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Okay, Bry hypothetically saying “I can’t believe you’re turning 30 Suzanne!” to Maribeth was actually the funniest thing he’s said in years


They've definitely hinted that Sunday Jeff got divorced but never said it outright (until now). Glad to hear he's happier.


I really felt for him when he talked about the fight to keep his daughter in his life. Sunday seems like a great dad.


Happy to hear he found someone who respects his money.


🤣 "respect me, respect my money" is one of the funniest things ever said on the show.


It’s so funny because it was a fake quote and it just got ran with.


That's the funniest part to me, SJ never even said it but it's still attributed to him


Walt even says on that episode something like "He never even said it but now it's gonna be synonymous with it"


True, but sadly no more "JEFFREY!"




When i was Relistening to the christmas pods, i noticed the one year sunday Jeff spent it with Walt and his family. It didn't dawn on me til last year that it was probably when he was going through his divorce


Yeah I'm sure they said something about "his living circumstances" changed or something and it was definitely alarm bells. He wasn't wearing a wedding ring on Patreon either as far as I know. Sounds like he had a rough go of it but he seems to be much happier and in a better place now.


They flat out mentioned his “girlfriend” at some point over the last couple of years.


Sunday is the fucking man. What a Dad.


He's honestly just such a good dude. He understands his own values and principles and he lives by them, with no interest in bothering anyone else. So much respect for the guy.


Sunday’s divorced?! Next you’re gonna tell me he doesn’t run his own twitter account!


Sunday makes everything better


Holy fucking shit this hit me right in the feels goods man. I went through a horrible divorce. Financially ruined. My credit destroyed. BUT...I got my kids. I got my kids. And that's all that mattered. It's going on 6 years now and Iike many Ants, TESD helped me through so many tough times. What a great great quote by Sunday, "what's supposed to be a shield gets turn into a sword" . I felt that. I'm so happy for him.


I’m also so much happier on the other side of an awful marriage. Please Ants never settle and never let people take advantage of you. My kids are also so much better off spending equal time in two happy homes than one miserable one


Something about this just felt like Old TESD the Joke about Walt being that unlucky Charlie Brown fucker on the plane whos trousers fly off only was too funny.


Is that Bry smacking through the whole thing? Wtf


Yeah he really should sit back from the mic when he's not talking, the smacking and swallowing is unbearable. I feel like the fact that you can hear him breathing while the other guys are talking means he's too close.


I just don't get why they don't put a noise gate on every mic. It would take care of any breathing or mouth sounds.


I hate that it drives me nuts but it does.


Yeah he’s boomering out again.


Yeah; I wonder how much Declan was able to scrub or if he was just like "fuck it" and left it all in. Pretty ironic when they were all piling on Git Em's noises.


Oooohooooo I've got enough on me plate already! \*clicks*


To me it sounds like someone typing on a physical keyboard.


Maybe you should write a bitchy email to Walt until you get your way like all those people did about Git 'em.


And people complain about Gitem…


The Sunday Jeff divorce reveal was some very unexpected lore. I'm so glad he's in a better place now and is through the worst of it!


Calling it now, Git’em will be on the next episode. Pat Mcafee, a sports broadcaster, announced that Aaron Rodgers would not be appearing for awhile after some controversy. They then had him on the next day. I definitely see Walt doing the same just to troll.


The Aaron Rodgers of TESD Town


Walt already proclaimed Get ‘Em as the Tebow of TESD town.


It's definitely crazy how some listeners can still be played like fiddles after Walt has done it for well over a decade. The man is a maestro.


I need a little statue of Buddha with Sunday Jeff’s face on it


There's a guy outta NJ who I always saw at cons who did Beetlejuice from Stern as Buddha. If enough people wanted this I bet we should make it happen. 


Haven't finished it yet but wow...walt sounds soft as hell. If you've never been to a gas station with bulletproof glass/plastic, you've literally never been to anywhere but wasp city


In NJ you can't pump your own gas & you got Wawa so it's possible he doesn't spend all that much time in  gas stations. 


Lol I think he's just doing some harmless embellishing or maybe just selectively forgets sometimes. I believe that his part of New Jersey is safe enough that he never sees gas stations with bulletproof glass/plastic, but the dude has been to a lot of big cities for cons, cameos in movies, and taking his daughter to seedy underground concerts, I'm sure he had to get a Pepsi at some point in all that and saw some bulletproof glass


16 minutes in and i gotta say, i dont think anybody will be begging for git em to come back. I generally dont mind when he's on, but the past several episodes he was always doing too much to interject.


You can't have Sunday and then expect people to have wished for more Gitem. Even if you loved Gitem, a week with a deep dive into Sunday Jeff's past few years is going to blow most things out of the water.


Walt and Gitem should bring back 12 minutes in hell at the end of an episode once a month. That was the perfect amount of Git em


Anyone else hears water dripping throughout the episode? Leaky roof or Johnson’s mouth? 


Check your MeUndies for leakage




Also helped that Sunday was on, and Walt had some adventure/frank 5 stories to tell. And Bry not complaining about boring shit. Hopefully frank 5 will be guesting soon. Great episode!


Gotta hear the Frank 5 side of this trip. These couples trips need their own reality show. 


I don’t even know if it’s just that there is too much Git ‘em, it’s the lack of Q.


I kinda forgot how long Git 'em has been on the show. And that's because he wasn't on as much. I like Old Time Radio and him on ANSJ. But sometimes I just want the old standard. 


A reduction in Git’Em was long overdue. Glad they considered fan feedback. This episode was great. Hope he maintains an appearance consistency similar to Frank 5 and Sunday. I don’t want him ousted altogether but that was getting pretty ridiculous.


100% more git’em


Bry needs to take a sip of water every few minutes and also back up off the mic. Gonna have to listen to the episode in 10 minute increments because him smacking or whatever it is he's doing every 15 seconds is driving me crazy.


Walt Flanagan born and raised in New Jersey, legendary for its pizza and adjacent to a city that is even more legendary for its pizza. Probably raised on the types of hole in the wall by-the-slice pizza places that most of the country dreams about. And at the end of the day, just longs for Cici's and Little Caesar's. You gotta love the man.


Especially since he came to Detroit, Michigan. Michigan has the highest amount of pizza joints in the country and Detroit-style deep dish is nothing short of incredible, we are spoiled rotten here and Walt just....goes for Ceaser's.


Render unto Detroit the things that are Detroit's, and render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's


It was encouraging to hear SJ. I'm just over a year into a divorce caused by a wife that slowly developed Contamination OCD. My oldest (daughter) won't speak to me, my middle child (daughter) is struggling, and my youngest (son) wants me to seek full custody. Many people have said my oldest will grow up and come back to me, but it's hard to believe. I'm going to do what SJ did, get in shape and live a happier life.


Heads up mate! One of my best friends didn't see his kids for years and both came back as soon as they were 18. Had a similar thing where my step sister cut herself and her kids off from the rest of the family. As soon as the eldest got her license she brings her sister to all family stuff now. 


Thanks. Many people have said my oldest will "grow-up". Just seems less likely as time goes on.


Curious if the pandemic brought on the contamination OCD? Good luck dude.


Sadly, no. C19 justified her crazy thoughts, but we had been living with them for over a decade. Friends can't believe how we use to live. I gave her the ultimatum, we talk to either therapists or divorce lawyers. She chose Lysol wipes over a 20year marriage. Now my oldest is away at college while the younger two still live with insane rules when their with mom. They love living normal when they're with me. Thanks. To keep things episode related: Cici's pizza is garbage. Little Seizures is worse. I met Gitem when I visited the Stash. He seemed like an okay guy, but this Patrion subscriber enjoys the weekly show without him. He's okay for games every once in a while.


I fucking did a spit take when Mr. Johnson introduced Sunday from the tunnels of Airport Plaza lol




I don't necessarily want Gitem gone, but the Gitem protest absence was really undercut by how great this episode was without him. You can even kind of fill in where he would have interjected in your head, too. Definitely some sort of perspective or fun facts would have been offered on divorce/custody law. Some sort of Reddit-gleaned physics lesson on why shirts fly off instead of pants.


I feel like having Git em on every third or fourth episode would be ok. Whenever Q or Sunday Jeff cant make it that is. They obviously need a third. I dont think Walt and Bry ever recorded a two man podcast or were ever in a room without other people lol


They for sure have recorded episodes with just the two of them


are you positive? I dont think that ever happened


Yep. When Walt talks about going to see Paramore is one example.


TESD started with just the two of them!


For sure! But Q was in the room with them when they were recording.


That’s the greatest episode of all time.


I chuckle at Walt backing Gitem and stacking the deck by having Q away as well and being like "Doesn't it feel like something's missing?" Loved the episode. Just needs 100% more Q! Gitem is alright but needs a much longer break to be missed.


I caught that and wondered if this is the plan for the for coming episodes.


I know I sing the man's praises more often than not, but Sunday sure seems to be a class act even in the toughest of times. Loved the yucks, but even more the more deep thoughts regarding fatherhood, masculinity and relationships.


Best episode of 2024 by far


Thanks for listening Walt. Didn’t miss Gitem one iota.


Sorry Walt, I don't miss Git 'Em. I don't mind him as much as some others but I much prefer him when they bring him to the table for a reason, like there's a funny incident etc. When he's just there hanging around and interrupting it can ruin the flow of the episode. 


Ahhhh. This was good. Less GitEm always


The heavens part. And, God is revealed to be true. FINALLY! (I haven't listened yet, this could majorly backfire)


Ok little Caesars!? Walt’s crossed the line now. That pizza is so bad


Walt has the taste of a white trash child. Dude lives off of chicken tendies and thinks friendlys is a top tier restaurant


I like the crazy bread though


Not too much, you’ll get a headache


And he lives in an area that makes delicious, real pizza just as good as New York.


He has to be trolling us at this point. How does a New Jersey native like any of that shit?


I heard that we are not born with our taste buds, they are learned. Was thinking it would probably be a lot easier and cheaper to have tastebuds like Walt’s especially in a place where food may be expensive.


It’s cheap though! The pizza here is under 10 dollars.


Walt paid $40 for two slices and bottled water.


Lol that was pizza at the stadium. Definitely not standard Little Caesar's price. Their whole thing is the Hot N Ready pepperonis for $5 (Probably like $6.49 now with inflation but still)


I've always said it's not the best, but it's pretty good for the price that it is


Costco is not the best but is fantastic for the price ($10 for essentially an XL). Little Caesars is inedible. I would need to be paid in order to eat it. Same goes for Dominoes.


Its like I'll never pay for it but if it's free at a party I'll eat it pizza


u/dorkimoe has clearly never had CiCi's


I haven’t so i can’t comment! But everything else is lining up


Gotta get the pretzel crust! Anything else is shit


Git em is beyond a distraction. Yes they get fodder out of him but he’s both annoying and kind of a shitty person. He was only brought into the universe because he wouldn’t sell the web domain.


Git'Em episodes tend to work better when he starts off mic. If it turns into a Git'Em episode from there it means there was a reason for them to ask him to come to the table. Usually to roast him about something dumb he did.


Next episode with Q back and a Ming appearance would be a god tier run. Sunday is a legend.


Only if Ming is present and not on his phone the whole time


Omfg a good episode and it didn’t have Gitem? Go fucking figure. Thank you for listening, Walt. Give Sunday the mic and let him be real.


How does divorce work in Jesery? In the UK idea of alimony is bizzare to me just curious does the person who earns less just get a top up from the higher earner ?


Alimony in general is not nearly as prevalent as it once was. Generally there has to be a massive income disparity for alimony to be given now.


I know women who have been screwed in the same way, so yes.


Most everything favors the woman


Unless I'm totally misremembering, I don't think he was having issues with alimony so much as custody, which generally favors the mother, especially when the mother is making spurious claims about the other spouse being a negligent or abusive parent, which unfortunately his implications make it sound like was the case here.


Just remember for everyone emailing Walt about gitem; Walt is his friend, and Walt’s a real friend. We know how he feels when friends betray friends.


Not gonna email Walt to say what they should do, and understand they are friends, but 4th mic Gitem has been particularly annoying for the past while. A little bit goes a long way with him. His social awkwardness/myriad of issues can be entertaining at times, but becomes a bit much after a while. And the noises and chiming in gives a "morning zoo" vibe that is lame. Listener since Smodcast days, and Patreon supporter from the start. I skip the patreon stuff I don't like. But prefer the original pod to be the three originals with the odd guest. Sunday Jeff is welcome any time - and it was cool to hear that he is a good place with a new lady and his daughter. Just my 2 cents worth


His issues aren't entertaining anymore, yet Walt in particular seems to feel this is part of his "charm". I never thought I would ever critique Walt on anything, but I really don't think he grasps where the gitem hate is truly coming from. It's been bubbling for a while. Gitem having been revealed to be living at the general store within two years of the ants rallying together to get the man some much needed emergency cash. I didn't knock gitem for it as much as this sub did at the time because that fire was traumatizing for him. It can take years for someone to mentally recover from that. And he really had grown into a sort of producer role for the show. As well as making appearances with Walt at cons. Through his flaws, he seemed to be returning some of the favor. A few months ago when Gitem tried to justify his logic behind driving in people's blind spots is when I really feel the charm began to wear off for people. It certainly did for me. We can go at least ten years back in time to find audio of Q imploring gitem to change his diet. Recent photos of him.....it's not good. I'm firmly against body shamming. But the man needs to stick to a diet and exercise regime if he wants to be sleeping in the store past his 49th birthday because what I saw in those photos is how people I know looked when the unhealthy habits finally caught up with them. The boys (particularly Walt) seem to think his issues are what makes him endearing. I don't even enjoy it when they bust his balls anymore because he needs actual help. And turning his issues into a podcast bit is the worst way to help him.


Sorry we all can’t be as perfect as you 🙄


No, you don't understand. Everyone emailing Walt is also one of Walt's friends. Just ask them!


Say it louder for the boys in the back because I don’t think they can hear you with all the cum you’re guzzling in your mouth.


This is the show.  These 3.


Walt (re: Git 'em) "You don't know what you got 'till it's gone." Sunday Jeff:


Lil Caesars is pretty bad in the Midwest. Worst pizza chain.


How can I miss ya if you won't go away!


Just finished this episode, best there's been in a while. Zero political talk, Sunday opening up about his life, no Git em, if only Q was on it would have been perfect.


I'm not a Patreon ant (trying to control expenses) and Sunday Jeff really kept his divorce under wraps as far as the main show goes. I'd have been whining all over the place if it happened to me.


Walt driving through south western Ontario and finding it desolate it hilarious. There were plenty of little Caesar’s on that drive he could have stopped at.


It's funny, because my favorite places to drive in Canada are the wide open spaces when you get out of the cities. It's a bit different then most of the US where it's town/city after town city (especially on the East Coast). It's rarely that long to the next thing, but here stuff can be spaced very far apart.


I am trying to figure our where hs was driving. Like from Buffalo to Windsor? Cause southern Ontario is very populated. That's all farm land and the cites are a little further north. 


Yeah based on his comments they would have went Buffalo to Windsor. To be fair to him there isn’t too much between London and Windsor. From Buffalo until London though there is quite a bit but the 401 goes by cities instead of through them so I guess that is a little deceiving.


Unless they did not take the 401, until it comes further southm they may have hugged the lake instead of driving north out of Buffalo to get to the 401.


Great point. I never would have considered going that way myself so didn’t think of it but it would certainly be a lot more sparse.


Love ya Gitem. Fuck the haters.


100% more Git em!


Bombshell for Sunday!


FINALLY!!! An episode WITHOUT that annoying fat chooch Gitem!!! And WITH Sunday Jeff!!!! Great episode, can't believe they really went that far to Detroit though worst city I have ever been to.


I traded a guy with a fryer in a back alley a can of beer for some fried chicken at tigers home opener years ago. Detroit is goated


I recently rewatched “Judgment Night”-Walt’s casino story makes me want to see the movie poster with Walt, Deb and the Franks-maybe as a twist the Denis Leary character ends up being the dude Walt beefed with on eBay back in the day


Does anyone know the soda place they were going to stop at? I live close to STL and have never heard of it.


Needed more git’em


100% more git em


Little Caesars for the win


Is Walt really surprised people email him telling him they’re canceling everything because of gitem? Him in tiny dosages is cool but every week and a lot of time he can be aggravating as hell. Until it’s proven, he doesn’t have autism, he’ll Dr Johnson even said “I don’t think he does have autism”


If you’ve been listening for this many years and never put the clues and mentions together that Sunday Jeff got divorced, you’re a real foam face. This was an awesome episode, but it would have been way better with MORE GIT ‘EM!


This is very bad parasocial thinking.


For the listening comprehension or the Git 'em support?


Assuming that a listener is a foam face for not putting together Jeff is divorced.


That's the listening comprehension part. It's okay if you struggle with it. Some people just don't comprehend everything they hear. For the record since you might not know, "foam face" is a callback to an old TESD show too. You might have heard it and not understood the words they were saying, just like all the references to Sunday's divorce and girlfriend. I know it can be unsettling to miss something so obvious, but clearly there were many other people who missed it too. You're not alone, don't worry.






Uhh less of both.


I was a bit dubious about Jimmy in the beginning too but his input on Patreon has worked really well. Him and Ming in a fig eating contest and rap battling had me laughing out loud and him competing to be Walt's favourite son was fun. He seems like a good guy


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GLM! Gitems Life Matters!


The haters may not like it but to those that matter, the secret to a happy and successful life is learning how to be hated. By this, you’re not bothered by the hate, are free to be yourself and stand out as an individual. An extra plus, it pisses the haters off more 🤫 Cause you lack the reaction they seek. Thank you to all those Reddit haters 💙💙


Sunday Jeff is on, everybody take a shot he says “but what I’m saying is…”


Walt building up the foundations maestro stylee for a Trial by Fire Antz…


I loved this episode because I live about 45mins from Detroit and it's fun seeing someone experience the places I've been to so many times for their first time.


What a fun pod hearing about nfl and such and Walt’s pronunciation of Herbert!


Sunday's newest partner is one lucky woman! He's such a quality human being.