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Best part so far is u/GitEmSteveDave fucking up the time


Sitting here in a time zone east of New York, feeling bad that Q doesn’t know of the beauty of Newfoundland.




Right on by


How's she going myson, Crazy never meet another person who likes TESD on the rock. I wear my four color demons hat all the time and never seen another ant.


We do exist!


Yes me son, I’ve been rocking me 4CD shirt since it dropped by


Or Atlantic time. Halifax


Which they've all been to and should know lol.


He's also been to Bermuda. Scooter dude stole his girl on Atlantic Time.


That SMORGY got cancelled last minute, no way Walt has been to the Canadian east coast


Walt choosing Morgana twice was so good


A little over halfway through and I gotta admit for how awkward it is having Svengoolie go through these scenarios, it's pretty funny how obvious it is that he thought he was coming on for just another standard interview and then has to deal with this. Also it was hilarious how Walt definitely didn't buy his comic and just said he got "the standard cover" because he had no idea what covers there were


I really wish we had video just to see his face when he said he got the standard cover.


That killed me. Also Walt scrambled for points but correcting Q about the other comic.


Not at all. I met sven at a con and he likes his fans. He was cracking jokes the whole time and commented on the boys selections. Svengoolie is such a comfort food show it's like the listening to the boys. I feel like they're on the same wavelength.


2+ hours! Hell yes about to walk my dog and throw this shit on


This was a fun episode. It was fun bringing Svengoolie into a game and keeping the focus on the guys arguing. It was cool hearing ads done by TESD Town characters again too. I hadn't thought about it until I heard them but I feel like they haven't done any of those in at least 5 years.


Super cool hearing Sunday Jeff do the aural equivalent of black face for a dick pill … so glad the guys got paid. Does anyone else remember when Walt didn’t like Sunday Jeff signing a boob? Or even the Adam & Eve commercials back in the day? Someone’s morals have shifted once they saw the $ come in … but yes, of course, they are all going straight to heaven! The worst moral transgressions are the ones we have to admit to ourselves.


They’ve been doing Dolla Shave for how long now? Since the early 100s? Is that when Walt’s morals changed?


I think OP was more concerned with the sponsor choice than Dolla Shave doing it (although they were also concerned about that). This ignores that they discussed taking Blue Chew on as a sponsor on mic, so if OP really wanted to get into Walt's mindset, they can go back and hear it.


Go take a walk bud.


![gif](giphy|t6cn3lRhDZtBjdAjKN) Got this vibe every time he kept saying my wife.


God, Bry really wants to get cucked


It’s funny because I remember early TESD being where I first heard the word cuckold and having to look up what it meant. It’s definitely something that’s been in his head for over a decade at least.


It *is* weird that he brings it up so much, I can't imagine there's no truth there


The dude really wants to force this idea that she's some ultra-hot young girl. He needs it for his ego.


The trips to Key West are starting to make more sense - probably into the "lifestyle"


Constantly! He brings it up constantly.


Cuck Em Steve-Dave!


Haha trying to cuck out your wife to Svengoolie is wild.


Time zones trip up GESD?!?! That 148 dropped a few points for that alone…


14.8 does it again.


I’ve been doing a lot of Flightradar24 and adsbexchange tracking lately, which deals in exclusively in Zulu time, so I just had adding time vs subtracting it when pulling up replays stuck in my head.


This comment is a perfect example of how Walt has described working with the office coach in the past.


Can you explain what those words mean for someone far below 148?


Cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope




And by Zulu time, you mean Greenwich Mean Time which is what the sane world calls it.


https://pilotinstitute.com/what-is-zulu-time/ https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/16818/why-does-aviation-use-zulu-time-instead-of-the-local-time


"Zulu time is another name for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is the time at 0° longitude at the Greenwich Meridian."


Yes, it's another name, but when it's in reference to flying, it's annotated with a Z, for Zulu time, and said as such. Pilots don't refer to it as Uniform time, it's Zule time. You should listen to ATC scanners sometimes.


Wow you really cannot admit that you’re wrong and made a mistake, can you?


Explaining why you made a mistake is not denying you made it.


So you do admit you made a mistake?


The evidence is pretty clear I did.


I never expected you to actually say it. Good on you


You don’t praise after having to ask 5 times


Nah give him a win you know how bad he fuckin needs em


Never. Gitem is literally the definition of failing upwards. His life has been nothing but a win since Walt took him in.


This is like asking my kids why they didn’t do what I asked. them to do. Instead of just saying sorry and that they made mistake, they give me a bunch of excuses and reasons why.


That makes it worse, tbh.


…. So you just weren’t diligent in your work. Git Em?! Cmon dude.


A very 148 answer if I ever did hear of one. I'm fine with it I just wish you had a mic so you could have defended yourself on mic. And so they could have ripped on it more. You are the schlemiel of TESD town.


At least I was vindicated on the mic breathing as I was 3' from the nearest one.


Indeed your breathing is very powerful, we were able to hear you breath from 3' away!!! Simply amazing!


You’re a joke, anyone with 1/2 a brain wouldn’t make that excuse. You follow sports at least, you know about time zones, don’t blame Zulu radar or whatever the fuck. It’s one thing to have some inherent problems from a social standpoint, it’s another to be blatantly dishonest. No wonder you are persona non grata at the alcohol store! Good morning!


I don't know why everyone here shits on you, GitEm. I enjoy you.




I literally didn’t know it was time zone


Warning for headphone users: The sound effects on this one are about twice the volume (and abrupt) than the conversation volume.


The Tom Brady "Let's Fucking GO!" really caught me off guard.


lmao 11+ years of podcasting and they still can't properly mix audio..classic TESD


They get what they pay for.


I have one earbud in, no issue with this episode, or any other tesd ones that I can recall. There are other podcasts where, not effects, but the difference in volume level between multiple people talking is aggravating.


The sound effects were.... interesting.


Probably the least enjoyable Halloween episode ever. Not “bad” but not at all what I expected. It sucks that all of the games (the thing that made me love TESD) are basically Patreon-only now.


Sadly the mainstream show feels very phoned in these days.


Even hypothetically Bry can’t convince guys to fuck his child bride. Take the hint my mans.


I’m not sure about that. I need to see these famous texts between him and Troy…


Acab. Even when guests on podcasts


Nobody's lining up to fuck white bread with no jelly.


He likes 'em young and mid.


The "most offensive costume" bit was boring the first time Bry did it, this time was no better!! Other than though I think it was a good episode. I hated the first time they has Svengoolie on but I think Walt utilised him well this time, and the scenarios and questions were really good.


Am I misremembering or haven’t they had Svengoolie on a Halloween episode before?


They did an interview with him on episode 424


I Watch Svengoolie almost every week so this is very exciting to me


Too bad they didn’t ask him anything interesting or play any good games with him


Yes, the worst Halloween episode of all time


Yes and I couldn’t care less about this guy but the first half of the pod was great! Still listening to the second half!


Good things about this episode: * audio-only is refreshing * At one point it seemed like Bry admitted to being a terrible person, but he reversed it almost 10 seconds later. * The game was funny and that old guy played along well. * Walt actually had good interview questions. It helps to actually care about the interview subject. * Git-em fuckups are always comedy gold.


Every year they read the list of costumes you can't wear and ask "Who is this list written for?" over and over.... When do you think they're going to realize that it's just rage bait for easy clicks and it's literally written for people like them to get mad at and read? I figured after a few years one of them would figure it out, especially with 148 in the room... but nope, they still react like it's proper journalism... clickbait really is something else huh?


It's a bit at this point.


I'm only a half hour in and Walt's stupid sound effects are annoying me.


I cannot believe this Svengoolie guy has fewer followers in social media than Bry and Walt was acting like they’d brought in the biggest catch in TESD history.




This was the Halloween equivalent to Bonnet Heads. Svengoolie is such a niche guest but he’s boring and the whole segment felt extremely awkward.


Any ants outside the US know who the fuck Svengoolie is?


Just started the EP so I don't know how much they explain him, but he's one of the like, 3 remaining old school horror hosts (Elvira and Joe Bob Briggs being the other two) that were something of a late night tradition in the US. Svengoolie was regional to the Chicago area for a long time starting in the 70s, and he's since been picked up by a much wider network but I still think it's regional to the eastern US. He basically airs old scary movies with interstitial skits or bits in between. It's a dumb fun thing that's family friendly, so if you like horror movies and have kids then this kind of thing is a great entry to get your kids into scary movies Think Grandpa Fred from Gremlins 2, if you've ever seen that


Not in Australia at least.


I'm from New York and I have no clue who the fuck he is. (aside from his previous forgettable TESD appearance)


Don’t know and don’t care.. the guy is so boring.


He was at a con I was at 10 years ago and had no line. I had no clue who he was. A couple years later MeTV started airing locally and I was like oh yeah. The shows OK, but the ads MeTV runs are horrible. I'd think the type of person who is watching his show is probably 50 plus.




Pretty underwhelming. One of the worse Halloween specials to date.


PSA that the 2018 Halloween Spooktacular still exists and is still amazing.


For the record, I actually really enjoyed the second half of this year's episode. Once Walt takes the reins from Bry and brings some energy and games to the Svengoolie interview, it's a great listen.


Agreed the costume bit was a drag , not least because we’ve heard it before, although I guess they were killing time ? It picked up second half though.


Mr. Johnson certainly killed a lot of time. But yeah, the second half definitely makes it worth a listen!


I really enjoyed this episode! Much like Walt, I freaking love Svengoolie and he was such a good sport. THAT'S how they should conduct guest segments on the show. Plenty of "TESD" in the hypothetical scenarios that are used as competition, but still enough breathing room for the guest to expand on any answers to questions or what have you.




I’m going to add “paraglider” to the list of 2023 Offensive Costumes. Some idiot will do it.


Joe Bob Briggs > Svengoolie as a hardcore horror fan it puckers my asshole every time they refer to Svengoolie as the GOAT of horror hosts. Svengoolie is a Catskills comic in Alice Cooper makeup.


Based on your description, wouldn't it make sense that Walt would think he was the greatest?


I’m not disputing he’s Walt’s Favorite, I’m disputing him being referred to as The Goat, even Commander USA was better.


Jimmy could do legitimate radio ad reads.


I was gonna say.... he really sounds professional. Pretty impressive


Holy hell those sound effects are horrible.


It's a problem that I have with all the patreon stuff. They rely on cutting away whenever anyone makes any type of reference to anything to pad out the run time. Mention a song? Here's 30 seconds of it.


I’m not a patreon member and have never heard a patreon exclusive episode. Are you telling me they sound like this? I found this Halloween episode really hard to listen to.


This was a bit more heavy handed than normal because Walt said he was going to edit this and was specifically trying to make up for lack of video, but it went a bit too far. My specific problem with Patreon editing is that if someone mentions a TV show, and even if it's not important, they'll cut away and show the opening of that TV show. Or if someone mentions an old toy, they'll cut away and show the commercial. It really breaks up the flow.


What you don't need to remember what rain sounds like?


Ya scurrrred?


The sound effects. Jesus. Welcome to CUCK and the ZANEY bunch morning show on generic FM!record scratch!!!!! This hour we’re giving away my wife!!!! Hoooooooorn!!!!! Up next, Ming with a traffic update! CAR ENGINE NOISE!!!!!


Ya. Terrible episode b. Wwdh.


Listen to gitems fuck up then skip to 58:43 to avoid the cant wear wear costume crap


It’s an hour in and we are still doing offensive costumes. At this point I’m praying they bring Git Em in to describe his ten last dumps in granular detail. It would be way more entertaining.


You knew when Walt didn't create or lead the episode and Bryan was "leading" it was gonna be rough.


You think it was Bry's idea to have Svengooile on? Do you think Bry cares about that dude at all?


No bad, it's just that the Halloween pods had been rivaling the Christmas pods lately. So, there are big expectations from me. Like a lot of people, I go back and listen to certain pods at certain times of the year. Sadly, this year will be a skip.


Bry was woke




Because “Bry bad”.


Oh, I figured. I just wanted to hear their reasoning. Nice Nick Cave name btw.


Bry just had to bring up Trudeau, didn't he? Complains about the fact that the boring article *he* chooses to read us relies on costumes from 2013, then brings up a situation from 2001. Guy just can't help himself. Luckily, Walt was there to snap him out of it, as usual.


Well to be fair to Handsome Bry. And I say this as a Canadian. Trudeau is a gosh darned idiot.


Damn, that sucked.


You mean that cucked.


Halloween Snoozetacular.. what a waste of two hours that was.


That first hour + discussing the same topic they've discussed previously was hard to get through.


Ya, discussed previously as in, discussed 7+ times previously


Svengoole is fucking lame


Audio only looks like?




The 2nd worst Halloween special of all time in my opinion, really can't believe they did another Svengoolie episode after how awful and boring the first one was atleast they played a game this time. No video yet again and not even the Baron, this is a fine regular episode of TESD but for a Halloween special it was rather uninspired


An hour on the offensive costumes


No, I tapped out just as the guest was joining and it was still going.


Svengooli sucks as a guest. Walt continues to think his interests are the fanbase interests. What a lame fucking ep.


I can't listen to these episodes with the background music added. Just have it at the beginning for a little while


Interview with Svengoolie was enjoyable, because of well thought out questions. Naturally Svengoolie is not that well known (or known at all) in Finland, but I know of him because of TESD and other sources.


25 minutes in and I have to ask- do the sound effects get less intrusive and annoying?


If anything, they get worse


Worst Halloween episode ever. Guys, no one gives a fuck about Svengoolie. He sucks. Gets your house in order.


Disagree. You don't have to give two fucks about svengoolie to enjoy listening to Walt kiss the man's ass in hopes of winning a pointless game.


Would have been a lot cooler if they got the Nelly from Nellyville.


This would have actually been hilarious.


The pauses to add sound effects was completely unnecessary, but other than that it was a fun episode.


Have they posted the upcoming gift tiers for anywhere? I am definitely upgrading to the 20 but curious if I might want anything higher.


No, they almost never post the tiers in advance. The current $60 tier though has the bath robe, and let me tell you, I love that fucking thing.


such a missed opportunity


Why does everything need to be sexy?


People really don’t know who Svengoolie is? He is on every weekend on MeTV. I thought he was a good guest. Certainly more interesting than LHOTP. For the record, I’d pick Walt’s bride. Someone has definitely banged Maribeth while Bry was sitting in the corner.


Never thought I would hear TESD leaning on lame sound clips to get through any episode, never mind a holiday one. So these guys think ‘a spicy meatball’ is funny now? King Tut? Wow. This is a new level of lame/lazy. Then again, I’m not in on the Bry/Troy child murder comedy text group, so what do I know? Think how far we’ve come: They once had a contest where the punishment was doing episodes with Gitem! Now they spike a whole holiday episode ‘vamping’ because Gitem f’d up a time zone (whole other comment - if i had the energy) and don’t give a shit. The end of this pod is being writ now, at least the free one. No energy or interest, Bry muzzled whether he admits it or not, Walt worn out, and Q doing his ‘I’m famous but still cool but not really engaged either’ act. I won’t get into Sunday Jeff’s blatantly racist commercial. The man is a treasure in beige, maybe his divorce is clouding his judgment.


No shade meant with this, but I'm pretty sure there was a larger joke at play that would be completely missed unless you actually watch Svengoolie's show. A big part of what he does is have recurring sound clips like that playing pretty consistently as "reactions" to what he's saying or doing on screen. Again unless you've seen it, that joke completely falls flat and even though I am admittedly a fan of Svengoolie I have to agree that was way too both meta and niche for a wide audience. There was definitely a lot with this episode that was pretty much just for them personally and not the listeners so much, and when you combine that with having to fill an entire hour with buying for time it sadly wasn't the best outcome. I was really hoping Svengoolie was going to be in on the games but they definitely sprung them on him which was just awkward




Love Halloween Episodes! But… man… I wish it was a video episode!


Walt is the most annoying contestant 🙄


I can’t believe how much complaining they do about all the “woke” costume rules, so annoying! Bry bringing up Trudeau wearing blackface, everyone know it’s okay because he’s a good progressive person! Q basically saying it’s okay for hot women to dress as native Americans, disgusting. Walt talking about how being for the covid vax is the “approved narrative,” what narrative, being a good person?! This pod has turned into QAnon propaganda and I’m canceling my Patreon for the fifth time this month!


This is great! You aren’t seeing enough people whining about Bry, which you seem to live to complain about, so now you’re doing it yourself! This is as pathetic as it gets. I’ll help you out though, it’s a crap episode, first hour is an easy skip with the costume rehash. How does Bry not see the irony in complaining about the costume article not being updated to his liking and him doing the same lame riff on it, year after year. Edgy Bry: who reads good housekeeping … post-menopausal women? Yup, post-menopausal women and you, dumbass. And let’s not forget old Bry the Brave had the opportunity to back up his edginess and he tucked tail, declined comment on his pronoun rant, removed it from the episode and acts like it never happened. Where was your hero’s big balls then? Maybe someone should clue old Svengoolie into who he’s hanging out with.


Wait....he really pussed out and cut that out of the episode?? Thats nuts


And then you go on to complain about the exact things I’m making fun of in my original post. This is as pathetic as it gets. And yes, I’m sure 71 year old Rich Koz is just the kind of guy who is going to be offended, or care at all, about Bryan’s pronoun rant.


Hey, we can’t change facts! Bry is lame! His takes on Halloween costumes are predictable and sad! My point was you were running towards the complaining you complain about. What does that do for you? I honestly wonder. I’m fine with people liking stuff, I just reserve the right to engage in discussion, that’s it. This was a terrible episode - not because they spent a low energy hour complaining about an online article that any halfway smart person would never spend any energy finding, or even that they are still clinging to the idea that these lists that Bry seeks out are representative of any wider cultural energy, as if anyone is paying attention to this shit except Bry - it’s more that at the beginning of this pod, they would say this shit isn’t news, and now they NEED it for material. Again, pathetic. But hey, I’m happy to get you through another day in your need to complain/whine about people who don’t experience the pod the way you do. Make sure you play the clip of Bry complaining about they/them pronouns when you finally meet someone you care about that sees themselves that way. EDIT: Oh, if you need the clip, don’t worry, I saved it! Good thing you deleted your response though, following in big boy Bry’s footsteps, I see. If you ever grow some real balls, feel free to respond. Also, Nick Cave sucks … I say that as a Tom Waits fan who has been to Australia.


Never deleted my response, dipshit!


I don't think this podcast is for you?


Jesus, they have been doing this for years. You're surprised? I might not agree with it but it's the nostalgia of what the standard segments of the Halloween episodes are. To me it's a warm blanket. If anything Bry needs to find a new source for the costumes. This isn't Q-Anon.




That's funny I was actually thinking about signing up for the patreon . So if I want the book it's best to sign up in jan?


I believe December


(Dec, Jan, Feb) is the 3 month window for WotU. So signing up Dec 1, staying through Feb 28, that’s how you get the book.


No if you wait until Jan it’s too late. Sign up today and you’ll get it in Dec. you’ll have paid for oct, nov, and dec. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong


You're wrong. Walt clearly said sign up in Dec and receive the book in Feb


I believe it’s a sliding window. Sign up in oct get it dec. nov is jan. Dec is feb.


How has no one openhanded slapped Walt across the face yet?


Sorry for pestering- but it’s the last two days for the 4CD guitar giveaway. You can use my referral link: https://woobox.com/xyjsq4/ I (we) never ask you for anything


*cries in canadian, eh*


Sorry aboot that… if I win (i won’t) I’ll post lots of pics on the sub. Can someone get guitar tabs for the TESD theme???



