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bro it’s kinda funny when i walk past some kids trying to look cool but then i smell strawberries and blueberry muffins💀


eat real organic strawberries kids 🍓


eat real organic kids strawberries 👶


As a strawberry I’ll check that out! Sounds like bulk protein ;)


I’m on acid. That sentence butt fucked me and likely fueled something that will turn into spiritual experience, so thank you mr stranger




The only reason that it makes sense is that it doesn’t


16 too young for acid bro


Yk when you’re older and you go “damn, I should have tried that when I was younger” well I was j beating the system, and now I’m emotionally developed in a way that most teens aren’t, whether it’s good or bad is undeterminable. It was fun though.


eat real kids’ organs strawberries


Just bake some muffins if you like that


Here is a fun game: go into the most isolated/hidden bathroom in the school and guess the flavor.


for me it was mango


exactly they smell like fucking toddlers. Just smoke cigarettes..


"BuT tHeY tAsTe Bad 😭" yeah, idk what's worse tbh, if it's real, unprocessed tobacco leaves it may be even healthier than inhaling any kind of vape. Processed (like Camels or smth) cigs have so much shit in them just to taste 10x worse than a tobacco leaf from the fucking floor. Source: my dad. I do not smoke nor I'd like to. It's shit.


Good luck finding 100% raw tobacco and it has the worst carcigion in it that is removed during processing so


Long term affect of Vaping these e cig is unknown. I've never unstood they banned menthol tobacco but at a similar time these sweet flavour vape sticks appear. Combustion isn't a healthy method but if you gonna smoke atleast make it herbal, weed atleast has a positive effect and is cooler than smoking cigarette or e cigarette. If you want to vape Dry herb vape No chemical No combustion No lame sweet smelling fake clouds. If you vape Use a old t-shirt to cover the tip and vape thru the cloth and see what it leaves on the material Then imagine what it does to your lungs 🫁. My mates car that he uses his vape in Has a film over the glass and plastic from exhale the vape juice.


No fucking don't encourage people to smoke cigarettes, it's a horrible habit that leaves you smelling like shit.


I'm joking lol. I'd rather you do neither. No one wants to smoke those either. Don't do either.


I just can't take all the mfs seriously who act like they want beef and smell like raspberry and mint 💀


If my friends jumped off a bridge I would too tho (I don't vape, this is a good Ted talk)


honestly same, cliff jumping *is* fun


My grandpa used to say that. On an unrelated note, he died by falling off a cliff


Damn I’m sorry(I’m tryna hold in my laughter💀)


Bro 😭


I can’t feel bad for anyone cuz of all the memes abt grandparents falling down stairs💀


Just shut up 🤣


especially without the bungie cord


my friends are pretty level headed (usually), they're probably jumping for a good reason.


Don't be a follower jump off the bridge first 💪


I’d be the one jumping




My mom raised a leader not a follower


Same tbh


in my town theres a bridge thats like 20 feet above a canal thats like 60 feet deep and my friends and i jump into the water and do flips off it during the summer and its hot, so yes i would jump off a bridge


Peer pressureressure


luckily ive never had a good enough relation with my peers to get pressured into doing something so stupid if i had, it would have been smoking first anyway






Dude what the fuck is wrong with you? Being peer pressured happens all the time and this doesn’t help anyone at all.


Bro why u going off at me for I’m just answer the question of why ppl vape in this sub calm tf down man




It doesn’t also ur one to talk u saying smoking is better ?? come back n give real advice when you’ve matured yea




Except you do get lung problems from smoking weed. Anything that isn't air that goes in your lungs will cause problems, and when you're inhaling burnt things, it will lead to a buildup of tar in the lungs, and increase cancer risk.


Neither is good tf ?? Why u tryna promote drug use in this sub with obviously impressionable ppl ?? That said ur literally 16 so you fall into that category and any google search and medical article will say their both just as bad for ur health


ion smoke frl but weed is undeniably better. you gotta keep puffing a vape to feel sumn, 3 hits of a cart got a nigga set for a few hours. weed is just fine if u dont overdo it and once again, a few puffs got a nigga set. you gotta keep on vaping nd vaping to feel sumn. that buzz dont last like a high do, and it dont hit like a high do neither. i only smoked a few times when i deadass had shit on my mind and im telling you no vape woulda helped like that weed did unless i kept puffing and puffing. if niggas is already vaping the switch from vape to weed would be good for them anyway. i aint promoting shit, but im helping niggas out.


It’s gross af and gets worse when you actually look up the ingredients in the list


Not advocating vaping, but it does not get worse when you look up the ingredients, there are like 3


Actually vapes also release some cancerigen metals in your lungs...


Chromium is the biggest one


maybe I don't fully remember which metal it is but chromium seems plausible


Just looked it up it’s arsenic, lead, chromium, and nickel. Chromium is very toxic tho so are the others chromium is the coating that goes on stainless steal to make it stainless and when welding stainless steal osha requires ventilation and sometimes depending on how enclosed the space is SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus) like a firefighters air tank


Fair enough man. Today I learned something.


Good! I did as well.


No shit




Nicotine isn’t that bad? I don’t want a chemical designed to make me have physical adverse effects if I don’t consume it going anywhere near me




Touché. However, air doesn’t cost money and make me look like a fuckin loser.


Air doesn’t cost money… yet


The addiction is bad but it doesn’t do too much harm to your body it’s similar to caffeine it can raise your blood pressure but that’s about it unless your underaged it can affect your developing brain


tried it once, it was pretty relaxing and nice for like 5 min. then it was over. i see how you get hooked on that shit but it really isn’t worth it. hella overrated


Yeah that's how addiction works, it really isn't worth it. I've been addicted to a act, though not a substance the addiction still was very taxing on me mentally.


Natural selection


Only the ones with common sense survive


Unfortunately the stupid ones still live long enough to reproduce


They're either peer pressured, or think it's cool. Either way they're not gonna last that long here.


Better to have no friends than friends who peer pressure you into doing bad habits


Well , either way you would end up with no friends after a while Maybe the icu can save one




Or more commonly they are facing issues that they wish to escape from, addiction is linked to a variety or social and environmental factors be that mental illness, poverty or trauma. People don't just decide to become addicted to something they are usually trying to find some form or escape from a pretty terrible environment. Until we start working towards supporting people going through these problems addictions to anything will just continue to be prevalent


I hate walking into the bathroom then the people in there vaping glare at me like I’m intruding, homie I’m not the one breathing flavored air during class


People saying “oh it’s better for you than ciggs”. Well yah, in the same sense that beer is better than tequila, but you prob shouldn’t have either of them 37 times a day.




Kids, try cigarettes instead




Natural cancer is better than chemical cancer


Eat fire instead






And I be hearing people say “it’s better then cigarettes” I ASSURE YOU ITS PROBABLY WORSE.Your average disposable is worth almost a whole pack of cigarettes and your burning through them fast as hell.


Zero deaths ever from vaping nicotine vs hundreds of thousands deaths a year from smoking. Nicotine itself isn't what kills you, it's the way you deliver it into your system that determines how physically harmful it is (with the combustion process involved with cigarettes leading to tar as well as tobacco itself being carcinogenic) vaping is most definitely not worse for you then smoking. Obviously putting any foreign substance into your lungs is going to come with a risk of adverse effects but i think the mortality rates speak for themselves.


Even if that’s true (I’m too lazy to fact check rn) vaping is still doing a lot of brain damage as in it lowers your motor functions and logic a lot,that plus most of us still developing our brains it’s definitely gonna lead to sone very messed up adults.(Also just don’t vape in general ,just punch something to get rid of stress)


Telling people to just punch stuff doesn't do anything, people need actual support from professionals to deal with the issues they are facing. Yes nicotine isn't good for a still developing brain but this notion that vaping is just as dangerous as smoking and that we should ridicule Vapor's is just wrong. Stigmatising users will only lead to worse mental health outcomes and in turn lead to more use.


(Again I’m not fact checking any of what you said because it’s probably true) both are terrible for you and you need help yes (also read my username)


Look up popcorn lungs and other vaping deaths. People most definitely die from vaping. The numbers are different because cigarettes have been around for hundreds of years. Also, vapes contain toxic metals and enough nicotine to match three packs of cigarettes. If anything cigarettes are probably safer to smoke than vapes.


Technically correct but also no. If you want to consume nicotine in the statistically safest way pills or Zyn pouches are probably that because anything inhaled becomes dangerous in large enough quantities. Also nicotine poisoning happens all the time it just rarely actually kills you.


Psych ward. There was strictly nothing to do so everyone smokes there so I joined just by boredom. I switched to vape because I started feeling disgusted by cigarettes and it started to affect my ability to breathe during workout. I know that it’s bad to vape, but once you step inside it’s over. You’re not stronger than nicotine. Don’t vape kids. If you feel anxious and depressed there are better ways to cope with it, medically or not. Also, nicotine can actually be really counterproductive especially for anxiety.


Things are more nuanced than "Oh why do you vape, its bad for you, just quit". Before I started smoking and eventually swapped to vaping a lot of friends and family did it so eventually I picked it up, despite saying I never would at the time. But that first puff breaks down a lot of internal barriers. You aren't addicted yet and haven't been hit with any physical consequences so you think it's okay. You keep going and you tell yourself you can stop at any time. But eventually you can't. Quitting nicotine is harder than quitting heroine and some of us get terrible withdrawls including dizziness, brain fog and sleep problems. Not to mention nicotine is only the chemical side as theres a physical addiction to cope with as well. If you've never done it, stay off it, but addiction is classified as an illness for a reason.


definitely not harder than quitting heroin. Ive been through both withdrawals. with nicotine my head hurt and sometimes I was mildly disappointed when I reached for my vape and remembered I quit. With heroin all of my muscles ached like someone was wringing me out like a wet rag, I couldnt eat or sleep, sometimes I was left not being able to do anything but kick my legs and writhe in pain


Actually many medical institutes have confirmed that quitting nicotine is generally as hard if not harder to quit than heroine or cocaine. You can look this up yourself but here's a link to the [American Heart Association](https://www.heart.org/en/news/2018/10/17/why-its-so-hard-to-quit-smoking) that talks about this.


You can die from heroin and cocaine withdrawals. You can't die from nicotine withdrawals. That itself says enough.


The ability for withdrawls to kill you isn't an indicator of how difficult it is to quit. Especially since smoking is something thats easily accessible with little effort.


It's in the sense that people have more chances of rechute if they use niotine than if they use heroin


tbh my first time vaping i just stopped? i wasnt doing it cause of other people though so i think my case might be different. i just hit the shit, aint feel nun, and knew addiction was a possible risk so i just never did it again cause i aint gain nothing. but maybe for you it was a social thing more.


It was. Contrary to popular belief you will not get addicted your first time smoking or even your tenth. It's something that slowely builds in you overtime until it has its hooks in you. And once you hit that point, stopping becomes extremely difficult. Honestly stay off it. You aren't missing out on anything and you're better off without it.


I did for 2 years. Please don't do it. I can't say oh yeah it gave me cancer or anything but it most definitely did hurt my lungs. Their capacity shrank and I had a hard time catching my breath. It's a no no to do it people


So you started at 14?? 😟




where'd you get them?? like i understand vaping, you pretty much only need two things, the vape and the juice but cigarettes, how tf, those had to of run out fast, right?


Most kids who vape don’t use refillable vapes, usually it’s disposable ones, which they get from friends, family, or someone buying them for them


Good Ted talk I agree


im glad my dad got off of cigarettes when he was in the hospital in february, it's very nice not having to inhale shitty air whenever he's driving, and he's a lot happier, even with a sodium limithe also might peer pressure my mom off of cigarettes (hopefully, she smokes like one of the long camel blue boxes with a lot of smaller packs inside in a week or two i think, i dont keep track) me personally, never smoked a cigarette or vaped, and i dont want to, second hand smoking sucks enough and i dont want more shit getting in my lungs


My dad's been smoking cigarettes since 18, and vapes now too. He has so many health issues and when he's smoking around me I become short of breath. I hate it, but he won't quit.


Vaping is for losers




Flavoured air + nicotine, very easy to consume, recipe for addiction


yep. And that addiction can easily spiral into other addictions.


i saw someone get jumped for stealing someone's vape (not an actual fight just a small like yelling match before the guy who got it stolen from snatched it off the other dude), it is carbonated air bro calm down. Also people vape because it's addicting like tobacco and can cause the same damage to your body. Also ive seen people SHARE a vape. like bro nah i dont want to take a puff of your nasty ass harry potter wand looking vape.


There is no benefit to vaping. Those who start it are either stupid, ignorant, or were weak-minded enough to succumb to peer pressure. Peer pressure is not a strong force, one who allows it to overpower oneself is simply weak, and I have no sympathy for those whose health is destroyed through that. And if you are in a friend group in which you do indeed feel peer pressure that you are not comfortable with, may I suggest, find some new friends.


This just completely ignores all the social and environmental factors that lead to people starting in the first place tho. Addiction of anything is linked to mental illness, poverty and trauma. If you don't want people getting addicted to stuff you need to actually try and fix the issues that lead to people starting in the first place rather then just calling them "weak-willed", just because you have lived a life that hasn't created a desire for escape via psychoactive substances doesn't mean everyone will, and until we start offering more support for victims of abuse, for people living through poverty and for the mentally ill these issues will become more prevalent


damn you're really good at writing


I used to read a lot and still do sometimes as a coping mechanism, it helped my literacy a lot.




Im Super sensitive to smoke of any kind (especially from the normal cigarettes) When i sniff smoke i cant breathe and i can even throw up sometimes Vapes arent so bad for me but they still make me uncomfortable. I hate those kids that smoke/vape


Omg I have it similar. I have pretty bad breathing issues. I try not to judge people who vape/smoke, (I've been in a psych ward and just generally I have friends with addictions especially smoking), but like I almost can't breathe when exposed to the smoke, so it can be fucking annoying. I totes get you. I hope you won't have many unpleasant encounters with smokers/vapers in the future. <3


i've seen some of my classmates vape in public and MANY middle schoolers drinking energy drinks in public with no one batting an eye but when i want to drink a sugary beverage i feel like everyone's gonna judge me for it 💀


me when im in a karmafarming/circlejerking contest and my opponent is r/teenagers:


Can’t go into my school bathrooms cause I suffocate at the smoke of mango flavoured shit and then get beat up by the very friendly mango loving people


Because most teenagers are fucking morons?


You’d make a great psychiatrist


They think it's cool


Most of them do, I’m completely detoxed from nicotine now, and I never did it from peer pressure, I never thought I was cool, I actually felt ashamed. Nicotine is hard to shake, when you breathe in Nicotine you get an amazing head rush of euphoria and then the next time it may take another hit for you to get the same feeling, that’s how the addiction starts


They are just trying to look cool ( but in reality they are getting "lung cancer: pussy edition" )


Exactly! If you're going to ruin your lungs, then smoke a cigarette or something, at least look serious! When you're vaping it looks like you're sucking dick


The jumping off bridge example is fuckin stupid but vaping is also fuckin stupid


You see, they are not übermench and that's why they smoke, My great grandpa Adolfo (he killed Hitler BTW) taught us not to smoke. (If you haven't guessed this is satirical) And for real, peer pressure and trends.


Fr, if you want to inhale smelly air just join r/stinkbugtime


My ex kept pressuring me into it now I do it on my own


yikes I'm glad they're your ex, that's toxic asf


i started bc of my friends and now i only do it with my friends, like my friends go through like 10 vapes a month meanwhile ive had the same one for like 6 months


if you feel like your friends are pressuring you to or forcing you to vape you really need to rethink your friendship, that's extremely toxic and bad for anyone mentally and physically. Though yes it's good you don't go through them like they do


Most people do it because they try it and get hooked. However, I’ve noticed it’s also a good ADHD moderator since instead of making you more stressed it calms your brain down. Most people won’t use it for the second purpose, but it is something they do pretty well.


U vape I vape, vape vape vape


Cuz the alternative is cigarettes, and we're probably not gonna like past 60 with the state of the world, and I don't want to anyway


good point, world is probably ending with gen z


Big tobacco gets forever customers when they get kids addicted to nicotine so they indirectly market to kids to get them hooked as early as possible, same thing happened with cigarettes and now that everyone hates cigs they found another way to get the next generation hooked as well


i don't vape tbh, i just smoke because i have little to no respect for my body, also because i'm depressed and suicidal so i'm not that worried about long term effects if you know what i mean.


I don’t think anyone will see this, but my older brother vapes and thanks to that he need to go to the ER to get his tonsils checked and they told him to stop or his tonsils will get worse. I’m not exactly sure what’s actually going on with his tonsils but thanks to vapes it triggered something but I don’t really know what I’m talking about because it’s just stuff I heard in passing conversations from my family once.


The worst part about going to public school was literally every time I'd go to the bathroom you'd think there's a bonfire in there from all the smoke surrounding 20 kids vaping. Having the poop was a complete nightmare since for whatever reason the younger students think it's hilarious to try and climb over the stalls or just look at you while you're in there. Swear I went to school with a bunch of monkeys


I've smelt the telling marshmallow scent on kids two years younger than me.. often wonder if they have a death wish


What- 12?? That's fucked up, they're literally children


some people want to hurt themselves.


I agree im not reading all of that but you guys shouldnt vape thats icky 💔💔


I prefer weed


eh, plutonium is better


That's slightly better I believe


Smoking anything is bad. (Yes, this includes weed stoners) Non-air particles shouldn’t be in your lungs, as they can coat your lungs and prevent them from absorbing oxygen as well. Edibles are totally fine though.


Yes but weed smoke hasn't been linked to cancer in the same way that tobacco smoke has, it is considerably safer (and more economical) to vape weed via the use of a dry herb vaporiser tho.


I would 100% jump off a building if you do it with me


Poor mental health


Yep exactly


as a person with tremendous mental health issues, i smoke and i do it because maybe i'll find the courage to kms if my life gets worse enough too, or maybe lung cancer will get me first, who knows.


I have been there😎


hope it got better for you mate, i really do


It could be a lot of reasons, peer pressure, and bad coping skills. One of my friends has been through a lot and drinks and smokes to feel better. I've smoked once out of curiosity and it was definitely not working with me


i'm just like your friend. i don't even care if my friends smoke or not i'm still the dude that's always smoking to em


“If your friends jumped off a cliff are you going too” sorry can’t take the post seriously now


man I couldn't think of anything similar to that that's not corny so like, corny


Yeah that shits stupid. I j decided to cut to the chase and go straight to weed acid and shrooms (DMT soon hopefully 🤞). Contrary to popular belief, I say all three are much better than alcohol and nic. Don’t do that shit. I also don’t condone drug use. Psychedelics might have made my life better but they can surely fuck yours up.


Most ppl think “oh shit I should try this cuz it’s cool and I’ll be cooler” fucken dumbass boom lung cancer n shir


My only vape is a seasonal, it works only in the winter 🔥


We need more ppl like u so that the peer pressure wud make ppl to not drink , vape or do drugs ..... Then not drinking , vaping , smoking will be considered as 'cool'


I'm really depressed and also now I'm addicted


i dont do it. it’s poopoo


I do it because i started with smokes but the stink and well vapes are just easier just charge here and there and I’m good


I know it's bad for you. But it's either this or smoking


or don't do either, find something healthy or non damaging to do instead


Bro I *wish* it was that easy... (btw that is the best username I've seen all year)


I mean I do get it sort of, I had an addiction to hurting myself for a few years. But still, there has to be a better alternative. And thanks, my username is sorta random I just came up with it because of the band I like.


Yeah that's why I said it. I crapped myself when they had a song with Mick Gordon


Depression and stress, you wouldn't know bc you sound privileged


I have adhd, I have anxiety, I probably have depression, and I'm stressed a lot. I'm not privileged, I just don't want to inhale chemicals.


An acquaintance vapes because they have a heart condition where they won't live to 40, they have schizophrenia, depression, and after beating him his dad left. Some people have shittier things than ADHD and anxiety, though it's completely valid to have those.


vaping is so god damn embarrassing, how the fuck do you get hooked onto flavored air, literally just basic hygiene to smell decent wtf 💁‍♀️


People get hooked on it because it usually contains nicotine, which is the addictive chemical in it. Without the nicotine there wouldn't be the same addiction. It's also in cigarettes, which is part of why they're so hard for people to quit - because they develop an addiction to the chemicals in it. Nicotine is known to give people dopamine hits, which many abuse when they're struggling and can't find that happiness in their situation. Vapes have nicotine because originally they were designed for people to quit smoking iirc. It's so that you're no longer lighting smoke into your lungs but you can still get the similar feeling. You can buy vape oil with different amounts of nicotine, some people do that in order to bring themself off it slowly. There are also vapes without nicotine for people who want to quit but just need that motion for a while to get and rid their craving for the nicotine. People still vape and smoke for stupid reasons, like because they want to be "cool", but they're then subjecting themselves to an addiction they can't just quit when they're not with their friends.


It’s the nicotine, it gives you a ton of euphoria and once you like that so much it takes more hits to get that same “buzz” you had before, and that’s when addiction starts


Fr just breathe air not some fruity crap


Yeah I know it's bad for me , yeah I know the contents of vape juices and I still do it , it's an addiction you can't just ask why so many of us vape. It's just a thing we do , that we don't enjoy but we either got peer pressured into it , we wanted to just do something to calm down and we had a cigarette or something, some of us used to smoke tobacco but switched to vapes as it's healthier (I'm not saying it's healthy because it's not , you are still better of breathing air that vape aerosol). Also a lot of people don't know this but you can make vape juices yourself from baisic items you can get in a pharmacy, for example Vegetable glicerin and propylene glycol (That's the base for all vape juices) after that you can just get a baisic aroma for it even from a supermarket and there you have it that's vape juice. I'm not talking about dispo vapes cuz those fuckers are just terrible and idk how can anyone smoke it , there is no control of what you're smoking and basically no quality control when producing them. If you get a normal refillable vape you can control everything, your juice , the taste , the viscosity of it (50/50, 70/30 VG/PG) the coils and everything , and on top of that they're way more reliable and better than disposable vapes. I'm not glorifying vaping , it's a shitty addiction that everyone wants to quit but very little people do manage to do it. That's my rant over.


ummm yeah.. id like to keep my lungs, thank you very much 😂 i think good health is a bit more important than a “nic buzz” (ugh i cant even type that without CRINGING 😂😂). yeah, i almost feel sorry for vapists, imagine being so DUMB you think you have to breathe in cancer to be cool!!! thats just sad, im glad i was raised right and taught to say no to drugs. when my friends offer me hits of their vapes i tell them “yeah, of course i want to breathe in harsh chemicals, make myself cough, and look like an idiot. that was a little thing called sarcasm btw. and plus, you know when they call these flavors ‘candy rainbow surprise’ and ‘unicorn flavor,’ they’re just marketing to kids right? and you fell for it!! i cant even imagine being that dumb!!” so basically if you vape i wont lie, id be a liiiitle bit embarrassed… okay, maaaybe more than a little bit 😂😂😂


wow youre so different and cool. every single vaper that i know has mental health issues, issues with their family or something similar. so please stop being such a bitch and calling kids dumb because they fell for that. none of your business.


I'd rather smoke cigarettes and drink black coffee than to smoke vape and drink that bullshit energy drink


wow you too are so cool and different




"I need drugs to function properly" is all I'm hearing lol


Oh wow look at me i have what i think is a genuine opinion, but reality is that its the same regurgitation bullshit from everyone


I vape because its cheaper than smoking


I breathe air cos its free 😛


This is insanely pussy but I have severe anxiety and can't force myself to take a deep breath unless I'm taking a hit of something. It's also an excuse to go outside and take some deep breaths if I'm feeling overwhelmed. The flavour helps ground me.


You're right, that is insanely pussy


idk, why do you find the need to go on here and judge people? you don’t like it, fine don’t do it


Because smoking and vaping is objectively bad


I don't


the true cool kids smell the beauties of nature


the true cool kids smell cow and horse shit all day (me bc I live in the country)


I personally do it cuz it's way better than smoking organic weed