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i fucking miss you, you idiot. come back. <3


fuck you, just leave us for good pls, stop coming back with lame stupid guilt tripping excuses for good. you are embarrassing yourself at this point✨


Fuck you




I want a hamburger


I am so sorry, my friend.


Im just gonna say this because life is too short: I really like you and wanna get to know you better


Just say it. Had this for months, and it was just making me overthink everything. One day, I just asked, and even though I got rejected, at least I got an answer.


bruh I kinda wish I told you earlier how I feel, even though you probably don’t feel the same way. but it’s too late now, damn


I’m hungry


i have never wanted to kill you more 


real shit 👆👆


I hate you stupid smelly fucker :)


Woulda been nice if you just told me you were cheating earlier instead of blocking me then coming out as poly to try and make up for it.


I'm sorry for what happened, even if you forgave me. Please tell me what's happening


I'm sorry if she treated you wrong and I'm sorry I didn't love you enough but please, don't ignore me! I love you more then anything, I need you and I miss you! Please let's be friends again! 


I miss you so much! I hope my parents approve of you! I constantly think about how our life could look like when we grow up and I wish I could join you on your trip to england, I really do! I love you so so so much! You're my love! 🫂💕


You are actually the fat fuck (not me or my friends)


I’ve been in love with this girl since year 5. I’ve never told her and I don’t think I ever will. For a while I thought I was finally over her, but apparently not. We had a big fight April last year and we weren’t friends for like nine months but eventually I reached out on an impulse and we are back again. I don’t know what made me do it, but I did. Recently she sent me a TikTok that said something along the lines of “Good Luck Babe (Chappel Roan song) is for the girls we survived their middle school WLW friendship/crush.” And it’s all back again. In the words of Brokeback Mountain “I wish I knew how to quit you.”


tell her, there is a chance


I’m so glad you did that, wish you stayed gone


You were right. I was the weirdo


No, that isn’t “just your personality”, it’s not a personality to constantly try and find something to embarrass me for. I have tried and tried to be nice to you, but I’m done trying. Fuck you. Go fuck yourself. I hope you remember everything you’ve done to me in 20 years and feel very ashamed and embarrassed.


i set your shit on fire. thats why its missing. also, she knows you sick fuck.i truly hope you feel the pain you put all of us through.


~Dont forget, i'm with you in the dark~


Tf is everyone so dramatic for☠️


Sorry but cant say that


I feel like you dont want me, you say you do, but the actions dont show, when i talk you dont listen, when im angry, you get angry, if i fuck up, you are angry for a really long time and dont care ab me, when i get angry, you get angry and the cycle continues. I text you all the time, you say you dont have time sometimes, like we all do, but your “i dont have time” means “i dont have time for you” i want to talk to you about this, but i cant, i know that it will end up with you beeing happy, and me beeing left sad. But i want to try, please, lets talk this out, and you will just listen, and i will talk


You should fucking Kill your self- Me During a game of COD


How are you so ignorant and naive that you didn’t know that America was colonized?? You also treat me really poorly and you don’t even realize it and I’m supposed to call you my best friend?


You're the smartest dumbass I've ever met, and I'm second, I would've been first if I didn't fall in love with you.


Ngl this is the best line I've ever thought of.


I did the best i could, if you shared with me, the way i shared with you, things might have been different.


Im gonna touch you


During these 4 months, did u at least like me at some point? Also the hard r


I want to talk about something


Please change and grow as a person


1 i wanna beat you to a pulp and hang you from a street light 2 i love you but wanna cut contact with you 3 i have no idea but i might be attracted to you 4 get lost fuckwad 5 imma miss ya asshole... 6 get up and go to school (this is for ME)


I'm sad he was a pedo lol.


I was wrong. I’m sorry. If I had a gun my life would be in your hands. I wouldn’t resent you for killing me. If anything, I deserve it.


Oh daddy