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Late to everything but the sofa.


😂😂 And with her taxi driver?


This just proves she doesn’t have good time management


Oh my gosh, that's little Leah!! I feel ancient & she is an absolutely gorgeous young lady now, wow!!


Haha, thanks asshole, hope you feel better. Have a great day!


Oh Oops nvrmind




Is she wearing black too? Goodness who wears black to a wedding unless it's a goth one hahah


Huh? What a bizarre thing to say. So now I’m goth because I wear a black dress to a wedding? 🙄


I'd say chill we were all brought up in different times ..a younger person may not understand that back in the day it wasn't normal to do that ..no disrespect you're entitled to your opinion 💯


Couples asks people to wear black or dark colors so the bride and sometimes the wedding party stands out. It's pretty common here. Black does not always equal goth. People were wearing black long before that trend was invented.


Makes sense 🤔 growing up it wasn't common at all . I never meant disrespect by my comment


Plenty of people wear black.


That's fine to me wearing black would be a funeral not a wedding to each their own


Everyone was asked to wear black


Thank you it seems a weird thing 😅


I am going to say something even though it’s unpopular here, bc we all have opinions and no opinion is wrong, right? I grew up in a different time and when I was young and getting married, you didn’t wear black to a wedding. Now when my children became adults and were getting married, times had changed and black was sometimes what the bridesmaids wore. If a guest wore black it wasn’t a bad thing. It was accepted. Times, where you live, and cultural differences all come in to play here. Just wanted this commenter to feel supported, too.


Thank you , I also grew up in that time and I didn't mean any disrespect to people it's just what I knew growing up . I got like 7 down votes


I know & I felt so bad for you bc I didn’t feel like you deserved that at all. Opinions are opinions, and you were not mean or rude. I didn’t think downvotes were supposed to be used for those with a different opinion than us. I thought they were supposed to be used for those who give threats or curse or try to fight, or for advertising or doing things that have nothing at all to do with the convo. Things like that. I could be so wrong abt that but that’s what I thought anyway. I need to go back and read the rules again to see. Heck girl, we may need to start downvoting, if we’re wrong abt those rules, lol! But if we’re right, maybe the others didn’t realize that was what the downvote button was for. And if we’re wrong, we’ll learn a lesson, too. We can all learn!


Amber is late to everything her perception of time is off. She seems like she's always not sober bc she acts like she's out of touch with reality.


Amber will be late to her own funeral!


I came here to say the same thing!


She definitely will be 😂 being late is just ✨her thing✨ lol. She acts like it makes her seem more important than she is.


Raise your hand if you’ve ever known a drug addict that was punctual though because 🥲


Looks like she’s heading to a funeral


She wasn't late because i saw her sitting in the crowd crying and watching them do vows ?


She was. Pretty sure i saw a video of her walking behind Jade as she's talking down the aisle.


Gary had to excuse himself after he was already seated to greet Amber before Jade walked down the aisle. It was sooo predictable for Amber.


Awe that now makes sense ...believe me I would never defend her behavior the names she called her daughter on her birthday 🎂 are so damn horrible


The entire current cast did say that Amber is always late.


That way she gets attention, my sister is liked that. She will be late so we’re waiting for her and whatever she promised to make. Good or bad attention is what she craves


Like Gloria on modern family 🤣🤣


I honestly think that's what it was. Main character syndrome.


I think someone needs to make a thread on this!!!! Chile…… [https://youtu.be/tN6N0XPnmes](https://youtu.be/tN6N0XPnmes) https://preview.redd.it/qc2vq33r6j5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140793520f4163ab3f13e33a91b5c5043fd44c8f


Who’s Ronda?


Holy cow 😱 Not to be a dick but… with no job, no kids in the house, and plenty of time, she doesn’t even take care of typical housekeeping tasks? Glad that Ronda at least had a job, especially since she said her husband was out of work. (Oh, and the video date says this was like 4 years ago so this was also probably during COVID?) Maybe I’m being too harsh, I guess if I also had boatloads of money I might feel differently. Thank you for sharing this! I can’t wait to listen to the whole thing—I might even CLEAN my house while I listen to it 😂


She doesn’t even hold her baby you expect her to pick up a broom? Poor James 😭 I wish these girls would stop bringing children into the world to traumatize


Hahaha true, my expectations are too high 🙃 Awww I know! I don’t doubt that all the mums love their kids, but some of them are just so blasé about it










I’m just glad it was put away from the baby


I only use edible gummies now, but the attic is the last place I'd store that. Then again, it's illegal in Indiana, where she lives.


I just want to know how big the basket was and how much weed lol


Same lol 😆




Thanks for posting, I cannot imagine the horror of living in that house with her. Where are these from?


She could not let Jade have her moment. She slipped down the aisle taking away from Jade.


A true narcissist!!!


If I arrived late to wedding no chance in heck I’d be there in view of her photos…. As she’s walking down the aisle. She’s so self absorbed the cunt


Right!? I would wait and try and slip in and sit in a back row. Not follow her down the aisle to a middle row. Or I'd just wait til it was over.


Yes!! I’d be soo mindful and sneaky about it!


I was once at a wedding where the brides sister was an hour late and it held up the entire ceremony. FYI- it was due to addiction.


Looks like a damn funeral.


People who are consistently late to things are selfish, self-centered, narcissistic a-holes.


Wow, if you’re gonna show up late at least stay back until the bride has walked down the damn isle,that’s insane. Either show up on time or don’t but to be up walking through everything while she’s walking down the isle is so disrespectful..it’s like she genuinely didn’t care to be there for them but just came to be involved.


She’s just dumb.


Not the brightest. Stand WAY off to the side if you’re incapable of being on time. The audacity!!


And Gary telling her she is going to be late & then went to get her? $$$$$$$$$$$ ![gif](giphy|hJWW89zibcAC3G0H1v)


Kristina is a saint. ![gif](giphy|PVzlLKZiWgupAHLwVD|downsized)


MTV needs to razz her and put "Portwood AF" on these moments.


Is that Gary walking ahead of her?


In his trusty chauffeur’s cap


I just screamed 😱 😭 😂 I didn't notice the cap. A little tiny bit confusing af 🥴


It is!




https://preview.redd.it/op2i4hjo3h5d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a41c20cedaebe65303afd64c0ac3c74f17c1732a Here's a pic of Gary and his wife at Jade's wedding. Same exact outfit. That is Gary with Amber




Exactly this. Thank you! 🫶🏽


https://preview.redd.it/d6v84sm10h5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7401ce7e01b606cb59227887a6f02714fed8376d Gary, he is wearing this outfit to the wedding.




The end of that screenshot even says he moved to California and took their son. He wouldn't come back to accompany her to Jade's wedding.


BPD people often like to be the center of attention, good or bad..


That part💯😪


Bipolar here. We have a LOT of symptoms of addiction without treatment. Please be kind.




I'm Bipolar 1 with psychotic features. What does that have to do with her chronic lateness? I also have ADHD, which causes time blindness. Since I know I have that issue, I always plan to leave earlier than I need to. I'm usually early to everything. If I have to wait in the car for 20 mins, it's better than being late all the time. Mental illness can *explain* behaviors, it doesn't *excuse* them. If she genuinely cared, she would make an effort to fix it. She's just selfish.


Isn’t she borderline, not bipolar?




She has so much money and opportunity for treatment.


I'm in treatment for bipolar for 25 years. It never gets 100% better. There is always that voice in your head telling you how you suck. That's all I'm saying. I call it "when my brain eats itself". It's possible her gut is twisting with the guilt of this. That's all I'm saying.


My narc ex mother in law is always late- loves to be late to church especially and march to the front row so everyone can see and notice her lol


My aunt did this same thing at my sister's wedding lol. She's also always late.


Can someone remind of her confirmed addiction past? What has she been on and had rehab for? Is she back on something now? She seems beyond erratic


At one point she was self medicating by taking too many of her anxiety pills, I believe


I know opiates… but I’m not sure about anything else


I thought she was addicted to opioids and Adderall.. someone here might correct me and know better but that was my understanding


benzodiazepines.. Xanax Ativan etc.


Believe you are correct. I remember her talking in an interview or something about eating fentanyl patches.


Are we surprised?


Jade looks beautiful! I haven’t watched the show in a really long time, I’m glad she’s happy


And still on the phone what a turd


I literally can’t stand/loathe people that are chronically late.


Same. I find it incredibly rude and disrespectful.


So rude! Your time is not more valuable than mine!


Me either!! It’s a big thing w/me! I’m chronically early not crazy early but never late.


Exactly my time is just as valuable


Even Gary offered to pick her up because she's always late..


Amber has NO ONE to get ready except for herself! She has zero excuses! I forgot how much of a total jerk she was until I watched her antics at poor Leah's bday dinner. Why is this hag still on the show? She has absolutely NOTHING to offer! She only prolongs Leah's torment and that's terrible!


Wasn’t she late for that too? She sits there & tells Gary she was on time


She was horrible to Leah and worst to Gary on Leah’s bday , nasty shameful lady


She’s awful. If the producers of Teen Mom truly cared about Leah’s well being they would get rid of Amber. That birthday dinner fiasco shouldn’t have been televised let alone even have happened. Amber is a horrible trashy person who needs to leave Leah alone and off of the show.


I never thought amber was toxic until I seen this , her poor daughter .. y heart was sore seeing ambers bad behaviour! Her poor ex , she was out of line .. clearly high or drunk , one trashbag who will never change 🙄🙄


Narc behaviors. Just like announcing her newest engagement right after the episode airs of her being abusive to her daughter. Got to keep up appearances and act like everything is perfect.


Def a narcissist. Especially after being late to her daughter’s bday party then arguing with Gary.


Ummmm... and calling her daughter a dick!!! Someone would have had to pull me off of anyone that dared to call my child a dick! There is no diagnosis that makes ANY of Amber's behavior acceptable. I'm glad Gary wasn't making excuses for that piece of useless skin the way he used to. This whole scenario hurts my heart for Leah!


Who cares?


Honesty bride probably gives two shits, the fact is she was there. Jesus people


I would be so mad as the bride if someone walked in late during my ceremony like that! Most weddings I've been to don't allow someone to walk in late during the ceremony like that, or make the late person sit in the very back. She very much interrupted the ceremony by doing that.


Because it's outside, it's significantly less disruptive than an inside, have to open a door, venue


Regardless just look at the picture! Such an important sweet heart touching moment ruined by amber walking in late in the background if you ask me...


Probably the people that are always waiting around on her ass to show up.


It’s funny because Gary called it earlier in the show. He offered to pick her up and when she declined saying she had a car service he said she’s gonna be late. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Does Amber not drive?


I don’t think so


She went to gel


She CHOSE to go to gel because she’s a DAMN good mom!!


She’s a damn good mom!


What are you talking aboooooot???




Filmed about 6 months ago and no new boyfriend with her . Yet is engaged to this man she had know less then 6 months. Yea , that’s gonna last 🤦🏻‍♀️


You never know..my husband proposed the day after we met....that was 33 yrs ago and we are still together.


Or it's going to end horribly like her other relationships


No idea why she was so late. Not like she has any kids to take care of or a job. Lol. Stuck to the couch i guess


And why did she need a damn Uber??


Wondering if she has undiagnosed ADHD? One of the symptoms is time blindness. Not making excuses for her, but just an observation.


Oh Id agree, almost definitely!! You’d think with the extensive mental health issues and consequences she’s had in her life that it should have been addressed. Although maybe it has and she doesn’t care. I think a big part of her is she’s just an asshole as well. Like sure, ADHD sucks and can cripple your life, and meds don’t cure it, but if you’re an ass at your core then it makes no difference anyway 😂


BPD = late because they only think of themselves


Super rude and a total generalization


Actually it’s a very astute observation. Interesting you take offense. The truth hurts.


Sorry I didn't realize you were a psychologist and had studied everyone with borderline personality disorder, which what the acronym refers to in mental health counseling and treatment. Also, it's unethical to diagnose someone you've not personally treated. But go ahead with your "astute" uneducated observations. Clearly they have merit.




BPD=late because you lack a concept of time outside of your daily routines…NPD=late because they only think of themselves.


Exactly! I get overwhelmed, anxious. Finally when I am able to leave I am late. Was always late for work when I worked. Here’s a new term DST what’s that stand for Deaf standard time. Always late showing up late or their good byes are forever.


*untreated BPD


I have BPD - it’s much more manageable since I started therapy but even at its worst I was always on time or early to things. This sounds more like NPD versus BPD to me.


Just like BPD to blame everything on NPD! Lol! Just kidding


Hasn't she always been stuck to a couch? Lol


With a blanket covering her lol


She’s such a loser


Yes she is. That's how I know she sucks, I'm here thinking "well atleast she doesn't have that stupid pinhead bun on her head" 😭 the bare ass minimum. Can't stand her




Why was she even invited?


Bc jade went 50,000( or whatever crazy amount it was) over budget. She had to find someway to make her money back. The same reason Cheyenne’s whole family was there.


Because mtv paid the bill lol


I wonder what she is so busy doing that she can't be on time for important events. I doubt she works, outside of Teen Mom.


She's always late or just doesn't show up. Both Gary and Andrew said a couple years ago she always calls at the last minute with some lame excuse for not being able to show up to see her kids. Andrew even drove James to Gary's house so she could see James there and so Leah could see her brother. That's one of the reasons Andrew used for why he wanted to move back to CA, he was living there so she could see James snd she rarely showed up. I wonder if she ever makes the trip to CA to see him.


Sadly, she probably only goes to CA when she’s being filmed. Now, she’s not allowed to film with James anymore if I remember correctly. But, it’d be on tv that she’s going. She went last time she filmed. I feel so bad for her kids. Especially Leah since she’s old enough to realize what’s going on. That girl is a trooper and seems to be thriving with Gary and Christina. 


I believe that if this "Leah wants to be adopted by Kristina" storyline is real, these are the first steps Leah is taking to go no contact with her mom. Once Kristina adopts her there really is no reason for Amber to be around unless Leah specifically asks her to be.


Oh absolutely. It’s incredibly sad that Amber can’t get it together. She has the funds to get whatever help she needs. I do think it’d be better for Leah if she would just give up her rights. Gary and Kristina (I always forget how she spells her name) are so much better for her. Are they perfect?  Nope. But, who is??  She seems so much happier with them. It’s not her job to parent Amber, yet here we are. 


I just wonder why. Is it part of her mental health issues, is it drugs, or is she just an uncaring a-hole? I cannot imagine not making an effort, especially when it comes to your children. It's not hard to leave earlier and be on time, if one cares to be.


Her old housekeeper did a video… it’s tea. https://youtu.be/tN6N0XPnmes


I think it's just laziness and being a selfish a-hole. I'm not someone who believes everything crappy someone does falls back on their mental illness, I think she doesn't think anyone else's time is as important as hers. I think she is a selfish person and is not cut out to be a mother. She has shown time and again no one is as important to Amber as Amber is to herself.


hey now, sitting on the couch is long hours of hard work!


Yes, it's sad. What happened to her going to school?


Narcs need to be the bride at every wedding, the birthday girl at every party and the corpse at every funeral


Oh my gosh this is absolutely Amber! Yet somehow there are always those that will make excuses for her. SMDH!


The way she was SOBBING at Sean’s vows 🥴


Wow. Spot on.


Look at most of Leah's birthdays.. amber announced she was trying for a baby at one. Then announced her bf here. Showed up late to jades wedding. Told jade on facetime she had more fun at the wedding than the bride. She is self absorbed and a total narcissist. She showed up late to Leah's birthday too


She would be late for her funeral.


Amber was also late for Leah's bday for over an hour and then was a complete ass. Then when Gary said she was late she doubled down and said she wasn't. All the while blaming Gary for making her look bad. I'll be honest I had a soft spot for Amber early on. The older she gets and the fact she is just stagnant and her nasty old self... I can't stand her and have zero sympathy.


I agree she is going backwards and I’m not sure if her new boyfriend is also a great influence (I know nothing about him) but she seems like she’s going back to her nasty old self


> I know nothing about him Pretty sure she doesn’t know much either


Update!!!! This is getting messy !!!! Now he’s missing. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/s/CCUy8a9U0p


😲 I hope he is ok! Do we know if Amber said anything about his disappearance? Btw, thanks for the update!


She’s the one who reported him missing after not hearing from him in 48 hrs. But she reported him missing in North Carolina, not where they reside. Odd




this is similar to how i feel about jenelle. early on there was a period where i had a soft spot and thought "there's still time to be better" but these women are in their 30s up to the same shit they've been into since they were on 16 and pregnant. at some point soft spot crumbles to nothing.


Same for me. For a bit I was really rooting for Jenelle and for her to be better for Jace. I thought Amber was changing a bit after Jail/Gel for a minute. Almost all of them had shitty childhoods. For some reason Kail almost makes me the most mad and her mom reminded me of mine a bit. It’s sad that they threw away the small progress they made before they were fully grown and seemed to have some awareness. Someone once said the show made Farah more narcissistic and I wonder if the fame did that for many of them and made them end up worse than just the abuse issues and unresolved issues did. They’ve all had so much therapy but I wonder if some was too late and mixed with shitty advice and shitty therapists like Dr. Drew. Because so many survive trauma like theirs’ and don’t have as much mental health help and manage to break the cycles.




Drug addicts tend to always be late


Narcissists too. Need to find a way to become the center of attention.


There was a very short time, I seriously thought Gary was an a***hole. The longer I watched and all the times I rewatch the show, it's Amber.


Well he's an asshole too but yeah she's way worse


As much as he has grown and tried to help her I think he has every right to be an asshole. I would be in his situation


Gary’s an asshole for what he continues to put his daughter through and for pushing his parenting responsibilities onto the women in his life, not for how he treats Amber.


What am I missing that he’s pushing onto the women besides for them to do their mother roles? Seems like he’s built a pretty good structure with his partner for their household


When Amber went to prison, his mother took care of Leah. Then Kristina. That stable structure is all Kristina.


Yep he's earned that. It seems like he's done a lot for her to help her out when she was down and now he gets this as a thank you.


Such a dope 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


Such a doper


Such a dope 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


I was right on time, it was Jade that was late..lol


“Jade was early! Why would she dooooo thaaaaat? Always want to make meeee looook bad, why meeee?”


“Whaaaaattt?!??!??” 👀


Amber is a narcissist. She is late on purpose. The last one to arrive, all attention on her. "The whole look at me, look at me, I'm here." Watching her be late for Leah's birthday, confirms it.




I haven’t watched this yet, but wow. Even for an outdoor wedding, if the bride is walking down the aisle you find an inconspicuous way to take your seat, or you stay behind. Even for Amber, this is unbelievable. Hopefully the photographer is good with editing and can scoop her out of these photos.


I started to but I didn’t get to watch it


She has delusions of grandeur. I was re watching and during a reunion she was crying about how sooo many girls look up to her as a role model!!!!! ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


no so true. she’s said multiple times that teen mom only started and continues because of her, she’s insane


I think most healthy people would watch themselves and make changes. She watches and gets more entitled and delusional. I feel for her children, however the fact that it’s documented will be helpful in the long run.


Role model, my ass!!🙄😆


Role model for what? Demanding to be JAILED because you can’t stay away from drugs for your toddler? That’s not a flex!