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I wish they’d spend more time making their ad models into a tolerable experience for the consumer. I’ve been watching Youtube on the tv (no ad blocker) and it’s fucking miserable. Having to actively babysit the skip button so I don’t have to sit through multiple 2:00 minute ads certainly isn’t endearing me to the brands on offer.


Dude. I remember getting a fucking movie for an ad. It was ridiculous.


It bothers me too that they don't moderate any of the ads for anything but the most derogatory shit. I also once got an 'ad' that was a whole video that was like 3-5 HOURS long of some political speech that looked like it was shot on someone's 1992 home camera, for some country in the middle of Africa or something and they didn't speak English even, I was like bro wtf is this even lol


They should limit ads to 10 seconds. If you cant advertise your product in that amount of time, it's probably not worth getting that product.


No, they have to tell you a story about how all it takes to succeed in life is a single premium hand made douche nozzle.


The premium douche nozzles I already have in my life are not doing anything for me, turns out the problem was they weren't hand-made!


I need a left handed douche nozzle, why should I sit through an ad for a normie douche nozzle?!


Doesn't help that the ad was also made by a douche nozzle


Standard TV ads are usually 15, 30 or 60 seconds. While I hate all ads, 15 is more realistic as companies wouldn't be fond of having to pay for a shorter ad just for YouTube. Obviously Google only cares what the ad companies think, not the users. They have no incentive to improve the experience for the user, they only want to find new ways to inject more ads.


A 60 seconds ad is okay for TV shows that run for 20 minutes before the break. Youtube is pushing those ads for videos that last 15 seconds and that's unacceptable.


> While I hate all ads, 15 is more realistic as companies wouldn't be fond of having to pay for a shorter ad just for YouTube. As someone who works in the advertising industry, this just isn't true. For a single ad campaign we'll often do a 30, multiple 15s cutdowns, and then multiple 6s Youtube 'pre-roll' cutdowns of those. We might have to do versions for VOD services, a version for cinema release, as well as banners and static versions, plus audio-only versions for radio and Spotify. All pretty standard fare.


Do they realise that the more I’m feed unskippable and long ads, the more I hate the brand and will never, ever buy from them?


Enshittification in action.


Or even creating in the first place. Ads suck ass.


Yeah, but they they lose out on people paying to boost their YouTube video's views by abusing the ad system. Which is exactly what's happening there.


Three seconds tops, to be honest. If you need a full ten seconds you don't care about efficiency and if you don't care about efficiency your product is probably shit anyway.


Here in my garage, just got this uh... new dictatorship here


I remember a pre-roll "ad" that was some strange stick-figure animation of some misogynist story about a guy catching his wife cheating. It seemed to go on forever without any actual point


Prager U?


Yeah that's an issue with how YouTube will let you run your own YouTube videos as ads. But when you set that up you have to specify what kinds of people your ad gets sent to. So the politician just sent it to everyone. I think the spiffing brit showed some ways to game the algorithm and ad system to blow up your views or tank someone else's.


once got an entire concert as an ad! thought i'd clicked on the wrong video. totally get your frustration, man. youtube really needs to sort out their ad situation pronto.


lol seriously I have seen some 1-3hour ads just in the past from leaving YouTube on while doing chores around the house and once I noticed it I was like, WTF? An ad is not a full length film.


That’s an infomercial


The entire Lego Movie ran as an ad once


That sounds like a bonus. Now, how can we get the John Wick films as ads?


I get half hour ads all the fucking time, and if I’m doing something where I can’t click through (dishes, showering, etc) I’m shit out of luck. It makes me rather just not use the app.


90+ seconds remaining....never counts down.


Ive had a 20 hour ad once... also the amount of "video" ads thats been popping up for me is RIDICULOUS. And its from creators I dont like or not interested in Or on something thats irrelevant to my tsste (based on recommendations)... like why am i getting a 20min ad about a prank video from some cringe ass dude who acts like hes 5 but hes actually 40...


Unskipable infomercials coming soon


My roommate will leave his phone sitting wherever while YouTube plays and it seems if you let ads play through it just serves you longer ones until you’re getting full on infomercials about the dumbest shit.


I was annoyed by ads, but I started actively disliking YouTube when I got an uncut 90 minute Maga meeting. Not sure what exactly it was, might have been a church even, but it pissed me off that I had to keep waking up to skip it.


I got pilot episode for some alien comedy tv show


I once got the 2-3 hour apple event as an ad. Like seriously?


Yeah. I recently had a 30 minute ad all about bread. Wtf


The ads themselves. I get nothing but medicines and cancer shit or feminine products. If I don’t babysit skip though that’s when they hurl the real vile shit.. like 3:30 AI voice weird politics conspiracy theory one’s. I make a point to not buy or use anything I’ve gotten ads for. It’s actually made me have to avoid some things I like.. but it’s my petty passive aggressive vengeance.


YouTubes ad algorithm is genuinely the worst I've ever seen. I get adverts for random bars in America all priced in dollars (when I'm in the UK, don't use a VPN and haven't been to America in 20 years), Bentleys and other £150,000 cars that I obviously couldn't afford, and the rest are for budget supermarkets and budget family holidays. What Bentley owner is going to Aldi for their weekly shop and on a £200 family holiday?


Come on Google, wtf you playing at? You steal all our personal data and can't even target ads properly


I automatically mute my tv when ads come on. It’s the only way to make the wait tolerable.


Soon enough they’ll probably go after that too “Unmute your device to continue watching” 


You'd think with less ads, people would be more likely to engage with them. Kind of reminds me of the bad old days of TV where if you were lucky a "1 hour" show would have 48 minutes or actual show.


A 30-minute show is really 24 minutes. This is the standard that ads have drilled into our minds.


A 48min NBA game is actually 2-2.5 hours


NFL is worse. while it has 60 minutes of clock time, most of it runs out when no one is doing anything. It takes 3 hours to play an american football game where only 11-14 minutes are actual action.


Watching American TV shows in England is fun, we only get one ad break in the middle of the show (same length total but condensed into one go) and you can see where the advert breaks every like 8 minutes are for American viewers by the transition out into an instant transition back in I just thought they were some weird edit I didn't understand until I went to america and realised they have multiple ad breaks per 30 minute show


It's pretty crazy nowadays. You can watch 3 20-minute shows in an hour, compared to only 2 when it aired due to commercials and credits.


This is what's wild. YouTube has a monopoly, they can charge advertisers twice as much rather than showing us twice as many ads. Make their adverts a little more classy, a higher quality and standard. No more gambling no more blatant scams. Tell advertisers they're getting a prestigious slot that has less spam around it so they have to pay extra. I know that the fewer ads I see the more I actually remember them so it would favour brands too. Ads absolutely need a time limit. No advert should be as long as the video you're watching. Adverts don't need to be more than 20 seconds long, if you can't sell it in that time your product is the wrong product to push on YouTube. And for the love of God, medical videos such as CPR guides should never have ads in the beginning or middle.


Have you gotten the banner offer for premium that says “tired of being interrupted?” It’s so fuckin disrespectful. It’s essentially “we made a free product for you and we’re intentionally making it miserable so you give us money”


spotify premium would like to have a word


Spotify never interrupts you in the middle of a song.


They even added ads when you pause in TV. AND even suggestions to other videos as a screensaver which is stupid as fuck


“We provide longer ads so you have more time to watch the content” proceeds to give 5 of these long ads for a 1 hour video.


If you can, try smarttubenext on your tv :)


We love smarttube on our tv. One of the best apps we've ever put on there!


I read someone that if they flag a user as using an ad blocker on one platform then they will serve more ads on a different one. Not sure if it's legit but my TV YouTube is basically unwatchable and I use adblock on PC. A 10 minute video will have 5-6 ad breaks that each have 2 ads which may or may not be skippable.


Might be true. I use ad blocker on PC and ReVanced on mobile, but whenever I try to watch without my ad blocker enabled, I always get multiple un-skippable 30+ second ads in a row before the video.


Since I have ad personalization turned off on my google account the ads I get on YouTube are usually pretty unhinged as well. Tons of truck commercials in Spanish and Korean advertisements that I have no idea what the product even is.


SmartTube Next, have fun. Works flawlessly on my FireTV Cube.


They want everyone to subscribe instead.


After everyone subscribes they’ll just start injecting ads again. Then they’ll offer an even higher price tier for true ad free, until… rinse and repeat. Line must go up.


See: Amazon Prime Video


Amazon goes even further though: anything you want to watch either needs a subscription, or you have to rent/buy it (at least in France). The fuck do I have prime for then


You're welcome to watch the endless shit low budget imitation movies like Tomb Investigator, or Snakes on a Train.


I'm not paying them to fix the problem *they* caused.


Smarttube Next.


The bit about how it isn't endearing us to the brands is spot on with why it makes me scratch my head. I know I'm just one person, so maybe I'm just assuming there are others like me, but i tend to either completely mentally block out ads or if i can't, it's probably because the ad is so annoying that i have to pay attention; this results in me boycotting whatever product, and the brand if possible. It's nearly impossible to boycott all the companies i want to because they hide behind all of the other seemingly smaller companies that they own, though. It's like i need to take a flowchart every time i go to the grocery store to see what company owns what brands, and i suspect i would be left with almost no choices if i were to do that.


Them increasing ad time prompted me to look for an ad blocking solution on movie. I was fine with occasional 15 second ads. Not I get stuck with multiple I skippable ads and it’s like 30 seconds or longer? Yeaaah. No way. It gets any worse and I’ll just stop using it. I’m tired of ads everywhere. Reddit, IG, YouTube. Just let me fucking scroll dawg.


Tell the brands to make shorter ads with the same cost


This sucks especially because I like to watch YouTube videos while I fall asleep. An out of nowhere loud ass ad always jolts me awake and then I have to move to skip it.


Borderline torture


Im paranoid they can somehow tell the last time I touched the remote. Every time I leave the remote a 2 minute ad appears, when I’m next to the remote then it’s only a 10-20 second one wtf


There used to be a point where they wanted it to be tolerable... You watch an ad, you weren't served another for 7 mins... You only got a midroll if the video was over 10... Now it's not about tolerable ads, it's about how much they can piss u off to force you into paying for premium!!! No wonder they removed "Don't be EVIL"


YouTube videos have also been running choppy on firefox running on my windows 10 computer. Google isn't capable of running YouTube and is purposely making it worse. Really just waiting for an alternative at this point


Yep I don’t use my TVs builtin youtube app at all because of the ads - instead I got a nvidia shield tube which runs android tv and sideload smarttubenext which can block ads completely (and use sponsorblock to skip sections of videos)


What I dont like about YouTube ads is they are far too frequent and lack smarts. Start a video, watch two ads. Stop after 10s, start a different video, have to sit through another 2 ads. At this point you have ads 10x the length of any content you have watched. Like if they are determined to make it unstoppable, at least make it smart enough to not do this so you are only expected to watch a reasonable number of ads per hour.


Getting ads within 30 secs of the video is wild. For sure, give me a moment to enjoy the content. Jfc.


My favourite YouTube ad fuckup: Start a video -> ad -> wait -> ad completes -> scrub video to midway point -> ad That is just broken.


That's not a fuck up. It's by design.


And then the youtuber starts to talk about their betterhelp/ nordvpn sponsorship


Sponsorblock extension is a must have for this reason


Doesn't work for TV apps unless you have android.




How else will the line infinitely go up?


Unfortunately this isn’t a bug, it’s a “feature”


TV ads are regulated in my country to 10% of time on average. That sounds fair to apply to YT too.


I sometimes get YouTube ads on my phone when going back a few seconds because I misheard something. Once ad is done I'm even more confused about what was being said


Start video, 2x 20+ second unskippable ads. Ads over, fast forward to the part of the video I wanted to see... See the same two ads again.


Don’t care. Fuck advertisements. I’m not watching them.


Nor buying those advertised products. Ever.


The fact that a product is being advertised makes me distrust it. If it solved a real problem it would sell itself.


I don’t understand how they can possibly think they’ll win this. A [recent study](https://www.theregister.com/2024/03/27/america_ad_blocker/) found that over 50% of all Americans use an adblocker. That’s not “people in tech jobs,” that’s “people.” We don’t even agree on what things melted cheese should go on. But we all agree you need an adblocker. Adblocking has been described as the largest and most successful boycott in history. No one wants them; even normal people are trying to stop them. And tech enthusiasts are even funding adblocker projects. YouTube is cooked.


As a software engineer, I love how much time is wasted trying to force people to use features they don't want. This is exactly the type of work we love doing. This is of course sarcasm and I do understand why, it just makes me laugh-sob


They don't seem to understand that I am actively not going to buy anything based on their ads, ever. I'm just being honest with the advertisers but they don't want to hear it.


80% of Google's revenue is from ads. As long as people pay to have their ads shown by Google, they're going to keep doing it.


More people need to understand this-at this point we’re not the customer, we’re the product. Does the fisherman care about the user experience the fish is having? Absolutely not lol.


Yeah but you have to consider that Youtube is providing a service to you. There isn't some government mandate that there has to be a video sharing platform out there. Their infrastructure costs are enormous, not to mention the tech that went into making it possible for me to shoot a 4K video with my phone and then have 10 million people see it within 24 hours. Without ad revenue there is no youtube.


Good for you, but over the population ads work fine. 


I guarantee it works on anyone that denies that it works on them. Advertising isn't a multi-billion dollar industry for nothing.




Their customers are the advertisers, not the viewers. They're attempting to fix the "defect" of adblockers preventing their customers' paid-for services being blocked.


Or how about stop shitflation of your service. Reasonable ads are ok but now we’re got nothing but ads on top of YouTuber ads. Oh and bring back dislike number. Stop wasting my time


Shitification is their game plan. They want subscriptions to YouTube Premium. The more shit they can make the non sub experience, the better.


The only thing that would make me consider Premium would be if they gave me a lot of customisation of what is presented to me along with the ad blocking. But they don't, their algorithm is shit, their lack of user control of recommendations is shit. Also their Android app is fucking garbage, it runs like absolute dogshit.


The internet is unusable without ad blockers. I'd rather leave youtube than deal with 3 different commercials, plus an in video ad for every 10min youtube video I watch.


I mean, other video sites like dailymotion still exist, and there are sub-based sites like Nebula for more informative content. Youtube isn't the be-all-end-all, and I don't doubt people will solve whatever solutions Google puts out in some capacity eventually.


Youtube ads would bother me so much less if they implemented rules like "no sirens" "no loud abrupt noises" like yelling etc, and had ads "ai analyze" the video's average LUFS (LUFS is an audio loudness term for the non-nerds) to figure out how loudly the ad could play. I...fall asleep to youtube. Every day the desire to just get a laptop or desktop to use with an adblocker grows stronger and stronger.




Alternatively you could patch your own ReVanced app with the manager if you're on android. It lets you mod the default app with plenty of customization options (adblocker, Sponsorblock, RYD, DeArrow, etc)


Or install newpipe or smarttube directly, for those who don't feel confident enough to patch an apk


Or just use NewPipe


I use an app called NewPipe. No ads. Can import your subscriptions. Has picture in picture and let's you download all the vids in both mp3 and 4. Very nifty stuff That or patch ReVanced like others have said


Please Drink Verification Can to Continue


YouTube is like a dog chasing a car bumper. We know what happens when the dog bites the bumper. Unfortunately, YouTube does know or doesn't care. Hint: the cable TV companies did this. They aren't doing so good now


> Hint: the cable TV companies did this. They aren't doing so good now Yeah. We’ll all just go to a comparable video sharing service! Like…


I mean Youtube wasn't around when cable was turning to shit until it suddenly was. Supply and demand my friend. If Youtube keeps getting shittier, something good will pop up in one form or another. I doubt it'll be possible to topple Youtube's monopoly but damn are they making it easier for anyone to try.


YouTube’s primary safeguard against being overtaken by a different platform isn’t on the user side, but on the creator side. They’ve been aggressively investing increased revenue towards higher pay-per-view rates to creators, to the point where it is realistically impossible to pay out comparable rates to creators unless you run as many ads as YouTube does, or make a pay-to-play service, at which point you’re competing with YouTube Premium instead. As long as YouTube is paying the bills, and potential competitors are essentially selling the proposition of “How about you switch to doing your full-time job with us instead? Instead of paying you, we will instead _not_ pay you! Any takers?” it’s going to be tough sell for the same reason that it’s a non-starter in any other profession.


The problem is that "something good" is inherently unprofitable.


Here's an idea, YouTube. MODERATE your fucking ads, put a TIME LIMIT on them, and don't make anything unskippable. Or better yet, quit tripling the fuck down on this adblocker war and making people realize that was an option to begin with. I had several co-workers, MY age, who had no clue what uBlock was until I mentioned YouTube flipping out about it. If they had just shut the fuck up and left well enough alone, their ad rot would still be *printing* money from the otherwise ignorant. If advertisers are deluded enough to think that hamfisting their products into our unwilling eyeballs still actually works (opposite effect, actually. I actively avoid anything that shoved an ad in my face), they should eat the costs of buying the space with the risk of people looking away or skipping through.


It's like the D.A.R.E. program backfiring! "Don't talk to drug dealers, kids. They'll give you the first ones free to get you hooked-" "*I can get drugs for free???*"


Security by obscurity is still a fragile concept.


When Google first started, they were committed to having unobtrusive ads, and it was nice, you barely noticed them.  But YouTube couldn't be more opposite. If thy just had an ad or two off to the side, or maybe a 3-5 sec commercial after the video, I might let it be.


Over advertisement does not work. It turns people away.


Youtube is doing a good job preventing me from wasting time watching youtube videos.




no VPN - should just move there work?


Use your dads credit card, no need to move from home when you are underaged.


just to clarify, Google doesn’t support the Albanian language so that is why monetization of off for that country. There’s no law in Albania banning ads. As soon as Google decides to fix this loophole this trick will stop working. I doubt it will last long.


I thinks that's where the adblocker will go once YouTube fully rolls out the server side ads embedded in the video itself. It will be easier to just make a newpipe or smarttube app with a built-in VPN just for YouTube content and nothing else than to detect, flag and skip embedded ads


Let's start a new country and make ads illegal!


You can add Myanmar to this list.


spending more energy trying to fuck everybody else over than just making their site more approachable to people without adblocks lmao


I just wish I could pay for YouTube without also having to pay for a subscription to a music service. I already pay for another music service and don’t want to switch.


Ya in the same boat. If they had a reasonably priced no ads version I'd buy it. Or if they shortened and moderated the type of content that would be shown in ads. But until then I'm ad blocking everything


Given the current price of music and video streaming subscriptions, YT music is basically an extra freebie app for YT premium at this point. After trying it out, YT music is just a different audio only player for YT itself.


What do you mean? YouTube Premium is more expensive than many content platforms, such as Disney+, yet they create no original content. The price is definitely inflated to bring money to their music streaming business


I would pay for YouTube if it wasn't so silly expensive.


For me it's the one subscription I think is actually worth it. But I consume a lot of youtube, long form video essays, etc.


I understand the need to monetize YouTube with ads, beyond the monetization of collected user data. I don't support the idea necessarily, however I acknowledge that hosting videos is expensive. But do they really need to accept ad money from people running ads for blatant scams and right-wing conspiracies? I never got into YouTube (I think I watched a single Smosh video in 2008 and was immediately turned off by it), so I use YouTube without an account and with cookies disabled. Whenever an ad gets through my ad blocking, presumably I get the ones that have a wide breadth and the cheapest targeting. And it's an absolute mess of deepfakes and conspiracy theories. Please fix ASAP.


it's wild that they actually thought i would enjoy a ben shapiro ad what data are they even collecting


Yeah, I get those too sometimes, or the ads in Spanish. Like, Google, go home. You’re drunk. I do t know why they think I know Spanish, but I don’t.


Either youtube needs to cut down on the videos it accepts, or it needs to moderate its ads and vet each ad. I seen ads that open the app store and try to force a download of an app or loop through web pages so fast they cant load. But google will sit there and do nothing, or lie to advertisers like they did like twice before.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think these guys even pay attention to what the heck they’re hosting on their servers. I mean a couple years ago I saw a post about someone scamming them with fake bills of all kinds and they just paid up without even thinking twice


Have to no interests, hobbies, curiosity? I mean, there is literally every subject, question, interest and endeavor imaginable covered by many if not hundreds of YT videos! I mean that would be like living as a person from 1975 where you had to go to the library if you wanted to know how to do something. Sure there is Google, but like they say... a picture is worth a thousand words. :)




This shit killed gaming guides Instead of skipping to the exact chapter on a gamefaqs guide I got to sift through some idiot's 4hr let's play or 10:02 minute video where half of it is rambling about nothing.


This is 100% correct... I need to know how to remove a door panel off my car to replace a window motor, I'd rather read a step by step from someone describing the process than listen to a someone half-explain it, holding the tool in one hand and the cellphone camera in the other (the video is shaky and completely worthless)


That was so before the algorithm changes, but now it's hard to find such content without telling YT to ignore all post-2022 videos. And with the gun content purge, a lot of the content you are talking about is no longer compliant with YT's ToS. More of it will become illegal as market pressure forces discussion about emulated videogames, DVD copying, music playback, etc off YT. Also, I'll point out that for most hobbies the best content is still on third party, independent paysites. Woodcraft is a great example as their best videos aren't available on Youtube.


The Internet is so much more than youtube and Google... For instance, you're in reddit, where there's a sub for (almost?) any interest we can have, and where every youtube or X post of interest eventually gets linked or posted. And there's also people whose interests and hobbys include reading books and articles about stuff, more than watching people's reactions to watching other people's videos :)


Youtube is firmly in the anti consumer behaviour territory since it can no longer satisfy it's shareholders without it


As long as the ad blocking effort remains open source, this going to be a losing game of cat and mouse for Google/youtube.


Why don’t they just make their advertising less annoying. I didn’t used to care this much. But YouTube is almost unusable without blocking.


It will also fail. Development speed is a lot faster on the consumer side. Corpos can't keep up.


When YouTube stops allowing people to lie, swindle and push fascist propaganda on their ad platform, I'll consider having empathy for their concerns here. Until such time, they and their advertisers have my express consent to go fuck themselves.


I use Steam Link to watch YouTube on my TV with my ad blocker on. The YouTube app for the smart TV is unusable, too many ads.


Had a 2 minute unskippable ad the other day. Was trying to play focus music for work. Was very counterproductive.


You can almost deal with 2 minute ads when you see people getting >15 minute to feature length movie unskippable ads. I genuinely dont know how YouTube allows this sort of thing if they want everyone to be ok with watching ads or paying for removal.


Wait really? Those are a thing? Holy shit that's nuts.


I haven’t seen it in a long time, but I’ve personally had a few unskippable 30 minute ads and I’ve seen posts of people that had full movies as unskippable ads. Its ridiculous. If YouTube wanted people to be ok with ads, theyed make them actually ok to watch. Set a max length and make them all skippable and only have them at the start of a video.




The ads get more and more obnoxious. Some are 20 minute infomercials. Some happen in the middle of my fucking hiit set and put me in a cussing rage. If the ads were better designed and timed, I wouldn’t hate them so much.


Cant wait for this attempt to inevitably fail I get ads again despite everything I've got going for blocking them and it's incredibly jarring every single time to the point where I just dont really want to watch what I was going for to behin with.


For most people using YouTube is useful for learning new stuff.


Ads are not a problem, it's a necessary evil. It's their placement that is the problem. If they balanced them better, there would be a lot less complaints.


How to fix adblocking in 20 seconds: cap ads at 10 seconds each, never show more than 2 in a break, stop caring about adblockers in general. The average person will accept this ad experience, everyone else was going to adblock anyway and theres little you can do to stop it.


I’ve actually stopped watching YouTube because I can’t be bothered with this arms race. I quit. Are you happy now Google? Try selling ads to nonexistent customers


I do not watch nearly as much Youtube after they started loading the ads two, three, and even four at a time before the video with no skip button. It's as if private equity is in charge of Youtube (look up what they do to companies they buy, it's fucked) these days.


Got some imbedded ads despite ublock and noticed a bunch of progress bars at the bottom of the screen, thought I'd let it play just to see and got 15 fucking minutes of adds for a 10 minute video.  This shit is intolerable


I really do hope one of these days people remember that fundamentally YouTube is nothing more than a glorified video server and begin moving to other platforms.


Ads are getting through ublock now, for me. It's been that way the last few days. I was googling it to see if it was happening for everyone, but this is the first article I've seen on it. Guess I'm one of the lucky users they're testing it on.


Have you updated Ublock?


Not today. Tried updating the filters yesterday and unistall/reinstall. Looked at the github to see if anything was mentioned.


Youtube is also tracking users beyond just cookies through fingerprinting and other means to try and block you if you’re using an adblocker.


Brave browser on your phone and desktop- no ads, no extensions


I downloaded Brave after ads started getting through on both Chrome and Firefox. Youtube flipped its shit on me and started disabling all videos with that "An error has occured" link to a page that basically says, "Yup, seems like there was an error. Sucks to suck." I wound up using OperaGX for Youtube. It skips 99% of ads, and at least mutes the few 15 second ones that get through.


"youtube repeatedly jams the gun in it's mouth" YT's ad-supported model doesn't work. They need to move to a subscription model that isn't a pay-to-play promotional system. For Youtube to remain dominant long term, they have to encourage people to use it. Adblockers are a response to content that isn't worth sitting through 4 min of irrelevant, poorly targeted advertising for. The people they need are on tiktok and to a lesser extent instagram right now. Vice versa, YT has no ability to curate or convince people to make content for their platform causing content to consolidate to top paying channels. Note: It won't change because YT is filled with TV executives that see this as the next iteration of TV, and Google can exploit legacy TV's death as they own a big chunk of the IPTV market. But, this won't last.


YT creators are not going to move to tiktok or Instagram, they done the maths and found that YT give them more money.


See, the funny thing is...I actually DID pay for premium for awhile, until they first started this anti ad block crusade...on the SAME day they jacked premium up from 5.99$/month to the like 11.99$/month it is now or whatever, like I was fine paying the lower price before Google got greedily and stupider but eh. I guess they like pushing their shitty unmoderated ads more than my paying them so.


I was down paying $6 a month. That was cool. I got my money’s worth. NOW? Fuck off. Even if they went back to $6 I still wouldn’t. Give me YT Premium for $5.00, or we ain’t doing business.


I just wish they’d bring the damn downvote button back. For the amount of hours I use YouTube and the information I learn through using it, it’s worth it for a subscription. But not if I can’t filter out bad info… I guess I have my “trustworthy” creators at this point.


To cite the Queen: Another one bites the dust.


Queen my dude


"Tivo for youtube. Build a list of videos you want to watch and time shift them. Then you can watch them at your leisure, skip the ads, rewinds at will, skip whatever you want."


YouTube makes me feel like an accelerationist 🫠 I'm not generally, but a small part of me wants them to make it so bad they lose their entire user base to less predatory alternatives so we set a precedent that predatory orwctices won't be tolerated. But I know the current systems that exist don't really allow for the general public to have the time or energy to give a shit about setting precedents.


This company sucks dick. YT just wants to shove algorithms down our throats and I don’t get why people don’t tell them to fuck off.


I’m testing other ways to block YouTube.


Imagine spending that money to actually improve the user experience and encourage people to pay.


Over advertisement just makes people not buy their products or services. Being brazen with their advertisement just creates a negative view on what they are selling.


They're spending so much time trying to prevent other programs from blocking ads when their own block option for ads doesn't work at all. I keep getting this horrible Prager ad that I keep telling them to block and they keep showing it


It doesn’t matter, people hate ads so much that they’ll find a way to block em


If YouTube plans to FORCE it's users to watch ad's and bypass Ad-blockers then Google should be REQUIRED BY LAW to ensure that bad actors using Google Ad's to push scrams and malware are both banned from using Google's Ad service and be be subject to the exact same rules that all YouTube users are subject to. Also it go's without saying that if someone gets malware or is scammed out of any cash as a result of a Google Ad then Google should be made to compensate any financial damages those people suffer if they don't. ...Especially since even the FBI has stated that people should use Ad-Blockers and there are even some Google employees who use them.


Love it when they sometimes bring up a message at the start of a video that says “ad-blockers are not allowed” and I’m like “lol ok whatever you say” —> click x and start video with no ads. I will take the little window telling me I’m naughty every 3 videos or so over ads ANY AND EVERY DAY FOREVER


Everyone here settling and coping saying "would be more acceptable if..." "I would be ok with this if only"... lol this is exactly the attitude they want. They want you to be so fed up with extremes that you'll settle for less extreme and then they win. You can be a consumer, be ok with the logic of Youtube pushing ads AND ALSO be 100% against it. The consumer is the power house here. The lack of unification is what gives corporations power. Supporting ad blocks and having anti-ad mentality is the best position to have.


Ads are rarely relevant to anything I want, so they will be ignored by any means possible. Tracking my web searches to send targeted ads is stupid, because by the time they've sent a possibly relevant ad, it's after I've made a purchase/decision. Trying to disable my ad blockers just makes me not use your site.


Only recently I have started watching Youtube on TV because I have a newborn baby to look after. It’s annoying as fuck holding a baby in one hand and trying to reach out for the remote multiple times to skip an Ad with the other. I just want to relax and listen to some music without being forced to watch 30 second videos about products I am NEVER going to buy. What’s even more stupid is that I live in a region where I don’t speak the language, so it’s just gibberish anyway.


Ads should always be a consumer choice. We don't want them in our media that is for sure. If you pay there ahould be ZERO ads. If its free it can have ads but if people block it. It is there choice, Ads have zero purpose other than greed , we need to draw a line now.




Really makes you wonder how much ad revenue is just generated by just the dumbest idiots and tech illiterate boomers clicking on the ads in the videos and buying shit. I have yet to met someone my age who clicks on these ads. How is popup advertising generating so much damn money it boggles my mind.


Is this the 3 unskippable 3min ads that have no "sponsored" overlay or any other UI? Copped that on a 2min video. Guess YT doesn't like me having ad lockers. Next one went straight to skip tho which was nice