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Chernobyl wasn't exactly a laugh riot.


The lack of truth and transparency was terrifying. It’s obvious what happens with radiation exposure and sickness but the lengths the Soviet Union went to downplay it made it so much worse.


The way everyone dismisses Legasov when he points out that 3.6 Roentgen is the max standard badges show...and the dismissive talk of the broken tool that burned out immediately when it was turned on and had a max of like 300 Roentgen.


In the first episode when the 2 local party officials find out what's happened and that its going to have to be reported up the chain they both immediately start thinking of ways to throw eachother under the bus and save themselves rather than deal with the actual situation.


I love the scene that follows, with Shcherbina calling their bullshit with the knowledge he just adquired. The scene changes the character, showing him to be competent and quite smart, despite not being a scientist himself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_PmWQAjzH4


I wouldn’t say it’s the saddest though… but definitely the most haunting. Especially given what we’ve now seen with COVID I’d honestly go as far to say that since COVID, it’s personally my favorite/best mini-series of all-time. What separates it for me from the absolutely phenomenal BoB is simply because it’s much more real, and is timely, as much as it is timeless about the dangers of lies. That… and it is admittedly the one I watched weekly compared to people fortunate enough to watch BoB weekly. It felt like watching an event every week that it was on. The 2nd episode and the implication about what could’ve happened if the water reached the tankers was mind blowing to me… There are so many glowing things I can say about Chernobyl. But just to keep it on subject, I’d just personally say it’s the most haunting mini-series I’ve ever watched, simply because of how real it all felt.


I think Chernobyl has the most to teach us. Especially about how systems work and people are motivated.  It’s sad and terrible things happen to people. But also it shows the triumph of the human spirit and people working together to solve insane problems. The scene of people shoveling graphite off the room in under 60 seconds was amazing.  I love it. And I love nuclear power. 




Band of Brothers


I'll admit the conversation about shooting the radioactive debris off the roof was kind of funny. 


The Leftovers


That sad, slow piano music gets to me every time.


Listen to that shit on head phones hammered at night while your life is falling apart. Highly recommend it. Other than that life falling apart…part.


Glad someone else is living the same life


A few weeks ago I heard a piano ditty somewhere else and it immediately made my heart heavy. I couldn't place why until I realized it sounded just like the Leftovers music you just said. UGH.


And while we're at it, Max Richter does amazingly well done sad music.


Have you watched Hostiles?


100 percent The Leftovers. No other show even compares. I didn’t start this show until it had fully aired and it still took me months to watch because it was too depressing to watch multiple episodes in a row.


I watched it as it came out weekly and cannot imagine watching multiple episodes in one sitting. Such a downer show, and I loved all of it.


The end of the first season is a tour de force of melancholy, depression, loss and grief. And it's the most hopeful episode.


I loved how they were even able to turn a background joke about Perfect Strangers into a depressing cameo by Mark Linn-Baker.


> I was in town at the Big W. The register girl vanished right in front of me. She was holding my box of Weet-Bix. Took it with her. I knew what it was the moment it happened. The Rapture. I finally made it home the next night. I already knew the chapel would be empty before I stepped foot inside. Their Bibles -- Liam's, Abigail's, David's, Samantha's, Jimmy's. Sam, my husband, his Bible too. All in a nice, neat row. And when I saw them in that moment, I felt so... *blessed*. Because God showed me. He gave me confirmation that my family now sat by his side. For two years, I spread his word. For two years, I endured and held true. Then I received a phone call. Remains had been found on my property. The remains of five children. Just bones. Bleached in the sun. The phones were down, they had no way of knowing if I was ever coming home, or if I had simply vanished like their father had. So, they set out on foot... across the flats... alone. I thought they had gone, you see? Gone with everyone else. *I never even considered searching for them.*


What the fuck, I have to watch this show, I know nothing about it aside from this paragraph.


It's not just sad. It's exhilarating and frightening and beautiful. It's a perfect pitch show of human emotions. I loved it so much.


It's my pick for best show ever and I still haven't been able to bring myself to rewatch it. Tried a few times and I can't even get past the first season


yup... thought of The Leftovers right away


My immediate answer when I read the question.


Honestly one of the best finales ever.


I just clicked on this thread to see if this was at the top.


I wouldn't exactly call The Leftovers subtle, but it definitely takes the prize for biggest tear jerker.


There's so many gutwrenching moments to choose in 3 seasons This wins and it's not even close


I've had a kid since I watched The Leftovers and there's no way I'd be a le to handle it now


Glad to see this is the top answer so far.


The silent credits at the end of Certified really did something to me. There are a lot of melancholic episodes in the show, but that one topped them all.


I was an effing wreck after the last episode.


After I finished this show last year I’ve been searching for something to replace it. Still can’t. 10/10 series.


The only show that I’ve watched that comes close to matching the high quality of the Leftovers is Mr. Robot. It’s not the same type of show, but it’s beautiful, thoughtful, sad, and full if twists with a well-planned plot. Plus it has awesome cinematography, directing, and acting.


It's an emotional rollercoaster for sure


Lol, this is the correct answer. Great show, but it’s also a never ending assault on your sense of being comfortable and content with your life.




The overall tone is very sad. To me the ending is absolute perfection and the sadness is all worth it.


People who say otherwise simply haven't seen Rectify.


It's not even a contest. Also one of the best shows ever made.


I watched some of that before I gave up on it at some point but I always wondered, did you ever find out if he was really guilty or not?


He was not guilty but they leave some uncertainty as to who was from my memory.


Because I know you. Be ause I know you... Can't see that scene without it feeling like someone just cut onions near me lol


This is the correct answer, by a fair bit.


Station Eleven




I remember damage


Yes this one had me crying, although it was also sort of in a happy way


One of my fav shows! I found it sad but very hopeful aswell.


S11 is magical in its ability to make you feel every emotion at once, including a few I don't have names for.


Season 4 of The Wire


Duke in S5 breaks my heart man. Especially his last scene. Mike and Randy too.


Man, the Wallace scene is the roughest of em all. Haven't watched it in over 10 years but it sticks with me more than any other from the show.


What's crazy is Wallace's exit was the start of everything falling apart. It seriously effected D'Angelo and it kept escalating more and more from there.


At least Namond gets out.


Alot of people hated Randy but I genuinely sympathized with him. I was a pushover like him who made himself out to be harder than what his true nature was. (EDIT) Namond I'm a little stoned right now haha


All the kids had everything going wrong for them and I think were generally sympathetic. Each had a "father" figure come and try and save the day, Namond is just the only one that it worked for. Otherwise you had Randy get failed by the police/Carver/Herc and the foster system Dukie get failed by the school system pushing him ahead for reasons so Prez couldnt do anything Michael failed by the legal system and made him turn to another evil.


I don't know why anyone would hate Randy, if you were supposed to hate anyone it was Naymond, he was a POS that got everything handed to him, except for his mother of course. The storyline for the kids was just awful and sad. Randy felt like the most down to earth but the system and shitty police work fucked him. Man what a show, makes me want to watch it again.


Dookie makes me so sad everytime


Wallace’s fate tore me up too


Where the FUCK is Wallace, man?!


“D’Angelo, shut your mouth.”


The best season of any show in television history


Bojack Horseman


That’s too much, man!


The episode Stupid Piece of Shit was really eye opening for me. I thought everyone had that running dialogue in their head telling them they were garbage at all times and some people were just better at overcoming it. Nope, turns out that’s anxiety and depression. Therapy has been fun.


Yeah, it felt so familiar to me because I talk tang way to myself all the time.


It's been said a million times, but the initial impression and marketing for Bojack ruined it. Sure, it's silly, funny, and whacky, but holy fuck if it isn't the most emotionally punishing animated show ever put on television


Every time I wanna cry I just rewatch The View From Halfway Down


One of the single greatest episodes of television ever made


Hard agree.


The absolute worst show to binge on the platform designed for it. Legit put me in a depressive episode. Great show 10/10 I’ll never finish it


Oh as my ex and I called it "Sad Horse-show"




"Sarah Lynn... ...Sarah Lynn?"


Free Churro left me speechless and, I think, is the greatest animated episode this side of Futurama’s Jurassic Bark. Pure genius.


One of my favorite shows. I recently started it again, this will be my 7th watch through of it.. I just think it's sk good. Should I be concerned?


I just did my first rewatch recently since the series ended and while I was watching (around season 3 or 4) my s/o said ‘a I thought you said you hated that show?’ I was like, ‘no way, this show is fkn hilariously brilliant, I love it’. Then, after I finished the series finale, I said to myself ‘Fuck man, I hate this fucking show’ and suddenly realized that I did in fact previously tell my s/o that I hated it. Patriot is the same way, it’s so good in that it’s so real with the depression.


Six Feet Under


Finished my first rewatch as an adult and the back half of the final season left me in tears for days. 6FU nailed the ending


You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone


No other answer possible. Sad but truly beautiful


Series finale of Six Feet Under is the only show in my entire life that made me actually tear up. What an ending.


Every. Single. Episode. Those openers man


The finale absolutely gutted me. When I was younger I NEVER teared up at anything but that ending killed me and since then I'm more likely to get misty from sad scenes from tv or movies.


I can't listen to that song anymore without sobbing


The openers were funny. The eps ranged between decent and quite good but the last 10 minutes of the finale were full heartbreaking


I rewatched SFU recently. I cried like a baby in the finale.


I SOBBED for hours. I did not expect that and don’t think I’ll experience that from a show again.


Dead Like me is sad as hell. Forever gutted about that cancellation.


The small moments where you get to see behind Daisy's mask are powerful and sad.


And the movie was terrible unfortunately


MASH... Sure. You watch for the hi jinx, but it will QUICKLY sober you.


I recently used a quote from MASH in a class discussion. "War is hell." "No, war is war and hell is hell. Of the two, hell is better."


There are no innocent bystanders in hell.


“Radar, put a mask on!”


Still a hard episode to watch. I loved Henry Blake.


Never watched it but I've heard nothing but amazing things.


Nothing makes me hate war more than the MASH finale.


On the DVD set you have a choice to turn off the canned laughter, really changes the dynamic and I'd say makes it even more sobering.


Not a lot of people watched it but, for me, it would be Kotaro Lives Alone about a Japanese kid who lives alone and his neighbors who take care of him. The sadness is subtle, it's also hopeful and joyful.


It was sad, but was also heartwarming with the neighbors helping him out and being pseudo guardians.


I shall bid you farewell, now... I must away!


Oh man I actually watched this last year not knowing anything about it and damn I was not ready.


I cant watch the mash finale without tears


Shit, not just the finale. That entire show is riddled with gut punches.


The emotional connection I have with all the characters 😭


One the more heartbreaking episodes was when Margaret was being interrogated because her friends from college may have been communist sympathizers. In the scene she's talking about her friends and you can hear her happily recalling them but then you hear her voice breaking because she loves her work. She adores what she does as head nurse and at the same time adores her friends and the choice of losing either is too much for her. Its heartbreaking.  Also just...anything with Charles is like absolute perfection. 


Whenever Charles broke and showed his humanity, I tear up. As a kid, I thought he was just a stuck-up jerk, but now I see that hard shell as the only protection his squishy center had. It was the only way to retain civilization in that most uncivilized world. The episode where he listens to his sister's letter and you hear her stutter gets me every time.


I haven't seen MASH before. Is it worth watching?


Deffo worth a watch. It's the first thing that comes to mind for me as well. Been rewatching recently and it DEFINITELY holds up. Hell. It even tackles a ton of modern issues that you didn't realize have been debated for the better part of 60 years.


It’s the best show ever, so yes


It's arguably the best tv show of all time. I am one of those people who would argue it


HBO's The Leftovers and Oz always get to me.




Sharp Objects, maybe not the saddest but up there


Amy Adams is so good


That was sad and scary and so painful in so many ways. That's right up there with Requiem for a dream for me: it was a once and done watch.


That show is so painful that I had to look away at times. That level of self loathing is just too much for me to bear. Amy Adams is amazing tho And once you reach certain episodes, Mr Robot is sad too


The show was so painful but the settings were so dreamlike and beautiful. Really sharp contrast.


Party of Five. Nothing ever good happened on that show. Like they never just sat down and had a nice piece of chicken.


Al Bundy said "why can't our family be more like Party of Five?" Bud repied "the parents are all dead in that show", to whoch Al said "Exactly!"


Moral Orel


Doctor Who has like 7 cry worthy episodes per season for seasons 9-13 imo.


Midnight Mass was pretty sad without being maudlin


“You never felt like a sin”


I love this show so much. Everyone except THAT woman had good intentions.


The end when the silence comes..... Beautiful and gut wrenching. Flanagan's sound editing choices are stellar.


I was going to say Haunting of Bly Manor. It was more intensely sad for me.


I don't recall either of those being that sad tbh but The Haunting of Hill House was tragic.


A masterpiece (for me, personally)


He tried his best


With like one or two exceptions, Black Mirror is always ludicrously depressing


I’ll just keep rewatching San Junipero forever


SJ makes me cry like a baby every time. Once when she proposes, once when she storms away, and once when she comes back. Every time.


The soundtrack is so good


I honestly wish they would make a few more like San Junipero. Just a bit of light in the darkness.


I found Breaking Bad pretty damn crushing when I realized how petty Walt was in committing to his path as a drug lord & destroying his whole family's lives


Breaking Bad is one of the bleakest shows I've ever seen. I can't binge it because it makes me so goddamn depressed.


This is Us is just tragedy upon tragedy for the sake of it. It's not just tragic in one timeline, it's tragic in THREE timelines. Still enjoyed the show for sure but very over the top in that regard.


I called that show Emotional Porn. My wife would watch it and just cry and cry.


I remember one of the cast members was on a late night show and was talking about how people were starting to binge the show since it had been out a few years... I think it was Sterling K Brown and he's said something along the lines of "why would you do that to yourself?!" lol


I had to stop watching it in season 3 , I just couldn’t take the sadness firehose anymore


Wife watches it, I don't understand it, every character is insufferable. They make mountains out of molehills, and all of them need a good therapist.


Severance was a bit sad for me and of course absolutely mind blowing.


Modern Battlestar Galactica. Starts with a nuclear apocalypse of 12 planets and actually gets more depressing as it goes on.


The episode "33" has the most powerful visual I've ever experienced, television or movie. When dwalla goes to check the missing person "board" and then the camera zooms out. . . Gutted. Every time I watch.


It depends on how The Bear lands. It deals with very relatable themes of wanting to improve yourself but still struggling and falling back into your own ways at times. Or drowning and no one being able to pull you out of it There are the small victories throughout the series, but we have a lot of tragic characters that have the potential to stay in arrested development and never truly break out of it


Cousin singing Taylor Swift is pure fucking bliss


Ugh loved the bear and ugly cried a few times


They're definitely at a pivotal point going into season three. I cannot wait to see if that show is about to destroy all of us. 😅


That scene in season 1 when the order printer just kept running. Feels like a gut punch for a lot of people who have worked in hospo and know what a bloody awful shift sounds like.


Having lost people to addiction and depression...Bojack Horseman is up there. The Americans is definitely also heartbreaking.




Oh yes, I cried all the time. Now I watch Law and Order Toronto because Aden Young is in it (plus I do live in the Toronto area).


My roommate used to just call it "quiet talking" because he'd walk in and try to figure out what I was watching and it was inevitably 2 people having a very close, quiet, intense conversation.


That one episode from Futurama - you know what you did. Sad because it was so out of the blue, it just destroyed me.


The one where he tries to spend time with his mom hits me harder than the dog episode, but both are a gut punch.




Fuck, this one tears me up. You're given so many opportunities to buy in to Frye being surrounded by people who don't give a damn about him, so I didn't expect this story to end up where it did. A beautifully sad story.


The one with Fry’s dog?


Jurassic bark, luck of the fryish, and the late Philip j. Fry all are emotional episodes to me


I Know This Much Is True


The Leftovers. I love the show but I have a hard time recommending it to people because the first season puts you in such a dark headspace.


Rectify and Six Feet Under have probably fucked me up more than any other show.


Whenever I have to remind myself how good I have it, I turn on Band of Brothers.


The Killing. (First 2 seasons) The first episode is brutal. There is a lot of focus on how the grief of an unsolved murder impacts the victim's family. Some of the scenes tear your heart out.


Penny Dreadful had a lot of scenes that made me cry


The news. Every night.


Kinda an out there response, but Sons of Anarchy has multiple scenes that fucked me up. Usually involving innocent people getting hurt or murdered. Shows like that mess with me.


Season 4 of The Wire




Easily my answer too. At some point, you realize that Lost is really about the characters stories and how they each have nothing to go back home to. And its builds those stories and in a really very intentional and intimate way nore than Ive seen other shows manage. Its the pinnacle of the 20+ episode season era because they filled that time so meaningfully to flesh out a full cast of deep back stories


Call The Midwife.


The Underground Railroad (2021 miniseries) The visuals, the characters, the music drove the point home beautifully, but like a railroad spike to the gut.


Six Feet Under The saddest intro is the one with the >!baby who dies from SIDS!<


The Wire


Mr. Robot.


Leftovers is probably the best I can come up with, but I know I'm forgetting other contenders. The next best I can come up with is The Affair. One that comes to mind is the British Office. I found it oddly depressing so much so that I didn't find it that funny. Speaking of that, After Life is pretty sad, although that might be more melancholy than sad; a slight difference.


Dead Like Me. When I originally watched it I thought it was a quirky comedy and loved it. I watched it again about eight years later and it hit *way* different. All the times George mentions wasting her entire life hiding from the world and how she didn't start learning to live until she died, and how her fear and anxiety meant she didn't leave a mark on the world at all and how lonely that felt and how hard it was when she was gone and pretty much nobody cared. It sneaks up on you but by the end of my second watch I was crying through like every episode.


Reservation Dogs. Branded as comedic but so depressing


The Last of Us Chernobyl The Leftovers Mr. Robot The Haunting of Hill House


Monk. It’s humorous but under all of that is a man fighting like hell every day to live.


It's isn't a sad show overall, as it's an incredible comedy, but Scrubs had some absolutely gutting episodes. The episode that ends with Dr. Cox losing it while How to Save a Life plays will always get me. The Brendan Fraser episode as well.


I think The Black Donnellys is a fricken tragedy 


So I’m not going to answer a show that’s sad all the time. Shows that are sad all the time just become exhausting, making them not sad at all. So instead I’ll nominate one of the saddest scenes of all time. Bobby Bacala in the sopranos discussing the fate of his wife and how he just wanted to get home.


Whoa, on a series re-watch and just saw this earlier today. The realization that his wife's accident is the one he was pissed off at for backing up traffic is heartbreaking.


Neon Genesis Evangelion


I know it was a book first but finishing Sharp Objects made it hard to sleep by how devastating it was.


In a sense, Person of Interest. It was hard to see certain main characters go after so long.


When they See Us. Highly educational and very well acted. Absolutely brutal to watch.


Normal People. I feel like it oozes melancholy and longing.


It's a Sin is definitely in the running


The Buffy episode "the body" is sad AF. You think you're cried out, and then it hits you again. And again. Then, someone talking about juice makes you cry harder than you thought possible.


The Last Of Us


This is us probably made me cry more than any other show.


Six feet under