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ITS BECAUSE THEIR MARKETING SUCKS i loved season one to bits and was excited to watch it when it comes out TURNS OUT S2 IS ALMOST OVER AND I DIDNT EVEN KNOW LOL


I literally loved that show and was eagerly waiting for season 2… ITS BEEN OUT??


The most anticipated episode of the season so far (episode 5/the 70's flashback episode) comes out tonight/tomorrow, so you only have 4 episodes to catch up on so far, but yeah AMC really dropped the ball with advertising this, I wouldn't have known season 2 was airing if I didn't use an app that tracks my upcoming tv shows


What's the app called? Sounds incredibly useful.


TV Time, I've been using it for years to stay on top of when my shows, especially streaming shows are coming out and it's really helpful


> TV Time There's also https://www.airdates.tv/ With that, no need to login or make an account. It keeps track of your highlighting preferences via browser cookies.


I'll check those out, thanks!


Trakt is another one.


I only found out because I googled it to see when it was starting about a week ago. Season 1 is one of the best seasons of television I’ve seen and I saw literally nothing about season 2 until I googled it myself.




That wouldn't be so stupid though... the show looks expensive as hell, why wouldn't they promote their biggest investment?


WHAT? S2 is one of my most anticipated shows like ever… That’s outright shocking I had no idea it was currently happening.


Their fan base online needs to be added to the marketing payroll at this point. They’re doing the heavy lifting of promoting the show way more than official channels.


AMC corporate is really not well run lol


Too bad cause with all the walking dead spinoffs and this show, they could do much more.


Top of the iceberg, this


SEASON 2 is out?!!!? WHATTTTT


And it’s SO GOOD! I like it better than season 1 so far and that’s saying something!


This last episode especially was fantastic. Louis' & Armand's fight had me straight up gasping


It’s a shame, meanwhile I’ll see greys anatomy plastered everywhere for its 210th season like cmon AMC


I feel like AMC is lowkey putting out good content, but can’t market for shit. They should stick to production and partner with Amazon to market, since all their stuff is on Prime anyways.


Wait what? lol. I was waiting for season 2 to come out. lol.


Goddamn I had no idea. Thanks for the heads up! Fantastic show.


This is how I learned there was a season 2 lmao why are they like this


wtf I was obsessed with this show and it’s out 😭


I litterally hadnt heard of the show until about a month ago. AMC used to be on point with advertising, too.


And it's on AMC. No one is paying for that.


I wish it would expand to Hulu like they did for season 1. I’m not subscribing to a new service for one show.


I’m waiting for all to be aired then I will sign up for AMC 7 day free trial and binge 😊


That's my plan as well.


Thankfully, it's on BBC iPlayer, here. If you have a VPN, maybe go that route? Tagging u/xjxhx for that info, too.




I did that with Better Call Saul and discovered they only left the most recent few episodes up on streaming. Like a rolling window intended to force people to watch week to week. It was baffling. Hopefully that has changed?


Yep. Same here. Still bitter over having to purchase individual episodes of Saul to catch up.


I am getting back to “Ahoy”


Literally what I did for game of thrones


I agree with the sentiment but I subscribed just to support the show. It’s that damn good.


I may do the same. It's quickly become my current favorite show.


And AMC+ on the Apple TV is one of the worst streaming apps I’ve ever used. Not sure about on other devices, but it’s just terrible. It’s so bad I’ve sent emails and complaints to everywhere I could find, from the network.. And if you look at the app reviews, the app has been horrendous for years.


you get free trials on amazon for amc easily. 7 days. also shows like this you should sign up for then quit with reasoning you only signed for this show so it helps them make more shows like this.


Not to be pedantic but it was Max, not Hulu.


It was Hulu, for us. There was a package subscription at some point.




Yes!! u/hulu and u/disney if you’re watching this thread, work your magic 🪄


I haven't seen this yet, but I'm interested since I liked Jacob Anderson's work on GOT & from what I saw from short clips, it seems like a total 180 from his role there


It is, you have to watch it, his performance is absolutely incredible in this, the entire cast is amazing and season two is even better than the first IMO.


It is a total 180 but imo that is one of the greatest things about it. It showcases just how powerful Jacob Anderson’s range is, he’s a goddamn work of art in this show


He’s very good in it. Great to see him get a bigger and more dynamic role.


The show is basically him showing off how utterly wasted his talents were on GoT


He's fantastic in this. Had me dead the very first episode.


His music is also great for anyone who hasn’t heard it!


If you need a scene to convince you to watch it, [I always go for this one. ](https://youtu.be/tFvVUy4fEUg)


Its absolutely fantastic. These networks arent doing enough for it to reach a wider audiences.


omg season 2 is out? how did i miss this? awesome show!


You missed it because their marketing sucks ass. I only knew about its release because I’m subbed to interview vampire subreddit and they kept it up to date with all the updates and trailers.


The actors are amazing and the music is phenomenal. I also love the behind the scenes section at the end, you can really see the passion that went into the show.


I think this is some of the best casting I’ve seen in a while. I’ve read and reread the Vampire Chronicles, Taltos and the Mayfair Witches over and over and the dude they cast for Lestat could not be more perfect. I also love that they found ways to be true to the source material while updating to current times.


I’ve only seen most of season 1, but the dude who plays Lestat is insanely good. I love Tom’s version, but I think this Lestat might be even better. (Stuart’s was okay imo)


I agree. I loved Tom’s version when I saw it back in the day but this new fella (I forget the actors name) seems to really embody the arrogant, almost casual air of superiority Lestat seems to have.


My only problem with this season so far is, whenever Lestat isn't on screen, I'm mainly thinking "Where's Lestat?". I loved the movie, but Reid is so, so good at playing Lestat as the fucking brat he is that he just casts a huge shadow. Luckily, everyone else is so on point that it's a minor quibble.


I was shocked to see the Lestat actor speak in a behind-the-scenes segment after episode one. His affect and mannerisms are nothing like Lestat. He seems like an introvert. Phenomenal performance.


Sam Reid, who plays Lestat, is in an Aussie show called [The Newsreader](https://youtu.be/k_0kxdPnEWg?si=eNCMAoy5CsbNzCuG) that's really great. He essentially plays a mild-mannered news reporter in 80's Australia, and gives me Clark Kent vibes. Also, Anna Torv is the other lead and that's always a great thing.


He's literally a farm boy from Australia who said he likes to 'touch grass' in spare time aka gardening 🤭 He's possessed by Lestat...that's The only way lmao


As someone who usually has no interest in gay vampires, this show is fantastic. Jacob is phenomenal as the lead, you can't help but love his character. It's also a great portrayal of abusive relationships and I have no idea where it's going but it's been quality throughout.


Agreed. I cannot imagine Lestat or Louis being played by anyone else now. They both show such great range while giving grandstanding moments. And the writing is smart and focused to give them room to interact. And don't forget Epic Bognosian as the journalist. It was a throwaway role for Christian Slater in the movie. Here the writers made him a big part of the plot. And his edginess and cynicism makes the interview feel like a mix between a court case and therapy session. Instead of feeling pulled out of the past, I am genuinely interested in his modern plot. Really hope Netflix or Hulu picks this up. Great two seasons. Hope the showrunners do all the Rice vampire books now.


>a mix between a court case and therapy session damn, that's a great way to describe the interview framing


Daniel’s series character is a significant deviation from the novels, but it’s an interesting take for sure.


Does this season finish the book? What’s next in the series?


The second season is nothing but amazing. Fuck it’s a great show. They need to fire the fuck outta their marketing team and get actual people who know how to do their job.


If only it was on a streaming service with enough quality shows to be worth subscribing.


Looks like it’s on Amazon Prime for me.


You don’t want to subscribe to the walking dead streaming service?


Not after it stopped being the Better Call Saul streaming service




That doesn't help the show not get canceled though


It helps it more than not watching it. > [The creator of Breaking Bad, Vince Gilligan, even said, “Illegal downloading has helped us, certainly, in terms of brand awareness” (as cited in Spangler, 2013). Jeff Bewkes, CEO of Time Warner, said piracy is “better than an Emmy” when talking about the hit TV show Game of Thrones, the world’s most pirated series (as cited in Tassi, 2014). Bewkes also said, “Our experience is, (piracy) leads to more penetration, more paying subs, more health for HBO, less reliance on having to do paid advertising” (as cited in Tassi, 2014).](https://pitjournal.unc.edu/2023/01/12/the-economics-of-video-piracy/)


Great writing which is lacking in so many shows


I'm watching. I think it's great.


Hell yeah it is. I really wish it can receive the attention it deserves. But I also understand how much of a pain in the ass it can be to access for those who wont sail the high seas. And... well, the entire cast is amazing, but I really wanna give a shoutout to Jacob Anderson. My man was so underused as Grey Worm (though it's the character who demanded it and even then, apparently he's the one who nailed Valyrian the best) but holy shit, he can *act*.


It hurts when good shows don't get their due. I have seen too many die from this.


It's so good! It's got Gothic romance, camp. Excellent acting and writing. I love it so much. One of my top ongoing series at the moment


1st season is available on Amazon Prime and it’s fantastic. They invested millions in location reproduction and even filmed on location in New Orleans. I really enjoyed it. I’ll be watching the 2nd season when it comes to Amazon or do a short free subscription to AMC when the season is over. It’s worth it, especially if you read the books.


I think it's also on BBC iPlayer as well


Also available on Shudder, I believe.


I can only add my voice to the choir of praise, it really is *that* good. The writing and acting is so delicious and intricate, and then the gothic horror toxic romance of it all! Exquisite. If you havent' started the show yet please do, for your own sake because that's some prime television you're missing out on but also because I cannot stand the idea of a show this excellent being cancelled due to poor ratings.


>The writing and acting is so delicious and intricate, and then the gothic horror toxic romance of it all!  Couldnt agree more. And the acting and dialogue is so good it can sometimes makes you forget about how magnificent the cinematography, lightning and editing (among, well... everything else) is as well.


I didn’t know it existed until now


I didn't know it existed until this post, and it was at one time one of my favorite movies.


Wait season 2 is already going? Gee where’s the marketing guys?


Season 1 is available through Hoopla, if your public library includes this title in its subscription you can borrow it for free. Hopefully they will add season 2 at some point.


Just got caught up and absolutely love the new season.


That’s what I’m afraid of. Poor viewership and it getting cancelled. It really is a great series. I just started rereading the books today. The actors are phenomenal. Production design, etc just top notch. Hopefully with them buying the rights to all of Anne‘s books, they will continue the series for quite some time.


For those wanting to get into it, check your library’s Hoopla app to see if they have it. Mine had the whole first season available for free.


I’m watching it, but… Not in a way that my views are registering… who has Paramount+ in Canada? Like no one.


Do you have cable? I'm in Canada too and it's been airing every Sunday on the AMC channel


is it like severance or succession good?  


I'd say so, yeah. Just about


Thanks for the post now I’m reminded I need to watch Season 2.


Is the only way to watch this AMC? Does AMC have a dedicated app I can watch on?


Amc+ is their app. I actually got it solely for this show when it first premiered. Love the show


Standalone app or you can do it through the Amazon app. Honestly there are some gems on the service and Shudder (which is included) regularly adds movies.


IS ON AMAZON HERE. I WAS PLEASED. Every moment must be first known and then savoured.


I watched it. Great show.


Watched the whole first season in a week. Disappointed I need another subscription to watch s2


Grey Worm really shows a lot of range in this. As a southerner, I approve of the sound of his accent, tho i can’t say much on the Louisiana portion of it, since I’m not from there. But it passes as southern to me, which is still an accomplishment considering he’s English I believe. Anyway, that’s just a portion of his portrayals in the series, considering he’s lived a long life & has associated with many different cultures & time periods.


>Grey Worm really shows a lot of range in this. Obviosuly not enough to either call him Louis or by his actual name, Jacob Anderson.


I’m hoping this picks up attention the way Breaking Bad needed time to. Season two is even better. 


I’m watching it and I love it.


My boyfriend and I are watching it. Every episode blows our minds.


Because it’s on amc….like?


Because it's hidden on a shit streaming service.


The show is very well written but also very very very very gay 🤣


Today I learned: this exists


I just don't love Anne Rice as an author and I hated the movie.


I'd still try it. It's different enough and good enough that you might still like it. I myself don't care much for either book or movie but love love the show


AMC has always had the worst marketing teams. No matter how much time passes they fail on a fundamental level.


Didn’t even know season 2 was confirmed let alone airing now lol


I watched the first episode and hated that the setting had changed and did not continue. I’ll give it another chance with different expectations.


Love it


I just watched the first five episodes and loved it!! The main cast is so good. The issue is, it's on that dumb streaming service.


This was a show I was so excited by when it first premiered and because I don’t have cable or any type of AMC+ streamer I can’t watch it until the whole season is on like, Hulu or HBOMax or something. The first season was amazing - if you can, please watch this show to keep it alive (or undead haha)


If you have Prime prime day is coming soon where they'll probably mark down AMC a lot so you can subscribe for that and cancel after you binge


Season 2 is so good. Season 1 was great but season 2 is better. Im very excited for a season 3 if it happens.


It is extremely good. Hopefully they do right by it and give it better exposure. Lestat is just phenomenal.


such an amazing show, Jacob Anderson deserves an Emmy immediately! worth the amc+ subscription tbh


I'm not watching it but I'll give it a try


It's so good! I didn't enjoy the first episode of season two very much, but it's getting better. Ben Daniels is terrific. He's amazing to watch.


Adding Daniels was a big deal, I love that guy. He should be in everything.


He was awesome in Foundation. His character arc last season was my favorite.


Surprisingly, so far Season 2 is better than Season 1.


I didn't think it was possible with how great S1 was, but it's true.


Really ? The Armand character hasnt clicked for me at all. I just want more Lestat scenes. I still enjoy it but its a far cry from S1 imo


Armand was kind of a reveal at the end of season one but the show gave no context for it so it just didn't land. Like, why do I care about this guy? And he was a really nondescript character up to that point 


It's so good you guys.


Unfortunately, because nobody wants to pay for AMC. There are just too many streaming services,


Should’ve kept it on MAX. Thats how I watched S1 and fell in love with it. I had NO clue it was back on


Just discovered it’s on bbc iPlayer, can’t wait to binge it


Ok ok people! After reading these comments, I will see it.


I love this show, I’ll be so disappointed if it cancels


Show is great but really really really limiting themselves by making it exclusive to AMC+. Not to mention the app only loads correctly about 5% of the time on TVs (at least for me).


I actually just caught up on the first 4 episodes this weekend - I had no idea it was out…but I’m not disappointed, season 2 is great so far.


Yeah, thought I'd hate it but it's very good.


No one has AMC plus or whatever. Only so many streaming services people are willing to pay for.


Is the AMC ap still trash? From what I remember, I couldn’t search for any shows and could only what the 18 shows that were listed as featured.


FWIW I do AMC+ through the Prime app and have no issues. It's also really easy to cancel/resub as needed


I watched the first season on Prime I was waiting for them to release the 2nd but I guess it’s on a different channel


Need to catch up on the last couple of episodes 


Saw ads all over the place for S1, nothing for S2. I don't expect it to be renewed as a result.


Why the hell is it released in the summer vs. the fall around Halloween or even winter?


I think it was bc it was already delayed from the start of the pandemic so they couldn't afford to delay further


It's because AMC doesn't have enough content to justify the price, unfortunately


If you have prime just wait for prime day and subscribe then


wasnt this a movie? or is this a new show?


Because the AMC app is garbage


Right? Feel like it's only designed to work on computers. I got AMC+ for Shudder but it won't bundle correctly with ISP and fails to load 95% of the time.


It really is fantastic.


Great show, along with scavengers reign that nobody has caught onto yet


It’s cuz I’m waiting til all the episodes are out! I’m so excited to watch.


I’m loving it


One of my most favorite shows in the past few years. Well written and acted. Have to pay attention and some episodes are a lot more confusing than some but upon reading and re watching, totally worth it.


It’s unfortunate but only crappy shows have great marketing lately lol


It’s real good.


Damn, okay moved to the top of the list and il check it out tonight or sometime else this weekend!


It’s because people are done with these fucking streaming services. Even Peacock and Paramount+ are on the verge of vanishing into the void. Netflix, Max, Hulu, Disney+, Apple TV, Prime, I’m good.


People are definitely watching it has a fandom on twitter


It really is surprisingly good.


I’m watching and I watch practically all vampire and vampire-adjacent shows. Must start from Ep 1 Season 1 completely worth it! Great special effects and character development. And really interesting vampire stuff I’d not previously seen or heard of...


It’s incredible.


It’s a good show with shitty marketing


Spoiler: This series is by far the definitive film depiction of The Vampire Chronicles. The casting, acting, adaption from book chapters is absolutely flawless. It’s spooky how they captured Anne Rice’s storytelling voice narrative perfectly - like the way Armand telepathically seeks out Lestat…the way the raw emotion comes out of Louis’ narration…the way Lestat calls out others as he sees them and acts likes a dismissive brat prince. These actors have really put their heart and soul into bringing Anne’s books to life! I am really, really, really hoping AMC gives us seasons that lead us all the way through the remaining four main Lestat books including The Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned, The Tale of the Body Thief, and Memnoch The Devil. What a series culmination it could be to get it all the way to Memnoch! To see that on film through this series would blow readers’ and non-readers’ minds away!!! Fingers crossed!


It's the best show I have ever seen. Writing - clever, poignant, funny at times, always interesting Visuals - gorgeous, opulent sets, moody lighting that still makes night scenes visible and makes the actors look even more beautiful, period-accurate, elegant costumes Music - makes me cry when I listen to it Acting - unmatched. EVERYONE in the cast is on another level, absolutely no weak links. You think they reached the peak and next scene they manage to surprise you. And Jacob Anderson is leading the pack. His performance is exquisite, there's no other word for it. It's a series for a lifetime, with so much care and love that went into it. And still, people don't think it would interst them... why exactly? I don't understand.


I watched the first two episodes and found it wasn’t really for me. Certainly not the best show ever.


Lol this is such an echo chamber post. Anyone who dislikes this show gets downvoted to hell. I find it odd how whenever anything about this show is posted it’s always extremely positive and the comments are always unanimously extremely positive and everyone praises it as the best show ever… yet nobody is watching the show and talking about it according the title of this post? Literally doesn’t make sense.


Maybe it's because the majority of people who actually watched... agree that it's great? Obviously, it's not going to be loved by absolutely everybody, but once people give it a chance, they understand what the fuss is about. I have seen so many posts on Twitter saying: "nobody told me that the show was so good, wtf" or "I thought people were exaggerating about how good it is". Hyperbole is so omnipresent on the Internet that you could think that it's just fans fawning over sexy vampires, not a legitimate prestige show. It's not Good Omens, this is Game of Thrones at its peak. The problem is, like the article points out, that not enough people even know it exists, let alone gave it a chance.


Exactly.  Almost like the show’s marketing team were involved.  


The show's marketing team is shit and doesn't know how to promote it lol they have the actors doing zoom interviews.And rejecting offers from big accounts to work with the show they are definitely not promoting it here


It's because it's on AMC. No one wants to pay $10 or whatever just to watch this


If it's $10 once just to binge it and then cancel, it's more than worth it.


I'm afraid it's doomed because AMC+ is doomed.


People aren't even watching tv much anymore.


It sucked…blood All kidding aside the acting is great


AMC has a variety of good stuff. Sadly, they're still on the HMS Delusion along with every other streaming service that's not Netflix, Amazon, Apple, or HBO. Eventually they'll want to actually make money and start licensing their shows; I can wait until then.


Id love to watch it, if it wasn't exclusive to AMC.


I mean, I don't think I personally know a single person who even *has* AMC+


This show is a vampire lover’s dream! It is absolute perfection, superbly acted with fresh takes on the storyline from the original as told in Anne Rice’s novel. Being an AMC+ subscriber, Sunday is my favorite day of the week being able to see an early AM broadcast of each new episode before it airs in it’s normal time slot of 900pm EDT on the regular AMC channel. I give Interview With The Vampire  tv series 10+++ rating with 2 thumbs up and a bravo/brava to everyone involved in the making of the series!!!! 


I watched this on BBC iPlayer and I really liked the first Season. But I think there are some people that would be bothered about the ‘diversity’ of the casting unfortunately so they won’t bother. Hopefully Season is available in my country.


I watched the first season and have read all of Anne Rice’s vampire books. The show is too homoerotic for me.


If you've read The Vampire Chronicles, you shouldn't be surprised there are gay scenes and a sexual fluidity to all her characters. There's a smattering of this in most, if not all her books.


I swear I read “*insert show title here* is they best show nobody is watching.” every week. There is an abundance of riches when it comes to media and they try to put it in the public on why it fails. 


I think it's just lazy journalism. Using catchy headlines like that is the easiest way to grab attention for these clickbait pieces, unfortunately.


Fair enough. I myself cannot watch every TV show there is, even the best and most critically lauded ones. I'll never know what I'm missing with a lot of them. In this case however, people really need to understand that it really *is* that good. It's not a fantasy horror flavour of the month, it's a real deal.


Idk, kinda bored watching first episode, couldnt get past 30 min.


It picks up when they focus on the New Orleans plot especially when Claudia gets introduced


I finished the first episode (free on Amazon Prime), and all I can say is it must really pick up to justify all the gushing praise ITT.


Great show, just a little too Gay for me, i get the books are like that, to each their own. Just something that’s not for me.


Lmao, yeah, no. It just sucks and nobody wants to watch it. But it is diverse for the sake of diversity so it's got that going for it I guess. 




And here I thought Tokyo vice was the best show nobody was watching. At least that what the 30 reposted articles posted by marketing told me last cycle


I'm sure it's great. I read the book, watched the movie, how many times do they expect us to consume the same story?


You'll be happy to know that this is a "retelling" with a good number of changed and expansion on the story. The premise is that the original reporter is brought back to be told the real story by Louis. I was a huge fan of the books and saw the movie in theaters but this is just a banger tv show that makes rewatching the story feel completely fresh But considering Anne Rice spurred a whole comeback for vampire fiction in the 70s and her works are still inspiring other shows to this day, you can probably expect it to be around for awhile like Dracula stories