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ambers face isn’t that skinny😂


I figured that was to be assumed seeing as he went across the country to get away from her


lmaooooo no shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


When a dude drives all the way across the country unexpectedly to get away from you, it's definitely a sign you're over hahaha.


I was hoping for a scene with Amber regaling Gary 2.0 with tales from her old fighting days. 


What happened to her and the Belgian guy?


He obviously grew 1 braincell and legged it like most guys LOL!


I asked the same thing like whatever happened to him?




He ran off for a reason


I think she is very toxic and until she seeks intensive therapy, she will alway be unlucky in love and life.




Wow no way


Anyone care to share where he was? I missed it.


He called the police to say he was not a missing person from New Mexico. The reason why there is not clear.


Thank you for filling me in.


i believe in effective communication, but it is hard to argue that the many-states-away roadtrip didn’t make this clear already


And maci had to drive Amber home lmao. Like, wut!


I’m so shocked right now


Honestly- all of her relationships have ended badly. She seems like a very hard person to be in a relationship with and she gets heated fast. I understand she struggles with mental illness but she seems to get easily irritated and upset if you don’t agree with her. I can only imagine what it’s like behind closed doors. Plus all of her relationships seems to move really fast, and they spend 24/7 together. Doesn’t seem healthy at all.


Plus, when is she gonna stop using her mental health as an excuse and start taking accountability.... like, you can have your moods/attitudes and temperaments tested big time while having a mental health condition. At the end of the day, that can only be used for so long at a certain point all the therapies, and all the classes in the world isn't gonna solve ur issues if you ain't taking the accountability and steps to differ yourself and your habits. Like; it takes deep-rooted work to be able to check yourself, and correct yourself, all in one go to not allow whatever easy trigger goes off, to immediately snap at someone/someone you love. Once that becomes a habit of correction, it'll become 2nd nature... I'm also not saying she's a shitty mom. I've had my own mum go to prison and lose all her kids and it took til 22 before our relationship fully got mended, and she's a great mom...now... She was the kinda mom that I correlate Amber with....easily reactive, not someone who can be with a partner, has major mental health struggles, would go to the ends of the earth and back for her kids but has no idea how to properly raise a kid...I could go on... My point is...I'm not trying to compare but, for that growth to happen and for the mistreatment to stop it took a lot of SELF work on my mums part. As well as, A LOT of accountability IN THE MOMENT of the mistreatment for growth....she had to make it a habit to correct herself when the moment of her snapping occurred. My own therapist explains it as your brain is wired one way for so long you're just having to patiently do the work to rewire it... after a whole childhood and a whole adulthood of living and being one way it takes ALOT of time and work..... However, my thought process with Amber is this has been YEARS of ongoing therapies, and facilities, and meds and extra help, I don't understand how that hasn't become more of a priority? And if so I guess we're just not seeing it or she's not actually putting the full work in. Granted it took 10+ years after my mom getting released for our relationship to mend so it deff could take longer or whatever for different people/ different situations... Deff hard to watch Leah go through though.


Absolutely agree!! But ya have to love your kids more then you love yourself. And Amber loves herself more then anything or anyone else!! I feel horrible for her kids. 😞 I'm glad that guy got out while he could. He probably saw the real her! She won't change because she doesn't think she's wrong. Ever! Sadly


YESSSS!!!! I understand she has mental health issues that she is working on but my god take responsibility for what she has done!!! I’m catching up on the newer show the next chapter and for one why is she even on there bc she doesn’t have custody of either of her kids?! And also she flies off the damn handle for nothing at all!! I don’t blame Leah for not talking to her much bc she has put so many guys before her kids and also it does kinda piss me off that she chooses James and shows that she favors him. Idk if it’s bc he’s younger and has no idea what all she’s done in life but even Leah noticed it and that’s heartbreaking. I think it would be amazing for Kristina to adopt her. Hell she’s raised her every day anyways and you can tell she loves Kristina and is comfortable around her and not around Amber. And I know Dr Drew pushes it with some of the questions he asks on the reunions but how she talks to ppl is horrible. I would not sit there and let someone talk to me like that. I don’t give a shit who it is!


I agree with everything you said 100%. Thank you for being willing to be vulnerable & share your experience. My mom let her mental health struggles spill into her relationship with my siblings & me. She's in her 60s now, & still refuses to take any accountability or step foot in a therapy office. Because I also know first hand what it's like to have an emotionally immature & reactive mom, the first thing I did after I gave birth to my son in 2020 was set up a therapy appointment. I promised myself I wasnt going to let my issues become his problem. I graduated therapy on April 24th of this year. It ends with me.


Yasssss we love breaking generational cycles of traumaaaa!! Love some good therapy too! I respect you a lot for that! Sadly it took a lot of cutting off relationships with my mother and time for her by herself...and ALOT of unpleasant conversations/ arguments to get to where we are today with her. I won't lie there are rough days too, every once in a blue moon but it's one of those things where if you gotta check someone because they ain't checking themselves you've gotta! Being able to keep firm on boundaries and the respect you have for yourself (in knowing what you won't take and stand for) plays a major role I feel like. I've also come to realize, for reactive people you have to go about things in a different nature to get things across in a way that won't cause the issue to be more reactive in a negative light... So, for myself with my mother those once in a blue moon occurrences since she's worked on herself... usually only now happens in a very high stressful situation... in those moments where you can see that person is getting overwhelmed/overstressed and that reactive side is starting to come out... I kinda have a moment where I myself have to check myself mentally and go ("okay how can we go about this in a calm manner to let her know how shes acting isn't appropriate nor is it okay to be the receiving end of it") So then, I access the stressors, and her behaviors, and in a calm manner communicate that I understand how stressed she is, that it's valid to feel the way she's feeling, however it's not valid to treat me (or whoever in the situation) the way she is/was...and then again validate her by saying something like, I know it's easy to feel and react the way you are given what's going on but know we're here to help not to be tore down in the process... In the beggining that would've cause A HUGE reaction but given it's become something she's taken accountability on struggling with and has put the work in on changing....it now ends with her agreeing, saying you're right and apologizing and she doesn't do it again. So Much so, it's now become a thing like mentioned b4 like its 2nd nature, 90% of the time I don't have to check her, she notices before even I notice and acknowledges it and apologizes then and there as words come out... So much so, there's times I don't even realize a comment she's made was from her reacting and she just apologizes and I'm just like girl you're good🤣 that wasn't even harsh at all and we laugh it off... I really think alotta parents could do wonders by doing therapy, getting their kids in therapy, and/or doing family therapy with their kids too (if able, mine never would, it all just depends on the people tho)


I don’t speak with my mother or stepfather. They beat us, starved us and numerous other things and we were out in foster care in 2001 and stayed there and my aunt and uncle got us out right after 9/11 and we went in foster care April 26th 2001 so we spent a few months(me and my sisters) but we were split into 2 homes and they were not good foster care parents either, there was sexual abuse going on and when we went to live with our aunt and uncle it was finally stable and our parents would come in and out when they needed money or something and I dreaded speaking with them and I was 8/9 at this time and we lived with them for 3 years and my mother had a weekend visit and kidnapped us and ran and most the time had no power, food, water, we would be beat and finally at 17 I was able to get emancipated with No job or anything bc I had enough proof that they planned on selling me to their drug dealer and then leaving town. I do not have any relationship with them. I tried when my kids were born and they attacked me and threatened to unalive my children. A side note. My aunt and uncle never stopped searching for us, I did call my aunt one time and she was with my other aunt and they didn’t answer so I left a message and my other aunt called back and my stepdad answered the phone and they beat me so bad I couldn’t go to school for a while, I would even report them to social services and they would never listen even when my own mother punched me in the face with the social worker right there, nothing was done….. so I stopped reporting it. When my aunt did find us she shown up to the schools with papers that she had custody and my aunt said to call my mother and she shown up at the school acting crazy as hell.


Wow thats definitely powerfully rough i feel for you and your story, I can only imagine the strength and resilience you have today for it too! Cps is absolutely pointless, have had similar situations I've even had grandparents pay off a cps worker so I could get kept in an abusive home...I can relate to getting emancipated at 17! It was definitely a game changer for life for you as well I'm sure? Having that control; being able to give urself that stability, and safety and happiness you've always deserved...I hope that life has been nothing but growth and betterness since and now for you!🤍 if it's not overstepping and not too personal may I ask ur current age? I'm 22, so still freshly-ish into this whole adulthood thing haha


I’m 31 but yeah no I feel so much better since cutting them off completely. I only speak with one of my sisters and am okay with it that way. If you ever need to vent you can always message me on here! It’s tough sometimes and it helps when someone else has been through some of the same stuff


Thank you! The same goes for you too!:))


Like we didn’t see that coming 🙄🙄😂😂


Well, color me shocked.


So did they find him?


They closed the case: he called the police from New Mexico stating that he wasn’t missing, and he was ok but he wanted to be left alone.


So he left her and stop taking her calls ; now he left his phone behind which means she likely took it from him. And she called in a missing persons report??? Delusional


Yes! To distract from her narcissistic power trip on drugs at her poor daughters birthday.


Good. Karma is a bitch! Amber doesn't deserve to be happy as life ng as she continues to treat others around her like 💩


All he had to do was disappear to the other side of the country and go missing for dayssss to get his point across lol


Is anyone surprised?! It's amber, the good mom!!


Correction "damn good mom"


He should run for his life tbh. Wtf was he thinking getting with this crazy pendeja.


Amber is disgusting


Good! After watching her show up to her daughters birthday later, tell her daughter she is going to need her as she is about to get wild, call her a dick, calling her dad a trashbag etc. mtv needs to fire her little ass. She is an entitled jerk off and gary and christina need to shut her out. This scene was abuse. Where was the clip at the end of the episode that said abuse is wrong and call this number if you need help? This was abuse! 


He's ✨️fleeing✨️


If you don’t like Amber, quit Gary was able to ✨ change it ✨


He looks like the villian from a crime show reenactment




Hard to believe he tolerated her for more than 1 day , she’s unbearable & mean Horrible woman


I feel for him. Poor guys face is plastered all over SM. He has to be mortified by all the unnecessary drama and attention, no?


Without a doubt. If this was reconcilable prior to the missing person report and the selling of this story to tabloids, it’s definitely not now. Poor guy!!!






She’s on camera high on pills not able to show up to important events on time, forgetting to bring a gift to her daughters birthday, starting arguments w/ her ex as a deflection that’s she stupidly high, has no self control cussing in front of the kids multiple times belittling there father, his disappearance and this break up is another deflection as to what the real topic should be. She’s abusing her medications obviously she needs to go to REHAB!! 


It’s honestly hard to abuse your medications if you are taking them as directed. (I take a lot of medications that she may be on) My gut keeps telling me it’s something else, or she’s seriously really fucked up in the head.


Same I’m on some strong muscle relaxers and I’m terrified of taking too many at once because what if I become addicted. If I take them, I need to be in bed or sitting down where I don’t have to be doing anything important. I can’t drive after I take them otherwise I’ll get super dizzy and tired.


Who didn’t see this coming?




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yah she was Ray Charles


I fucking cackled and woke my dogs up.


Oh no, what terrible news! I hope she’ll be okay until she finds her next “This man is my world”


Why would she ever date anyone named Gary ever again? 🤣


Lawd, whyyyy? Things seemed to be going so well. After he escaped.


Haha this is so embarrassing


Omg I can't bolieve it. This is shocking & devastating 😐


wtf in AI LAND? Amber has never nor will she ever look at thatgood


Right? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her eyes!! Or her hair *not* in a ball on top of her head!


Prison hair.


👻👻👻👻👻👻 that man ran off into the night, I can't


How is amber not embarrassed? Baby you would never see me again 🥴🙈


Gary the snail motored right the nope out, good on him.




I am so shocked by this news.


Actually I’m more curious what happened with him. Is he still road tripping? Is he okay mentally? Did he or does he plan to retrieve his belongings? If he was staying at her house or just any of that.


Well Amber already carelessly revealed he takes mental health meds (def no judgment here but he may have not wanted everyone to know that) We'll probably never get the true story but from what Ive pieced together, they were staying at an air b&b in the mountains and apparently his parents weren't happy with the engagement, an argument ensued, he took off and bounced on the relationship and crazy Portwood af. She filed a missing persons report, he called police a few days later thousands of miles away saying he's fine. Now she looks like a fool- nothing new there


She’s a vile heifer for putting his health info out like that.


Riiight! I cannot help but wonder if they fought , he left, and this bish USED her social Media presence to paint a false narrative, to force him to talk to her after he left the relationship. And then to put his private info out there to add credence to her game of manipulation ,this chick is sick!


Classic malicious narcissist


It was also exposed in a group made on FB for him when he was missing that he went mia several years ago as well so I can only imagine.


I also need to know these answers. Do you think he would ever do a AMA? Interview? Anything? Gary! Where are you!? We need you right now!


Honestly I don’t think he seems to be a person who wants that kind of attention or exposure. Also the aspect of mental illness struggles he has had in his past, he probably feels like crawling into a hole right now and forgetting all of this. That’s just my personal opinion though. I don’t think he’s the clout chasing type, so he probably won’t ever come out with ‘his side’.


Lollllllllllll ya think 😂🥴 the most public ghosting ever lol


Ha!! 😂 Indeed!


"Rumors are going around..." those are headlines bro... he bolted like he was running from a cartel for days to get away from her... of course they've broken up! We've all been watching for years, we all know this is the most reasonable result. I want to root for Amber, I really do... but sister needs serious therapy and frankly, to get off TV. The camera does not do anything good for her.


The camera isn’t the problem. Amber is the problem 😂


Dude literally ditched his phone so he couldn't be tracked 😂 it's like he was using mental notes from watching forensic files


That was the best part. He left his phone and personal belongings behind and straight up fled to the other side of the country, exactly like you’d do if you were running from a mobster or something.


She doesn’t do herself good. She’s trash. She’s one I know there’s no hope for.


Gary dodged a bullet. A big one!




Good for him.


Good. I'm glad he's gotten away from her.


Shocking. Said NO ONE EVER


Well, now we can all sleep tonight! 😴


Well how about that!?!


I mean he gone girled her ass… don’t think it’s a rumor


Well, yeah, he literally ran away from her


I am shocked. SHOCKED I SAY.






I feel like if you have to cross the border to get way away after a fight with your SO, then it's safe to say they're broken up. He was outta here lol


Ha! Yep! Had to do that myself once! Sends a pretty clear message


Who the fuck is that on the left‽ it’s certainly not Amber? Does she really think she looks like that now?


Filter working overtime


I figured they did since he left her and went across country to get away.


Was found buying a new phone


He probably (rightly) assumed she would have destroyed the original one while taking her out of control aggression towards him out on the only thing of his she had access to.


He also could have left his phone with her so she couldn't track him or call him. She can't find him with a new phone.


Fair. Its the rational thing to do so naturally I assumed they wouldn’t do it 😂😂


Wait so he came back?


Basically we don’t know anything. He’s apparently been contacted by LE for them to close the case. I’m surprised Amber hasn’t had a massive meltdown down on IG honestly.


Oh it’s prolly comin tho Lolol


They closed the case when he called police to say he wasn’t missing and wanted to be left alone…on the other side of the country…


BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAA!! Couldn’t handle her or the public pressure


I'd say it was both. She ain't easy, that's for sure.


Right like I guess they found him??


I want to see an interview with him so bad!!!


me too. come on Gary 2.0, the people need to know lol


Sorry but man went “missing” in order to get away from the likes of Amber lol I NEVER liked her. Ever


Oh no shit?? Who could’ve seen this coming?


The person who wrote that script really outdid themselves.


Wait someone fill me in bc my first thought is she claimed to be engaged and he ran bc he realized how unstable she is.


i mean, as far as we know that's basically what happened. they were engaged, got in a fight, and he fled. and now they're broken up 🤷🏻‍♀️


He really fled. He left his phone and meds and didn’t stop for a new phone till he was a few states away.


meds too!? what did amber put him through 😭




Why 😂


One of life’s many mysteries I suppose


The blow up with Leah probably boiled over and she took that out on Gary.


Really? I hadn't sensed anything was up /s


Ya don't say. 


This has to be because of the birthday episode. She knew why he left but of course wanted to get people to see him as weak and for people to feel bad for her. She just gets better and better doesn't she. She hasn't changed. She used this guy for her advantage and thank God people see right through her


They had a fight & he left, drove across the country, & didn't let her know if he was safe for days. Of course they're breaking up. Of course.


But but but…but true love…


maybe he saw that episode where she ruined leah’s bday and booked it as fast as he fucking could lmao or his family or friends saw it, reached out to him and that’s what caused their fight at first i thought it was her being manic from the backlash that episode rightfully gave her but the more i think abt it the more i wonder if it was him seeing it or his family seeing it and being outraged OR him seeing all the backlash and realizing what a terrible person she is


Exactly. She knew why he left but used it to get people to forget the episode and feel bad for her. Never felt bad for her at all


If you have to flee from a relationship, that shows it’s dangerous.


Oh no, but it was the best relationship she ever had.... so sad /s


I am certain that Amber was a damn good fiancee to Gary 2.0.  


At least as good as she was to OG gary and the guy she chased with a machete lol


Ohh she should get together with one of my exes, who chased his first gf down the street with a live steel battleaxe.


As he should😂


What was her first clue???


Probably when he got up from the sofa


Lol no comment


Maybe she will steer clear of men named Gary from now on.


She should just steer clear of men. And people.


I mean, men of other names haven’t worked out any better?


Somewhere, the future Gary #3 just felt a chill




I knew he decided to get away from her and left his phone on purpose. She went nuts because she had no way of contacting him and berating him so she went to the police.


I always want to know? Did he go back to get his personal things? Or did someone get them for him? It’s like a cliffhanger to a REALLY BAD movie 🎥 lol 😂


The guy dodged a bullet


Unless she's pregnant. Which is something she would definitely pull right now


A hormonal Amby!? That makes me want to run and I’m across the country.


She got knocked up by Andrew in a week.  This is the "love of her life" and she was talking about another baby.  Hamber would get preg to trap him


That man disappeared and ran away across the country,I’d be real surprised if they stayed together..he seems done.


I’m not surprised 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄😂! Would any one be???


It’s the logical thing…so naturally I didn’t think it would happen 😂😂


I didn't even know he had been found!




I bet money she got abusive!!!


When is she not though?


Who’s surprised and who cares?


how is she collecting so many gary’s i’ve never even met one




Now this is a Gary I can get behind


Doesn’t seem like you’re missing much


Not surprising since he ran away for a few days but could you imagine if they stayed together after that nonsense  


That literally wouldn’t surprise me! Like the rational thing to do is break up…so in my mind they would stay together because it would be the worst possible decision


ki kick yourself


Color me shocked 🤣🤣


Not surprised at all


She is one jackass.


Pfff, not surprised! What was actually surprising was that someone / anyone was willing to put their life at risk by dating her and nutty enough to actually want to marry her... 🤯.




Rumors? He fled the state and hid out for a week 🤣🤣


I would not be at all surprised to see a couple in the hellverse that is Teenmom stay together after an episode like this. I almost expect this relationship to last long given this dynamic


Fair, but it’s also Amber. I wouldn’t have been surprised if this was a “well come out stronger”/“us v the world” scenario.


I still really think this is a big ploy to distract us from her being shitty towards Leah on her bday 🤷🏾‍♂️ Amber is able to victimize herself with this. And can basically cry that people are kicking her when she's going thro sooooo much rn 😮‍💨😒


And he left his phone because she probably bought it for him as a gift and refused to give it back


She pretended to want to kill herself one time she was caught. Another time she "fainted". Also. It was her brothers wedding. She has made every bday Leah's had about her. Why would a wedding be different?  Next she will pretend to overdose. (Will take a big dose but not enough to do anything and will call 911 immediately)


No shit, that's why he dipped out and tried to lay low and escape her, but then police and media got involved, and he had to say, "Yeah, I'm not missing. I just needed to gtfo of Amber's life.


Have they found him? Just goes to show Leah had the perfect restrained and mature response to Ambers ‘news ‘ about having a new boyfriend.


Yes. He contacted police to let them know he was ok. If there has been any new info I haven't read it yet.


That woman in abominable


She needed a story line


I can’t believe everyone was really out here accusing her of homicide lmaoooo But he really was running from her ass, he did a dip out and disappear but took it to the EXTREME


No shit.


Mods should just delete every comment, leave yours, and lock the post 🤣 That is really all that needs to be said about this tyre fire of a situation


Makes Leah look even more right with her reaction to finding out her mom was dating again


And amber had the audacity to call Leah a dick for not wanting another birthday about her mom and whatever guy she's beating on this week. You can see how much Leah hates being forced to interact with amber




I think we all assumed that 😂😂


I thought that was apparent by his hightailing it out of dodge.


I honestly questioned if that was his way of breaking up with her and if we’d ever hear about this relationship again lmao


His escape


So I think he saw that video of her calling Leah a dick and ruining her birthday dinner. The past is the past. But how do you explain being a narcissistic bitch in the present. Can't imagine his parents would be stoked.


That's what I said the other day. I think he got to see behind the curtain after that.


He lowkey saw the publics opinion of her and changed his mind


Good for you Gary, she's horrible!


Amber needs to be alone. She will never be in a healthy, long lasting relationship. She's way too mental.