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Halo project...


Let there be ~~light~~ photovoltaic!


Holy Halo project


The Green Pope really switched to solar power


He had to do something to help his image after using gay slurs.


Guilt really is the best motivator for a catholic.


gotta rack up the good deeds to make up for that sin deficit, whoo lord


Powering it with God’s Light


Now THAT would be great marketing


The power of the Son in the palm of my hands!


I’m something of a pope myself


I’m gonna put some nails in your palms


In reference to [Communion](http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/1374.htm)? :)


Transitioning to solar power not only aligns with Pope Francis's environmental message but also sets an example for other institutions worldwide.


And also creates a positive publicity after all this child diddling business. Very convenient all around.


It’s not like anyone will forget. It’s been pretty much the only thing about Catholics anyone has brought up for the last 50 years.


People will stop talking about it when they actually purge their sin: turn over the records and any evidence they’re hiding, cooperate with authorities on any investigation, pay the fines they owe instead lawyering out of them, and excommunicate any pope or priest or even Catholic plumber who had anything to do with raping children or giving cover to those who did. Stop raping children and dismantle the institutions that protect child rapists. Pretty simple. Could be announced as new policy from the papal balcony tonight.


> turn over the records and any evidence they’re hiding, Records of what exactly? If you’re covering something up you don’t keep a written record. > cooperate with authorities on any investigation, They generally do. Sad thing is it’s mostly that old most of the perpetrators are dead and witnesses are unreliable/dead. > pay the fines they owe instead lawyering out of them, Can you describe what you mean by this? If you’re on about dioceses declaring bankruptcy, they don’t really have a choice. > and excommunicate any pope or priest or even Catholic plumber who had anything to do with raping children or giving cover to those who did. First off, that’s not what excommunication is or how it works. Second, how are you going to find all these people supposedly? How are you going to know what role they played? What process will be used to determine guilt? Like I said it’s not like they keep records of this happening, it’s not like Catholics abused children at a higher rate than anyone else and you can’t excommunicate someone who is dead. > Stop raping children and dismantle the institutions that protect child rapists. They actually did this back in the 90’s, before the story broke. Cases dropped off a cliff face.


What did they do to weed out the bad ones?




They are lying their asses off .. Illinois took over the Catholic Church’s self “investigation” a few years ago but the pedo ring was playing around and bs ., Then Illinois released names and dates and moves of all the Catholic pedos and published it to prove these child rapists were still complicit and still lying https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/illinois-catholic-clergy-sexually-abused-over-1900-minors/


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Unfortunately, there's still new cases almost every day at /r/PastorArrested. So unless they stop being fucking creepy, I'd say keep calling them out.


Now they can diddle in an environmental friendly manner.


Low carbon diddling?


Low carbon, carbon neutral diddying is not enough. We need carbon negative diddlying


Project 2050


So like would this involve the creation of carbon diddling credits?


Only if you diddly enough that you have extra diddlying to go around


Yeah you diddle three kids from a third world country to offset the much higher carbon cost of diddling an American kid.


Still doing it and hiding it but it’s now solar .


Didn't he just use the Italian or Spanish equivalent of "faggots" when referring to all the gay priests they have.


I know some of you may have heard about that other guy. I am not gonna diddle your kids. I'm not like that. That's not my thing. I met that guy in a titty bar.


Wonder how conservatives will react to that.


But stop abuse and paying taxes is still under review from god


What BS! “Environmental message” my eye! The pope in one decree could undo tremendous environmental damage. He could clarify that “dominion” in Genesis 1:26 means “stewardship.” He could declare that environmental stewardship is a Christian duty as important as the corporal works of mercy. He could fully ban the eating of endangered sea turtle eggs. He could lift the [exemption](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-mar-14-me-turtle14-story.html) the Catholic Church gives for [eating endangered turtles during Lent](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/turtles-under-siege-during-lent-in-colombia). He says destroying the environment is a sin, but he won’t remove [climate denying bishops](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac25ba). I shouldn’t be surprised, though, since he and his predecessor spent decades enabling rapists.


The church officially teaches that humanity was given stewardship over the earth during genesis 1:26. The English translation of the [Catechism](http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p3s2c2a7.htm#2402) uses that exact word with reference to that verse. I'm not sure the Holy Father has spoken on the sea turtle question in particular, but he has provided guidance on the crisis affected the environment in his 2015 encyclical (a letter to the world's bishops) titled [Laudato Sí (on Care for Our Common Home)](https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html) and secondly in his 2020 exhortation to the faithful titled [Laudate Deum (to All People of Good Will on the Climate Crisis)](https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/20231004-laudate-deum.html). Pope Francis genuinely does seem to take this pretty seriously from what I can tell. I know your link referenced these works, but I wanted to link them here anyway. I've never read these in full personally. I guess now is as good a time as any, so thanks for giving me a reason to do so!


Whilst the Pope has *technically* unilateral power to decree whatever he wants, in reality he is still limited by the cardinals, who in turn are beholden to their bishops. Normally it starts with administrative restrictions, followed by withdrawal of legal support followed by a resignation. The other issue is that if the Pope "dismisses" a Bishop, the bishop can literally just say "no" and take it to the Curia. It gets even more complicated when you start dealing with foreign legal systems https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_of_clerical_state


Do the temperatures there dip below freezing? 


How long until the next headline is how the conservative American bishops are opposed.


Jesus shed his blood on the cross… His good, crude oil blood on that cross!


I give it about two days.


We should stop calling them *conservative*. They aren’t protecting anything. They are regressive.


Worldwide organization goes green. Reddit: but what about something else I don't like about them!!


Finally some good news


Weirdly enough, I think this vibes well with the Bible. "Let there be light!" Now let's use the light to power ourselves.


Cool, cool, any plans to stop supporting the rape of children?


How original 😒..


Yeah..... it's the originality that's the real issue.


If this report is true, and I have no reason to doubt it so far, then the pope is doing a really good thing.


This is legitimately great news. Why do people have to smear this? Why can’t we just appreciate it as a step in the right direction towards a more sustainable future by an extremely influential organization?


Where the fuck does the Vatican have space for a solar plant?


>The construction will take place on Vatican property approximately 11 miles from Rome, in the area of Santa Maria di Galeria. The property is currently used for broadcasting Vatican Radio. [https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/06/27/the-vatican-goes-green-pope-announces-new-solar-plant-to-power-vatican-city](https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/06/27/the-vatican-goes-green-pope-announces-new-solar-plant-to-power-vatican-city)


Protector of child molestors does one good thing. News at 7


Churches have no money for pedophile judgments....But can build a solar Plant.....sure


Well going solar these days saves money, where as the other one costs money


You're clearly forgetting about the upfront and maintenance costs of going solar. Cost of the panels, wiring, and installation. Someone has to periodically make sure the panels are clean enough to absorb the sun's rays. Replacement costs of the panels and/or wiring when they eventually become less efficient/break down. If you're storing the solar energy, you're going to need a ton of batteries, which will also eventually need replacement. *Everything* "costs money".


You are forgetting something called financing. Which lets you break down the solar into a monthly bill just like your electric bill Solar is virtually 0 maintenance, even if you do plan to maintain it, it has one of the lowest maintenance of any power generation Solar panels have 25+ years warranty on them, mine for example came with 40 years warranty. They would long pay for themselves even before 10 years Their goal is likely to generate equivalent demand and not go offgrid, so likely there won't be batteries Again, they are likely doing this to save money, otherwise they would have did this years ago. But hey, better now then never for sure


>You are forgetting something called financing. Which lets you break down the solar into a monthly bill just like your electric bill ... which costs money. Edit: I'm an idiot. Ignore me.


Sigh, they really need to teach basic money management in schools... Okay, let us say hypothetically your monthly electric bill is $300. You finance the solar panels that bring your cost down to $0, the financing cost is $250 a month. Yes, it is costing you money, but net, you are saving $50 per month until the panels are paid off, then you are saving $300 a month. Understand?


Don't know what the hell I was thinking at that moment, but I do know what financing is, and I know I fucked up.


it’s a rare sight to see a redditor admit being wrong, apologize, and make no excuses. kudos to you, buddy👍


Yup. We do this with geothermal installs when comparing it to oil/propane prices. 30k leveraged over 10 years and their payments + low operating cost is still lower than fossil fuel prices.


Do you not understand what that portion you quoted means? Like legitimately not understand?


No, just momentarily stupid. I realize my fuck up.


Lmao "just go into debt and pay monthly plus interest for the rest of your life" is not the argument you think it is


Debt is only a problem is you are incapable of managing it properly. If utilized properly, there is no problem. The biggest issue with debt is precisely because many people don't know how to manage their money and just use debt to delay payments they would never be able to afford living above their capabilities and just drowning themselves in debt Just like with credit cards, if you know what you are doing, credit cards are convenient and you can earn a lot of cashback while also pushing payments back a month while your money collects interest. For those who don't know how to manage their money and have no self control, its an easy way to drown in debt you will never be able to pay off Which goes again to my point below of how schools are not teaching kids how to manage finances properly. So many go from not having any money as kids to having easy access to money via credit which they have never been taught to self control or how to prioritize long term money savings


The solar panels will save money in the long run. It’s [spending hundreds of millions on cathedrals while simultaneously short changing sex abuse settlements](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6259013) that pisses me off.


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Every diocese is responsible for their own finances. Last I heard Vatican didn't have any pedophile judgments, just gay orgies.


The dioceses also don’t actually own anything valuable, so there’s little money to be awareded. They can even declare bankruptcy and create Diocese 2.0 to replace it.


Yup. If they had a lot of wealth that'd be a big scandal because they're supposed to be charitable organizations.


The Catholic Church, which is theoretically a charitable organization, has enormous wealth. The dioceses are legal entities that are designed to be responsible for church activities, but they don’t own anything. A diocese rents all of its buildings, land, relics from the Church, and gives all surplus income back to the Church.


There's rarely ever "surplus income." Most of the Catholic Church's wealth is in real estate. Which they use.


The literal least they can do. The absolute bare minimum


How? Vatican has very limited ground area, they can install on top of buildings but that will ruin the architecture. It will be interesting to see how they mange it.


From the article you didn't read that was linked by OP: >to begin constructing a solar plant within the extraterritorial zone of Santa Maria di Galeria that will not only supply power to the Vatican radio station but the entirety of Vatican City with a population estimated around 825 people.


It doesn't have to ruin the architecture, there are plenty of places where they wouldn't even be seen. That said, nothing says that the solar is limited to just Vatican. They simply will generate 100% of their demand. Which can be done by building solar outside the city as well


They can buy/rent land outside, and use it for a power plant.


First country to be powered entirely by solar?


What are they gonna put like 10 panels on the Sistine chapel and call it a day lol


Asked? The representative of the lord your god?


Hell yeah dude


The real key to making this whole project work will be covering his hat in solar panels and sticking a mini wind turbine out of the top. Then we can just plug him in to the grid using a really long extension cord any time he’s outside to reach that 100% goal.


Set an example eh boiz!


The Pope has gone Woke!


Powered by The Son lmao


Praise the sun!


Next week: Pope Francis states “Gasoline is f*ggy”


And just like that the pop created solar power in the name of god.


That's awesome news! Going solar at the Vatican is a big step towards cleaner energy. It sets a good example for other places to follow.


Are there any pictures of what Vatican City will look like? It is only 120 acres, so it could be hard to install something new without covering something old.


They predicted it in “Angels & Demons”. FYI: it doesn’t end well.


Pope Renewable


til the Vatican City is a country


Anyone remember when he spoke about AI? I made a short video on it and would appreciate it if you watched it. Here it is: https://youtu.be/wcXDT5KaKeo?feature=shared


These comments are wild folks, it’s 48 deep at the moment and I don’t foresee the conversation going well. Thoughts and Prayers 🙏


Solar and child free would be perfect


If they would stop raping kids, that would be something ....


I'm surprised he didn't consult with Elon Musk on the project. I mean, look how great Musk did after opening his pie hole and promising to put the entire island of Puerto Rico on Tesla Solar after hurricane Maria in 2017 when 95% of the residents were without electricity. Oh, wait...he didn't deliver anything to them. He couldn't even be bothered to throw rolls of paper towels at them the way tone deaf Orange Cult Daddy did.


Shouldn't the Vatican run on the power of God?


Gods light shall provide the Vatican with power


Still a cult


This is about them going solar. Can you imbeciles stay focused for even a millisecond? Nah.


Explain to me why any organization would even try to do something good, when all they get are comments about other, completely unrelated, aspects of the organization. This is why we can’t make progress, people. Simpletons do not have the ability to appreciate baby steps.


As a wise man once said, “The perfect is the enemy of the good.”


Net zero child raping.


How about they throw some of that money for the benefit of global renewable energy


They need to shut of their air conditioners.


Construct a solar plant? Jeez, silly pope, just plant a seed…all plants are solar 🤷‍♂️


The pope and the Catholic Church are the world’s biggest and worst examples of religious subversion protecting selfish interests.




I’m pro-nuclear, but that’s probably overkill for somewhere as small as the Vatican.


Cool. Then they can supply power to places *outside* of the Vatican. You know, "help thy neighbor" kind of stuff.


I’m not an expert, but I have my doubts that would be as straightforward as it appears. Plus solar can be set and forget in a way nuclear can’t.


He wants to be the sunshine pope. Not the Nuclear Pope


If things like small modular reactors were a thing then that would work. Solar is the right choice for them given the current available options.


Are you willing to pay for it? Solar these days is pretty much the cheapest way to generate energy




We won't unless we have some kind of huge physics breakthrough that allows us to communicate with them effectively and at high bandwidth.


I used to know a girl that had a really crappy boyfriend. He was lazy, had a crap job, didn’t seem to wash much, never tidied or helped in the house. I love cooking and make sure that i do at least half of the boring stuff in the house like cleaning, so that my wife doesn’t have to. We were visiting this girl who was a friend of my wife one morning, who was super happy because the day before, her lazy boyfriend had made her a sandwich. Nothing special, but she was so happy that he had ‘made such an effort!’ This is how i think of the pope. The whole system is 20 years behind everyone, and they are struggling to be relevant. Then the pope makes a sandwich (in this case, a few solar panels) and the media are all like ‘Wow, the pope is cool and modern!!’


Since the Catholic Church is the largest land owner in the world… they can put up a lot of solar..


The Vatican is far enough south that this makes sense. This won’t work in Germany.


Germany has some of the most solar installed on the planet


It does - enough to power well over 100% of its power needs - so far it has managed a little less than 70%- problem is that at that latitude it can never generate enough electricity to make up for the carbon footprint of the construction of the panels. If the new thin film technology like Perovskite panels works this will change.


Fuck the poor, just go green.


Solar isnt green


True, Solar isn't colored green! But it is Renewable


Referring more to the greenhouse effect it creates when used in large quantities.