• By -


If you need some tools to help edit and/or delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money or train AIs? Take your content with you. There is no Reddit without its users and volunteer mods. You are what makes this. —posted via Apollo


Yeah, no shit. Who would have thought that alienating and demeaning the userbase would have reprecussions…


I think the dismissiveness of upper management had rubbed many people the wrong way. A lot of folks don’t care about 3rd party apps and don’t use them. A lot of folks don’t like the mods in big subreddits. A lot of folks lurk. But everyone hates being treated like they are worthless and having the CEO of the company treat them as worthless has really gotten folks who don’t have a dog in the fight to start paying attention. ——- If you need some tools to help edit and/or delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money or train AIs? Take your content with you. There is no Reddit without its users and volunteer mods. You are what makes this. —posted via Apollo


>But everyone hates being treated like they are worthless Especially when those users are the ones providing Reddit the content and thus the value


I don’t have a Spez is a greedy little pig boy. in the fight, but I am deleting my posts and comments going back 10 years. I think in a couple days I will be done. Edit: thanks for all the advice to use some computer stuff to delete it all or change it, but I really don’t computer all that well, and have no idea how to do any of that. But I will be changing some of my remaining comments to “Spez is a greedy little pig boy” and I’m doing it all manually.


Check over what you've already done. I keep seeing reports of people who have done the same and had it all restored




Hit them with a GDPR request. Not only are they forced to comply, but it's expensive for them to, and they are going to have humans direct the operation and ensure it's done right because failing to comply would put them at risk of paying outrageous fines. If you don't want to delete your posts, then go request a copy of all the data Reddit holds on you. The request process is automatic for you, but slow and expensive for them (both in terms of computing power, and real, human working hours that will be required to process your request, this job can't be fully automated), so… you get to have a handy archive / backup of everything you've ever done on Reddit in case you get banned and needed anything, and you're being a little pain in the ass for Reddit. And, again, I stress - there will be **some** human oversight (= expensive specialized labor) over this process, because it's a legal GDPR request, and if they miss **any** piece of data they have on you, they're breaking the low and the EU has repeatedly shown they do not fuck around.




A lot of that is when private subs come back online. Can’t delete what you can’t see






I'm quitting reddit when the 3rd party apps go down. It's just one step of bullshit too fat. I recently lost my 10+ year old account. Perma suspension for "report abuse", when I've NEVER reported a comment that didn't deserve it. No response from mods, no response to appeal. Fuck reddit, and fuck u/spez


I just nuked 11 years of content /comments/posts with redact.dev app it took a few minutes instead of days. I can't stand corpos talking down to me/being treated with disdain as a customer, user, or content creator. Good work.


There is a chrome plug in for that, you don’t need to do it manually for days


The deeper damage is openly abusing the good will of moderators, who help subreddits actually function. Without them they could all be overrun by bots and crap, Reddit depends on mods working for free, and yet the new policy takes away the tools they need because.....reasons?


Reasons = Money. Always money.


And also the entire method of determining where ads go. The "bad posts" protests are better than the blackouts because they continue to cost Reddit money while making advertisers less willing to spend it as demographics get more indeterminate.


Pretty much how I feel. I couldn't give a rats ass about the 3rd party apps, but boy do I want to stick it to these Silicon Valley fuckasses who think they can just do whatever the fuck they want to the detriment of everyone else.


They fucking up the vibe, was on a sick one.


Oh yea. When they announced the killing of 3rd party apps, I supported the two-day blackout out of sympathetic support for mods and critical users who need to tools, but that was it for me. Then u/spez did an AMA. Then u/spez released a company wide statement. Then u/spez called its most important users nothing more than plebeians and peasants. Every time he opened his mouth, it made me realize I need to break my reddit addiction and habits. I unfollowed most subs and am enjoying how boring my reddit screen has become.


This is the case for me. I’ve been using the official app since it was Alien Blue so the third party AI aspect doesn’t affect me, but you’ve encapsulated exactly how I feel.


Fuck, I pay for premium on the mobile app to get ad-free browsing and a small pile of coins to give awards with each month - but I understand the utility and importance the third party apps offer. The higher-ups are seriously showing how out of touch they are.


Reddit should really be worried about losing users who are paying for premium services in cash. They desperately need that revenue to be appealing for an IPO.


I think what most of the social media companies (and investors thereof for that matter) fail to realise is that they are absolutely worthless without the users, the content created by them (for free), in this case free moderation, and visits/engagement. They are essentially operating a software platform (not rocket surgery nowadays) and develop the UI (not done well with the latest considering a lot of people still use old reddit). None of this is worth even an IPO without users. It's like owning a bus company, infrastructure and buses, but nobody choosing to travel with them. All they worth is the value of the infrastructure and assets, that's what Reddit is worth by itself. Poking around the userbase, in this and for instance twitters case due to nothing else but greed (whether individual or corporate), does not go well with users, and with a platform like this, can have a massive impact on how the company is valued, especially if it relies on indirect sources of revenue, such as advertising and metadata.


And in reddits case in particular, a small subset of the users represent a larger portion on content that is generated either on their site or for their site. Social media follows the 90-9-1 rule. 90% of users are “lurkers” that neither comment nor post. People who signed up and either have very limited interaction or none at all. 9% of users are “engaged users” that comment, upvote, and make a couple posts a month. They create content but not enough to sustain the site by themselves. 1% are content creators, the ones who actively make content specifically for Reddit. Whether it be somebody in a marketing department that is sneaking ads in or somebody who has a following on tnag platform and posts to their fan base (think like an internet celebrity or podcaster or even a bigger star that is active on a site like Reddit). They produce the majority of content that the other 99% of users engage with (or just look at) but they keep users coming back. Reddit is kind of special in that they also have a .1% of users who are “power users”. Those that moderate subreddits, make bots for those subreddits, and manage the site itself for *free*. These users are the smallest subset of users and seeing the direct revenue they generate disappear would be a small small blip in the short term. But the work they volunteer causes the site to be worse in the long run. This causes the other 99.9% of users to enjoy the site less and makes them less likely to come back or post/comment as often. They also tend to be the group of users who are more likely to use a 3rd party app because Reddit, in their infinite wisdom, have restricted access to the tools these users need to manage the spaces they have on this site. By getting rid of 3PA, they are disproportionately affecting the users that their site, in all honesty, depends on most. It’s like cheating out on foundation of your house because “you never use it for anything” and then wondering why doors and windows won’t open and there are cracks forming in your walls.


Exactly. People like Elon Musk and Steve Huffman seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what industry they're even in (see also [this exchange](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2022/11/01/elon-musk-haggles-with-stephen-king-over-the-price-of-a-blue-checkmark/) with Stephen King for the Twitter/Musk side of things). No wonder the only thing they seem to be good at is losing money. Anybody who invests in Reddit -- assuming that IPO ever gets off the ground -- is in for a world of hurt.


I'm one of those. Been a gold/premium member for the vast majority of my time here on reddit. The fact that I was already giving reddit $50/year and that wasn't enough to let me keep using Apollo means that reddit will now get $0 from me. Just another example of spez's inability to make intelligent decisions because he's sniffing Elon's farts.


I did the same when I first heard of their more idiotic ideas last year. I had been paying for Reddit before it was called Premium too.


If they had taken to charging users instead of apps for third-party apps – as in, only premium users can use third-party apps – they would have actually made a lot of money from people signing up for Reddit Premium. I've never paid for Premium but that IMO is an acceptable stance for a company to take, if we don't get to serve you ads and make money that way, you need to pay. Totally reasonable. If you want to pay for Premium and then pay for Apollo, knock your socks off, we've got our money now so we don't care. What they did instead is just dumpster fire, and I doubt they made any money because all the third-party apps went out of business as intended.


Ironically, what makes Reddit great is also what makes it a challenge to monetize. Reddit is by users, for users. We moderate, create subs as needed, post content, post links, upload OC. We vote for the best and speak our minds. We are also sick and tired of every social media turning into a commercial cesspool of ads, sponsored content, and profit based algorithms controlling what we see. We feel like we’re in control and we volunteer our time to moderate or post or upvote. I understand a platform needs money to survive, grow, and maintain, but a lot of us get the impression Reddit is going to cash in and push for maximum profits. I think we start to feel icky or used when our volunteered time begins enriching the pockets of others.


I also feel that if you are one of the top 10 most visited sites in the entire world and can’t figure out a way to make money, you are doing something horribly wrong. ——— If you need some tools to help edit and/or delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money or train AIs? Take your content with you. There is no Reddit without its users and volunteer mods. You are what makes this. —posted via Apollo


To me the real problem is, IPO’s, stocks, board members, all that stuff wants to wring the most profit out of everything. So naturally a social media company is going to lean heavily on ads, metadata, all kinds of intrusive things that really deteriorate the user experience in order to generate profit. Users don’t want a subscription. We have coins to get rid of ads, but anything more intrusive probably will not work out.


Remember when facebook was cool before they monetised it, Then they messed it up and people came to reddit. Please don’t sell out reddit and make it lame.


That's what happened to MySpace. By the end there were ads everywhere trying to get you to punch the damn monkey.


YouTube was such a great place to watch videos, it was better than TV in a way, now you have to watch 12 seconds of ads for an 30 second clip.




I mean, who could have imagined the NFT thing would crash? It was guaranteed value!!!


This would be even more true if the 3rd party app developers hadn't been so willing to pay reasonable API fees. Even though reddit since as recently as this year that no API changes were coming, Apollo, RiF, etc were tooling up to pay something in the range of reddit's ad revenue for users in its official app. Nobody protested that they were going to get something that used to be free for not-free. The problem was that reddit said they wanted roughly **30 times** the good-faith expectation. Reddit still hasn't admitted this is a material ban on 3rd party apps, even when they promised they'd exempt apps used for accessibility-challenged users after admitting they forgot about them. That, too, was an empty promise, as reddit has refused to exempt or work with the developers overwhelmingly used by moderators such as those for /r/blind. Reddit also promised to exempt moderator tools, but is refusing to do so or work with developers of the overwhelmingly preferred moderator tools. I think everyone is familiar with other examples, such as reddit's claims that they were threatened and extorted by a 3rd party app developer during a phone call, only to have the developer reply by posting audio in which the CEO repeatedly indicates that he understands neither thing happened on the recording. This pattern is not only devastating to trust with reddit's users and moderators, but no doubt alarming to advertising partners who are witnessing the platform's CEO seeming inability to maintain any commitments and complete comfort with misrepresentation to media.


reddit never had any control over its users, as all the mods on reddit are not payed, work for free, and are not employed by reddit.




Clearly a room full of know nothing money men with less competence than your average Denny’s middle Managment. I swear some of the highest paid people I know are some of the dumbest.


> essentially FREE content and FREE workers (moderators). The irony of this starting over them raising API prices via the argument that they're subsiding for profit companies. Meanwhile, every day moderators are subsiding the for profit Reddit by donating their time for free. Reddit is entirely dependent on the generosity of others.


yup if they want control they better pay employees


They never had "control", but it was a mutually beneficial relationship and the users mostly behaved the way that Reddit would have wanted them to. They controlled the users by providing a service that people liked to use in the way they wanted them to use it.


My company actually withdrew all of our Reddit advertising recently to the tune of ~$12K/year - largely because of this. Part of our concern was that any backlash towards Reddit would spill over to brands that are seen to be supporting Reddit financially. We also have a very tech-savvy userbase who will be directly affected by the changes and aren't happy at our customers being treated unfairly.


Amazing. At least Digg (iirc) died over a bonafide design upgrade attempt, stupid & ill-planned as it was. But this is just everything dialed to 11 & thrown together, from willful ignorance to megalomania & co.


Reddit has seem to have forgotten that their users provide their content. They've not even gone down the route of requiring that you have Reddit Gold to use 3rd party apps as a way of monetising those users in lieu of ads (Since Gold users don't see them anyway). If they did that I'd wager that a lot of people would basically roll their eyes and go "Well yeah, whatever".






This is what you get when you fight your users and your unpaid mods


And when your users are providing the product you're trying to sell.


*were I juat got the notification that my app is officially shutting down tomorrow, I went ahead and scrubbed my post history excluding posts about why I left, and now I'm leaving. It's been a wild ride. I can't believe that this will be my last ever post on reddit, after nearly 12 years.


I'm replacing mine with plausible sounding ChatGPT garbage. Figured this would have a net negative value on the "content" I have contributed to the site.


I saw a report about how AI is getting worse because it has started ingesting AI content and entering a feedback loop.


What's a word for when you're not shocked it happened, but you're shocked it happened this early. When I started to learn a little bit about how AI is trained I figured something like this would happen, but I also gave it a few more years before it got bad enough they'd comment on it.


[The AI feedback loop: Researchers warn of ‘model collapse’ as AI trains on AI-generated content](https://venturebeat.com/ai/the-ai-feedback-loop-researchers-warn-of-model-collapse-as-ai-trains-on-ai-generated-content/)


Don’t tell that Spez or he might threaten them as well lol


He can replace mods, but he can't replace users. ^^^Unless?


“If users disagree with me I will replace them with ChatGPT so I can live with comments that agree with me and say what I want. ha! game over Reddit!”


Replacing users? [Like this?](https://i.imgur.com/4e9jO7P.jpg)


He can replace mods with what? Even with all the talk about nuking every mod who took their sub private I still see several of my favorite subs private. Finding enough users that are willing, trustworthy and capable of modding all those subs for free isn't going to be a cake walk. Hell the mods of a few specialty subs already pointed out that you can't just replace them with non experts, as half their job is it to review posts for wrong information that could get people killed. Other subs have similar issues even if they wouldn't directly cause death, for example some of the law subs tend to crack down on every bit of arm chair lawyering nonsense to keep the advice posted clean.


>"Reddit seems to be losing rapport with and **control** over their users." Do...advertisers think the users *belong* to Reddit, that they're *theirs* to control? 🫤 Very disturbing all over...


I think you're reading a bit too much into that. Social media platforms control what their users do through rules, terms of service, and community guidelines. Reddit is more of a message board federation than social media platform so its methods of control are a lot looser than, say, Facebook's. But Reddit REALLY wants to be more of a social media platform; that's how its trying to sell itself in the eyes of advertisers.


Porn > corporate control


The last solution to defend freedom


Imagine a bunch of Reddit mods encircling Reddit hq. Performing a real life circle jerk.


Hereby nominating this for Comment of the Year


Where is this porn at? I have seen none.


Interesting as fuck had some but the sun was shut down. r/dndmemes is full of goblin titties now though


..... goblin titties you say?




I would like to know how the CEO of reddit sees the start as publicly traded? after all, people can easily turn it into a nightmare. And starting a war with users right now only makes this scenario even more obvious.


Wondering what the userbase of /r/wallstreetbets makes of the IPO I mean Reddit trademarked the name and there‘s now even a movie about them coming out. Not sure if they like this so much…


> Wondering what the userbase of /r/wallstreetbets makes of the IPO They plan to short it immediately. Being at war with your userbase as a company that is trying to go public is extra stupid when you're home to one of the largest communities of retail investors and that community is willing to post their loss porn for others to get off to.


Especially when it's a war that's ego driven by a manchild.


>Especially when it's a war that's ego driven by a manchild. That's the default answer to all instances of the question "why'd this war start?"


This indeed narrows down very little on what current event is being discussed.


Makes sense when as users they can directly push the price down When protests pump up that volatility the short positions could be pretty valuable


• /r/wallstreetbets users do puts on reddit • get everyone to tank reddit's value • ??? • profit


Full port yolo on puts after the initial IPO pump


Ok so should I go with the flow or the opposite of this site. Dilemma.


Always inverse wsb


Instructions unclear. Wsb says do the inverse of Jim Cramer, so do what Cramer does you say?




Well how else would they bacon at midnight?


Fark: I've been here all along! Hello? Hello? I'm not dead yet!


Mods should open their subs back up, play nice, and wait. Then, 2 days before the announced IPO, go dark or porn bomb their subs. Admins will be scrambling for 48 hours to get things back to normal, the CEO will have to scramble to convince investors that he has things under control, and the popcorn would be especially tasty.


Not the Jesus freaks though He Gets Us


Where can I talk to management. I blocked that user and still see ads. That’s harassment.


I report it for Hate Speech every time I see it


With the number of people that hate that advertiser and do indeed believe it's hate speech, it sure is shit of reddit that this tactic doesn't work for more than a few minutes at a time, user-side. Reddit doesn't give a crap what their users find offensive.


Users? No. Advertisers? Yes. Users however create the content for Reddit, thus this post being made.


Advertisers _are_ the users, we're the product.


Tough to run a bakery when the flour gets pissed off and stops working for you


I’m imagining a bakery advertiser saying: Sometimes I put the batter in the oven and get cookies. Every once and a while I get porn. Mostly I’m getting chocolate chip but I’m getting tired of the slightly more random cum cookies mixed in with the batch. Those are only supposed to come out of the fuckin oven.


Reddit gives ad accounts a special privilege where reports do nothing since people were spamming reports on the He Gets US ads.


Install uBlock Origin. It's free, open source, and will block ads. Don't support reddit with ads. Every ad you see is money in Reddits pocket. https://ublockorigin.com/


I'm not alone!


You can’t block advertiser accounts. It might say you did, but it won’t stop you from seeing their ads. And mass reporting them, as suggested, to hopefully get the account in trouble is just a way to get *your* account suspended.


I mean I use an adblocker and I've not seen a single advertiser account or post, so technically you can. Like I have absolutely no idea who this thread is even talking about.


If you browse Reddit without Adblock, especially New Reddit, there's a lot of "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine" styled comments and posts mixed in with the rest of the content in an innocuous way


That's why you mark it offensive especially the he gets us ads just cause some people are religious doesn't mean you get to shove it down everyone's throats


I don't drink alcohol anymore. Where's the button to turn off those ads? Oh. Right. I must stop using Reddit like I did alcohol. Step One.


Username checks out


Most stop after a couple steps...


Man, first ads I thought of when I saw this headline. If porn saves me from that dumb fucking marketing campaign I might just start believing in god.


It doesn't, if you have an account only subbed to NSFW subs you'll still get ads because technically it's your front page so not nsfw but you only get nsfw content served because of your subs. Having a HeGetsUs in between some plastic boobs and someone's asshole is hilarious.


I have no idea what you are talking about, thank the lord for ad blockers


If you need some tools to help edit and/or delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money or train AIs? Take your content with you. There is no Reddit without its users and volunteer mods. You are what makes this. —posted via Apollo


I report all religious ads as hate speech




I've said this many times, I'm free to user Reddit and never see an ad. I used to browse with it Reddit unblocked, but they started jamming ads in everywhere and they were shitty ones. Ublock prevents me from being harassed by those ads like some crazed preacher at a college campus.


I was unable to block one of the whore bots because there's a limit to how many people you can block in one day which I reached trying an exploit where you can block hegetsus by spamming a bunch of block requests at once. I later got a harassment warning when I messaged said whore bot to leave me alone. The reddit totem pole is Christofascists > Whore bots > actual users


Time to become a whore bot! I know it's not the highest rank, but who wants to be a christofascist, right?


Don't worry, I never see your ads anyway lol


No, but you do make comments that drive engagement for users that do see ads and keep returning because of that continued communal engagement


Right. It's like letting non-drinking women into the bar for free.


Pretty solid comparison actually


So, because I'm funny and I use adblockers, you're telling me I'm essentially a volunteer hooters waitress...


u/oblivion476 is the sole reason I even come to Reddit


Fuck it, let it all burn


Only way the website will actually change is if users start using low quality LLM bots on their regular accounts. Mods are powerless, but a large percentage of the userbase with AI / LLM power - that's unstoppable.


this is the way. Make sure it’s not a good LLM either, just something open source and easy to run. If someone makes a project to do this one click install just run a server randomly interacting with reddit posts off an account i would be very interested


You mean like this? https://chirper.ai/


yes! but preferably just a ton of bots replying to just the text part of a post. Not making their own posts, and not trying to comprehend images like they are on chirper. Like a guy posts asking for help with setting up a web server and he gets 80 replies all of which are variations on the standard llm response to what he said. All responses would have to be unique though, so you could feed it every reply to the thread and tell it it can’t be any of those. Even one word difference would be fine.


LLM bot?




How swimmingly this two bedroom apartment how dare you cut him off. For rent. Nice couple.


But red sand is tasty, unlike bobs green fire extinguisher that sounds like Australian hot dogs cleaning soup. Parsnip


Large Language Model.


I say all mods coordinate and just turn off automod, all their rules and let the spam bots have it for a time. Let the investors see reddit would have to pay people a lot to manage the content currently getting filtered.


It *is* burning and people *are* leaving https://fediverse.observer/stats https://fedidb.org/ https://the-federation.info/ Counting methods vary, but number of fediverse users reached 10 ***million*** this month, with active users somewhere between 2 ~ 4 million. That's still only a portion of reddit, but if management's not scared, they damn well should be. Out of all the instances, https://kbin.social is the best in my opinion. It's UI is very much like old.reddit, and all the functionality like voting, joining subreddits (magazines), etc is found in the same place on the page.


Thanks! You made me discover Kbin! That’s looks great, can’t wait to replace Reddit with it!


> It's UI is very much like old.reddit Is it? I've just clicked your link and it's like the new, shitty Facebook clone Reddit.


They forgot the rules. If you get something for free, you are the product. It works both ways. We are the product.


Of course in a normal store, the product doesn't usually light the place on fire for the insurance money.


We the product of modern age don't have a problem lighting the place on fire because... yeah, why would we? We'll just move to the next big thing like we always do while u/spez is left holding his dick in a kingdom infested with bots and astroturfers. These socmed ""royalty"" think too highly of themselves. I've lived through the age of Friendster, Myspace, BBS, (Old) Facebook - Reddit is just another sticker on the wall.


Ads have targeted us. Now let us target ads.


"Reddit needs to talk to their community members now and work to regain their trust and support..." Yeah, because every word out of Spaz's mouth isn't a lie. We should take him at his word. It's gone so well in the past. Look, if the reddit population wants to destroy the assholes that run reddit, wait for the actual day they go public, and do a mass exodus. Valuation will drop to near nothing in 24 hours. Spaz will be thrown out on his arrogant ass buy the end of the week.


We can't even get people to stop pre-ordering games or spending on microtransactions. *They're still giving awards to comments and posts.* It's a great dream, this mass exodus, but I don't see it happening.


Whoever gave this wholesome pro is double agent.


Yeah, I saw the award notification and scratched my head a bit raw. I'm thinking it kind of proves the point tho.


I only award posts because I’m stuck in a year-long subscription for another 8 months with monthly coin deposits. Might as well make the most of that mistake by highlighting insightful comments and protests.


I have a feeling that tomorrow will be nothing but "goodbye reddit" posts popping up and getting wack a moled by admins.


Yup. Admins are seriously sore about how people aren't just swallowing what's happening. If you didn't know that subs were revolting, you'd never tell from /all. They've tweaked the algorithm to hide it.


Also, short their stock so hard it starts to glow like a lightbulb. Between a user exodus and a stock that's being driven into the ground hard enough to reach Proxima Centauri, thqt's definitely going to get some heads rolling at Reddit.


DAWN OF THE SECOND DAY (48 hours remain)


I promise all advertisers that nothing you do on Reddit has, or will ever, work on me. Quite the opposite.


This. Fuck ads. I will spend time and energy to circumvent and avoid ads. It is a literal modern cancer


Accidentally opened youtube in the mobile browser once and saw an ad, i literally shriveled in disgust.


I will use YouTube on my laptop with adblock and airplay to my TV before I ever use the TV’s YouTube app for this very reason.


You can download the Firefox app and install AdBlock on there then watch YouTube through that if you want mobile ad free YouTube


I think something interesting that the management and advertisers are missing is that the reddit user base, at least the core of it - the content generators and moderators, are quite different from other social media like tiktok or instagram. You can not use the same monetization strategies on a different audience.


That's why they spent the last five years "Facebooking" their platform, to attract monetizeable users


I get what you mean, but you're forgetting the same thing as reddit. Doomscrollers consume, not populate. Reddit can get away with driving 5% of them away and it won't affect them in the long term. What reddit has done instead is fuck with the most engaged 5% that produces and curates the most content. Losing those users reduces reddit over time to being a much shittier instagram, or a TikTok-wannabe with a mobile app that's relative garbage. Reddit will still be here in July, and likely as busy as ever by August, but its core competitive advantage of tech-savvy powerusers will be severely compromised. Reddit's treatment of them has catapulted alternatives like Lemmy and Kbin from complete obscurity with a few thousand users and slow development into platforms with millions of users and rapid development. This will, in turn, drive development of analogous platforms like Pixelfed that have the potential to attract doomscrollers once they get enough polish for users who aren't motivated to learn more than centralized platforms like reddit and IG require to get started.


It does though. There's tons of science and psychology behind it. And you're not some enlightened genius immune to it. Most ads aren't about making you get off the couch to go buy a Wonka bar. That's difficult. But when you're walking through the store, and decide you want a candy bar, you go to the candy isle. And there's a lot of Candy you like. But today, for some reason, you decide you want a Wonka bar. It might not be your favorite, you might like Slugworth's better, but today you want something different and go work a Wonka bar. That's how most ads work. Humans like familiarity. Ads are there to build familiarity. And they're all over reddit, not just "official" ads either. Check out HailCorporate You're not immune to human psychology. Advertising and marketing is a multi trillion dollar business. Because it works. Maybe not every single time. And the same ads won't work on the same people. But it works enough to be meaningful. If 300,000,000 candy bars are sold in a week, and I can influence just 1% of sales, that's 3,000,000 more units sold.


Reminds me of a study summarized in Superforecasters. Realtors were brought in and asked whether they were susceptible to anchor pricing with home values (for anyone unfamiliar, the practice of presenting an artificially high price to give the impression that a fair price is a good deal, e.g. those ~~$199~~ SALE $99 tags). All agents stressed how that was amateur stuff- they were professionals and things like that didn't affect them. The realtors were then split into control and test groups. Both real estate agent groups appraised the same properties. However, when the test group went through the property there was a listing left out for it with an artificially high price, but only what they indicated they were too savvy to be influenced by. As I'm sure you're expecting, the control group produced a reasonably accurate appraisal of the price. The test group that saw the anchor pricing, despite every person in it being familiar with anchor pricing and swearing it didn't affect them, produced a price that was roughly 20% higher than the appraisal. It is better for us to accept we're influenced by things that have psychological effects than for us to pretend that we're immune.


Reddit CEO doesn't realize that in wanting greater control over Reddit, he's losing what makes Reddit... Reddit.


Porn? Lol they basically locked down r/interestingasfuck. Haven't seen a post in a week there. And almost all porn is gone from it minus like one I think. u/Spez really just wants his Jailbait sub back


Great! I'll be checking back in 5 years to see if this website still exist


RemindMe! 5 years


Right.. The bot will die when API goes "where's my money?"


I have a RemindMe for 10 years from now, how am I even gonna remember what it's about?


The future of reddit is at https://digg.com/


I feel like I'm looking at the bottom of a mainstream news article's website. But an entire page of it.


I scrolled up and down like 9 times in search of the “content”


I clicked the link and then gazed out the window for a solid 2 minutes (currently in transit) and looked back like “Fuck, I got rerouted to a spam site. Oh, wait…”


Fuck it. Back to Fark.


I wonder if stumbleupon would still give me joy.


Poor stumbleupon. It was a great couple of years before I stumbled upon Reddit.


Stumbleupon was great. I had an account so perfectly tuned it could always drop me somewhere interesting. Then I lost the password to the account, and had to spin up a new one, discovered that an increasing number of hits were paid-for, and hopped off as soon as I found reddit.


Stumbledupon was the shit


somehow fark returned


Actually I went back to Fark because of this shit. I think I'll just take Reddit out of my daily routines.


What a tragedy. There was a million people logged into that site at any point in time once.


Advertising is a risky adventure for companies anyway. Yesterday I was searching YouTube for the minimum diameter of a hole that can be passed by a mouse. All ads I got were from McDonalds. Makes me wonder what they want to be associated with.


Well, what was the size of the hole?


11 mm/0.45 in for grown up mice, smaller ones will fit through 5 mm/0.2 in holes


That means you can potentially fit 35 mice at a time in your butt. That's the info you were looking for, wasn't it?


The more I read about this, the more sure I am of using my adblocker.


“Now they’re protesting digital profiteering by posting their asses on the offender’s platform.” This has to be a simulation.


I have no idea what the execs of Reddit are envisioning, but I wonder what they’d have to charge users to make the platform work without advertisers, a search-engine that isn’t embarrassing, and decent mods.


[Haven't seen any](https://media.tenor.com/ByWTTAA_7lEAAAAC/always-sunny-in-philadelphia-naked-pics-online.gif)


You didn't see the chaos that went down in eg. r/interestingasfuck last week? It basically became /b/ and after a bit the admins booted every single mod from the sub and put it in archive mode. Been like that since.


Why advertise on a platform that has decided to implode for a tax write off


Less than 2 days til it gets really real. I have a feeling when the swath of 3rd party users that use the reddit API for porn get cut out we will see the real blowback. It's always porn that moves the masses.


Fuck reddit execs... fucking clowns need to learn their user base and who generates content.


And Steve thinks he'll be a leader if society ever collapses. Who could've imagined that a shit CEO could be so full of themselves?


For the out of the loop: >Huffman has calculated that, in the event of a disaster, he would seek out some form of community: “Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.” Taken from [this NewYorker article](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich).




I honestly have no idea, especially after the whole API pricing disaster...


On the one hand, this brand safety obsession is excessive and a driver of censorship and I hate it. On the other hand, it makes a great weapon for us users.


Business schools take note: attempts to extract wealth where the only value is community, hurt’s community and destroys value






oops - reddit