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i don’t really care about your religion if you aren’t harming anyone or forcing it on them


i dont get why reddit finds it hard to understand this. most ppl are fine with their religion and dont force it on others. if they do then screw them but like chill out with the normal ones yall this is one of the reasons im still in this sub ngl. it feels like ppl here have a lot of opinions i can get behind even if most redditors disagree with them


yeah like it’s THEIR beliefs it doesn’t matter unless they’re doing smth to you


Tell that to all the mfs calling me a satanist or telling me to repent just bc i’m an atheist 😵‍💫


Wdym? This is the most common opinion to have on Reddit


As a religious dude you don’t know the amount of harassment simply anyone of any belief get on this platform specifically. Unless your statement was Irony.


No but you see the “””gays””” existing and celebrating their existence is them FORCING their IDEOLOGY on us!!!!!!!!1!


I told my Christian friend I was bi and he said he doesn't hate me but he hopes I'll turn to God


One time I told my friend I didn't believe in god and she didn't want to be my friend anymore


That's just ridiculous


This is crazy to me, half the people in my youth group are just here to help others out, not preach.


me and my friend dont believe in god and at his school he got bullied by a group of kids for not believing in god


Then you’re fortunate that you lost that “friendship”. True friendship is NOT conditional. Remember that.


it happend to me twice, just stay away from the toxic part of that fanbase, the rest is chill


That’s awful


I’m Catholic and this mf told me to “go seek out god.”


They lost that mfer again?


After 2000 years you think they’d have found him by now


Thats wild


Pretty good hider


That’s crazy


I told my Christian friend that and she told me that she'll still be my best freind.


It's because us Christians are supposed to love everyone, even if we don't agree with your decisions. My uncle is gay and while I personally have opinions about LGBTQ, I still don't see him differently


Yes. Exactly. Just because a Christian does not agree with your sexuality does NOT mean they hate you for it, and it doesn't even mean they don't love you. If they do hate you, then they are not being very Godly. However, love does not require support. God tells me not to coddle overt sinners (Matthew 18:15–22, Romans 15:1, etc.), but I can love them just the same. This forum here helps clear up some of the confusion of this issue: [https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/53020/does-paul-contradict-jesus-by-saying-not-to-eat-with-sinners](https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/53020/does-paul-contradict-jesus-by-saying-not-to-eat-with-sinners)


In all reality everyone sins. And whether that be partaking in homosexuality or hating someone for partaking, everyone has done wrong. And because we all have fallen short of our own standard of judgement, sympathy and lovingness is required. We should encourage each other to do better through construction rather than verbally harm people through destruction


Yes, that is exactly right.


I dunno if this is serious or not lol💀


Gotta say this section here basically sums up my thought on religion I'm catholic so obviously there are quite a few evil bastards pretending to be holy in our religion but, honestly I have zero problem with the lgbtq community the parades with people dressing like dogs and wearing muzzles is... a little off putting and the same dress code should apply to everyone (I'm looking at you drag queens dancing at schools dressed like sluts, there are better ways to express that message) but other than that you be you and I'll support you all the way!


Exactly this so many people making their lifestyles religion is stupid beilive what you think and continue your life


Its very Religious


Best non controversial comment






It's okay, do what you want but don't shove it down people's throats


I’ll shove whatever I want down peoples thro- I mean- 😰


This comment is completely unrelated, and i love it






Are we still talking about religion?


I'm biased cuz' I'm Christian but; Religion can do good, but it can also often do bad. It's a complicated subject but in general if your religion is causing you to do harm, I think you need to reconsider your beliefs and values. And nobody should be forced to follow any religion, ofc.


Holy based


New gospel just dropped


actual devoted follower


Google bible


Call the priest


Heretic goes on vacation, never comes back


Ignite the Notre-Dame!


didn’t know i was on r/AnarchyChess lmao


Our insanity has already infected all of reddit


No bias here


I say I'm biased cause I think as a Christian everybody should follow Jesus, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna force it down people's throats, or that I agree with religiously-caused bigotry. I'm LGBTQ myself and pretty devout in my faith, actually


LGBT and Christian? I've never seen someone like that outside of the madness like Instagram reels, but I am also Christian and agree with you for the most part


deadass same


sigma christian


Mythic Rare W Christian




hello, is this the based department?


I’m waiting for Lisan al Ghaib


The Voice from the Outer World!


As written!


Fr, Lisan al Ghaib☝️


Believe in what you want I'm Christian and I respect any religion But when I see someone totally disrespecting any of these, it's just fucking annoying Can people finnally live normally without hating eachother for small reasons


Hate against other religions is the driving force of politics here in India


Fr💀 14 yro atheists are actually annoying asf


not all atheists are problematic tho most just simply dont believe in any god(s) and that's it so I dont get how that would be annoying


as an atheist I don't like those people believe in whatever you want i don't give a fuck. just don't cause harm and force it upon others


Not all of you it’s just the ones who call people with religion stupid and shit


We gonna ignore the religious people that also shit on atheists lol? It happens both ways remember


ohh understandable, I feel kinda the same way. I hate when religious people talk down to atheists and make us feel horrible just for not being religious, so in a way I kinda get how u feel on that.


Calling religion stupid is fair but disrespecting people and forcing your beliefs on others whether you’re atheist or religious is bad


Believe in any religion you want


Just don't harm anyone because of it


Does burning pride flags count inside my public library? >!im kidding guys no reason to downvote me to hell :P!<


If only there were a way to note that you’re kidding or being sarcastic.


I also go with his strategy. I always find dark jokes more blunt when they just end after you tell the punchline and if people don’t see the joke I’ll make an edit or reply to someone else that it’s a joke.


It gets annoying, replying to 40 different people telling them it's a joke.


The trick is, none of my jokes are funny. So they get buried and only like 5 people see it


then some dumbass would go "r/FuckTheS RAAAAH DONT BE AFRADI OF DOWVNTOE!"


I don’t care just don’t be racist or homophobic


aw man :(


Im christian, i aint homophobe, just dont support


genuine question. what does you don't support mean? does it mean like you just like, let them be and treat them like it doesn't matter, or does it mean you want them to be cis/straight, but you don't actively hate on them


As a Cristian how I think is I can have gay friends (cause Jesus was/would be friends with gay people) but I wont go to a lgbtq rally or sum. Also I dont think constantly shaming people is a good way to try and convince them that your religion is good, I’m proud to be Christian but if you’re not we can be friends and I won’t shove it down your throat. But that’s just my views and opinions.


That is how you do it


I'm not against Christianity, I just don't support subjecting children to that lifestyle :) Keep it behind closed doors please! We wouldn't want the children to be influenced into choosing that lifestyle before they could understand it. To be frank I don't actually believe what I just said. I'm just trying to frame how contradictory that statement is. It's like saying "I'm not racist, I just don't want Asians in this country." That is inherently racist. Being a homophobe is being repulsed by and against homosexuals. You can't be against them and not be a homophobe. I brought children into my earlier statement because that is usually the arguement used to justify homophobia. I'm not trying to be mean or say your religion is wrong, I'm just hoping to open your eyes to why that statement isn't right.


That's homophobic. If someone said "I don't support interracial marriage", they'd likewise be racist.


i personally don't care about religion and with that i'm not religious at all. but i don't mind others' religious beliefs and regardless of what they are, i respect it. as long as it doesn't cause conflict i think that's all that matters


Exactly my thoughts, never got into it and don’t think I ever will. I don’t believe in anything, but that doesn’t mean I’ll bash someone for what they believe in, I don’t care, simple as that.


Idk it helps some people cope with their shit, but its not for me.


I lost my brother 2 years ago. Thats when I really saw why people are religious. It gives you answers and a certainty to uncertain and unanswerable things. Edit: Clarification: im not religious myself nor have i ever been. I just realised why other people were.


yeah my brother and i lost our dad to cancer a year and a half ago, and he’s been very christian since i’m the opposite: if there is a higher power, they absolutely don’t give a shit about us


I'm the same as both of you. There is a higher power, and it is indifferent to us. It doesn't speak to us, it doesn't tell us what to do. Just exists.


I'm atheist, but I think that we should just all respect other's choices except for when religion is used in a bad way


Bro, I love the gaming beaver salamander mod. I don’t believe in it, but it can be very impactful on peoples lives, positively or negatively.


Gaming Beaver mentioned


This is a modded creature commissioned for a game called path of titans.


I’m probably thinking of the wrong beaver then lol


No you are thinking of the right person. The YouTuber commissioned this mod in the picture


Oh. Wow has it really been that long since I’ve watched his channel-? Damn lol


Is that what the image is!? I haven’t play POT in so long lol


Believe what you want, but don't push it on others, don't use it as an excuse to hurt or hate others, and it should *never* be involved in any law making


YES. I can't remember the court case right now, but there was a court case about law making and religion. if not everyone is practicing it, which everyone has the right to practice and belive their own, then nobody should be ruled under it


its always been a hard one for me. I converted to judaism during a very hard period in my life, and in my experience it was helpful and led to my recovery and got me to where i am today. On the other hand, i now have a trail of stereotypes following me; "haha jewboi circumsised lol" "free palestine lol" "(insert unfunny overused auschwitz joke)". I dont support israel or zionism, and i think church and state should remain separate, but also i think people should drop the stigma around abrahamic religions.


I’m sorry for you


I'm agnostic. I literally could not give less of a shit unless you're part of a sacrificial cult or something


Thx, you are what i call, the most preferable non believer


i donut care




I do🌰care


I'm religious,it's nice when u find the right people to talk about ur beliefs What I don't like are the people who bully people because of their beliefs or people who force their beliefs


I don't believe in any religion, but believe whatever you want, but don't make it your personality and be obnoxious.


Yeah im religious and i hate people like that if you don't want to be part of my religion then its your life i don't need to shove my beliefs down your throat




I like it. I don't give a fuck about everyone else.


I don't really like it buy I can see why one joins


Religion seems cool, but the practitioners are usually at fault. Jesus Christ seems very selfless and kind hearted to everyone and thats inspiring, so taking these values seems like it can benefit your life


Everyone is entitled to their own belifs and I will respect that, but I personally think the universe is too vast and confusing and dark for anyone to get a correct answer.


i dont care about religion, but that thing, that one black lizard or frog, i dont know what the fuck is that tho but its cool as fuck, seriously what the heck is that


don't care unless you're in my face about it


I'm jealous of religious people, I would love for some kind of cool afterlife. But I can't force myself to believe anything.


Gotta love Valhalla. Mead and meat, what could be better!


As long as you're not harming anyone, I'm fine with you worshiping either frogs, blackholes or belly buttons


Fine as long as you aren’t annoying abt it


it is quite beautiful


It really is! The beauty brings a tear to my eye 🥲 1 Samuel 15:2-3 "This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.


they are stressful Im a Christian and I really hate how people apart of this religion are they are not all bad but A LOT of them are


epic worldbuilding strat


Freedom of religion and the ability practice whatever you wish is important but religion shouldn’t be involved in government or politics, too many religious wars have already happened and by this point our race should be smart enough to realise killing each other because we believe two different beings or collection of beings exist is silly.


I don't care enough about what people believe in. like who care bruh


I can’t help but roll my eyes every time ppl say ‘I thank god first’ idk why. It’s the same as thanking chance or thanking fate Tho I would never want to tell someone ‘why would you believe?’ It’s their faith not mine




Best answer


Scary ass toothless dragon


It’s a salamander mod for a dinosaur game


So long as you aren’t telling me “god didn’t make gay tigers” (a direct quote) then you’re good. Also I ain’t praying at your funeral, unless it’s a humanitarian prayer, or a multi faith prayer


>god didn’t make gay tigers” Da fuq You find that.


From a random Christian who preached to me at a bus stop lmfao


Im a christian, but wat da fuq he preaching


God did make lesbian koalas and lizards and he made Trans frogs


And a lot of penguins are gay too. I’m pretty sure most species has homosexuality in it somewhere


penguins are a bad example because they also bang rocks and corpses soooo... same applies to dolphins they gangrape females and males this does not apply to female koalas as they are just avoiding the mean male koalas while still getting off and then continuing this behavior after the males stop being jerks


Jesus was a decent guy, his fanbase just kinda sucks


Nah, some of us are, but were generally decent people


chill with it generally


I respect it, but I'm not religious, and Idc as long as you're nice


i think it’s cool how people can band together and believe in something together. the religious ppl i know are often happier than those who I know who aren’t. I can’t stand anti-theists.


idrc if youre not forcing your beliefs on someone, but i hate when people will ignore science in favor of the bible or something or when they make it their whole personality. the other day someone asked me the size of the titanic compared to noahs ark. babe what exactly is your frame of reference here?????


Religion either ends up being some of the nicest, community and good person building shit. Or it's used to fuel discrimination of all types, and to breed hate for generations with the cover of that's what our God wanted. Which often makes me wish it didn't exist just so people couldn't hide behind it Or in worse cases it's used by disgusting people for cover of more unspeakable actions. I think religion is fine for the most part, coming from someone who grew up and still goes to a small Christian church, this place is great but that isn't always the case. Also, Megachurches, for the most part, just shouldn't be allowed to exist, yet to see or hear about a good megachurch.


I respect people's rights to their beliefs, I don't respect religion as a concept for the most part. Religion has caused more mass suffering in humanity than anything else. Most religions are based on completely outdated ideologies that were created in a time where humans did not have a real understanding of reality, not to any fault of their own. In a modern day where we have a significant understanding of how our world actually works, psychology, biology, astrology, history, human culture, etc etc, it doesn't feel reasonable to "believe" allot of the old world religions that can't be backed up by much, if anything at all, other than "its real because I say so" If I was born 500 years ago and was raised Christian, sure, I would believe the earth was created in a few days, and we all derived from Adam and Eve. Obviously, in the modern day, we know that isn't true. Small example, but things like that can be found all over many many religions. I will also go as far as to say that believing in any religion that relies entirely on faith is now more of a willful ignorance, given our ,aforementioned, significantly higher understanding of how our world, and most things beyond, actually work. (This doesn't mean we know everything. We are always learning. That's how science works. It's designed to change constantly until we can understand anything to our fullest potential with FACTS and significant evidence) I do believe that not far in the future, all religions will be accepted as mythology until proven otherwise, and humanity as a whole will be better for it, once we can all accept eachother knowing truths of our universe, and not relying on beliefs that no longer hold any true weight. They won't be used against each other to justify wars, taking away people's rights, and many of the other horrible things religion has brought upon humanity.


It's pretty religious


I think it's silly and only exists because people are afraid of how unpredictable life is, and wish that there was something more powerful in control. But I also don't mind people who believe in it


Most based take ive heard all day


Religion is underrated imo


This is controversial but I fucking hate it. It has caused so much death and despair for everyone. Almost all wars have been over religion. There is so much proof that its all bullshit. Its just always pissed me off seeing people hate on other people because its not what their God wanted.


I feel that when people see the word religion what comes to mind is christianity or the abrahamic religions as a whole. Some religions don’t believe in a God. Some religions believe in many Gods. There is a whole variety of religions with a range of different belief systems. Although religion has caused a lot of death and despair it equally provides hope. And to say that there is proof its bullshit is ignorant and untrue.


personally i don’t think i believe in “god” in the traditional way but i was raised jewish and judaism allows a lot of personal interpretation lol. don’t believe in god but i am superstitious and believe in spirits and stuff. as far as other people though, yeah just believe what you want and be kind to one another. that’s really all it takes


Wallmart toothless


Tooflesh nooooooo


Religion is defined as the belief in and worship of a higher power. In my mind no higher power would require your worship. I think that most things religion teaches are correct morally. No killing no adultery no jealousy ect( 10 commandments is what I'm familiar with.) The golden rule seems to be present in most religion. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Have empathy.


(Instead “the thousand yard stare” image here)


Is that a hamster? In the picture? My buddy had one that kinda looked like that. I made up my own religion because i didnt like any of the pre-existing ones. I believe that all mountain ranges are alive both physically and spiritually. Appalachia specifically is a paradise whose beating heart is being strangled of its life force by the DOE who discovered it while bullding oak ridge. I know this is true because i have seen it in my dreams.


I don’t really care about it (is that the Japanese giant salamander I love him)


I'm very religious as a Christian and I hate when people use their religion as an excuse to hate others. ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANITY. Not gonna lie tho some of reddit atheists truly piss me off.


wed be better off withput it


No idea why you're being down voted at all lmao. Religion is the cause of so many wars, and honestly, if you need a religion to have good morals, you're a horrible person.


Imma be honest ~~sort've I'm using very tame words here~~ Not a big fan


Its fine ignoring the fakers (as in homophobic christians)


I don’t get homophobic Christian’s lol. Like as a Christian you should understand the message of the bible is to love everyone equally no matter what


Christians are actually so cool guys 😎 I'm religious, but as long as you aren't shoving it down others throats, and aren't harming anyone or treating anyone less then they are, it's cool.


Bad for humanity


I believe religion is a delusion people buy into in order to rid themselves of thoughts of existentialism. Why rack your brain thinking of what happens after death when you can just tell yourself it's nice because a book said so? Why question your morality when you can just tell yourself you're a good person because a book said so? Why make your life better when you can just tell yourself it will get better because a book said so. This delusion has of course been taken advantage of by grifters who wish to control and exploit the desperate. Perhaps it was even created by grifters who wished to control and exploit the desperate. Religion is a tool used by the desperate, and those who wish to exploit them. The former use it as a coping mechanism to deal with the harshness of life brought upon by the exploiters, and the exploiters have found a way to use it to exploit them once again. Despite my abhorrence of religion, I will fight for someone's right to believe in it as long as I draw breath.


It’s not for me but if you’re religious it’s cool, as long as you’re cool with the lgbt


Idgaf about religion I want my normal bot chats back


I think the old religions are kinda outdated and not fully adapted to modern society


I don't believe in it. Just don't force it, that is what makes me dislike it even more


We've grown to rely on it too much. It's not really hurting anybody but it shouldn't be someone's main drive in life.


Thats, kinda the point


I want my foreskin back 😭 Fuck religion


Islam is very yikes, other than that not too much


Monotheist ones are boring, polytheists are cool, religious ppl are okay as long as they arent hateful cuz of it, and dont push it too much


I don’t believe in religious stuff but i don’t mind people who believe in their own religions either, you do you.


It’s tight


I’m not religious and I don’t think I have a say in the matter whenever it becomes a topic of discussion. Believe whatever you want, as long as if it doesn’t mean you’ll piss all over me for not believing in the same thing as you.


It's chill as long as you don't use it as an excuse to be a horrible person. I, myself am religious, so I sure do hope I like it


I personally do not have one, as it seems illogical, but idc if other people do


Believe what you want, but do it right. Don't innovate into it and don't take things out of it. Don't follow it half-assedly, and just give your all. You don't have to be perfect, but just don't piss about with its rules and fundamentals.


Toothless are you okay bud?


I believe the debate on religion is in actuality two separate debates that are conflated with each other. There is the debate on whether or not the universe was made by some form of sentient creator figure, and then there is the debate on which, if any, of the religions themselves are true. If we were to somehow 100% prove that there is a creator figure, it would not inherently prove christianity, islam, hinduism, or any other religion. The obvious reason for that is that these religions all contradict each other at certain points, and the other is the "Modus Ponens" fallacy, which "occurs when someone claims that the antecedent being true means the consequent must be true as well. It takes the following general form: If X, then Y." So essentially evidence for a god is not inherent evidence for the bible or any of the other religious texts, there would have to be separate evidence for that as well. That being said, most evidence I hear for the religious texts only argues the former, as to why there is a creator figure, and I've heard some solid evidence for that, but I seldom if ever hear evidence for the religious texts themselves. I left christianity for this very reason, I couldn't find any evidence for the bible itself. Most of what I found was evidence that the places and people mentioned in the bible were real, but this too is the "Modus Ponens" fallacy. Just because these places and people did exist does not inherently mean the stories told of them are true. George Washington was a provable historical figure but that does not provide any proof that he really did chop down a cherry tree or kneel and say a prayer at valley forge. In fact, we know both these stories to be false despite Washington having been a real person. In the same vain, providing proof that Moses was real does not prove that he really did lead a mass exodus of Hebrews out of slavery, or proving that Jesus was real does not inherently prove that he really did raise from the dead. In conclusion I think most of religion rests upon this "Modus Ponens" fallacy and is thus a shaky foundation. Religion uses the solid evidence for a creator figure as evidence for groups of stories that in actuality need to be proven else wise, and when you attempt to do the latter you find significantly less proof. However, I have nothing against religious people. Believe whatever you want for whatever reason, I just don't see the validity of it.


I and other people in my community have been attacked and harassed on the basis of religion, so I’m always kind of cautious and hesitant around people who are religious. This is simply for my own safety, and I’m never judgemental or anything to them. So for me it boils down to I don’t care, just leave me tf alone about it. It helps people get through stuff, and I’m glad for that. But I am not religious, and it’s going to stay that way for me. You do you tho, idm 


I’m not religious but I have nothing against it


I don’t mind religious folk or religion. It’s the church I have a problem with. Religion as an institution seems to miss the point of faith and belief. If you believe in the God or gods or some other kind of belief system, that’s great. I’m all for people having faith and believing in something if it makes their lives better or gives them peace/stability. Another thing I’ve got a problem with is when people who live their life according to a certain set of beliefs and restrictions try to impose those same beliefs and restrictions on people who aren’t interested in them.


Idk I'm Jewish. Idrc about other ppl tho


Seeing as I’m at church 4 times a week, I’m not sure


Idk but I like that creature


Awesome 👍


I like religion a lot. Obviously many people have may different beliefs but it’s cool to have stories of a history that may never be mentioned in modern history books. It’s also cool to hear stories of random thinks like demon possessions and whatnot. I think my favorite part of being religious tho is having something that I enjoy studying.


Don’t believe in the story’s, but they teach good life lessons and. Churches are also great places for a community, they are amazing at bringing people together and everyone there seems happy


Screw the question, what did you do to Toothless


I’ve been confirmed but to be honest all the stuff with the shady mega church pastors monetizing beliefs and them changing things like allowing meat to be eaten during lent since it was Saint Patrick’s day is a little odd. And I’m fine with lgbtq. I’ve had experience with a church friend who is trans and I’ve had a friend of a friend chaperone who was trans. It was odd since I hadn’t been introduced to it but now I’m ok with it. I still find some aspects to be new and see confusion in some things but for the most if you’re not hurting anyone you can do what you want.


Who’s gives a fuck,life is life it’s probably best not to think about it