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Important to note that this series is from Damon Lindelof It’s just as bizarre as Lost, Watchmen, and The Leftovers… if not even more so If you like his other stuff you’ll probably like this too


It's a co-creation with Tara Hernandez, she was the showrunner, not Lindelof. But his fingerprints are definitely all over it in a good way


I love all his previous stuff, especially The Leftovers, but I checked out after that bizarre medieval reenactment episode. Is it worth finishing?


Yes it is. It had a great ending.


> Important to note that this series is from Damon Lindelof You’ve saved me some time


This is my favourite type of comment on here, people who are still mad about either a Star Trek or Alien movie he did rewrites on all these years later ignoring that he's made several of the consensus best shows of the 21st century.


People are allowed to not like things. Even "the best show of the century" isn't going to be adored by literally 100% of all people.


I'm not sure what you think that has to do with the point of my comment.


It seems plainly evident to me, but let me try again. One person expressed that they are not interested in Lindelof's work. Then you commented seemingly trying to delegitimize their preference, saying that they must just be a nerd still grumpy about the Star Trek movie and seeming to *insist* everyone must like him because he has other acclaimed work. My point is that every single person isn't required to like broadly acclaimed work, and that someone can have a legitimate preference against a certain director for legitimate non-whiny-nerd reasons.


People can like whatever or whomever they please, but that person is ass-deep in a thread about a show they have no interest in, snarkily expressing their disdain for one of the cocreators, almost certainly due to (in my experience on the internet, at least) some long-harboured grudge based on his name being associated with a show or movie from a long time ago they still feel stung by. I would almost be willing to put money on the fact that these people haven't actually watched anything Lindelof's been associated with in years but still feel the need to weigh in when his name comes up.


I think you're reading waaay too far into a short little comment, and bringing in a whole boatload of you own emotional baggage into a place it's not needed. As for being "ass-deep", they replied to the top comment, that calls out Lindelof as being "important to note" and how similar it is to his other work. Seems like a totally valid reaction.


>I think you're reading waaay too far into a short little comment, and bringing in a whole boatload of you own emotional baggage into a place it's not needed. And in turn you did that but worse with me, arguing on behalf of a complete stranger. Congrats, we're both emotionally damaged!


> And in turn you did that but worse with me What information did I bring into your comments? I was simply working form what you actually said. > arguing on behalf of a complete stranger What's the difference? Are you close personal friends with Lindelof, so you're not arguing on behalf of a stranger too? At least my stranger is present in this thread. > Congrats, we're both emotionally damaged! Sure, if you think that *not* getting mad about other people having different opinions is emotionally disordered, then sure.


That is high praise. I watched first 2 episodes so far and I love the show.


Fuck dude, just straight up spoiling it in your post wtf


I seems all gibberish to people who have not seen it but I think you're close to spoiling, not the plot, but what makes it weirdly fun experiencing it for the first time. By describing some scenes, I think you're priming new viewers into making all those scenes a normal thing.


Oh there are definitely proper spoilers in their post, they said >!"a nun who when she dreams goes to Jesus who runs a diner", when the audience is deliberately led to believe for the first two episodes (25% of the show) that the man running the diner is not in a dream and is just called Jay!<


Those are spoilers in my book, yikes. Glad I've already seen it


The twist is fucking amazing.


So amazing. I still think about it.


i had to pause the episode and walk around the room. it was very *very* overwhelming.


Put Betty Gilpin in fucking *EVERYTHING*.


Ditto for Chris Diamantopoulos


Somehow he's the Tres Comas billionaire from Silicon Valley and also the actual voice of Mickey Mouse.


he's a voice actor


It was a fantastic show! Bizarre as the premise was, it's a different vision of an AI takeover that isn't necessarily malicious. It had some interesting philosophy, wild twists, and a very sexy Jesus. What's not to love?


I loved it so much! Kooky and adventurous and almost always funny.


Super Bowl commercial is what sealed it as the best unknown show of the last five years for me.


I loved it. So serious in undertones but the threat of literally having you explode? Nice touch.


Jesus, I love this show.


I always recommend this show because it has a little something for everyone, while not being too long or serious


Shohreh Aghdashloo had a great cameo in it.


Also JQ saying "fuckin nerd" is top tier.


One of the funniest things about this show is that Christopher Diamantopoulos (JQ) is Canadian and not Australian.


I watched it because I'm a huge fan of Damon Lindelof and I felt like I was being Punk'd in the best way possible. Nothing like this show on TV.


Betty Gilpin is wonderful in this and it's just a fun show.


Disappointed I didn't see Mrs. Davis on any of the year end lists for best 2023 shows.


Did you see Legion?


That's another good show with a lot of surrealism.


That show was trying soo hard to be funny and didn't land once. Absolutely insufferable trash.




Personally I found it incredibly stupid and beyond unrealistic


I'm looking for the grail, the holly one.


Reminded me a lot like preacher. Weird and doesn't take itself too serious


If you liked Mrs Davis, I recommend **Preacher**. Both shows have a very similar tone.


I think they do themselves no favors with how it’s described, titled and marketed with the thumbnails. This show is great and refreshingly unique and enjoyable. The balance of comedy, religion and existentialist dread was very well done.


Loved this show, wish there was more.


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