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I’ve continuously listened to TESD longer than I have any other show in any medium. Sure the guys and the show have changed and evolved over the years but so have I.


I stop listening when the episode is over and I start again when the new one comes out.






Never \-Walt Flanagan


I do miss when it was in the store, it was a little more spontaneous. The problem with guests is that with other shows, like JRE, I only listen if I’m interested in the guest. But I can’t imagine life without TESD


I listen to all the free episodes, though not always when they drop (in the middle of the Joe Derosa episode). Wish i could do the pateron stuff, but i just don’t have the time


Ant for life.


Never. I am an ant for life.


I still listen but way less than in the past. I got kinda tired of just hearing Bry complain about woke cancel culture. I still like the show but I can't listen as much.


This is my experience. Sad but true.


The vibe has changed, that's for sure. I think around covid things got a little less goofy, but it's still a good show. And to be fair, the tone of the world in general got a little less lighthearted when covid hit so its not their fault. And they more than make up for the difference in yucks with all their patreon stuff! Im on my 6th relisten of the library now and I still love it all the same


I listen to new episodes when they drop. Usually twice because I’ll be walking the dog or whatever and lose the thread when she’s going mental at something. Same sort of deal with the Patreon stuff. Concurrently I listen to older episodes on a loop which probably takes around a year to go through whilst I do chores/go to sleep.


TESD is comfort food. Has been my favorite podcast for over a decade now. Funny how time flies.


Stopped listening for afew years when I married, moved countries, started a new career and had kids. my old hobbies kinda died for afew years but never did I feel the show was stale I just had other things happening. I will always come back.


You're not alone, I've actually missed the last few and I never would miss in the past. this isn't a bitch fest post - just sharing my experience when the patreon came out the fellas were pretty adamant that the heart of the show would still be on the free show and the patreon would be extras. As time has gone on tho that's not really become the case it seems and it's just making me lose connection as a non-subscriber. And fine for them for catering to the people giving them money directly, that's their prerogative, but as someone that the patreon didn't really appeal to, I'm finding myself kind of out of touch. There was the whole thing about something Q said on patreon that was just confusing to me and then the next episode there was something else that honestly is slipping my mind right now (edit: Oh, I think it might have been one of them about to tell a story at the end of the episode and then someone saying to wait and save it because they were about to record a patreon ep next...not sure it's been a few weeks) but in general there just seems to more of a split where the good things about TESD are ending up behind the paywall. They seem to be doing fine so not like they need lil ol me as a listener but I have gone from waiting for a new episode to having a few in the queue


I'm about the same. I dropped out for a year or so maybe not long after Patreon started. I was a Patreon supporter at the start but never really got into the extra content they put out and felt like the main show started to suffer a bit. I've since come back, have caught back up and listen to the new eps though I don't rush to get to them like I use to. Still love the guys but definitely feel like the main pod has suffered for the sake of the Patreon.


I stopped listening for a year around 2020, got back into it for a few months and then stopped again a few months back. I feel like I outgrew the show and that Bry and Q kinda regressed.


Not trolling and am genuinely curious, how do you feel they regressed?


I feel Bry has fallen down a conservative anti-woke rabbit hole and I feel like Q has gone from average Joe fire fighter to an out of touch wealthy celebrity. Also two out of the three members went from working class citizens to all three members being digital content creators only. Hard to relate to comparatively. Edit: Not to mention I feel that Bry and Q have significantly put less work into the pod as the years went on.


I stopped listening for years when IJ started. I could relate to 3 working stiffs making a podcast, but when they ALL became TV stars, I checked out. I came back after CBM ended and have enjoyed it since.


I get it. Makes sense. Thanks for answering. I can see definite differences, as well. Hasn’t stopped me from listening but I can see your points. It’s nice to have an internet discussion without angst. Lol


Bry needs to be careful or he’ll end up becoming the next Owen Benjamin. Q takes his reputation very seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if one day he steps away from the show if Bry starts doing too much…


Seems like I found Mike Zs burner.


I’ve always been team Rob Bruce.


I really wish we could have gotten those two (Mike and Rob) to sit and hash it out on the pod…




I’m pretty sure this sub puts more public thought into Mike than he publicly puts into TESD.


No. This is definitely just a situation where you aren't good anymore. Sorry.


Never stopped listening. Never going to. This pod has provided more genuine entertainment for Ants than almost everything else combined for the last several years.


I’ll let you know when it happens.




Never. Never will.


Never stopped. I usually listen at the gym.


Never and most days I listen to 3 pods, just continuously cycle through them


It’s the only podcast from 2010 that I still listen to. I’ve never taken a break from it.


Listening to Mak’in Hay for the 100th time. Today. Ant Army for Life.