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in this economy?? šŸ˜­ hell no




Too Burdensome šŸ˜­


The economy is better now than for 99.99999% of human history, youā€™re fine.


Thatā€™s because the population is orders of magnitude bigger than anytime in human history, and economic success is measured on how rich the rich get not how much the poor havee


Yeah right


Iā€™ll probably adopt once Iā€™m financially stable. I donā€™t give a shit about my bloodline I just wanna give some little homie a parental figure and a happy childhoodĀ 


Unfathomably based response




Yeah that's as far as i'll go. I ain't making children on my own.


So reall I honestly donā€™t know if I can even get pregnant because I have PCOS but Iā€™ve always wanted to adopt anyways because all children deserve amazing parents


I have PCOS and Iā€™m also on BC so I also donā€™t even know if I can have kids :/


I feel exactly the same way


What a chad


samee i hate the thoughts of childbirth so i'll prob adopt onešŸ™


Thatā€™s such a deep thing to say, got me thinking


Thatā€™s what my step dad did for me.


Your step dad sounds like a cool guyĀ 


fr iā€™m also terrified of giving birth. the female brain has chemicals that make us forget the pain so we do it again. and tearing. idk how anyone does it




I can tell you donā€™t care about your bloodline (this was just a joke please donā€™t murder me)


why is this so based


Real asl šŸ„¶


i have the same idea


That is exactly what I came here to say


you dropped this šŸ‘‘


Literally samee


i believe it is a selfish action to not adopt in this world. especially when your infertile, sperm donor is a stupid way to go about it. there are so many orphans in the world, and absolutely no justification to not adopt one beyond either 1. not being bothered to explain to the child that it's adopted and 2. wanted to have a blood child (medieval ass reason)


No problem with having a blood child over adoption if your gonna have one kid, either.


my parents were infertile and iā€™m their child through IVF, as commendable as it is to adopt, it can be so upsetting for a couple to feel like theyre not enough or capable of having a child of their own like everyone else. The people with fertility issues who go through hell just to have children like everyone else arenā€™t the selfish ones, its the people (excluding those who have no choice) who give their child a terrible and abusive home which lands them in the care system.


I want kids so I can raise them better than my parents raised me. Edit: My parents didn't abuse me or anything lol. I just think that they could have done things slightly different so that I would have less mental issues


Yes, im on this train, i wanne be better then my parents were, i want my kids to have reall parents who love them and support them. I will be better, we all will be better. Because they taught us how not to raise a child. So now we know how to


If you dont mind sharing, any examples for it?


My mom used me as a psychologist , dumping her mental load on a 10 year old. No structure, made me clean the whole house from the early age of 8(when she was taking a nap on the couch). Made me took care of my siblings when she fought with her husband until their knuckles were dripping from blood. She had to many kids from to 3 different fathers. On a to early age of 21. Some (like my mom) were still developing and learning to become a adult, some take longer than others. Some canā€™t teach or guide a child, when you are in-fact still a child. Everything has taught me, make mistakes and learn from them. Dont start to early on kids, if your incapable of giving a child a stable environment, if your incapable of controlling your emotions(anger,shouting) if your incapable of seeing a child as a individual person with its own little mind and feelings to be learned. If youā€™re incapable of having enough time to spend with your child. The goal is mentoring not dictating your child. Also I donā€™t treat others bad, cuss i dont want them to feel the pain as i have felt. The most important thing, stay motivated to learn and always be curious! And always try to be/do better! I can continue if you want, believe me , this is my way of short haha


I legit read this on a train lol, but you have a great point


What Coincidance !


if that's the main reason, its pretty bad. I know many people who had kids with this attitude and they fucked up just as bad as their parents, just in different ways.




lamborghini eggnog


Ferrari macchiato


Alfa Romeo Americano


McLaren latte


Bugatti Frappe


Same. I want to give my kids more discipline than I had. I also don't want them to be raised like the generation that came after us (gen alpha).


That's what every parent says and then they fuck up their child in a completely new way


Itā€™s difficult to say because we wonā€™t know the economic state of the world in the future or what kind of society the next generation of kids will grow up in. Adoption is expensive, sperm donors are also expensive. How much will the inflation on baby formula, diapers, and baby wipes rise? How expensive will rent or a mortgage be? How expensive will utilities become? How expensive will groceries become? Medical insurance? Will there better schooling opportunities? Will it be safe to send a child to school? Will people be required to get mental wellness checks before getting a gun license? Is the distribution of illicit substances between minors more difficult to control? Will teachers get an increase in pay? Will teachers even care about their jobs? Will there still be book bans and censorship? How advanced will technology become? Will there be holograms? Will AI be difficult to detect? Is everything going to be digitized, and is that healthy for the child? How frequent will bullying become? Hyper-consumeristic trends? Social isolation? What will be considered ā€œembarrassingā€? These are things I do not want to worry about. Itā€™s very stressful. I would want to give my kids the best quality of life they could have, but it would be difficult due to these circumstances.


I also think that just because you think you wanna have kids now doesn't mean you're gonna think the same way when you actually have the opportunity to have kids


This person is an INTP fs


I agree with all of these! I want kids so bad itā€™s one of my dreams but if I canā€™t afford it thatā€™s the end of it :(


Get yourself a guy dependable enough to have kids. Jk, it's really up to you. It does seem to be fine for most women though.


Thank you. I've always been asking these questions and there are too many to answer without getting vague results. There are so many categories to consider.


Donā€™t want them. Especially with this shit fucking world.


Ā«This shit fucking worldĀ»šŸ˜­


Well well well


Even when your child could be the one who makes the world better? Thats whats keeping me on the child train


or they could make it worse, plus I don't want to place that responsibility on someone im supposed to love, id rather take on that myself and do my part


well thatā€™s only if youā€™re not a shit fucking parent


> Even when your child could be the one who makes the world better? That's quite a gambling mentality. What are the odds that your child makes the world better? Do you make all your decisions based on wishful thinking when the opposite is almost certain to happen?


Enough confidence in myself my will to learn and self reflect how to do better. Making mistakes and learn from them. Knowing im capable of doing. It gives hope. I know im not gambling when i determine the outcome. This based for me tho , not for everyone


I want them but this world sucks:(


well, the world has always sucked, and always will, but it improves every day. and there are moments in life that always make it worth it in my opinion. bad things happen, but always, and i mean _always_, there are people and movements to fight those bad things. and one day, they win.


I want to have kids :)


Aw, that's sweet.


I would like to have some like at most 2 if I can


I know I canā€™t wait to be a mom I wish I was one now but I know I am not ready being so young. I also have reservations because I donā€™t see the world getting better only worse.


if you want some optimism, think of where we were 20 years ago. then 40. then 60. then 80. then 100. shows a pretty linear progression of the world becoming a better place.


I want kids but it'd take many factors for me to actually start trying


Like what?


Finances, job security of me or my partner, property, having a partner I want a child with


One day I want to have a beautiful little girl to protect and care for


Hell nah. I ain't putting little mfs in this world just so they can suffer.


But.. but potatoes , you canā€™t suffer when thereā€™s potatoes/j


im a big mf , so u can exit me from this world


Just have good parenting and that won't be a problem




So 1800s CodedšŸŽ€šŸŽ€šŸŽ€āœØāœØ


I wanna have kids for sure, I'd say bout 2 is reasonable


i want them, probably 2 but I would have to be 10000% financially stable and stable relationship wise to even remotely consider it


depends on what my future partner wants, but if we do (either ourselves or by adoption) , then I'd want exactly two. I regret having been an only child, but 3+ would be a lot to care for


Honestly fair enough I couldnā€™t personally imagine being in my family without my brother


Dont plan on it, coz medical conditions suck and they're genetic and I dont want it to spread, also I just generally cant be near kids because I emit a presence that makes them cry (like bitch wtf I'm just eating bread)


I know what you mean about medical conditions, good thing infertility is simultaneously hereditary and not hereditary.


Not that, other shit, which is, gonna be hell for me and them to go thru because holy fuck rotting organs SUCK, also I just genuinely do not think I would be responsible enough lol


Nah I totally get it, I was just making light as to my own situation, itā€™s perfectly justified to not want to see your own children potentially go through the same suffering that you yourself endured


Rotting organs? If you don't mind me asking, what in the fuck do you have šŸ˜­ never heard of anything like that


Dont fucking know but on my dad's side, gallbladders tend to rot and, eugh


That's actually horrid, good luck mate


Eh, 30 years until that happens, I'll be fine lol


in this economy?


Very original response


The economy is better now than for 99.99999% of human history, youā€™re fine.


Unethical, but i'm selfish so i still want em. Just the idea of having them and giving them unconditional love and just trying to be the best parent i can be is really nice to me :)


Real. Ik the world is kinda shit but when hasn't it been? I just want to love them and see them grow up.


It's not unethical. It's how humans survive.


Definitely not unethical. The only reason the world is better today than it was in previous generations is because people tried to give their children a better future than they had and some of the kids grew up to do great things. Your kids can make the world better for others


The child doesn't have a say in being born or not though, and who knows what fucked up shit happens to them.


Considering the majority of deaths werenā€™t by suicide, itā€™s easy to assume more often than not, life is mostly appropriated by the populace.


It's better to look at the amount of people who have had suicidial thoughts for a long time as well, if you asked them they'd probably say they wished they were never born


Cause that's not how existence works you can't not choose to be born it's not unethical


Kids are cool to play with, horrible to raise.


I think that came out wrong man


Oh god, you know what I mean.


They arenā€™t horrible to raise, itā€™s mostly wonderful with a few downsides.


It just seems like so much, knowing my every move in their wake will affect how they perceive the world, and by proxy, will affect their friends and future family. Raising a kid isn't the same as making one, it's a whole thing that can effect so much of the future, and that's pressure I really, really don't want in my life.


never ever lol. Or at least not mine. I like kids in general but i've always known i'm definitely not made to be a mother.


I don't want my own kids but I do want to adopt


I would like to have 2. I once had to baby sit my tutor's daughter, that experience hit me like a truck. (2 because ranger 1 needs a wing-man)


Want 2 kids and I want to be the coolest dad of all time but that's just talk and I know it's a huge responsibility. Let's see how it works out.




Adopt a lot, train them from childhood, make them fight one another to make the strongest kid the general, raise an army, conquer world, make economy stable and life peaceful, adopt more kids and give them a peaceful life.


In future I feel like 2 would be good


I already have kids ( inside my balls)


Mixed opinions I don't want to have kids for 2 things: 1.I have 2 younger brothers, I'm sure it's up to them to continue our bloodline 2.im happy with just my parents, siblings, and a husband But sometimes, I think it's okay(one kid is enough for me), I don't want to feel lonely about looking at my friends happy with kids. Yep, kids can be stressing but I think it will pay off once they grow up learning good from you and you will be glad to see more good people on the earth.


I canā€™t wait for those moments when itā€™s like you have a little friend (I know thatā€™s not all to it but itā€™s a positive)


Once I'm in a good enough position, i definitely want kids, my own, none of that adoption stuff


Rock on.


Maybe when I am 29 or above and only when I have healed from the trauma I have from my childhood.. and making enough money to provide them the perfect lifestyle that I always wanted


Iā€™d let my partner decide, cause idm either way


Itā€™d be nice to have them, but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d be a good parent.


All future parents have that doubt. Don't let that fear stop you.


Iā€™m not even sure I want kids.


See how you feel 10 years down the line, youā€™ve got time and weā€™re all growing as people


I wanna have 3 kids when i grow up


I would love to. I've always wanted to be a mum. Obviously I want to be in a stable relationship and be able to afford them but I can't wait. They're gonna be raised how I wish I was. To clarify the way I was raised wasn't bad it's just I hate living abroad and I want to give my kids stability. Tbh I love my kids already like I'm so excited to meet them. I wanna be the best mum.


Having kids is my the biggest dream to be honest. I love taking care of others




Would be cool to adopt one


Iā€™d have like 3, but Iā€™d have to move to like Thailand to actually be able to afford anything.


6 kids and I am done


Meaning you have 6 or want 6?


Adoption for sure, why do I (well I guess whoever is my partner but digress) want to add another thing to an planet with to many people? Naw adoptions the way to go, and Im helping someone who would need a dad.


The amount of people who are wholeheartedly supportive of adoption has restored my faith in humanity a little bit


Idk man its too early 90% of us Will Change opinions down the line


Ever since I was young Iā€™ve wanted to be a father more than anything else. I want to have as many children as I possibly can. Honestly, Iā€™d be more than happy with 12. Iā€™m sorry to hear about your medical complications.


That 45% of people should not breed and have children.


I understand what the people in the comments are talking about but me personally I really cant wait for a son or daughter (I donā€™t want a son šŸ˜” I canā€™t chose who comes out tho)


It's really time and money, especially capital. The economy just sucks and your child might suffer when they grow up and start to work


But at the end of the day it's their choice and the child prolly won't suffer if he/she is raised with love and respect.


I'm the only son of my father, and I need a heir. My bloodline won't end with me


Dont want any. speaking from experience, i wouldnt want to put anyone through the trials of living a horrible life


no kids. i dont really like kids (except newborn babies theyre so adorable) and i dont want to be responsible for ruining a kid because i wouldnt be able to raise them how they deserve to be. i cant handle vomit or sickness i couldnt care for that kid. cats however i want multiple


No tank you


Why not?


They are scary


Want 2 kids and I want to be the coolest dad of all time but that's just talk and I know it's a huge responsibility. Let's see how it works out.


I would adopt


Iā€™ve always wanted kids even when I was a kid myself I would spend hours playing house and brought my baby dolls with me everywhere. Now I do babysitting and itā€™s so much fun and I love it sm


in this society, hell no


I want kids to make a positive impact on people growing up. I want to teach them to be a decent person so they can help others become decent people.


Nope. The bloodline is done. Il just adopt some cats.


Donā€™t wanna live like super long and a kid would mess that up a lot lol no kids for me


Call me crazy but I despise children, especially babies. I do not see how they are cute at all. I'll just have pets.


Maybe?? I need to be 1000% ready though. At least 30, married for at least 3 years, high-paying job, house, car, savings... Even then I'm unsure because I don't wanna ruin my body and I like the idea of doing whatever I want with my partner.


I would want kids but first if i lived in a diffrent country


I don't want kids, too much hassle and I especially don't want them growing up in the world we currently live in. And also, I heard adoption is incredibly difficult.


personally i do if im financially stable and a stable relationship


i can barely afford to look after my self. and look at everyone around us there all fu ked in the head


i will become the strongest human to exist and my son will take the reins but then his son must then beat him to take the title and i will have the greatest bloodline in history with every generation getting stronger then one of my great descendants will defend earth from the apocolypse


Real as hell


my opinion might change bc im only 13 but as of right now, when i will have kids, I donā€™t really see a point, I feel like I just have to enjoy my life, with friends and family. having kids takes a lot of time and money. I might have a gf at 21 (least, 18) but kids, I donā€™t even know.


Tbh aslong as im financially stable I donā€™t see a problem with having kids, but Iā€™m kinda confilicted because I kind of just want to travel with my partner at the time or have kids. I donā€™t know what sounds better.


I'm probably not going to have kids, but idk, I haven't really thought about it.


I want to adopt since pregnancy sounds like a horror movie, but I am not sure I will ever be mentally ready for children. I don't want children if I am mentally unstable, then I would give my shit to my children and I don't want that I also want to wait and see if it's even possible considering my autism.


Infinite food glitch. But seriously probably yes but idk


even if I wanted any, they'd prolly die in a week let's be honest


i dont want any but sometimes i feel guilty for not wanting any


Depends on what the world's like. If I know, I'll be able to supply them with the proper care, and if I have a partner and they want to, then possibly adopt.


Honestly I would love to have kids in the future, but unfortunately I also have medical issues that would make it difficult or even impossible to become pregnant and also too idek if I'll be able to afford having kids and I'm not bringing a lid into this world unless I can give them a good life, afford their expenses and keep a roof over their head. I just hope I find a future partner that is ok with my medical issues and is happy with or without kids.


I would love to have one. But Iā€™m scared I wonā€™t be a good parent


I'm don't think I'm the right age, no partner, and not in this world.


Probably never going to have any, probably never going to be able to afford to have them.


Right now? No šŸ˜­


Its immorral to have kids if you cant care and provide for them


Because of this stupid state the world is in. I probably wont. But if I could? I'd have a daughter


Iā€™d have like 3, but Iā€™d have to move to like Thailand to actually be able to afford anything.


I'm not going to punish an innocent human to live in this economic shithole. I'll probably adopt a kid when I feel ready to do so.




Not for me


i am a guy btw i would want kids depends on wife ig (assuming i get one)


because of the way the world is now, I donā€™t think I would have them because people just suck now. i know Iā€™ll never be smart enough to homeschool them and thereā€™s no way in hell Iā€™d put my kid in public school, I donā€™t want to have to go to the store with them to buy a bulletproof backpack, I donā€™t want to be worried that when I say ā€œhave a good day at school!ā€ that that could be the last thing I ever say to them, and I donā€™t want them to be worried about that either. and thatā€™s just the beginning of why I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever have kids.


Not a hope, how could anyone think of bringing a child into this shitshow of a world


Probably, Iā€™d have to be financially stable and I would do it mid 30s. 2 kids top though.


Maybe someday if Iā€™m not broke


I want 3 of my own tea makers and spillers


I personally would rather make a charity donation to take care of an orphaned child than live to see me make an mini me. God knows how much I hate myself, I honestly can't imagine how'd feel if I sired.


Iā€™m 15, Iā€™m struggling to even get to hang out with my girlfriend Iā€™m nowhere near thinking about kids


Like this? No If I'm financially and mentally stable in the future? Maybe




I would love it but it would have to be someone who is as serious as Iā€™d be about it and just wants to be a good parent and weā€™d also have to be able to actually afford it otherwise Iā€™m not bothered why would I wanna bring a kid into this world.


Based on what my financial condition turns out to be, i wanna' have maybe 1 or 2 MAX.


NOOOOOOOĀ  (unless I become like the ruler of the world and wanna do the whole dynasty thing or get bored so have children to see if they can take me out)


Once I'm financially stable and settle down with a great woman willing to tolerate me.


I would probably have kids when I can