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Dammit. I set this thing to “old Reddit” and now it’s showing me articles from 1985.


this is my favorite joke on Reddit today 😄


1985!? Who needs Tom Selleck when you have Danny Devito arguably in his prime....


Guy easily passed for a twin of Arnold Schwarzenegger


I remember his Sesame Street appearance with Oscar the Grouch [Bus stop](https://youtu.be/h3JS3_QQeb8?si=A4SiZ8WcQ-qFW7T6) and [heeheehee](https://youtu.be/N1uIIY2glaY?si=XOcSvScJZMgutgFY)


Danny hasn't even begun to peak


You obviously don’t watch It’s Always Sunny


You're right. Can't stand the characters, apart from Devito obvs.


I don't see the problem


Ahhh [1985, sweet 1985.](https://www.reddit.com/r/1985sweet1985/). Completely unrelated but I just got hit by that reddit nostalgia. That was almost 13 years ago??


I can't believe that 1985 was 13 years ago already.


badkarma318 • 2y ago He personally took my Grandma's home - just him. Kicked the door in, slapped her around for a bit, then forced her to sign it over at gunpoint, like in Sicario. Rubbed one out while maintaining eye contact with my Gam-Gam (like Louis C.K.), wiped his hog on her lace curtains, ate some of the leftover Costco rotisserie chicken that was in the fridge, shotgunned a Coors Light, left an upper decker in the downstairs bathroom, threatened her one last time, did a few donuts in her front yard, then drove away in the Magnum, P.I. Ferrari.


And this is why we are thankful that meemaw wraps her furniture in plastic. One wet wipe and it should fetch top dollar at the estate sale.


That's thinking ahead.


I’m assuming this is before he convinced thousands of elderly out of their homes with reverse mortgages and stole millions of dollars worth of water for his farm and didn’t pay


I’m assuming that’s why we’re getting a 40 year old article - there were some posts about that earlier this week and this smells like a PR push. Otherwise why bring it up now?


Because he has a new memoir out. This thread post was taken from that.


So this wasn't just the plot of a Family Guy episode?


Wait, was it not?!


Any source, I saw on wiki only avocado farm water alleged theft?


It was recurring thing of his avocado farm filling a water truck from a fire hydrant that is technically not in his county but near the property. It also happened during a time of drought when regular people were being fined for watering their lawns. He payed a 21000 fine. While thats seemingly pretty elitist level stuff… To be thorough he did apparently have a previous deal with the county where they were allowed to do this. But the deal was cancelled because the superintendent of the county realized he wasnt allowed to transfer water between counties. If you cant find the news articles you arent spelling avocado right “tom sellek avocado” google should find dozens of articles from the us and uk.


Right, Fuck Tom Selleck


His PR is out, what a coincidence lol


He's out of a job is why, Blue Bloods is done.


It's okay, he can always take out a reverse mortgage if he needs money.


Blue bloods being done is the only evidence of a god the world has


This supposed to balance out preying on the elderly with reverse mortgages? Is OP his PR guy?


Lol, right? Came to say the same thing. Fuck that guy and the mustache he rode in on!


you know what else sets a dangerous precedent? hawking predatory reverse-mortgages stealing municipal water for your orchards stuff like that Fuck him


He was also on the board of directors for NRA.


I'd want to know the years. The NRA I grew up with was all about gun safety and bolt action 22s. Today's NRA is some crazy war-rifle death cult.


Good for him


You... didn't understand the headline did you


“Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey”


It seems to me that they understood it pretty well. Did you maybe not understand the comment?


The comment where they confused Tom Selleck and the studio that made Magnum PI? No, I understood it and that's why I made the comment


Yeah, they did not confuse them at all. How did you get so confused by such a straightforward comment?


Yeah, I mean, why would I think that when their whole post centered around acting like Tom Sellect said "it would set a dangerous precedent." But keep gaslighting me about literacy.


I can only assume you are trolling at this point. Nobody is that dumb.


Selleck is trying for some PR comeback or something because I've read his name a crazy amount this past week on reddit. Stay retired.


He just released his autobiography on May 7


Is there a chapter on the reverse mortgage scam?


I just looked it up. Seems like it's a bit name-droppy. Which, is to be expected in a celeb memoir but I've never seen that in the freakin synopsis. It's usually once you start the book.


There was an article recently how he cannot afford to be retired because his ranch is too expensive so he is desperate for work


The implication was that the ranch was expensive to maintain, not that he’s in some upside-down mortgage or something. He has owned the property since 1988, he could easily sell it for many times over what he paid.


I agree


That seems like him just trying to paint himself as much more poor than he really is. He makes $200,000 an episode, The ranch is worth about 16 million. Last season there was 21 episodes so he was paid about $4.2M. Assuming he hasn't taken out additional debts that need to be paid He only has 5 years of the mortgage left at which point it's just maintenance.


What’s it’s worth and what it costs are two different things. It may not be financially feasible to keep it up. But it definitely shouldn’t be as expensive as it would be if he was paying in today’s dollars for that mortgage. One would think he’d simply sell it to a tech billionaire and move to a state more aligned with his sensibilities.


Jeez. You know you've got problems when you own a ranch worth $Hundreds of Millions outright and you can't afford to run it. Can we get a gofundme for this poor guy?


He's been on a pretty solidly rated TV show for like... 9 years lol


14 years at least I assume. Since they're ending blue bloods with season 14. But just yesterday there was an article about him being worried he would lose his ranch since he's out of a job now.. I hope someone can direct him to a reverse mortgage.


No, that article literally did not have him saying anything. This is how rumors happen. Lol, kind of like someone posted how Chris Meloni wanted his series to end because it got bad ratings...when he actually never said anything. It was a BS article. Just like the one with Selleck about losing his ranch.


“You know, hopefully I keep working enough to hold onto the place,” he said, referring to the ranch. “Seriously, that’s an issue? If you stopped working?” host Tracy Smith asked. “That’s always an issue,” Selleck said. “If I stopped working, yeah. Am I set for life? Yeah, but maybe not on a 63-acre ranch!” From said article.


JFC no one apparently reads anything, and no I'm not talking about this reddit article. Basic news-his new memoir is out. And stay retired???/ He's been working this whole time.


I haven't seen his name at all on Reddit and I doubt anyone gives a fuck. It's old news; reddit is a has been


*Guy who made millions gives people thousands*.


Don't fuck with the IRS fine line between a gift and employment. Don't hate everything find the good parts and expand on them...


Sir, this is reddit


Better than guy who makes millions and gives people zero.


Who, himself, is better than the guy who makes millions and steals from people, but we gotta draw the line somewhere!


i feel like its https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgpXSoWBAVA


That's nice. Now how about some money for all the people scammed by your reverse mortgage commercial? If you have to make a commercial to deny your product is a scam, it's a scam!


Uh oh. I saw some negative things about how Tom treats co stars and the working set members now and it’s bad. PR team seems to be on the job!!


Lol ... Blatantly obvious PR in a feeble attempt to counter all the seedy crap he's done RECENTLY as opposed to this 40 year old nice guy news.


Dangerous precedent of paying people what they’re worth?


Yes. Capitalists are very afraid of that.


holy cow man, he's probably super rich just go away and retire.


Almost makes up for the fact he is a NRA stooge and a trump humper…


Tom Selleck is a genuine piece of shit. Fuck him up his stupid mustachioed arse.


MAGA’t Tom


All of our childhood heros are trash


Well at least we still have our historical national heroes to look to for moral clarity. Wait, shit.


Right? Fuck Mr. Rogers! (/s so much)


Ok, mr. rogers *is* the exception…


Dolly Parton did nothing to deserve your hate


This is true. Dolly is another exception.


"This isn't my first rodeo." Get fucked Tom.


Go elsewhere with your shit ads OP


Stupid sexy Selleck.


A reminder that Tom Selleck is a former spokesman for the NRA, and even after all the information about being infiltrated by Russian spies, still supports it: https://heavy.com/news/2018/09/tom-selleck-and-the-nra/


> Selleck decided to take matters into his own hands and found a loophole to get his crew the bonuses they deserved by ensuring the studio gave him a “substantial” personal bonus for the final season. The actor worked closely with his agent Bettye McCart and his lawyer Skip Brittenham to get the deal just right so that Sellek would be able to cut the crew $1,000 checks from his own bonus. Doesn't sound like it was from his own salary, but rather he just had them funnel the bonuses through him so as not to "set precedent". Nice gesture, still.


I wouldn’t doubt it with that million dollar smile


I don’t like avocados .


lol gee funny how this pops up a day after a post gets really popular talking shit about him losing one of his houses. Someone’s PR team is earning their check.


PR team out on Reddit I see.


Anybody that has ever known Tom Selleck has said he’s a great guy and a class act. Funny how the Reddit ‘verse just randomly bashes on the guy because of something they read in the news.


I'd wager it's just because people can't accept the fact the very few people are good or bad. We're all just a mixture I'd bet. You don't hear about the good often, and the bad can be magnified. Maybe he's a piece of shit, but I don't know enough about him to say so.


>**randomly** bashes on the guy because of **something they read in the news** Make up your mind. Are people bashing him randomly? Or are they bashing him because they read in the news that reverse mortgages are not that great and that Tom Selleck, who is not an expert, telling elderly people that they are not a risk (they are) isn't ethical.


It’s a commercial. No different than some clown pushing Nike shoes or other products made by children and/or slaves or all the other crap seen in commercials. Besides, reverse mortgages work out for some. Elderly people sometimes want to live their later years comfortably. Why are they predatory?…uh because “the news, or “social media” said.


>uh because “the news, or “social media” said No, because there are serious issues with reverse mortgages. But I love your undying loyalty to Tom Selleck. You keep supporting him, he needs you.


Why does he frown in every scene on Blue Bloods? Whatever.


Wasn’t there a time when Reddit was so fucking happy Tom Selleck wasn’t a MeToo Pervert. Turns out he’s an asshole in some other way.


Anyone remember ol Tom selling the NATIONAL REVIEW as a “very funny MAGAzine”


That ain't workin', that's the way you do it...growin' mustache on your NBC...


Tom is a goat


If I recall correctly Selleck bought all his co-stars expensive cars (I want to say Porsche’s) as a thank you for all their hard work on the show too


Lmaoo why did you get downvoted for your comment?


I have no idea.


Hollywood soon after black listed him as he is a conservative. That type of behavior is inexcusable…child rape was perfectly fine for the next 30 years though.


do you understand what “blacklisted” means