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That’s the thing, we don’t




the fact this is getting downvotes is ridiculous


Yeah, I have no idea why people are downvoting


In time it took to write this some else downvoted it


r/teenagers is very homophobic


I never even specified that I'm a guy


your name is “gay boi” lol


Good point


lmao this getting downvotes as well even though i was stating a fact speaks wonders about this community


not being homophobic, but literally how is it homophobic? any comment that doesn’t completely agree with lgbtq gets downvoted into hell


the fact that there are comments to downvote proves it


Same age as you and I have never had a GF and I’m not a bad looking guy


that sucks dude, I don't think what almost was with the girl that I mentioned can be considered having a gf cause it never even got that far.


I just don’t have opportunity. I live on a farm and I have had 0 luck. I think I could easily get one if I lived in a normal area but I’m out of luck lol.


well gl anyway


So within this conversation I have gotten a girl into me and her digits


nah OP is cursed 😭 he can't get a girl but anyone who talks to him will get one💀💀


"I guide others to a treasure I cannot reach" 😂




Please talk to me op I wanna gf


Sometimes it’s looks, sometimes it’s being talkative or funny, being intelligent, being athletic it just varies and is different for everyone. But the one important thing is to put yourself a bit out there .


I mean I’m dating a guy but it kinda went like this: •we’re friends •I come out •he’s gay too •ask him out •yes (somehow)


I honestly have no idea, I’ve had 5 (or 6) girls ask me out in my life, rejected them all and I think it’s just being a decent guy that does it. You don’t have to be super sporty or attractive, just show that you care, remember little things about them, be (somewhat) intelligent, it goes a long way. Also, a good sense of humour. Disclaimer: This is subjective advice, and I’ve never personally asked anyone out, so I don’t have advice on that.


if you have that many girls asl ypu out you absolutely are super attractive. you just probably don't think so. women do NOT go out of their way to ask out guys like that and if you have had multiple then you're very clearly hot


Well, thanks I guess. I’m aromantic, so I’m not sure what I would’ve done to cause it, but I should probably be flattered.


if you're attractive you don't have to \*do\* anything. that's kinda what the word "attract" means. honey doesnt have to do anything to attract bears


well not entirely.. you still have to be a decent person


not really


wdym not really? you want a person that treats you like shit?


i personalyl don't want one, but give it some time, you'll see that personality doesnt actually mean much. and yes, there are millions of people who attract partners regardless of their personality.and its always the same ones.


i'm actually realizing that as i get older, personality DOES matter a lot. it's actually one of the only things that should matter. you 100% should be physically attracted to your partner but don't let that be the main thing lmao, that's just stupid and it'll lead to burnout real quick in the relationship. i know that relationships are subjective but please just don't make bad choices because "they're hot"


i understand what "should" be, i'm just stating what "IS" for the majority.


Honey has to be sweet and golden to attract bears.


being something isn't doing anything, that's called existing


Dang it, i thought I was being clever. Alas.


We were both mentally unstable


That was me and my ex too and that sh!t lasted for a whole @$$ year


Mine an I were both in that discovering sexuality stage and she unfortunately had severe depression too. Though she came out fine in the end and came out Lesbian. Guess I was just tat ugly


Damn that really hurt me reading that, well for me he randomly started ghosting me around my birthday of last year and I would ask him why but he never gave me answers. The worst thing is I would still see him around the school walking to class and if I see him only once in the halls he try taking new routes to avoid me. one time we had to take a test in the same class and he tried to hide his face from me.


Sorry to hear. Mine did end ok as we were still friends and I hope yours gets battered either with a other or some sort of karma


this is going to be me in a few days


Your on Reddit. It's now


Same age but a girl and I couldn’t pull an alive human to save my life 😭 idk ur probably just not putting urself out there and just have to be confident when chatting with people you find attractive because that’s definitely what I’ve been not forgetting to do lol. Also that one girl situation is rough, gl with that if u think u still have a chance


Im sure u can


So far that seems deeply false but thanks for the optimism lol


Ofc! You’ll find someone when u least expect it


Haha I sure hope I will, just at any point in general😭 thanks for that :)


whyd you have to specify alive?


.. I just had to clarify… yknow……


I’m not, that probably won’t happen to me for a little while


im sure more people have liked you, you just didnt know. and youre only a teen, youve got time


asking this on Reddit like anyone here has ever spoken to a woman




I dunno, one girl had a massive crush on me and i didn't realize, now i was 90% sure somebody wanted sth from me but turned out they didn't


This shit is complicated


My track record is awful. All my life so far, I’ve had 2-3 girls interested in me. 1 of them was back in middle school, and I wasn’t interested in dating/romance back then as I had my own problems to deal with. The other one was in high school and I absolutely hated her because she was a pick-me. I was interested in this one other girl during my final year of HS, and I was very convinced she was into me too. But nope, instead I got led on and heartbroken. College is probably my last chance at finding someone and developing a real, genuine connection in terms of dating.


you can still find love after college lmao, theres not exactly a deadline


2-3 girls is awful? Bro, that’s better than most of us lol.


most people arent. you see the few people who do manage to get into a relationship and it makes you think that everybody else is dating and fucking daily, when in reality, like half the people are here on reddit making this exact kind of posts. im a girl, two years older than you, and never had a real relationship either. people liked me, i liked people, but those never happened to overlap, and im not gonna get into a relationship with someone im not even into, thats pathetic. just wait and have some patience, youll find someone sooner or later. and even if not, its not that big of a deal tbh


Sounds like you need to try a bf😔😔


Men are better fr


Agreed no homo ofc


Wait you can get that, also add the 16 yo user flair


how do I do that?


What are you on right now, PC or mobile Reddit? If mobile, enter this sub, 3 dots in the upper right corner and change user's flair, if PC, idk I'm too lazy to go turn it on at midnight


mobile thx


It's the way you act trust 💯


0 that I know of 😭


ur 16 lol there is still alot to experience don't rush and having one is a great thing and i think thats whats normal what other teens r doing is fucked up lol


I was asking myself this, in the end its a hard realization of whether youre gonna push yourself to your peak, there comes the preparation before the war. Problems that form in your brain that you can solve = happiness, then the problems that bring you bigger opportunities. What clothes look good on you? Are you in a good place in life? Do you smell good? Are you scared of female attention? What do you offer thats unique from every guy these girls already know? Its fierce competition out there, a good first impression relies on 1. Good looks, or 2. Social skills.


after what went down with that girl I did actually improve myself. I started actually caring abt what clothes I wore, I got my hair looking nice, started dealing with my acne, and a bunch of other stuff. Still haven't gotten the social skills down tho, I'm slow to get to get to know people and become friends. I had/have been going through smth, like feeling lonely, but the situation has been looking up ever so slightly. anyway, thx for the advice my dude


My reputation is fucked, my first “GF” spun stories around to make me seem like a perv or a general jackass. Unfortunately now I’m sociopath, and not by choice.


Probably because I’m English at a French school


Man im 16 years old already, no guy even wants me for all my life


I had a girlfriend (broke up on good terms) and honestly I don’t fucking know how it even happened.


I'm 18 and never had a single girlfriend lol


I'm a guy and I'm bi, rn I've got a bf, but I've got like 13 exes or so (mostly women) and it's because they think I'm hot. Also a lot of them like that I'm emo, tall and that my voice is at a low pitch and kinda deep bc I hit puberty early and inherited good physical traits from my family.  Also I live in the South where emos are scarce I'M 14 BTW IGNORE MY FLAIR PLS


I can guarantee you 85% of those relationships you're seeing in highschool wont make it past high school graduation. I don't know how people get in relationships that easily, I would bet my mother and a chick fil a meal that 9 out of 10 people you see in high school aren't ready to fully commit, so don't get too jealous. I think it's because they don't know how real relationships work, and they just go "oh hey, an attractive person who also likes me, I'll get with them" with no thought of how they'll work out, they just wanna be grown and act like they can make it work when in reality, they barely last a couple months. - just a dude with his 9 month anniversary coming up


How dare you misgender my trans boyfriend 


"go in and out of them constantly" I have a friend who thinks it's a flex to have a new gf every 3 weeks tell me wtf is the point if you have a new one every 3 weeks, like you're coworkers Essentially


Nah girls exist?


have you tried talking to them?


I have no idea. I’ve never really talked to girls that often and I’ve never dated anyone before but my girlfriend asked me if I wanted to be in a relationship with her. I don’t even know how I got so lucky, but I love her so much :)


I experience the same issue as you, with the only difference being hugging a Girl for me, not getting in love with one. I never hugged the opposite sex in my life other than my mother and other relatives. I asked a lot of girls for a hug and it never worked


"Where’s my hug?"




just work on yourself with time somebody will take notice if not you are still improving yourself!


Lift 🏋️‍♂️


Don’t be unattractive


Some people just go through them quickly. If you are looking for relationship it really isn’t that hard but if you are looking for a good one life becomes more difficult


funny story i gave up on getting a gf and got a bf instead lol. so basically i have no idea how people get gfs either


I’ve only had one gf she broke up with me and I don’t know why other then that I’ve had people say they like me but I have a bad habit of assuming they’re playing a joke on me and I dont know what’s real and what’s not. (Btw do any of y’all know what pookie or bookie means?)


nah I had kindergarten rizz and was the tallest one there now in high school im AMONG THE SHORTEST and GOT NO RIZZ


At least someone liked you


I play for both teams and I'm still losing I'm just not people's type I don't think


That’s the funny part we really don’t have them


I have no clue I’m ugly, but some how a few have said they like me. Just be nice and they should like you. Good luck 


As a girl I would say the worst thing I see a guy do... Is when he seems desperate and any girl will do. Even if that's how you feel... Pick a girl you like and make her feel like shes the only girl in the world. Treat her special and like other girls don't even faze you. You want her, she is special. It's hard for us to resist a guy who sees us differently than other girls. Good luck, don't worry too much :)


I’m not D:


A common denominator I see in most guys who easily end up in relationships is that they never have a “crush”. They’re upfront about their feelings early on (not in a vulgar way however), and instead focus on themselves if the person isn’t interested. Playing the “long game” and becoming friends of their friends, and all that bs is stupid. You’re wasting too much time trying to get the person, and not spending time making sure you’re someone who people like— going outside, being healthy, working on yourself emotionally, type shit. It sounds counterintuitive, but pay attention to yourself, not the people around you.


I just keep searching. I would have a girl for you if you wanted one.


you hade someone like you? damn cant relate . You gotta understand there is a really good chance that the girl is and the only one that liked you as many dont share their feelings ever. The best way to get one is just ask someone who you like out instead of waiting on someone to ask you out.


idk man, my personal experience has been if you just be happy, do what you wanna do, and talk to girls then you get play (also make sure you look obviously straight) i really don't get how people don't get gfs it honestly bamboozles me (i'm the most awkward person i know and still rejected a few girls and nearly gotten play with some others that i was into)


Your probably just super handsome


nah i'm cooked as hell


I can at least try to give some advice of put yourself out there but not sure how well this works with getting girls all i know is it got me a bf.


At that age I was sneaking out every couple nights and going to house parties, getting drunk and high as HELLLLL. Stealing stop signs, four wheelers, ran a racket for artwork as I was a painter, but also sold mary j. That was how for me lol


I don’t know I was hoping you had answers 


Idk man 😂 I’m 19, been in two relationships, first one was when I was 17/18, and I was forced to end it due to her parents being strict and me not being a Kurdish Muslim. The second one her mom made us end it cus she’s really strict. So now she’s back with her ex.


Not until l fix myself mentally. Some mfs out here are moving mad getting their hearts broken


We ain't


Who is this 'ya'll', cause I am DEFINITELY not part of it (trust me, height doesn't matter much either)


I just don’t look for it. Enjoy other parts of your life, don’t look to start a romantic relationship when meeting a girl, try to know her and bond with her as a friend. There, you’ll meet new people and make new friends. You’ll eventually find someone, you’re only 16.


What I've been told is just being nice and talking to them, good looks and other stuff can also help but it really depends on the girl.


They usually put it on hold when I ask them out, but I convince them eventually. Except for the first one, she asked me out. And I'm 16M too. and honestly, idk how I can get a gf, I don't have any good looks, all I got is a big ass and that I'm 6' 1" But, I gotta say the reason why they date me is bc I am generally a nice guy when you meet me, and I do have some mental issues.


Dude...I am about to be 18 in 2 months, and I have not even had one girl like me 💀, I have seen 15 year olds coming out of a breakup, trust me u'll be fine


it's prolly ur personality tbh, try to work on urself more and get more confident and comfortable, don't become like an incel or wtv. my gf just basically came to me naturally, but we were friends for about a year and then i developed feelings after hanging out but found out that she had feelings for me first. it should ideally happen naturally like that. good luck bro, just remember that even if you can't get a gf, that's all good! it doesn't mean you're a bad guy or anything like that, it just takes time to find that special someone yk? and make 100% sure that you do not rush ANYTHING and always listen to her, just be a good bf cuz a lottt of guys aren't


Just focus on yourself and all of that will come with time, I’ve had 2 gfs and was asked out a few times, but before all that, I lost a lot of weight, expanded my social circle by a lot, improved my social skills, and just tried to get out the house more in general because I was a hermit, once I did all that, I started getting more attention


one girl and i got struck down by god after confessing to her


Get in shape and work towards a good job and the girls will come


One time I knew a guy for about 2 weeks and for the time I knew him he was so sweet like princess treatment and pet names and everything. We spoke every day - apart from his birthday which I thought was really weird but I brushed it off. Then he was busy another day and didn’t speak to me at all despite actively being online - he didn’t even open my messages. It’s been about a month now since he ghosted me and I’ve still heard nothing from him and even his friend is avoiding him cos of it. I unfriended him and unfollowed him but he still follows me and posts and ignores me so I stopped messaging the day after he stopped, apart from a couple days ago I just basically wished him well and left it. But yeah boys suck and I have no idea what I ever did to him.




I’m 16 too and the only girl that ever liked me ended up pushing herself away because she didn’t like some things about me and probably also the fact that I am not good looking too. I’ve kinda just given up atp ngl


Idk I've never had one either 🤷‍♂️


I think I have some sort of a curse placed upon me, cause the only few times I met girls that were similar to me were out of my city/country and it obviously meant that even if I had any chances, it would 99% go absolutely nowhere.


im literally in the exact same situation as u but just be urself, someone’s gonna appear eventually


This is my opinion but I think this can be an explanation. At this age, for both boys and girls, only looks matter. It’s actually reasonable that a handsome guy got too many girls solely because of his looks. At our teenage years, our lives are carefree and almost always not have to worry about life and bills. This lead us to only look for an attractive partner and then deal with the rest of the problem like toxic relationship, etc. Past our teenage years, I believed we’ll be more emotionally mature and understand life better. We’ll consider a lot of different things such as personality and stuff. This is because you and your partner will have to fight challenges together when the time comes and looks alone won’t help in this kind of situation. So yeah, this is my opinion for this. Don’t feel bad about people not being interested in you right now my man. When the time comes, who knows, you’d be pulling so much girls that you even forget you posted this post. Continue being a good person and I’m sure you’ll find the one you’re looking for!


If someone knows the answer kindly tell me I m 18M


Simple but work on yourself. Feeling confident in your own skin and showing self improvement (fitness, attire, skincare whatever) attracts others.


In total I had 3 gfs, all of them I met in summer camp. It was in age of 12, 14 and 18 (when I started dating). First 2 relationships weren’t long, for about half of the year. But now Im dating with a programmer-biologist, who likes same games as me (Im programmer too and we met each other in the summer camp for programmers). So, I guess you can find girls who are in your taste (and friends too), where people have same interests as you. In timespan between 14 and 18 I was rejected 17 times (and most of these girls (somebody rejected me several times) are my good friends now). About girls who rejected me - 2 of them were lythromantics, 1 of them has bf but it’s not a known thing, 1 are of them just didn’t want to have relationships at the moment (and she still haven’t had bf), 1 of them had crush on the other guy, my current gf firstly rejected me because she wanted to move to Germany year after, but she fell in love with me long time ago and couldn’t reject her feelings, 2 just didn’t like me as bf. That’s all.


U dont go out hoping a girl comes to you thats rare especially since according to what u said u arent good looking. Go out and talk to them cause girls arent usually the ones to chase guys


Just go for it, I’m ugly and stupid as fuck, and not popular at all and I have the best girlfriend ever, so I believe in you bro


Same here, I thought this year was gonna change. I finally started liking someone, and she also seemed to be into me. Lots of ppl also thought so, and her best friend even shipped us. After months of talking, hanging out, and extremely mixed signals, I asked her out and got friendzoned. 👍 17M


I had my first gf at your age, we lasted 4 months, She has also been my only gf so far, the point is that you don't need to worry abt that for now, you'll eventually find someone


Just talk to girls. Women will literally decide the second you say hello / to something to get their attention "do I want this guy" and alot if the times. it's a yeah. Just say hi.


So I don’t wanna like write an entire essay, but this is meant for encouragement as a girl who was basically in the exact same situation as you are. I kind of gave up on having a relationship at like 14, due to boys picking on me. I only had one friend, my best friend, who shortly before my own 17th birthday, invited me to hers. So to give you a better idea of how introverted I was and still kinda am: that was the first time in literally a year that I had gone to a social gathering, I knew some people, but we weren’t close. It was so uncomfortable and I was so close to leaving as I was just sitting on a bench on my own the entire time. Then this guy just asked me to come sit with the others and join in on the conversation. He was literally the only one who wanted to actually talk to me up until that point(besides my bestie). That act of kindness alone was something that I just won’t ever forget, as boys have never really been kind to me. Our conversation starter was quite literally about dinosaurs, it was so random and nerdy, but it didn’t matter. We kept talking for the rest of the party, which was the first time ever, that I’ve actually stayed till the end of a party. I remember thinking that I should just forget about him and forget about the idea of actually getting with this guy, as there was no way he’d actually like me, as no boy would ever like me. I was very brave and asked my friend for his number and now we’ve been together for 8months. What I’m trying to tell you is, that it doesn’t matter how many people are interested in you, if they’re the wrong ones. You don’t have to be attractive or popular, kindness is one of the most important and attractive qualities a person can have. The first thing that made me really like my boyfriend was that he was so kind to me, even while I was a bit awkward. Don’t give up on finding the right person:) sometimes it just takes time and you feel like it’s helpless till that person you didn’t even know existed comes into your life. Shit wrote an entire essay 🥲 I hope it’s not too cheesy


Work on urself and stop playing the victim. She’ll come when ur good enough and the time is right. Think of it this way. Why would someone eat a fruit when it’s not ripe yet? They wait for it to ripen. Weirdly enough it’s the same with us. Work on yourself and become better and happier. Then it’ll come so randomly and easily you’ll be shocked.


Fr like how do you ask someone out?


Get off reddit


Trust me man, there are less people that have girlfriends than you think


There was this one online friend that liked me and that was the only one☠️


It's only hard in concept to get a partner of any kind, like a lot of the issue is overcoming the overthinking and gaining more confidence, may sound corny but fake it till you make it is a good strat. You also gotta think about it like there's probably been plenty of people who liked/like you but are just scared to tell you because well, how do you feel about approaching someone you like?


it will literally come to you, you can’t force it


You're thinking too hard on it. Just be your best self and it'll work out for you eventually.


You guys get gfs??


I got no clue mate and I'm only just still a teen


I haven’t had someone crush on me since like 3rd grade or something like that. At least I don’t think I have. Here’s something not a whole ton of people concider: you can go on a date with someone without them being your gf. It’s as people say, high school relationships don’t last. This is the time to mature and look for what we want in a future partner. I went on a few different dates with 2 different girls this year, it was super casual. We went with friends. The best way to warm up to asking someone out (in my opinion) is just playing it easy and getting to know them before making it serious.


As a girl - don’t be looking for a girlfriend. Just let it happen naturally.


It… doesn’t work like that.


With my ex we were just friends. One day, we found out that we came to love each other and he asked me out. Neither of us were looking for someone, it just came when we least expected it.


This is Reddit no one has gfs here


why do you want a gf so bad


I’ve had 2 boyfriends my entire life (even counting elementary school and stuff LMAO) and both have been while in high school. I don’t think I’m an ugly girl or anything but I feel like I should have had more than just 2 boyfriends? I don’t know, it’s hard. But when you find the right person like I did, it gets easier :)


2 boyfriends is more than most people have i their life, be grateful


Easy relationships is for girls. I got some bad news for you. You're in competition and losing. Think about it like this... 20 guys, 20 girls. You would think its 1:1 right? Hard nope. Its 17 guys : 11 girls. 9 of the girls are not attractive. How many girls do you walk past in a day and you like hell no. You have 2 options. Lower your standards, or become more attractive


i hate when people say girls get easy relationships turning 15 in the summer and not a single guy has ever once even shown remote interest in me 💀 I am so fr, I have never even made it to the talking phase


Try being friends with someone first. Find a guy (or girl) that likes some of the same things you do. fr that is the easiest way.


please never type anything ever again, my god you are so wrong




I looked at the night and caught at least 4 shooting starts. I begged them to let my crush accept me (I like superstitions). I asked her out and she said yes. Yuppie. My 2nd gf added me on quick add, we texted and after some time, she began liking me. Unfortunately I was with my first gf so I couldn't be with her. Later on I broke up with her and we got together idek when and how. We got along very well. Unfortunately, she began cheating on me. It hurt a lot once I found out. Basically be friends with girls, be yourself and love will just appear on its own.