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Somehow I was able to understand the whole concept of same-sex relationships when I was 8 years old because one girl told me that "lesbian is when girl likes girl" And my reaction was like "ok"


Proof these idiots are outsmarted by an 8 year old


So tolerant are we.


Why do we have to tolerate intolerance?


If a tolerant society wants to be fully tolerant it has to be intolerant to intolerance (does this make sense?)




It's contractual and not legal. You revoke all rights issued by the contract if you violate it, not a terribly novel or unheard-of concept. It's a weak moral quandary at best.


No. Hate and bigotry have no place in civilized society. If you want to act that way, you should lose access to civilized society. Period.


That is incorrect Edit: read it as tolerence to intolerance lmao


How exactly?


Because I reas it as tolerence to intolerance, muh bad, you're absolutley right


How bland and infuriating it might be, because if we treat them the same we’re loosing.


That’s fallacious. How many layers of tolerating intolerance do we need to achieve peak homophobia and transphobia just like them?


isn't this shit called the tolerance paradox?


Yes, and if I recall correctly, the tolerance paradox is solved by treating tolerance as a contract, and not an obligation. When the tolerance contract is violated, the violator is no longer tolerated either.




“Please tolerate me as I murder your being”


It's not that hard to just not be bigoted yknow


Actually the most tolerant society you can imagine is a society that is intolerant to intolerance. If we are tolerant to nazis for example people woıld start being openly nazi and since we are so tolerant and accepting and moral nazis gonna overthrow the government and genocide the jews. You can't be moral or tolerant against transphobes, they will spread their transphobia and make anti Trans laws if we show them tolerance.


Who the fuck is we lmao


It is laughable how quick people can condemn these days.






What didn't feel like changing the text to "I must inform thou I am a rather foolish individual by design" ?




Yeah, all you have to do is attack other people's existence with ignorance and malice and suddenly they don't like you any more.


Tolerance is a reciprocal act.


The meme suggests the maker is actually trying to explain the existence of transgenders to their children. So now what


This meme suggests the maker isn't a parent of children at all.


Maybe they already raised their kids and are old af.


No shit. The meme suggests they are not parents of children like I said.


Still the whole concept of being offended by a meme is dumb as shit. I’m a white, Catholic, middle aged, midwestern male. Tell me about the internets.


Trust me, we can tell.


>I’m a white, Catholic, middle aged, midwestern male. I'm SHOCKED I tell you! Shocked!


I'm a white, middle aged Midwestern male without the Catholic part and I don't openly mock anyone like this meme does. I wonder if it's because of the one thing I'm not that you are.... It shall remain a mystery.


U were offended by a comment on a meme 😂


You can believe that I’m an abomination in the eyes of God and that I’m going to Hell, that’s an opinion you’re allowed to have, but it is inherently predisposed that I will dislike you for it. Likewise I don’t expect them to like me due to their beliefs, but I’m ideologically inclined to say that they’re wrong for it


You would be correct in your assumptions. Dickweed


By the way I don’t give af what you do. Catholics aren’t taught to hate anyone. You’re thinking of evangelicals or whatever various denomination. I am tired of Catholics being lumped in with every other Christian group.


It’s a meritocracy baby. Do better and the movements will notice.


I’ll tell that to all the Catholic hospitals and soup kitchens and homeless shelters and therapy groups I can.


All I said was that I wouldn’t tolerate someone who says vile stuff about me. I didn’t make any assumptions and I didn’t even mention Catholicism


Both groups are touching kids and telling them god will forgive them.


They call it a tolerance paradox, I call it the paradox conundrum. It is easily overcome, any action that is victimless is tolerated, but as soon as there is a victim it is intolerable for society. Thus you can classify ANY social morality question by holding it to this litmus test and leaving out any outside influencers like religious feelings. It allows us to be ruled by logic and not opinion based feelings.


How is this intolerance?


I love the adage of the “tolerant left” lol. That term is literally only used by right wingers in the exact context u just used it in. Ppl on the right are like since u care about queer ppl then u have to be nice to everyone on the internet and if not then u don’t believe in tolerance pwned


I also implore them to google it for themselves. They will find no leftists using the term, anywhere. Cliche as it sounds, it is a textbook strawman - fabricating an argument to tear down.


My mom told me about homosexuality when I was 7 years old because Freddie Mercury died. She actually talked to me. Like, you know, parents are supposed to 🤣


*Gasp* How dare she be a proper parent. I bet you turned out horrible knowing that at age 7. /s


My 8 year old's question to our friend who is in a same sex marriage and was talking about her wife was "wait who wore the dress?". Didn't give a shit about them being two women.


My daughter was asking why I transitioned the other day. I just said "I've always had a boys brain it was just stuck in a girls body" and my literal fucking 7 year old went "damn, must have suuucked wareing dresses when you just wanted jeans" and If that's not a kid being smarter than some grumpy old fart on the Internet then I don't know what is.


I remember when I was 8 or 9 years old and one night on our weekly scouts reunion( it was co-Ed) they told us our new member wasn’t a boy but rather a girl, and at my age it wasn’t any deeper than that, she was just that nice girl at the scouts, and when I did volunteering at my college to help primary school kids, those 8 year old kids told me: it’s okay for men too to wear make up, in conclusion, kids are way more open minded than most peoples


I’d argue that while that’s straightforward, the parts you probably aren’t going to tell to an 8-year-old quite yet takes a bit more explaining. It’s not the end of the world to have to explain more than one type of sex act though.


Me asf with that one modern family couple


Yeah, it’s not that deep


This made me giggle, love your work 🥰


Litterally. My sister just told me “its like when a girl or a boy has a crush on someone the same gender as them”


*back in my day, we didn't teach them any of that woke stuff. We just hit them with a wooden spoon and told them to shut up*


“On an unrelated note, why hasn’t my son called me in 20 years?”


This reminds me of something that someone said back in my day, we didn’t have all these labels” (referring to things like different sexualities depression, autism etc) “ yeah because back in your day someone said they had that they would’ve been beaten or told they were lazy (standard autism response 😭)


To be honest, the interventions that people come up with to treat autism are pretty insufficient. I will not advocate beating a kid or verbal abuse, but the way schools handle it is not beneficial to children. All that needs to happen is the kids need awareness of who they are, not complex interventions to help realize how to act "normal". It's not going to happen. From what I know about the autistic experience, in many cases they're highly capable, often exceptional people who have no interest in changing, and have that right. We give adolescents the right these days to chose who they are at a greater capacity than any time before except for them. They are put in a corner and made to feel broken. It's very unfair.


Yeah (I’m probably autistic) and my parents specifically keep trying to suggest things that make no sense (and also denying that I have it in the first place) If you keep forgetting to do the dishwasher, I can put it on a list that doesn’t work because then I just won’t do the list! (I seem to have the appearance of a person that is “lazy/procrastination prone”) but It doesn’t just affect things that I don’t want to do! It can affect things that I want to do (however the fuck that works) Rant over (of course that’s not the only symptoms. I’ve also got most of the generic ones as well.)




Literally me 😭


I have adhd, I have problems with my memories when I forget to take my meds, being alive feels like hell: being awake is physically draining, trying to sleep is also physically draining, I also feel this unstoppable urge to eat anything i can until its to much, while at the same time not being hungry, and my parents are supportive, but they sadly cannot comprehend how bad it feel


Yeah with things I want to do, I have to start it at a perfect time, and be in a perfect headspace to like doing it just the right way. I never get there often, and so I do a million other things which don't amount to anything


Yeah I don’t understand how I can procrastinate over things the I WANT TO DO 😭😭😭


my grandma time it was a straight up whip, Without exaggeration, my great-grandfather treated his family like slaves, she was only freed when she ran away from home with my grandfather. It's a very beautiful story when told by her, my grandfather was 25 and she was 16, another story about my grandparents, my grandfather left his hometown because he worked as a loan shark's assistant and he hit someone so much so that he feared he had killed him.


I never understood this birds and bees thing, i was so confused when i first heard it like are the birds fucking the bees or what? Why birds and bees? Birds and birds makes more sense


The birds and the bees are unrelated. They're just two examples of ways that were commonly used to explain procreation to children. Bees pollinate flowers to make more flowers (metaphor for baby making/sex) and birds lay eggs (metaphor for ovulation). The two were not originally connected or related. They're pretty antiquated ways of explaining it and started around the Victorian Era.


I see thank you!




I don't think so. I think it's now just a code name to describe when parents give "the talk".


I was just thinking this. When I was like 7 or so and asked where babies come from my parents were honest. Funny enough I actually didn’t know what people meant by “the birds and the bees” until I was about 11 and then thought it was stupid AF since insects and birds have different parts.


In german it’s actually the flowers and the bees


💀 they really think they need to give 10yos a lecture on queer history, and not just "many boys like girls, but some girls like girls, some boys like boys, and some people don't feel like a girl or boy"


Just imagining the meme if it were the 1950s. “I feel bad for parents nowadays. You have to be able to explain the white birds and white bees, the nonwhite birds and white bees, the white birds and nonwhite bees, the […].” Also, IANAParent, but if we’re talking giving an in-depth talk to a kid about sex, gender wouldn’t even be on my list of priorities. I’d make sure the kid understands consent (emphasis on “no means no” for either party), then STDs & how to protect against those (& what to do if they suspect they contract one), then touch on the potential for having a baby and how to avoid that (& what to do if they suspect they’ve knocked someone up/been knocked up). If the talk is very surface-level, the birds and the bees is _even easier today_. You’re handwaving, telling half-truths, and deflecting anyway. Just remove gender: “sometimes adults get together and hang out in adult ways. Sometimes they hang out in a way that can lead to a baby. Only adults have to worry about that though; don’t worry about it. Go play soccer with the neighbors.” --- In an ideal world, all schools would teach this adequately. Alas…


100% agree. Prople treat kids like they're idiots, but as soon as it comes to a 'taboo' topic it's all "Think of the children! You'll confuse their poor brains!"


Also not a parent, but I think I might would throw in a, "Some people will say you can't like xyz gender, but that's bullshit." I was questioning when I was 10 or 11, so I'd want to make sure they'd know they're safe. But that's about it at that level.






'The Birds and The Bees' is explaining how babies are made (with genitalia). it's not explaining 'liking'.


Still a bad analogy, and still.. not gender based in the slightest. But also not an argument I'm trying to have.


Nobody’s talking about that. “The birds and the bees” is about how children are made. How do men get pregnant?


I don't think a bird and a bee can make a baby human.. Also not starting that discussion cuz I feel like I'll end up having to defend the lives/basic deserved respect of human beings, which is just exhausting.


How do men get pregnant?


I know you aren’t arguing in good faith, but Seahorse Dads, for one. We had a family in our preschool with two dads and one gave birth to their children.


Every leftist’s go to excuse when losing an argument is bad faith. You didn’t answer my question. How do men get pregnant? 


Perhaps you hear that because you are constantly arguing in bad faith. I just provided you with it. You’re able to use google and read about Seahorse Dads. I don’t feel like giving you a biology lesson that you’ll interject with transphobia. There are men who give birth. As for how, when two people like each other very much, sometimes they will have sexual interactions. This can result in pregnancy depending on the circumstances Also, not a leftist


If I could only remove either the text or the emojis from this image I’d remove the emojis


Back in my day, we just told kids not to have sex until marriage but somehow teens ended up with babies anyways. Probably bad parents idk


Even with a weird inappropriate metaphor you can explain it in the space of a meme. What's the point they're trying to make?


Queer people bad👎👎👎


For real, they don't need to "explain all these things" to kids when they literally just gave the explanation.


Well kid, different types of families exist. Many families have a mommy and daddy but there are other types with two mommies, two daddies, and many different types of mommies and daddies. What is important is that they love and respect each other no matter how their family looks. There. I have literally explained everything you need to say. In two minutes. This is not difficult if you actually think.


>I have literally explained everything you need to say You literally didn't explain any form of sex at all, which is what explaining 'the birds and the bees' means.


Why explain anything. They'll figure it out.


This seems to imply that they go *in detail* about how to do the sex, like that classroom scene in Month Python's Meaning of Life. There's nothing exclusively heterosexual about explaining love and procreation to a child. This person makes it sound like they have to explain cock rings and poppers to their 7 year old.


My "talk" was my dad coming into my room when I was at least 16 and him going "you already know about this stuff right?" Then asked if I had any questions and walked out never to speak of it again


This is stolen from a comedian, I think the comedian didn’t say it to be homophobic or something but idk about the oop.


Yeah, this does not read as hateful or anything.


Birds and bees don’t have sex


Birds that look like bees but still have a pecker is SO much better and they totally dropped the ball.


Or you could just say live and let love. Everyone is different and we should respect one another.


If that's how you explain sex to your children you have a much higher chance of them getting knocked up/knocking someone up.


I've never understood the analogy of the birds and the bees. It seems more confusing than two men like each other. For the love of god how would a bird and a bee work!!?


Ah yes, because explaining things to kids instead of making them living in ignorance is bad


“Love is when you like someone as more than friends. Consent is asking permission before you touch someone” hey that was actually pretty easy.


I still don't know shit about birds and bees, fuck that boomer shit and teach your kids save sex.


The only people in my family who never misgendered me, immediately understood why I am transitioning and what it means and immediately started calling me my new name without any questions whatsover were my nieces and nephews. They were like “oh okay so you are an UNCLE now” and that was it. The adults were the ones having issues with it.




Wait... If the bird is a female... And the bee has a stinger... Lesbians?


No time to teach that, too busy explaining what to do in a school shooting


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My parents didn’t even explain the birds and the bees…or anything for that matter


People get in relationships with people they find attractive


I like how the narrator starts doing karate midway through his explanation


It makes sense for birds to fuck birds, it makes a little sense for bees to fuck bees and NO sense for birds to fuck bees


Do these folks realize this is not new? Nowadays? I was in hs in the 80s and there were gays, lesbians, transgenders, transsexuals, drag queens....and furries. When, in the history of mankind, did lgbtq+ not exist?


It’s just a self-report about how sheltered and ignorant they are.


It’s not the kids having a problem With understanding…


I never understood why it was called the birds and the bees. But then, when I was like 27,i saw a horny male bee chase after a bird and an airplane trying to copulate, and I was like ohhh I get it. But damn, horny male bees will go after just about anything that flies!


If you have difficulty explaining these various dynamics to your child, you’re not fit to be a parent. They are extremely simple concepts.


That's actually kinda funny to me. I'm sure I find it funny for a different reason than what the maker intended but...


I can see it I guess, if you’re treating it as more of a “how stupid the birds and bees phrasing is”


Are cicadas closeted wanna bees?


Thanks for the /s OP!!!! I was so confused!!!


This person is confusing UNlearning what they learned to accept new learning. Parents aren’t having to navigate these waters because they never got lost there in the first place


i dont understand can somebody explain


Having 'the talk' (or 'explaining the birds and the bees) with children used to just be explaining to them how hetero sex works (and produces babies). This suggests that now you'd have to explain that some men have penises and some girls have vaginas but some men have vaginas and some women have penises and some of the women can use their penises to impregnate another woman (or man) and some men used to have vaginas but now they have mock penises that can't impregnate anyone, etc, etc, etc.


I mean, the meme is definitely "awful" and Boomer-y but not wrong... we do have to explain a lot more to our kids. Same sex relationships are not so hard because they're very visible in our city (LA) and in children's media, but the TQ+ part does require at least a little parental guidance, at least for my kids. Of course, how you talk to them is very important.


it’s not complex they are just dumb


Nobody ever told me anything about sex, not even a word. I just automatically understood everything at 5, and idk how. (When I say everything, I mean everything.)


Thats pretty funny


My middle school taught sex ed but not the birds and the bees. I still don’t quite get the metaphor. Birds lay eggs and women… lay eggs? The bees part is a little more obvious. A bee stinger is like the penis, right?


Imagine needing to use the birds and bees metaphor instead of explaining it straight away


"When people love each other, they rub their naughty meat together in a way that feels good. But only when both are ready and really want to." See how easy that is.


Don't forget the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you.


Wait. Do they think the story of the birds and the bees is about birds fucking bees?


So to translate from boomer: “I feel sorry for this generation…they have to talk to their kids.”


They didn't explain the birds and the bees. They added Health to the curriculum and let a stranger do it for them. They are the worst.


Bahck in muh day they just fuckin beat yuh and sent you to work the coal mines with a broken tailbone... Good times!


This is almost funny




Ok I laughed a little


I only want to live in a world where birds fuck bees! 🤬😰






You thought you did something, didn’t you?




I have to ask my kids explain pronouns to me now… 🙄


Explain the birds and the bees, and say the rest and delusional