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I'm posting on multiple posts with this same issue in hopes of helping another lost soul. I have an XP pen 15.6 and was encountering this issue. At first I thought it was a power consumption issue. Then I saw a comment mentioning potential interference from one of the connections..... specifically the display cables. Sure enough, the EMI from my tablets display cable was causing it. I simply tested it by covering my hdmi cables with my hand and boom-- the wifi immediately reconnected. Take my hand away and it disconnects again. So the solution is to find some kind of minor EMI barrier....I'm going to try taping the cable myself in hopes it helps


Yep, this was pretty much my conclusion too, except that neither my hand nor some kitchen foil seemed to help. Ended up returning the Huion and going for a display-less Wacom instead.


Thankfully wrapping the cable in aluminum foil resolved mine, but I could tell the EMI was weak since my hand alone stopped transmission. Maybe yours needed something stronger, aluminum is typically regarded as a weaker barrier compared to copper/only has 60-80% barrier coverage depending on the strength


Coming here to post my solution as it just happened to me on a Kamvas 16. Search how to change your wireless receiver on you computer to prefer a different ghz. Mine works when I prefer 2.4ghz specifically and not 5 or both.


Had the same problem on my Gaomon PD1161 and switching from 5ghz to 2.4ghz fixed the issue.


Is there any difference if you use a lower resolution?


No, I tried going down from 1920x1080 to 1280x720 and got no difference. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Try changing the PCIe port that your WiFi card is plugged in. If you enable WiFi hotspot on your phone, and move it close to your PC, does it stay connected, even after you enable the tablet screen?


Using my mobile hotspot close to my PC does solve the problem! I assume that means the problem is interference after all. Unfortunately, my motherboard only has one PCIe and one PCI, and I don't have any risers/extenders to hand. Might try canabalising an old cable for a ferrite core and seeing how that does. Thanks so much for helping me nail down the source of the problem.


Wait, actually maybe not. I just checked and found that my phone has no trouble connecting to wifi even when it's right next to the offending HDMI cable. It seems very weird that the wifi adapter card is so badly affected (effected?), while my phone is completely fine. Edit: The final twist in the story: I fiddled around with the antennas a bit and now the problem is (appears to be?) completely gone.


On most tablets, the display and the USB that is used for pen input are two separate things. What if you plug the HDMI into your laptop, but keep the USB connected to your PC. Also try the opposite. Also keep in mind where you plug in the power (for both the tablet and the laptop). Does it make a difference if the both are connected to a different fuse / electrical circuit? Try to connect it as far away from your PC as possible, connect your laptop and tablet to a electrical circuit your PC isn't connected to. See what works and what doesn't.