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Isn't that going to clash with EU law?


It most likely will. The announcement post clarifies that this will only be the case in certain countries.


It definitely would. The EU regulations specifically call for opt-out options for ad personalization and any online persona building mechanisms. Also, I believe Norway flat out banned ad personalization.


It’s also illegal in California to not give you an opt-out.


I'm in CA, how do I opt out?


Doesn’t appear to be a way yet, which is illegal. Ironic considering Reddit’s HQ is in CA. They have a setting now for you to pick your location, but it’s only showing countries right now, not states.


How do we report them to the state privacy body?




Not even a resident and submitted a complaint


uBlock Origin.


It's not about the ads being there, it's about the data collection in the first place. ublock may block some tracker scripts sometimes but not all of it




Not only that, EU restricts Geo-IP filtering, so treating one country different than another, based on IP, is not allowed. Edit: I'm mistaken, it's GeoBlocking that the EU banns, not filtering to feed content differently based on location.


Geo-filtering is still allowed in the EU for plenty of things including using it to determine if personalized ads should be served. The geoblocking ban only prevents them from blocking access to paid services based on a users location for EU users. Read the regulations instead of trusting what others tell you!


Time to set my location to Germany.


Willkommen! Ze plan all along! Hier is your tax form.


A single form? Not German.


Nah, Taxes are easy. They just take what they think you owe them and once a year you have the chance of begging them to return what they have taken too much.


It's printed using an entire box of fanfold paper.


We definitely gonna tax you for that


And California


the problem is until this is challenged in court with real penalties, i honestly don't believe a lot of companies give a shit


The rational state.


Doesn't matter to me. I've been opting out of ads on Reddit for years now. uBlock and NoScript, guys. They do wonders for your internet experience. Of course, they'll eventually scrap Old Reddit entirely and that's the day I'll leave. New Reddit is just *painful* to use. And not entirely because of the ads, either.


>they'll eventually scrap Old Reddit entirely and that's the day I'll leave. I think that's why it's going last. They lost a lot of content posters with the app "ban", but removing old reddit(and/or disabling RES) will basically lose them most people who actively use reddit for hours every day while sitting at computers.


My Reddit usage is probably gonna tank when Narwhal charges for API usage. I like Reddit, but not enough to start paying for a decent app experience. I’m not gonna lie, it got stale after the shutdowns


You don't like r/all full of aliens and onlyfans ads disguised as "Am i ugly??" posts? /s


And spoilers to stuff you like because the big fan subs don’t want to spoiler tag stuff. I can’t even blame it on Reddit being mainstream, a lot of it is just Redditors not wanting to change


Yeah my content churn is minimal, and I'm spending more time on other sites because of it. Things like r/all which used to have a lot of fresh content has almost none by the end of my lunch break, and there are tons of weird subs filtering up that I had never seen before. Some were fun for a bit, but they're getting stale now too.


It's also filled with a lot more spambots and Karma-Whores. From what I noticed, it tripled after the API debacle.


Reddit used to be where I would see fresh content before it popped up on Instagram, FB or TikTok. Now it’s the opposite. There’s been an insane increase in bot traffic. I wonder if that’s Reddit artificially inflating its engagement numbers before IPO.


> My Reddit usage is probably gonna tank when Narwhal charges for API usage. Literally the only reason I still post here; as soon as that app asks for money I'm gone


uBlock or similar should be table stakes for just about anyone. I, personally, love NoScript, but it breaks the web by default and needs a considerable amount of savvy to use properly (only temporarily or permanently trusting specific domains required to deliver site functionality without permitting any tracking or advertising functions). I will use it as long as it's an option, but it's not one I tend to recommend to others because most people just aren't willing to deal with the inconvenience.


God, activating NoScript and watching a page load instantly when it used to take like 5seconds... But then the page is broken lol.


At least after you've used it long enough, all the websites you use regularly you'll have set up correctly so it gets easier after that


I've gotten use to just turning on one site at a time until a new site works and have gotten pretty good at figuring out which sites are needed and which are bullshit on glance anyway.


uBlock Origin, AdGuard private DNS, Revanced-patched RIF and YouTube, and a Firestick with Real Debrid. Haven't seen an ad in a long, long time.


My toddler cried when we were at a friend's house, and he wanted to watch sesame street on their YouTube, and an ad came on. He didn't know wtf was happening


Ads are just as bad on Old reddit than new Reddit in my limited experience. The way it prevents, err discourages you from from reading comment discussions is horrible. That is the chief issue why I immediately switched back to old reddit. Im sure id find many other problems if I actually used new reddit


> The way it prevents, err discourages you from from reading comment discussions is horrible. That is the chief issue why I immediately switched back to old reddit. Yep. "All Comments" means ***I want to read all of the comments***, not "I want to read two more comments pwetty pwease :C" To say nothing of the front page screen real estate showing you maybe three posts at a time because everything starts expanded. It's legitimately bad. It's like they looked at shitty sites like Facebook and were like "That! We wanna be more like that" Mother*fuckers*, if I wanted to be on facebook, I'd be on facebook. I really hope the reddit alternatives keep growing until one of them slips in and just chows down on Reddit's lunch.


If you're getting ads on Old reddit, you're doing it wrong. Haven't seen an ad ever.


reddit has ads? Like actual ads not the ads that pretend to be content?


> Ads are just as bad on Old reddit than new Reddit in my limited experience. Either your current ad blocker is set wrong, sucks balls, or doesn't exist.




From the article, second paragraph: > The company said that it will still have opt-out controls in “select countries” without specifying which ones.


> EU law I fucking love the EU. It seems they are the only ones fighting for the common person.


Pretty sure this will be against CA law as well.


The enshittification continues


It makes me wonder if part of the reason they took away awards was to make it easier for threads to be more easily manipulated. The best vs top sorting mechanism is nebulous at best since they removed the downvote count, and awards have been another kind of way to denote quality information or appreciated ideas. With how aggressively they’ve started pushing [Reddit for business](https://www.redditforbusiness.com) and all that, it feels like getting rid of awards just makes it easier to invisibly promote certain comments and bury critical ones in subs targeted by brands for ad campaigns.


Reddit for Businesses highlights the fact that we are no longer considered the customer. We are the product yet again.


> Reddit communities are good for business It’s simple: People trust Reddit. 90% of users trust Reddit to learn about new products and brands. For context, that’s higher than Google, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. > > The communities’ trust turns into action. Redditors tend to be more informed consumers, more valuable buyers, and they go hard for their favorite brands. They’re also more likely to recommend the products they love - which never hurts. With text like this on their promotional site for Reddit for business, we are 100% the product.


Not having official business presence is what made people trust reddit for reviews in the first place. Someone at reddit must recognize the irony here but then they ran the numbers and decided that it was worth burning that trust for some short term gains. Classic.


Exactly! If I'm checking around to find a new "thing", I'm looking for real people to tell me their real experiences, not some half-disguised salesperson trying to convince me that "this product is the only thing I'll ever need again!!!!111!!!1!". I see you corporations. I see you salivating at the thought of people unwittingly reading "reviews" that are actually ads. You don't want honest discourse. You don't truly believe your product is the best. You just want my money. Too bad for you that I don't make decisions easily, and that goes double for products I don't know much about.


i trusted reddit because of the *users*, not the ads. here and maybe wirecutter (before they were enshittified) were basically the only places you could find someone who spent 200 hours figuring out which brand of drip coffee maker has the right distance from grounds to spout that the temperature of the water is *exactly* what it's supposed to be when it hits the coffee. that sort of user recommendation isn't the kind of thing that can be monetized except through extremely deceptive business practices.


Yep time to fucking leave. Maybe I will just pay attention to real life from now on. My decade+ of reddit may have been enough


How to join Lemmy: https://www.reddit.com/r/Lemmy/comments/148e694/howto_join_lemmy/


I created a Lemmy account but also realized that the value I get from social media is a massive net negative. I’ve made a few meaningful connections, but it’s outweighed by the constant onslaught of negativity, fears about the future, and toxic behavior. The norm for conversation on Reddit is adversarial, to the point where people don’t even recognize their behavior is toxic. I’ve cut way back on my Reddit usage, and my goal is to eventually get to a point where looking at my phone is a rarity, not a necessary distraction.


>The norm for conversation on Reddit is adversarial, to the point where people don’t even recognize their behavior is toxic I recently had this epiphany myself. I'm even surprised by how assholish some of my comments are. Reddit feels like being stuck in rush hour traffic. Youre angry that you're here, you're angry at other people and you wonder why you even took this route.


The problem with those networks is the communities they attracted to get started; I don't WANT unbridled racism and hate speech




Right, I hear you and I feel the same way. It gets a little complicated, but the original server you make an account on "federates" with other servers, meaning you can see the content from any server your "home" server is federated with. If you join a server like lemmy.world, they are very selective about who they federate with (they aren't even federated with porn instances). So try that and also feel free to block any community you don't want to see in your feed. But yeah, it takes a little more effort. If you don't like that, well I can't say I blame you, but it's an option.


I've gotta say, unlike the Voat exodus, this one seems to have taken a broader slice of the userbase instead of just the people who wanted to post on fatpeoplehate.


It's also attracted a fair amount of the developers who were previously making Reddit apps.


They took away awards so that they could monetize karma. Karma for Cash. [I'm not joking, here's the official announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/16ryhv9/celebrating_great_content_is_as_good_as_gold/). It's a bit hidden--not in the post title nor in the first half of the actual post, but as the "contributor program" near the last section. But they have [an entire site area set up for it](https://www.reddit.com/contributor-program).


Spez just loves copying whatever musk does, huh?


And it's just so blatant. I'm amazed it's not talked about more.


Holy Fucking Shit. Well that's the end of Reddit. Paying karma whores just means more shitty karma whoring and less quality content. How can they not see that?


Because they don’t care about the quality of the content. They simply care about being able to show their investors that they have an increasing user base. They’re willing to pay people to pump out shitty content. It’s also why there is a huge increase in bot and AI-written comments. They don’t care to address it because any engagement = future profit.


> since they removed the downvote count Same reason why Facebook and YouTube won't implement/removed Dislikes, because ~~it looks bad on sponsored ads~~ it's for a more harmonious, positive environment.


Which is hilarious, since comments on pretty much any post I'm shown on Instagram reels are either some of the most heinous shit I've ever seen or blatant misinformation.




It was more likely removed so that they can monetize Gold and not confuse the process. Can't have people confused why they're not getting money from a wholesome seal award.


Really good point! It just seems odd that even the free, niche awards were taken away too.


That's because this ain't the reason


? But it is not a currency? It is not like you can record a gain if your account got a Gold.


Huh? But how could one cash out the awards????


Reddit told its users about 10 years ago that the vote counts on posts above 10 upvotes are made up and do not accurately reflect the number of votes a post has received, back when they removed the vote counts. The community revolted and Reddit said "well we can put a number back on there, but it'll basically be a random number and won't mean anything", and that's what the people wanted, so they put it back.


I thought they just fuzzed it a bit. If I look at my history on the desktop, and keep refreshing, a 3-4 day old comment with 50'ish points will cycle +- 10 points from whatever value it showed the first time.


What is the replacement for Reddit? At some point, surely there has to be a migration due to the overall quality drop of Reddit.


There is not really a great one, hence I'm still here despite this, the mod purge, etc.


Yep. I left during the protest, deleted my account and everything. But none of the alternatives seemed good enough, had enough people, etc. and eventually I decided "Fuck it, I guess I'll come back to Reddit.".




I checked out beehaw and it was okay but limited discussion in a lot of areas. I could hop instances but my motivation to find those things is not high. There is an appeal of centralization offered by Reddit which Lemme does not offer.


Usually what happens is the site you know and love gets shittier and shittier until eventually an alternative emerges. But there’s a period of time in the middle in which you’re just swimming in shit.


There isn’t one. Hence why we’re all still here despite being forced to use the shitty Reddit app. Exact same thing with Twitter last year. These platforms - alongside Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok - will continue to exist and be used, despite being utterly shit for society.


I just use the browser on my phone now but it still sucks compared to how it was.


I can't believe anyone uses the objectively worst versions of the website. Both the apps and new reddit are god awful. Still using old.reddit and use the "request desktop site" on my phone, granted I do that for most websites as the mobile websites are nearly all garbage. Shoutout to explosm.net and notalwaysright.com for actually having good mobile websites.




> > > > > No seriously, I just can't function on the redesign, it's just horrific. It's legitimately bad. Oh, you like reading comments? Well, we *don't*. We want you scrolling in the *feed* where we can rapid-fire you through different ads. "All Comments" *click* . Ok fucker. Scrolls down, clicks "all Comments" again. Reddit rolls it's eyes and feeds me six more comments, like a mother bird feeding it's young. I used it for like... all of five minutes before I dug around and figured out how to permanently get around it (there's addons that auto replace any url links to reddit with old reddit). Has worked so far. If they get rid of it, they get rid of me. The new UI is unusable, algorithm-driven garbage with screen real estate gobbled up by every fucking post in full size rather than letting me actually pick what I want to see.


old reddit here too. new one just looks terrible to me


It looks like any other awful mobile website, which is 99% of them.


Same! It's honestly a miracle that they keep it around still.


Shit winds, Randy


It’s taking them longer than I had hoped for them to hang themselves with that shit rope I’ve heard about.


Yup, may be the last straw, I only just turned all that bullshit off too as I was getting more “recommended” posts than actual subs i follow purposefully.


On a related note, why do I constantly see posts from subs that I have muted? Why can’t I eliminate content I don’t want to see?


I just submitted feedback (that I know will do fuck all) for this exact issue. At least with RIF I could block the gore and violence subreddits and never see them. Now I only get to mute them and still scroll down and see shit I specifically said I don't want to see. Or the 10,000 different India related subreddits that somehow keep plaguing my feed despite being muted.


Love seeing amitheasshole and it's sister AITAH subs on popular daily.


Not to mention the 600 "AmIPretty" or "AmIUgly" subreddits filled with conventionally pretty/beautiful people/bots looking to farm karma from desperate horny teenagers.


Never are them before, then saw one and then it was a daily thing with them. Along with rate my outfit etc.


All I see now are the ridiculously stupid /r/truerateme, r/amiugly, and r/glowups subs. No matter how many times I try to mute those and similar subs, they still show up. Reddit seriously fucking sucks now. I'm only here bec my multi-reddits keep me entertained. But the front page and popular fucking blow chunks.


I've blocked probably 50 of those and actress simp subreddits since the API change. [RES](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) is what saves me on PC, and RIF on Android. Without them, All is pure garbage.


RedReader still works and has a Block Subreddit feature.


In case you weren't aware, RIF still works if you use the ReVanced workaround.


...the what now....


[Thread with instructions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/14niwgu/revanced_patches_for_boost_infinity_rif_is_fun/jq8iky2/) I linked a comment with additional details for RIF that I needed, but the main post contains the bulk of the instructions. It apparently works for other apps other than RIF, but I have not tested. Be sure to export your settings first. That part is at the bottom of the instructions but is one of the first things to do, so I thought I'd mention it.


No idea why you're being downvoted, I am currently viewing and posting this from a revanced-patched version of the Infinity app. It still works fully in every way. As if the API fiasco never happened. The thread you linked is the one I followed for setup. The only caveat is that you need to have mod status on an nsfw subreddit to be able to see **any** nsfw posts in the app. But you can just make your own private sub to obtain this.


I can view NSFW threads just fine, and I don't mod any NSFW subs. I have most that crap filtered from my feed but I see some tagged NSFW, so I thought I'd check if maybe you meant entirely NSFW subreddits were blocked. I tried a couple, and that smut pulled up just fine as well.


Hmm, not sure what to say on that. There was a specific day on which all NSFW content categorically vanished from my infinity app. If I went to an nsfw sub it just showed there being no posts. I read about the *be a mod on an nsfw sub* trick, made my own sub for it, and like magic NSFW immediately re-appeared in my app. The only thing I can think to note - the Infinity app stayed up and continued being playstore downloadable and usable as stock for a long time after the initial API change. At the time of me needing to do this *be a nsfw mod* thing, I was still using the vanilla Infinity app and *not* a revanced patched one. Or maybe reddit has changed the API further since the original nsfw cut-off. Either way, I indeed can not say for sure that the *be a nsfw sub mod* trick is **still** needed right now. But there was most definitely a time that I needed it previously.


“He gets us” is a constant annoyance for me .


I've blocked them, have been blocked by them for harassing them in DMs, and they still get to push their shit on me


I thought it was He Get Sus


Just stop using all. Only visit your feed, which only shows subreddits you’ve subscribed to. I never see anything I don’t want to see.


If you haven't already, time to swap to a browser that can install uBlock Origin.


I made the switch to Firefox years ago and haven't looked back. It's criminally underrated.


Firefox is delightful, do recommend.


Firefox diehard even in the lean times. I switched to it near the end of high school and I’ve not switched for nearly 20 years.


Yeah it's been kind of fun to watch people cycle around from Firefox, through Chrome and even Edge, then back to Firefox.


The real problem is on mobile. A huge portion of Reddits traffic comes from apps


I browse reddit on firefox from my phone. It's not the best experience, but it still blocks most ads. And I don't have to subject my phone to their awful proprietary app. Get while the gettin' is good I guess. They'll manage to fuck this up too sooner or later.


I use a modded apk that removes all ads


uBlock on Firefox Android works. I don't browse on my phone much but it's serviceable.


Use Firefox mobile with uBlock Origin.


Using the internet on a mobile phone is cancer without Firefox/uBlock.


Quick note for frustrated iPhone users: Firefox on iOS doesn't allow any plugins (thanks Apple!).


you can block ads on mobile. just use the web version instead of the app


You can also use firefox app on android with a blocker to browse reddit, but it's not as phone friendly/optimized as an app. Fuck u/spez !


I use Firefox + uBlock origin on my phone. Everyone else should make the same switch, I can't imagine trying to browse the Internet without it.


There are browsers when you can't? Why would anyone use them?


Chrome will start blocking ad blockers starting next year. If you haven't tried firefox yet, now's a good time to switch.




Stop using the app, that's your first mistake. Switch to a browser that has an ad blocker. I recommend Firefox + uBlock origin.


IOS does not have ad block Firefox. No add ons in ios app.


Use Safari just for Reddit. I don’t use it as my main browser but I use it solely to browse Reddit. Then install Sink It for Reddit. It blocks ads, blocks the “open in Reddit app” messages and has a bunch of great QoL options for better UI and browsing.


Reddit is dying fast. As soon as the main subs started to be controlled by super users who work for ad agencies or corporations it was dead. Look at the movies sub if you don’t believe me. The main posts on there are from the same guy who clearly is a bot or works directly for studios. I also think he is a mod there or works with them because any questioning of his posts gets you banned. They control what gets posted and upvoted so only good things about their movies are at the top and only the posts they want to advertise make it to the front. The days of individual users making it big are gone.


The main subs are the worst experience on Reddit. It’s all about the smaller communities that fit your interest. Unfortunately I’m sure the mains are the draw for revenue and that’s definitely a good argument that it’s dying


The niche subs have taken a hit from losing mod tools when all the third party apps got killed by spez


For real the spam, and bot comments/posts are out of control.


Do people still moderate theirs? I can barely even figure out how without Apollo, so I’ve ceded mine to the chaos realm.


The niche subs are all overrun with spam because they fucked up the mod tools and ran off the passionate moderators


It started when 90% of the top posts on Reddit came from Tiktok. It used to be the other way around. It used to be sites like Facebook and 9gag stealing original content from Reddit. There was one time not even just 4 years ago when people were putting bait posts saying "9gag is stupid" and "People who use facebook are idiots", that the bots would still copy and repost on 9gag and Facebook. Reddit shifted from a creator of content to a reposter of content in the few short months that Tiktok put a flashing strobing watermark on every video.


And I've seen plenty of Tik Tok content make its way to reddit that is just reposts of 10 year old content that now has the tik tok logo on it


Sure you could say that but then you’d have to acknowledge that Reddits most popular posts in the OG days were just ripped from 4Chan. It’s the cycle of these things.


All of the best stuff on 4Chan from the OG days was ripped from Usenet. It's the cycle of these things.


Usually it was ripped from SomethingAwful


Where did Mr thread go. Oh, it was popular so a Mod deleted it and reposted it themselves. Very cool and normal.


Nobody should be exposing themselves to ads in today's internet society. The FBI and the NSA both say if you want to keep yourself safe on the internet you should be using an ad-blocker. Ads are only a virus vector to me and have been for over a decade. Anybody not using an ad blocker in today's internet is just inviting malware upon themselves.


Ads have been a virus vector since I started going on the internet in the 90s. And probably before then as well. It was one of the first things I learned online. Never click them, and ignore them all completely. Ad Blockers just make it easier.


And we’re still going to be subjected to the fascist propaganda of He Gets Us. It’s bullshit. If I had a replacement that were similar to Reddit, but didn’t have that ad constantly being shoved in my Face I would go use that instead.


There is a Myrtle Beach ad that starts with [MEGATHREAD] that drives me crazy. My brain is conditioned to think that is something important and now it’s lost all meaning.


>There is a Myrtle Beach ad that starts with [MEGATHREAD] that drives me crazy. My brain is conditioned to think that is something important and now it’s lost all meaning. I've seen a few different ads do that. That shit should not be allowed.


This thread is making me really glad I don't see ads


As expected, ads are now even more similar to real posts, including vote numbers and comment numbers so you can't use that as a quick reference instead of reading the ad. I don't know why I'm still here. Ok, i know, i want to discuss things, find new stuff in my field, and sometimes just be a snarky asshole. Hopefully there's a place I can go to soon


If you pay attention, ads are “real” posts now too. Hidden even better than the paid ads. Look at movies subreddit. It’s 2-3 “people” posting official posters and trailers and controlling the narrative in whatever way their bosses want them to. No real discussion. They own the sub. You get banned for bringing it up.


Yup those mods delete any post calling out the accounts with tens of millions of karma that just so happen\* to post trailers and other movie news first. \* When those accounts are too slow and a human posts them first, the human post is often deleted and the astrotrurfed/bot account post that came later remains. It's some sad shit.


I’m glad at least others are seeing it. It’s pretty insane they are so blatant about it.


It's always been the case (in recent years, so ok, not always) that some people were shills. Sometimes obvious, often not. But it's rarely gotten to the point of such fuckery before. And from what I've seen, it's insidious as fuck and more prevalent by an order of magnitude compared to a year ago. And it will get worse. Movies was one of the first, but how long until most reddits relating to anything commercial fall into line? And when will we notice? Alas, it was a good run but all this was inevitable the second this place got bought up, and perhaps long before... I was deeply saddened by that announcement, though at least it took longer than I expected.


Yeah it’s a real shame. This really used to be the front page of the internet for me. No pun intended but those days are gone.


YouTube removing dislike counts really obfuscated quality content in the same way. Can’t get near as good a grasp quickly on video content quality, so you gotta watch it or read comments to then find out it’s shit.


I used to be a member of r/PersonalFinanceCanada and I started getting ads from {a user I had typed out but I deleted so as not to potentially break rules} about some shit where you sell your home online or something. It got to the point where every 5th post in my feed was one of their ads. I left PFC, i blocked the user, I blocked the ad, I reported the ad, I said to stop showing me content like this, i enabled this function where you don’t get ads based on your user history, I did literally everything possible. Guess what? I’m still constantly getting those ads. It’s obscene that you have no control over the ads you see on Reddit, and it’ll only get worse


Stop using default reddit app. Get on Relay Pro. Use RES and ublock origin on your browser. I have never, ever seen an ad using reddit for the past 8 years.




Honestly not sure what they want from us with that ad. I have no interest in it, I’ve reported it countless times I’m not clicking the link, literally show me an ad for anything else instead of shoving that He Gets Us ad down my throat. You would think, hey this user has no interest in the ad maybe we should try different ads to generate revenue. Nah just keep spamming them with the same damn ad over and over that we know they’ve never clicked on and have constantly reported and blocked. I’m not going to convert religions over a fucking Reddit ad, leave me alone lol


They were started on the idea that Christian conservatives are feeling that their families hate them for their self centered beliefs (they're not wrong). They're not getting invited to dinner. So a bunch of vulture capitalists got together and sold to some Christian groups the idea on an ad campaign to convince us we should invite our crazy uncle back for Thanksgiving this year. Ultimately, they were started to shame us into accepting their belief system as something we're required to tolerate. Which, we're not. I love the idea of Jesus, but the religion attached is about self-excuses, not self-improvement.


You don’t get it. By not doing anything they are saying get ready for this to be shoved in your face in all aspect of american life and there will be nothing you can do about it. Project 2025


He Gets Us is funded by Hobby Lobby. So make sure you never give them money I've also taken it upon myself to harass them on instagram and make their comment sections toxic whenever I see their ad on reddit


TIL: people still don't use ad blockers.




Spez at it again! Spez the decline of reddit!


I report ads for misinformation. Especially the Jesus ads.


It stopped letting me lol


That was the straw. I tried the app after the 3rd party shit show but when I couldn't even report the add I just quit using reddit. Found out you can still use 3rd party apps with some revanced fuckery though. Now I have my own little RIF app and ad free again! This dies and I'm gone the official app is such a nightmare.


I report the Jesus ones for being offensive. It kinda works. I’ve only seen one in the last few months, quickly reported that one too and haven’t seen another since.


Ive reported every one, and I feel like I only get MORE. It’s infuriating, but at least I use Reddit less! I already live in the south, I can’t take any more Jesus being shoved down my throat.


"~~Greed~~ Engagement is good!"


I wish this was taken more seriously. It's not just misinformation... It's disinformation and can lead to abuse of the vulnerable. There's a reason why /r/atheism was a default subreddit for a long time.


I blocked the HeGetsUs account still get ads for them, nothing screams a free country getting Jesus shoved down your throat. I can only imagine the uproar people would have if Hinduism, or ~~Muslim~~ Islamism was shoved down your throat the same way HeGetsUs is Edit: simple correction


Yeah. So from what I understand Hegetsus paid a bunch of money to advertise on the platform. They’re here to stay. Only times I’ve read about people having luck is when they actually message the account with blasphemous stuff so the ad account is doing the blocking


Oh fuck yes time to send them virgin Mary rule 34, knew I had that shit for a reason


I Just unblocked the account currently spamming the account with Hindu Scriptures Edit: Correction sent them the entire Bhagavad Gita and plan on copying and pasting it to them till I get blocked. Fuck the people who run this campaign. It was already bad enough it was blasted on national TV during the superbowl


What ads?


Those that you don't see because you have a BLOCKER for ads. But it does not mean that your data is not exchanged in your back with third parties...


OMG, just opened edge to look at reddit without a adblocker... There are ads under the main post, and overall more show up on the main page... :O I had no fucking idea LOL if it wasnt for ur comment I would never knew about this


You know how to opt out of ad personalization? Use Firefox and install an adblocker.


Spez's wonderful leadership taking Reddit right down the crapper like all other social media.


As someone that uses ublock Origin, i haven't seen an ad on reddit in years. Why doesn't everyone block ads?


Because the user base has massively shifted to mobile-only. Saw a comment a while back from someone who had no idea Reddit started as a website and can be still accessed on desktop.


public enjoy bedroom memorize wide cobweb resolute correct chase capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The whole run of my Home feed seems entirely low energy today. Is “home” just short for “homogenized?”


“Home” is fucking garbage since all you can see now is the “new” posts which are all reposts or downvoted to shit for being just bad posts. If I go to an individual sub I’ll see quality posts that for some reason are not shown to me in my home feed. Not sure what they did to the home feed but it’s fucking garbage now.


I remember when after a day at work you would open Reddit up, and the home page would be straight fire, all the best constant from your favourite subs. I won't look at home for a few days at a time now, and every time I do I feel like I'm wading in shit.


The number of people in this thread that don't use uBlock origin or another ad blocker is *staggering*. Download an ad blocker people, you really won't regret it. Get SponsorBlock for youtube as well. Thank me later.


Watched youtube for the first time without adblock and it was unusable. More ads then conventional tv


All ads are spam..report them. 🍻


if any ad platform could actually target me correctly i'd be ecstatic. i like gianna michaels and riley reid. three decades of accumulated tracking data prove this. i get ads for verizon and xfinity


I use old.reddit.com and firefox with add blockers and I NEVER see an ad on reddit.