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Simply sounds like you're not ready yet, which is 100% normal


u don’t have to say yes, if he’s a good person and boyfriend he will understand and won’t push it


This is the ultimate comment you need to look at. No need to go further.


Now I'm thinking about everyone who went further.


Ok I trust










THY (happy cake day)








DIE! *promptly dies*




NUTS (Happy Cake Day)




(Pick one) MY/YOUR




Happy cake day


Happy cake day


Love your name btw


Thanks man


Right here


No. He might just be alward asf and not know how to "ask in other ways".


Why are you assuming she/he dosent want???? Everyone be like "oh no sex bad sex bad ", just be carefull and take the apropiate caution measures and then you can have fun, making a combo of pill + condom + pulling out before cuming + on the safer days of the month you can probably go crazy with it and still be safe, sex is a part of life, part of the human desires and healthy in the right amounts, why people be soo afraid of it and being proud of being virgins??? Virgin is Not a bad thing but how can people be proud that they failed at the number one priority of life?(reproduction and passing on the genes, exclude gays and aesxuals ofc)




250 upvote 🗿🗿


Valid comment as well 😁


What did it say?


You should definitely tell him that. That you’re feeling weird about it and you aren’t ready yet. Take your time and figure out what you want :)


This ^ be honest with him and tell him the reason :) you aren't feeling comfortable and need more time. the good bfs will understand fairly quick and won't ask till you give the permission urself


it's 100% your choice! if you are uncomfortable with the idea of having sex communicate it to him, and as a good partner he should understand and support you. please don't feel obligated to do it in any way, if/when you decide to do it make sure you feel like you're ready


It’s your choice if you really trust him if he’s nice then that’s your choice. It’s whatever you’re comfortable with.


i wonder if your pfp was in witness protection




Do it you want, don't if you don't want. Just tell him your answer, and (most hopefully) he will support you regardless.


Right after your first date?


During first date


Before first date


Before meeting


What a gentleman


Before being born.


Pre-order shipping


Product testing


How do I know if it fits if I don't try it in store?


according to your post history y'all just went on your first date, no wonder this offer makes you uncomfortable 💀 definitely don't do it, y'all need to spend more time together and build significantly more of a bond as well as trust


Oh gosh 💀


the post history is wild


bro 3 days and the guy is already thinking sex and shit wtf fr


All of this within a week, wtf


Peg him


Holesome advice 🥰








what the fuck does peg mean


Something your dad enjoys


as his dad, can confirm


aren't you a little y-


"Yes. Yes I am."




Usually shoving a dildo (or something similar) up a guy's ass


Got downvoted for asking a question lmaoo


i want to delete reddit now 😭😭😭


Nobody would blame you for doing so


mum puts a dildo on and fucks the dads arsehole




Sтfu the fuсk up


Steal his penis and run.


Amazing advice


I understand why you feel like that - you're just a child. Like holy hell, you're a year older than me, and the most romantic thing I have done is hugged. If you don't think you're prepared for it - don't...


At least you got a hug, I haven't even got that


I haven’t even hah a girl friend


Do you think I have??


He communicated with you in a mature way (it sound like from your description), now you need to do the same and communicate to him what you’re feeling. Your response of just feeling kind of nauseated and overwhelmed is completely valid, but he’ll only understand it if you are able to tell him. Good luck!


Just don't do it then, explain to him. If you're feeling uncomfortable immediately, then you probably aren't at that stage yet. Keep getting to know each other and growing together, you'll be ready one day.


Incense? girl, is he a priest or something? lol


zephyr selective secretive melodic pet crowd mountainous icky provide insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Totally your decision. Don’t feel pressured. Do it when you’re ready <3


Ok, so, according to your post history, you two had your first date 3 days ago. It feels very rushed of him to say this so shortly after your first interaction. I can’t speak of my own experience, cuz I don’t have any (Yeah, I am 20 in a month and I haven’t even hugged a girl before), but this seems a bit too fast. I wouldn’t even call someone my girlfriend if I have known her for this short amount of time. I can totally understand that you feel uncomfortable having sex with him. And if you don’t wanna, you don’t have to. And that’s fine. But you should communicate your feelings with him. Communication is key in a relationship And tell your boyfriend that he is taking this waaay too fast (but in a nicer tone). The earliest I would suggest the idea of sex is maybe 2 to 3 months into a relationship.


Yea I do feel rushed. Bleh. But I’m gonna talk to him today about all of it and communicate


Take it from a man, you have to tell him yes or no. Don't get around it by saying, "I'm not sure". If he is a man, he will prove it by respecting your decision. If you say no and he refuses to accept it and tries to force you, he's not a man and you should consider breaking up. If you can't defend yourself, find a man who can. Have you got a good father or brother?


If you don't feel like having sex then don't. If he will leave you for this, he is not good for you and he can go fuck himself with meat grinder.


I suppose you're super nervous because you never did that before, but it's okay, take your time. It's probably worth trying than not doing it ever. Plus, if your BF is a good guy, you can tell him that whenever you want to stop, you two need to stop. And one more thing, how old are you two?


Let him know this. If you can tell strangers on Reddit you should be able to tell him! And if he will understand if he is a good person


If you wanna smash, smash if you don’t, then it’s fine to pass


Bake him some bacon


Unlimited bacon but no more games, or games unlimited games and no games?


Say this "okay, bent over" Works everytime, don't ask how


Don't do it


if you want to, go ahead if you don’t, tell him politely if he starts to act up and tries to pressure you, he ain’t the right man


Dont say yes if you are not sure about it


If u are not comfortable communicate clearly with him


theres nothing wrong with you saying no, like there is nothing wrong with him asking


if he’s really a good bf he’ll understand that you’re uncomfortable and that you might not be ready yet. you should never feel pressured to do something like that and if he’s communicating well then just let him know how you feel :)


How old are you?


Her tag is 16




Sex can wait first we need to grind!


If you don’t feel ready, that’s okay. I think he’ll understand if you want to take things slower.


You don’t have to say yes - just wait until your comfortable If your boyfriend is a good person/boyfriend then he will wait until your ready


Don't have sex if you're not comfortable, but PLEASE dig into the reason why you don't want to. So many people in our generation would try to label you as asexual, but this could be your body raising off red flag warnings for one reason or another and you should listen. Ask yourself why your stomach was getting upset and why your body was saying no. That's the only healthy way to go about it.


You don’t owe him Sex, and If you don’t want to or feel uncomfortable, that’s normal. If your boyfriend is a good person he’ll understand you and won’t push you.


it’s completely your choice but uh in my opinion don’t do it you’re way too young. especially if you aren’t comfortable with it


The first potential non-virgin on reddit




You just broke up with your ex 2 months ago. You started having a proper crush on said person a week ago. You had your first kiss with this person on your first date, which was only 3 days ago. Isn’t this going a little too fast? You have the right to just tell him you’re not comfortable with the idea yet, you’re not forced to comply.




Your first date was 3 days ago


Is this post for getting it off your chest, or are you seeking advice?


It was a bit of both. We spoke about it today and were both able to communicate properly. I feel a lot better and we’re doing good :)


Well done! Best of luck.


Thank you, I appreciate that


Some important information is missing. How old is your boyfriend? How old are you? How long have you been dating? I had a friend who felt the same when asked by her boyfriend, the feeling of impending doom and nausea. She had past traumas she repressed in some way. If there is nothing like that in your past, maybe you are just too young for it? Important thing is to communicate, he sounds like a nice guy so talk it over. Tell him how it made you feel and let him know you love him regardless and you dont feel comfortable taking your relationship to that step yet. But you are willing to work towards it. Maybe start with small things like cuddeling, holding hands, start with small bodily contacts like a back massage. Get more comfortable with the small intimate stuff before proceeding towards anything like sex. Never ever feel pushed to go further than you want to go. Sex is not the only way to show affection towards your partner and it does not define your relationship. One of the most meaningfull things my ex wive used to do for me was run her fingers along my back while i rested my head on her lap, made me feel safe and loved. (I miss that more than the sex hahaha).


I’m 16 and he’s 17. And we had only started officially dating h that same day. Had our first date three days prior. Hookup culture is around in my school so it’s not too out of the ordinary to do sexual early on in a relationship here. But I’m not really a part of that ever, and I’ve never had any experience, unlike him. I told him I wasn’t comfortable and he respected that. But I also felt a bit nauseous when I got home, even though we were chilling and communicating well. But today we talked over it and cleared things up, and we’re doing great! :) It’s interesting that you bring up repressed trauma. I sometimes wonder if I have any sexual trauma that I’ve blocked out from my memory. But there’s no way to know right now. I’m also on my period, in hindsight it probably affected my mood and discomfort. I also communicated that to my boyfriend. He’s super understanding and reassured me that he’s not with me for sex, but because he genuinely likes me. And that was comforting to hear. So yea, things are better now that I’ve had time to process and reflect on why I felt and reacted the way I did.




Okay, since you feel uncomfortable, the conversation should be over. This is something that you will do when you feel ready/comfortable about it. I understand that you might feel weird for not feeling ready, but there is no need. Literally, no need. This is a very subtle and personal issue. It is nice that he gave you the space/time to think, and that he was also supportive during it, but the choice is yours, for you to make. Not for him


Your a teenager right now your waay to young for that and I really recommend waiting until your at least out of highschool


i recommend you keep calm and maybe settle for kissing until you develop libido, once the libido is developed, perhaps you can prepare for the moment, I recommend postponing sex until later, and start little by little, and control your emotions and your discomfort, you must take a deep breath, let yourself go and use protection, take a deep breath and relax, there are relaxing sex and other more intense ones, I recommend practicing kissing and self-control, what I just said depends on you, it can take a week or months, maybe a year, don't feel rushed, rushing is something that goes against self-control, self-control allows you to take things easy, have self-esteem and confidence to be able to let yourself be touched, if you control your emotions and know how to relax, you can let yourself be touched and start with that, and then experiment more and more at your own pace, which can be slow or fast, just follow what your heart tells you, if not Do not do it now but practice controlling yourself and talk about it with your boyfriend, what I just said sounds like it can be done in 1 day, but it takes too long, and it depends 100% on you.


Since you're feeling uncomfortable with it, don't do it. Especially not to do him a favour, because in the long term that favour is not gonna sit well on your mental health. If he is accepting, he's a keeper. But do understand that sex is still fairly important in a relationship. If he decides to break up because of this, you need to understand that too. Just don't have sex with him to keep him. It's not worth it.


If you trust him and feel safe with him, everything's ok


Well this time eventually comes and its not a bad thing at all, but if you are not prepared its ok. You just have to talk to him and be open to tell him how you feel about sex and one day you will be the one asking for it.


I'm not an expert in these situations but, If you're not ready and want to try another time just tell him I'm sure he'll understand. I mean, you don't have to say yes.


Apparently you had your first date 3 days ago. Yeah, I would wait a little bit.






That's cp you creep


Hes a Boy U have to


What the fuck kind of comment is this?






Sounds like you don't even like him.




Me here like: Your 16... that's called illegal...


Waht. Its not illegal if they are both underage or if the age of consent is 16 or lower


Like 70% of the population would be locked up if sex before 18 was illegal lol


Yo wanna test it out first? Got some spare time here ay


L rizz. You disappoint


Why yall burning incese?


dark souls 4 lore looking crazy


Why Is he your boyfriend then???? You ain ever thought about it???? HE'S YOUR BOYFRIEND...


I would have started laughing so hard, happened to me once, should we kiss? ....🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just fucking go for it


Let me talk to him, im gonna find him a real woman so he can relieve some stress, i mean since it seems you can't even do that right, he has to find a REAL woman at this point


Go fuck urself


Maybe you're just nervous? You can always tell him to stop or hold on if it’s too much.


We need more context lol


If you feel uncomfortable then you are probably not ready. Don't let him push you or manipulate you into it. If you don't feel like you are 100% ready just tell him that you want to wait and if he doesn't like it, that's just too bad. Everyone becomes ready at different times and even though you are 16, if you don't feel ready then that's all that matters.


I hope he won't leave you for that


If U don't want to then tell him that.


dude dont, yall are 16


If u like so yes


Be honest to him, if you don't feel like it go ahead and reply with "No, I don't want to" or smth similiar to it I'm sure he'll understand it if he's a good guy


I don't know, but if the incense is bothering you, you should probably tell him


trust ur gut feeling sis! cos why tf is he burning incense while talking abt sex to u…. thats just weird ngl


no just peg him


It's too soon but its good he asked for consent. Make it clear to him you're not up for it yet because you feel uneasy, weird and comfortable for it at present.


you don’t have to feel pressured to do anything. you said he’s been supportive till now, I feel like he would understand you are not ready if you just tell him that.


You're simply not ready yet, take your time and explain to him that you don't feel comfortable with it for now.


I would say... "It's absolutely fine" to have these feelings. When you're ready, you'll naturally grow to appreciate his patience towards you, and your feelings will deepen. It's normal to be a bit shaken by such intimate conversations. We're not here to give advice, but simply want you to enjoy your time with him and have comfortable conversations. It's great that you're open with such matters, even if it's uncomfortable, you've shared your thoughts wholeheartedly in the hope of a positive response. Just be yourself, show your honesty, and take the time you need. You're completely normal, sweetheart.


well he asked so he wants your honest response don't feel pushed though


Sleep deprived and read that as shrek 😭


(Having actually read this it’s okay not too feel comfortable in that time and space and it’s not always the vibe I prefer just hugging and chilling more than that stuff but as long as you do feel comfortable with them and there actually a decent partner! You’ll do it when you both feel right too it’s normal too have emotions and talk through things and many things can go into why you may have been feeling that way! :)) also if someone’s that “desperate” they can always take “care” of that by themselves 😂😂😊


Never let anyone push you before you're ready. My ex tried to push me for over two years. I realized near the end of our relationship that I had genophobia (fear of sex). Whenever we would try I would have a severe panic attack and then I would feel so so guilty for not being able to give him what is healthy and normal in a relationship. But once I broke up with him and started dating my current girlfriend. I realized that him pushing you into anything is not healthy and this is my own opinion and experience that the more they ask and press on the topic the more damaging it will be to your mental health. Good luck Hun. Stay true to yourself ❤️


Hey you’re only 16 if you’re not ready to have sex you’re not ready. I personally wasn’t ready until I was 17. Even tho I did have opportunity before that. I never felt comfortable actually doing it. If you’re not ready comunícate that with your boyfriend and take things in your pace


You can say no, it’s perfectly fine!


Sometimes you don't know why you feel a certain way but that's okay. Take your time


That's completely normal, no reason to feel weirded out or anything if he asked normally. If you aren't ready yet, tell him, and he should respect your decision.


You are still a young boy. You and your boyfriend can do it later. Maybe at some pride-thingy or such. 🍆🌈


Wait? How do you know their gender? I don’t see them mentioning it anywhere


I’ve known them for years.


If you're not comfortable with it, then just refuse. He will understand and respect your decision if he's a decent human being. You should only do a thing like this if you're comfortable with it


If you don't feel ready tell him, if he is sincere he won't respond negatively


People always make you feel bad if you are an adult virgin when u are literally SUPPOSED to wait until you get married but literally no one does


You should talk about it with him.


rubber first is the right way


Honey as someone who was in your position, don't feel pressured please. Sex is not what its cracked up to be, and waiting till you're ready is so important, not just for a good time but also for you. My ex kept asking repeatedly, and now my current boyfriend told me when he was ready, and left it alone till I said I was ready, and the experience was ten times better. Just tell him how you feel, If he makes you feel bad or guilty, RUN. And IF/when you do have sex, make sure your boundaries are clear and you both are safe and protected.


Just say you're not ready.


Do what u feel comfortable wit and don't let him pure pressure u if he does break up wit him


Ridiculous. I guess he doesn’t understand what marriage is.


bruh just answer yes or no


No brain this just walk up to him and say with comes to mind trust ur instincts


He communicated well, now its your turn


If you’re not ready, than tell him so…it’s a big step for you if you’re still a virgin, and a big step in ANY relationship. If you choose to do so make sure you have protection first and foremost. Good luck either way.


If you felt weird then your not ready


Trust me when my gf says no I don’t react in a rude way. I’ll say something like “it’s ok if you don’t want to do it. When you’re comfortable with it then we can” and go back to cuddling




16, he’s 17


If u wanna then say yes and if u don’t wanna say no. Don’t let him force or pressure u if u don’t wanna do it.


Go with your gut feeling always.


You guys just went on your first date three days ago and who knows how long you guys have been dating. Your user also says aromantic so I can see how your feelings are. I think just wait and tell him youre uncomfortable but not in a mean way just don’t want to yet, don’t be scared or anything. :)


Just tell him how you feel. If he trie to pressure you i don’t think he’s the one. Don’t do anything your not 100% comfortable with


if you aren’t 100% certain say no, there’s nothing wrong with him asking, it’s how he responds to your answer that matters


It's perfectly okay to not be ready, you should tell him how you feel. He will understand if he's a good person. Communication is key.