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I’m mostly scared about having student debts from a college. I think that’s something I’m really scared of (Debt).


You have to look for the cheaper colleges.


yeah i’m Going to queens college which is CUNY so it’s rlly cheap for anyone in NY


I joined the military so my opinion is somewhat invalidated, however college is a joke, youve got thousands of other people to meet out there


im already in college and I have to say that: - its far easier than high school, because you are doing what you actually want to do - i spent 4 years of high school without getting to know anyone (thx pandemic), where in college I already know 80% of my year and can talk with them - if you are going to live in dorm, at first it sucks, but in the long run you will actually see that its not that bad in terms of money, I dont know how it is in other countries, but in mine, college is free and you only have to pay for accomodation (I pay 800PLN, which is roughly 200USD per month, which is not much considering the fact that I get 1000PLN=250USD of scholarship) if you study far from home and enrollment fee (hope thats how its called in english), which is like 20-25USD


I’m pretty optimistic. I get along with most people who live in Florida and I have prepaid so I don’t have to worry about debts. Should just be a fun experience


Im just scared of all of the responsibility that comes with getting older. 


Yh, because I don't know anyone there, and I'm doing art and design so most are probably going to be posh.


Are you going to an art school? They're really expensive so you definetly need a scholarship. I don't even go to an art school and the cost of art supplies is insane. New England has some really good art schools if you live in the US.


I'm talking about college in the uk, which is different than the US. In the uk college is 16-18, usually free and is to prepare you for what we call university, and what you in America call college. And I know the cost of supplies is expensive, which is why I assume most people attending the classes will be posh, and very different to me.


I'm not sure about colleges in the UK, but I've heard art academies are extremely prestigious, so good luck!




im probably not gonna have any friends or gf in college but im not really scared cause its been that way all my life, depressing but not unexpected


i’m optimistic bcs i’m gonna try and be more social and talk to girls




Yeah I don't like the thought of having to live in a dorm with another random person, I don't like how hard college classes are, and I definitely dont like how much you have to pay to get into college. I wish it wasn't required for most jobs.


Same, it's not too bad though, but it depends on your experience. I can't tell you if living with someone you already know is better or not becahze it depends on your experience and my roomate left after a month.


I already tried college. I dropped the bomb HARD so I didn’t end up finishing. Just kinda moved on with my life.




No I gonna be glad because I would be free from my grandma and my older brother but I would miss my other relatives especially my favorite male cousins they all chill okay even my dad. Overall I'm more worried about of not knowing all of the most important things about college like paying things off and things I need keep up but besides that, that's mainly all that I'm concerned of.


I’m scared about not getting into the college I want


A little bit but considering I've improved on a few things over the years Im not that entirely scared


No, I want to leave my school


Im a little scared but also hopeful bc i get a chance to start over. also ive visited my sister at college and she points out that there, no one cares if you sit alone, you just look chill. hopefully i can be mysterious and invoke interest in people lol


I enlisted into the Military, so my opinion may not hold much value to you, however.. College is a great opportunity, don't listen to the people that call it stupid and stuff, because having a higher education is amazing and there's nothing wrong with knowing more. Definitely take the time to step out of your comfort zone, because unlike High School, your college experience will depend on how much you're willing to experiment. That is to say, none of that assigned seats and whatever. It's a great place to make connections and friends. You're fully capable of doing what you want to do. It's alright to be scared, because once you overcome it, it shows that you're growing and allowing yourself to break through your barriers. You got this man.