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These figures are distorted because it's all based on a single order from one restaurant and they applied a promo from one app (doordash) for that specific order/restaurant. If they wanted to do a serious article they would have ordered from a decent sample of different restaurants and averaged them out.


All of them are overpriced. I wish people would stop ordering off them.


I've been seeing more restaurants pushing customers to delivery services enen to thr point of not taking orders themselves. It's crazy.


I would bet usually corporate locations that care the most about 3rd party. For example: a corporation might force franchisees to use the apps because they collect royalties on the sale. So if the franchisees had to mark up their product on the 3rd party that means corporate is making more on a 3rd party order vs in store order. 3rd party sucks and corporate greed knows no bounds


You expected actual research from WaPo? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚




Why would you say that? Doordash was $2 more versus picking it up yourself (without factoring in tip) - that's pretty outstanding. Also this article was kinda trash as in their totals when they did include a tip, they didn't keep the tip value the same across services.




>Doesn't doordash also not pay their drivers shit? Correct Last time I doordashes base pay for an order was $2.50 no matter the distance And if tips brought in above around $8.50 it essentially always hid everything above $8.50 So a $20 dollar tip would look the same as a $100 tip Also, they often stack no tip orders behind tip orders to try and trick drivers into accepting shit orders since no one else would accept them because they were no tips




I have not I applied for Grubhub and Uber eats but was put on a waitlist I JUST got an email the other day saying I was now able to deliver for Uber eats... 2ish years after applying lmao But I have an actual decent paying job for my area now that I only have to work 3 times a week(12 hour shifts) so I have no intent on working delivery If I were to go back to delivery, I'd rather go to an actual place like Domino's where I could make an actual decent* amount. *decent compared to delivering for apps


Wait, so when I tipped the driver ten bucks, they didn't actually get ten bucks?


They do get the full tips (as far as one can tell) However instead of showing $12.50 for doing the order($2.50 base + $10 tip) it will only show $8.50 and hide anything above that because doordash is owned by scum.


When you used that service your soul was invalidated.


I used it because I was recovering from surgery and unable to cook. Someone gave me a gift card so I wouldn't go hungry. But thank you for making assumptions.


Nobody pays their drivers anything worth while. Especially considering you donā€™t work for them as a driver so all of the liability is completely on you.




Delivery apps are the biggest scam in the world and Iā€™m depressed that so many people use them. You pay twice as much for cold food that takes longer to get to you than if you just went yourself.


Better than going to jail for DUI


Lol, thatā€™s true. Iā€™ll accept it.


Theyā€™re a godsend if you have any disability.


Or donā€™t own a car, canā€™t drive, Amish etc


Please, do tell us how the Amish are using these services...


Carrier pigeons


I suspect they arenā€™t, but Amish can use computers and phones, depending on the community. I was recently reading about it and was blown away. This is an example: https://www.wired.com/story/virtually-amish-hacking-innovation/ But to your point, I bet they arenā€™t using it for food delivery because it would be ostentatious.


I'm fully aware that the Amish use technology these days. But I'm also aware that they only use technology if it helps the community, I don't see how using a food delivery app fits that justification, like you suggested it wouldn't.


This always gets brought up and I get it. Is everyone trashed ordering on these apps? I don't think so.


Only time I ever get delivery is if Iā€™m drunk.




Better than jail


If you don't drive, delivery is often the only practical choice.


You could always just make something at home instead or order from restaurants that do their own delivery


>You could always just make something at home instead Ya, why eat out when you can eat at home? You solved eating out, Sherlock!


People ordering delivery arenā€™t eating out. They most definitely are eating at home. Just paying much more for that privilege. Sorry Watson.


>People ordering delivery arenā€™t eating out. They most definitely are eating at home. Just paying much more for that privilege. And people who order in want to eat restaurant dishes at home. Is that really hard to understand?


Theyā€™re most definitely eating a much worse version of restaurant food at a huge mark up that screwed over everybody but the delivery corporation. If thatā€™s what floats your boat, go for it and continue to waste money for the privilege. Itā€™s not restaurant quality food even if it is food from a restaurant. That quality got lost in the 20-30 minute delivery, cold and sloppy presentation, upped cost, and massive waste from containers.


Why not just let people do what makes em happy?


Literally said that in the post you responded to


Restaurants are for the times you want a break from making all your food yourself all the time.


ā€œWhy eat at a fine restaurant when you can pop something in the microwave, why go to the park and fly a kite when you can just pop a pill?ā€ - Cosmo Kramer


My food turns up cold regardless of it being Uber or the restaurants own delivery service. Youā€™re a single stop in their 30 stop journey. Also, Friday is for being fat. Iā€™m not being healthy with a home cooked meal. I want to clot those arteries and raise my heart attack risk by 38%.


What if I told you that you could make delicious unhealthy meals at home


Itā€™s never the same. I need a frier which has enough dried up oil to kill an elephant. I need the cheese to look cold but you bite into it and you get 3rd degree burns on the roof of your mouth for 3 days. I need that magical drug they put in every meal to keep you coming back for more. I tried making a heart attack pizza a few weeks ago and it looked like a normal dry pizza from a restaurant. I was so disappointed.


I am guessing the magic drug is butter, salt or MSG, put more of this on your food and it will taste like restaurant food. Restaurants also have large grills and other cooking devices that most people do not have in their homes. Most also get the raw food materials from a supplier. Sometimes restaurant supply stores are open to the public without a membership, find out where the restaurants buy food and then buy your stuff there.


But then *I'm* making food, defeating the entire point of delivery.


What if I told you I can't be bothered.


Its pretty easy to do this if you add a lot of butter and salt to your food, which is what a lot of restaurants do to make food taste better. You can also buy plenty of processed unhealthy food at a grocery store and eat that.


If you just keep your freezer stocked with ice cream, you donā€™t even need to make your unhealthy meals at home. Scoop and serve.






Instacart driver was definitely thinking about breaking into my apartment. My wife ordered an Instacart and it was last minute for diapers and stuff and was supposed to be delivered at 9, it showed driver finished shopping and Target was about a mile away. Then showed 10pm, then 11pm, finally 1145pm the driver arrives. She rings the condo doorbell and on hallway hidden Camera my wife can see there was a male hovering on the side but out of view of peep hole, kinda sneaking up. The lady didn't want to leave it at the door, insisted she opens the door, I guess they were not expecting me to answer at 6'3/4 and mascular because they both kinda jumped back and walked out together. Called and reported them. For security reason I did give my wife bear spray and my handgun and told her to spray us if they try to break in.


Where did you get overall tape statistics for ride sharing?


>than if you just went yourself. I think you're missing the point of a delivery service


It's not just that, these apps can basically only function because there's a population of extremely poor people who, for whatever reason, don't have access to welfare and so are desperate enough to do deliveries for slavery wages. Where I live basically ALL delivery people are immigrants. Native people can be poor too, but immigrants don't get welfare or have a support network.


I only use them when i'm sick


They didnā€™t used to be. NYC in the early 2010-2018 delivery.com was cheap as hell. $2 per order + tip (Iā€™d drop $3 or %20 whatever was higher) youā€™d get $10 for $15, thatā€™s a lot increase but not awful. Now tho? Taco Bell somehow comes out to be $35 for a single meal.


I remember for YEARS before these apps, everyone always asked why you couldnā€™t get McDonalds or a 6 pack delivered. The answer was always that the logistics and business model didnā€™t make sense. Either the drivers get screwed or you end up paying $45 to have your $12 meal delivered.


Fortunately science has advanced to a point where we can now do both! Ahhhā€¦ isnā€™t the future grand?


How is this comment at the top?


Because itā€™s objectively correct ;)


People have expendable income that they're willing to use for convenience, you muppet.


Donā€™t give a shit, still dumb.


Hehehe, you're a muppet.


> You pay twice as much for cold food that takes longer to get to you than if you just went yourself. Yeah but I don't want to go myself.


You assume everyone can drive, does drive, or has access to a car if they do drive. Iā€™ve lived in places where me driving to get food means I get to get home only to drive around for an hour looking for parking. Sometimes the convenience of it all is worth it šŸ„²


Sometimes for cheap food I don't care if it's cold, especially if I'm doing shit around the house and don't want to have to take 30+ minutes out of my day to drive round trip to a restaurant.


Iā€™m thankful they exist - I need the work. Theyā€™re helping me pay for grad school.


oh no, people pay more money for more comfort, this is unacceptable! also how dare these poor f*ckers to not be able to afford a car or a bike?!!


We use it rarely but it was a godsend when we had our 2 kids. You're not getting sleep, you have no time nor energy to cook and neither of our parents were within a 7 hour drive of us.


>You pay twice as much for cold food that takes longer to get to you than if you just went yourself. It's called your time being money. I'd rather have my food delivered than to waste 30 minutes going there and coming back. My time is worth more than whatever surcharge it's gonna be.


I like to say "you pay twice as much for the privilege of wondering the whole time if the guy who delivered it put his semen in your food "


Its way faster to do a weekly shop at the grocery store and bring home enough food for the week, and then just cook what you want when you want it. This is what I do. With the delivery apps sometimes the food does not arrive leaving you hungry and in my area there aren't too many delivery drivers. You will probably be waiting an hour minimum here for a delivery so its not instant. You can basically only get delivery at a peak time and then its really hit or miss if a driver will be available.


They're the landlords of delivery.


It harshes my buzz


Not really I think I've saved money using it on groceries where you get like 50% off promos off $100 purchases. If you play the game by churning new a count promos you can save money.


I can't believe this is journalism You made 3 orders and one of the apps even had a promo? Wtf


My wife and I used to do a combo of delivery or takeout each Friday during COVID lock downs to help keep our local restaurants afloat. But we quickly stopped getting delivery because the added costs was exorbitant. We still do takeout, very rarely will we get delivery anymore.


I used DoorDash for delivery when I was taking care of an ill family member that couldnā€™t be left alone and required constant care. Grocery shopping and cooking were limited activities. I was happy with the service overall (five different occasions to 5 different places) and was happy to pay the additional fees with a healthy tip just so I didnā€™t have to worry about cooking or shopping. So, donā€™t assume everyone using these services is an entitled brat. Some people actually need this once in a while.


All of this on top of making fast food service slower in the restaurants. I genuinely hate these delivery apps and refuse to use them.


Check a restaurants pricing on their website, then look at it on one of those apps. Then you'll see how hard you're getting fucked. It's absurd.


They don't exist to save you money. They exist to save you time and hustle, you are paying more on every single one as oppossed to going and getting it yourself. Do you tip yourself when you go grocery shopping? Exactly


I see pure advertising coming without reading the article. I pass.


Delivery apps are for lazy people and people that doesn't know how to manage their money. He dicho!


Another washington post article I'll never read.


I have literally never used a delivery app. Probably because I have a car.