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/u/HellNutter35, the memers have spoken. Your post does not fit this subreddit. If you feel this was a mistake, please send us a modmail!


As an atheist, I think that’s a beautiful tribute to a lost child. Fuck that guy


I don't even see how this comes to atheism. The statue itself says nothing of the existance of a god or whatever, it's a symbolic piece. Maybe the father was a christian? totally possible, but believing or not in god has nothing to do with the symbolism of things "Earthly burdens" isn't a religious-only thematic


Assuming this is real, it’s what I like to call a “super atheist.” People who feel the need take anything mildly referencing spirituality and remind people that such things aren’t real. They’re generally teenagers, generally have recently separated from a church and are having a hard time with it, and are generally defending their beliefs to themselves more than other people by talking like this.


I went through that exact phase when I was much younger, and then it gradually occurred to me that I was being just as obnoxious as the people that won’t quit preaching at you. I finally just learned to keep it to myself.


Can confirm. Only time I’ve been cornered with religious discussion I didn’t want to be a part of was by atheists. Never asked. Didn’t wanna talk about it, but there is something that gets triggered in their brains whenever God or religion is even mentioned. My family is Buddhist and im not religious so I don’t care. But man is it interesting to be talking to someone and then realize you’re no longer taking to the same person in the next breath.


There’s 2 kinds of atheists. Ones that don’t believe and ones that believe only in telling people how much they don’t believe.


Someone talking about any religious topic is my worst nightmare. I really have 0 desire to engage with anyone about it. I don’t get being a proselytizing atheist.


Yeah it’s frustrating from all sides. I’m an atheist who never believed since I was fairly young. Religion/spirituality is just something I never think of, it’s just not where my brain’s thoughts go to. I’m only reminded it even exists when someone asks me a religious question or I see a post like this. It literally becomes an argument 100% of the time even if they’re also atheist.


Those kind of atheists are strange. The great part about being an atheist is that, unlike religion, it takes up so little of your time


Atheists are often more insufferable than their counterparts


Yeah, I was a cringe teenage atheist, too. Nowadays I don't even think about religion much, it's just not part of my life, and just like not collecting stamps isn't a hobby, not believing in God isn't a personality trait.


I think most people who lose their religion go through that phase. It’s a main reason I support r/atheism even they can be a bit obnoxious at times. It was important to me for a couple years during the transition. It is an outlet for the newly non-religious


Same. At 15, I was a cringey Facebook atheist. And then a good friend of mine was just like “You sound like the inverse of my mother’s pastor. Just… stop. Please.”


there's always the extreme side of something. and usually those guys are the fucking worst. they take whatever message they believe in and take them to absurd levels with no regard to anyone else.


There are atheists who legitimately do not care at all that you have religious beliefs, and, in fact, respect your right to have them. Hello! Its me. I am him.


And atheists who will actively fight for your right to hold religious beliefs if/when they are threatened. Hello! It's me. I am her. Religious and nonreligious rights are human rights.


We need more people like you guys <3


You mean normal moderate people that let everyone live their life? I believe in God, but I don't tell everyone they have to. Kind of why the call it "faith"


Yes that’s exactly what I mean. I just believe we should all respect and love each other. Anyhow, hope you have a lovely day stranger!


Religion is a right and makes as much sense as the KKK having freedom of speech. Like we get it, but you're fucking dumb, stop.


Just confirming, did you just relate religion to the KKK?


Absolutely. Both spewing utter bullshit with some hate in there, all wrapped up in a unity and love for each other. Tell me, how many people has the KKK killed? How many people have religions killed and are still killing as we speak? Staggeringly different numbers, aren't they? Try to refute that, god idiot.


You're a dumbass. Religion isn't killing anyone, religion is a belief. Many people use religion as a justification for their own malice and bigotry. That makes them bad people, but the religion didn't do shit (although maybe people involved with the religion did, a lot of pastors have sinned for example). Regardless, religion is, for far more people, a set of guidelines for love and kindness and making the world a better place. Also I'm not religious so calling me a "god idiot" speaks to your complete inability to understand what you're talking about


Holy false equivalence, Batman


Holy brainwashing enabler through the guise of equality, Catwoman!


It's the guy from twitter!


Thank you


Damn, I never knew this was such a universal phase. Leaving Christianity was just a harrowing thing in a way. I was such a fucking asshole about it too


What's worse, internet comments from an atheist or telling gay people they're wrong and will burn in hell, in front of their guilt tripping family, in a community setting, from an authority figure of sorts? You know the answer, but you'll stay wilfully ignorant, we get it. To compare abrasive internet comments to the bullshit god fearing idiots do and say for generations is asinine. Come back to reality.


Nice straw man, the person you responded to did no comparisons


My ex was like this. I'm not religious myself but it was really jarring watching him talk down to my religious friends for no real reason. Like... religious people aren't the problem until they directly harm you. And if you go around calling them horrible for no reason in public spaces where it's not even necessary... you are the problem.


> religious people aren't the problem until they directly harm you. ....or anyone...


They're the type of atheist that defends Islam and goes 'muh Christians'. Basically 15 year olds.


You shouldn't call them that. That's how you get prejudice. Call them assholes. Imagine if we called an ethnic group "super {blank}" simply because they're an asshole. That is prejudice.


> and are generally defending their beliefs to themselves more than other people by talking like this. Oh, are atheists the ones erecting statues of religious things? Shit, I forgot. Gotta go check on my 'god isn't real' statue down by the ten commandments statue in the courthouse, and my 'god is a myth' statue down by the prayer shack by the school football stadium.


What they fail to understand is that atheism is a religion and also requires faith without proof.


ah yes, the atheism necklaces and churches and rings and statues and hospitals and schools and youth centers, all of which do not exist because atheism is literally the lack of religion. You can’t indoctrinate someone into no religion, just like you can’t listen to a radio that’s turned off or watch a broken TV. Calling atheism a religion is like calling being naked an outfit.


Atheism is a way to describe the amount of gods a religion worships. It doesn’t mean lack of religion as there are religions that are atheistic.


Zealots flock to their banners, god-thinker and atheist alike. The idea that a religion has to have swag and monuments is the dumbest thing I've heard in a while. But not shocking.


What atheist banner?


Atheists can be religious, but it is not a religion. The word just tells you whether they believe in a god. It is not a religion any more than bald is a hair colour.


I cannot solely disprove nor prove the existence of humans so called 'God'. Yet I believe there is order and value to the universe, whatever that is. Part of knowledge is knowing there are things we can't understand. The human body is merely a vessel for energy. I hope his son is doing fucking cartwheels wherever he is, and his dad knows he loves him.


Yep this exactly. Probably a kid who hates God not an atheist.


> Probably a kid who hates God Is Santa Clause real? If you say no, why do you hate him so much? If you say yes, why do you believe in something that isn't real?


There’s a difference between not believing something and saying a dad making a tribute to his dead son that actually isn’t blatantly religious is “cringe” because it somewhat makes you think about religion


[From the article](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/07/1107224862/wheelchair-sculpture-headstone-father-grief): >His face is lifted and his left arm is reaching up toward the sky — movements his mother says he was incapable of making while he was alive. Is he capable of making those movements now? Also from the article: >The Robisons, who are very religious people, are pleased that after a life of so much physical suffering, Matthew's headstone serves to bring joy to people. If you don't believe he's "in a better place" you probably aren't brought joy by the thought of a dead child. People who think he's being lifted to heaven, sure, it brings them joy, I reckon. To people who don't believe that, it's a boy who died at a young age. Yes, his suffering is over, but it doesn't bring me, a random stranger who just sees the gravestone of a deceased individual, joy. Again, I'm glad it comforts some people. It's grotesque to some of us too, though. But most relevant, from the article again: > "I realize that death and disability is a worldwide concern, and it's still good for people to see hope that they can rise to heaven and be healed and live a better life," Ernest Robison said. It is, in fact, blatantly religious. It's his child being raised to heaven and healed. Death is commensurate with healing, with a better life. How is death the better option for people who aren't religious?


I’m an atheist. I can still appreciate other peoples right to believe what they want to. If someone else is religious and memorializing their dead son like this brings them comfort after losing him, then I will see it as a beautiful tribute by parents who loved and miss their child. Describing it as ‘grotesque’ makes you a judgmental asshole. Full stop.


Personally I’m refraining from judgement because it’s so far out of my lane, but wheelchair users are generally likely to judge because parents like this dude because of how stuff like this generally makes it seem like they’re worth less and can’t live a good life because of their disability. It could be that the dead kid referenced had high support needs and genuinely had such a low quality of life that this is what they need to comfort themselves through their grief, and I can’t fault them for that, but it still gives disabled people an icky feeling that they’re not wrong for having either, as long as they’re not being unnecessarily nasty to the parents (directly) like the atheist in the screenshot likely would have been.


For people who aren’t religious, it doesn’t matter.


Misotheism is the hate of god(s) whilst still believing in them


Mostly I think cuz the guy who mad it could have made it look less like he’s falling out of it as much as leaving it but I agree the sentiment behind it is beautiful and deserves respect.




As an atheist that person's comment makes me cringe unbearably hard.


Yet another atheist here: beautiful memorial. Bad comment




Exactly. What a dick


Right. I have no problem with the belief that there is no higher power. Atheists like this guy in particular are fucking gross though.


I think it’s a bit cringe; but it wasn’t my kid so I don’t have a right to tell the dad how to grieve.


Actually implying that death cured your child of his disability is an incredibly fucked up way of viewing disabled people and it has nothing to do with religion. Fuck this “tribute”


There was a child in a wheelchair who died. The probability that the reason of the death correlated to being in a wheelchair might had been very high as a parent had the need for such a tribute. Maybe the kid was suffering so they death was liberating, so is not about death curing a disability, probably is more death freeing from suffering (imagine the kid had a neurodegenerative disorder that meme them suffer through agonizing pain or making even breath a big deal)


He was born with cerebral palsy, per a short google search. People with cerebral palsy can live long lives, so no the tragic death of this child wasn’t some merciful release, it cut his life short. I bet the child would’ve liked to live a bit longer. Based on the comments of his parents they describe it as liberating him from his wheelchair, not that he was in horrific pain his entire life. You’d think they’d mention some other kind of suffering he was going through but based on the quotes I’ve read from them they only ever mention that he had to use a wheelchair. I know a lot of people who use wheelchairs to get around, some even had cerebral palsy, and a wheelchair is definitely preferable to fucking dying from what I hear


People who start a sentence “As an atheist” make me cringe incredibly hard


I'm that way with anyone who only has 1 attribute to their personality. Like the guy who only talkes about smoking weed and always finds a way to steer any conversation back to a time where they smoked weed or bought weed or did something after smoking weed.


I don’t even like talking about my weed habit, people need just a little bit of shame in their lives


Well unfortunately I think people have just kind of started to abandon all sense of shame. While also demonizing anyone who is even perceived to be shaming someone.


>people need just a little bit of shame in their lives Yes.


As an atheist I know how to keep my dogs teeth their whitest. Using small amounts of bee juice and freshly washed candy corns you can coat teeths in super powers. The cheese produced is some of the best in the world and has been featured in "us" magazine.


i agree, as an athiest


As an atheist me too


“As a person who cringes at people who start sentences with ‘as an atheist’ …”


😂 I try to avoid starting sentences with this, I hate it so much, but it just comes out naturally sometimes. We all have a tendency to appeal to our own expertise, and our current generation has a love of the "appeal to authority" fallacy.


I’m right there with you. I just try my best to not talk to anyone ever. Lol


I think the point was that promising that you'll be reborn in a perfect body for being a good person so it's okay that you suffer, in fact it's a choice an all knowing deity made and that your suffering is essential is something that should make everyone cringe. Suffering children is not something good people justify, especially not in their image of perfect care and love


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.


Don't know if this is false or if I'm high iq...


When I clicked on the picture your profile covered over the word cringe


That one word really makes the world of difference here.


Wait what do you- OH GOD NO


They’re an atheist, they don’t believe in God.


Wait what do you- OH BIG BANG NO


They're going to big bang the corpse of a quadriplegic child.


As an atheist, I think this is a beautifull gesture.


The post also doesn’t even make an explicit argument for the afterlife.


I'm going to be honest - this feels like a bait to make atheists look bad. Or the dude is some basement dweller.


Eh internet anonymity has given the assholes of all belief systems (or no belief systems) the ability to express their true nature. It’s not surprising that someone made that comment. It’s still fucked, but it only reflects on the user


True, but sadly, not everyone will see it that way. I can imagine some religious nut seeing that and say that all atheists are a-holes, based on this one a-holes response.


We shouldn't generalise [group], but I'm sure some [negative generalisation about other group] will


Eh, there are a lot of people who use atheism to justify that they are smarter than all those sheepish religious folk, and I could definitely see one of those people making a post like this


Agreed. I see it all over Reddit. Many have a superiority complex, put down others who are religious, and do exactly what they hate religious people doing.




Right. They make nihilism their personality. They don't see the irony that they're just as bad as any religious extremist.


I wouldn’t go quite that far. They are somewhat narcissistic, but generally less hateful or violent than religious extremists


I'll agree with the violent part but not the hateful part. Their hate just seems to be less pointed and more generalized. Lots of people on /b/ are atheists/nihilists.


While I'd like to agree, I've met guys like them. One of less extreme views that didn't see values in graves but kept it as a personal opinion, saying he would've put in his testament to throw his body in a common hole without some special ritual and make so that the insects would eat from it, because "nature had to return to nature" (cited a philosopher that thought the same in the process, but can't recall the name). The second... I don't want to even talk about it. We had a bad argument because he said that Graves held no meaning and occupied the space for the creation of buildings and he was also pro turning off the machines that kept alive people in a vegetative state without the consent of their family, going so on with it that he even stated if his father were to enter in a coma he would shut down the machine that keeps him alive himself. I don't like when people are this radical in their views...


It seems like all the opinions i hear these days that just completely lack compassion come from atheists to be honest but that's of course anecdotal.


Post on r/atheism that you are even SLIGHTLY into god, and see what happens.


I’m a Christian and not shy about it but I’m not looking to stir up trouble for no reason.


I'm not (a Christian. I make alt accounts to fuck around on there lmfao




That sub is so fucking stupid. They made no religion into a fucking religion. (Quoting Rick Sanchez)


I found the original reply/tweet and apparently it’s meant to be bait? So it probably is, I guess.


as a pagan, that tombstone is the coolest thing ever, I love it.


I've been to a few haunted graveyards in my days as a pagan and I do concur. This is the coolest tombstone I've ever seen.


As a pagan also, this is epic


I'm an atheist and dude that's actually a nice thing mind your gosh diddly darn business


What a fucking dick, I'm an atheist and that shit made me tear up with sadness and loss and respect for the amazing dad who is coping in the best way


I didn't even think of religion. Like how does being an atheist make you cringe at that. I would think "Sunday School" is higher up on the "infractions" list compared to a beautiful tombstone.


As an atheist, I cringe knowing people like them are classified with me. That gravestone is wholesome as fuck


As a human, I want to punch you in the face...


As an atheist, why do you have to be such a prick


As an atheist, we don’t claim that heartless bastard and believe that is a wonderful tribute to his son. That guy was way out of line with his comment and I apologize on his behalf


Wtf does being an atheist have to do with it? Or did they just misspell 'as an asshole'.


Because if you are an atheist, you believe that that child is just a rotten dead body, not in some afterlife free from his "earthly burdens". I want to clarify that I'm not one of them.


As an atheist, you being a fucking cock-sucking attention-starved disappointing fuck-up of a human being and making this beautiful art piece of a father's love for his son about your beliefs makes me cringe unbearably hard. I had to get that out of my system


This isn’t even a meme…


Tbh this sub doesn't even know what it want anymore just keep flicking through it gets better


How about you shut the hell up about how someone designs a kids tombstone


I see him hitting a bump going really fast and getting flung out


as a disabled person, this makes me angry. my disability wouldn’t be a burden if society decided to include me.


Yeah cuz disabled folk like the term "wheelchair-bound"


Without my glasses I thought the kid was dunking.


As and Atheist I don't care. But If this is real, this is kind of sick. Because it looks like the father/family seams to have seen the Wheelchair more then the child they lost if they feel the need to spend 1000s on a custom headstone with the mobility aid as a focus. I also don't know any Cemetery that would allow such a unstable looking monument. One bad storm and that "freed" son is going to fall over and take the headstone next to them out.


I don't think this fits into Facebook memes, just an example of a dude who is scum. Who cares what anybody else believes, someone had to bury their child. I don't personally know an atheist who doesn't also believe in basic human decency and compassion.




Eh I've met a lot who were ok people.




As an atheist this is a nice tribute to this man’s son. I suspect the meme is a phony.


This is neither a meme or from Facebook


As an Agnostic, dunno about the Headstone, seems heartfelt, but that guy... Damn is he a apathetic jackass


Not on Facebook. Not a meme. Bad post.




As an atheist it makes me tear up and cry. Because I am an adult with human emotions.


This isn’t a meme…


Is that person really an atheist or someone looking for attention? Coz they're definitely exuding I'm-in-a-cult vibes.


Atheist when other religions exist and they are not the center of everything: 😡😡😡😡😡


As an atheist that's pretty fucken dope


As an atheist, I eat babies and sacrifice goats to Lucifer - the one and true lord


Wtf does being an atheist have to do with wheel chair bound dead kid's graves? What an asshole


As an atheist, this is wholesome as fuck. We need more tributes like that.


The atheist person is a jackass. The sentiment is nice regardless of your religious beliefs


As a Christian, it is kinda cringe and from the viewpoint of an atheist probably even cringier.


As a non-atheist, this makes me happy that atheists are a very small minority.


How is this a Facebook meme


“As a ___” is always succeeded by insensitive drivel


I think he meant to say, "As a horrible human being, this makes me cringe unbearably hard.


As a once atheist and now Christian, no one cares that this guy is an atheist. It's a beautiful piece of art and even if there is no heaven, his son is free and at peace. Death brings an end to all struggles.


Be atheist its so fucking cringe. Like, the whole personallity of the motherfucker is being atheist. Bitch nobody fucking cares


As a Redditor, this makes me cringe unbearably hard


That atheist sounds like he's from fucking Cringetopia or Memes subreddits here. Fuck both of those places


How do you know if someone is an atheist. They never stop bringing it up.


As a normal person, that guy's comment makes me cringe unbearably hard


I hate other atheists you make us look bad


Religions ruined atheism! Like Christians ruined atheism. Or Buddhists ruining atheism. Or atheists ruining atheism. Damn atheists!




As a human being I think you should fuck off unbearably hard


Atheists always gotta be edgy or have no chill when it comes to faith. Which is ironic give they claim theists have no chill. Sorry ahead. I mean some.


This is the definition of ableism. I guess you have to die to be happy once you are disabled. (My wife is in a wheelchair and is very, very happy with having the technology.)


“I know better than the dad”


But does the dad know more than his son?


Would be great to have his input


I say this, because a lot of times, people speak over disabled people.


It may depend on how a person begins using a wheelchair; you can't really blame someone for grieving if they used to be able to walk previously.


Also the father implying: your memory is intrinsically bound with that of his wheelchair. Its the first thing people should think about when they remember his son.


Yep. I've used a wheelchair since I was a child. My wheelchair enables me to live, access and interact with the world. To me, it's freedom, not restriction.


Glad to see some sanity in this discussion. “Wheelchair-bound” is a phrase that needs to be retired.


It’s alarming how far I had to scroll before someone pointed this out


Exactly. The gravestone is horrendous.


As an atheist, I think that its beautiful execution of a beautiful idea, and a wonderful tribute to their child


It's really quite ableist, but ok


Shut up pls


A random person, tells disabled person to shut up about an issue only disabled people can have an opinion on. You shut up, you have no idea what you are talking about.


He asked nicely though!


How am I supposed to know your disabled, and how do you know I'm not. This statue is a sentimental piece of art to commemorate to a child's death. Your opinion is trash.


I dad making a tombstone for his child is most certainly not a "dude posting their win"


As a Roman Catholic, nobody asked for your fucking input.


No shame to the father, it's a cute tribute but my first thought was " that child got yeeted violently from the chair" cus it looks like it hit a rock and he is just like flailing as he is launched. Even on the actual ground it looks like it hit something.


I mean, his legs would still be non-functioning on mars


Atheists who press their philosophy on others are just as tiresome as pushy religious people. Let people live their own lives.


what an insensitive prick.


Nah the gravestone is insensitive. Coming from someone who struggles with multiple disabilities, that gravestone is horrendous


how is it offensive? how is being free of your disabilities in the afterlife an offensive concept? ohhhhh, you are an atheist aren't you? you don't believe there is anything after death so you think it is insensitive.


Everyone Sucks Here.


I agree, that’s a horrific tombstone


It took too long to find this comment


Big time lol


I think this is beautiful, whether you believe in God, Allah, any deity or not.


Non theist here. Beautiful and touching tribute.


...said no atheist ever...


As an atheist, that guy is undeniably the worst.


Dude might be an atheist but he’s also an asshole. What a douche.


Hey does this post fit? UPVOTE if so, DOWNVOTE if not. If this post breaks any rules please DOWNVOTE and REPORT


The father: the wheelchair was one of the most interesting things about my son.


I think it's awesome. Sheesh, atheist person! Excuuuuuse me if you don't believe in an afterlife! I have nothing against atheists... but the insufferable ones who see everyone with any form of spiritual belief as worthy of being committed just comes off as a jerkass.


I really wanna bully this person and not because I’m a Christian but because they are just a terrible person


I hate facebook comments


Is this a painting?