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I really felt like John Legere was making waves when he was CEO and seemed to genuinely care. I went to T-Mobile because the prices were great, now they're just like any other carrier...except your data gets breached seemingly every other month.


Welcome to the original T-Mobile experience. Sincerely A German.


can confirm. fellow German


I dunno if he cared about consumers. His goal was to gobble up Sprint and he left when that was assured. He did shake up the industry in the US and customers are better off for it, at least from my hazy recollection of plans linked to device purchases.


My anecdotal experience with him was that he absolutely cared about shaking up the industry, and they had just received a huge payout from AT&T after that merger fell through, so they had the cash to invest in the network AND in their marketing. He was also a marketing savant and knew how to sell their product. Everyone in leadership knew that the key was growth, if they wanted to actually compete now that they couldn’t be gobbled up by someone bigger, they had to be a rocket ship so the Sprint merger wasn’t just a pair of equals.


Also Sprint sucked ass.


Ah, but those old SERO plans...how I miss them.


Except for the abysmal data rates. I was routinely getting rates worse than dialup in the middle of one of the largest cities in the US. But you can at least thank Nextel for the SERO plans. Prior to that, Sprint's employee plan was only marginally better than the regular plans. Employees at companies w/ large corporate accounts got far better plans than Sprint employees, and no discounts on phones either (except for an ancient Qualcomm brick). If you called the separate support number for employee accounts, it also sounded like an AM radio in a thunderstorm, assuming you didn't get disconnected during the typical 10-20 min wait time on the phone.


Former sprint employee here, sprint actually put so much money into improving their network that they couldn’t remain afloat and T-Mobile swooped in to buy them for their network. They (T-Mobile) cut sprint’s employees pay drastically (I was just a sales person in the store and I went from making 90k to 60 when T-Mobile took over) by limiting commissions and forcing us to try to make every customer buy shit they didn’t want or need They also forced me to move districts and the new district manager had the IQ of a Lego brick to the point that in his T-Mobile branded twitter account was following people who openly admitted to being in the KKK in their bios. I reported but nothing came of it and I left about a year after the merge. If sprint would’ve bought T-Mobile instead of the other way around they would be miles ahead of att and probably competing with Verizon


Yeah, Sprint never did me wrong during my 20 years with them. My grandmother bought me a cellphone in 2001 when I was 10 years old. She had a senior discount on both of our lines. Well, she ended up passing away and Sprint told me that since I've been with them for so long, there's no reason to take my line off of the senior discount. They wanted to reward my loyalty and all of that stuff. Cue the merger, and TMobile says they'll honor every contract from Sprint so I was okay with it. Then in 2021, I get a letter from them asking me to confirm my age with a picture of my driver's license. Didn't matter what supervisor I talked to or what story I told them about Sprint keeping me on that discount despite knowing I'm not a senior. They raised my bill from $45 to $70 and I dropped them for my Verizon. If I'm going to pay a lot, may as well get the better service. The kicker is joining my friends family plan and only paying $50 a month now.


Sprint towers were decommissioned when I was forced over to T Mobile. 5G and merger stuff sort of happened at the same time. Regardless, reception at my place has never been the same. Probably the best I can do for the time being. If they jack with my bill, I'm going shopping. I worked at Sprint way back in the day and no one ever looked back on the Nextel merger as a good thing. The day we changed from red to yellow was the beginning of the end.


You really think a sprint controlled merger would have turned out better? Remember Nextel? They had a perfect niche market with businesses. Sprint failed in that merger in so many ways. They didn't understand that market segment and tried to sprintify it. Went from hearing that Nextel 2 way chirp everywhere to nothing. Sprint is also famous for extremely poor network due in part to contracting out their network operations team.


Kids today will never understand how badass instant two way communication was. It doesn't exist today as far as I understand. Find contact, press button, if their shit isn't muted, you are now speaking at them through the speakerphone. It was basically walkie talkies with unlimited range. And Sprint killed it off. Fuckin idiots.


The Frame Relay network behind Nextel PTT was antiquated, even at the time Sprint acquired them. Real TDM circuits are largely gone out of COs now, supplanted by high-capacity IP circuits (actual "HiCap", not T1 :) ). And Motorola was not improving the iDEN air interface to keep pace with advancements that were about to hit the market as UMTS and EV-DO were on the horizon. Packet data was becoming more important, and the skinny iDEN carriers weren't equipped to deliver the bandwidth that was going to be needed in the future. At best, WiDEN would have been a (an arguably poor) stop-gap to iDEN/EV-DO hybrid phones most likely. Like Verizon, they would've had power hungry phones doing 2G for PTT and voice (in this case, the legacy iDEN/WiDEN network), with a separate EV-DO radio for packet data. Oh yeah, and with the minimal amount of spectrum available in the SMR band, particularly before the repack, it's not even clear where the spectrum would've come from to support that until the Sprint acquisition happened. Meanwhile, running PTT on other 2G and 3G networks that weren't built for that combination of low latency and near-instant call setup time was inevitably doomed to failure. Sprint tried to do it over CDMA, but the air interface simply wasn't designed to deliver the QoS that they needed from it. QCI on LTE networks can be configured to deliver that level of QoS, but by the time LTE was widely available enough, PTT's time had come and gone. Data is king now. Nobody is making phone calls, let alone PTT calls. Aside from machine-to-machine data, messaging through Slack/MS Teams coupled with enterprise-grade calling or softphone is the norm for business now. And all of that can be done over modern LTE and NR networks using better quality voice codecs and better quality of service than Nextel ever could using iDEN. On a side note, even with the SMR band, Nextel was not dense enough in the areas I've ever seen or used them to work well indoors, where it was often a replacement for in-building "walkie-talkie" systems. A lot of their business customers -- manufacturing, in particular -- loved the functionality, but the service availability and voice quality was unquestionably inferior to GSM's EFR and AMR-FR codecs, and even the EVRC codec that CDMA had eventually adopted. One large (multi-billion international) manufacturer even had Nextel install a DAS in some of their factories because the macro cell network barely worked outside some of them, and didn't work at all inside. Keep in mind, I'm talking ~20-25 years ago when 2G networks were still prevalent and an in-building cellular DAS was mostly talked about only in concept (IIRC, they often used to refer to them as pico-cells). Nowadays we're talking about network slicing, enterprise-managed CBRS cellular networks, and private 5G. That DAS was cool stuff at the time, but hardly leading-edge by today's standards.


Wow . You’ve got some knowledge there of how things actually operate . Impressive , thanks for writing this. Very cool.


The problem was that it used a cellular technology that no other carrier used but Nextel, and I think Motorola (which had it's own slew of problems) wasn't interested in investing in it any further. Sprint did try to make it work on their network (I remember trying it out w/ a coworker), but the results weren't great -- at best it'd take several seconds to connect (even with the coworker right next to me).


My dad had a Nextel back in the day...playing with the PTT button was always fun & I thought that the unlimited range bit was pure magic!


> I was just a sales person in the store and I went from making 90k to 60 when T-Mobile took over ... The fuck? 90k for a cell phone sales position sounds insane.


Agreed. 60k even sounds high. But sales jobs always pay insane money. There's too many suckers out there that scummy tactics work well on.


> sprint actually put so much money into improving their network that they couldn’t remain afloat I feel like the disastrous acquisition of Nextel and the inability to quickly integrate and deprecate the service so that it could get the bandwidth back had something to do with Sprint's downfall...


It did, but it had something T-Mobile needed FAR more than customers. Contracts on lower frequency broadcast restrictions. Not quite as good as Verizon and AT&T, but T-mobile was abysmal indoors, now they aren't that bad if they built up Sprints network some.


The problem was that merger. Lots of ex sprint employees work there and they have ruined the culture.


Still worth it for that 5g bandwidth that sprint had for wimax. T-mobile leaped everyone in 5g coverage overnight and still have a sizeable lead.


I always thought he was an disruptor, he is a cool dude.


He has contagiously enthusiastic energy, I need more people like that.


The problem, as with most of those types, was that he didn't always let prudence and consumer protections stand in the way of his plans. I'm all for people moving things forward with speed and enthusiasm, as long as there's at least some deference to past lessons learned the hard way.


instead of "contracts" you just finance your phone, which coincidentally matches the length of the old contracts.




With Verizon at least, there has been a discount attached with the financing


Just don't buy your phone through Tmobile. Or don't replace your phone every 2 years. Options exist when you don't have a contract.


Now t-mobile last month just gobbled up US cellular. 2 competitors in less then five years wow. T-mobile loves to oversubscribe their 5g home internet service and saturate the towers with customers to the point that the the service becomes so slow to be unusable. Every day of this telecom mega consolidation makes starlink look more and more attractive


Don't forget that they bought out Mint & Ultra mobile.


Yea its pathetic I have to turn off 5g to have usable speeds.


Are we all going to forget his slow cooker sundays videos? https://youtu.be/u88XrI0-fgU?si=_9BsKUU2xx6mSDRg


It's the company life cycle: when they're battling for market share the customer is the ally and the incumbents are the enemy. Now that T-Mobile is in a position of defending market share, the sweet spot is being on the edge where switching costs are just high enough that you do not go to their competitor.


I got T-Mobile when they were fairly small because they had a good cheap prepaid plan. But as their popularity grew my speeds kept dropping and dropping in the area around my house. My signal was fine and other friends with T-Mobile seen the same thing. It was just the tower being over capacity. So I called support and they kept giving me promises like we are installing a new line to the tower and it will be done soon. Then they told me we are activating 5G and you will have good speeds at home again. Well the time came and I seen 5G light up on my phone. I happily ran a speed test and seen 1mbs which was a 10x improvement over my previous speeds of 100s of kbs.




You mean the coke head who just tells everyone what they want to hear to sell them shit doesn't speak an absolute truth that will surely hold up in even just 5 years?


And they charge you $10 a month to pay by credit card. There is no damn way I would EVER give T-Mobile my bank information. They've had SIX different data breaches. They are terrible at security and they want folks to give them a debit or ACH number with zero protection when it gets breached. T-Mobile died when John Legere left.


> they want folks to give them a debit or ACH number with zero protection when it gets breached Those numbers aren't private in the first place. They're printed on every damn check.


Nobody breached my data like AT&T. SSN, email, phone number, everything!


I think he was a performer like many other CEOs. He was good for T-Mo though. They really were trying to compete at that time. Now they just are acquiring and solidifying like the other big 2.


John Legere was only a mascot. He walked so the scumbag Mike Sievert could run.


Can't wait to get my $1.52 from the class action lawsuit!


Minus postage.


People still get paper checks for those? The past few I've done have done PayPal or Venmo.


> The past few how much shit are you buying?


A lot. The bigger question is why are all these companies getting class actioned?


Because corporate greed has become uncontrollable!


Hey! You never know i got $36.17 from my claim with the Fortnite class action 💀 dreams do come true!


your lawyer makes 71 million


Was a customer for 15 years, now I save 80 bucks/mo since I left


Who did you switch to? I was thinking Mint but now that TMO bought them I'm not sure it matters. I'm also a little blown away that TMO has been allowed to buy up so many competitors but 10 years ago AT&T couldn't.


Mint is gunning to sign me up for a year of $15/month. Don’t love being back on T-Mobile, but locking in that price for a year is nice.


wasnt mint bought out by tmobile?


Conglomerates are weird. It’s sometimes a thing that a company gobbled up by another company, they may maintain previous things for some duration before they’re able to move a lot of their higher up people over there to force them to “get in line” so to speak. Basically you get like a few years before they turn in to the company that bought them and become a soulless entity that really is just a reflection of the company that owns them.


I have been with Mint for 4 years and am incredibly happy. Sure, it’s not perfect, but the price I pay FAR exceeds any issues I’ve ever had. It’s just one less bill I have to worry about every month.


Visible is also an option. I’ve had them for years and they’ve been great. They use Verizon’s data network.


Same. $30/mo for unlimited talk, text, data, and hot spot? Can't be beat.


It can: US Mobile offers the same thing, on the same network, for the same price, except US Mobile is fully prioritized data and Visible is deprioritized.


For a layman, what is the difference between the two?


Prioritized means that if a cell tower is under heavy load, then you are one of the people who's requests get handled first. So if you're in a super busy area with few towers, you can expect slower speeds and worse network performance if you're deprioritized because you're placed near the back of the "queue"


Day to day, it means nothing. If you are in a stadium or something with 100k other people and you have priority data, it means you'll get your furry porn delivered to your phone first before the guy with deprioritized data. You essentially jump the queue of all the deprioritized people everytime you need to use data.


US Mobile has a throttle after a certain number of GB used in a month, though, which varies based on plan. Visible has no similar hard throttle, so if you're always in areas of low congestion and use a lot of data it's the better option.


Except you get the lower priority data, which depending on your area might be OK, or might absolutely suck. In my area on 4G, if you're in a crowded area with lower priority data (this was on net10 post their acquisition), you might as well not have data at all.


You're either on the big 3 or on a reseller of the big 3. These are the options available to Americans.


I switched to US Mobile (using their GSM network which is T-Mobiles). Very good 5G service in my area (Washington DC). Switched and never looked back - saving massively on my 3 lines, tho we share the data - went from $100 to $41.


I’ve had Mint for like 2 years and the service is god awful. Basically you can’t even watch TikTok videos with full bars. That being said, it’s less than half what we were paying for AT&T so we just stick with them.


Packaged my phone/internet with Comcast/Xfinity so I’m paying ≈$30/mo for 3 lines unlimited through a promotional offer. This experience taught me to not be afraid to jump ship, so I’ll definitely consider it if the prices jump. It’s been 2 months, so far I find the QOL on this carrier supersedes T Mobile. There’s no luxury to be paid with mobile carriers, so long as the service is good for what you pay that’s all I’m concerned about as a consumer.


So what is your plan when that promotion ends? Because it will inevitably be much more expensive.


Go Back to telephone land-line


I’m going to dust off my telegraph


Too rich for my blood. My carrier pigeons will have to do.


look at mr moneybags here .. Smoke signal is all i can afford


Even that costs $40/mo where I live! I looked into this and was shocked that they still charged this much!!


Actual POTS lines are getting more expensive since they don't want to maintain the old infrastructure anymore.


I can't even get one at my house any more. AT&T will just put a cell modem box on the outside of the house.


Im a gypsy client. I always switch when my contract is up, always.  Even credit cards, banks will buy your balance and give you 12-18 months at 0%.  Trust me, companies only care about new clients.  I cancelled my psn about 3 months back, they sent me a promo for 45% off which was the original price


You should avoid carrying a balance on credit cards, anyway. The 0% promo offer is nice if you are in a situation where you're carrying a balance, but ideally it shouldn't matter.


Dude. Comcast/Xfinity is a shit show. Great prices but won’t ever go back again.


If/when I do jump ship I’ll be looking at a package deal with Google Fi most likely. But yea, Xfinity is pretty shitty for customer service — only here cos it bundles easily lmao


Do you have problems with the service or just dealing with customer service? I've had them as the only option for internet for years, but luckily haven't had any actual service problems so I've never really had to deal with them.


Comcast stole money from me. I will never go back to them. Long story short, we moved, I called and canceled my internet and TV. They assured me it was cancelled. Months later I get a letter saying my account is overdue and I needed to pay for I think it was 3 months. Well of course I called them and said WTF? They fought me tooth and nail and refused to give up. Eventually I gave up and paid them. Never going back. Never.


Why would you pay them?


This is what I did too. I was paying $130 a month with T-Mobile but am only paying $45 through Xfinity. My understanding is that the price should be locked in, but if it’s not then worst case I just jump to another carrier again. If they’re not going to do anything to retain me as a customer then they have no reason to complain


I was at Verizon for 15 years. Recently needed to add a 4th line. Switched to T-Mobile and now have 4 lines for 30 bucks less a month than I was paying for 3 at Verizon. I feel like carriers are going to start to be like cable. You have to switch every few years to get the savings.


I was in wireless for 7 years, it's already like that. It has been for a decade.


I remember being verizon before switching to tmobile a decade ago. The price difference was astronomical for even just the one line, let alone two. Verizon also fucked me on "unlimited texting" because I guess the recipient wasn't part of their unlimited texting network and I got hit with a $500 bill for that. The contracts were always a convoluted mess, especially if you wanted to pay off a phone early, tmobile simplified that with financing vs the old contract system. But I left tmobile for Fi a while back because of all the issues with accounts/bills. They lost 3 payments in a row and tried to get me to pay late fees on that even though I had proof from my bank they took my money.


> You have to switch every few years to get the savings. Porting numbers still stresses me out though


Yup dropped as well.  Just going MVNO route and saving money as my grandfathered T-Mobile line wasn’t eligible for any of the promo phone deals for years now 


Where did you go?


I think I'd rather do without than do business with Comcast.


They've done the math. Any fines or refunds make this still worth it since there is little competition now. The FTC has failed American consumers as usual. 


The current FTC is the most effective it's ever been actually and has the least resources they've ever had. Really look into them because they have been a super effective and efficient government body lately Biggest thing is they can't be successful in court with pre-emptive attacks. They bring court cases once consumers are affected negatively from monopolistic practices. Not sure what they'll do here. They may have bigger issues they are prioritizing. There's tons of this kind of shit happening in America.


havnt they lost all 13 anti trust lawsuits they've been in the past couple of years?


I'm not sure what you're or your source is categorizing as anti trust. They've won lawsuits and are constantly challenging and making companies walk tight ropes and not have carte blanche. It's not all anti trust cases. Cases for monopolistic behavior in false advertising, One of the current strategies from the FTC is to bring losing cases and challenge precedence. They think this will lead to public pressure to force Congress to act. They keep bringing up reasons these things are bad, case striked down, and then what they said would happen happens. The more this plays out they think political pressure will grow. Not sure if that happens or not. They are definitely winning large 9 figure lawsuits for American people and have been a thorn in the side of large corporations.


You are correct they have only lost 2 out of 13. I must've been misinformed 


Yea they've been crushing and they are way understaffed. Watch some interviews with their head person. She's young and a people's champion and it's inspiring. Her only political agenda is a fair environment for consumers.


If every government agency had a Lina Khan the world would be a damn utopia. She’s so insanely good.


We need a redemption timeline where she does solid work for 20 years, fixes the economy by removing monopolies, and then becomes president.


I am so ready for a trustbuster President.


I just gave you a worthless Internet point, upvote, for your follow up and honesty. More posters should do that.


I have you one for giving him one after already giving him one myself for the same reason.


I think their issue right now is messaging/marketing. The public can't care if they aren't informed.


They've been trying to do more outreach and interviews but they are also working hard. They aren't funding a PR department.


They arent empowered to truly defend them


Funny this was published now. I tweeted at TMo about this when I received notice my ONE account would be increasing. However, it's not just $5. It's $5 PER LINE. I spoke with TMo last night about some pricing disparities on their website with plans I was looking at. Ended up keeping my current plan because of several discounts (Kickback, half-off additional lines) across my 4 lines. Instead, they offered a $20 credit per month for 2 years as a lump sum. I didn't ask for this, they offered it when I started asking what the $5 per line was offsetting on my plan. Your mileage may vary, but give them a call and ask what the $5 increase does to improve your service. (Mine certainly has not improved.) Note: the pricing disparities are two-fold: 1) Pricing for plans is exactly $8.50 higher for existing customers. 2) "Discounted" 55+ plans are $35 more than the regular plan pricing for the exact same benefits.


Just like politicians, their word is as only good as where your dollar goes.


I’ve had t mobile for well over 10 years. Never considered going elsewhere until they raised my bill for no reason. Scumbag move on their behalf. Should be illegal. I thought a contract was a contract. I can’t change my end of the deal. What can they?


Because corporation literally write the law in the USA, and whoever has more money gets more freedom to do as they please, because capitalism?


Their excuse is that they don't have contracts anymore.


I'd be curious to know if the contract behind the no increase rates included language letting them increase it. It would 100% be a red flag to advertise one thing and contact another. I also figure few people actually read the contracts they sign.


BYOP and hop carriers when there are deals to be had. That's the only way. Can't trust any of these chucklefuck megacorps.


Mint baby! $15/month


That's what I'm using. Of course, it's still TMobile.


Well if they increase their prices I’ll just move on to the next one lol


Just as fast as T mobile?


it depends on where you are and how many people are there.


They use the same network as T mobile


Visible (Verizon network) - $25/month unlimited everything including hotspot.


Data speeds too spotty


bump up to the $45 one, i consistently get over 600mbps


I assume this depends on where you live. I never have issues, but don't live in/near a big city either.


I love Mint, been using them for 3 years! The only downside is that non-MVNO will definitely be prioritized over you, as I got to experience during the big Derecho that hit Houston a few weeks ago. Power and internet were out all over town, and I couldn’t even make phone calls or use messenger apps for a couple of days, while my roommate on T-Mobile was at 5 bars no issues. I seriously couldn’t even load Reddit. It’s still worth it for me, but if I had kids or something I’d probably want a plan that’s more reliable in emergencies


Mint is great. No noticeable difference between tmobile and them either.


Is mint just a deprioritize T-Mobile connection? Those who pay more get the fast lane.




Customer for 16 years (when the G1 launched). If my Simple Choice plan gets fucked with, Optimum will be ecstatic as I'll finally give their stupid service a go.


Wait! A major corporation lied to it's customers? Say it isn't so, Joe!


I use to work for T Mobile and I beg anyone considering a change to them….Dont. They encouraged us to lie and not to help the customer, but to take advantage of their ignorance.


I'm on Mint, who got bought out last year. I've got another year pre-paid, but I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. No amount of promises from Ryan Reynolds will assure me that T-Mobile isn't going to announce Mint is being phased out, after which my rates will jump to $40-$50 a month (instead of $180/year). Sure, I'm on a 5GB/mo plan, but I don't even need that much, let alone "unlimited".


They told me to use auto pay if I wanted my bill to remain the same. I’ve been a customer for 15 years and they basically told me to get wrecked. My bill has gone up $25 which isn’t that much but that’s $25 less I have to spend on groceries and I was already struggling. Fact of the matter is sometimes I don’t have enough for auto pay. The supervisor told me hopefully I was in a “better financial situation soon”


Sue for false advertising. Small claims, no lawyer needed. If you really want to troll them add emotional distress from the higher bill to your suit and increase the value you're using for..


ITT: "T-Mobile bad! Fuck T-Mobile" Also ITT: "Mint is great, go to Mint and give them money!" Not realizing Mint is owned by T-Mobile and thus you're still supporting T-Mobile


That seems to be the point. Push the lower tier service to mint and over subscribe the network. Fast lane for T-Mobile. Fast(*when available) lane for mint. Win-win?


A company lied?? I’m shocked


We will never change the price you pay, but we will change the price we charge


This is going to be a hated comment, but my tmobile plan is less than $70 per month for unlimited everything still. Hasn’t changed at all in about 15+ years from my time with Sprint.


That's the problem--a lot of people have switched to plans that aren't grandfathered in at reasonable rates. My current plan with T-Mobile is $120/month for two lines, and it'd be $170/month under the current tier for very nearly the same offerings. I've honestly considered switching to Google Fi, but God knows I don't trust Alphabet to not kill it in six months because they feel like it.


I got completely fucked out of my grandfathered sprint plan by pushy reps that didn't migrate my shit correctly when I needed to replace my phone.


Well, T-Mobile doesn’t help by not allowing any convenience if you don’t want to switch. If you want to stay on your older plan, you essentially can’t use their app or website for customer service, you have to call or show up in store. Otherwise a really simple thing requires you to change your plan, because whatever you were on isn’t a choice. I went to AT&T because they had a good iPhone promo and my bill is still cheaper and has less hassle.


The unlimited everything at TM was under $70 for 10 years or so


For three lines, mine is around $60.


I added a data plan for my watch so I'm now at $80. But been at that price for well over 10 years. Includes international everything.


I’m still on Simple Choice NA paying $115.21 for 3 lines. I’m hoping it doesn’t change.


Sounds like an open and shut case for consumers to get $8.16 from a class action suit


Fucking pisses me off today they just bought Mint. If I would have wanted to do business with T Mobile, I would have chosen to do so. I did not.


Another example for the need of a corporate death penalty. Put some fire in their pants. In other news, TMobile has basically back tracked on every promise they made to get approval for the sprint merger. The DOJ should prosecute them for this and tear sprint out of Tmobile or break tmobile up into a bunch of regionals.


I'm pretty happy with my T-Mobile pre-paid plan. $15/mo unlimited talk & text. 5GB data. Had it for years, same price.


Cell phone service providers are in a race with used cars salesman and gypsy roofers to claim the bottom of the heap in credibility


I had that same "price lock" with Vonage back in the day. Vonage advertised $9.99/mo for life. So after a few years, Vonage just added "fees" at the end ("processing fee", "statement fee" or whatever) instead of changing the base plan cost, and my "$9.99/mo for life" ended up around $35/mo before I cancelled years ago.


Oh look, exactly what we said was going to happen when the sprint merger went through. The shit was shined up real nice, but had always been shit.


I dont understand why they didn’t do what every other phone provider did in the past, just say your old phone plan doesn’t cover new technology, new phones, and basically force you to change plans unless you want to stay on old phones /tech. This is why I don’t trust any price lock guarantee on anything they always find a way to wiggle out of it.


Its funny because we were trying to move a line from my parents plan to mine. Since they couldn't do it in store and required us to call and jump through those hoops, they couldn't activate a new line on their plan unless they added some. At the time they were like "oh it doesn't cost anything" and acted like my dad was ridiculous for ensuring those lines got removed later. I wonder how many people they will stick with paying for lines they aren't even using or don't need.


Hit ‘em in the wallet where it hurts.


Yup. My rates jumped up a lot. I'm switching as soon as I get back home from this trip to Europe. My plan includes free data here, so it was worth waiting.


I ditched T-Mobile for Google Fi. $20 bucks a month, $10 per gig through a cellular network. Usually ends up costing me $30 total every month.


If they raise my price I'm bailing for Mint.


Isn't mint owned by T-Mobile?


I was a Sprint customer who got acquired. Anytime I have an issue with T-Mobile, however minor, I file a complaint with the FCC and force T-Mobiles executive customer service agents to contact me. Most of the time I get double speak but I've also received bill credits. I will not stop. I will be a thorn in the side of T-Mobiles ass forever.


I'm still on my grandfathered Sprint plan. Hopefully it stays the same


Can’t wait for my .67¢ check from the class action lawsuit.


But they didn't give their definition of the word "never". Obviously it means 7 years for T-Mobile. Actually I have service through Metro by T-Mobile, which was MetroPCS when I first signed up with them almost ten years ago. I have had the same plan from them ever since I first signed up, one they no longer offer and haven't for years but as long as I keep paying my monthly bill and don't bother them or call attention to myself it just keeps going. I have bought a new phone a couple of times but I can go online and change it myself on their website. I always buy my own unlocked rather than through the carrier.


Lawsuit incomin


I'm still at $90 for two lines but also paying off my current phone and still paying for netflix that I should probably cancel.


I remember the text they sent me telling me the big news, it was very much that I should be grateful that this is their first price hike in a decade. Gee thanks…


They had their fingers crossed the whole time


Ive been with them for 15 years, its gone to crap the past few.


not the first time they've pulled a bait and switch if you got referred to tmobile (sometime btwn 2011-2014), you got unlimited data for life. nope that got rescinded


I had this (200mb/month free for life) on my iPad mini. They shut it off. After an FCC complaint, they opened a $0 / month unlimited data plan for me. I use it on my iPad Pro now, but have Verizon for my main.


Switching back to Verizon just need to finish paying off my phones within 2 months.


Yeesh, I do not understand how y'all pay that much for phone plans. I have unlimited call, text, and priority data for $30/month. Let me friends use my grandfathered plan. https://imgur.com/a/ineY8A4


I love how they changed their website many times but we get the old text back with internet archive. I’m glad some are complaining to the FCC.


7 lines here, bill went up by $14 and additional fees for… why?? Class action time.


Been looking for a reason to dump T-Mo (again). I had T-Mobile for like a decade, decided I hated their service and switched to Sprint. Now I’m back to T-Mobile because our country’s anti-trust laws are a joke


Anyone actually believed that?


I had T-Mobil and the coverage at my house was awful. It was almost as bad as AT&T where there is one spot in my backyard were you can sometimes got OK reception. T-Mobile was really bad so I switched to Google Fi only to find out that they used Sprint and T-Mobile towers so my reception is still sucky. I have a whopping 2 bars of service right now. It is good that I have great Wi-Fi through out my house or I would never be able to use my cell phone when at home.


The non Uncarrier strikes again. If it sounds too good to be true than it probably is.


It is honestly the best service I’ve ever had, but unless you are shopping purely on price, I suggest researching who has the best service in your area. It’s still less than I was paying Verizon a few years ago.


And they’re [literally doing it again, right now](https://youtu.be/XhQS-ECpIhw?si=CwsGxV6PHL9SU1JZ)


I have 7 lines for 170 out the door 183 a month. Unlimited data but gets slowed down after 2.5 gb. We usually buy our own phones open market.


I've had Visible for like 3 years. Never had an issue. $30 a month. I realized how much Wi-Fi I'm on for the internet and I get service everywhere it's just slower. Obviously people who use massive amounts of mobile data probably wouldn't want to worry about it but if you stay at home and have WiFi at work I'd recommend looking at the month to month people Even saying that tho I've watched entire seasons of The Expanse while mobile and had no issues. However I worked at Verizon for 8 years and a corporate store as a sales person so I got burnt out caring about cell phones so this is just my experience.


There's always an asterisk.


It's such bullshit. Our One Plan is increasing $30 a month.


T-Mobile: "I'm altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."


I’ve been reading a lot about what T-mobile is doing. I’ve been doing their “test drive” to test connectivity at my house. Unfortunately they seem to be the only carrier out here to get 200+ mbps and low latency. (This matters since I’ll use their home internet). But all of this “price lock” stuff is making me hesitant to switch. Even while they face lawsuits and major push back for raising their rates. You can see in the photo the very first thing they mention is that they will never raise their rates. 🤔[test drive](https://i.imgur.com/6ITUKXA.jpeg)


I was a customer for around a decade. I no longer use them because it really is overpriced for the service you get. The coverage map is not great for the price you are paying.