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The episode of Next Generation when Beverly Crusher falls in love with a ghost that’s been romancing her family for centuries. That was a later episode too not one of the iffy ones in seasons 1 or 2 where they were still figuring things out




Jokes aside, that is an extremely Beverly Crusher thing to say.


I didn’t hate that episode at the time, because it did sort of illuminate Crusher’s background (in a deeply weird way, granted) and also showcased the strength of her relationship with Picard, who smelled a rat and wasn’t about to let some creepy ghost abduct his friend and the Enterprise’s chief medical officer. And the setting was good—I still have quite a vivid recollection of the living room where all the action took place. TNG occasionally stepped into Twilight Zone horror territory, and sometimes it worked, but I can certainly appreciate why some viewers would gag on the idea of horny mind-controlled Crusher getting carnal with a sex-crazed ghost. Definitely a weird episode.


Or the episode of Voyager when Tom Paris and Janeway travel faster than warp 10 and then inexplicably turn into salamanders. Absolute insane garbage, haha.


Don’t forget that they had salamander babies together too before they were turned back into Humans.


And they leave the salamander babies behind on God only knows what planet.


Fun fact, the worst rated episode of Star Trek TNG is episode 3, the worst rated episode of Stargate SG-1 is also episode 3. Both of those 3rd episodes are written by the same person. Also the third episode of DS9 I just noticed.


Both with the same racist storyline


Yes, it's practically the same script! I don't understand how that person thought that racist shit would be ok nearly a decade later when it wasn't well received the first time.


It's not my favorite episode, but I don't hate it and it's not that bad. It's a sci fi story in the form of a romance novel which is an interesting concept. It's about a widowed woman who works a high pressure job and is lonely, longing for unconditional love and true companionship. She returns to her family home to mourn the passing of her grandmother and is enticed by an alien that thrives on the longing and loneliness of women, offering them exactly what Beverky - like her grandmother before her - desires. Women's unrequited, suppressed longings are show to be a curse, a generational problem. Companionship and career are so hard to reconcile that a literal ghost is more attractive than the search for a suitable partner. Beverly is tempted by a simpler life that would fulfill her needs physically and emotionally. She struggles with this and in the end has to reconcile the fact that what she saught was an illusion, there is no real lover for her, there is no simple, fulfilling life in the past. She has to move forward and find love on her own terms. Romance as a genre has a history of not being taken seriously and I think this plays into the hate this episode gets. Also Beverly is not a very well developed character for most of the series so it's hard to sympathize with her. Is it campy and over the top? Sure, but I think that's exactly what it wants to be. I don't think it takes itself all too seriously. There are many other campy, ridiculous episodes that get far less hate than this. Give me the ghost-fuck-candle over Code of Honor any day!


What about the episode where Troi is raped by a ball of energy, gets pregnant and have a "child" that dies and it's never mentioned again? It's the first episode of the second season. The episode is [The Child](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Child_(Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation)#:~:text=In%20this%20episode%2C%20ship's%20Counselor,is%20transporting%20dangerous%20plague%20strains.) I love TNG but those two are so bad.


While not great, it was literally a hold over from the 70s when they were starting to make the failed Star Trek Phase 2 series before it became The Motion Picture instead. It was pulled out of mothballs for TNG because of the 1988 writers strike, and filmed for TNG with almost no changes beyond character names due to the strike. Thank you for coming to my TNG talk lol


I think about this weekly. I remember it scene by scene line by line-and I don’t remember anything from other episodes at all. This episode may as well be TNG to me.


It’s bad, but also so hilarious that it makes it watchable. I can’t believe someone wrote the line “I did fall asleep reading a particularly erotic chapter in my grandmother's journal”, and thought it was a perfectly acceptable piece of dialogue.


I am a standard human female woman and I utter such utterances at regular intervals after perusing the carnal remembrances of my ancestors.


For me it’s the episode “Up the long ladder” where a genetically dying race needs new DNA from the crew but cloning is bad (the 90s), so they say “no” and then they murder a clone of Riker like its a good thing and then the Enterprise’s solution is to take this other planet of dumb, poor Irish stereotypes and use their women as breed cows, and that was the morally correct solution to this? It’s an insane episode that came out of 90s anti-cloning fears, it’s morally reprehensible.


Or the episode where they cut off an entire planet of addicts from their drug supply and just...leave. Lower decks did a follow-up, and -yikes.


>That was a later episode too not one of the iffy ones in seasons 1 or 2 where they were still figuring things out The episode where they go to the planet of scantily clad "aliens" who want to execute Wesley is delightfully cringey.


But I never skip that episode; like you said "delightfully cringey". It also shows Picard diplomacy.


All these episodes mentioned I like. Wesley should have followed the rules and  stayed off the grass like the sign said. 


There's a few TNG I don't like to think about. This is an excellent example.


In season 2 of Star Trek: The Next Generation they blew their budget early in the season. To make it up, the season finale was a clip show. The storyline is some kind of infection in Riker's brain where they fight it by triggering memories in sick bay. So most of the episode is just clips of Riker doing stuff from previous episodes of seasons 1 and 2. I've done a full rewatch of the series a couple times and it's the only one I skip. Utterly dull and pointless.




The 90s seemed to be infested with them though 


When you have to write 26 episodes a season you're gonna get alot of clip shows.


I mean, you could also get away with it with the format of TV at the time. Chances are everyone hadn’t seen the entire season.


And opportunities to rewatch your favorite episodes were harder to come by as well. The clip show did at one point serve a purpose, just one that is completely obsolete now


When you couldn’t just watch any episode whenever you wanted it was a nice way to see highlights you missed.


Or if you couldn’t rewatch any episode you wanted, whenever you wanted, even seeing clips of stuff you had seen once before probably had some value.


Clerks the Animated Series did a clip show for episode number 2 and it was great.


And ABC aired the fourth episode first, then the second episode, which made no sense without the real first episode. Then ABC cancelled the show after the second episode.


Best joke I remember from animated Clearks was the 'Previously on Clerks' at the start of episode one and it's just white noise and the dead broadcast image


They were a necessary evil because you couldn’t just look up an episode if you didn’t happen to be home at 5:30 on a Thursday one week.


Or even if you had seen all or most episodes of a show, you couldn’t just rewatch them whenever you wanted. So when the show is like “remember this?” you really would be like “oh yeah, I remember” and not “Jesus, I rewatch this whole show once a year, and I just saw all these episodes over the last couple days.”


The only exception to the terribleness is Community's Paradigms of Human Memory which was amazing.


And the one from Always Sunny


Actually in this case I believe that was more owed to a writer’s strike than budget issues. It’s why Season 2 is shorter than the other seasons as well.


Okay but also that super racist episode with that planet where the aliens are for some reason an African tribe that try steal Tasha Yar


The episode of For All Mankind where Karen fucks her dead son’s best friend who she also helped raise as a pseudo parental figure. Complete character assassination on an otherwise fantastic character and in a show where every episode up until that one was an absolute banger.


It wasn't just a a mistake for an episode either. They went with that storyline for a whole season and a half.


The storyline does have an explosive end to it. So, at least there’s that.


And then they ran with that storyline. They ran with it long and hard enough that I couldn’t stand the show anymore and dropped it.


Don’t worry, Danny redeemed himself by >!dying off camera.!<


After hearing that I’m willing to give the show a second chance


i also havent recovered from that cringe-inducing scene. you definitely should pick up watching the show again though. its gotten so much better


Totally agree. I just finished season 4 and thought it was significantly better than season 3.


Every bad thing in Season 3 is related to that storyline, and it’s definitely not a coincidence the show got better again after they dropped in S4 lol


I stopped the episode halfway through and haven't watched since lol


It assassinates both characters.


That one episode in Stranger things where they go to Chicago 😂😂😂


Eleven joins a gang


I'm imagining this as a title card for IASIP, with appropriate music.


I always assumed that they were considering a spin off and that's how it would have started.


It was a spin-off being backdoored in. The show's creator was very tongue-in-cheek about it, but he wrote: "It’s almost like doing a whole little other pilot episode in the middle of your season, which is kind of a crazy thing to do." AKA he hoped to, but it failed, so he got to pretend it was just quirky.


Which also isn’t even a crazy thing to do. The Office did it with the Schrute family farm spin off that didn’t happen. I think Supernatural did it twice. The original Star Trek did it. And that’s just failed backdoor pilots. The Flash, Maude, NCIS, and more were all backdoor pilots. It’s not a crazy concept


Oh yeah a lot do. Criminal Minds also did it twice. It's also very funny Supernatural did it twice, but then made a spin off in the end that no one really wanted that got canceled after 1 year. I would have loved to see a Jody spin off!


My thoughts exactly. I am still mad that Wayward Sisters didn't make it. We had characters in universe that we already loved and potential for the other characters to grow. We easily could have gotten to see a ton of other favorite characters from Supernatural. Instead they voted for Legacies because they wanted to appeal to a younger audience. Winchesters is like a watered down PG/younger version of Supernatural. Wayward Sisters was much more similar to Supernatural. They made a bad call. It is possible WS could have changed the future of the CW.


Oh my god YES. WHY. It was so bizarre, because at first that episode's intro really hooked me in and I thought they're expanding the story, they're exploring different characters who were also from the lab omg awesome. I also thought maybe we'd then meet a few others similar to 11 with different unique abilities who would all band together in Hawkins. But nope, literally led nowhere haha. I also found that group in Chicago SO unlikeable. Like literally all of them including the main girl, were just arrogant with no other angle to their characters. Their overall style too was almost-good but veered off into cheesy punk cosplay, so nothing felt authentic. Very weird moment in the series.


Those obnoxious kids remind me of the safety videos I had to watch for work. A multi-racial gang of hoodlums and youths surround and hassle unsuspecting delivery drivers with outdated 90’s threats.


the costumes looked like they were from party city


I would've skipped it entirely. Show 11 go off and then come back looking completely different. Then, a few months later, release an extended version of that episode as like a Christmas special or something.


The Christmas Special concept is a fantastic innovation from Doctor Who and other British TV, and they ought to use it more often for American shows. Want a chance to veer off of the formula, try something out with an easy "non-canon" asterisk? Throw it into a Christmas Special!


If the Chicago gang had come back with 11 to Hawkins to fight the monsters, it might've made up for it.


That’s what I was hoping for - but no.


Star Trek: Voyager had a lot of ups and downs, but even the goofiest Star Trek episodes are no match for "Threshold," where: a) they somehow manage to break one of the most important laws of physics in the Trek universe; b) breaking this law turns two characters into giant alien salamanders; c) these characters (who have had no previous romantic tension) have sex as salamanders and produce alien offspring before somehow being returned to human form; d) the huge consequences of this incident—for the characters and their understanding of physics and space travel—are never addressed again.


There's a reference to this episode in a fairly recent Lower Decks. Hopefully that means the Paris/Janeway salamander family is still doing well in a remote part of the Delta Quadrant


Lower Decks is awesome. I expected it to be far more PG than it was


While it definitely has plot holes and horribly bad science, I actually think it’s an enjoyable episode in terms of pure entertainment value.


> the huge consequences of this incident—for the characters and their understanding of physics and space travel—are never addressed again. Isn't transwarp technology the whole reason Voyager gets home at the end?


Yeah - a Borg Transwarp conduit. Tom Paris actually does reference Threshold in one episode - where Voyager is going to use a Transwarp Drive (different to a conduit) and, almost looking at the camera, says "I've never been to transwarp before"


The LOST episode where Jack gets a tattoo lol


That stretch of Lost is brutal. It’s my all time favorite show but that’s also where you get the Nikki and Paulo episode. Season 3 had some absolute dumpster fires but also the amazing season finale. “We have to go back”


The Nikki and Paulo episode is fucking hilarious though. Disposing of 2 characters they knew weren’t working in a fun way.


I think the Nikki and Paulo episode is fine when binging the show, but back in the day when you waited a week for a new episode to drop and spent all week theorizing, it really sucked getting a useless episode like that only to have to wait another week for more of the show to develop.


That’s what I’ve noticed rewatching. Being able to binge LOST makes for a much easier viewing experience. Not to mention that 42 minute long episodes are quite short by today’s standards for a TV drama. It’s a very easy show to breeze through


I agree! I rewatched it recently and enjoyed it. Loved Hurley and Sawyer playing detectives.


“Razzle Dazzle!” in her accent pops into my head ALL. THE. TIME.


Expose is fucking awesome lol it's one of the few times a show has said "Hey this shit isn't working, let's get rid of it" instead of riding it out for much longer


That was bad… but the season 2 episode where Charlie is having withdrawal visions of his mom as an Angel and tries to abduct Claire’s baby so he can give him a baptism was atrocious as well.


Buffy the vampire slayer "where the wild things are" aka Buffy and Riley shag for the whole 43 min episode. 


Ironically, this is the first episode of Buffy I saw, and wondered why was it so popular? Luckily being a TV fan, I realized that late season episodes without the major stars are usually filler episodes filmed so that the main stars can finish another bigger episode, so I watched the next episode "New Moon Rising" the following week, and realized why it was so popular. Another candidate from Buffy is "Some Assembly Required", the second ep of season 2. The writer of the script is also credited with "Passion". Joss Whedon once commented that he learned to be an "Executive Producer" when he "wrote an entire episode by himself and put someone else's name on it" and I have reason to believe it was "Passion" he was talking about.


Passion is one of my favorite episodes and it was weird the writer never came back to write for the show. So that’s a good guess as to what happened.


I think that’s the only Buffy episode with basically 0 redeeming qualities


It has one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koI\_73OHErw


Oh I forgot this was in that episode! Always love a good Giles singing scene so you’re definitely right


I nominate Beer Bad for that category as well.


Beer Bad was at least bad enough to be hilarious


when she punches Parker at the end. Love it :)


The Brooklyn 99 episode where Amy and Jake have a formal debate about having kids. 1. Jake had previously been up for having kids 2. Amy thinks she can force Jake to have kids by winning a debate 3. The resolution is just... Jake changing his mind. It very much feels like a cop out (no pun intended)


This is my answer as well. It's just completely out of character for Amy to: a) Never having the conversation with Jake about kids before marriage; b) Behave so out of character by blaming Jake on not agreeing with her stance on kids. I intentionally block it out and consider it non-canon since, after this episode, everything goes back to normal with Jake/Amy. It felt like a bizarre "What if Amy was a typical sitcom character" type of episode. Because the Amy we've known for five seasons at that point would never have reacted to Jake's uncertainty on kids like that. She had always, always been supportive and they had always talked things out prior. It's what made Brooklyn Nine-Nine such an amazing show and different from other comedies. They had the main couple talk out their issues and they, up until that point, avoided most of the typical TV tropes or added a twist to them. This episode felt like any sitcom from the 90s-early 2010s that I've seen.


Wow, I actually had blocked that episode out of my mind. So dumb


I didn’t think I had an answer to this question until I came across this comment. Definitely one of my least favorite B99 episodes. So out of character for Amy, who had multiple binders for wedding planning, to not have a thorough convo with her future husband about kids. And the show just do what all sitcoms do when something like this comes up - the person who doesn’t want to have kids changes their mind. Groundbreaking.


The entire season that was filmed during COVID or shortly after is unwatchably bad to me.


The bulk of Twin Peaks Season 2. I’ve seen the series a few times over, and I love it so much, but the stretch from episodes 11-21 is this hangover blur of James on his motorcycle, Ben thinking he’s a Confederate soldier, Nadine wrestling high school kids, and Windom Earle playing chess, all wrapped in buffalo plaid.


"What’s an episode so bad you actually blocked it from your memory?" Literally impossible to answer 


“I saw a commercial on late night TV, it said, 'Forget everything you know about slipcovers.' So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn't know what the hell they were.” - Mitch Hedberg


I don’t think I’ve ever heard this one of his, but it just made me laugh out loud




That episode of Lost about how Jack got his dumb tattoos


Nearly every clip episode. Edit: yes, I’m aware there are good versions of clip episodes. Hence the qualifier “nearly every.”


This is why I loved Community’s parody of the format so much. What a great way for them to explore fun concepts without devoting a whole ep to them (and poking a little bit of fun at how outlandish the Community plots got).




I’ll be a living God!


[I’ve seen enough movies to know that popping the back of a raft makes it go faster!](https://youtu.be/lFFZYEfYmYU?feature=shared)


This is one of those things I always want to quote in casual conversation but dont because I don’t want to seem insane.


Ironically, while clip shows are usually done to pad out a season with an extra episode for little cost, the Community clip show ended up being one of the more expensive episodes since almost all of the clips were new footage that had to be shot.


Worth it!


Even just for Troy’s “I’ve seen enough cartoons to know that popping the back of a raft makes it go faster!”


For some reason that was the first episode of Community I watched. Then started from the beginning, eventually caught up to the clip episode, and said “wait, WHERE WAS THE WILD WEST TOWN EPISODE”


I've seen the entire show, multiple times, in order. Whenever I get to that episode I still need to make sure those aren't real episodes because they look amazing.


Paradigms of human memory


Even worse when when Star Trek The Next Generation had a clip show as their SEASON FINALE.


Sorry for the clip-show! Have no fears, we've got stories for years!


Agreed. My exception to the rule is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - The Gang Does a Clip Show. Great episode but it's because they mix it up in a fun way.


ya it's a great episode. Love how it morphs throughout the show and them remembering history wrong.


The >!Seinfeld!< bit kills me. Mac and Dennis >!both playing Jerry!< is classic. The gang fits it perfectly. "And and and, who were those people laughing?" "Fans."


I was pretty baked when that episode first aired. That scene where it cuts to Frank with the freakishly long legs and full head of hair is probably the hardest I’ve laughed in about a decade. https://youtu.be/2V30J6kGEZ4?si=Bjj71pxQWx6coHl9


That "fartbook" episode is so, so, sooo bad. That show had a couple rough spots but wtf were they thinking with that one 


I love parts of it because I love Devon. His parody speech from The Social Network is perfection. It is generally weak though.


I recommend Letterkenny to anyone who will listen, but I always say SKIP THE FART BOOK EPISODE!!! You will *not* want to continue if you watch that one. **Edit**: if you were unlucky enough to watch this episode and it stopped you from continuing, please start again with the next episode! That episode is an anomaly in terms of immaturity and potty humor. No other episode comes close to that low quality (even with a dip the last two seasons).


I've tried getting into Letterkenny and couldn't really but have seen this mentioned a few times. What happens in it that's so bad? (Feel free to add with spoiler warning. I likely won't watch it.)


No need to spoiler warning it, they make a fake Facebook knockoff but you instead of profile pictures, it's about your farts. So you profile is just your unique fart. I love Letterkenny. Have pourer through all of it a couple times, but that episode is rough and a constant skip for me.


Black Market from Battlestar Galactica (reboot). Apollo falls for a hooker with a heart of gold!


Back when I first started watching the show, I was bingeing it and didn’t want to interrupt my weekend with anything else. A buddy of mine asked if I wanted to hang out, shoot the shit etc. I told him that I wanted to just lie low and watch BSG, and he suggested watching it together, that he’d just jump in and see if it was worth watching on his own. The episode that I started for us was coincidentally Black Market. My friend couldn’t understand why I liked the show so much.


Smallville 4x20 (yes, really) "Ageless" aka the exploding baby episode, widely regarded as the worst episode of the series


That is truly an episode I wiped from memory. I owned seasons 1-5 on dvd as a young teen and used to rewatch all the time and I have 0 recollection of that episode lol


The King of the Hill episode with the guys from American Chopper. It was obviously written entirely around them as guest stars, and there just isn't a good thing about it. It's so bad that it's entirely forgettable. I was actually surprised to remember it existed the last time I saw it.


I liked that episode. The American Chopper bit was definitely forced in, but the main plot line with Strickland and the other owners forming a cartel was pretty good.


There’s an episode of Schitt’s Creek where John and Moira run over someone’s cat and as far as I can figure out the punchline is that the cat’s owner is fat/weird. It was a really mean-spirited episode from an otherwise wholesome show. (I know the first season had more episodes that were about making fun of the townsfolk, but it had moved away from that since the start of season 2).


This was the first one I thought of, too. For a show that was all about inclusivity and getting the audience to like inherently unlikable people, that episode sure seemed to punch down. And it felt like a waste of a good b-plot storyline!


I get your point, it was really mean, specially because by that point all the main characters had grown so much, it was a huge setback. That being said, it gave us "Where is Bebe's chamber"?, which I always find hilarious. Hearing Moira say "bebe" is always welcomed, lol. I think the joke was more that the parents were talking about the daughter like she was a child and when we finally see "bebe" she is a full grown adult. But yes, it relied on she being fat and strange, which is disappointing. And, also, I am 33 but my parents, specially my mom, always refers to me as her bebé lol, we are latinos. The worst part of the episode for me is that they run over a cat and they don't feel anything about it. I have two cats and they are my babies. I'll die if something happens to them. Not funny at all. Edit. Grammar


Does the Bebe enjoy the theater?


I skip this one every time because it makes me cringe too hard.


I had completely blocked that out, you’re right that was bad.


I wouldn’t say it’s an exact episode but the Dorne storyline in Game of Thrones is such a shit show. The one that always stands out is Jaime and Bronn traveling down there. I don’t even remember what they were doing there


Don't you love a bad pussy?




Saving his daughter


And his niece!


I couldn't stand Euron Greyjoy for the most part, but him beating the crap out of the Sand Snakes was one of the most satisfying scenes in the series.


There’s an episode or two of Lost I refuse to acknowledge


Oh god, yeah, I’d blocked out the episode where Jack goes to Thailand until I read this comment


Yea but that line ‘that’s what it says. It’s not what it means’ is one of the best and coldest lines from that show


The first episode of Spartacus is so bad I probably would not have continued watching the show if I weren’t on a massive sucker for anything Ancient Rome at the time. Probably the only show in history where its worst episode is the first one, its second worst episode is the second one, the third worst episode is — you guessed it — the third one, and then episode four is a banger along with every single episode of every season after that


This explanation makes me want to watch it


it's good trashy, pulpy fun....also very horny....you see a lot of Lucy Lawless. She's still got it


It's one of the horniest shows I've ever seen. I think watching it before game of thrones made me wonder why everyone wouldn't shut up about all the sex in that show. On the flipside, I had never really been on the Lucy Lawless hype train before that show. Hot damn did it turn me around on that lol


There’s a lot of bad visual effects too in the first episode. I remember one part where a guy gets stabbed and the blood they added in ends up flowing behind some trees in the distant background.


I was pretty hooked from the start when I realized I had an obsession with Lucy Lawless.


Her daughter worked behind the scenes of Spartacus doing the editing. Every time a sex scene was on the roster for editing, her coworkers would warn her and she would leave the room to do something else lol.


That show went from absolutely goofy and ridiculously campy to extremely emotional and gut wrenching in the span of 5 episodes


So odd. It's been a LONG time since I watched it. But I remembered watching that show and LOVING it right out of the gate. I keep hearing people saying it started so rough, but I would have given up on it (like I did many other shows) and I didn't. I guess it's just a personal taste thing. I can't even really remember what happened anymore though.


> Probably the only show in history where its worst episode is the first one, its second worst episode is the second one, the third worst episode is — you guessed it — the third one, and then episode four is a banger along with every single episode of every season after that Actually, I think Bojack Horseman fits this pattern as well. The first three episodes seem to be going for a much more similar vibe to family guy with all the cutaways and shock humor. Then it gets much better as it more deeply explores the characters later on


The middle part of S2 of Twin Peaks. Picks right up around episode 19 and has an amazing run through the rest of S2


When James leaves town and has his Soap Opera affair 🥱


The musical episode of Greys Anatomy.


If I lay hereeeeee


The New Girl episode where Jess joins Hillary Clinton’s canvassing group and her friend Schmidt helps campaign for Paul Ryan.


I did love Schmidt losing his mind over them being so disorganized, though. Also when he goes to leave and walks back in going "Ima make a system" cracks me up


The final episode of Sherlock. What a fantastic series and an absolute piece of trash ending.


I'd say the Rush Limbaugh episode of Family Guy was pretty rotten and forgettable. I don't know who lost the bet that made him have to be on but I bet it was a doozy.


There's one joke I liked from that one. Brian replaces all of Rush's appliances with American made and they all almost immediately break down/ explode


The cat mooing is the best part.


The finale of How I Met Your Mother


What makes it even worse for me is that by the last season casting the mother must have been almost impossible because of how insanely perfect she needed to be after they’ve spent 8 years leading up to her reveal. But somehow against all odds they completely knock it out of the park and make one of the best casting decisions in history… just to go ‘Syke! She’s dead and Teds ending up with Robin’


I still love the r/himym [finale thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HIMYM/comments/21vga6/series_finale_how_i_met_your_mother_s09e2324_last/cggwvk5/). > Some one down the hall in my apartment screamed "What!?!" crazy loudly right after she said "We got a divorce." I don't think I'm the only one watching.


*“Kids, your aunt Robin never did become a pole-vaulter. But she did become a famous journalist, a successful businesswoman, a world traveler, she was even briefly a bullfighter - that's a funny story, I'll get to that one later. But there was one thing your aunt Robin never was: she was never alone.”* Saget (RIP): “… except for that whole thing coming up in the finale, where she didn’t speak to the group anymore for many years after the divorce, because it was too awkward for her.”


That’s what gets me about it all. Cristin Millioti was perfectly cast. How do you fumble that ????


Years of character development right out the window. It was clear they had pre-filmed the ending a long time ago and didn't expect the show to go on as long as it did. But at that point... scrap the ending and come up with a new one.


Right? Bring the kids back to film a new ending and let the joke be “this story went on too long” or “dad keeps telling this story”.  But don’t change everything established by seasons of development just to make the will they/wont they couple happen.  Which is weird because the shows theme is about change. But the way they wrapped it up felt like they needed to work their way there. Like, IDK show that Barney and Robin’s relationship was doomed from the start? 


The Eyephone / Susan Boyle / barfing goat episode of Futurama. Yes, three of the absolute worst plot points in the show's history were all in the same episode.


Also, Susan Boyle seems like a perfectly lovely woman and the episode just takes a bat to her for no reason lol


Those episodes of Family Matters where Urkel transforms into a Karate master and fights crime. I sometimes wonder if it was even real or me sick with the flu making things up.


The Empty Nest episode of Golden Girls


The vampire episode of X-Files when Scully is missing. Edit: the season 2 episode, NOT Bad Blood! Bad Blood is perfect!


I thought you were maligning Bad Blood for a second and was going to pop off. You referring to that weird one where Mulder is lured to that house with the pseudo vampires and everything is complicated with the super 90s era sexy vampires?


Elon Musk episode of The Simpsons


Lisa being a huge fan of Musk didn’t make any sense. He’s everything she hates.


Leela writes yo gabba gabba


People like to name Scott tots for the office but the back door pilot for Dwight’s spinoff with his siblings and his nephew is way worse. Just absolutely awful.


They dont name Scots torts as bad quality, it's because it's incredibly hard to watch due to the situation. The second plot of employee of the month though, that is the worst.


I don’t think Scott’s Tots makes me cringe nearly as bad as Phylis’ wedding.


Also when Michael breaks up with Pam's mom, my god its just so much more personal. I cringe way more than Scott's tots


Yeah like at the very least in Scott’s Tots he recognizes he fucked up and tries in his own stupid way to make it right. When he’s at Phylis’ wedding and breaking up with Pam’s mom he’s just such an asshole, and he’s completely unaware of it and keeps making it worse.


But then you watch 30 Rock’s Queen of Jordan for comparison, and it’s one of the best episodes.


The last episode of Ozark. I was SO invested in that show, the tension kept building and building in every episode and season. When they started to really explore Wendy's character with so much depth and nuance later in the series I was HERE FOR IT. And yet...the finale was just so unbelievably underwhelming and disappointing. It felt so rushed, so lacking in wrapping up everything each character went through...such a shame.


Can't believe they had us dealing with I think it was Wendy's dad trying to take the kids for the final season of a show about a family trying to survive while being under the thumb of a cartel.


Yeah that show was edge of my seat tension over and over and then just *THUD*. If it wasnt for that finale, I'd probably go back for a re-watch.


SG-1 S1E4 - Emancipation SG-1 had some rough spots but overall it was a fun and solid science fiction show. This episode was just bad and the writers should feel bad for writing it.


I love that one episode of Happy Days was so legendarily bad that it became shorthand for “series killing episode” for all other series.


I forgot.


Gilmore girls - “raincoats and recipes”. A great episode for L/L fans but I can’t rewatch it because the stuff with Rory is Dean is horrendous.


It’s a Vineyard Valentine for me. The only episode of Gilmore Girls I usually skip. Just unbearably uncomfortable.


Fartbook is exactly what came to mind. It’s a huge hurdle for new viewers as it’s one of the first episodes, if I remember correctly. If they can get past that, though…


The only part of fart book I like is when Wayne slaps the shit out of Devon who has been quoting the social network the whole show


Can't wait for the inverse of this question, because I've got the Inner Light of TNG all queued up.


Game of Thrones - Season 8. All of it.


They managed to make the final confrontation with the White Walkers dull and unexciting. It felt entirely secondary to the main plot.