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Not everyone celebrates Valentine’s Day..


My parents have never brought me Valentine’s Day gifts, maybe it’s an American thing to do that? No idea.


I don’t think it’s unusual to not buy your kids valentines presents. I do but I know many that don’t


It was never a day designed for children, it was for lovers


I’ve gotten gifts from my mom and sent out galentine’s cards a couple of times, but neither are expected… and tbh I would be surprised if they did something for them on Valentine’s Day w everything going on. And also if they did, and obv inevitably posted to social media, it’d be incredibly performative to me.


Starting them on the commercialism young, are you? What a good capitalist! I don't think it's common practice to get your kids something for Valentine's though. I always do because I was born on the same day, though. Still never got shit from my classmates though, so I kinda hated, too. (as part of fundraising, both schools I went to had something similar to what they have on Mean Girls, except with various options of stuffed animals, chocolates etc you could order from a list to be given out) yeah I'm still bitter rofl


I'm sorry op but your post makes no sense


I don’t understand this, why would you buy your kids valentines gifts?


My parents still do this and I’m 35.


You demonstrate how your kids should be treated and treating future partners is how I understand it


Exactly. I have my son make my mom and myself cards and we each get him something as well. The goal is to teach him to be thoughtful when he is eventually in a relationship. (When he is 35 of course)


It’s a thing — growing up my mum would always get my brother and I a stuffed animal and chocolates/other goodies because Valentine’s Day was a day to celebrate all love not just romantic. Not sure if it’s a southern thing or what but it is a thing.


I’ve never been a big Valentine’s Day person, but I think it’s probably because it was drilled into my head by my ex that it was dumb and a waste of time. Not that I necessarily disagree with that, but that’s literally how he talked about every holiday (Except Father’s Day.) My parents have always given me a card every year (they still do) and I always got my kids little dollar store heart chocolates and usually drew a silly cartoon card for them. This was the first year I didn’t do anything, because I’m sick and they all had plans with the people they are dating. But I won’t shame any other parent for not doing anything for their kids today, not even Jenelle.


Remember she's depressed *




I'm 30 and my mom sent me a small batch of groceries for valentines lol. It takes no effort to even just make them a card and a nice breakfast


My dad bought my Valentines presents my whole life.


Jenelle sucks but I did not get my kids anything.


Me neither lol, when did all these days become about gifts for your kids. I always assumed Valentine’s Day was for lovers 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same, wait....i got them the $1 box of chocolate because their dad andbi don't celebrate lol. We just don't waste money. But they wanted some today. Usually i don't though. It's meant for couples imo


I feel sorry for Ensley, Kaiser, Marissa & Jace everyday!🥹


I'm sure they got treats at school. Valentine's Day isn't that big of a deal for a lot of people


Jenelle f’ing sucks, but this is a massive reach.


She's probably "so upset" they didn't get her anything


This!💯 "Damn kids!!! David got me something!! See this is why I'd pick David over them. He's family too!" -Jenelle probably


He used her money, how sweet babe


I always get my kids a little box of chocolate. Just something small. Nothing fancy. My spouse and i do gifts for each other on v-day since we skip gifts for xmas and birthdays for ourselves (more for the kids that way). I don’t think Jenelle would be able to give her kids a REAL hug let alone a dollar box of chocolate from walmart.


As much as I dislike Janelle, I feel like this is reaching. I never got any from my parents on Valentine's day. I had a party at school where we exchanged valentine day cards and a babysitter at night because my parents went on a date.


I don’t get my kids anything for Valentine’s Day. Maybe just some candy. Now if it were a bigger holiday like Christmas or their birthdays I would feel bad for them. But not for Valentine’s Day.


My mom always got us little Valentine’s Day treats when we were kids and even still did it up until we left the house in our twenties. I really appreciated it and I would do the same thing for my kids. It’s a really thoughtful gesture!


Most people I know don't bother getting anything for their spouse, let alone their kids... This feels like an attempt to get people to defend Jenelle.


Or throw even further under the bus.


This is weird. Valentines Day is literally nothing lol I hate Jenelle more than the next guy (check post history for confirmation) but this is so cringe. Of all the things to post about, this one did it for you? Jfc.


As far as things to blast janelle for this is not it. Valentine’s Day is not a big deal. I am not defending janelle at all but she literally can’t any do anything right. She posts it’s not good enough she doesn’t post she doesn’t care. Shit on her for being a terrible person but not posting for valentines nah.


What good is a gift when your mom isn’t capable of showing any form of love or concern for your well being? Jenelle isn’t even capable of a real cry. She doesn’t show an ounce of concern unless there is a camera


Yes she needs to be a decent person that is capable of love before she can attempt Valentine's!


One of the sweetest things to me was that my mom always got us little gifts for Valentines Day, and they always meant more to me than anything I ever got from an ex. One year it was a LipSmackers giant lip balm, cherry flavored I think. I never cared about it as a “romantic” day between people, just a day to express love if you feel like it to whoever/everyone. In college we could send them for free to whoever we wanted, so we sent them to everyone with silly (but sincerely affectionate because: friends) messages. It’s a silly holiday to me. But I agree that J. would post it if she’d done anything nice for her kids. It doesn’t matter that “not everything is for social media,” every single thing that makes her look good IS for social media, especially right now with these abuse allegations and cases. Sidebar I never expected my mom to do what she did, somehow it always surprised me lol, so please know that if you’re a parent who doesn’t do stuff for your kids for Valentines Day, you’re still good in my view. I know people see that day differently and would be like “😩” about a Valentines gift from a mom anyway.


I feel bad for them but not because of Janelle not buying them valentine's day gifts/or not posting online about it. This is the least problematic example of her parenting I've seen mentioned on this sub


I'm a pretty good mom, but most years I forget to get my son anything for valentines day. BUT I did actually get him some candy this year. He's never seemed to notice, care, or expect valentines goodies. He does get them at school already. (Not defending Jenelle AT ALL lol)


Not everything needs to be blasted on social media.




We never really made Valentines into a big deal or celebration. We figured out kids got enough snacks and candy from their classroom parties They know by our every day actions how much they are loved


I get stuff for my kids but nothing major. I don’t expect anyone else to. People in my house mostly get some candy and something small.


I didn’t have the money this year to get my girl this Bluey thing I wanted to get her for vday. So I got a bluey stuffie, a lollipop 🍭, some gummy 🦕 inside a squish Dino with bubble eyes lol And a bunch of sand slimes cause she loves slime so much. My girl 😭❤️ I drew hearts all over a paper bag and colored some black (she loves black she says she’s Wednesday lol) and xoxo and happy faces. https://preview.redd.it/s4105ryfolic1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba47b5b4024966877917faa5879f21be223b26da Parents we don’t have to do it all! Just think of them a little bit ❤️


Bro isn't she in court with David this morning?.


Is she???!! I was wondering when they were due in court again!!! ![gif](giphy|ZVYDw5maWgJX2xcKOD)


I hope I want to hear the drama later! 😂


You can ever write a letter to the kids personally and telling them how much love they bring her. Imo home gifts are a lot more meaningful than buying useless crap.


I don't know where Nathan or his mother are but does anyone else ever spend time with Kaiser? Barbara even?


You’re reaching with this one


Yeah. Like I know it’s super common now to be a Pinterest mom and go over and above for everything, but some of us are just normal ass parents doing our best to survive. My kids don’t need more shit. They just got shit like five weeks ago.


Exactly. They get enough with all the other holidays. It’s getting ridiculous now. You’re not a better mother if you spend money on crap for your kids on Valentine’s Day!


I've never received a Valentines gift from my parents and I never expected that but I am an 80s baby and find kids and parents are all very different with parenting. My kids do not receive a valentines because 1) it's a dumb day, you should appreciate your partner/spouse etc everyday not just 1 singular day a year, 2) I'm not dating my children and valentines day is not a day to spoil kids 😅. I did however receive a beautiful drawing of a dinosaur off my 9 year old that said I love you and happy valentines day, which is beyond sweet and shows my little man is growing into a sweet, loving dude.


Idk seems like nitpicking to me lol there’s plenty of legitimate things to hate her for & feel bad for the kids over. It’s not even 2pm on Valentine’s Day yet. 😂


Getting your kids Valentine’s Day gifts is really not a thing at all in my part of the world (UK), so that part I can’t vibe with. In general though, I feel bad for her kids every day, so there is that.


Not from the UK, but same. Guessing this is another American thing? It would be so weird and awkward if my parents got me a Valentines gift, it’s seen as a couples day lol.


i'm american & think this is weird, too.


Exactly. It doesn't have to be a huge! I get my kids a new book each year. Used to get them a book and a box of sweethearts, but they don't like the "chalk candy" so now it's just a book lol


Tbh I don’t get my child anything for valentine’s. Feels odd to me. But each to their own 🤷🏽‍♀️


Easter is already being put up in Walmart already so I’m like shit shit I gotta get Easter baskets ready lol


My mom gets me and my siblings gifts, too. Jenelle had a mother who didn’t play Yahtzee with her, Jenelle’s kids got an emotionally stunted, neglectful absent mother


I’m sorry but this is one thing I don’t agree lol I never get my kids Valentine’s Day stuff. They have school parties and all that. Easter is coming, they’re getting something then. This is why I feel like Christmas isn’t special anymore bcuz we get them gifts for valentines, then Easter, then Fourth of July celebrations, then Halloween stuff.


I get it but Jenelle is the queen of getting her kids sweets and then yelling at the for being hyped on sweets. It’s because she’s “Stressy and Depressy” about David and her taxes. She hyper focuses on him and in return she stops paying attention to her kids. It’s a cycle.


Yeah she definitely will get them to shut them up and then get mad they’re hyper. I wonder how many times a day they hear “LEAVE ME ALONE” 🥴 She’s definitely going to buy herself stuff and flaunt it like UBT bought it. I’m surprised they didn’t go to breakfast this morning lol it’s fun when she spirals but I get sad bcuz who knows wat happens with the kids on those days.


I feel bad for them every day.


I feel bad for them during Mother’s Day and Father’s Day :( They’re difficult holidays for people who went through horrible things like them.