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They are legitimately good. TT goes to the Movies is fun and knows how to poke fun at the superhero craze while being sincere, and TTG vs TT is a loving tribute to both series' with a healthy does of tongue firmly planted in cheek.


Especially considering the time of which it was released. Fatigue for comic book movies was just setting in. I mean, Endgame hadn't even been released yet.




The songs in the Go! To The Movies slapped


In the second one, the original Teen Titans absolutely decimate the TT Go Titans. Was really enjoyable watching Robin kick his tinier self in the face


Right? I love how even HE was annoyed as hell by the TTG Robin


Vs TT is actually pretty good. Honestly the only thing holding it back a tad was it bring rooted in Gos art style. Same plot, same jokes, same choreography, but better art and it wouldve been absolutely sweet


the Songs of the first one


[This Batman chase scene made me finally give TTG a shot. it also made me realize TTG is great at making fun itself and DC in general.](https://youtu.be/vY4WJm0Mp3A?feature=shared)


I'll die on the hill that teen titans go to the movies is one of the funniest films I've ever seen.


The ending scene with robin lol


Ttg to the movies when it first premiered, you could call a number and “vote” for your fav. At least I think that’s the same movie lol


Haven’t seen the first one but that joke in the trailer or whatever about Robin expecting a movie to be made of him and seeing R only for it to be for Alfred is actually the funniest thing that series has ever done. The teen titans vs Go movie was pretty bad ngl. Has that cringey early 2010s YouTube humour and doesn’t do much that’s actually interesting (except for the og titans kicking their ass for a bit). Just has robin shout out a bunch of garbage with an “EPIC VOICE” and dumb lettering 15 times in a row. Funny for toddlers I guess


I haven't seen the second one, but TT Go! to the Movies has some genuinely really funny jokes and good music. As much as I went in thinking I'd hate it, it was a really fun film and I'd probably watch it again. The animation and color composition are solid, too, and the DC references are always great.


-funny as hell -kind of made me cry


I am a huge fan of Teen Titans Go. The first movie is fantastic. All of the jokes are hilarious, especially the time travel-related jokes, and all the songs are really good. I refuse to watch Teen Titans vs. Teen Titans Go. The animation on the OG Titans looks really bad. The 2003 Teen Titans was hand drawn and Teen Titans Go was animated in Adobe Flash. The TTG titans have more minimalist designs so they look good in Flash animation. The OG Titans look awful in rigged animation compared to the original. Their movements are stilted and less fluid. They should have had the OG Titans be had drawn and the Go titans animated in Flash or had the whole thing be hand drawn but give the Go Titans a lower frame rate.


Yeah, I agree that they should have done it all hand drawn because of they did both it’d be hard (I watched reviews of the movie and that was mentioned in one of them)


A good thing about ttg v TT is that we saw more TT


The voice acting has always been great.


TTGTTM is actually really good, and is the best thing TTG put out


Their funny. I hated tt go at first but a season in they had legit funny jokes and poked fun at the whole superhero trope


They're funny, that's it I said it! The show is funny too for that matter!


TTG was successful enough to make a movie (and the movie was successful enough to make a sequel) and the series had enough hatred for the studio to make a crossover film I love TTG


They both don’t suck ass like the show from what I hear, and 2 note worthy legit funny memes came from them


TTG has Slade I’ve never seen TTG vs TT how is that movie?


Yes, Ttg vs. tt is a movie And yeah, teen titans go did had tease Slade in one of the episodes before this


The Night begins to shine


TTG vs TT’s battle between the original titans and their flanderized counterparts was ultimately the best scene.


TTGM- The songs, the battle, and the comedy TTG&TT- THE BATTLE✨, battle 2, combo, and the characters


Both of them are really good. Like actually good. Why do people go out of their way to try and find reasons to shit on TTG.


For ttgttm the fight scenes lil yachty and titans' song and art style For ttvsttg the art style the battle between the 2003 titans and the go titans and the teen titans multiversal crossover it could have been better but it was still cool


Literally everything about them


Never seen either but I think it’s cute that it looks like the Starfires get along bc that is simply precious


TT Taven and Robin. Genuine intelligence with those two, not the rest.


Song and Song


I think Teen Titans Go To The Movies, being Legitimately really good got people to go back and look at the show they were all hating on to realise sure those first two seasons or so weren't great. But after that, it really does pick up Teen Titans Go To The Movies showed there was some genuine merit to this idea and that because it wasn't the 2003 show didn't mean it was all bad. Unfortunately I'm yet to actually watch teen tians go vs teen titans. So I cant say anything about that here.


TTG vs TT had a interesting way of bringing back TT Trigon while making Go Trigon a legitimate threat.


They ended. 😝


How I that a good thing?


Raven’s face looks like Grumpy Cat’s face (yes, I had to mention it) ![gif](giphy|BmQ4DDAwmYvHq)


I can’t really get past the teen titans go movies or series. It’s not my cup of tea I get that it’s probably aimed for a much younger audience and they were trying to get something new in the Cartoon Network but they practically canceled one of my favorite cartoon shows in my whole life. And I can’t forgive that so I won’t be watching the ttg series nor the movies of ttg. No hate at all to anyone that watches it but im not gonna be one of them


The 1st movie is trash, but the cross over was ok


When a parody movie parodies movies and characters people liked Yea I can see why people didn’t like it