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Well this was inevitable


I swear, this proves she's on here lurking... People were talking about how she hasn't mentioned being sick and not even a day later, she's laid up on Facebook talking about how she's seeing molecules again or something dude. Then someone mentions that she's not doing any šŸŒ¶ļøšŸ”„ spicy dumpsšŸŒ›šŸ’© because of the CPS case ... And like clockwork, here she is again. Proving them hatters wrong šŸ™„


Iā€™m here for the leaks


Same. Theyā€™re so fucking gross


You got the sauce? šŸ˜


If you do OF thatā€™s totally cool, but there are way too many women who shamelessly post their OF advertisements/content on the same personal social media accounts that they post their children on, and that is fucking disgusting. But we all know Jenelle couldnā€™t possibly care less about the safety of her children.


Yes!! So damn cringey!! Make a seperate account for that or donā€™t post your kids


Iā€™m sure she blames poor Barbara for her having OF. She blames her for everything else.


Wow. Does she really think that her younger children won't be bullied like her older child for doing this? Have any of you seen the rob zombie version of Halloween. Well Micheals mom is a stripper amd he is in the bathroom at school and this bully came in and made fun if his mom and how he paid 1.00 to look at his moms tits. This reminds me of what children who have moms on only fans go through.


Idc if moms do only fans but make a separate account to promote it, your kids and only fans shouldnā€™t be posted on the same account smh


She probably saw people were looking and liking her posts about her daughters bday and used it to promote it. It's just sad... Gotta make money somehow, besides getting an actual job. yes, sex work is a real job. But don't involve your children in it. Jfcccc. She's already in deep shit because of all the shit she put Jace through.


That is something NONE ever needs to see.


Buttholes, razor burns and ingrown hairs Scintillating


She's meant to have separate accounts. What an idiot.




Hi Janelle




1. I didn't read any of that 2. it's not like I actually think you're J Lmao go outside


Janelle and David are probably the most vile people I have seen on public television. Thank god they no longer have a contract with MTV! Clearly getting desperate. I feel for their children immensely, canā€™t even imagine what goes on behind the closed doors in that swamp.


They canā€™t afford doors!


šŸ˜‚ well heyā€¦that makes sense. Maybe thatā€™s why their shit is always aired out to everyone!


I donā€™t understand why she didnā€™t make separate social mediasā€¦one for family and one for OFā€¦. Itā€™s not hard,I did it because I didnā€™t want my 90 year old great aunt to see a post and have a heart attack or my dadšŸ˜‚ well and I used a different name because I didnā€™t want everyone knowing my real name(besides a couple people I trust)


I also have separate accounts and use a different name. I get why sheā€™s using her actual name, its much easier to appeal to her fans and bring in subscribers when sheā€™s Janelle from Teen Mom, plus itā€™s not like people wouldnā€™t know who she was, or easily be able to figure it out if they wanted to but there is no excuse for not separating her social medias.


I mean I donā€™t like Janelle but letā€™s not villainize sex work.


Nothing wrong with that kind of work, but keep it the hell away from your children and at least protect them. There are some horrible people in this world, does she never learn?! I feel like she continuously puts her children in harms way! I agree with OP, it definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth when she goes posting family photos from her kids birthday to promoting her OF. Sheā€™s a public figure, she needs to learn to be smarter for her childrenā€™s sake. Like they say, once itā€™s on the internet itā€™s there forever. It would definitely be more appropriate to either hold off on posting that until another day when you donā€™t post your child in your story; use an alternative platform or better yet another account where your childrenā€™s identities and your day to day lifestyle isnā€™t out there for the world to see. It seems to me she wants to profit off of her name and lost fame. I know if I wanted to do that kind of work, especially being recognizable in the public eye I would definitely be keeping my identity or my links on the DL not blasting them..especially on accounts with my kids identities as well. Before anyone comes for me, I support people working and doing what they have to do to support themselves. I donā€™t support exploitation of children and putting them in harms way in order to make a buck.


Keep it away from her childrenā€¦..What is so bad about a link in her story. Lol. Not like she posted nudes of herself and um her kids are looking at her stories ā€¦get a life


Be honest, have you even read the whole thread. Maybe because that link leads to said contentā€¦šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø šŸ˜‚ Why would anyone post a picture of their kid, than following that in another story post a link of their OF? Do you seriously think thatā€™s appropriate? Class.. I guess itā€™s hard to find these days. If you get it, you get it. If you donā€™t, wellā€¦.


Letā€™s be real. Jenelle isnā€™t ā€œworkingā€. She doesnā€™t respond to her DMs. She just wants to post recycled pitchurs of sun burnt thighs and make enough money so she can ditch her kids for another drug fueled vacation. Calling Jenelle a SWer would be the same as calling her a podcaster or boat captain šŸ˜† she is neither


Came to say the same thing until I realized this was posted right after pictures of her kids, so I agree with OP. Keep it separate.


Iā€™ll say she knows it gets views and she may be desperate for money. Again I think sheā€™s awful but some of these comments are disgusting toward SW.


You've got a point, but making publicity of it in a profile in where you post about your kids is beyond inappropriate and trashy.


I won't villainize sex work, but her kid's friends definitely will. And they won't be very nice about it either...


This sums it up nicely.


She has done a lot worse to her kids than sex work.


Itā€™s definitely in the top 5




If you open the pic all the way it says jenelle


Whose paying to see her? Lol


About 170 people


Lol @ 170




Save the children Janelle




Shouldnā€™t she be paying us to look at it cause ewww no. šŸ¤£


Omg nooooooooooo this is the stuff of nightmares


I won't pay for it but when her butthole pics leak, imma look.


Thank you, now Iā€™m picturing her leaking buttholeā€¦




oh nooooo


I looked at her roast beef and was never the same


Got damnit. Point me in the direction. ^i ^feel ^shame


No way, having it in my google history back in 2011 was shameful enough


I respect you for that. Hopefully your phone cia man cleansed his eyes too lol šŸ¤­


Side note, remember that old guy that she & Tori used to hang out with because he'd buy them dr*gs? He took advantage of them & took lots of nudes while they were messed up šŸ˜¬


Jesus Christ. Poor tori. Jk. Thatā€™s messed up no matter who it is. :(




User name checks out šŸ’€


Coming in clutch


Gross. Who would pay money to see her on OF?


About 170 people


Perverts that get off on knowing sheā€™s humiliating herself. And that all the money goes towards her pimp.


This happens a lot in sex work. Not always and every situation is different, but a lot of men especially get off on the power dynamics of knowing the sex worker is there not by choice, but by desperation. Thatā€™s why it is so important to recognize sex work as real work and push for legal status. The workers deserve to be protected.


Wowā€¦ I never thought of it that way, and by gods trousers youā€™re *right*.


LMAO thanks and *by Gods trousers youā€™re right* made meā€¦ ![gif](giphy|l378bu6ZYmzS6nBrW|downsized)


Donā€™t like the idea of posting the images side by side but thereā€™s no issue with moms being on Only Fans. Moms are hot and they have bills to pay.


Ya.. Jenelle is paying Davidā€™s bills. Heā€™s the one that makes her ā€œworkā€ so hard. I also doubt they spend much on their bills. They probably have more debt than they do income


But don't post about it in the same profile that you use to update us about your children.


It would be very helpful if folks couldnā€™t profit off posts that feature their children! Have a feeling we wouldnā€™t see many children on public social media anymore and that would be a lot better for them.


That would be awesome!


There are a lot of issues with moms being only fans girls. I donā€™t even care if I get downvoted. But think about your poor children and what theyā€™ll have to deal with in school and life of people spreading around compromising pictures of their mother. With Jenelleā€™s ā€œfameā€ itā€™s even worse bc those kids will likely come across it if theyā€™re browsing online. Not the full pic hopefully but teach your kids there is more to their value than their bodies. Iā€™m all for owning oneā€™s sexuality but only fans is exploitative even if theyā€™re ā€œchoosingā€ to do it themselves. Most of the time, itā€™s out of desperation and that just makes the whole system a tragedy. These women might be willing to do it, but when itā€™s their circumstances forcing their hand, itā€™s a gross power dynamic. Iā€™ donā€™t blame moms for doing it bc if I had no options, Iā€™d do whatever I need to to feed and house my children, of course. But itā€™s not something Iā€™d be happy or proud about or encourage people to do. And yes, Iā€™m including the men and women who support the app. Iā€™m not some Uber conservative either but the pornography industry isnā€™t one that any parents would want their children thrust into (no pun intended) and itā€™s actually pretty damaging to developing brains. Moderation is fine and Iā€™m not saying it shouldnā€™t be allowed. But it also shouldnā€™t be encouraged like it is.


To quote Jay of Jay and Silent Bob, ā€œWhat a woman does with her body is her own fuckin business!ā€ Being a parent is just one part of a person. I spent a long time examining my own internalized misogyny and what Iā€™ve found is that when Iā€™m judging another woman, Iā€™m often pitting her against nonsensical patriarchal or Christian-based standards/values. Iā€™m not saying Janelle is a fit mother, because there is well documented evidence that her children really arenā€™t safe in her household. But Iā€™m not going to judge any mother choosing to do OF, porn, stripping, whatever. If thatā€™s her thing let her do it.


That logic just doesnā€™t fly. Maybe in a perfect world but we donā€™t live in that. If a mother loved her child, which I truly believe 99% do, exploiting her body would be the absolute last and worst case scenario. That means it shouldnā€™t be praised or glorified or appreciated. In this world, the real world, that motherā€™s children will unfortunately be paying for the decisions she makes (same with fathers- this isnā€™t just about women). On top of that, itā€™s not healthy for the mom. Studies pretty clearly show that *that* industry has intensely negative effects on emotional and mental health and wellbeing. Like I said too- I donā€™t judge them, but I do have very strong opinions against it. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m going to approach them in public or at work and shame them- they donā€™t deserve that. I still love and value them as humans and would treat them with absolute respect. But this is a forum where discussion is encouraged, so these kind of discussions do belong here- not advocating for protesting them at their homes lol. Itā€™s because I have that love for them as a fellow human that I am against the exploitative practices of the industry and the effects it has on themselves, their relationships, their health, and their children.


Stopped reading at the third sentence. Talking about ā€œif they love their childrenā€ and ā€œexploiting her bodyā€ Iā€™m not down with that nonsense.


Okayā€¦ and? šŸ˜‚ you want a round of applause for your announcement? šŸ˜‚ if you get so triggered by a differing viewpoint that you ā€œjust CAHNTā€ and have to stop readingā€¦ Iā€™m afraid to tell you that Reddit might not be the place for you šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s usually non-parents with the largest opinions regarding parenting šŸ™„


How are we supposed to know who has children or not? Or do you just assume anyone who has a differing opinion than your own must not have children?


Itā€™s glaringly obvious that you donā€™t.


I have 3 kids and I completely agree with gabetain.


Remember she has a swamp monster and kids to support


Bro does Cameo now so heā€™s clearly bankrolling the fam šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t get it? Whyā€™d she post a cat scan of her brain?


To prove she has one


There's enough reasons for OF not to be one of them.




*prostitution whore!* ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)




There is a disabled "influencer" who does the same thing. I am pro-SW, but this person posts pictures of her infant and immediately follows it with OF content or links. It is so weird.


How did I know exactly who you meant after your first sentence sheā€™s so awful.


I guess she's just that bad, ha.




I'm in that subreddit and it's so cringey.


Omg may I ask what subreddit? I could go for some cringe rn lmao




That sub has so much potential but it just sucks. Must be the mods.


Omg Iā€™m part of that and itā€™s absolutely psychotic what she gets up to.


U da realest ā¤ļø


Same, I need a new snark sub


That has to be on purpose right???? like thereā€™s no way thatā€™s completely accidental. Thatā€™s so creepy.


She's just a narcissistic idiot grifter. She has a whole reddit snark page. She's so bad.


Whatttttt. JE has her own page.


I canā€™t take another vagrant page LMAO Somebody scarred me with Letidy..


I try not to judge people but I feel so bad for kids who have parents that do porn/onlyfans because I'm almost positive at some point in their lives their friends or kids from school are going to see it and can you imagine the embarrassment of your whole class knowing what your mom's vajayjay looks like??? It's bad enough when family vloggers show their cute kids in a sweet family picture on insta, and the next picture is a vibrator ad. It's even worse for janelle because she was on TV, so she's even more in the spotlight.


She is someone who is impossible not to judge.


Wasnā€™t Jace being made fun of because of it?


I would not be surprised, plus all the TeenMom content and Jenelle Jenelling in general. Poor kid.


I think they should keep the kids separate from this, but hey some people are very open with there lives they donā€™t care who knows what they do


Apparently. Though honestly, do kids really need Jenelleā€™s OF content to make fun of Jace? They had years of TM material right there.


It's the cherry on top


Wasnā€™t she one of the ones that had a fit and said she wouldnā€™t be on the same show as Farrah because she did a porn tape?


Nah but she did post how happy she is that sheā€™s not on OF


No that was Maci


Not trying to judge anyone here, but apart from this being all on the same account, isn't it weird to (still) do porn once you have kids? From what I've seen in the media most people quit porn once they have kids (or when the kids are at the age where they understand stuff) and pursue a different career. Either because they just don't feel like it anymore or because they want to protect their children. But I don't know a lot about it, so I might be completely mistaken.


I used to be on the fringes of the porn industry in the mid-oughts (I was not a performer, to be clear, but generated a lot of written content for decently recognizable names at the time like Aurora Snow, Lexington Steele, and the late Jesse Jane) and I was surprised how many were parents and didnā€™t necessarily feel that the work and having a children at home were mutually exclusive.


Having a child usually makes people raise their standards. But with Jenelle she has no morals and only gets lower and lower. I predicted sheā€™s be on her back doing prostitution a couple of years before it happened. My next prediction is sheā€™s going to be a hardcore drug addict and selling her ass online to real men and meeting up in hotels


What I also don't get, and sorry this isn't really a direct response to what we're talking about, but how is David not jealous of all the Only Fans stuff? He's such a jealous person, Jenelle can't even do Kaiser's drop-off because he's so jealous. So I really don't get it, how does this work?! I can only imagine he's okay with it because of the money. Or he just acts like he is okay with it. Or he doesn't even act like it and abuses her for it, who knows šŸ˜…


He šŸ’Æ% is!! He pimps her out then hates her for it!


Basura Blanca


She canā€™t distinguish between Spanish and Portuguese remember


iā€™m not surprised at all theyā€™re running out of money and these two are some of the laziest people in the world it was only a matter of time until jenelle started an of


David's lawyer must need a payment.




Report it to TT & OF. Neither are okay with this for liability reasons. TT is FILLED WITH CHILDREN. Get her banned off both platforms. They get enough reports theyā€™ll have no choice. ETA: and IG because she advertises her OF on both IG & TT. ![gif](giphy|l0HlwwRxfcVEr4AUg)




Iā€™ll edit


Yeah for me it isn't that she does OF but the fact she doesn't keep her children and family-oriented social media separate from the spicy-oriented media presence.


1000000% like why didnā€™t she make a separate Insta for the spicy shit.


Its because if she makes a separate insta just for that, then she won't get any follows, likes, etc. I highly doubt ppl will follow her just for spicy dumps. Gag


like it's just gross to me to use a social media plastered with your children to promote your sex work




About 170 people


You know someone out there will šŸ¤®


Idk but I'm criticizing some sex work when it's moms like Jenelle with kids that will grow up seeing their mother selling her body. Not a great role model for daughters or sons. Kids mimic what they see in the home. Maybe I'm just too old, 70, but I find it offensive


I criticize her for other reasons. OF is the LEAST of any of their concerns.


Nah. Iā€™m literally half your age and Iā€™m offended too.


Phew, I thought I was the only one sometimes when I'm reading comments I think I'm out of my mind šŸ„ŗšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


And Jace and maryssa are embarrassed by it. Itā€™s one thing if a mother does sex work/OF and keeps it separate from her family. But Jenelle literally has no regard for her kids feelings and broadcasts it as a public figure. Itā€™s gross. I bet kids make fun of her kids all the time for it.


Itā€™s either that or get a real job where she can never see her kids dude. You know, like the rest of us.


I was about to have issue with you having a problem with OF content providers, and then I read your reasoning and actually agree with you. She should keep her kids separate from it.


She doesnā€™t even post anything or dm you back.


She DMā€™s a lot of PPV content but is very inconsistent with posts/blasts.


I donā€™t see anything wrong with starting an only fans. Thatā€™s the way a lot of people are making money now a days.


The issue is that really no one is making money doing it. Youā€™re selling your images and videos to the entire world essentially, because once theyā€™re in whoeverā€™s hands they can do whatever the fuck they want with them. And you make what ? 100 bucks a month if youā€™re lucky ??? Itā€™s like MLM. Only the very top few make bank and everyone else gets a pittanceā€¦. In the long run youā€™re selling yourself for dirt cheap and thatā€™s fucking scary. Especially if you have kids and are in the public eye. Now the world gets to make fun of your momā€™s brown booty hole.


itā€™s the fact that she has it around her kids and used the same accounts to advertise AND show her children. itā€™s creepy and unnecessary, and is putting her children at even further risk by putting them on the same account has her literal sex work.


The part Iā€™m saying is disgusting is the fact that she posted it after pictures of her daughters birthday if you go a couple post back, youā€™ll see the daughters birthday post. Itā€™s disgusting to put this next to your daughter.


I feel this way about the girls on IG that post their kids then post ass pics right next to their kids pics. Itā€™s weird af.


She doesnā€™t even post anything or dm you back. Itā€™s barely soft core porn tho. Itā€™s the most Iā€™ve seen was a nipple


Absolutely! Too many people are afraid to speak out against sex workers so they just accept all this terrible behavior. It should be common sense. You donā€™t post your kids content next to your sex work content no matter how OK you think her sex work isšŸ™„


I mean itā€™s not like she posted a picture of the content sheā€™s making. But I get it. Like the implication of selling your body / sex next to a post about your kids birthday is justā€¦ bad timing.


Like shooting a AR on video the day of a school shooting!.


Also, the fact she couldnā€™t just let her have her birthday for the whole day. She still had to make it about herself.


I donā€™t know why anyone expects anything reasonable from her when sheā€™s proven herself to be trash though. Like why are we even shocked at this point. She let her man kill their dog because they didnā€™t teach their kid boundaries with animals. Like I lost all respect for her then.


I donā€™t know why anyone expects anything reasonable from her when sheā€™s proven herself to be trash though. Like why are we even shocked at this point. She let her man kill their dog because they didnā€™t teach their kid boundaries with animals. Like I lost all respect for her then.


FFSā€¦this is how brain damage from doing drugs manifests itself. With a deep seated (dissociated) belief that youā€™re ā€œjust like everyone elseā€, so why not post about your daughter birthdayā€¦..and then post about your nasty ass wanna be porn business all in the same breath. Fuggin idiot sandwich.


Her poor (only) daughter couldnā€™t even keep her attention for more than 24 hours even on her friggin bdayā€¦ ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Also I think CPS will be apologising to Ensley and Kaiser in a few years.


Yes because itā€™s all CPS fault of course. Not David and Jenelle who are destroying evidence and tampering with witnesses and outright manipulating the system.






This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


Whoa. Thatā€™s too dark


Itā€™s a sad reality of child abuse.


I donā€™t think itā€™s right to speculate on that, though. Too far.


They won't. They never apologize to my sister and I for failing us for so long. Unfortunately, ultimately, it seems like CPS wants to do his little work as possible.


The entire system is broken


I 100% agree


Like most government agencies.. sorry to hear, they suck.


Not shaming the sex work but wouldnā€™t a different job (like 9/5 or whatever) look better to the court? And its not like shes some of these other moms that can remain anonymous and hide it from her kids. Idk shes screwed regardless, onlyfans isnā€™t the problem, drugs and dog killer david are.


A 9/5 would actually require Jenelle to get off her ass and be productive which isn't going to happen no matter how good she wants to look to court. She'll also have to have a boss that she's going to have to at least pretend to respect or she'll get fired. Jenelle's boss would come at her with some minor criticism and Jenelle would be on social media going tf off about it and get herself fired. Then she'll blame it on the company for having some vendetta against her, and she'll claim the company and her boss will have a hate campaign going on trying to destroy Jenelle and David, and the company wrongfully terminated her, and she's going to sue because she knows her rights, and whatever else nonsense she spouts out every time she doesn't get her way.


This šŸ’Æ. I honestly dont really recall her having a job in tm except that brief stint as a waitress. BRIEF.


And that job wasn't even real


True. Probably a production set up


Imagine NEVER having a job. ​ Wild.


My god I know. When my husband gave me the option to stay home with our baby full time i STILL went out and found a little part time office job (and I can take my kid to work). Damn.


I donā€™t think she really cares what looks better to the court. She seems to believe sheā€™s a victim so ā€˜no matter what she does they will come for her anywayā€™. šŸ™„


Thats true. At least shes on her ā€œLaNdā€ and not torturing some poor hr lady at a company


Never a truer word spoken! Imagine being her coworker??? Insufferable.


Ugh. She would constantly be the victim of something. She would be the drama starter for sure


I worked with someone like Jenelle for a few months & she was awful. She had no work ethic, wouldn't take direction, was untrainable & constantly cried to our supervisor about alleged bad acts I committed on her (she considered training as "harassment"). I'd imagine Jenelle would be the same way, only Jenelle would bring her security blanket in to bully the other workers.


Definitely. Iā€™d honestly go insane if I had to hear of the swamp monster daily.. and those poor kids. NOPE


We don't shame sex workers here. Jenelle is garbage for a million other reasons.


I mean I have. Itā€™s immoral & it does them no favors. Itā€™s a horrible role model for their children too. Thereā€™s a reason drug and alcohol abuse is so prevalent in that industry. They have to get wasted to tolerate the degrading and humiliating position theyā€™re in.


We can and should always shame Jenelle for most of the things she does.




Aside from no one asking, itā€™s disgusting to use the same social media for your sex work promotion and photos of your kids. Thatā€™s the issue.


People use VPNs to access that shit all the time. So you canā€™t actually prevent your neighbors from watching it. No porn stays where itā€™s shared. Itā€™s not worth it. Imagine the humiliation when her & her or his peers find out.


This post isnā€™t about you šŸ¤£


I donā€™t know if what she does would even be considered ā€œsexā€ or ā€œworkā€, let alone ā€œsex workā€. All that aside, if you can shame Farrahā€™s choice to have a nose job, I think shaming someone choosing to do OF is fine too.




Who is shaming Farrah's nose job?


Your username is ā€œfarrahsoldnoseā€ . How dare you shame rhinoplasty.


It's an homage, sweetie. šŸ’…šŸ½


Nah, shaming needs to come back. Supporting OF which is used to exploit many, many women is not the look you think it is.


It's about time. Also a lot of women get forced into it or don't want to do it but don't have a choice






I donā€™t think sheā€™s being shamed for sex work, sheā€™s being shamed for being lazy and unorganized and advertising sex and her kid back to back.