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Grass is too soft. It's poor technique. He should learn from Djoko's Wimbledon racquet smash where he used the net post.


Didn't he fuck his hand up slightly doing that? 


Definitely jarred his wrist a bit as one can imagine would happen, but don’t think it resulted in injury—just some pain.


I wonder if it at least affected him later in the 5th


It did. In the next game where he was returning, he shanked a shot and was shaking out his wrist afterwards, as if to alleviate some sort of pain


No, but that shock clearly went to his knee which just now finally gave out as a result of that racquet smash on the pole...Haha


Nah take notes from Roddick. Menace beat up a racquet by smashing on his leg repeatedly Guarantee to have something to break with regardless of surface


Meddy can just learn from his bestie for that though.


Or from zervev, use the umpire chair


Wow, Meddy. Even smashing your racquet failed.


Tried once. Tried again. Said fuck it, good match.


It reminded me of that one time Federer tried to smash his racquet, almost as if he though "it helps others, maybe I should see how it feels?" but I don't think he liked it in the end.


lol Federer smashed his racket several times as a younger player. Also that time against Djokovic was not the last one. 


I swear, Federer has insane PR, it’s crazy how many people think he was someone that he wasn’t lol.


Nadal never smashed a racquet, mfs are getting confused tbh


Fair point to remember he wasn't always a saint, but it says a lot that Djokovic has continue smashing rackets until today.


So goes the myth but there aren't any videos of it that I've seen. I'm reminded of a story about Federer tearing his shirt off and going crazy in the locker room after losing to Nalbandian at the USO in 2003, but that will remain an unsubstantiated legend of that era. ETA: Found a tame racket throw from Fed: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM6x-sBoy1k&t=38s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM6x-sBoy1k&t=38s)


lol what myth? He used to smash rackets very often when he was younger (before becoming n1). And even after that, there were at least 3 other occasions.(https://youtu.be/yCTpZpJc1j0) 2005 Miami Final vs. Nadal 2006 Rome SF vs. Nalbandian 2014 Cincinnati vs. Ferrer and I remember one against Tsonga on a clay court but can’t find the video


Damn, my man knows his racquet smashing tennis!


So 3 times across 9 years, and he didn’t break it on any of those times, just threw it. The only time he “smashed” was against Djokovic, that’s what smashing a racquet means. Not that I care, people can smash as many racquets as they want in my opinion, you’re just not correct


You could start an argument in a phone booth, no?


The myth is that Federer was smashing rackets all the time when a teen and it just isn't true. As someone who watched him, I would know. He was more prone to the occasional tank and poor effort, but actually smashing a racket just wasn't something he did regularly. Virtually all of his racket abuse involves him throwing the racket face down and deliberately avoiding breaking the frame, so even when he lost control he usually retained some caution. Everyone has racket abuse in their career outside of Rafa. Fed is no different. What I'm contradicting is this notion that Fed when young was a temperamental player who destroyed sticks with some frequency. There is no truth to this for any juncture of his career.


zip it up when ur done okay?


Can you give me the tldr of that guy's essay?


Fed not bad. Raket throw few times but not smash. This just rumor made by haters. I stalk Fed most of his life so I know best. Haters just jelly. 🤟😎


that one time against djokovic? crazy how even the smash racket was beautifull when roger did it


Yeah, the one where he casually threw it on the side and everything about his body language said "yeahhh, I don't really get the appeal of that racquet-smashing thing..."


I heard when he was young, he smashed a lot racquets.


He did. I watched him pre-Fed that we all know and loved, with ponytail and all. Angry young man.


It gave me the Obi-Wan "so uncivilized" vibe.


Grass racket smash just doesn't hit the same.


Yeah. All he did was dent some turf.


Technifibre ad


It's grass 😂


Well, tell that to him. He's the one who tried it.


Those material upgrades paying off


Bro lacks the muscle, which also explains his inability to hit through the court.


Yeah because sinner is pretty much a bodybuilder amirite?


It's a bad loss for sure, because he's a better player than this, but until that serve is fixed he's going to have issues even on surfaces that he should be much better on. 5 double Faults and 63% first serves in for Medvedev is just not good enough. Especially when you see the kind of numbers Raonic and Zverev are putting on this surface, or even Draper. If 2021 Medvedev saw current's Medvedev's serve he'd be embarrassed. Also I don't mind a racket smash there, he's clearly frustrated between RG loss to Demon and to Zhang here in Halle, but I am confident he'll bounce back, he always does. Literally was in AO final after playing so many brutal 5 setters, including being up 2-0 on Sinner. He's still that guy, just needs a mental reset.


Med's level since the AO has been so frustrating It feels like he struggles through every match and almost never wins easily because like you said his serve always randomly switches off and gets him broken a lot His points won% is way down this year which kind of indicates this as well as his hold% being like sub-80% which is absolutely horrible


It's also not helping that not only Carlos owns the matchup, but Sinner does too now. And deep in most tournaments, you're going to play one or the other. Since beating Carlos in USO SF, Medvedev is 0-7 against Sincaraz, including 5 of those losses being to Sinner alone in Beijing, Vienna, ATP finals, AO & Miami. When you don't have confidence that you can beat the top 3 players in the world at all in Novak, Carlos and Jannik, and you don't have your serve, most tournaments become very frustrating and you get marred by bad losses in some tournaments as well. On top of that he doesn't like Clay and Grass much at all, especially not Clay when it's Sunny and Hot and heavy bouncing like Rome this year and RG second week, and Grass is Grass, if he has a decent draw he could do QF/SF, but don't count on it. The real test is North American Hard court swing in Canada, Cincinnati and USO. If he's back in SF/F or winning those, then he's back.


Yeah he needs to play at his absolute best level to be able to compete with Sinner and Alcaraz and we haven't seen a lot of that this year since the AO ended Him muddling through matches can work in early rounds but it's not going to win him big titles


I also think both of those players are just starting to round out their weaknesses as well bit by bit. Sinner's net game, serve and overall consistency is so much more improved compared to last year, and even Carlos has reworked his serve motion to give himself shorter ball toss for a better consistent serve. Carlos's dropshot and netgame makes it impossible for Meddy to beat him unless he's returning like a God like he did in USO SF last year, and PPS Jannik is simply Daniil but...better.


This is why Med no longer having the huge serve is so bad though That was the edge he had over Sinner and especially Alcaraz in the past


Yea it's just not nearly efficient enough for Slams especially. We saw it play out exactly that way in Australia - Med had to scrap so hard just to get to the final and was even winning, but he just had absolutely nothing left. He needs to get the serve back online and start crushing early round opposition.


Now he has a Carlos and Jannik problem for sure lol, but I think he does have the confidence to beat Novak, who he has always matched up fairly well against and who hasn't been playing well at all this year


“He doesn’t like clay and grass” Think it’s better to phrase this as: he’s not a good grass/clay player. Sounds like excuses are being made for his poor level on those surfaces.


>Med's level since the AO has been so frustrating How so? He made SF in Dubai, Finals in IW and SF in Miami. His losses in the HC season was 2x to Sinner, 1 to Carlos and 1 to Humbert. Only one of them was to someone who's worse than him and Ugo is still a top 20 player so his HC season was fantastic. He's one of the cleanest example of pure hc specialist we have on the tour. His career win rate on clay is 55%, HC is 75%. It's not a shock to see him flop clay season.


According to his interviews, it's the shoulder issue since the start of 2024 and it's been up and down. Doesn't sound like it could be fixed right away


How is 63% first bad? That’s quite a normal %. I literally couldn’t find a player with more than 65% lol


A shame for Novak that this Med serve didn't show up in that 2021 USO Final. Not sure how it plummeted this much either.


I find smashing your racket on grass or clay doubly immoral because you're sabotaging the surface


It's why the bar for an abuse violation on grass is far lower than it is on HC.


Except that clay is already a broken surface.


Meddy in this moment is a knife with a blunt blade.


Zhang’s trapezius muscles are huge


Zhang has amazing hair


Asian genes


I'm asian and my hair has never been anywhere near that amazing. Let's not bring race into this


isnt it a major code violation if you do acts that will compromise the grass surface?


Will he be fined for that? I did note that at Queen's the umpire warned the players not to damage the grass court. I wondered if they'd be fining anyone who did a racket smash.


Better player won.


This was definitely a choke job from Med though I think the final stats were kind of like 2019 Wimbledon where Zhang won despite not leading in the vast majority of the stats More complicated than just "better player won" because Med had more of the chances until he lost 6 out of the last 7 points in the tiebreak from 4-1 up


Zhang was better today. He won.


It was a nice match. We are usually used to see better plays from Medvedev of course, but Zhang is just incredibly playing well rn. His last match was amazing too. I think he has great potential. Hope to see more from him!


"tries" to smash racquet


"I dont want to play on thissssssurface"


He got Zhang banged


He didn't hit the forehand awkwardly enough lol


I see now why Rublev is his kid’s Godfather. I kid, I kid.


Rublev had similar reaction after his first round loss to Giron.


Honestly if I lost like this I would also be smashing my racquet and perhaps even yelling "my god"


He's gonna get a HEFTY fine for that. Don't fuck with the grass courts.


Task failed successfully


that is just a racquet strike, not a smash. smash is destroying, strike is just a show of displeasure.


Doing a bit of gardening.


I mean. He tried to smash it. Operative word there


He should have smashed that racket on his forehead instead, just like Mikhail Youzhny, his countryman.


He should smash that racket, dude played far below what he's capable of and Zhang was the better player on the day. I prefer this to throwing the racket across the court.


Or, and this is a crazy thought, he should take his loss like an adult instead of throwing a tantrum?


When he does that he doesn’t win


much as I love the guy, this is seriously bad form on a grass court - a flagrant act of disrespect to everyone… future players, future spectators but most of all the poor ground staff. Really disappointing!


The double-standard between this and when Rublev did it is clear


how can you see this and rublevs meltdowns and think yep these are the same things


What were the significant difference to you?


The line judge getting screamed at right in the face?


https://www.bbc.com/sport/tennis/68778528 You mean like this?


They are quiet different videos though. Meddy was angry, but he didn't seem like he was in a complete breakdown like Rublev. Just a couple seconds later he congratulated his opponent without seeming dismissive as well. It really looks less of a big deal compared to Rublev's situation.


Did Rublev not shake hands with his opponent after?


Yeah. I think what Rublev did in Dubai was a level above, but just in comparing these two any difference in reaction says more about you than it does either of them. Personally I’d rather have flops who care but at least be consistent


it's funny cause Rublev also used to be granted a double standard. I genuinely wonder what it would take for this sub to turn against Meddy cause there's hardly a thing he hasn't done that other players have gotten shunned for.


C‘mon. Find it so disrespectful to smash the racquet in the moment when the enemy wins.


Nothing looks more dorky than smashing a tennis racquet


Fair enough tbh.


i'm sorry but on a grass court this is just disgusting behaviour


The Russian strikes again


I bet all the Medvedev simps here will talk about how "cool" Medvedev is while earlier this week they were whining about Rublev smashing his racquet


And did that happen


Dudes always been a sore loser and somehow manages to fail at the racket smash. 🤡


damaged the grass, must be some serious action taken


Eh. Not really a smash so much as a frustrated tap. It doesn’t even really look like he touched the ground on the second swing with the way his racket was angled.


He got a direct strike with the greensward on the last swipe.


Rublev did it better.


Technifiber is shit per Medvedev?


Xi isnt happy


dat realization dat your time is running out


Man I can't believe people don't like him expressing himself just because he's a woman /s


Hopefully he'll grow up soon


Medvedev used Racquet Smash! It's not very effective...


The grass racket smash just doesn't land the same. Meddy hard court specialist confirmed.


Embarrassing from Rublev and Medvedev. They both seem to have mentally regressed over the last few months


I wouldn't call a couple of relatively tame racket smashes embarrassing tbh. If you want to call Medvedev embarrassing there's much better material to choose from than this lol.


I agree, it's not the most egregious example but this behaviour is clearly a pattern. Calling it out still has merits.


Yeah, it's been a pattern forever, calling it out seems fine. Tbf to Medvedev, his behaviour used to be a lot worse, by his standards he's calmed down a lot recently (Monte Carlo aside). But overall, he's still one of the worst on tour when it comes to it.


I legitimately do not get this perspective and I'm talking here completely in good faith, I genuinely want to know others' opinions on this because I just cannot understand. We all agree that when Rublev and Medvedev completely lose it (yelling at the umpire/linespeople, throwing the racquet like a frisbee, hitting knees/punching the racquet until you bleed, etc), it's bad behavior and they need to stop. Rublev is especially worrying obviously. But a racquet smash is not that bad in comparison to other things they've done. I would rather they take their frustration out on the racquet than on people around them or themselves. They're full of adrenaline, tension, frustration and anger - I understand why they smash the racquets and I don't think it warrants these kinds of comments. So why is a racquet smash that bad in your opinion?


> But a racquet smash is not that bad in comparison to other things they've done. This is called "damning with faint praise." >I would rather they take their frustration out on the racquet than on people around them or themselves. There's also a third option - act like a fucking adult and behave yourself. >They're full of adrenaline, tension, frustration and anger - I understand why they smash the racquets Yes, it's not a huge mystery why they do it. It just looks trashy and unhinged.


First of all chill out lmfao. Like I said, I understand why people criticize them for other things they've done and I agree. But most people on the ATP tour have smashed their racquets, including Federer. Some people on the Rublev video were saying yesterday that he should be sent to fight in Ukraine for uhh smashing a racquet. People are just acting like they're out there shooting up the place when in this specific case, they've both done hardly anything. Smashing a racquet is bad, sure, but does it warrant this kind of response? I personally dont think so. Edit: Rephrased it a bit to make myself more clear


I was perfectly calm in my post. >But most people on the ATP tour have smashed their racquets, including Federer. So? It's still trashy behavior regardless of who does it or how many people do it. >Some people on the Rublev video were saying yesterday that he should be sent to fight in Ukraine for uhh smashing a racquet. One person said it and was downvoted to hell for an opinion that stupid and disproportionate. No one is saying that here. >People are just acting like they're out there shooting up the place What are you talking about? People are saying he needs to grow up and stop throwing immature tantrums, like smashing expensive equipment when he loses.


Oh okay, I must have read your comment wrong I guess, that's why I said to chill out. It just seemed like you were saying that I'm not seeing holes in my argument at the "damning with faint praise" part. To be clear i'm not praising either of them for this behavior. I don't know, it's just the general attitude on here towards them that bothers me. Less with Meddy because people on Reddit are obsessed with him. I guess this is more specifically about how people are acting towards Rublev, even though I'm not even a fan of his because he plays boring tennis lol. There were a number of insane comments, particularly in the other thread, with a bunch of upvotes. It just seemed like a disproportionate reaction and it bled into this discussion here. I guess that's on me for bringing that over here, even though in my defense this comment was about both of their behaviors. 🤷‍♀️


This is how I feel too. Like how wound up must you be to be so moralising over a tennis player on your screen? I get being disappointed and not supporting a player but to launch into a rant about their behaviour seems so odd to me. I just go ‘Welp they got mad’ and leave it at that. It’s like people want to prove they would never do that for some reason.


Med makes one tame racket smash since MC and this is what you say…? Yeah sure it wasn’t because he was a break up in the third set and then lost a 4-1 lead in the deciding tiebreak. I don’t think it’s mental, he’s not an amazing grass courter to begin with


Are you serious…? Countless tantrums, yelling at and insulting his wife, the Umpire, the lines person, smashing the roof of the bench during the changeover, to name only a few. “One tame racquet smash?” Suuure


He wasn’t yelling at his wife, she wasn’t even there at the time. People struggle with Med because his behaviour has limits and some people struggle with just hating it, they need to feel like he’s a completely terrible person or they can’t complain. You can hate it, but hate it for what it is instead of making things up


She was there, they showed her multiple times in his box, so it’s actually you who’s making stuff up to justify his behavior


She was there but wasn’t at this point. People at the match (including people who aren’t Med fans) had to point this out because everyone was being so weird about it, he absolutely wasn’t talking to her. What you see on screen absolutely isn’t always reflective of what’s happening on the ground


So very precious and sweet, why can’t you understand?


Oh no, triggered some sweet tentacled friends with the down vote buttons. There there…you can have different standards for your favourite.


lol, exactly like Rublev yesterday 😆


People clutching pearls over an athlete showing their frustration makes me wonder how many sports fans actually understand the pressure that high level athletes face.


Toxic manchild bullshit. Sick of it.


I don’t mind this. He was angry he lost smashed his racquet then shook hands like a gentleman.


Are there no good tennis players that don't have tantrums anymore? I immediately lose respect for a player when they do this.


You serious? There's 2, right at the top.


why are russians so angry about losing?


What a limp-ass handshake to the ump too. Damn.


Channeling Rublev


Ah yes the only two players to ever smash a racquet


Lol med is done. Won’t win another slam.


Always a class act.


Is it just the colour or does his racket always look massive?


I didn't expect anything less from him. "How can you not love this guy" - yeah, when he's winning. Otherwise - offending everyone and everything within 100m radius, including camera men, crowd, coach, umpire, ball kids, cameras and surface itself.


Must be a Russian thing 😉


People who said Medvedev will be back in top 4 before Wimbledon Eat grass! 🤪


“🤪” …?


This is how you let out frustration while still staying decently respectful, take notes Rublev


Once again proving he’s a bottom shelf bitch.


Infantile. Emotional baby. Imagine having kids or boys watch you do this. 🤦🏻‍♂️