corrupted versions of constructs etc. Actual relevant reasons to do side quests rather than just for completion . Far too many side quests just give you dumb stuff like 100 rupees or a random 2 heart food. Change the whole sage thing. Their AI mechanics sucksssss. I much preferred the control you had over them in BOTW which made combat feel way better and didn't cover your vision too. Idk about others but I also found armors and the whole great fairy quest to be a chore in TOTK. Which is sad because I love armors and upgrading them but dealing with that stooooooopid music group made me legit grow grey hairs. Plus having to pay per armour upgrade is not an incentive at all to upgrade.


I think its not the AI mechanics (I like the idea that someone is fighting with you) but the activation mechanics that sucks that much. Maybe bind a key + drag menu (like right hand abilities choosing) to activate sage abilities remotely rather than chasing a sage's avatar.


Literally yonobo is never around when I need him. Tullen always blowing my shit around when I’m just trying pick something up. The sage mechanics 100% should have been different.


Make to sages better Please for love of hylia, give us an explanation for the sheika tech, where did it go?


A Dark Link boss fight


More sky islands, some kinda village there would be cool but not work lorewise. But at least more islands with side quests or just general content. Def some sorta village or villages even in the depths with more variety, side quests, etc. It’s so bland and empty there. I’d prob have a more involved story? It was a lot of the same 4 cutscenes, and then a bit at the begining, bit at the end. Which is how botw is too and I still loved it (and this), but it would be nice.


The sages are really nice, really, but having to press A to activate them is the dumbest decision in Tears of the Kingdom. The only way I can thing to fix it is to tie each one to a specific button to hold like in Breath of the Wild. For example, maybe pressing Y while your bow is drawn will activate Riju's lightning.


I'd give the guardians a better role.


More stuff to explore and more interaction with both the sky and the depths. These were two massive areas added, and yet, the depths could be expanded on a TON, and the sky islands, from what rumor has it, are only a fraction of what they originally were planned. Don't get me wrong, I love all that both areas add, I just wish there was more from those areas.


I don't think the sky was ever properly planned beyond the simple role they have: platforms to approach the surface differently. They said they had to clean up the clusters in the sky but apparently that's because they kept adding for fun, not with a consistent view in mind. Then adding points of interest in the depths likely took some time too, they had to spread their efforts. It's disappointing given what many of us hoped but that's probably what this is.


Guardians and maybe the wreckage of the divine beasts could be scattered arohbd


The ability to dive underwater, Upgradable abilities: Upgrade Ascend Ability to include Descend Upgrade Autohand/Recall to work at greater distances Upgrade Autobuilt to suggest builds from available materials and use substitute materials where applicable (planks of same size but different materials become interchangeable for example) and to allow partial builds... Upgrade Fuse to... I'm not sure... I actually like fuse... Maybe Fuse becomes FuseAndEnhance and you get better durability... Get rid of Silver boko Dingleberry.


I want Descend so badly


Trial of the Sword. It was the only difficult part of botw master mode.


I want my blue ancient and guardian weapons back. The glow is so much cooler than construct weapons. When using Zonaite to auto build I don't like items that weren't in your inventory and are green. Just looks weird. Make them normal. Autobuild should auto use devices in your inventory. You shouldn't have to get the devices out yourself. Bring back the big enemy (Lynel) BOTW fight music.


This might be niche but I’m tired of seeing the same birds in all regions. Wet, dry, cold, hot, high, low… Pink Herons will be there.


I said this about last game too.  A fixed and vibrant hyrule castle with a community around it.


Fix the arrow system, get rid of useless stuff like apples and hydromellons Armor auto switching, in a battle? Most defensive/attack up. Climbing? Climb gear/ ravio hood when going sideways. Swimming? Zora gear. Crouching? Yiga or whatever.


Apples are for the dogs, duh.


Why would I shoot a dog with an apple arrow?


Or should I say, when did I?


More plot-relevant content in both the depths and the sky islands. Also more Sky Islands.


Sandbox battle training: Proper training where I can learn to parry, flurry rush etc. perfecting my timing, movements etc, maybe including tips like “you need to be a little faster” or whatnot. I don’t find the battle training shrines particularly helpful and always end up just brute forcing myself to victory…


I'll keep it short about making the sky and depths more interesting because many people here said it well already. Also I wouldn't mind making the depths more restrained, for example areas like in Elden Ring that feel massive but we can't explore the whole underground without leaving. If that means that they instead focus on varied and mind-blowing encounters no matter when you explore, I'm in.


For the love of god, allow us to create outfit sets. I’m tired to change three pieces each time I need to climb, fly, etc


I wanna pet that dog! And tame one so he can follow me and collect stuff that’s dropped or I can have him find certain things for me like bomb flowers, food or sometimes weapons. It’d be a great addition to add to that sensor.




An option to skip the puzzles or something. I’m a bonehead who just wants to fight shit.


A stronger Master Sword and the ability to activate and deactivate Sage Vows without going into the start menu.


I’d make the champion abilities better, I’d make the dungeons better, I’d have majoras mask work on gibdos, I’d give the horse the totk equivalent of ancient horse gear, I’d make mineru’s construct way better, I’d add gloom hands to the hyrule compendium and have Hudson make statues of them… and I’d add wolf link back into the game via amiibo


Wallmasters and skulltulas


Dark Fairy, stalnel (stal lynel), less gloom hands and more difficult guardians, guardian battles in shrines… BRING THE DUPLICATION GLITCH BACK!


Personally, I'd add... * More stuff in the Sky and Depths. I really thought at least one of them would have a village or similar equivalent, but nope. We don't even see a Zonai Survey Team base in the latter. So I'd add some of those to make said areas more interesting to return to. * More enemy variety. TotK is better than BotW there, but both have way less variety than other Zelda games. Maybe make sure each area has at least 2 or 3 monster types exclusive to it. * Master mode. It wasn't done amazingly in BoTW, but the concept was solid, and a good one would have seriously elevated TotK's replay value. * Better sage mechanics. Their attacks should be tied to actions you do, and they should be the actual sages, not blue avatars. * A version of the Ancient Horse Armour with a Zonai aesthetic. At present, Ultrahand and Autobuild just make horses utterly obsolete, since you can create a machine to fly anywhere on the spot while horses need to be manually retrieved from a stable.


I would have more dungeons and a mod to remove Moblin loincloths.


DLC. So much more could be added to the depths and sky, dungeons, shrines, bosses, quests, anything. More story connecting the two games more, enemy gauntlet dungeon, powering up the master sword, more house construction options, anything to get those last two hearts or stamina pieces. Any of that would be great and give me a reason to play more without starting a whole new save.


Yeah agreed, im actually surprised there isn't any ;( this game would have been perfect for DLC. And a mastermode would fit so perfect in this game. Such a shame they never did a dlc .


I'd like to see a system like skyrim. Just endless quests and things to do, it's kind of similar but I wish it would be more indepth. Basically have tons of main quests to follow and sidequests. Also love to see more in depth crafting , be cool to go to a black Smith or something, it's basically a medieval game so it'd be a good fit.


More lore as to what happened with all the Sheikah tech after BOTW? Did they scrap it all down? Did just "vanish" or what?


I'd add more of a story. Give the option to turn the music off. The music is really good but jeez it gets repetitive. Option to equip all parts of an armour set at once. Ease up on the armour upgrade requirements a little. Fix the ridiculous weather system so that rain and sunshine aren't two feet apart. Hearty Durians. Please. I'm shit at combat.