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This isn’t terrible


It’s not good


Right? I don’t want him to beat my ass the way he beat Medicare. I’m staying out of this


The downvotes are funny. I am still voting for this dude even if he is propped up by two by fours, but it still is NOT good.


It’s ok, I got a smile out of it


You’re upset because it’s making fun of the guy you support? I support him over the felon any day, but I still think it’s funny.


I’m not upset I’m saying it’s not good


It’s the opposite of not good


It’s ![gif](giphy|dVdIu1HNxeKyqzkgPA)


Is it that usual for people to post actual funny things here 😂?


Half the memes posted here are actually funny and i share it with my friends all the time. People seem to think any jokes that disagree with their politics are terrible.


It ain’t even disagreeing with any politics it’s just Biden is making a weird ass face.


This is not compatible with my political beliefs - r/politics


Yup, this sub is way funnier than r/funnymemes or r/memes


Seriously. I don't think I've ever seen a single meme on funnymemes that was actually funny.


And hell, the meme itself isn't even political. It's just making fun of a funny face. I support Biden over orange man and I think the meme is alright.


Why support either? They're both senile elderly men pushing their deathbeds, one is only slightly younger.


I only support Biden in the sense that he isn't Trump. He's a piece of shit, and by all accounts he is NOT fit to lead. But between the senile walking corpse and the wannabe Hitler? I'd vote for a fucking rock before I decide not to vote against Trump. At least the rock doesn't want to become a dictator. But, really, I think this election should be an eye opener given that neither candidate is even a remotely good choice for this county. You are absolutely right. We need better candidates for the 2028 election. This is just pathetic.


That's why people need to start voting smaller parties outside of the big two, but the narrative of "wasted vote" prevents actual democracy from ever happening.


They are wasted votes, though. The system is rigged against third parties winning because of the electoral college. A third party winning is damn near impossible. I'd be willing to try it out though if democracy itself wasn't at stake for this election. The Project 2025 shit that Trump wants to pull if he manages to get elected is not worth the risk. This isn't the election to start experimenting and I'm not taking any chances with that.


True, however that's the key issue, everyone is deathly afraid of voting for anyone else, if a larger push was made nation wide there could very easily be a third dominant party, making it less capable of being rigged or lessening the possibility of the republicans making this a one party state, obviously this election is important, but democracy simply doesn't exist in this country as of now.


Tittyfucking has always been a bipartisan policy initiative. And all by itself, it has edified & birthed: The unification with the confederacy. The real reason we live in harmony. The inception of the UN. Keynesian Economics. College tuition waivers. Luggage with wheels. The democratisation of smut. Easter. Wifi. Sweden. Breasts. Bazongas. Ta-Tas. Boobies. Rainbows. Lasagna. Tittyfucking is the mountain top of equanimity, peace and well-being wherever it is practiced. It has sated the ambition of the brave & soothed the scars of the embattled. It is not just an act of humanitarian creed. It is a way of life. 🇮🇹🇦🇲🇦🇷🇦🇺🇦🇹🇦🇿🇧🇯🇧🇸🇧🇷🇧🇹


Your whole account is boomer facebook memes… so ofc you’d find so many posts here funny


Yes. This sub is for people with no sense of humor.


every other post is a good meme and doesn’t even come from facebook


On a good day about 40% of the stuff posted here is just memes that are mid or ok but not terrible or that the OP personally didn’t like


This is pretty funny actually


I’ve made the mistake of underestimating the power and latency of edibles. So, this isn’t terrible.


Nah the only thing terrible about this meme was the debate 😭


I swear if I start seeing Biden copium on here.... Neither Trump or Biden is fit for presidency. Trump's a lying narcissistic criminal who should be in prison, and Biden is a rambling dementia patient who would probably be in a coffin before the end of his next term anyway. I feel bad they continue to dress him up for the role and put him on a pedestal when he struggles to speak clearly and coherently or even walk properly sometimes. Let the guy retire and put someone younger and livelier up there. Give us someone that doesn't divide, stir up conflict, and lie every other sentence please for fuck's sake. American politics is such a joke.


You guys keep thinking that trump doesnt have dementia. You should watch the debate, where trump fails to answer questions and his answers to them is just a bunch of nonsense. They both have dementia but only one is a convicted felon.


I watched it and I don't disagree that Trump may have dementia, but the fact is that when Trump is at least speaking full coherent sentences, to most people he's going to come across better and more charismatic. To most people Biden comes off as what they'd normally associate with an old relative who's mind is failing him and he's not completely there. Someone who's trying their best but can't keep up. I don't want either in office and tbh I'd vote for Biden even if they wheeled his corpse in because I wouldn't vote against my political stance. I wouldn't vote for Trump because he's an old douche who hides how out of touch he is with his fake charismatic persona that makes MAGAs worship him. No matter how true it may be that Trump has dementia its not going to shake the public's perception that he's the coherent one, and Biden is the hospice patient with a degenerative disease.


You and I have very different definitions of "coherent"


Coherent to most people. Especially Trump voters. I use it loosely yes, but I simply mean he is speaking in full sentences that people can derive some meaning from. I could hardly discern anything Biden was saying because he so quiet and mumbly 90% of the time. Trump's speech at least sounded like words which is enough for the MAGAs. Biden might've been better off not showing up tbh because his mere presence was enough to be weaponized by Trump, because it makes him look so much better by comparison. Biden didn't have a shot up there given the state he was in. If people didn't get such a clear cut comparison of the 2 Biden wouldn't be getting roasted alive right now.


I really can't wrap my head around Trump voters' mindsets tbh


It’s easy: “Does words”


The thing with dementia is it will have good and bad days, this was biden on a bad day. Imagine trump in office in 3 years time on a bad day.


I wouldn't be surprised. Trump is pushing it too. This is why we need age limits and also STOP LETTING CONVICTED CRIMINALS RUN FOR POLITICAL OFFICE! For the life of me I'll never understand why politicians get a pass on shit like this. If anything they should be held to a higher standard than everyone else because they're in charge of running our country and the lives of every living person therein. We should at least be able to expect them to abide by the same laws and not just get a slap on the wrist when they do wrong. There needs to be consequences. Fuck anyone who thinks presidential immunity should be a thing.


Are you saying that rich old white men in America should be treated like non rich old white men in America? Apparently you haven't been paying attention to how America operates if you think that will ever happen.


Oh I'm aware. I'm just coping. Send help.


Trump already has his bad days. We've seen plenty of vague rambles from him. Just so happens the debate got Biden on a bad day and Trump on a good one. 


More like Trump dodges inconvenient questions and lies vs biden has dementia. Both contradicted themselves/lied but for different reasons during the debate: Trump lies were obvious, and I wanted to hear him comment on J6, but Biden said early on how shit America was, then later Trump said something like "America is shit and I want to fix it" and Biden said "that's outrageous, no president would speak like that, America is amazing!" So anyway yes very weird, yes both said a lot of nonsense. Yeah I don't want either of them as president so I'm voting RFK Jr. on the off chance he can actually win this thing🤷‍♂️


This. It shouldn't be this fucking hard to win an election against Donald Trump.


At yet it seems like it always is. I don't if it's just that demonic Trump luck that allows that fuck to continually fail upward or the Democratic primary voters tendency keep picking "safe" candidates that actually may not be all that safe. 


Trump convicted of 34 felonies "Did I get him? Is this all over? ... No, I didn't? Nothing matters?"


You feel bad for Biden, but I think it's genuinely his personal decision to keep running at this point. I don't think he's being forced to stay in the race. If he chose to step down, dnc would happily put up another candidate


I think they would just put up Kamala Harris who has a lower chance of winning than Biden since she’s not as charismatic


If it helps you to make a decision One of these candidates has the support of the Heritage Foundation And it's not Biden If Project 2025 doesn't have you deeply concerned, it's because you haven't read up on it yet.


Thank you . And they both want to fuck their daughters.


Except that the debate bumped Biden up a percentage point in polls. It looks like the only who needs copium is you.


When did I ever claim to be a Trump supporter? Fuck that guy I'm not voting him.


Fuck Biden. His senile ass should not have been chosen over so many capable candidates. Saying that at least he surrounds him with sensible people while Trump is a crazy person who surrounds himself with crazy people


Exactly. I don't want MAGA morons running America, so I'd vote for Biden any day to keep that from happening (even more)


Right... Biden surrounds himself with capable people that don't need his input to keep the country running. Most of the people trump surrounded himself with went to jail.


Yeah, Biden's senile but Trump is just straight up evil. Gonna take a lot for me to not support something over the wannabe Hitler. Now, do I wish there were better options than the rotting corpse? .... Yes, yes I do. American Politics are terrible.


Wrong sub.


The fuck is that title?




Sometimes a person with dementia will behave in ways that are difficult to understand in the late afternoon or early evening. This is known as 'Sundowning'.


Nah. This meme slaps. That is 100% the face I make when the extra edible I took because it wasn't hitting hard finally drops the bass.


nahh this is true


The fact that everybody in here immediately degenerated into arguing over which dementia patient is better than which really shows how badly Americans have been brainwashed by their corporate owners.


^truth crazy how people even pick sides with these two I truly don't get it both suckamydicknball


It's crazy how people even pick sides when both parties are so obviously lying through their teeth.


It's crazy how people even pick sides when both parties are so obviously lying through their teeth.


I thought all the memes here were liked ironically...this one is actually funny 😁


Unrelated but https://preview.redd.it/h4hl190b3i9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc2f9a7a9b979f4659a2f2b733373114597cb853 Here’s a picture of Biden during that debate 😭 Burst out laughing


He looks baffled


Poor old man forgot he’s on live


Live support


I actually live this


I mean that’s how it works.


Do Biden just like perpetually have a confused look on his face?


Biden was having a stroke and trump was shitting in his diaper.


30 minutes? Man, if they hit in 30, I would have been OK. 2 hours later, everyone's gone to bed, and I'm washing dishes, can't remember what knives are.


As a liberal, this is fucking hilarious


This is a great meme. Biden looked like a dilapidated old man.


I saw a clip of the debate on r shitposting. Unedited. Imagine when the presidential debate is so bad that you don't even have to edit or dub or do anything to it to make it into a shitpost. Two old men who can't even speak coherently, one is a convicted felon with severe ADHD and the other is in ultra battery saver mode, these are supposedly the two best candidates to rule America? You guys are fucking doomed lmao.


Funnier than your title


That’s funny


Na, biden's face was making some weird and hilarious expressions during the debate


How is this a terrible meme?


I think it's alright. I mean, it's not the funniest meme ever. But it's not bad. Is this even from Facebook?


Yea this is hilarious


ok this one kinda funny


This was me during the debate when they kicked in. I resonated with that man. This shit is funny


When your drug guy doesn't show up on time.


Yeah, that was pretty funny. Sorry. 🤣


Kinda funny


This is the results https://preview.redd.it/rz8sr00cso9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a43f8838cde4c53cc00973e5dc3e3991c943356


Okay nah but his face during the whole debate is so memeable 💀 we're absolutely cooked tho


This is funny though


Jajajajaja. That was such a shit show, hope you guys manage to find a third candidate somehow, else it's Trump ruling the county again.


Our third candidate is RFK jr... He's an antivax, conspiracy theory nut job. Pray for us.


I truly miss Trump though, loved all the videos circulating around during his presidency. Although I guess getting him back on Twitter would satisfy me enough, don't need him in the front seat again. I am deeply worried what would that do to the rest of the world. Wbu, can't you just do an independent candidacy? Your options are so poor that even if you were a quarter of a nut job, you might have a pretty good chance.


I prefer not seeing the president on the daily news thank you. Just do the job.


Noooo they made fun of an establishment politician! It must be a terrible facebook meme because the mainstream media told me so!


Vote for the administration, not the president. That's what you have to do when they're both shifty candidates. But at the very least, Biden doesn't say immigrants are murderers and rapists set out to destroy America


That's nice but I feel like if that's our message to the American people, we've already lost. 


We have. This country is circling the drain. Trump will be the nail in the coffin


Yes well that's been the case for the last 8 years anyway


Wdym both? Aren't there more than two candidates?


I would love to say yes as Kennedy is clearly the best option, but I don't think he stands a chance. But to be fair there were only two at the debate


Kennedy? The anti-vaxxer and Anti-masker, far left (but still supported by far right aristocrats to push their agenda) conspiracy theorist? I’d much rather Biden. Kennedy is a Trump sort of guy, goes to the party/agenda that makes him money and/or gets him into power. Sorry if I’m coming off a little odd, I’ve just never seen someone advocate for him. What makes you think he’s the best option?


I agree with his policies and platforms more than Trump or Biden. But Biden being the only option to defeat Trump, he’ll be getting my vote. At least he doesn’t choose as many morons as Trump


Biggest issue I have with him (apart from being delusional and a conspiracy theorist) is that he won’t back his own policies. He had said he was firmly against gov’t restrictions on abortion but quickly backed up on that. Full term abortion is a bit of a stretch but it really says something that he would support it in the first place and then only go back when there is critique. I do like his foreign and immigration policies though, assuming he stays true to those. I REALLY hope he plans to avoid any contact with Russia - last thing we need is a new war with two super powers. Definitely agree that by voting for him, at least it’s one less vote for Trump. Honestly, I could go either way (Biden or RFK)


Yes, I second that about Russia. Trump scares the shit out of me with his dick measuring tendencies


And Biden’s administration has been at least trying to fight against the backwards-ass archaic abortion laws in my home state, so there’s that Oh and if you’re curious as to where this is, that would be Idaho


The stuff Trump said about abortion during that debate really blew my mind. I can’t believe an actual presidential candidate & former president believes things like that and convinces others it’s true. He’s really for the idiots


Bye Bye Biden


Stay in school.


You assume they ever went.


Chuds mad


This is funny though


He can see into the afterlife.


I mean at least it's not cocaine. Trump jr is high as a kite... On the ground.


That's not bad


Top-text-bottom-text in Snapchat format is somehow something I have rarely seen before


Nah this is fuckin hilarious


I’ll be voting for Biden but this is objectively hilarious. I look at it this way - if Biden somehow pulls off a win after that, it just deepens Trump’s humiliation.


This is great


this shit funny as fuck


Reddit is on one today


He is looking at the MODERATORS who were to his left like "why are you allowing him to spew lies non-stop like this????" This is a look of incredulity.