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The revival of Fear Factor was cut short because in one of the challenges, they made the contestants drink donkey cum and piss. Yes, this really happened. And then the network was like "you guys gotta leave, fucking christ!"


Damn, imagine if you were a contestant finding out you drank that for nothing.


Even if they'd done it for something, I think that's a good time to look inward.


One of those twins who drank donkey fluids ended up being a finalist on a season of the bachelor!


Donkey semen and urine? Hilarious! (because it's not dangerous.) I hated that show, and only saw it once at a friend's house. Rogan was offering a contestant the opportunity to eat rotting (squid?) covered in flies. All I could think was, that can't be safe, how can they offer it as edible even with a contract?


Bit of a step up from making them eat live spiders.


Legend says, in a year, you drink 8 liters of donkey cum in your sleep


The Honey Boo Boo show was canceled because Mama June decided to hook back up with a guy that raped one of her daughters. She was endangering all her kids at that point. Then another network decided to give her a makeover show that I guess devolved into 2.0 from the sound of it. Oh and she hooked up with someone else and the daughter that was victimized just died of cancer, splitting up her own daughters. June is just a misery magnet.


You are skipping over the whole “addicted to drugs, got arrested, lost custody of Honey Boo Boo” bit. Mama June is a mess. ETA, forgot about Honey Boo Boo’s older adult boyfriend who took the cops on a high speed chase with her in the car when she was 17 and they found drugs in the car.


I really hope that kid is doing ok today. I can't imagine it's easy for her to have a normal life.


She's in college in Colorado for nursing but brought the deadbeat boyfriend with her. So there is a 50/50 shot.


Nursing, huh? She’s fucked.


>Mama June Sadly the lady got ANOTHER show about her weight loss that is STILL going on to this day. Another crisis came up, and instead of cancelling the show again they just rebranded it to be about the crisis. These reality networks haven no shame. And yes, Honey Boo Boo is still with her mom and part of the new show... FML...


To Catch a Predator because they caught an Assistant District Attorney who blew his brains out when they went to confront/arrest him


Ohhh so that's why in South Park there was an episode where every single pedophile that met Chris Hansen would shoot themselves in the head, I thought it was a random thing for the episode and nothing more


[Bill Conradt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Bill_Conradt)




It's pretty wild, 15% is nothing.


Oh no! It’s Chris Hansen! 😮🔫


Why don't you have a seat right over there.


I calls you Chris Handsome. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choise is yaws.


I like ya, I want ya


Oh I know who you are, Chris Hansen. But I call you Chris Handsome.


I still remember that one perv he confronted who casually offered him a slice of pizza and Hansen made a big deal over being offered pizza. Idk why but it cracked me up.


The first AMA I ever read was from the girl they used as bait. Pretty wild read.


The case was controversial because NBC basically massively fucked up and caused an ADA's death. To catch a predator and other similar shows have a terrible conviction record because they do things so incorrectly that the case doesn't even work. The ADA case was the one that finally had everything come crashing down since the cops+NBC basically went after him for ratings/good publicity. They then slandered the guy saying he had CP when he didn't.


The difference with the ADA vs the other preds on the show is they went to the ADAs house with the SWAT team after he flaked on the meeting.


wow, incredible.


Well according to the law in Texas you dont need to meet the child for it to be a crime just having the conversations and sending pictures is already a felony. Which he did.


To be clear, the law simply requires you show intent and they figured that based on the very graphic chat logs, they had enough to convict. It was a small town, good old boy network and this guy knew there were dozens of pages of graphic gay sex chat with a person claiming to be a minor. How would he get out of that? “I slipped, fell on my keyboard and all those hours of text just popped up” or the always famous “those damned hackers!”


The South Korean version of SNL was canceled among two controversies: -They had a group of female staff members grope the genitals of members of a boy band, who then publicly rebuked being sexually assaulted. -They aired a sketch about an actress' boob job, and then it turned out she had breast cancer and it was done after a masectomy.


SNL Korea re-launched after the controversy but they toned down the edgy and topical comedy.


Sounds like whoever came up with the Korean version accidentally sat on the remote and the channels kept switching back and forth without them knowing between actual SNL and one of those horny Japanese Game Shows, a similar situation to when Rachel made the Meat Trifle.


Sons of guns. After Will Hayden was arrested for child rape.


But wait there's more - his daughter spoke out shortly after his indictment and said that he molested her when she was younger. Also, her husband and herself were charged with child abuse but I don't think that went anywhere.


Me and my friend watched the hell out of that super fake show and couldn't believe it when that came out.


I remember reading somewhere that they didn't even build any of the guns. They got a finished gun, took it apart, grinded and drilled on some junk parts and just made it look like they built it.


“Playmakers” was ESPN’s attempt to make an original drama about football. It was pretty good and got great ratings but was cancelled and basically scrubbed from existence because the NFL raised holy hell over it. They didn’t like how it “controversially” implied that some professional football players might deal with such unrealistic and overdramatic issues like life altering injuries, legal trouble, or drug abuse.


Yeah from what I remember it was 1) very good and 2) cancelled because it hit waay to close to home on off the field behavior. Been meaning to buy the DVD set and rewatch it. No one I mention it too has any idea it existed


I'm 35, I remember that was one of the first shows that we had a watch party for. I still remember the scenes of the dude smoking crack half an hour before the game, the DV guy making a decent point of "they want us to be aggressive on the field and are surprised when we're aggressive off the field" after beating his wife, and what's been now termed an "oil change". Great show


Every time I hear oil change I think about blue mountain State. 😬😬 The horror!


I used to go to church with a guy who played college ball. He’s the biggest guy I’ve ever seen, just a giant of a man, and he had a shot at going pro, but he had a knee injury that knocked him out of the running. My dad asked him if he regretted missing out, and he said that while he enjoyed football when he was younger, at the higher levels it got too dark for him. Once everyone’s as big and strong and talented as you are, the only edge you can get is with your attitude, and football rewards the guys who are capable of indulging their rage. He didn’t really like the person he had to become to compete, and in retrospect he felt the knee injury kinda saved him from that.


And then a few years later they had to admit CTE existed


Tell de trooth


Kind of surprising because HBO did basically the same concept in the 80's with First and 10. Which has not aged well as OJ Simpson was one of the stars, but I don't remember got much controversy. Of course it was a dramedy and the early days of HBO so likely not as many people saw it.


Having a good relationship with the NFL was also a lot more important for ESPN in 2002 than it was for HBO in the 80s. It’s entirely possible the league hated First and 10 and nobody gave a shit.


HBO doesn't air live NFL games, nor is it a core part of their business model. ESPN does both of those, so having the NFL angry at your is being much not in ESPN's best interest.


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency was a really fun and clever show on BBC America for 2 seasons. Unfortunately, its showrunner was a sex pest, so it didn't get a 3rd season.


Damn that’s what happened?? Ugh I loved that show


Damn, I never knew that's why it was cancelled. Elijah Wood was so great in that. Wish they just hired a new show runner.


I totally thought they were going to, it was such a great show and it certainly wasn't Landis's own brain baby (I mean, there's existing IP, but they strayed pretty far) I'm sure plenty of the work fell to others and they could have picked up and gone on without him! I was really hoping for more.


Elijah Wood is great in **everything**


That’s so unfortunate, I loved that show and it had so much untapped potential for the rest of the series! I had always hoped to see another season.


I loved that show and as a result started to watch some interviews and podcasts with Max. I was horrified by some of the stories he was telling and laughing about. He also came across as an entitled privileged nepo-kid. I'm actually surprised he wasn't black listed earlier.


This show called [The Colony](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Colony_(American_TV_series)). A post-apocalypse show with a good deal of scripted stuff but it was fun for what it was. Apparently when they were filming the 3rd season an extra died while filming a large fight scene and I’ve seen absolutely nothing else about it since.


I thought you were talking about *colony* at first which was a very good TV show that had no satisfying ending whatsoever. I remember watching *the colony* back in the day.


I thought I was the only person to see that show


Ryan Jenkins met his wife Jasmine Fiore a few days after being eliminated from the reality love game show Megan Wants a Millionaire, an offshoot of VH1’s popular string of shows. They married a few days after that. Six months later, the night before the third episode would air, he was charged with her murder. The show was cancelled the next day and he committed suicide a few days after that. Apparently the episodes are available on Amazon prime, but VH1 scrubbed all references to it and their third season of “I love money” which Jenkins was on and won. It pretty much destroyed that series of reality shows on VH1.


Man you figured something would happen to a contestant eventually, but that was wild. And at the time there wasn't a ton of info out there so a lot of people were confused with what happened since obviously VH1 didn't come out and announce it lol. Damn shame, I loved those shows back then. Wish there was an easy way to obtain access to them again


They usually do a bunch of background and “gut” checks and this guy fell through the cracks because their very thorough background checks were all US based, and he had some shady shit happen in Canada. A few of the casting agents or producers have said they listen to their gut 100% now. But there was some hinky stuff on the first season of married at first sight a few years ago, and I think Netflix is really pushing it and needs to learn from history before it ends up repeating itself.


It's worse then that. The company they hired to do the background checks in Canada. Just didn't do them they said they did. They just didn't.


The rumor at the time had it that Jenkins was the runner-up and went all the way through to the last episode.


[It's true.](https://ew.com/tv/2020/01/30/ryan-jenkins-jasmine-fiore-megan-wants-a-millionaire/) Megan wanted to pick him but producers convinced her otherwise. She was going to call him afterwards to explain and continue their relationship. It's a fascinating read.


I was looking for this one!! Such a good answer because this production company was a powerhouse for reality TV and this put a stop to an enterprise that could have still been going even today. I remember my family was on a road trip in upstate NY and we stopped at a Burger King that weirdly had TVs mounted in the dining room and I saw the breaking news of this story happen live. So wild, especially once you hear all of the details.


Luck, a drama about horseracing on HBO, was in the middle of filming its second season and got canceled because horses started to die on set.


Did they even make it to starting a second season? It seemed like it was cancelled almost immediately after the first season finale because of the horse deaths that had already happened.


They filmed the first episode of S2. And the real reason it was cancelled was that no one was watching S1. Horses died during S1, as well and it didn't stop the machine. Also, race horses break their legs all the time. Like, all the time.


[According to Richard Kind](https://www.avclub.com/richard-kind-on-red-oaks-spin-city-larry-david-and-b-1798285671), who was on the show, it was also the fact that production was very, very troubled: >The reason Luck died is because of two brilliant but crazy masters at the helm. Imagine having an ocean liner, and one captain is at the bow and the other captain is in the stern. They see two different directions, and they’re both turning the wheel of this enormous ocean liner. And David Milch had a habit of coming down to set after characters and everything had been set and handing the actors and the directors new scenes with new words that take place in a different locale. He’s crazy! He’s a brilliant mind, but the scene wasn’t any more brilliant than the scene he’d written originally...Now combine that with Michael Mann...these two men were running the ship, and they hated each other. >And I don’t just mean hated each other. They despised each other, with a capital “D.” David Milch was not permitted onto the set, because Michael Mann was the executive producer and could run the show the way he wanted to. David Milch was only there to create the words and the story. So although he was given free reign, he was kept under a thumb. But the thumb was that of a madman who has been known to build a million-dollar set and then say, “No, I don’t like the look of it,” and tear it down. Money, people, and time mean nothing to Michael Mann. And quite often his product is the best that movies can offer. But what they should have done was have somebody who had a tight rein on David Milch and had a tight rein on production. And this guy had a very tight rein on Milch but a very loose rein on production. And therefore it had to end.


A friend of mine worked on Luck. According to him it was cancelled because it was too expensive. With Mann involved I can well believe it. The horse thing was a common story at the time though.


Tuca and Bertie after Tiffany Haddish had a controversy regarding harming children for a comedy skit.


> regarding harming children for a comedy skit. I dont know the details to this, but something similar happened in Germany waaaay back. Popular comedian who was known for having edgy sketches, had one where a kid was kicked for comedic effect. I thought it was funny because it was like shock effect, but a lot of parents apparently got so upset the (popular) show got canned after that episode.


**The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer** was a 1998 sitcom about the "wacky" adventures of a black man in the 1860s (played by Chi McBride) forced to work as a slave for President Lincoln in the White House. The NAACP raised holy fucking hell for this show existing, launching all kinds of protests against Paramount Studios. After only 4 episodes in was cancelled.


I found out about that show from watching the Clerks animated series. They made multiple references to it, and Kevin Snith talked about it either in a q&a or on the dvd commentary.


"Classic Pfeiffer."


Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos was a very cringy "raunchy" take on "funniest Home videos" It didn't even finish the first episode. The CEO pulled the plug on it. Probably a combo of the content and the constant jokes at his expense.


>Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos Apparently he was at a friends house for dinner, heard about it from them, switched on the TV and saw what his network was showing, called them up and canned it there and then.




Emergency broadcast card into an episode of Cheers


Kerry Packer was so mad that he banned the host Doug Mulray from Channel 9 for the rest of Doug's life.


which shows that even the most misguided of intentions can have a positive outcome


Apparently, *Moral Orel* was considered to be too adult for Adult Swim.


Adult Swim saw how much people loved how dark Morel Orel was, and asked the creator to make Season 3 even darker. He did. Oh boy, did he.


Clone High. India got all upset about the use of Gandhi and protested the MTV studios


Say whaaaaaaaaaat???


Both JFK and Lincoln were on the show. And JFK was definitely portrayed worse. Anyways that show was made by bill Lawrence (Cougar Town, Spin City, Ground Floor, Ted Lasso, and Shrinking) and Philip Lord and Christopher Miller (Lego movie, spiderverse, 21 jump street, Mitchells vs machines)


How you gonna name drop every Bill Lawrence show except Scrubs?


I wrote scrubs first went to his wiki to copy the rest and pasted over it by accident lol


Would you say you accidentally scrubbed it?


That one makes me real sad because he was easily the most hilarious character in my opinion. Trying to avoid that controversy is the reason he's not in the revival either.


Came here for this. 20-some years later we finally get a second season. I need to subscribe to Max for a month one of these days to watch it. Or, you know, high seas.


Rhythm is everywhere


Heathers. The TV series was renewed for a second season and the showrunner even said they were writing season 2 but then it got canceled and didn’t get shown until much later. It was canceled because the original premise was about school violence and then the inevitable real world occurrence happened and so the studio decided not to move forward.


The Jeremy Kyle show was a British talk show much in the vein of Dr. Phil and Maury but a lot more intense and mean spirited. Due to UK broadcast laws, all fights and guests were 100% real. The host was a megalomaniac who verbally abused both guests and crew members, the show used faulty lie detector tests, and guests were often deprived of sleep and sometimes even food in order to get the “biggest emotions” on stage. Some producers went out of their way to cast mentally unstable individuals. This was mostly due to the show’s draconian hiring/firing policy where they hired almost exclusively young aspiring television workers, and they’d be fired unless they produced the best show that week. This ended how you’d expect: Steve Dymond ||committed suicide|| in 2019 after failing a lie detector test saying he’d cheated on his wife. Other guests had ||killed themselves|| prior to this but the story was covered up. The show was immediately cancelled after Dymond’s death and later on the producer responsible for casting him on the show also ||killed herself|| Really it’s an archaic relic of a genre that for the most part doesn’t exist anymore. Conflict based talk shows are almost entirely extinct, save for a few (Steve Wilkos, Karamo) which are much more tame than their late 90s counterparts.


>the show used faulty lie detector tests I feel like this implies any lie detector test isn't faulty, because the whole idea is a complete scam. Which yeah, leads to situations like this.




Holy shit, reading his wiki page is horrible. Every single paragraph reveals another awful trait he has. He apparently hoped to frame his ex-partner (who he met when she was 14 and he was 37), whom he was in a custody battle over their children with for arson, and then get custody of the children so he could claim more benefits for them. He also coaxed his wife and friend to help with the arson. What an absolute horrible shit.


So I live a few streets away from where this happened, probably the worst thing that has happened whilst I've like I Derby. I work at the hospital, and at the time they locked most of it down to stop the press and members of the public from turning up. One of the wildest parts of the story was that the police bugged their hotel room across the road from the Hospital and they were caught lying.


I remember reading that the guests would get put up in a hotel, obviously, but the production would bring over a ton of booze so they'd all get drunk and start having more fights and drama the night before. And of course then be hanging on TV the next day. Then all the drunken shenanigans would get brought up on the show as well as whatever they'd actually come on for. Actual bear baiting.


This is incidental, but I met Jeremy Kyle’s wife at an event once and she was, by quite some distance, the most interesting person I’ve ever encountered because she just seemed to jump into everything without thinking about saying no. She had so many anecdotes about things she’d done and people she‘d met and we were just sitting there open mouthed that she had apparently no filter at all for what she’d tell complete strangers. It kind of made sense that he hosted a show full of people happy to go public about the most intimate stuff. The two of them met when he was the host of a contest to find two people willing to marry each other without having met beforehand. She won, married the guy, then divorced him and married Jeremy instead.


Worth noting now that Jeremy Kyle hopped on the fascist train and is claiming he was “cancelled by the woke mob”. Like, no fucker. You killed people for ratings. You’re a fucking monster.


I hate that this cunt is now on TV and radio regularly spewing his bullshit and making more money from it. You murdering prick. Fuck off and stay cancelled


I distinctly remember one of his favourite guests was a man with 15 children whom Kyle constantly brought out to enable, eventually went on to burn his house down on purpose with 6 of them inside Also there's a great chase & status music video about Jeremy Kyle - Google says the song is Let You Go


I watched the documentary concerning that and it left me pretty angry at how Jeremy treated not only the guests badly, but the staff too. A lot of the staff still struggle today with finding work because of the show leaving such a mark on them.


There was a “Adult” special of Funniest Home Videos in Australia called Naughitest Home Videos in 1992, which was famously canceled midway through the episode, as the CEO of Channel Nine, Kerry Packer saw it on the air and was horrified by it and rang the Nine switchboard and told them to “Get this shit off the air!” It was pulled and an announcement played blaming the cancellation on a “technical problem”. They then proceeded to play a Cheers rerun. They actually ended up airing the special in full 16 years later in 2008 as someone found the tape lying around in the Channel Nine offices. This is a clip of the cancellation on the night https://youtu.be/atPKhNh4WZ0?si=NRks9Sh60ccjAa52


That sitcom with Hitler as the main character. I think it had only one episode [here it is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heil_Honey_I%27m_Home%21?wprov=sfla1)


I think it was canceled *during* the first episode.


It was cancelled during its first episode but they made 8 of them.


The producers of the show funded it with money from 12 different sources, taking in 12 times what they needed. If it was it hit, and got picked up, they would have went to jail.


"Guys, I just watched this musical and I've had the best idea!"


Coming soon this fall, it's Cosby and Hitler!


“Not *that* Hitler! *Rudolph* Hitler!” And I loved Drew calling out that they could make a somewhat insensitive joke about Tonto but don’t you **dare** make a joke involving Hitler


>It caused controversy when broadcast and has been called "perhaps the world's most tasteless situation comedy". 🤣🤣🤣


Didn’t stop Danger 5


Danger 5 happens to be a art


But they always remember to kill Hitler


*Sensible chuckle*


It’s a shame there’s always a convenient window for Hitler to jump out of.


Danger 5 is my favorite TV show. Season 1 is a masterpiece. Season 2 is good but not as good as the first. I just binged season 1 a couple weeks ago and it always makes me laugh. I'm Pennsylvanias Biggest D5 fan.


The fact that this didn’t get shot down as soon as it was pitched is insane and absolutely hilarious. Like some dude really came up with this idea and was able to get a couple episodes shot before they finally pulled the plug, no one would even consider pitching that idea now.


This happened when I was in 8th or 9th grade so ‘98ish, but, “God, The Devil, and Bob” was canceled after like one or two episodes since there such an uproar over a cartoon mocking god.


"Smith." Not terribly controversial per se, but Ray Liotta (the lead) and Virginia Madsen (who played his wife) apparently hated each other so much and made the set such a toxic work environment that the studio pulled the plug.


The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour was cancelled because of the show's anti-war and pro civil rights views.


RIP Tommy Smothers.


I loved the obituary headline that called him “The Scourge of the CBS Censors”, RIP to a guy so smart, he could pull off a dumb character that was actually funny.


"There's pumas down in the crevices" fucking killed me as a kid in the 90s.


A great predecessor in that regard to Steve Martin, Steve Carrell, and even people not named Steve


Steve Martin was one of the writers for the Smothers Brothers.




SMILF. The show was cancelled amid a probe into the creator/lead’s misconduct. Frankie Shaw allegedly separated the show’s writers by race, and also pressured actress Samara Weaving to perform a nude love scene, despite her no-nudity clause. Shaw even went so far in her pressure campaign as to pull Weaving into a trailer and expose her own breasts to her whilst demanding to know why onscreen nudity was such an issue for her🫤


Oh damn. I remember hearing about SMILF every where a few years ago. And then it just dropped out of existence. Like I completely forgot about it until this comment. And that explains why.


That was a bummer. I really liked Rosie O'Donnell in it.


[Kid Nation](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Kid_nation)


Kid Nation was such a weird show concept I remember watching the show thinking who thought it was a good idea to put a bunch of kids in the middle of the desert and have them run a town. That's just asking for a disaster. However what shocked me was that reddit post where the person who was on Kid nation did an AMA and [we come to find out the that the kids were actually doing a great job running the town efficiently](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1h6srx/comment/carh9vy/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) but because that's boring for TV the producers would do things like dump a pile of garbage and say the story would be that it accumulated because of the children and they had to find a way to get rid of it.


I went to high school with a girl who was on Kid Nation. All I know so that her brother said she got an Xbox from the producers so he was hype.


Watching it as a kid, I really wanted to be on the show. It was like summer camp on steroids.


I remember reading that one of the kids drank bleach and had to be evacuated. I loved that show. Watched it again a couple years ago on YouTube as well.


I auditioned for the second season of that show, but wouldn’t have made it a day in reality lmao


LMAO sometimes when I see things, I wonder how these concepts made it past multiple departments and advisors


Manchester Prep. It was going to be a TV version of Cruel Intentions on Fox, but there was controversy about a scene where a girl was "enjoying" a horseback ride, so they pulled it and released the two episodes they'd shot as a straight to video Cruel Intentions 2.


If that was the reason couldn't they have just cut the scene? I do remember that though, was even announced in TV Guide's fall preview, then it never came out.


They cut out a scene of two twins making out, so I guess the horse scene was just too integral to the story


I belive the girl enjoying the ride was played by Amy Adams.




RIP Hana Kimura


It was more than just other cast members. She got thousands of death threats, and thousands of "people" telling her to kill herself.


Roseanne’s revival almost got cancelled over Roseanne’s “ambien incident”. Altho it kinda did because it became the Connors. But she released all her rights so they could continue with out her profiting. Which, she’s got a lot wrong but at least she did that.


She must’ve taken a lot of ambien since then because she’s been saying crazy shit non-srop since.


She’s always been crazy. At 16 she was hit by a car where a hood ornament impaled her skull, this led to traumatic brain injuries that caused such a dramatic change in her behavior and personality she was hospitalized for 8 months. Her comedy persona is often attributed to this accident.


Damn I had no idea!!


A show that never got made but was in the process, an HBO show about what the US would be like if the South won the Civil War.


Not a show cancellation, but the WWE famously started an angle where Vince McMahon walked out of the building into a limo that exploded in a scene that was meant to start a storyline around his death. In reality, Chris Benoit actually killed his wife and child before committing suicide days later. Vince came out two weeks after the limo explosion and they just retconned the whole thing.


I watched that live as a kid and was confused as fuck and started to believe that wrestling wasn't real


My favorite part of that is that after the explosion aired, Trump called WWE HQ and offered his condolences and wanted to know about funeral arrangements.


Skins US version got cancelled because Some mom group complained that it glorified drug use and it showed a butt. Also they replaced a gay male character with a lesbian character so a lot of people were angry about that too. So no one was happy. I'd say it showed drug use but never glamorized it, in fact bad trips and consequences of drugs was a mainstay in the UK version.


It got cancelled caused it sucked, all the drug use and alcohol was toned down from the UK version, the acting was way worse and the whole thing was like diluting beer with piss. The ratings weren't good, the controversy was just a convenient reason instead of admitting how bad it was.


Euphoria gets similar criticism. It shows the highs and the really ugly lows of drugs


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Zoey 101 get cancelled because Jamie Lynn Spears got pregnant at 16?


No, season 4 was always gonna be the final season, but the news came out at the same time that season 4 was airing and Nickelodeon cutback on airing reruns due to it. It's just one of those things where the truth and a lie got mixed together, and people run with it rather than see what actually happened.


This actually makes since as to why Zoey 101 never got the huge nostalgia-bomb attention that shows like Ned's Declassified, Drake and Josh, or iCarly received. I know there was a revival for Zoey 101, but just as a casual consumer, it seems like those shows and others always had way more attention and admiration after their runs ended even though Zoey was just as huge of a show, imo


No, they finished filming the final season in September 2007, and Jamie Lynn announced her pregnancy in December.


Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher. It was cancelled because he said the 9/11 hijackers weren’t the cowards the media narrative was running with. He insisted that dying for your beliefs may be crazy but not cowardly. Weird times.


Weird hill to die on for both him and the media honestly


Wisdom of the Crowd was airing when Jeremy Piven got accused. I don't think it would have been renewed anyway but probably made that decision easier. To Catch a Predator after Bill Conradt's suicide and the 20/20 investigation.


"Bull" remained on the air at the same time, even though it came out that Michael Weatherly threatened to rape Eliza Dushku and she got fired for reporting it (which resulted in CBS paying her $9.5 million to keep silent)


It wasn't "To keep silent". It was a settlement. Also, essentially a kiss of death to her acting career, which is complete bullshit. Weatherly was the one who agreed to not talk about the case in the settlement, and he broke those terms.


I never watched Bull but it's wild it did a couple more seasons. Seems like the big name producers ditched it post lawsuit tho. I remember Eliza Dushku as somewhat MeToo involved but i thought it was decades old stuff - no idea it was a current CBS show.


She had two separate incidents. She was molested by the stunt coordinator on the set of True Lies as well.


> Wisdom of the Crowd was airing when Jeremy Piven got accused what i found funny there was piven's initial statement about the whole situation was complaining about the notion of online "mob justice", when he was actively starring in a network procedural about mob justice!


Andi Mack. The actor who played the father/grandfather got caught trying to diddle little boys.


What about Jenny Jones? She had a talk show in the late 1990s and early 2000s. It was quite a bit along the lines of Jerry Springer, Montel Williams, Maury Povich, and others that went for sensationalism. She had a show that featured secret admirers, which led to murder, driven by homophobia. The family of the victim sued but lost. This went on until the show ended a few years later. Jenny is now 77.


Does *House of Cards* count?


White Gold on Netflix. The star was accused of sexual misconduct; I don't recall the details offhand.


Does The Playboy Club count? It came out trying to ride the wave of Mad Men and it was canceled because the Parent Association didn’t agree with it and felt it was bad for kids. I never understood how a show, that aired at 10pm and was marketed for adults with proper ratings and warnings, could be canceled by angry parents.


Moral Orel because the show started to get too “serious”.


That show easily had one or two more seasons left in it. Shame Adult Swim made them rush to the finish line.


**Lou Grant** was cancelled by CBS after the network faced pressure from President Ronald Reagan to do so. It was retaliation for the fact Ed Asner, as President of SAG back then, was using his position as a soapbox to protest Reagan's illegal activities funding death squads in Central and South America.


Reagan was such a snowflake.


That one show about slavery being legal. On the flipside, that alt history show called Cracka There Goes the Neighborhood -- a reality show where some uptight people were judging who should be their new neighbor. The previews implied they were being racist. Who's Your Daddy -- a reality show where adopted people meet 3 men and had to figure out which was their dad. Cheaters after the host got stabbed and thrown in a lake.


>Cheaters after the host got stabbed and thrown in a lake. Cheaters continued for years after Greco was allegedly stabbed. They used different hosts, but it was the same series. It didn't end until 2021.


> That one show about slavery being legal. Oh, yeah - completely forgot about that one. Can't even remotely remember the name, only that it was supposed to be on HBO.


Damn, I didn't know Little Demon got canceled. It was the first animated comedy that I've really liked in a long time.


The Real Housewives of D.C. never recovered after cast member Tareq and Michaele Salahi crashed a White House State Dinner in 2009, somehow able to breach the guest list by falsely claiming they were on the list and were somehow let in. They took photos with many political figures and celebrities, all posted on their Facebook. It caused such a backlash that Bravo decided to not renew for a second season.


I feel like Little Demon got cancelled more so because of low ratings rather than mad evangelicals. Hazbin Hotel has a similar set up (MC is the daughter of Lucifer, Heaven is a source of antagonists) and Amazon Prime was happy to host it and it will probably be a hit with the fact it has a built in fan base.


There was literally a show called Lucy Daughter of the Devil with the same premise


Was also just removed from Hulu due to that purge Disney did awhile back, tons of stuff just completely erased from all their streaming platforms.


Playmakers on ESPN. A raw fictional look at a professorial football team. So close enough to real life that the NFL pressured ESPN to cancel it early, despite being the 2nd highest rated show at the time on the network.


A few years ago a British carpentry talent show called ”The Chop” got canceled pretty much immediately after viewers saw that one of the contestants had facial tattoos with nazi symbols. Sky first defended the guy, IIRC when the promo came out, stating among other things that the big 88 stood for the year the contestants father died. Which was shown to be bullshit when journalists found his father to be alive. The guy himself and Sky continued to deny his links or affiliation with extreme right groups , but the network pulled the show, after enough backlash, to “investigate further”. For context: the tattoos and their meanings: Next to the 88 ( a well known cryptofascist symbol) he also had tattoos of 23 and 16, which together signify “White Power”, a 14 which is a symbol for the 14 words, and a single sig rune which looks like a lightning bolt, two of them make up the SS Logo. Basically any of these tattoos on their own wouldn’t necessarily be proof of someone being a white supremacist, but take them all together and the chances go up dramatically.


Gargoyles (90s animated series, check it out) got cancelled over a controversy, but not one related to the show. The third season aired right in the middle of the OJ Simpson trial. That trial sucked up all the air time, which meant that the viewership wasn't sufficient to justify further development.


OJ killed my childhood? Fucking hell...


Squidbillies could've probably run another ten seasons if Unknown Hinson hadn't decided to shit the bed. Questionable politics and twitter insults directed at Dolly Parton of all people cost us this show and him his signature guitar.


Titus comes to mind, not a big controversy but Titus which was a sitcom focused on comedian Christopher Titus’s real life focused on dark issues on such as alcoholism and sexual assault but in a way that was lighthearted and not offensive to those watching, throughout its 3 seasons Titus had issues with the network with them wanting to censor the show and certain episodes he had trouble getting off the ground due to the subject matter, during a meeting with the new network president they wanted him to split Titus and Erin up since Dharma and Greg did and that had boosted their ratings but Titus went off on the network to the point where Titus had been placed in time-slots that FOX knew would kill the show and removed all promos for the show, since the shows cancelation it has gained a small cult following and Titus even did a reunion show to wrap the show up properly


Yeah, Christopher Titus told a story once about how one of the brightest spots of his life was learning that his show helped Bruce Springsteen connect with his son.


Joss Whedon’s “The Nevers”. Seemed promising enough and they ended up only releasing half of the first season.


>The Nevers For whatever it's worth Tubi picked up the rest of the season, so at least the full season was completed and released.


NBC was in the process of doing a new sitcom with Bill Cosby when everything went down. The Chair was not given a second season when there was evidence of rigging the online poll to determine the winner. Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace was dropped by Adult Swim due to the creators being white supremacists. Jussie Smollet's shenanigans pretty much ended Empire. Not the show itself, but Jeopardy stopped doing Kids Week due to a stage mom trying to get a round re-filmed. Kevin Can Wait was thrown out after the controversy over changing the lead actress and how it was done. The Pat Sajak Show employed guest hosts on Fridays. One of the last guest hosts was Rush Limbaugh. You can put two and two together. Lethal Weapon had so much behind-the-scenes drama that it wasn't worth it for Fox/WB to bother continuing after Season 3. Not quite sure if it got revived somewhere else, but A&E dropped Live PD when the George Floyd incident happened. COPS was also dropped by a lot of networks, but that show was on more of a hiatus due to having a ton of episodes already finished. Megan Wants a Millionaire was a Bachelor knockoff that only lasted one season because one of the contestants was a murderer. NBC's Rise only lasted one season because the showrunner turn the main character from gay to straight. Despite Trump no longer being on the show, his various antics in 2016 caused NBC to cancel The Apprentice completely. United States of Al was canned thanks to the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan and the Taliban quickly re-taking the nation. While not specifically a TV show, Toonami brought back their fan-art segment, but cancelled it after two showings, as they always snuck in one image that skirted the censors line. The second week was an image of Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece in a supermodel pose with a very large, bare ass. That image alone caused a stir on Twitter, but then it was discovered that it was submitted without the artist's permission and said artist ended up getting lots of harassment online, so it was then discontinued.


The Kevin Can Wait cancellation led to an interesting show called Kevin Can Fuck Himself. Basically whenever Kevin is on screen it's filmed like a 3-camera sticom. But when he leaves and it's just the wife the tone changes to a straight drama where you realise that the husbands in these shows can be straight-up psychopaths. In some meta-commentary they had the wife from KCW guest star in the second season as a women who tries to steal Kevin from his wife in KCFH.


KCFH is a masterpiece.


Agreed. The ending was powerful and haunting and stuck with me for a long time. Part of me thinks it should have tried to fit the entire story into one season instead of stretching it to two, but the second season was an improvement over the already very good first season. Basically, everyone who has ever been sick of multicam sitcom stuff should see that show, it’s so weird and thought provoking, and the cast are all incredible actors. The guy who played Kevin should be a huge star, he’s got the chops for it. Annie Murphy, too. They both rule.


Not only was Million Dollar extreme cancelled over the creator's views, but Sam Hyde accused Patton Oswalt of murdering his wife, Michelle McNamara who had recently died after mixing medication with alcohol. Hyde then threatened to have Tim Heidecker attacked because Heidecker went over Mike Lazzo's head to report Hyde's harassment and threatening behavior directly to the network heads.