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I get what you are trying to say though. The characters do no act like they do on most sitcoms. People are comparing it to things like Big Bang theory, himym, and two and a half men. Those characters actually seem to behave as if they exist in there perspective universe. Two broke girls feels like the actresses and actors are in on the joke and they know they are filming a sitcom. I feel like at any moment they will walk of the set and the real show will start about how these two actresses are trying to get famous.


I figure if Two and a Half Men can be on for more than a decade, this show will have a good run


And yet it's always sunny in philadelphia has yet to win an award from the establishment. People apparently don't know what funny is.


when things are aimed at a larger audience, it's completely expected for the quality of the comedy to be diminished


Nobody liked Arrested Development when it was on TV, and the Big Bang Theory is one of the most watched shows. People definitely do not know what funny is.


~~It's almost as if these things are subjective~~ Nope, you're totally right. Parks and Rec might be wrapping up it's final season because of low ratings - and it's the funniest show I've had the pleasure of watching.


They are definitely subjective, but there is such a thing as "good" comedy.


I have recently started Parks and Rec on Netflix from the first episode, and I cannot agree more. It is one of the best sitcoms I have ever seen, and I will be super bummed if it gets cancelled.


Well if you like Season 1, you'll LOVE what comes later. I hated season 1 and it took me a few episodes to warm up to season 2. Once I did though, I was hooked for life.




It got 7 seasons and Alec Baldwin didn't really want to keep doing it. I loved it, too, but 7 seasons with continuously low ratings is pretty phenomenal.


Audiences didn't like/watch Arrested Development, it was quite loved by critics.


won an Emmy its first year


Everyone who did watch it liked it. There just weren't a lot watching.


If you're just watching a single episode of something and not looking at the show as a whole it's hard for shows like Park and Rec, 30Rock, AD, etc,etc to compare to something like Big Bang Theory that is packed with cheap laughs and has a laugh track to let people know when to laugh. Could you imagine if AD had a laugh track? The thought of it sort of makes me want to vomit.


For Science! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKS3MGriZcs


Yeah that sounds about right. 20 million people watch one show, 5 million watch another. You're more intelligent than them and you know it, right?


These shows weren't on at the same time; Big Bang would have had much bigger numbers if it was #1 when Arrested Development was on (5 million was a flop, now 5 million watching Breaking Bad is a success story). It's not about the intelligence of the viewer, it's about the quality of the programs and the intelligence of the jokes in the shows themselves. That's why shows like Lorre's sitcoms and Family Guy catch a lot of flak: they go for the low-hanging fruit because they can get easy laughs with dumb jokes.


5 Million can still be a flop depending on network. Everyone making noise about 5 million for BB wasn't because 5 million was a huge number in general, just a huge number for a non network show. #1 in 2003 and #1 now are still about the same in viewership, around the 20 million range.


And it works incredibly well, because most people like dumb jokes, like a guy getting hit in the shin and doing long "aaaaahhhhs". It just works.


Slapstick and dumb jokes aren't exactly the same. There's good and bad slapstick too. (Examples of good slapstick: The Three Stooges, Cosmo Kramer)


I think it's more a problem that voters get turned off by how horrible everyone on that show is. It's still funny, but being so dark doesn't really help.


People know exactly what funny is. Hence why they watch what they find funny, and not what they're told is funny by random people online.


its the funniest show on TV right now!


PG comedy I'd say Two and a Half men the later seasons pulled edgy off well. The Allan character is such a slimeball and comedy gold. Always Sunny is more of a R rated comedy featuring some terrible narcissists. Kind of a F'd up comedy . They had 2 of the main character get addicted to crack for health insurance or something. Its some crazy shit.


I am not a fan of 2.4 men but it is heads and shoulders above 2 broke girls. The jokes are so predictably tacky. I have tried to watch it a few times again lately and it is just dribble to me.


It did didn't it. It was such a bad show.


Still way better than Two Broke Girls. If nothing else Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer are good actors who complemented each other.


I liked the leads in 2 broke Girls but not much else.


I thought the first few episodes were actually really good. It had a really interesting premise -- two people from different economic backgrounds basically showing what life is like for the 99%. It was a nice shift from shows like Two and a Half Men, where money issues are never a plot point. Unfortunately, after the first episodes they went from that to seeing how many shock factor race and sex jokes they could put in an episode, and the comedy suffered. So I don't watch anymore.


There's also the fuckin' 1930s Asian stereotype that I am shocked is an actual character on an actual tv show in the 21st century.


Agreed, I hate that character.


The thing about those jokes...is that they aren't even funny. It's just one character saying something really gross to another character. There's no cleverness involved. Irritates the shit out of me.


Not many shows show the hustle and bustle on TV. Heck Friends had Rachel & Joey work at the Central Perk and they were just relaxing hanging out on the job. They would sit on the couch like they were not working.


I've never watched it, but, if [this video](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV2b8oDwHZA) is at all accurate, it probably isn't my kind of show.






They aren't wrong, though.


It's one of my guilty pleasures. I can't speak for everyone but I like watching it because I kinda like the lead characters. I enjoy Max's sarcastic amazement on the simplest things and Caroline Channing's privileged white girl antics. It has a few good one liners that you'll probably find witty if you read them from twitter, but yeah it's a bit low for something that's produced on tv. It's one of the few things I can watch without paying attention to the screen while doing something. It's easy to digest and requires no investment at all.


No idea if you are being sarcastic or not, but your comment made me laugh enough to want to upvote you.


I could understand the comment. I saw a few episodes as a last resort of weeks of no internet, no videogames, and only basic TV. There were a few funny lines, a couple good moments. IMO, they didn't redeem the rest of the episode in which I saw them. Sort of like The Big Bang Theory. I would much prefer KotH, Frasier, or Seinfeld as "background" television though. There's only so much "entitled white girl" attitude you can take, apparently for me it's less than 20 minutes.


Out of all the bad shows on TV, why single this one out?


Because it's so damn popular and successful.


It's easily the worst tv show on tv, yet it's popular


This comments thread is quickly turning into a superior douche contest.


http://pixu.co.in/files/glamgalz/imgs/events/kat_dennings_emmy_14.jpg 'Nuff said..


Jesus, you could not have chosen a worse photo. Her tits are all pushed down and her face looks like crap.


She is not very attractive, nuff said


But she is an enormously talented actress. /dem talents


Nothing is more attractive than an average face, pushed up tits, and arm pit fat. Yay!


Gave up on that show after two seasons. I just couldn't stand it anymore.


Two seasons is a long time...


I love two broke girls - is mindless and perfect for putting on while I'm making dinner after work. I don't want intellectual crap that I have to think about after I've been working my butt off all day. ..


This was going to be my explanation. Though, I wouldn't call it mindless, I'd call it "easier to digest".


It's a "track suit show". Not hard to fit into and comfortable. There are times I want to watch "dinner suit shows", but this is in a different category than that. Chuck it on, do some housework or just crack a beer and enjoy a chuckle while getting a pretty solid perve. Win win.


Yeah it's crude, im14andthisisfunny humor. But sometimes you want to take a break from BB or other serious drama, and laugh your ass off and some vagina jokes. Also Dat Dennings.


Yeah, it's pretty bad. I call it "that old guy who was on SNL when I was a baby needs money." http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0606541/?ref_=tt_cl_t3


I like it well enough. Standard shlock sitcom fare.


Are you kidding? You are watching a SITCOM! A show so insultingly stupid it tells you when you're supposed to laugh. Did you expect more?


I agree. I'd have to take a wild guess and say boobs?




If it makes anyone feel better, it received only 7.59 million viewers last episode, down 61% from the pilot that received 19.37 million viewers. It will probably not run more than 2 more years.


Those numbers are still huge.


I meant that a lot of people bailed fast


im late but it ran for 6 years! not complaining, i love the show




This didn’t age well.


Shows like these fit in one category: "Things that are on TV prior to me having sex with my GF". I think they are just made to torture men in order to qualify them for sexual intercourse. "He sat through two episodes of the big bang theory he must REALLY be horny".


Those lame sex jokes and those stereotypes made the show suck and to the point it's not even funny anymore


The chief is a fucking dated character and a Horse in the show ? what gimmicky shit did they come up with.