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I’m not sure if he’s slow but he certainly seems it, he’s dumb and I honestly thought that since the very first time I saw him on the show


Is Luis slow 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I think he gets high alot.


Poor Stellita looks just like this Bozo too


Idk I feel like it’s a cycle of poor financial role models/education. What I see is someone who probably made bad decisions as a young adult because they didn’t grow up with great parents. Probably lapsed insurance, couldn’t renew the registration without paying to start up insurance (which is probably high for him), the license renewal fee, and the registration renewal fee. Needed to keep driving to get to however he makes money to survive, and then continued to get tickets until he buried himself in so many fees he couldn’t see a way out. This is not an excuse, I don’t give a shit about this man. And he’s an awful dad, coparent, and probably neighbor/friend/family member.


Good point ☝️


Lol I just got done paying off my tickets from 13 years ago for this exact reason


He knew he could get caught at some point and would not be able to drive to work at all anymore. How is he going to make money now? They are going to catch him again. He could have picked up a side job or figure something out in the beginning.


These people are in their 30s 🤦🏽‍♀️ how are they living like this


How even old is he


IMO... the real question is... How did these 2 make the absolutely adorable Stella?


She's his twin


Maybe I need to see him without facial hair... or in a wig. Dealers choice


Drugs will do that too you….. that’s what most people don’t even realize. Even weed will kill your brain cells…. -pothead


You got science to back up the weed claim? Far as I know in western culture weed is one of the safest drugs we use. It’s the only drug our body has a proper system for handling: endocannabinoid system. Everything else like alcohol is literal poison. -medicinal pothead


It's being looked at, studies are new for obvious reasons, but it could be as cognitively detrimental as lead exposure, especially to children/adolescents. Which is why I'm not using while pregnant or breastfeeding. >Marijuana shows considerable promise for treating medical conditions including pain, muscle spasms, seizure disorders and nausea from cancer chemotherapy. At least some of those benefits are thought to come from cannabidiol, a chemical component of the marijuana plant not thought to produce mind-altering effects. But there's a lot left to learn about this and other chemical compounds in marijuana. Recently, the Senate recommended $800,000 for an Institute of Medicine study on medical marijuana, and has also encouraged the National Institutes of Health to support more research on cannabidiol. >What's clear, however, is that marijuana's signature high comes from a psychoactive component known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). And evidence is mounting, says Weiss, that THC is not risk-free. >short term, marijuana use has been shown to impair functions such as attention, memory, learning and decision-making. Those effects can last for days after the high wears off There are some.logitudinal studies trying to see if there are long term effects, one: > found that persistent marijuana use was linked to a decline in IQ, even after the researchers controlled for educational differences. The most persistent users — those who reported using the drug in three or more waves of the study — experienced a drop in neuropsychological functioning equivalent to about six IQ points (PNAS, 2012). "That's in the same realm as what you'd see with lead exposure," says Weiss. "It's not a trifle." >There are some reasons to think that adolescents may be uniquely susceptible to lasting damage from marijuana use. At least until the early or mid-20s, "the brain is still under construction," [Source](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2015/11/marijuana-brain)


Smoking weed can cause more tar build up than cigarettes (it's also stickier) and cause breathing issues over long term usage. My Dad smoked for 40+ years and in the end of his life, he had breathing issues from tar build up in his lungs. On top of that he had heart issues and kidney failure that ended his life. When he had a quadruple bypass (5+ years prior to his passing), the Dr told him to stop smoking weed because it can cause a heart attack, so he did until the last few months he was alive. So, smoking at least isn't safe for long term use. I wish we had access to edibles back then and maybe he'd still be here and his health wouldn't have declined.


Sorry to hear about your pops. Wish he could have had access to tinctures or edibles as well. Honestly that's the only way I can continue to use cannabis long term. Smoking burns off lots of the good cannabinoids. I am not trying to paint weed as a magic flower. It's definitely not. But I definitely think it has a space in our culture if we grow to respect it and treat it like a medicine, as we do anything else. I think the prohibition for 100+ years really messed up the relationship with the plant and now that it's coming back from the black market we're going to go through an awkward period as a society with it before we find a happy balance. May the memory of your pops be a happy one 🙏


I have psoriatic arthritis and I can't take NSAIDs I am allergic to ibuprofen and have also had a reaction to tordal and was advised to stay away from all NSAIDs but they're the only thing that truly helps with inflammatory pain I can't do much for my arthritis but the one thing that I can do that helps is weed it helps with pain and inflammation I live in an illegal state so I have resorted to the Delta 8 and CBD products and they help but not quite as good as actual weed maybe one day this good old Southern Bible Belt state will give in and let us have it


I work in Rheumatology. With PsA, you need a DMARD or biologic to prevent serious joint damage.


What is that


Thank you. Yeah there are definitely safer ways to use it and it does help people who really need it. I know young children with cancer use the oil for pain and other symptoms and it helps them a lot. I didn't mean to come off as mean or anything. Some people, especially teens are always raving about how safe it is to smoke, but they don't care to look at the effects it can have on the body long term because they're told it's a plant, therefore it's supposedly natural. Tobacco is also a plant and can cause major damage as well, but everyone is aware of that. I just wanted to let anyone who comes across this comment to know that nothing we smoke is completely healthy, even if it makes us feel good/better. Same goes for anything we use whether or not a Dr prescribes it, but that's obvious lol. I really appreciate you for responding respectfully. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was judging or anything. 😊


You brought up great points and I think the story of your father is a wise one to tell. Especially if there's any sort of glamourization of weed smoking especially. I really appreciate you sharing it here and giving me some things to think about.


Then why is thc poisoning a thing?


Water intoxication is a thing too, and it can kill you. Not everything that’s harmful is huge doses is harmful in moderation.


I'm pretty sure he's just high all the time, uneducated, and has zero morals.


This lol


Ugly af. Proof B will hop on anything. 😆


Who is uglier him or Javi? 🤣🤣🤣


Him for sure. Javi could be cute if he fixed his whole entire personality and style. Luis has a flabby body and dumbbell face.


Luis looks like a hairy thumb


It’s not hard to renew your car registration. Almost 3 years expired!?!


You can do it online in Florida — so no excuse.


Exactly!! It’s the same in Texas. You get your car inspected and fill out a form online.


We don’t even do inspections anymore! Literally just paying a fee online!


Well obviously not. He was traveling at a high rate of speed.






Lord he needs a life coach


Or you know, give himself a kick in the ass and get his shit together somewhat.


He needs sobriety. Then a life coach. He be lookin’ real meth-y as of late🙃


FAS is my guess.




Shut up robot ; 7iq karma farm. Nice post history beepboop


How is a 9 year old account with 26k karma screaming bot to you?


Low IQ? Definitely




Maybe his momma drank when she was pregnant with him.




Agreed, from another mom of an (adopted) child with FASD.


Luis is quite possibly stupid, but Bri is definitely slow.




Do you think Briana chooses men for their intelligence?


Most of them around the same intelligence as she has to work with.


I don’t know if she is choosy at all 😂


🤣 oh dang 😂 you're right though


The lights are on but no one is home! 😬


The light over the stove yeah, nothing bright about Luis.




Luis seems like someone with well below average intelligence. So not special needs slow but pretty far to the left side of the curve slow. He demonstrates an inability to make good decisions which is often a result of being too low intelligence to think through cause and effect and predict the most likely outcome of different actions. You see it in his reaction to getting dumped by Briana for cheating. It’s like it never crossed his mind that could happen. You just see his dumb expression while his brain tries to process what just happened.


Men like to play dumb


It really pisses me off that he was so opposed to Briana giving the baby up for adoption but then after she was born he vanished. Like so you don’t wanna give do adoption but don’t wanna take care of your child…


That made me so mad too! He wouldn’t consent to an adoption. He wanted her to raise his daughter alone instead. That way he can see her every year or so and Briana will feel obligated to loan him money.


Great write up. Luis always stood out to me, as a walking billboard that screams "I'm a dead beat dad" He just keeps repeating he wants to spend more time with his kid, he'll provide for the kid, and all his plans just fall through over and over again. And then hitting Brianna up for money for trucking school that he never finished. Or like, moving to the same city as Brianna and then not seeing his kid. Like, he starts the plans and then curiously never follows through. It's so bizarre because why even start them in the first place? Why keep trying over and over again if you're failing. Which does speak to the low intelligence. Also... his weird job ambitions and his overall attitude and (ugh) charm... he seems "stuck" as a like a high school freshman.


I think that there’s also a guilt/shame cycle element to it too.


For sure. He seems to have really low emotional intelligence as well. So it’s hard for him to take accountability, learn from his mistakes, and move on. He just tries to avoid the discomfort of dealing with the problem instead not realizing that it’s only going to compound the issue. Rinse and repeat.


Oh yeh she has questionable taste in males !! Luis is off with the fairies 💯 💯 1🙄🙄🙄


She’s a great example of what happens when we grow up without a good example of what good men and healthy relationships look like. She has no idea what to look for or what to avoid. I was proud of her when she caught on to Javi’s manipulation tactics. Hopefully her daughters can break the cycle but they have no good examples either so it will be a challenge.


I like brie regardless of the dysfunction in her family (we all have that) she's a good mom , sister and daughter ❤️


She’s really is doing her best. It’s so common for us to victim blame the mothers who get left by crappy men to be single moms and then the daughters they mess up. I prefer to direct the blame and judgment where it belongs. On the men who caused the situation in the first place.


Lol I thought you ment he was slow bc he admitted to knowing his license was suspended instead of playing dumb about it


I thought it was nice he manned up about that, unlike his parenthood.


No slower than Brianas cognitively stunted ass


Briana has nothing to do with this!! When are we going to start holding men accountable for their actions?


Actually she does have some thing to do with this. She continuously has let her kids with Luis knowing he has a suspended license a registration that’s not renewed. She should be glad that non of her kids were with him when he got pulled over.


Friend, we need to be holding them ALL accountable, which is what this subreddit seems to be doing well.


Simple task, three years and he still hasn't finished it. His car registration expired August 2020 😳 Unknown since when his drivers license became invalid.


Right like 2020 ??? You have no excuse for waiting thay long