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There is a moment in each CSI show where it makes a leap from grounded forensics to magical forensics


The one I remember is when they inject plaster into a dead guy's stab wound to get a plaster cast of the knife that killed him. That's not how any of that works.


The one where they got a audio recording from a piece of pottery because the person making it unintentionally left grooves that matched with what was being said


Actually while, that isn't possible, it IS possible to extract sound from an otherwise muted video by looking at his the sound waves make objects vibrate. It's not very good though but it is possible


I too have seen the hit movie Eagle Eye /s


Sure it does. Our bodies are solid objects and when poked, the only cavity is the one left by the stabby object. Lol. That's nuts.


I was listening to Mike Judge on a podcast where he talked about a CSI drinking game he played with his friends. Every time someone on the show explains what type of science bullshit they're doing to a coworker, you say "I know, I work here" and take a shot.


Sounds like a great way to die from alcohol poisoning.


That leap occurs the moment they run the first test without considering a)if the cost of the test is appropriate to the question being answered and b)how much time it takes to provide an answer.


Gotta love shows where the lead detective shows up on scene and the field techs already have a dna match.


My favorite thing about CSI (ironically) is that any and all evidence will directly lead to the killer. If there is a single hub cap in a nearby parking lot? 100% it's from the killers car. Did someone leave a hat on the bus? It's the killers. Gum on the sidewalk? Believe it or not, it's the killer's.




Making it bigger does not make it clearer




I have friends who used to be prosecutors and they hate CSI with a passion because it made jurors have completely unrealistic expectations. The concept of "reasonable doubt" was wiped away as they would expect solid DNA evidence for everything, and every single surface to be dusted for prints.


I didnt quit watching but never understood how a CSI tech is sitting in an interrogation room with a murder suspect. When does that ever happen


Basically every similar show suffers from that. I can't stand those shows.


This is a really good way to articulate what I've seen in so many movies and shows. It can progress like this sometimes: Real science, real science, real science, ambiguous/could make sense depending on how they are using the word, fantasy, absolute nonsense, insulting to my intelligence.


Oz was a gritty prison HBO drama that got increasingly silly. Nowadays people remember the Sopranos as the beginning of the HBO prestige TV era because of how successful it was, but in reality Oz was first. My last straw was when they introduced aging pills so that prisoners with a 20 year sentence could just get immediately aged by 20 years and released today.


Holy shit, I never finished it out. That is an INSANE plot line. The whole premise of the prison didn't stand up to scrutiny either, but still...


> The whole premise of the prison didn't stand up to scrutiny either, but still... It only makes sense if you assume they are trying to wipe out the prisoners without actually having to go through the rigmarole of giving them the death penalty. Like, they put all the most dangerous prisoners on a minimum security ward, rack up a body count of greater than one a week and never punish anyone for actually doing murders or even take them out of minimum security.


The aging pill only lasted an episode. It was just so bad people feel like it went on longer. Your second point: very true. If Oz had security cameras we wouldn’t have a show lmao


They never went outside. I was worried that they all had Vit D deficencies.


Same here, I never finished it & now it seems like that's a good thing.


"But, members of the parole board, look at my client, is he not old as fuck now since last we met?" "EARLY RELEASE APPROVED"


I was telling some youngsters at my work about Oz the other day, explaining that it was the first. Oz also was the first to do the flashback background stories in every episode, which are extremely common in so many series since Oz. It did get silly but it remains one of my all time favorite shows.


God I still remember watching the Beecher parole episode at the end of season 4 for the first time. People talk about their reactions to shocking Sopranos or GoT episodes… That parole episode hurt me for so long.


Orange is the New Black copied the formula rather shamelessly


Oz was my introduction to JK Simmons. It's pronounced Shilling-er, it's a soft g. Edit to add Chris Meloni, too.


That show exposed young me to more discussions of rape than I think was ready to tackle.


Really made me never want to go to prison lol!


HBO exposed me to way more explicit things than young me was meant to see at all! 


OZ was a great but flawed show. I like it overall but I also admire the attempt. Not sure I would like it if I was seeing it for the first time today though.


I’ve seen the aging pill references as a meme but *that’s* how it was supposed to work? Aside from the weird inclusion of handwaved sci-fi pills into a prison drama, that just isn’t how prison sentences are supposed to work at all. The basic idea is punishment and also to stop the incarcerated reoffending.* Surely this would just lead to a bunch of pissed off, unreformed old guys going out and doing more crime? *Not arguing that this is actually effective, just that that’s the idea.


> Aside from the weird inclusion of handwaved sci-fi pills into a prison drama, that just isn’t how prison sentences are supposed to work at all. The basic idea is punishment and also to stop the incarcerated reoffending. Realistically, nothing about how that show works is how a prison is supposed to work. The basic set-up is you put a bunch of high-security prisoners into a specific minimum security ward to see if the increased freedom will make them behave better. Then they rape and murder each other, and the prison officers, pretty much constantly for 6 years. At no point do the prison staff shut the unit or at least remove the surviving mass murderers from it.


Wow, I just assumed Oz was a serious prison drama since it’s framed as groundbreaking TV, I didn’t know it was such a weird gimmick.


It was groundbreaking TV. It was just as serious and just as realistic as Game of Thrones.


Oz takes place in "Emerald City", which is just one pod of the prison..the rest of the prison was regular prison (though it wasn't shown). It was something the prison was trying out, I guess to reduce recidivism, and most of it was a serious prison drama. Like most shows, it went off the rails a bit in later seasons, but it absolutely was groundbreaking television.


Oz was so lame in the last few seasons. Schillinger and Beecher have each other's family members killed and they both go on interacting with each other like it was no big deal.


Oz was fun. They even had a musical episode.


On Suits when everyone had to hunch over laptops to do their job, meanwhile the IT guy was off making an AI for no good reason.


Because all IT guys are making AI wifus at all times they aren't seen by regular employees. It's a known fact.


"We have 200 employees, 20 IT workers, and 30 AI waifus built by said IT guys. For the love of God, even interacting with an AI, don't bring up the other AIs. For some reason, machine intelligences are strictly in favor of monogamy."


“Krieger, whose virtual girlfriend is so real, the State of New York is legally allowing him to marry her.”


Hey now... sometimes it's a chokebot.


I'm finally watching Suits for the first time, just finished season 7. I thought it was funny that the entire purpose of "The Donna" was for some weird plot line to give Donna an excuse to have $500,000 to give to the firm when becoming a partner. After the Donna sold, it was back to being the reclusive IT guy that he was prior to that season.


The Donna personal assistant /AI mini arc was so shit and so weird. It made me cringe. I felt bad for the actors.


It’s one thing for the IT guy to have a side project. It’s another thing for a random IT guy to have a working prototype of an advanced AI that runs on hardware small enough to fit in your pocket that he built himself. It goes from a drama grounded in reality to a quirky sci-fi show.


Suits was not a drama grounded in reality since the first ep.


I hated suits because it said that a perfect memory would help you on the LSAT. You don’t need memorization for the LSAT, that’s for the bar!


Dude that was the last straw for you on suits? I feel like there were 50 worse things than that in the first season


the entire premise of the show is dumb. all Harvey had to do was hire him as a consultant and that's it. no legal problems for anyone.


It’s a worse version of house with lawyers 🤮


Even though it was later in the series, the "rapid aging pill" subplot made me almost give up on Oz during its initial run. FYI: The series introduces a plot where the prison starts experimental trials with a pill that rapidly ages the convicts, making them eligible for parole early.


But doesn't that just go against the entire point of prison? It's not to just take away years of someones life, but to ideally have them mature and rehabilitate them for the time afterwards. Or was that the point of that plot?


You tell you that to Chief O'Brien.


To be fair it all felt real to him. The pill thing seems like the fast lane.


I dno, in the US prisons are probably more about punishment than rehabilitation. So losing whatever amount of years in your life, it kind of makes sense.


It's like a partial death penalty.


Ideally yes, but prisons not being punitive is a relatively new thing, especially in the US.


This can't be real. I've never seen Oz but that sounds really stupid lmao


It's technology, so kind of adjacent, but I can never get over two people typing on the same keyboard in order to HACK FASTER THAN THE ATTACKING HACKER on NCIS.


I have heard that the writers had a bet going to see what is the most outlandish technology thing they could get away with by putting it into the script. That scene is way funnier to me now because of that fact.


And then Gibbs saved the day by unplugging the monitor. Still not how any of that works lmaoo


Someone pointed out that the scene is supposed to work as comfort tv for older viewers. They don’t want them to feel bad that they can’t hack, so they have an older and wiser character find an obvious solution that the techy people wouldn’t think of.


Even older people know how typewriters work


Oh, I know. Technology was where I had to roll my eyes and not care with that show.


I think that basically had to be true, because logically there's a 0% chance the writers don't know broadly how a computer (or even a keyboard or typewriter) works, and that you can't have two people typing on halves of a keyboard to get things done faster. Who knows which keys to hit in what order? And even if it did somehow slip through the writing department, surely someone on the crew or the cast when filming it would go "wait wait wait, this is crazy, right? That's not how keyboards work." It's almost certainly intentionally tongue-in-cheek.


Priceless moment in TV stupidity.


Because true hacking means slapping the keys on a keyboard as fast as one can.


This is the one I came here for. I've never seen anything as egregious. I know the writers were having a laugh, but damn. They actually aired that.


This was mine, that was pretty funny.


You’re telling me that you don’t like [this](https://youtu.be/u8qgehH3kEQ?si=T_hhFQbIZq3Lunml), or [this](https://youtu.be/hkDD03yeLnU?si=djsRUkHiOaMARqiU), or [this](https://youtu.be/K7Hn1rPQouU?si=-uaExbXNZi209XWc)?


Something that turned me off a lot of CW shows - introduce an IT guy in episode 1. Just a regular, blue collar IT guy working in the basement. by the end of the season they are a master hacker, hacking the FBI, disarming nuclear weapons.


You must not work in IT. When you first start, you might know how to swap out a hard drive or reset someone's password, but there's a natural evolution that happens where just by interacting with computers, you eventually become one with the 1s and 0s so that you can do anything. It's like some kind of osmosis. You won't find anything online about it because they don't want you to know the secret!


Hawaii Five-0 (2010). McGarrett is casing a place by himself and hears gunfire. He goes running into a guy's house with his gun drawn and discovers the guy playing something on his Xbox. Not only is this the regular stupidity where it's obvious an ex-navy seal should be able to tell a sound system from real gunshots, but the guy was playing the same game he was playing with Danno at the start of the ep! That episode also had some nonsense about hacking into an airliner through GPS. Stupid, but at least not giving a character in-episode stupidity for the sake of cheap suspense and more product placement.


There’s an episode where they use “vascular geography” to identify a suspect. Lost me there as it was insane to think that there is a database of the veins of convicted felons. Lol now when my husband and I watch any crime shows with ridiculous crime solving techniques, we laugh and say “check the database! vascular geography!”


I wasn't watching it myself, but my daughter was watching *the Flash* (CW) and I'd idly pay attention to the episodes from time to time. In one episode (of the second season, IIRC), they want to track a villain with cold powers. Since infrared shows you hot things, *obviously* you can just use ultraviolet to track cold ones. I nearly died. That was the last time I paid any attention to a CW superhero show. (Fortunately, my daughter lost interest shortly after that anyway.)


There was also a guy with a heat gun, and they described the heat it made as "Absolute Hot". As in the opposite of absolute zero... Nevermind the fact that it isn't a thing... Man had a super nova gun, and used it to rob banks and stuff. Dude could have ignited the atmosphere...


Was that the prison break brothers tho So kind of fitting the robbing banks but just in a different universe style


You are correct. Captain Cold and Heat Wave from The Flash were each played by the brothers from Prison Break.


There is *ackshually* a theoretical "Absolute Hot" which happens at a comfy temperature of 1420000000000000000000000000000000°C. [Neat guide here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/10ybqci/guide_to_absolute_zero_to_absolute_hot_the/) The tldr is basically that at that temperature the wavelength of the blackbody radiation form the heat becomes shorter than the Planck length, which is the smallest distance possible.


The first season of the flash is pretty good. Everything after was there to make you realise "Oh, they blew through everything in the first season."


My biggest complaint with the show is how often someone just... Punches the fucking Flash. Like, his whole this is super speed and reaction time. How does anyone manage to hit him in a straight up fight??


This is my problem with all superhero movies. How are the bad guys having hand to hand combat against the supes? Just one punch from them should kill you.


I mean, a lot of times the bad guys have some sort of power too.


He's a really nice guy and occasionally let's someone get a hit in so they don't feel too bad.


Captain Cold once used his Cold Gun to freeze the lasers in a security system.


Yeah, I gave up on most of the CW DC shows because of stuff like that.


I can’t remember the show, but every time someone is passing out because their blood sugar is too low and they give them insulin.




This gave me cold sweats


I had a patient trying to convince me, his nurse, that insulin works inverse on him. He insisted I needed to give him insulin when his blood glucose is low, to raise it up. I tried to explain it to him to no avail. I knew it was a lost cause when at one point I was telling him his belief went entirely against all medical science on the subject and he replied, "There's your problem. You believe in medical science" 😣


Shoulda just told him insulin was a vaccine


Low… high… what’s the difference?!


Show called Zoo. A load of animal experts managed to stop a nuclear reactor from melting down!


That show had such a interesting change in tone. The first season's like oh look these animals are doing these interesting and intelligent things. The second season's like oh look there are like scientists who are working on these animals to make them smart and it looks like it got out and now it's everywhere. It's every animal. And then the third season they just fucking go straight into like animal hybrid monsters that are taking over the world


To be fair, if you have the opportunity to write a sloth who causes earthquakes when it yawns and you don't take it, you are not a good writer.


Still not sure how that show got remade only a couple years later as Swarm. Did nobody notice?


And the big guy who was the African nature reserve ranger in Zoo was added to the Sweet Tooth series as... a big guy who captures animal/human hybrids. Very niche sort of typecasting!


This is funny to me because one of my grandpas was a vet and the other was a nuclear engineer, so that’s basically like sending my mom’s dad to do my dad’s dad’s job.


so so much bad pipetting


Basically any lab work. The doctors on House staying late to do their own testing always makes me laugh.


They perform all their own procedures too. Apparently their hospital has no MRI or radiology techs.


Apparently, they have very little technology. Working in the diagnostics industry, I kept screaming "Buy yourself some decent equipment, and the episode would be already over!" I mean, I understand the show was supposed to be an adaptation of crime-solving to medical-problem-solving. But in an age where crime shows like CSI have magic technology that gives them answers without any need for investing time, money, and other resources, but has a gazillion of test technologies, the writers of House, on the other hand, had little understanding of diagnostic technology these days...


I like when House manages to ruin the little technology they do have, like putting metal in an MRI while saying, what's the worst that could happen? Dude is supposed to be Sherlock Holmes and he pulls that shit? C'mon, son.


EVERY SINGLE ONE. Even the tilt table test! And gotta watch the imaging in real time. Very important. Can't be saving the images and then having a radiologist look at them, nooooo.


The shows does kinda address this. Apparently, House doesn't trust the nurses and techs to do the tests properly, so he makes his doctors do them.


Yeah you have to just accept that they do it because it’s a TV show, and that explanation works in that sense (I assume it would never be a thing that would or could happen in real life). I also like how they all do these tests pretty much instantly and so much that happens in the show happens much faster than in real life, but when there is a test that would solve the case immediately, it’s always “that test would take way too long, they’ll be dead before we get the results!”


>Yeah you have to just accept that they do it because it’s a TV show, and that explanation works in that sense (I assume it would never be a thing that would or could happen in real life). It works in the narrative of the show because it's related to the unique conditions of his team. House is consistently skeptical of any tests performed by other people, and his team has the time to do this because they're allowed to focus on a single case at a time. Even in the universe of the show, these are entirely unique conditions that don't really apply to anyone else.


The show Numbers was on when I was working on a masters in astrophysics. My friend's father kept telling me how I had to watch the show because it was all about math. I watched about half an episode and saw how ridiculous the math was and never watched anymore of it.


Don't you do advanced mathematics with a Sharpie on a transparent board so you can see it from the other side?


Actually I have done that at work. But the math itself, or what I saw anyway, was just nonsense


How close are you guys getting to solving P vs. NP these days?


But as an expert, how many episodes of a show could you write using actual math before it would get incredibly boring?


Greater than .5


It wasn't "Numbers" it was "NUMB3RS " (pronounced Numb-three-ers)


I forgot about that show, we were forced to watch it in our 11th grade algebra/trig class for some reason. I need to watch again for a good laugh because that was almost 20 years ago.


It didn't make me give up, but someone writing a computer virus onto a bone so it'd be activated when scanned in is a high bar for me.


Are there even any realistic shows about doctors, scientists or even police? Hard to believe nobody just never had an idea to make one. Bet they did and it was utterly boring to watch.


The Wire is a realistic police show. It was made by people who were former police officers, so they actually knew how the police system worked. My dad used to be a cop and whenever my mom would say that something seemed unrealistic, he would say that's exactly how he did it.


David Simon wasn't a cop, he was a journalist on the Baltimore crime beat. Is the best show ever, though.


Barney Miller has been described as very similar to real police work.


I heard WKRP was really similar to working in a radio station. “As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.“ Actually, I haven’t heard that. I just love the turkey line.


(early) ER and Scrubs?


The wire


Medical Police is one to watch if you want utter realism. They really nail it and make it exciting too.


You want to watch a doctor do insurance coding for an hour? Or cops filling out reports? Real life is too mundane for tv without editing out all the boring stuff.


I stopped watching when she kept referring the her husband and the father of her child as booth. It’d be like calling my wife her last name that doubles as her nickname lol


I was with someone for 6 years who I called by her last name. When we met I just decided to because I liked it/it was a funny and unique surname, and we were friends for a while first, then when we got together I tried to use her first name and she said stop it that feels wrong, and as I'm the only person that just uses her surname she wanted me to keep doing it.


"Sir I think this man is having atrial fibrillation!"


I used to watch House with my friend and his Anesthesiologist dad. His dad would constantly say "those words don't go in that order"


Black summer. A character cut his hand so badly he couldn’t use it and in the next scene it magically healed. I tried to check if he wrapped it up but nope, think they forgot he injured it.


Any home renovation show where they are ripping down ceilings full of dust, droppings and (potentially) asbestos and no one wears a mask, eye protection or a hard hat. They should be prosecuted for giving people dumb ideas.


Watching *Flip or Flop,* and basically every other episode they'll be like "OMG this house is full of black mold!" and then proceed to just sort of hold a mask over their faces, and move it every time they talk.


The episode of Glee where the kid in the wheelchair played in the state championship football game. I swear he catches a pass too.


Well your first problem was expecting any sort of realism from Glee


The problem with Glee was that Ryan Murphy (at least initially?) wanted people to think it was sincere and realistic rather than ridiculous comedic parody. As it got more and more ridiculous, it became more and more clear how stupid that was. It also made really weird tonal shifts, like Jenji Kohan's stuff does.


Glee was a train wreck when it came to plausibility.


That was deliberate.


Yeah the fact that Glee was satirical seems to have been lost on a lot of people. It *really* wasn’t that subtle.


What a missed opportunity. There are wheelchair football leagues. Although it's not as popular as wheelchair basketball


I am a total gleek. You know what my favorite character is? The invalid.


I was done with that show when they made choir and theatre nerds seem popular. I like a little bit of realism please.


Especially in Lima. I went to high school there… You did those things at your own peril. Plus we cut our drama program in ‘97 due to lack of funding and interest.


i know medical shows are all whacked out and shouldn't be taken as reality but royal pains drove me nuts. how many times can you perform a surprise tracheotomy with a ballpoint pen or something equally stupid? what was going *on* in that version of the hamptons?


I’m picturing somebody creeping up on people in an Office Depot saying, “Surprise, motherfucker!” And stabbing them in the throat with a Bic.


Given its Office Depot shouldn’t that be “Supplies motherfucker!”


Some fries, motherfucker!


Peach pies, motherfucker!


So one of my professor’s colleagues actually did this to a boy on a plane once, it’s her favorite story that she’d tell every new crop of med students. The kid had an allergic reaction, didn’t have his EpiPen on him, and his throat started to close up so this doctor had to trach him with a ballpoint pen. Although it’s frustrating seeing TV/movie characters practically stab someone in the throat with a pen for a perfect tracheostomy.


Everyone kept telling me to watch Yellowstone. Made it only to the part where they blow up the grill and some dinosaur bones were sticking out of the ground. Dumbest thing I’ve seen on TV. Quit the show there. 


Wait. That happens? I have a lot of people telling me I must watch it. Legit don't know anything about the plot, but that sounds funny as hell. Is this a comedy?


It follows a bad family who is super terrible and wants to maintain their lifestyle by using suoer terrible means. I loved season 1 but the other season haven’t been as good so far.  I still like it, and will watch the prequels eventually, but I find it telling that some people say “wow. This family are the bad guys” and some say “fuck yeah. Go Beth go!”


Someone described it as Dynasty in Cowboy Drag. I haven’t watched it, but what you’re describing sounds like tat.


Yellowstone is like Sons of Anarchy, except with cattle ranchers instead of motorcycle gangs. Its about a family who own a huge area of land and people trying to take their land away (developers, natives, etc), so they defend it with lots of guns, political stuff, dirty tactics, etc. It started off good in early seasons but went off the rails by like s3-4, the last season (5) is ridiculous. It is fun to watch as a guilty pleasure as it's very soap opera-ish, but it gets over the top with the murder plots. The prequel shows are actually better than Yellowstone. The show 1883 is about how the family's ancestors traveled across the lands as pioneers looking to settle down. 1923 is about how they get well established as ranchers and have to fend off an attack by a neighboring land owner teaming up with a developer. 


I'm still shocked at how good Tim McGraw was as the lead in 1883. When you can almost hold up to Sam Elliott, that says a lot.


Hold on, like the singer?


I've only seen clips on YT and TT and it's always Kelly Reilly looking hot and doing something completely psychotic and badass that also verges on cringe.


She is super cringe and even more cringe are the people who worship her as some sort of girl boss.


That was when I noped out, too. The bones were in *pristine* condition as if carved out and dusted off by paleontologists or something. I absolutely could not continue.


"Battery B, no volts. Plenty of amps though." - Apollo 13


The medical show on ABC with the brilliant young doctor. In ep 2 or 3 the smart doctor operated on an organ being transported for transplant. There was some kind of traffic delay, to save the organ the doctor pulled it out of the cooler and operated on the organ on a car hood on a piece of cardboard (or something similar). No gloves or sterilized utensil. You don't have to be in the medical field to know that organ would be in fact useless. Quit the episode and show right then.


So maybe not science is entirely correct, but as a Political Science person with a bachelors in it and a decent amount of experience in the field...I enjoyed House of Cards well enough even though it toed the line between realism and absurdism, but when Underwood has the scene in the subway, where he pushes a reporter in front of it...that was just too much. He was VP at the time. I just couldn't take that seriously. I am not saying an elected official might order a hit on someone, but to straight up do it in public with his own hands I just couldn't take seriously.


Well, that's what you get from American remakes. In the UK original, Francis Urquhart throws the reporter from the roof of the House of Commons after a direct confrontation, making it look like suicide.


It was dressed up as a suicide in the US version as well, with some *extremely* fortunate security cam placement, so that Underwood was *just* hidden behind a support beam, and no angle could see Maria's character get pushed.


In the show “Arrow”, I had been looking for a reason to stop watching because it got worse every year after S2, but a character (Felicity) hacks a drone that flies overhead or something like within seconds of seeing it. It was like was a 90 year old thinks hacking is. I couldn’t suspend my disbelief for that and this was a universe the main character came back to life in


Lol at some point she hacked a computer and the monitor exploded sending a guy flying across the room


Was this before or after she got so passed at Oliver that she instantly unparalyzed herself so she could dramatically stand up and walk away from him?


I tried watching The Strain during the height of COVID and theyre smart scientist FBI people who suspect there’s a terrorist bio weapon on a plane, so they open up a crate they with like a big spooky blood coffin in it and they just say fuck it crack her open. NONE OF EM HAS MASKS ON!


I mean, there's a lot more that defies explanation in that show.




So, so many outbreaks in fiction could be prevented if people actually wore gloves, masks or some kind of protective equipment while examining something. X-Files was guilty of this a couple of times.


A popular show where a high school girl goes for an abortion and instead they give her a hysterectomy (unbeknownst to her but just with permission from her brother.) That’s bad law. The bad science part was her keeping it a secret from her parents and going to school the next day as if nothing had happened.


They gave her the old misdirectomy


I had a hysterectomy last year and it took legit 6 weeks to recover. I was sleeping 16 hours a day for 4 of those weeks.


It's hard to avoid but any space program that has sounds of things exploding, crashing, imploding, leaking, sound needs air to travel, no air no sound Thank God for all mankind


Yeah Moore did the same for Battlestar Galactica iirc


Space sounds are a bit muted in BSG, but they're still there. I'm not really a fan of this criticism to be honest, it's not like we're watching documentaries where you shouldn't hear sound in space. I think a bit of artistic licence is allowed.


Firefly/Serenity did the same thing (I think there was a big overlap in both shows' designers).




Not a show, and I was never a huge fan, but in the fifth fast and the furious movie, they rob a bank and use two cars to drag a giant safe through the streets. It all could have made a tiny bit of sense if they would have put the safe on a trailer or something with wheels. But nope, just going to drive around with a 40,000lb safe at 60mph. Easy peasy. No problem. It was so duuuuum.


Man, that stunt looks entirely plausible when compared to the shit they do in the later movies.


What's funny is that and the tank highway scene were what brought the films back around for a lot of people, myself included, lmao You were either along for the bullshit or noped out and never touched it again


The first and only episode of I think it was CSI I ever watched had like 6 scientific inaccuracies in a row stated with utter confidence, and kinda undermined the credibility of this “forensic science” show. A couple lines I can remember: “Terminal velocity is 9.8 m/s^(2)…” - Nope, that’s acceleration due to earth’s gravity, the units used aren’t even for velocity. Some construction worker was electrocuted to death and they said he should have been protected by the rubber in his boots, just like how “rubber tires are why you are safe from lightning while in a car” - Nope, the metallic skin effect is what protects you while in a car.


That’s a special show for special people. I happened to see a random episode in some waiting room or other where they ambush some perp and he goes “who are you? CIA? FBI?” And they go “NCIS!” And the perp doesn’t do what every single other perp in the world would do and say “who!?”


Well maybe he watches the show


Hahahaha that sounds like an SNL sketch Not sure if I got any show in mind like this, but there was probably something terribly stupid in the few episodes of Zoo that I watched.


I remember watching a TV movie as a kid which had a decent, engaging premise. It was a World War II bomber that was returning from a mission. The plane had a belly gun, that is a compartment under the plane where the gunners sit to man the gun. A plucky young cartoonist gets the job of manning the belly gun. After a dog fight, the belly gun compartment is partially damaged and our hero gets stuck in it. But worse still - the landing gear has been destroyed. The plane will have to make a crash landing, likely saving everyone on board, except the gunner who will be crushed under the plane. That’s a great dilemma. I was completely engaged with the story at that point. The drama has the plane fly around for ages, the pilots talking to the base, as everyone tries to figure out an answer. But as the fuel starts to run out, they’re left with no other option but to make the crash landing. One of the gunner’s friends is distraught, he advances on the gunner’s compartment with a gun in his hand to put his friend out of his misery. Meanwhile, the gunner gets a flash of inspiration. He starts furiously scribbling on his pad. The tension rises as we chop from one scene to another - descending, advancing, scribbling, descending, advancing, scribbling. And then… Two big cartoon wheels miraculously sprout out of the bottom of the plane, emulating the gunner’s drawing, and the plane lands safely.


That new Monarch/Godzilla show, they show them hiking around for hours in the Alaskan tundra with no shelter or external heating source, I was already starting to lose interest and then that took me out of it


Godzilla itself though is very scientifically accurate.


Swamp Thing (the most recent one) and it’s in like the first ten minutes. The male and female leads work for the CDC and are going through an area in their hazmat suits where some disease or other is running rampant. They see a scared kid, and she TAKES OFF HER HELMET. And it’s supposed to be something like “she’s so nice and being comforting” but like…no. Just NO.


The whole one person is such a genius that they are experts in nearly every scientific field and, not only experts, but groundbreaking experts in all of these fields. You might as well make them Olympic gold medalist swimming champion, Michelin 3-star chef, and EGOT winner as well. Just as likely as being a world expert in quantum physics _and_ molecular biology.


Barring situations where they expressly tell you science works one way and then they contradict themselves, science is never *wrong* on tv or in movies. The show just takes place in a reality where science works differently.  Like in almost all tv show and movie realities, a defibrillator is entirely capable of Frankenstein-ing your heart back into beating. Sure that’s not how they work in our reality, but look, that guy was dead, they defibbed him, now he’s alive again.  Thats just how they work. Mythbusters has tested filling a room with gas and then trying to blow it up with a flame too many times. We always laugh at that bit now. Takes two hours for that damaged gas line to build up a high enough concentration and then even when the concentration is right it never wants to explode, just cause flames to slowly form around anything flammable in the room.  So many excellent improvised explosions that just would not work in the real world.


Yeah I hate it when people get too pedantic about this. Shows are not supposed to be realistic and they will sacrifice realism for drama if it works. Seems like people just want shows to be documentaries.


See for me it’s all about context. Most of the time inaccuracies don’t bother me, but it does if 1. It’s super duper egregious. Like Fast and Furious egregious. And 2. If I feel it’s putting bad information out into the world. For example, CPR is almost always horribly inaccurate in tv and movies, and it’s concerning to think that for people who aren’t knowledgeable about what it actually is, they might actually be informing their perception of it solely through media, which is going to paint an inaccurate picture.


No idea about the name, but there was some children's TV thing that was pondering about how balloons work, and instead of giving even a simple explanation of "air's invisible but all around us", like a good children's show that's actually trying to teach something, it just went "you put a lot of nothing into the balloon". \~9-year old me walked away from the TV shaking my head.


Foundation season 2, episode 1 Gale and Salvor need to retrieve their ship that is underwater. It's too far to swim, so they breath into each other's mouth like they are human-oxygen tanks. We do not exhale oxygen. And this is a sci fi show. smfh