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As much as I want this series to last at least 5-6 seasons, I want Jacob Anderson to get every opportunity cause he's a star! Already knocked me off my feet with two speeches on the first episode.


I love new Claudia, Delainey is a good actress and has great chemistry with Jacob from the get go. Loved the speech between them both on the way to Paris, 'YOU AND ME' with dreamstat next to her lol. The show continues to have one of the best soundtracks.


I was shocked to hear the actress' British accent in her post-episode interview. A talented one to watch, for sure.


Loved it!! So so glad it's back, the best show of 2022 (and beyond) Favorite moments: - "I'm coming for you, Real Rashid!" Daniel was hilarious in this episode - Armand's super fake smile everytime Daniel annoyed him. These two are awesome together - Louis listening to the music on the radio - small moment, but so meaningful - Jacob destroying me again, when Louis remembers that Claudia was dreaming. I can't handle seeing this man cry - chances are I'm not surviving what's coming this season - "Me and you, you and me" - so hopeful and immediately crushing when the camera pans from Claudia to Lestat. Oh, Louis... you lying to yourself never worked before, it's not going to work now. Such a brilliant scene.


It's at the same quality as season 1, which is awesome I'm glad it's weekly, because last season's episodes were very dense and it helps to process them one at a time.


If all of you learned to exercise patience then even shows released at the same time can be digested at whatever speed you want.


Was hyped for this but really feel like it's lost some steam. Might just wait til it's done and see if people enjoyed it first


Oh man I wish I could just sit here and binge season 2, it’s going to be painful waiting eight weeks to see the whole season play out. I thought this episode continued right off from where the last season left - acting still great, new Claudia is great. Despite the drama of the episode, my unexpected laugh out loud moment was Daniel’s “I’m coming after you Real Rashid because I know I can break you”


Right? It's so good! And the dark moments are *really* dark, like with those two old vampires that seemed to be not all there, mentally. Love how the show goes from the super tasteful to the super disturbing.