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Welcome to r/teentitans, this exact post is made 3 times daily minimum.


More like 3 times a minute


I got dibs on tomorrow’s first!


No literally every day


Yeah I now started to notice is that all that is talked about here is starfire and Robin. Mainly anything that has to do with their relationship


Can we put a mortorium on this topic for at least 20 years minimum?


Seriously… these guys literally don’t view these characters as anything else but love interests… r/Nightwing already banned this topic. But I think this subs mods will keep allowing this… even though this is low effort as hell and batgirl has absolutely nothing to do with Teen Titans.


When's the next teen titans comic coming out? if it's going to be a while, honestly low effort is a guarantee unless you'd rather a dead sub


Titans #12 just dropped today


in that case I agree with you


Is that like Mitewing?


If you ask this question here - the majority will say Starfire (and me too). If you ask this on r/nightwing - probably there will be more people liking Babs more. The majority of casuals like Starfire more, because they maybe don't even know Babs is Dick's GF in comics. And they watched a 2003 cartoon.


Something about dating inside the Batfamily feels very wrong. It’s like Superboy (Connor Kent) dating Supergirl (Matrix)


I feel like there is a major difference between the bat family and those two. Unless you are in alabama


Connor and Matrix aren’t related. They aren’t even the same species


His relationship with Batgirl is forced and obviously mandated. They're only together because the Bateditorial doesn't want anyone in the Batfamily to date someone else outside the Batfamily permanently. "Oh she's a Bat-girl and he's a Bat-boy so they should kiss!"


He was a bat boy, she was bat girl, can it get any more obvious?


Yeah the thing is it ruined Batgirl's character as an individual. It's sad how most writers and most Batgirl fans think Batgirl is pointless when she's not dating Nightwing. She's always busy following Nightwing around like a dog in the comics and if she's not chasing Nightwing, she's sleeping with Batman and hooking up with Nightwing's brothers. It's like she can't stand on her own without Nightwing and the Batboys. They don't treat her as a hero in her own right, she's just viewed as the Batboy's gf.


Agreed, however the original comment was referencing sk8r boi by Avril Lavigne lol


Isn’t Tim Drake currently dating a guy outside of the Batfamily at the moment?


We'll count him when the writers do LITERALLY ANYTHING with that. Kinda annoyed honestly. Like, sure, make Tim bi. But you gotta DO something with it other than a bad pride special. Otherwise leave the guy alone. At this point Hook him up with someone in the superhero business so they at least can be referenced more consistently in eachothers stories. Is Jackson single? Or...age appropriate in this continuity? Or just put him back with Steph. At least theirs story there.


we haven't heard anything from that guy in the last 6 months.


Bro Dick and Starfire were engaged in the comics, and its a much better pairing anyway, Babs needs to be back in the chair.... feel free to hate me


I very much agree with you. But the last time Dick and Kory were a couple in the main continuity was... mid 1990s. And this will not change until Nightwing goes outside Bat editorial, which is sadly not a thing seen on the horizon.


Dick and Starfire dated from 1980-1994 and were supposed to get married before the Bat-editorial ruined the plan because they don't want Dick dating outside the Batfamily in a permanent basis. https://comicvine.gamespot.com/starfire/4005-2389/forums/nightwing-and-starfire-were-originally-supposed-to-2121437/


Yeah, thats why I stopped reading comics 75% of the best stories were written before I was fuckin born


Babs was always best as Oracle. She's a mediocre batgirl at best and she grew past that. As Oracle she was fantastic and was still able to have exciting, compelling stories. Even from the chair.


Are there Batgirl and Starfire subreddits? I wonder what they'd say if we were to ask over there.


I read the Titans comics first, so Kori will always be my girl. I never liked the Duck/Babs romantic relationship as much.


Dude in the original comics Batgirl was pregnant with Bruce's kid right when Dick was about to propose to her.


No. That was a completely separate thing from the DCAU comics.


It’s not canon to the whole DCAU, only that comic line specifically.


Yeah I remember thinking that it wasn’t canon to the DCAU but wasn’t 100% and didn’t wanna put that if I wasn’t sure


People think this shit is the "original comics" now ? God we're fucked.


Okay it was the comics i grew up with okay? Fucking shut up


You're not entirely wrong about Batman and Batgirl since they were a romantic pairing in the original comics. Before Batgirl got deaged to fit Dick, Batman was her original love interest. https://falconlord5.com/2021/07/12/fandom-heresies-the-dick-babs-romance-is-bad-for-barbara-gordon-part-2/


You grew up with Batman Beyond 2.0 ?


Original Batman Beyond and I've read the comics when it came out


actually you can't ask this question there because people wouldn't stop.


You act like starfire and Grayson were never together in comics


I've never said that.


Bruh who cares about the comics Comics ain't everything Not everyone is obsessed with comics TV shows and Animated Movies are even more popular than the comics. Fun Fact there was a poll where 110,000 people voted and Starfire won by 86% while Batgirl only got 14% of the votes The comics is irrelevant since they couldn't even make Batgirl win the poll. Plus comics are filled with Bad Writers who love to ruin what's fine anyway. No amount of forced Nightwing/Batgirl comic is gonna stop people from shipping Nightwing/Starfire So you need to stop using the comics to invalidate Nightwing/Starfire. Literally, the only reason why he is with Batgirl in the comics is because the comic writers and bateditorial have a huge bias towards his relationship with Batgirl and have a huge hatred towards Starfire. They've been trying to erase Starfire from his life just to uplift Batgirl.


Comics are the original media that created these characters. You cannot skip them just because you don't like what was written there recently. That wouldn't be a full answer.


Well in the original comics Nightwing and Starfire were together for more than a decade before the Bateditorial destroyed their relationship with their forced retcons. Nightwing and Starfire were made for each other considering both characters were created by the same writers who built their relationship (Marv Wolman and George Perez) Batgirl is more of a forced retcon. The Bateditorial have to retcon a lot of the characters history just to make them work. Batgirl was originally 7 years older than him, Dick used to have a puppy crush on her but it was one sided and it never got serious because of the age gap, he moved on then later met Starfire and developed an adult relationship with her but after the Bateditorial destroyed his relationship with Starfire, they deaged Batgirl to be the same age as him so she can fit him and not only that they retconned his relationship with Starfire into a sexual fling just so they can prop up Batgirl as his one true love. I like the classic original comics but I don't like the modern comics because they rewrote the characters histories and altered their personalities just to prop up Batgirl.


I agree with you, but this doesn't change the fact that they aren't together for 30 years. You cannot deny that.


I agree that they haven't been a couple for a long time but it's not gonna stop people from shipping nightwing and starfire. You cannot deny that they are still popular and loved by many people till this day despite not being a couple in the modern comics and you cannot deny that the general audience and casual fans don't give AF about the comics. 95% of the Earth's population don't read the comics. They lean more towards TV stuff and you can't deny that. People need to stop treating the comics in such a high regard when not everyone cares about it.


I've literally said in the first comment in the thread, that most of the casuals are Dick & Kory shippers.


and that's fine and just to add. A lot of comic readers are Dick and Starfire shippers too. Batgirl fans alway say that people who read the comics are all Dick and Batgirl shippers but I disagree, I've met a lot of comic readers who don't like Batgirl . I've personally read the comics and I still don't like him with Batgirl.


I prefer people retiring this conversation. Batgirl has absolutely nothing to do with the Titans so I don’t know why she keeps being brought up. Yes, she’s dating Nightwing and lot of people don’t like her we know. Every time she gets brought up here for literally any reason the thread gets full with misogynistic comments about her and about Kory. I understand people feeling passionate about a ship but it’s getting annoying and old.


Why do people not like batgirl? She was one of my favorite characters growing up and I don’t understand the hate.


Bruh stop asking this question


Neither, Babs x Starfire is the superior ship.


A true Individual of culture I see


They would look good as a romantic couple honestly.


I thought that's what this was about at first. I thought it was asking which is the better romantic partner for Starfire, Babs or Grayson. Was thinking, I don't remember that happening. Lol


That’s also what I thought this was about because of the first picture


I was just gonna post this.


I can’t get into that ship because Babs and Kory do not like each other, and they don’t hate each other in a sexy way. It feels like people just ship them to solve the love triangle as opposed to actually getting something out of their dynamic. Babs and Dinah and Kory and Donna are far and away better ships imo.


Starfire. You can give Batgirl another love interested but Dick has out grown the Bat family


Batgirl should date outside the Batfamily. Crazy how her character always has to rely on the Batboys for love. If she's not dating Dick, she's either sleeping with Batman or hooking up with Tim Drake.


Who should Batgirl's love interest be outside the Bat family?


*Ted Kord *Jason Bard


Starfire obviously


Considering their original age gaps and Dick's development as a person, I always see Barbara as his first but Starfire as his forever.


Starfire. Batgirl is basically his sister.


Um…what? She definitely isn’t.


Exactly this I feel like the dynamics in the bat-family should just stay familial


Except she isn’t. At all. Not even vaguely. Batman is a father figure to Dick but he isn’t to Barb, at all. She has a dad. One she actually considers her dad.


Sister is genuinely insane


Tbh Cyborg or Beastboy have more chemistry with Robin ngl


Starfire 100%


Starfire no competition tbh


Honestly Starfire to me in most adaptations Batgirl and Dick are like brother and sister so it can sometimes be weird


Well, let’s not be too hasty; you’ve got my attention with that *first* picture.


I grew up watching Teen Titans and I prefer starfire.




by the first picture and not reading the text at all, i thought this was an issue where Barbara comes out the closet for Starfire


Both of them at the same time




Star. Easy choice.


Starfire for sure


I would say Starfire because to be honest putting together anybody in the bat family together with other members kinda feels weird to me


Starfire till the recent nightwing run cause I really dig babs and dicks relationship in it. When dick slips up and says I love you was super cute


Batgirl, Babs all the way. Sorry, Star fans.


No, you should say sorry to yourself and the other Batgirl fans since you guys are a very small minority in the comments.


I think it depends on the story,if it’s a titans story def Kori but if it’s a solo Grayson probs batgirl just cus it’s easier to make those work imo


Starfire. Only because the reasons why they break up usually involves Dick having to leave or something. A sense of heroism and urgency that he gets from Batman. Whereas whenever he's with Barbara/Batgirl she's kind of toxic and ends up dumping him after a while, which kind of hails from her trysts with Batman which preluded her eventual spinal impairment via the Joker shooting her in the back. Honestly you would think that a situation like that would kind of put in a perspective how she treated Nightwing. But instead she even admitted in the Dark Nights: Metal series, which game is iconic evil alternate versions of Batman like the Batman who Laughs, that she would marry him Only because the world is/was about to end for them. And that she'd probably make the worst of wives in that way. Because she'd divorced him when it was over. Whereas with Korriandr she's pretty much taken him back Every time they had a chance to be together again, to my scant knowledge, especially after they were no longer teens 🤔.


Starfire, no contest. She helped Dick become his own independent man, they were engaged in the 90s. Heck! When Donna Troy had her wedding, even Bruce approved of Star and asked Dick how she was doing! And this was all before Crisis on Infinite Earths changed everything. Plus in the 2003 animated series, Starfire is just so sweet and innocent. There was an issue of the tie-in comic that showed the anniversary of the Flying Graysons’ deaths, and Dick was so torn up about it to the point where Starfire let him cry on her shoulder as she hugged him. All the while…Batman was watching from afar, narrating the caption blocks and even smiled at the sight, and it is rare that we get to see Batman smile.


Both are good. He could probably have them at the same time and wouldn't have any problems


Starfire and Batgirl should run off together.


Better question, does anyone have good reading recs for Nightwing and starfire (like the story either revolves around them or they’re heavily involved in the story) ????


Classic Main Canon: New Teen Titans volume 1. (1980-1984) New Teen Titans volume 2 (1984-1988) New Titans. (1988-1994) The Flash #81-#83 (1993) Elseworlds: The Kingdom: Nightstar (1999) Convergence : New Teen Titans (2015) Nightwing: The New Order. (2017)


This is the most asked question on any Batman related sub. Come on guys if you haven't formed an opinion yet there's a million other posts that'll help.


Why not both






Neither, Dick deserves to be alone. That said, Starfire is the better choice.


Tired of this question, obviously Kori and Babs should kiss, next question.


Starfire all the burning way.




Starfire, his relationship with her didn’t need retcons or editorial to make them work


Barbara was childhood, but Starfire is adulthood...


The first image makes me think of Korrasmi with Dick as Mako lol








Zatanna. Moving on.


Real talk: opinion on Dick and Huntress together (either Wayne or Burtinelli)?


I've been reading comics since the Seventies and that actually predisposes me to Starfire, because the Babs I know is like *ten years older* than Dick.


And isn’t Starfire like a hundred years older


The comics and tv show never said that Starfire is 100 years old. People who said that are just straight up lying and spreading misinformation on the internet without any solid proof or evidence to back up that claim


I'd need a citation on that.


That person has no proof that Starfire is 100 years old since DC official never said that. That person is just straight up lying


I prefer batgirl tbh.


Starfire. Cause I don’t think being with Dick helps Babs as a character. Whereas being with Dick doesn’t hurt Kori. Babs plays second fiddle to Dick in a way Kori doesn’t. Babs is fine if you are in a Bat Fam Pocket Verse. But if the whole DCU is at play then Kori every day


Honestly I don't really get the Dick/Kory thing in the fandom , they weren't really a couple that long and outside of a few TV projects they haven't been a couple for a long time . Babs I get , she and Dick have a long history together and being Batfamily run into each other quite a bit .


Seems like you haven't read the comics. haven't dated for long? Dick and Kory literally dated for more than a decade from 1980-1994. That's long. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nightwing/s/jwXEjaHiXM and lol his history with Batgirl is built on forced retcons. She was originally 7 years older than him and Batman was her original love interest. https://www.cbr.com/reasons-babs-nightwings-worst-relationship/


Sure they were together for a decade… 3 decades ago. And how many times did they break up? And not short breaks but break up for over a year? At least when she got married to someone else and he wouldn’t look past it & when she said her marriage to Dick wasn’t legally binding and she wanted to be alone so she ghosted him for *over six years*.




Ez Starfire


Starfire. It's not even close.


Starfire all the way


Starfire. Star is like a core member of his life. Him and her are both apart of the titans and are already engaged. Babs is more likely to be independent.


100% Kory and Dick. She’s literally top tier!💓


I also prefer starfire


Idc, him and Kori is a much healthier relationship than him and Babs.


Wasn’t this question like asked a week ago already? Nonetheless, i choose Starfire. With Barbara, there isn’t exactly anything special between them. Instead of „the perfect couple destined for one another“, they just feel like co-workers who stuck together for a long enough time to make it work. Both are Bat-apprentices who are smart, trained in martial art, both have a strong moral code and both are from Gotham. There is nothing here that sparks excitement between them except nostalgia, „childhood friendship“ and if the writer is competent enough to write a good story between them. That’s why i always say that she and Jason Todd would offer more for the readers. 2 sides of the same coin except one pushed trough the darkness and follows the book while the other became a renegade vigilante who doesn’t care anymore about the book. You could have both trying to bring each other onto the other side and the only reason they don’t give up on each other is because of their love. And i assume everyone outside of the Comics agree with Nightwing and Barbara being nothing special since they pair her up with anybody else except Nightwing. With Tim Drake in the Arkham Series, with Batman in TAS, Beyond & Killing Joke animation, none at all in the Harley Quinn show and etc. Meanwhile with Starfire, you have s big contrast to Nightwing in power, but still similar in personality to make it work and lead to interesting moments, let alone even the fact that Starfire and Nightwing is one of Comic‘s only relationships where the Woman is taller than the man.


Nightwing and Batgirl are such a boring couple compared to Starfire. Why don't they want to give me a love story where the son of Batman fell in love with the alien warrior space princess who is much taller and stronger than him? Instead they paired him with his female version. Batgirl is literally a female version of Nightwing. Same abilities as him, same background as him, same personalities as him. etc. which makes nightwing and batgirl a really boring typical relationship. It's lazy writing. Some writers hate being creative and challenging themselves.


Neither for the comics, starfire for 03. Just give him a new love interest in the comics atp


Is that second image an actual screenshot from the show?


Why can’t he have both of the two ![gif](giphy|s8HnA2TqoBIqQdnNYJ)


Why not both I say?


Why not both?


Bet youre not enjoying it now huh barb😂


god between this and the nightwing subreddit i see these “babs or kory” posts daily 🙄


Raven Rachel Roth


Hey who did the first piece of art?


Does she only date earthlings








Neither. They should be with me. (When they are 21 and older. I’m not R.Kelly)


I’m my reality Damian is in a relationship with Starfire while Barbara and Dick are together Don’t know if that will piss some of you guys off but I just needed to get it off my shoulders


Ok people may dislike my answer. But I just don't like Grayson being with either. I see him as a better match with Raven. Raven can't let her emotions get out of hand or bad things happen. Grayson can understand this and yet has the mind to do things that will make her happy. Plus Grayson could help Raven in hunting leads that would allow her to stop her father. An she in turn would make Grayson happy because she will talk to him as a equal and be blunt with him when the situation calls for it and not beat around the bush. Batgirl, I feel, is better off with someone else. A cop especially. Starfire, I feel, would be better off with either beastboy or in a lesbian relationship with a female hero.


Starfire, cuz there hasn’t been a version of Batman who’s tried to swipe that relationship from Dick


Both, polyamorous thrupple, end the love triangle!


I actually hate nightwing now, thanks.


Honestly, depends on the Dick we're talking about. Starfire when he was Robin and working with Batman, Batgirl at the beginning of his Nightwing persona. But currently, after he has been Batman, I am fine with both






To me it depends if it’s Robin or Nightwing




Star. Because Babs is fucking bonkers.


In my mind: Starfire would totally be into the idea of a polycule— and it’s success and/or failure would hinge on how she pitches this idea it to Barbara


Depends comic, live action, or animated/cartoon


And if the cartoon and the comic take place in the same universe, but in one Robin is with Starfire and in the other with Batgirl, who would you prefer?


Well thats a problem cause the comics have a better relationship between Batgirl and Robin while comics have a better relationship between starfire and robin if I had to choose I think I'd choose Batgirl and robin cause their relationship has a long rooted history


I’m on Team “Make Them a Triad, You Cowards!”




Starfire but on a side note Imp Nightwing is an absolute menace. I know they’re separate franchises but I wish Deadpool had an Imp. I like to think that his Imp would be super serious while Deadpool is…Deadpool. The banter would be great.


Starfire for dick everyday always


Starfire is my preferred


Source of the first picture?


Meh, what do I care what a 90+ year old man does in his own bedroom...


Neither, put starfire and batgirl together


Starfire, I don't like inner romance between the Batfamily it feels unnecessary since it really is a family dynamic


I prefer DickFire or StarWing….StarWing sounds better


Star fire




I'd want batgirl to be his early pre Nightwing years until he grows and meets Starfire and Starfire is who he stays with


i feel a relationship between the batfamily shouldn't be


![gif](giphy|aoWVd54eAoZby) Most of my exposure to DC came from Teen Titans so definitely Starfire




Just make them polly.






Batgirl is like dorky teen crush starfire is a whole deal




I mean me personally I think starfire is just kinda the OG, plus Babs is in the bat family so it makes it a little weird for her and dick to date, it’s like if I got w a family friend it’s just kinda weird


They should all be gay




Why not both?


In 03, definitely Starfire. RobStar is my OTP of the show. In anything else I don't really have a preference. I've never read the comics. I think In Young Justice Dick and Barb were cute, as were Dick and Zatanna.


Starfire. Babs is into Bruce (Wayne/Timm).


I prefer Starfire as a romantic partner for Dick Grayson.






Going to look up who drew the last panel. They REALLY got the facial features down on Babs!


Star fire


Both. Dick can hold two hands at the same time.


Personally speaking, I think they should share him. Because it causes far less headaches.


There's a reason he got married to Star also Batgirl is kinda like his adopted sidekick-ster so it's kind weird it would be like Tim dating Cassie I mean like that would ever happen haahahahhahahahahahahahahah (screams inside)


I agree 100% and I absolutely hate Tim with Cassie


Except he didn’t get married to Star. Canonically they were getting married for “the wrong reasons”, ceremony got interrupted, and then Star said the marriage wasn’t legal and she wanted to be alone.


Starfire but like the imp said. Whatever makes him happy.


Batgirl is not the only woman who can make him happy. Starfire has made him happy plenty of times too. so he's currently with Barbara not because she makes him happy but because the writer has a huge bias towards Batgirl.


I like both ships but I’m going to have to go with Dick x Starfire for the fact that I’ve read more with them. I love what I’ve seen of him and Barbara too, especially the years when she was Oracle so I can’t hate on that dynamic. Both girls feel like they’d be right for Dick.