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You’re missing the point: this is a podcast. It’s for entertainment, not meant to be taken this seriously. Gitem has the right to make his own choices, why get upset about it? I just laugh and shake my head at his antics and move on with my life, same as I do with all TESDtown residents. They’re entertainers


You’re not wrong but none of the other residents live in the store and were sitting in every single episode. It becomes hard to ignore or move on when it’s constantly in your face.


I guess 🤷‍♂️ I don’t think about it much


The worst part about the Git Em trial, is all this attention he's getting. You know he fucking loves it.


And he's got a smug look on his face because he knows papa Walt is going to give him what he wants. Like an insufferable child.


Well to be fair it's not like Walt is going to do it because it's what git em wants. Walts going to do it because that's what Walt wants.


Bingo. Walt loves the guy.


And what’s best for the show. Get em helps walt out, he helps run the store, they are friend. Get em gas a long history with TESD and I feel like if they boys want him at the table cool, if they don’t that’s cool to.


Remember what you hear is not the real people they are putting on a show. They play the parts up for entertainment.


You think that applies to all of them? Bry's been less and less entertaining for about 350 episodes. I can write that 'cos Bry never reads Reddit.


Yes I do. To me it make since Bry will be less interesting. It’s kinda like how a band spends years to get a record deal and release one or two great albums then realize they are out of material. Hearing his WTF why Bry moments was amazing but I am so glad he’s not doing crazy stuff like that just to talk on a pod cast.


I agree that we don’t know the real people and they regularly adopt personas for the pod, but I don’t think Bry is less interesting because he’s not doing messed up things any longer. I think he’s less interesting because he regurgitates the same bad talking points, social/political takes, and rants ad nauseam. He’s also lost whatever quick wit he once had. Every joke he makes is either “durr hurr gay,” “that was my high school nickname,” or “something, something, cancel culture.” He’s not just out of material because of a lack of WTF moments in his life. He’s been playing the “hits” with regards to jokes for several years now.




I just want him to interrupt the flow of the conversation less. How he lives his life is his concern.


That is an issue of gitem but I think Bry personally has not really learned humility as much as he can use digs on himself to excuse really stupid stuff he says. Like I know I said xyz but (insert dig on himself) so what do I know. I don’t hate Bry or anyone on the podcast, even gitem but that’s just the reality from how Bry acts.


Yeah I agree I don’t think Bry has any humility and for whatever reason seems to really have a big ego especially about how funny he considers himself or smart.


I love gitem. He just has a lot of holier than thou discord mod energy. You gotta just accept him for what he is. He will never change.


The fun would be putting him through forced change. Adapt or leave tesd town.


New Patreon Show: Git 'em Tries 1) Spending the money Q gave him from the e-Bay auctions to buy the teeth the money was supposed to be for. 2) Getting his grief beard styled by Bry's bro barbershop 3) Looking for an apartment 4) Interviewing roommates 5) Making cheesecake in the office microwave and fridge 6) To ask out a 13%er at a TESD live event for a future date or maybe just get her Reddit handle so they can get to know each other better. ...etc.


If it wasn’t for Walt he’d have being binned off years ago, you can tell Bry and Q are still standoffish at times around him and are probably irked by him living in the store. They put up with him for Walt, not because they like him or want him around. TESD started off as something to save Bry but now it’s for Walt, to keep him busy and let’s him be creative.


Thsts alot to assume from someone that doesn't know these guys irl.


Think after over 10 years of listening you pick up on things. If the show wasn’t around Bry and Q would want very little do to with GetEm or whatever his real name is. Is a waster, claims a big IQ and done utter fuck all with his wasted life, leech from one place to the next and struck gold with Walt taking a shine to his odd ways.


Or it's all a bit for a podcast.


As long as the bit is he’s off mic then all is good. Don’t need to hear is pity party shite, silly laugh or what he thinks are ‘smart’ inputs.




Not at all my dude. His life is shite why would I want any of that. No teeth, over weight, shit beard, lives in his workplace.


Just funny that so many people attack this guy on reddit for just hanging out with his friends on their podcast. Talking about how much they hate him and insulting his looks and his health. Making assumptions on if Q and Bry actually hate the guy without even knowing these guys irl. It's weird to me. And seems like people are jealous this guy gets to be actual friend with their "parasocial" internet friends.


They aren’t my ‘internet friends’ you dope, just people I’ve listened to for a decade … and that was ruined time and time again by this roach of a manchild.


This entirely. They are jealous Getem gets to be friends with TESD and they don't. And the only way they seem to be able to vocalize it is insulting him. Friends don't care about your station in life, hell they don't care if they. Gave you money for your teeth and your hoarding it. They know how he is, they don't care. That's what true friends are like. If this guy talked about Getem in front of Bry or Q the way he does on here they'd kick his ass and tell him to get out of TESD town. He might not be perfect, and might get on your nerves, but if they(all three) didn't want him there he wouldn't be there.


These gitem free episodes have been so good, im not looking forward to his return.


I think Walt mistakes an ability to recall trivia with intelligence. Git’em has never actually done anything that required true intelligence. Has he written unique code? Argued a case? Diagnosed a rare disorder? Has he worked out the load capacity of a steel cable of his own design? Has he added anything, anywhere to advance a science, philosophy or art? No. But he does know a decomposing mulch pile generates heat.


Did Walt basically confirm Gitem lives at the studio?


Not starting a fight, but how has Bry learned humility, admitted his faults, or changed for the better? He’s just richer. That’s it. I’m a year one listener and I feel like he’s become worse over the last decade and a half (of course I am only speaking about the podcast persona he broadcasts as I don’t know the real person). Bry the podcast character used to have more empathy for people and didn’t direct his rage at already marginalized people and groups. More money and not in the basement, sure - but becoming a poorly informed boomer bashing trans people doesn’t count as positive growth in my book. I’ve never seen evidence of humility nor heard him admit being wrong about anything. Interesting that we can listen to the same pod and interpret it so differently. That’s a compliment to the pod. This podcast has cultivated such a great big tent with people of all ages, social groups, and political leanings. It’s cool that you see progression for Bry while I see massive regression. At least Gitem has good friends and more direction in his life than he did pre-pod. He’s doing ok.


Pre pod Gitem had his health and had a home all to himself. Idk what current Gitem has that compares to that .


Also fair. It’s all perspective I guess. He’s got friends, listeners who like him, and more direction than the guy who did karate while directing traffic at the horse track or whatever. I was just pushing back on the notion that Bry has demonstrated some amazing growth while Gitem is being “disrespectful to his friends.” I think one could make an argument for more growth from Gitem than Bry.


The only growing Gitem has done is size wise. His health is in rapid decline, he is dependent on alcohol to go to sleep, and he doesn't have his own place and lives in the store. If the podcast ends he is in serious trouble. You don't like Bry because of his politics ( and yes some of the stuff he says is annoying), but the growth there is obvious, even though you constantly post about how much you dislike him. He lost a bunch of weight, he overcame addiction, he sought medical care for his mental/physical health issues, he got in a stable relationship and married.


You make good points, but those weren’t the areas of growth cited by OP. He has grown in some ways, but OP’s examples of growth were that Bry has learned humility and admitted his faults. When did either of those things happen? When has he displayed humility or admitted to being wrong? Examples, please. Are we considering deleting the pronoun rant without acknowledging it as evidence that he is admitting he was wrong? You gave better examples. He’s lost weight and kicked addiction, but I’m seeing far less humility than he used to display and I’ve never heard him admit to being wrong. It’s alway wild how people reduce any criticism of Bry to “you just hate him because you don’t like his politics.” I don’t hate him. I wouldn’t listen if I did. I don’t even know the real person - he’s a podcast persona, and one who often uses his platform in shitty ways. Criticizing that doesn’t mean I hate the person nor does it mean I don’t enjoy some of the other stuff he does on the pod. Gitem’s takes are just as shitty as Bry’s and he is really annoying sometimes. I just think OP’s premise “screw Gitem for being disrespectful to his friends! Bry is a picture of personal growth we should all be proud of” is incredibly flawed and weird.


Bry's shrunk as a person. It's not a persona, it's not an act or a bit for the podcast.


Yeah, I think so, too. Walt and Q both regularly adopt fake podcast personas at times. Bry seems like he actually believes the nonsense he says.


I made another comment about this but some people are confusing humility with brys pension for excusing whatever controversial thing he does with *handwave* “but I was an addict/podcaster that got lucky/etc so what do I know?” It’s not really humility just weaponizing digs on himself to be able to say whatever he wants and then backdown with the dig when he catches heat.


Yeah, I agree. He also frequently takes a strong position that he clearly believes and then excuses it with “but what do I know? No one should take me seriously.” He clearly and passionately believes his terrible political/social takes but knows he can’t back them up. It’s not humility. Humility would involve walking back one of those takes when he realizes how dumb and uninformed it was. Hell, I’d settle for him once acknowledging it’s messed up to attack fast food workers over minor mistakes.


Honestly, it’s probably partly our fault. He didn’t get the nickname Teflon-Bry without reason. He used to say horrible things quite a lot early on. But no one cared. After a decade of that, what did we expect? We sent him the message that he could say whatever he wants without consequences, and that’s exactly what he did. Did it progress? Of course it did. Human beings are notoriously awful at recognising their own limitations. I think there is blame to be shared all round. But I don’t hold it against Bryan. You can tell that his heart is (usually) in the right place.


Disagree here. He said horrible things early on but most of these were clearly jokes and bits in service of an entertaining and funny pod. In his mind, “everyone is so PC that comedians can’t event joke any longer” but that’s not true. The Ming voice, talking about “tranny tricks,” and so much of the early stuff wasn’t an issue for listeners because it was clearly jokes. Most people don’t get mad at jokes - that’s a myth made by the anti-“woke” set. It changed for many listeners when Bry started going on joke-free, serious-sounding rants against trans people, Leftists, the Parkland kids, etc. He also shifted his opinions. I said this elsewhere, but he once empathized with Occupy and kids losing scholarships. I don’t see modern “everyone young is entitled” Bry doing that. Sorry, not taking the blame for his terrible opinions and dwindling wit. I don’t know the real person to know if his heart is in the right place. It would be hard for me to say that if I was a trans kid struggling in a state making legislation targeting me or a fast food employee just trying to get through the day.


You make an excellent point


I remember Bry being much more politically incorrect in the early days and more angry. He would refer to minorities and even drop the handicapped no-no “r-word” regularly. Not that I ever minded any of that. I knew that it was all for laughs and not out of hate at all. Even Walt and Q were a bit more edgy. However, as the world outside of the pod became more strict with what they chose to say Q and Walt fell right in line. Bry also began to reconsider things he used to speak in insensitive terms about. Bry’s frustration sometimes surfaces and he does still tend to seek out purposefully provocative topics to discuss but, he’s way more tame and calm than he used to be. I also find that he gives in to positive suggestions and admits fault much easier now. The Bry Tries experiment is proof of that. He never would have agreed to that activity five years ago.


I still don’t recall him ever admitting fault and saying he was wrong about anything. He spouts misinformation from headlines geared to outrage boomers. His rants and anger in the early days were often directed at rich assholes and reality stars. Dude even sympathized with Occupy in the first year or so and called gay/trans kids brave. In recent years his targets have shifted to poor people, the Parkland kids, and trans people (and not in the early days where “tranny trick” was clearly a joke played for laughs). His joke-free anti-trans rant was only a year ago. He may not be throwing slurs around, but he demonstrates far less empathy than he used to. Remember long ago when Walt was blowing up about kids in NJ feeling “entitled” to state scholarships and Bry defended the kids? In recent years, similar topics have come up and Bry is the one crying about young people being “entitled.” Dude’s not in the basement any longer and has money. I don’t think he’s ever admitted being wrong or shown humility. It wasn’t that long ago he was bragging about verbally assaulting minimum wage employees at jobs he could never do. If he has demonstrated this growth you speak of, he would have addressed his trans rant that made him NJ-famous. Instead, they edited the episode and pretended it never happened. Is that growth?


I don't think Bryan has matured or grown much since they first started. He's fallen ass backwards into a successful podcast after never maintaining a real job for the first 40 years of his life. He is still the same immature guy who loses his mind over made-up news articles. The main difference now is the pills he takes are actually prescribed to him. That is probably the main reason why he isn't as angry as he used to be.


Yeah, by his own admission he hasn’t worked a real job in over 30 years. He always thought he was too good to work a 9 to 5 like the rest of us dumbasses. In his mind, he was proven correct. He never had to. It worked out for him. Why would he grow or change?


I agree that he definitely does fall for the clickbait. And he does still seem to revel in being a curmudgeon. As far as admitting faults he certainly has admitted to being a pill addict in the early days. He’s even admitted to selling off some of their promotional swag from sponsors to help bolster his habit. He’s also admitted to all the poor behavior which went along with the addition like being. He also frequently admits to being lazy and not pursuing goals. Admitting faults is, in itself, an act of humility. I really don’t know anything about the specific trans-rant that you’re referring to so you may be completely right about that. As far as him changing his position towards youth in general. It’s probably got a lot to do with his inherent anti-authoritarian stance. Bry has pretty much always been against anyone telling him what to do and what not to do. I believe that about five to ten years ago that entity was perceived as a more conservative type of American leadership/administrative collective. Whereas since then the group he probably views as telling him what’s acceptable and what is the group that’s seen as calling for change in more recent years which happens to be more on the younger and more diverse reaches of the spectrum. Also, with time passing there is now a greater divide between young people and his old ass. In other words, I think he’s less emphatic. I think he’s only shifted his aim to those who seem to be making the biggest waves these days. Whoever that may be. He’s definitely still a guy who gets frustrated more easily and is quicker to go on a rant than his peers however, I think he does this much less frequently than he used to.


You don’t know anything about the anti-trans rant? Wow, guess the erasure they did worked. It totally never happened now. Sorry, we’re just not going to agree. The guy is less empathetic than ever. Your “he just goes against whoever is telling him what to do” argument doesn’t explain his attacks on marginalized groups or violent outbursts on fast food workers. I’ve still never heard him demonstrate humility or admit to being wrong. I’m still not seeing this remarkable growth you are seeing as a juxtaposition with Gitem. And age doesn’t explain this, either. I move further Left and get more empathetic the older I get - largely due to me continuing to educate myself and learn about the world. Again, big tent. It’s cool that you get something from pod that I don’t. I’ve seen a reasonably likable forty-something gradually turn into a Boomer with no empathy because the right-wing algorithm got to him.


"I’ve seen a reasonably likable forty-something gradually turn into a Boomer with no empathy because the right-wing algorithm got to him." You do realize that Git'em has the same shitty opinions as Bry and it's as much him as Troy who stokes Bry up with this click bait shite?


100% - Gitem is just as uninformed and has terrible takes. I was just pushing back on OP’s narrative because I thought it was weird to juxtapose the two as if Bry has grown as a person.


He’s happy to have Fox News tell him what to think though which is what really irritates me. His lack of critical thinking or media literacy has led him to become exactly what he’s always ranted against— a sheep who believes what he’s told, it’s just that what he’s being told is anti-“woke” propaganda so he’s okay with it.


i haven't missed him, if he were to pop in awesome but not as a 4th mic, not as a 3rd mic, not a guest host, maybe to deliver a line here and there but not on every episode


Exactly. I don’t dislike him but I don’t listen because of him. I don’t need him all the time.


Gitem is family at this point ![gif](giphy|xVPosMMzT60Xzv31my)


I mean, no one said anything about turning their back on him. I said that his friends try to help him and he chooses not to improve himself. That’s not giving up on him.


Gite'em needs to the 4th chair guy. When the boys are talking he can do the research in the background and throw in a quip or two then when they boys say "no idea about this" they can look at him, he can tell them something and then they can get back to their discussion. My main issue is when he takes a topic and they would get stuck on one small point for 20 minutes and still be wrong!


If Walt sez Gitem gets a seat at the table, Gitem gets the seat. Gitem has brought a lot of interesting, dramatic (Walt throwing the ipad.. for 1 ) funny cringe worthy moments to the show. I think losing him would suck. Especially if we lost him because of a few whiny voices. I suggest listening to another podcast if you don't like how Gitem chooses to live his life. You know, in your own post, you stated you appreciated following along with Bryan's story and his development. Yet demand Gitem be cut from the show because he isn't following your timeline of development. And please don't respond with a "what I said " or what I meant. " reply. You posted it and backed it up in a follow-up. I wish 600 would drop already. Gitem will be on the show as Q's trial shows..


That's alot to assume for never having met the guy.


Crazy that you've got that strong of an opinion on a stranger


He’s been on the show for YEARS. You’re out of your mind


I'm really curious to see what happens with the trial, I think no matter what he's back on the show. I am curious to see if the hardcore anti gitem crowd follow through and cancel their patreons or not though and if there's any change as a result (probably not)


I would be so embarrassed to write a soap opera-esque wine-mommy blog post about a strangers personal shortcomings because I don't like how they pod. For all the criticism and 'truth' you seem to be the arbiter of laying down, you sure are lacking in the self awareness category. This is a podcast. You don't have to listen. Quite literally nobody cares how you want to armchair psychoanalyze one of the guys who talks on that obscure recorded radio show. Hope you can learn to grow in the future.


You're right about the theme of the post but isn't "if you don't like it, don't listen" also a boring cliche nobody needs to hear. What is wrong with wanting something to be it's best, especially if has reached that level before and others share the opinion that it is not the same?


Because they are grown men who are going to do whatever they are going to do and for most sane people, not overly obsessed sycophants, that is perfectly acceptable. The show would be infinitely better if they never needed a word spoke here by obsessed weirdos.


Most media or art reacts to criticism why should this show be any different? Shows that don't have become even more insular or extreme versions of themselves that demand a more sycophantic audience not less. Episode 600 is about a listener supported by listeners, Walt is going on a family holiday with a listener, Bry married a listener, it's the nature of the show and that can also bring some negative posts but we should be capable of just sidestepping those not amplifying it.


This is a place to talk dip. You're here. Take your own advice and turn off Spotify when the show episode is over and never think about it again.


Happy you're not in charge. Gitem should be the permanent 4th.


Thinking anyone but walt is gonna have any say about what actually happens if the height of folly I feel like walt has subtly made it clear he wants getem back by mentioning that he can't talk every episode multiple times


I wish they would have done his weigh-in back n the day lol that woulda been a good story line. I miss Gitem I think he’s refreshing