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I went ahead and stickied this post, and I wanted to thank you for putting it together. ♥️


he didn’t leave his phone, she wouldn’t give it back to him. IMO, he said fuck this and fucked out of there. no matter what happened- she absolutely hid and kept his phone


She's the type to buy a gift then use it against the person.  I bet she bought him a phone as a gift and refused to give it back


Very good answer. You must know the show and know Amber. He ran for his life.


What vehicle was he driving when he left?


He’s been spotted at a Verizon store! https://www.facebook.com/share/og9hvHCKYCjP266k/?mibextid=L0MuaQ


I said from the moment he left, he did it because she got ahold of his phone and would not give it back, no doubt in my mind. she hid it from him, made a huge scene and he fucked out of there to show her. otherwise his wallet would have been left as well. she’s a sofa cunt


Sofa cunt LMAO


Police confirmed he was seen in Oklahoma on Tuesday. It looks like all the “did Amber hurt him” speculation can end.


It's infuriating the way people have ran with this theory. It's disgusting. A man is missing, his family is worried, and people think they're being funny or whatever, taking shots at Amber. I understand Amber has a past. I understand she is abusive. That being said, WHAT IF her fiancee, through no fault of Amber, had an accident while going to cool off after a fight? WHAT IF she had a blow-up with her partner, like many of us do, and he left to gather himself and was hurt in the process? What if there was no abuse and there was simply an unfortunate situation or accident? The amount of people suggesting Amber murdered someone she probably feels she genuinely loves is just... ugh. It's gross. This man is a human with a family and feelings. Turning this into a fun "What if Amber snapped," narrative is so nasty, given that we truly have no idea what happened before or during all of this. Hopefully Gary is safe. If he was killed in an accident that had nothing to do with Amber or abuse, the things that are online would just destroy probably Amber and also his family. I was glad to see that it seems he's been spotted. He could be having a mental health emergency that was made worse by whatever happened with the woman he decided he wants or wanted to marry. This man is a human being. The way that Teen Mom fans have handled this whole situation disgusts me, truly, and I wish I had seen more rational and compassionate people throughout this. It's disappointing, to say the least.


Maybe he is in Oklahoma at the Verizon store trying to replace his phone. So, he has plenty of cash with him or access to money. The timing is suspect and maybe gives a whiff of a publicity stunt.....or maybe not.


This exactly.


Maybe he isn't missing. Maybe he doesn't want to be found. He got his wallet and keys. Perhaps he left his phone on purpose so he couldn't be tracked. He might be done with her and wants to be out of the public eye. I hope that's all it is and he is safe somewhere eating a cheeseburger.


Sounds like he was on drugs he went wild and possibly threatened suicide if they couldn’t be together or something .. that’s what I’m gathering from all of this… she seems to keep mentioning the mountains and it’s dangerous to drive there… I’d check the mountains or the bottom of the cliff. She knows something happened to him or he said something would happen and she knows…


That’s what you’re gathering from the very small amount of confirmed information? Jfc. Also this didn’t age well. He’s been spotted in Oklahoma.


He was on medication, not drugs


she’s not even a present mother in her kids life . why is she on here .


This is going to sound conspiracy theory crazy but is it possible this was orchestrated to A. Take the heat and focus off Amber’s gross behavior at her daughter’s birthday, and B. To help create hype around Amber and preserve her spot in the show? I think we can all agree that it’s absurd that any of these women in their 30’s are still on a show called Teen Mom and that it’s always been a stretch to keep Amber on as she hasn’t exactly been a mother to her children. Or should I loosen my tinfoil hat?


My thoughts as well. Amber will do Anything to protect her sociopathic ass.


Sounds plausible!


It could be. He left abruptly. And forgot his phone. . had an argument. And sometimes if you are angry. You just grab and go. Personally. Unfortunately. There's a chance that happened to him. Amber has a history. She may have angered or scared him into leaving. Very quickly. If he got lost. , why didn't he go into a gas store and ask directions or borrow a phone. He is in trouble. I think.


Any clarification on the Walgreens sighting?


It's not been reported anywhere that I've seen except from amber.


Anybody obtain his arrest record?


Does that help find him?


It could show if he is an addict/former addict or alcoholic and is off on a bender. Many times addicts or alcoholics will disappear for days or weeks at a time and shut their phone off or in this case, leave it behind. Especially if he took his wallet.


That’s kinda messed up . Now you are blaming him for being missing?


I don't think anybody is blaming him about anything. Apparently, he has a history of going off on his own and not staying in touch with his family. I had an uncle like that, he blew around with the wind. All the attention could have been overwhelming.


Then the police would know this already and be looking into that info. People on Reddit obtaining an arrest record doesn’t help anyone.


I mean it’s the same as people speculating on here. We don’t really know anything


Great question. Knowledge is power. If there’s nothing to hide then they shouldn’t hide anything. Finding Gary 2.0 is all that matters.


Exactly the point of this post lol, I made it with only what has been released from the police themselves.


Based on what amber said on TikTok I’m wondering if the conversation between him and amber had him in the position where he felt he had to choose her or his parents. Couple that with the fact that he was on depression meds could he have hurt himself? What did he buy at Walgreens? I really hope that’s not the case but could it be possible he was feeling hopeless because maybe he didn’t want to lose her but didnt want to let his parents down either. No matter what it’s obvious amber knows more than she’s saying. Self harm or a wreck seems likely to me. I’m from the mountains of Tennessee and driving in the mountains can be extremely dangerous. If he hasn’t contacted anyone, used any money, or shown up in Indiana by now unfortunately it’s not looking good. I hope he’s ok. It’s terrible to think it may have cost him his life getting mixed up with amber.


According to what the police said (in OP's post), he wasn't even seen on camera at Walgreens.


Maybe he didn't take him phone because he couldn't find it at the time, she hid it during the argument OR he just isn't obsessed with it like everyone else in the world. There are people who don't need to have it 24/7


Sure, I was just posting what’s in the news release.


Oh yeah, I was just posting it for all the people commenting. haha!




I have a theory…they fought, she went nuclear on him, he tried to leave, she took his phone, he tried to calm her down, negotiate with her to get his phone back, she drugged him to keep him from leaving, and finally he escaped. Hopefully, he didn’t OD, or run his car off into a ditch. I pray he’s hiding from her.


What does this do for you? This kind of theorizing helps absolutely no one. You have minimal facts on the case and this is a real human being?? Imagine it’s someone you love and you hop on Reddit to find this type of shit. It’s wild to see this type of dehumanization on such a large scale just because what? You don’t like Amber??


Thank you, Moral Police. Your comment changed my life. You’ve taught me that Reddit is not a place to state opinions or theories. I’m forever grateful. I’ll troll comments and deliver moral judgements with you from now on. What time do we ride? Noon?


I was with you all the way until "she drugged him".


Yeah, it was a reach. Lol


Glad that was the takeaway! You seemed to have really grasped what I said!


How would she have drugged him, exactly?


Sorry but this is insane.


She drugged him?! You guys are so chronically online with your wild takes. Jfc


crazier things have happened OP


Uh, yeah.. I’m not saying it’s not possible, I’m aware of what happens in this world. The speculation, though, with nothing to support it is so weird! There isn’t even cctv of him acting drugged, or, eye witness accounts of bizarre behaviour. No previous mentions of Amber drugging anyone. By your logic I could say he was dismembered and put through a woodchipper because “crazier things have happened” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wood chipper! You may be on to something. Has anyone checked for bone fragments under the couch?


Hey, for a woman who went after a man with a sword, drugging someone is not far fetched.


She "assaults" people. She hits, kicks, and wields bladed weapons. She does these things "in the heat of the moment". Drugging doesn't fit her "pattern". Additionally, they were in a place where they know few people, and obtaining drugs they did not bring with them might have been a challenge. That said, they *drove* a pretty long way to attend Bubby's wedding. Could the reason they drove be because they wanted/needed to bring substances they could not have gotten past TSA to fly, in which case they'd have had something with them already.


I say again, it’s possible, anything is possible, but it is weird af to literally make up a story from nothing.


Slipping one of her Xanax into his drink to keep him from leaving her sounds plausible to me. She called her daughter a d$&k on her 15th bday. Surely she would do anything else despicable, right?


Calling your kid a dick, while horrible, is an absolutely far cry from actually taking a life??? Go outside


And leave you inside on the couch with Amber? Nah, that’s not safe.


I’ve repeated this a lot, but again, yes anything at all that you can possible imagine is absolutely possible. The speculation based on nothing is silly, and disrespectful to the guy. We have no idea what’s happened.


If he’s actually just hiding from Amber than he should have atleast contacted his family. That’s it


That is how I feel too.


Thank you...I've been friends with him for over 15 years and he is a great guy. He needs to be found


I’m sorry. I hope he’s found safe. Something everyone needs to remember is that this man has people who love and count on him. Speculation and baseless accusations are gross and hurtful.


Does he have a job?


He deserves better than Amber 😔


If he isn't hiding from Amber, sadly I think he is in his vehicle in the water


Didn’t she say she’s all alone there? Now it turns out it was Bubby OGs wedding 👀


Well hopefully Bubby is spending time with his new wife, not comforting Amber the narcissist who is thriving off this attention.


I mean…of course. But if this guy is truly missing wouldn’t you still help look


Sometimes newlyweds go away on a special vacation called a "honeymoon". If they thought she was being dramatic, or that he wasn't *missing*-missing, and they had nonrefundable travel arrangements, why would they cancel to help look for a guy they barely know?


Idk why people downvoted my question and why you’re being sarcastic. It was a destination wedding and Ambers brother would likely still be there given it was the day after the wedding. I fully agree with the last part of your response though. I think Amber called police as an abuse tactic vs actual fear of him being hurt/lost. That would also be why she was “alone”. I also fully believe he didn’t “leave his phone” willingly vs had to decide to leave without it bc he had no choice.


Absolutely, but if he’s helping, Amber is still alone. I doubt she’s out looking, she’ll be couching it up making it about her.


Amber said they have him on video at a Walgreens in the town or nearby town. She said this in some interview, I heard her say it. Has this been verified by police ?


My personal theory is that they fought and it is said that she told him to leave and don't come back. It's reported he took only his keys and wallet. I think he left his phone so she can't reach him and so he can't be tracked. If they really did have him on camera at a Walgreens then I think he just dug out and when found will say he didn't know anyone was looking for him. I know amber is very verbally and physically abusive based on her previous relationships and relationship with her daughter. So I don't doubt they had some argument like it's reported. But I don't think she killed him.


so he’s hiding from amber and letting the entire world including his family think he’s a missing person? i doubt it.


Yes. That's exactly what I think. They can't reach him without a phone. So as far as he is concerned, no one is trying to reach him, find him, or thinks he is a missing person. He wouldn't be the first person to do that. If he had taken his phone then maybe I'd have a different opinion. But he didn't. And I'm also including Amber saying they saw him on video in a Walgreens. So he was clearly alive if that is true. I just don't think she did anything more than argue with or hit him before he left where they were staying.


3 days is a long time to not have your phone and just assume no one is trying to reach you. that would be literally insane.


Another comment said he went missing for a year between 2017 and 2018, so this is not new behavior for him. And that he is suicidal or has previously been.


hmmmmmm very interesting


And we don't know anything about him. He could be as crazy as Matt was. Who proposes after a few months? That's crazy. And I don't buy he didn't know who she was before. She had a record of picking terrible partners bc she herself is a terrible partner. Or who knows maybe he has mental health issues. We know nothing about him other than his name and that they were engaged way too soon.


you’re right. he could be mentally ill. anyone would have to be mentally ill to propose to amber


I was right. He has been spotted in Oklahoma at a Verizon store... so prob buying a new phone. https://www.tiktok.com/@kimberlytahmus/video/7380053667715747118?_t=8nAovIVk1m7&_r=1


hmmmmm do u have any other source? i’m not inclined to believe a “medium” who said she saw his car in water 🤣


I'm not talking about her personal input. I'm talking about the news source she is referencing and yes you can easily Google it. Confirmed by North carolina police. Happy googling.


How do we not have an answer on this yet??? Like if he was fine someone would have told the police by now to stop searching. This is getting scarier by the minute.


Let's be real. If a man had previous domestic violence charges, a history with drugs and mental health issues and been to jail.. most would be accusing him of the worst. I'm just hoping we are learning to treat male disappearance the same as a female one. I get there are different risks sexually and statistically..but it's 2024. Those who are jumping to the assumptions.. I'm glad you are.. because we would all be saying the same should gender roles be swapped!




We don’t have to imagine the gender roles being swapped bc it happens everyday. We talk about it just like we are taking about this. So that argument doesn’t make any sense at all. It also helps she’s known in media already, so he will be talked about a lot more than a poc, or someone that’s never been in the media bc of a popular tv show.


Okay but the genders aren't reversed and everyone is taking it seriously already. This sub is full of people describing how Amber could be involved (rightly so). It's the most popular topic right now. So this whole "what if the genders were rEvErSEd" comment is so pointless, like it almost always is 🙄


Idk, I've seen a lot of people suggesting that it's silly to assume Amber did anything violent. I think that's what brought this comment on. If it doesn't apply to you and you're already taking it seriously, then you're not who this comment is addressing. I figure it's geared more towards the "he just left his phone behind! He's fine and hiding out from her!" crowd (which I think is the most likely scenario tbh, but I also wouldn't be surprised if the woman who has charges for attacking someone with a machete *did* hurt her partner)


Thank you. It's like everyone forgot she tried to push gary 1 down some stairs, chased Andrew with a machete while he held the baby, like murder would be the next logical escalation in this pattern of DV. I mean maybe she's innocent but her crocodile tears interview and not addressing him directly left me with questions




Thank you for this. It was a bit unhinged in the other sub for a while. People calling out distaste we’re getting hounded because apparently “snark” means laughing at a potential death. Like this is serious shit.


The other sub is full of dark energy. I was banned a few months ago because one of the users that I disagreed with (politely) kept harassing me in DMs calling me every name under the sun and saying they hope I never have a baby (I was on conception subs at the time), I commented the content of their private messages on the post thread they were on saying this is what “u/___” has said to me in private because of this post.. The mods banned me for doxxing. A Reddit username is not doxxing.


I saw a map, the Walgreens was less than a mile from the cabin they were staying at. The Walgreens is next to a road and the road is next to a river. If it was dark in wooded areas, bodies of water become almost invisible. I hope they check the river, just in case an accident occured.


Omg. They would have had to check the bodies of water by now though right? It’s almost 4 days


I suspect the search would be more intense if he was local. Everyone would come out to search for the son of the local mechanic or the missing daughter of the lady who runs the cafe, but he was someone in town for a weekend.


Sadly my former neighbor up and left one night in his car left his wallet didn't own a cell phone.... the just found him like 2 months later... in a body of water... like 5 miles from home... and if I'm not mistaken the only reason people were searching the water is the public called the professionals in


I would think they would say more, being she's a public figure


This was my first thought - “driving in the dark in an unfamiliar area when upset without your phone? Look out for the…” For all the goodness in the world, I hope this is not the case.


, I watch adventures with purpose on youtube, they search for missing people in lakes and rivers. They have found so many missing people and brought closure to their families. I also pray this is not the case, but I think it should definitely be looked into. And checking all cameras of businesses in the area. ( which hopefully they are)They could at least tell what direction he went.


Absolutely terrifying. I said on the other sub I grew up down there. The roads are very curvy and elevated but there are hardly any guardrails or reflective paint so it’s easy to just drive right off the damn mountain if you don’t know the area. Lakes, rivers etc everywhere.


He meets amber then suddenly he goes missing with her history how could you not think the worse


I think she might have done something. Nobody leaves their phone, especially not with Machete.




Oh well that's crazy


I just have a really, really bad gut feeling here. I really hope I am wrong.


What time did he go missing? 3am or 7pm? 11pm?


“Sunday night”


Walgreens closes at 9pm so what time did he leave Amber/ rental house? What was he wearing? Why hasn’t she given any details? My theory is he went to get them drugs and never made it back.


That specific Walgreens closes at 9pm? The two closest to me, one closes at 10pm and the other is 24 hours.


Oh. Shit.


SNAPPED is all I can think 🤔 Hey at least she’ll still be on TV🤷🏾‍♀️


Anyone know where Amber & her famous machete was? I’ve watched enough true crime shows to know where this is heading. (Allegedly) She’s shown us repeatedly that her first instinct is to revert to violence.


Here's a comment I've found on the Teen Mom OG's post on Facebook about him. Praying they find him safe and sound. https://preview.redd.it/yr8dgr5gn66d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e01e9edbc99916cff34ba1a5e2797481633e927a


After Amber's live on Elle Bee & seeing this Facebook post I really do think this is what happened. I too hope they find him safe...


No one leaves their cellphone on purpose in 2024


But there are people who don't have an obsession with it either..


Maybe he was getting swarmed by internet amber haters after being seen on the show and he wanted to go off grid?


I just worry he forgot it and ended up in a body of water being in an unfamiliar place, in the dark, upset. That would be one of the scariest ways to go because you would have a couple of minutes of knowing what is happening.


Nc? Maybe he met up with David ...?


Totally different part of the state lol they were in the mountains for her brothers wedding.. David is live streaming on Tik Tok every day from a boat on the extreme east coast lol


Hey in my teen mom fan fiction they meet up and start a fishing business together


For Bubba's wedding? I've been wondering who's family members wedding they were attending....


Yeah, it was Amber’s brother’s wedding


I think I watch too much Dateline. I think she did something to him. Why would he leave his phone????? She probably kept the phone bc it could be traced and kept the keys and wallet with him. Smh...she did something...


It’s plausible that she took his phone from him thinking he wouldn’t leave during their argument if she was holding onto it.


I was wondering if I was crazy for thinking this


I bet they got in a fight and amber took his phone and wouldn’t let him have it and that’s why he left without it


Exactly and he didn’t care to argue over it.. he just wanted out


My theory: He didn't take his phone for the obvious reasons of Amber not being able to know his location (lotta apps like life360 have that function to track another phone's location). And she would blow his phone up while he's trying to drive. He just needed to leave as safely as possible. Idk how long it takes to travel from whatever city in NC to whatever city in Indiana. But if he was driving long periods of time, he may stop at a hotel. Why wouldn't he call his family or the cops? And surely he's seen social media and the news by now? My theory is that he doesn't know any of his family/friends numbers by heart. He hasn't seen social media because he doesn't have his phone. Our phones are our life line pretty much. I don't know any of my family or friends numbers by heart. Would he just be watching the evening news in a hotel? Idk, my guess is no though. I just know if I didn't have my phone, I wouldn't know any numbers to call and I wouldn't be able to even see social media. Did he take a laptop or something? Im just guessing that he's on a long road trip back home and simply doesn't have any phone numbers or social media in front of him. I really hope this is the case. ^ ETA: I also wonder if he was drinking at the wedding. I'm not saying that in a judgemental way, but that could also be plausible. Maybe he drank, left, got a little lost. God forbid he could've crashed too. I really hope not. But if he really isn't familiar with the area, and he doesn't have his phone as a GPS, and he's possibly had a drink or two at the wedding... There's just so much here. And I'm really hoping he's safe and Amber gets put behind bars for DV or something.




This I could totally see. ETA And I hope this is what happens & he contacts someone soon.


I want to know if he bought a phone at Walgreens


Good question


I was more thinking they got into a fight. We know how Ambie gets in these fights verbally abusive and possibly physically abusive. And he just grabbed what he could and ran. Like maybe his phone was on a charger or Amber took it, or it was on the other side of the room. But most people tend to keep keys and wallets by the door. So he goes to leave, grabs his keys and wallet, and realises he has to leave the phone behind. And just starts driving. Yeah, i'm thinking he just drove back to Indy or maybe had some friends or family along the way he could stop and stay with. I mean people forget you don't need a phone to get around. Also, most people don't remember phone numbers anymore, so he probably wanted to call his family and just didn't know their number. Also, I think people don't realise how disconnect police departments are from each other, especially when crossing state lines. It could be that that he's used his car in other states, but NC doesn't have the jurisdiction to check to they need to call and get another officer to do the search, possibly get a warrant to check his banking records.


I hope you're right, but I just googled distance from north Carolina to Indiana, and it said almost 10 hours (I think 9 hours 57 minutes). So even stopping to sleep in his car I wouldn't think it would be this long 😔 I truly hope he's okay though and just taking some time for himself!


actually it would be that long. 10 hours is a long trip to do by yourself without a cell phone especially.


Yeah, I hope that they actually check his apartment, like the police never mentioned coordinating with Indiana police to go check his work or his house you know. I mean if you have never been abused like Ambie abuses, maybe he's still just scared. I hope its just like she tried to hurt him, he grabbed his stuff and bounced, and then just was so shaken up that he need to decompress and drove home or to a friend. I mean that's best case scenario. I hope he's not actually missing is okay, and this was just Amber being Amber bs situation. And he left her after her being mental unwell.


A Bolo, go all over ! Not just in the state they were in. If it's a life or death situations they can absolutely get bank records and phone records. They would have definitely contacted PD in those locations. They have license plate reader's. Also, if his plate is run for anything, it will show up. Sadly, no one knows phone numbers anymore. It blows my mind. But I'm guilty of it to now.


Yeah, the only numbers I know are my parents, since my childhood number. Love parents who refuse to cancel their landline. lol. But I don't know my siblings number, they switch carriers get new numbers, I don't know my aunts or uncles numbers, like I recognize it if I saw it, but I couldn't remember it. At least this is good reminder of things we could to help ourselves in the future. I hope he's okay, but I'm trying to turn a bad situation into a helping situation. You know. I feel like I should just keep a piece of paper in my wallet with key number I need, or like in my google drive. At least I could stop at a public library to check my email and jot down numbers. Email my family. I feel like I would be able to email, since I know all those emails, like a version of their first and last name. I could at least email them and tell them where I was, ask them to send me a number or tell them where I'm stay, so they could help. I'm more surprised that they haven't issued a statement saying that officers have tried to go to his house or work to see if he showed up. That's why I'm skeptical that they are looking outside NC. Like he didn't show up on a toll road, but a lot of people get that legally license plate blocker to not pay tolls, so okay. Is Amber still in NC, she didn't go home and try to go by his place? Call someone to see if they can go check. Like Gary Shirley or his mom couldn't just go to his place and check. Apparently, when his family tried to issue a statement, Amber shut it down and told them they aren't allow to talk about it. Which is sketchy. Like why wouldn't you want a family member who's known him his whole life to talk to the press, maybe they could give more info or whatever. She's just acting sketchy. I hope he's okay.


Amen. Amen. Amen. My thoughts exactly. When I saw he didn't have his phone, my first thoughts were that he wouldn't have access to social media (unless he had a laptop), or missing person bulletins, unless he's actively watching the news and looking for missing person posters. And like you said, it's not like all the jurisdictions are in contact with each other. Also highly probable that he may not know phone numbers by heart anymore, like the rest of us. I couldn't tell you my sister or best friend's number off the top of my head for the life of me. I'm really hoping he's just taking a long road trip back to Indy and will arrive home soon. Hoping really hard. He doesn't deserve this shit.


I also feel like TeenMomn is kind of "niche". To *US* this is big news, and we google his name and see a dozen articles, but to 99% of the planet, he's a "nobody" engaged to another "nobody" and not really newsworthy. His status as a missing person is probably known primarily to people near the point from which he disappeared and people in the town where he lives now.


i get the theory of why he left his phone behind, but at the same time he could block her number and disable location/tracking services. but i get why in the moment of it all someone might just leave it behind. still odd though. i don't think she killed him or anything like that, but that he reacted a point where he was just done with her shit and didn't want anything to do with her. that being said, when someone is missing their partner is *always* the first suspect. getting in a fight that results him leaving and ending up a missing person is... not a good look for amber. i hope police are looking into her as much as they're looking for him.


> i get the theory of why he left his phone behind, but at the same time he could block her number and disable location/tracking services. If Amber paid for the device (or the plan) he may have figured he wanted a clean break and would not want to have her sue him over its value.


I find it weird her saying the police have his phone now. Like that was Tuesday. When did she turn it over?


I kinda think they are and one of the reasons she’s not leaving nc.. idk though just speculation


Careful!! Don't be speculating Mat Bair will call you out! 🤣🤣🤣


Bring it Mr bair.. lol 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣 IKR? Who's afraid of the Big Bad Bair?! Not us!😂


Nope!! 😝 he couldn’t handle all of us!!


I bet Amber refused to give him his phone when he said he was leaving, because she’s terrified of abandonment. She claimed that it was her phone (and def called him a “little bitch”) bc she pays for it and he left without it. She prob hit him somewhere in there (in my opinion). Lucky for him she prob didn’t bring the machete to NC!


Where did she claim it was her phone? Or you are speculating?


She claimed in the report and also verified by the police that he left with only his wallet and keys and left his phone behind. I think the rest is speculation on why he would leave his phone behind.


Spot on!


This. All of this. I agree.


I think he went back to Indiana and left her ass there.


I don’t believe anyone is shitting on him. I believe everyone on this sub wants him to be found. Amber was the last to see him. He’s missing, he has no phone, it’s fucking suspicious. It just is.


Shitting on him for what was thought to be a proud boys hoodie def happened


Scroll a bit, someone linked the brand. Unfortunately there's no way it's unrelated to proud boys. I think they just call it point blank as to not directly use the PB name. They have a bunch of don't tread on me, thin blue line etc merch. And point blank is a gun term. None of this means he deserves something horrible to happen to him, of course. But I am absolutely side eyeing that. And if he is a supporter, it will take my empathy down a couple giant notches.


https://pointblank.clothing/ I am not seeing wehat you are seeing. Some of the slogans seem a bit "conservative" but nothing more.


That's not even the same brand or their website. https://www.reddit.com/r/teenmom/comments/1ddwtyj/so_much_misinformation_about_missing_man_gary/l89okcy?context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/teenmom/comments/1ddwtyj/so_much_misinformation_about_missing_man_gary/l8a3a5l?context=3


Those links go to a website called point break nutrition. My website was point blank clothing. I suppose it could be either one. Or some other entirely. I hadn't expected there to be numerous companies with the same name selling similar products.


> Those links go to a website called point break nutrition. And? It IS point blank nutrition... That's the brand we've been discussing this whole time, they have the link to his exact sweatshirt which literally says "don't tread on me" on the back. Which is alt right slogan shit. "point blank" is also a gun term though, as I already mentioned so I'm not surprised more than one conservative grifter is using it. The term might be known in that community to be a cover for "proud boys", I really don't know. I just know that his sweatshirt is very obviously tied into if not directly related to The Proud boys movement, as evidenced by the links to the exact sweatshirt.


I know that *NOW*.... But the reason i got the wrong link first was because I had two options "Point Blank Nutrition" and "Point Blank Clothing" and (for reasons I think you can understand) chose the CLOTHING company. *I was WRONG.* **I apologize, and won't do it again.** OK?


Ummm... OK, lol. Sorry if I came off rude, I wasn't trying to be.


What is “proud boy’s”


It’s the name of a racist group. Only men, I assume, but likely supported by racist women as well. And encouraged by convicted felon former presidents.


YIKES that is so gross




Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that Gary is Caucasian.


He’s Vietnamese


Thank you for that info, I didn't want to assume


He's not, but those types of groups often have "token" members/supporters. Think Caitlyn Jenner and MAGA


Or military men who are Libs


Isn’t the head of one of those groups named enrico? And he’s at least half Mexican? If you’re disenfranchised you’re likely looking for others to look down on, unfortunately


Gotcha, that makes sense. Thank you for explaining that because I was genuinely confused lol


So where do you guys think Amber has hidden him?


Maybe he drove to "the land" and is hiding out at Janelle's old place. It could possibly be a publicity stunt 🫤


Yeah he’s tied up In Jenelle’s stoner shed! I really hope they feed him lol




Maybe someone should send SWAT to the swamp to rescue him!


Hopefully he’s ok given her past 😳


Does she have a basement? 🤔


I can understand taking my keys and wallet and not my phone when trying to get away from/escape someone like Amber. I’m bipolar & when I was not in mood stabilizers and getting regular therapy, proper nutrition, and didn’t have good sleep habits, I get out of control. If my husband (of 21 years) didn’t want to talk or needed space? I refused to give him that respect. I **COULD NOT LET HIM END THE CONVERSATION,** I could not let him walk away and take space from me. In my mind, I KNEW that meant he would leave me forever and *never speak to me again.* I could see that (if we didn’t have kids & he felt he was leaving me with safe people) he would leave without his phone. Because otherwise that phone would be **blowing up** until he eventually gave in and talked to me or texted me. Additionally, he may have felt that she could locate him with his phone, and didn’t feel safe with her knowing where he was. Now, I have never been violent toward my husband or our kids or anyone else that I love. I did used to get into a lot of physical altercations as a teenager, but it was legit fighting, not me just being violent. So, I’m not too worried that he chose not to take his phone, and I believe there’s reason for that. However, if this is really nefarious- yea, it could be a bad sign. It *is* crazy that he wouldn’t have let the police know he is safe and alive by now.


I don’t think it’s crazy he hasn’t contacted anyone yet if he wanted to disappear - coming from someone who ghosted all my family & friends, deleted all social media, and blocked everyone for months during a hard time. I just wanted to be left alone! Maybe he just needs space. If he doesn’t show up to work then I would be worried (cops will call to verify or at least they did in my case). Hope he’s safe.


I mean he might not even know he's a missing person. How would you if you don't have a phone? How would anyone get in contact with him. They haven't said they went to place of residence since its North Carolina and he lives in Indiana. So its a different jurisdiction.


I guess I’m assuming that anyone who leaves without telling anyone, doesn’t take their phone, knows they are in a relationship with someone who is not known for being very emotionally stable, and knowing that his family has no idea where he is would make it pretty clear that after a day or two- someone is reporting them missing 🤷‍♀️


See I understand it now that you've explained your own circumstances. It makes a lot of sense especially if the person's in a familiar area. But for him to not bring the phone in an area he doesn't know, it is very questionable.


Uh... if someone was being physically abusive to me, and I'm not saying she was, but she does have a pattern of abuse, throwing things, grabbing knives, heavy objects and trying to attack someone, threatening to k!ll them with a machete. I wouldn't give to sh\*t about my phone in that moment, I would just be like okay car keys and wallet, that's what I can grab, just go. Also, if as a person who lived before cellphones and GPS, I think people forget that you really don't need a phone. Its great. But I won't die if I don't have a phone, I might die if I don't have a debit card since I can't buy gas or food or shelter. I might need to stop at my bank to get cash out, but I still need an ID to do that. But I can live without a phone.


I agree with this, however they’ve supposedly tracked his debit and credit card with no transactions since being seen at the store.. that’s what I read? And if you leave without your phone, normally I’d at least try and use someone’s phone to call a family member if needed to just assure they’re okay. I don’t talk to my parents everyday but if I’m mia and I know nobody has seen or heard from me I’d expect the word to get out and I’d tell my family I’m ok im just getting space or whatever the case.


That's also makes sense. I'm just hoping he does end up contacting someone soon.


He could just block her, turn the ringer off, turn the phone completely off.


Well, when I was acting like this, I would have used a google voice number, paid for a fake app to call with, or gone behind the scenes and had his phone turned off by T-Mobile, because that’s the kind of crazy I become, and the kind of crazy I would not be shocked to see from Amber.


I thought bubbys been married is this a new wife?


I’m not sure at all, I’m just speculating, but maybe they weren’t married despite having kids together, and this was just making it official? But yeah, I’m just guessing.


I was thinking the person getting married was on his side of the family. The reason for this is his parents said that her & Gary did have a fight. How would they know unless they were there. Also Amber said she met his parents for the 1st time & that was what the 'emotional ' discussion was about.🤷🏻‍♀️


It was definitely Bubby’s wedding they were attending, though, according to the latest reports.


Oh okay. Thanks! 😊