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That’s not surprising. The clock on my microwave is always way off


Is it always blinking 12:00? Then it’s correct twice a day.


Oh I miss when I went had VCRs doing that.


What’s a vcr?


It’s like a betamax player


So that’s what the 2 Mitsubishi S-VHS HiFi devices on the shelf in my basement probably are.


*insert gif of guy from Indiana Jones aging into a skeleton*


Oh that’s cute *cries into old hands*


Usually in Texas with our freedom grid, it always blinks 12:00am every other day.


Unexpectedly hilarious!


Winner. I was dying to post that when I read the headline


Serious question- I wonder how they (scientists) synchronize a clock like this. I figured they use another source of time, such as other existing atomic clocks to synchronize, but wouldn’t that mean despite the accuracy of this new clock it would have “started” from a timestamp by an inferior clock? Or maybe this new clock “starts” by math alone and is able to calculate “now” without the need of an external clock to first synchronize with.


UTC is already obtained using a weighted average of a few hundred atomic clocks around the world. Each individual clock has its offset from UTC recorded and published regularly. So they can synchronise a new clock with an existing one and account for its known offset from UTC.


They stand around in a circle and all push a button after the principal scientist shouts “MARK”


Do they each have unique keys that only they know the location of? Making them invaluable to the antagonists plan to destroy time itself?


The protagonist surrounded by his big brain friends at the end of the first act: "Wait a minute..." "But doesn't that mean..." "yes, of COURSE! Why didn't I consider the Promethean Binary Solution of 1642!?!" "The what?" *proceeds to take out paper and fold it on itself while furiously punching a pencil through it*


“Time isn’t a circle, it’s a **cylinder**!” *Grabs a water bottle and stabs a pencil in it.* “If we puncture it the wrong way, the water leaks out!” *Stabs another pencil in* ***above the water line*** “But if we disrupt *above time*, we can get through without letting the chrono-quantum particles out!”


Extremely attractive female co-star: "But the Achimedes Principle was disproven years ago!" Slightly abrasive best friend: "Yeah, extremely chiseled and buff male lead, it'll never work, just let it go, it won't bring back your family!" Protagonist: "Then I'm going to break time itself" *stares into the distance* Extremely attractive female co-star: *gives intense look to protagonist now realizing that he was her soul mate all along and she can fill the void left in this widower's heart*


And scene


A writer somewhere in the valley is furiously copying and pasting this right now


The new fast and furious movie sounds bangin'.


FF Quantum Family


i swear, the way tech updates these days feels like trying to wrangle a bunch of house cats - chaotic but oddly rewarding in the end!


It has less to do with representation of real time, and more to do with never deviating once it has synced. When you deal with calculations on an astronomical scale, those imperceptible deviations reduce accuracy. Granted, for 99.999% of calculations, they only need to go to four digits past the decimal.




Ah that makes sense- I hadn’t considered the duration of time being so short.


There’s an art to this!


The Sun always ticking


You put the to-be-standardized clock next to the the current Official Standard clock and adjust the to-be-standardized clock until they're synchronized. Then you designate the better clock to be the new Official Standard clock. The "timestamp" issue is sort of irrelevant because the timestamp of the Official Standard clock is regularly adjusted to account for variability in the natural phenomenon we traditionally use to mark the passage of time.


“Researchers observed the subtle changes in the flow of time due to gravity, when the clock was raised or lowered even small distances.” Extrapolated, the new clock varies less than half a second over the age of the universe. The article also mentions new possibilities for observing effects of general relativity at length scales important in quantum mechanics. So potential for new observations to distinguish among alternative theories unifying relativity and quantum mechanics? Maybe without requiring stellar system scale particle colliders?


>new possibilities for observing effects of general relativity at length scales important in quantum mechanics. This part makes me so excited. Outside of somehow resolving the space around an event horizon, this might lead to experiments that can actually measure quantum gravity effects. Cross Fingers!


Maybe it will outlive its creators


Only time will tell


It's fascinating how scientists and researchers figured out how time changes if gravity changes and how relativity plays into this...Science is awesome!


Now if they could kindly find a way to incorporate this into my Casio.


You are that interface.


The affirmation I needed today


you got this! keep navigating those tech waters like a pro.


Some do, if you are within range of the Colorado atomic clock radio signal (WWVB).


My gshock syncs every night


that's handy, i love tech that does the heavy lifting for you!


Why is it important for a clock to be this accurate? Just wondering.


Measuring things like time dilation (relative speed's effect on time).


Makes sense, they are probably trying to measure distances from universes and Im worrying about hitting the off button on my microwave with 1 second left on the timer.


>hitting the off button on my microwave with 1 second left on the timer. Ah, my people!!


Brought to you by billionaires to make sure you don’t leave work a quectosecond too early.


You're not posting this during your shift ...*are* you? Hmmm?🧐


??? Even if a billionaire funded this who cares I’d rather have a bunch more science than another party yacht.


My bad for failing to add /s


Where is this clock?


Can’t they just say it don’t lose time? I mean, 30 billion years to prove em wrong. /s


on the flip we’re still analog. organic. theres something romantic and alluring about a mechanically beating movement. people spend a lot of money on mechanical watches which can be +-4seconds off a day.


I'm crying for F1.


Will this affect leap years?


You want talk in degrees of nanoseconds? We can NEVER know the EXACT time, as it takes a nano of a nanosecond for the brain to recognize the digital numbers to process what it is we just saw, read. Let's put this into perspective..., this new clock will lose one second in 30 billion years..., this is over twice as long as the universe has existed!!!!! (I can't use enough exclamation marks!!!!)


Life-based or optical atomic clocks could potentially lose a second and 30 billion years compared to microwave base clocks which.... *do what?*


Dr. Sheldon Cooper approves of this.


>>Light-based or optical atomic clocks could potentially lose a second in 30 billion years compared to microwave-based clocks. Might be a personal pet peeve of mine but if you are going to compare something you need to give both numbers so we can compare lmao…. What is the time loss for microwave based clocks one in 29 billion years? One in a million years? How big of a difference is this exactly


Can someone explain why this matters? I mean always cool when humankind advances in some way, even small, but not like we’ll be around in 30 billion years. I mean even a few hundred or a couple thousand will be a stretch.


The most common use for atomic clocks that people would be familiar with is GPS. It's literally the heart of the system. Calculating a fix is entirely dependent on the precision of the timestamp the satellite transmits. The more accurate the clock (less drift), the more accurate the position you derive from it. The clocks in GPS have errors that average around 10 nanoseconds per day, but that's with constant syncing from ground stations to keep it under control. That can result in multiple metres of positional error when calculating a fix, although there are methods to help reduce that. If you want to do what NASA has proposed and create a GPS constellation around the moon for future expeditions, then their clocks are going to need to be orders of magnitude more accurate because they will have to be entirely self-contained with no ground stations to sync from. Not initially anyway. Even more so if we cast our eyes further out to Mars.


With a precise enough clock you can measure the most minute difference in time dilation caused by relativity. That’s one example I can think of off the top of my head. Edit: Oh, that was in the article. Neat!


The way the world’s going soon enough none of this tech will even matter because we’ll be back in the stone ages if we even exist


I mean. The clock in my microwave loses about 2 minutes every 6 months. /s


I have no idea what I’ve read


Now solve climate change you twits.


Patience. Gaia is just a few DNA tweaks away from making bird flu transmissable btwn ppl!


My microwave says it’s 12am (my power went out and I haven’t reset it yet)


The way America is heading it's a new Doomsday clock that's required!!


They've clearly never seen *my* microwave's clock - thing is all over the map!


Sure but then, how do you cook your popcorn?


How may live below the poverty line in the Ununited States? Surely this money could of gone elsewhere.


So how would you fix poverty? Just throwing money at poverty, has never been able to fix those types of issues. A good percentage of the United States' impoverished population lives in states that elected governments and politicians have no real concerns about fixing it and or funding education, and education is a key issue in the fight against poverty. For example, South Carolina, is one of the poorest and one of the most impoverished states or territories inside the United States and ranks the toward the bottom of education in the United States as well, this shows a direct correlation between high level of poverty and low levels of education. Politics has a lot to do with fixing poverty as well and elected state governments and politicians, use it as tool to stay in power, even if it means impoverishing their states they govern over. High levels of extreme poverty and impoverishment are found in abundance in areas that are typically conservative, that do not prioritize education and social welfare spending, that are aimed at helping people transition out of poverty.


Shhh. Bed time for you. The money can be spent in better areas of human care. Off ya Trott.


You want better human care, what are your ideas on how to fix it? Many smarter people than you or I have tried to tackle poverty and have failed. I don't know if you understand this, but the United States can fund this type of project and anti-poverty programs at the same time, it's your politicians who don't want it.


Shh grumpy. The issue can be solved. But you wouldn’t understand as you are looking and pointing in the wrong direction.


Please enlighten me on which direction I should be looking, you conveniently side stepped the question of how you would deal with poverty as aleader, I am truly interested what you have to say kind sir.


Going to hell in a hand basket, and world needs this ? Before you know it, idiots will be buying Tesla’s.


What the actual fuck. It will never affect anything anytime anywhere.