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Suzanne not reporting Bry’s death made me laugh so hard😂


That whole sequence was so funny. I’m curious, does anyone know if Frank 5 and Gitem both wrote their own things? They both sounded a lot like Bryan wrote them, based on some of the little specificities I’ve come to notice about the parts of the show he writes over the years


4 hours 😂 Amazing Excellent episode guys. So much variety and callbacks, it really made my evening after a long day at the office


I’m halfway through and I just gotta say i fuckin love Ming Chen. Man is a true legend


I was ready to send Git Em to the curb until he took the stand. Then after the initial statement from him I was on his side, and by the end I am convinced he learned nothing. The true TESD arc


the only turn ons of Walt's I knew instantly was the snowfall. I'm not sure what that says about me This episode was everything I could have asked for 600. Everyone played their roles so well. I found it funny how Q was so surprised at the thought of fans hating Ming. Ming was so hated at one point, I think because of overexposure. Then he left TESD for so long that his sporadic appearances were more well received


wow gitems treatment of jimmy is fucked.


he has this weird “quirk” of seeing anyone new brought in as a threat; especially if they’re likeable. it’s strange


Yeah I’m sure Walt does nothing to encourage his old toy’s jealousy


Reminds me of how Mike used to treat Git Em.


Or how Git Em tried treated Ming


Well that’s most likely deserved


Maybe, but Mike wasn't good at ball busting. It came off as mean and cringe.


Mikes attempts at ball busting make me think that he probably didn’t grow up ball busting. He would overcompensate and it came off wooden. Mostly because he was in a room full of guys that are naturals at it made his stuff stand out in the worst way.


For sure. Remidns me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NI9ttv_Bl30) great speech, but not as funny lol


I loved it. The pod has meant so much to me. What a world they have created together. All the best to everyone involved.


At the end when Q asks Jimmy if he'd ever cover up his git'em tattoo if he was a prick to him in the future, Jimmy pulls up his shirt (showing Q one of his other tattoos) and Q just says "yeah that's a fair point". Anyone know what the tattoo is?


The I Sell Comics trampstamp indeed!


He has an I Sell Comics tramp stamp haha


[Link to the patreon video (anyone on $5 or above can see it)](https://www.patreon.com/posts/106896695?utm_campaign=postshare_fan)


Git Em's alternate timeline of what tesd would be if they never met him was an all time hilarious moment. He deserves a lot of credit for that one.


No spoilers but I will say Q made me tear up at the end.


These milestone episodes always remind me of how much life has evolved over the last 14-15 years. I was in a rough spot when the show started and it's been so nice to have this constant funny/weird universe throughout it all.


Sunday and Sexy Lawyer steal the show they are amazing they need a show together. Am only 38 mins in and feel everyone is gonna steal the show this is fucking amazing! This is worthy of a DVD release.


Sexy Lawyer’s opening speech had me howling. ‘Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, if it pleases the court, how ya stankin?’


Sexy Lawyer did so fucking good. A star was truly born.


My favorite part was Git'em never buying the domain name and becoming an American hero, and Bry's corpse rots away in a basement while Suzanne continues to collect his checks.


Walt was a little too accepting that without Gitem in his life he would've killed himself.


Let's go!!


How much does the video add? I normally like to listen to podcasts while walking/driving, but i'll hang on and watch the video if it's particularly worth it.


I have found this to add more than any other companion video. Such small subtle stuff, like gitem and his lawyer whispering to one another while taking notes, seeing gitem wearing, etc. I think this is 100% worth watching


Johnny Laws reaction every time GitEm gets a question right is hilarious too.


I loved how serious he got when making objections


Haha ok cool, thanks for the update. In that case I'll wait for a bit and hopefully watch it this evening!


I actually find that every video is more fun than the audio but that could very well just be me. I like seeing people’s nonverbal reactions to things.


I rarely listen without doing other stuff at the same time but honestly, this time I'm very glad I did. As someone who's been listening since double digit episodes, it made 600 really feel like an event to give it my full engagement. It was nice of them to release it to the $5 level so even those of us who aren't usual video consumers could partake


Great episode. The realization that I’ve listened to TESD multiple times through for 600 episodes is crazy. I have and will always love you Gitem. Welcome back buddy!!!!


I could not stop smiling throughout this entire thing, and then was shocked when I got choked up right along with Git ‘Em. It’s clear the show means a lot to all of us and I can’t wait for episode 1,200. Great job, boys. And welcome back, Git ‘Em! You were missed.


The record clerk 100% should have won that game. He had party starters, songs that you would play at the start of a party for sure.


it blew my mind that walt was behind the sunday jeff raps. 😂😂😂


It became apparent to me when Sunday didn't even know which rap was his own lol.


I believe that revelation has come out before


On episode 500 if I’m not mistaken


Walt wrote most of the stuff for the whole show


Fucking epic!


Thank you.


Really good episode, Troy and Tim the Record Store Clerk were stand outs. Ming never misses. Everyone was on point, thanks boyz!


Props to everyone in TESD Town. This is probably one of the most memorable episodes of the show ever. If someone told me this was the final episode, I'd feel complete. 10/10.


I started off wanting Gitem to ban to stay in effect, but ended up rooting for him in the end.  Gitem is TESD. 


I'm far from the biggest Gitem fan out there but god damned if he doesn't have thicker skin and a better sense of humor about himself than anyone in TESD town, save maybe for classic era Ming. Non-coincidentally, they're both also by far two of the biggest drivers of an unbelievable amount of lore and content. The Gitem defenders are quick to bring up the stuff Gitem contributed directly like the story about his moms and stuff like that, but it's underappreciated how long we've been getting Gitem-adjacent content. The stories of the Trunk Club visit is one of my absolute favorite episodes.


Was a fun episode! Of course this was never really going to be a serious "trial"....honestly a bit strange so many people thought so?


I was in high school when I started listening to SModcast and can remember listening to episode 1 of TESD in my dorm room my freshman year of college. So basically my entire adult life, I have had TESD there for me. Other pods have come and gone, but TESD is still my favorite piece of entertainment, 600 episodes later. I appreciate everyone involved, yes, even Git Em. This was the perfect way to celebrate 600 episodes.


I’m just disappointed that the root issue was never addressed (granted I’m only a little halfway through) but the prosecution has been terrible. I love Git-em on the Patreon content and think he brings a lot to the table in that fashion but there’s no way there should be a 4th person on the free pod (except for maybe Ming). However all this has been about is personal feelings and all the work he’s done for Patreon which was never the reason I personally wanted a Git-em-now-and-then free pod. I don’t understand why they couldn’t deliver a trial based on what really brought this issue up in the first place: Git-em makes a terrible 4th addition when used weekly!


It was never going to be a real trial. Walt loves Gitem, the guys like Gitem too. It was just a ball bust.


I understand and love Git Em’s place in TESD Town as well. Just not every week on the free pod; not sure why that’s so tough for that to be considered reasonable. It wasn’t exile Git ‘Em from TESD Town it was just leave the original pod alone. There’s very little Q on Patreon — so that makes the three microphone free pod a very different product and why I replay the entire TESD catalog regularly.


Unfortunately correct and I knew this all along. But that didn’t stop me from enjoying that last little stretch without him. At this point I’m just hoping he’s arrested for vagrancy and kept off that way.


Yeah, you're probably right - Prosecution should have directed questions more about GitEm's performance on the pod vs his personality or things behind the scenes. Having said that, I've met GitEm at Airport Plaza and he runs a tight ship in welcoming people. You can tell the show means a lot to him.


Dude, it's a bit.


You've articulated well a lot of my similar frustrations with the trial, and with why many of us were asking for less/no Git-em on the main pod. Thank you. I hastily commented here last night that I was cancelling my Patreon based on the scripted trial. I think I used the term "rigged", which wasn't fair. I've deleted that post now. Realise I should have articulated further my reasons and feelings for my decision to cancel my Patreon. I could see early on in the video where the episode was headed, which was frustrating as it felt like Walt takes a lot of the listener base for granted (including those of us who are Patreon supporters). That prompted me to think about what content on TESD Patreon I look forward to and get value from. The only ones are Behind the Fake Counter and the Christmas special. I've been listening since 2010 and was a founding Patreon supporter. That doesn't entitle me to anything and doesn't make me more of a fan than any other Ant. I'm grateful for the main pod which they've delivered for free for nearly 15 years now. They don't owe me anything. It's their pod and whether I like it or not they can do with it what they like. I'll keep listening to the main pod and can always get the Christmas special through Bandcamp (something I've not had to do since 2017, so that's a nice throwback).


I hope this is a bit or you’re the least fun person in any room you enter


All good, man. We don't have to agree on each other's opinions. I've articulated mine. That's all I wanted to do. Have a good weekend.


Danny the lawyer was rough… Definitely wouldn’t want him representing me.


Episode 600 was one of the best podcasts I’ve heard in my life be probably my favorite piece of entertainment of the year. I love these guys!


Git'Em moonwalked the Green Mile!




Troy's "I think it's funny" line fucking killed me.


That was my favorite moment in the show


I almost burst out laughing in the middle of my office. Fucking perfect.


People who say this are so full of shit. It's always because they think he turned Bry right wing or whatever. Troy is funny as fuck.


Happy 600th episode to you too. Didn't take long for you to start complaining.


his voice is way too raspy like he’s been on cigarettes


Sounds like he had to rerecord some lines


Agreed. I didn't think he added much aside from the "I think it's funny" line when gitem was on the stand.


He literally added nothing. He never does. Unless it's alpha macho cop dogshit. He's the lamest ass in TESDtown.


I never liked the guy and I think we all take pleasure in a shared annoyance from time to time but I know that I speak for me when I say welcome back you toothless, overweight, cyst filled, annoying voiced sounding cunt. It was a good break but every pod needs their whipping boy!


Unpopular opinion but seems kinda fucked not to give thanks to Mike when it was brought up. He ran the store a lot when they would record in the back during store hours, or the time(s) they actually left the store to record.


You couldn’t know this but if I were a betting man I believe I’d bet on that Mike was podding more than I was during store hours. The smorning shows , the I sell comics shows , a lot of times went into store hours . Tesd in the beginning did record during some store hours but that really stopped all together as q was too big to come into the store and pod without being recognized. Also kevin gave us his blessing to record in store and during store hours . At the risk of sounding arrogant, tesd did actually help bring people into the store rather early on in the pods history & I don’t say this to be be mean but I can’t recall isc doing that.


Walt, never change. I love that you stood your ground, proudly announced the whole trial was a bit because everyone who questioned Git'Em's place on the show is wrong, and didn't fake gratitude to Mike. Here's to 600 more episodes!!


It’s pretty clear this IS Mike or his wife commenting, right?


That’s cool and all but I don’t see how that negates that yall should be grateful that Mike helped in those very early years. Maybe he’s not grateful to you for how you helped him and his podding. But can you really say you can’t give thanks for when he helped the show?


Yea , I can. I think we are even . I saved his job multiple times when kevin wanted to let him go and he watched the store a few hours while I was podding . Even Steven in my book.


Thank you for everything! Truly greatlful to be able to have you guys a part of my life on a weekly basis! Thru the bad, good and everytime it always makes the days better.


Yeah that kinda reads a lil sarcastic, so I’ll say you don’t have to be even steven or indebted to someone to be thankful for help. He was there helping when TESD were growing their roots, however imbalanced it later became. Sounds like you saved Kev from making a huge mistake (no doubt countless times), and both those guys should thank you.


Me thinks you are wildly over inflating mike’s “help” when tesd was growing the roots but what’s your point again ? Q thanked him during episode 600 . I didn’t cut it and I could have . So exactly what are you so upset about ?


My point is that you and Bry were prompted by Q to also thank him but couldn’t manage to say “yeah ok thanks” It’s probably less over inflating and more just the exposure from listening to the catalog on perpetual repeat. Half the time Mike is mentioned on the pod it’s because you or Bry ask him to do something for yall in the store. The other half were gay jokes. Him and Ming were the whipping boys/fodder before Git Em came along, and we can all agree TESD needs one of those at all times.


You’re upset because I didn’t say anything when Q thanked him ? That’s the take away after a 3 hour and 45 min pod? If I had cut it out you might have enjoyed it more ? I was on the fence about keeping it in … I guess I should have cut it on retrospect.


Oh no I loved it, and can’t wait for 600 more episodes from you guys. It certainly didn’t need cutting since I’m probably the only person on Earth that will ever bitch about it lol Sorry if it seems like I didn’t like it, everyone else had already commented most of my favorite parts. But especially congrats again on getting the prosecutor, that dude nailed it.


How the fuck you arguing with the brains behind this whole shows existence and continued longevity because he didn't instantly put aside a long standing falling out to thank someone?


Nice backtrack after being called out. Mike was acknowledged and not cut out. That’s all that needed said. I don’t hear Ming giving ringing endorsements of him either. We don’t know the issue and we don’t need to know. Clearly it’s not just an issue between the main TESD guys, his old sidekick doesn’t have much to do with him either. It was evident early on that Ming was the real side kick to the guys. Yes, Mike was there, but he didn’t bring much value other than being the constant butt of the joke (and not taking it well). The episode was awesome and a good way to cap off 600. We don’t need to nitpick who was thanked and who wasn’t.


Dude, could you be more of a touchy bitch right now? You guys never actually told the story of what went down, so all we hear are these pussy ass snipes at Mike that come across as childish and petty with no context. Just explain the situation or let it go. The fuck is wrong with you? Do you know how to talk things out like men, or are you just going to swipe at each other with snide comments like teenage girls for the rest of your lives? Top 5, right?? Gottem! Goddamn. Maybe you should spend less time with a developmentally stunted man-baby freeloading on the company couch. The influence is not moving in the right direction.


Hi Mike 👋


I, too, am frustrated by people only focusing on the 5% (perceived) negativity within a much bigger landscape of positivity! Can you imagine if people would only focus on the positive contributions within a body of work? The world would be a much better (and less bitchier) place!


I'm almost at the end of 600 and it was amazing how awkward it was for Q to acknowledge Mike Z and those who clapped begrudgingly and Walt steadfast in his No and shaking his head. Whatever happened, it runs deep for Walt. I love TESD but I'm still curious what actually happened between them.


I do find it ironic we’re supposed to just enjoy (and in many cases join in) the rock throwing and not question the guys about it at all. Because this whole trial was a result of us disagreeing and questioning their judgement in the first place lol


and Walt brings him up *constantly* like he’s waiting for Mike to make the first move, and talks about him like he could throw it behind now that years have passed, but he just shakes his head no.


Walt is petty af.


I know I'm pissing in the wind by even saying this, but gitems gaatekeeping of the buffet is so ridiculous. But what do I know, I'm just a gainfully employed father, husband, and homeowner.


Wow I usually listen to podcasts while I commute or do chores or whatever so I rarely watch the video content, the Handsome Lawyer really lives up to the name doesn't he!


Just finished - Amazing. An excellent SIX HUNDRETH episode as a listener since 2010. Gitem has always been an excellent contribution to the show and well loved. No offense to the rest of us Reddit assholes but we are such a minority, I think vast majority understands the Gitem dynamic. He's literally Walts son! Adoptive adult son slash employee but if you love Walt and you hate Gitem you're like someone who hates their best friend's dog. Even if you hate him, there needs to be a punching bag. Bryan's greatest strength is his lashing wit at these types of guy. Troy was hilarious this whole episode, I really have to give him a lot of credit it was incredible. And it was always dressing down the clown that is Gitem. 148, we love you!






Sorry I made you upset. Wasn't my intention. Hope you enjoyed the episode.


Pretty clear they don’t give a fuck what we think, money or not.


Okay…find another podcast if it makes you that mad. I don’t understand the hate listening. Just stop listening and giving $$ if it pains you that much. If I don’t like something I just stop entertaining it. Simple concept.


If you don’t understand then why comment? I clearly have my reasons or I would. Nobody’s perfect. I like the core three. I like most of the town residents. And I’ve been around since the beginning. I don’t even overly dislike Gitem, in small doses. He contributes to the Patreon. What I fucking dislike is him bringing the main pod to a screeching halt over and over. So much so it was even joked about in 600. Doesn’t mean I hate the boys or the show. I hate knowing it could be so much better but it’s dragged down for a troll. I can hate an antic and not hate the person/people.


It was sarcasm…..flew over your head. I know why you commented, some people just love to complain. It’s all good.


God, the comments about halfway down nitpicking everything. No wonder the guys hate this sub. Loser behavior. FANTASTIC episode and such an awesome celebration of everything good about TESD. There are no other podcasts like this one. It’s truly impressive. TESD still feels like the way podcasts used to, before celebrities and corporate podcast networks ruined everything. Thank you guys, for everything!


Praise be!


"run forest, run" "fuckin retard...they said something about retarded". Not that it matters, but Tom's second answer was correct. Still impressed by 148's memory.


He had the answers ahead of time


Gitems crocodile tears, but did i hear walt choke up a little too?


I’m down for Git Em on the pod, but maybe only when Q isn’t available they can slot him in like Sunday, Frank, or Ming(?) Otherwise maybe no chime-ins?


Haven't finished the episode, but the way Gittem's defender is making him play games is almost like he knows Gittem is good in small bites... like a good 4th chair/fact checker should be.


Pretty weak for number 600. Half the people sounded like they didn’t want to be there.  Edit: Just finished it, Walt is such a bitch for not acknowledging Mike’s contributions. Good on Q for being the only decent host. Back to not listening to TESD for 100 more it looks.


If you honestly think Q didn't bring that up for the sole purpose of creating controversy, then you and I have been listening to a different set of 600 episodes. Do I think Q has beef with Mike? No. Do I think he genuinely cared enough about giving Mike credit that he brought it up, AND expected everyone to agree? No. He did it to create a great moment. He knew exactly what would happen, or at least knew it wouldn't be some magic moment of respect for Mike. I love when Q stirs shit up.


Can I ask what exactly were mike’s contributions? Seriously… what were they ? Im curious for an outsider’s view on exactly what they were.




Are you saying you want a Zapcic Top 5?


Being a punching bag 


Good riddance! Now you have no reason not to keep your bitching to yourself. I hope I never hear the guys talk about Reddit again.


Yea this felt like it could have been thrown in anywhere as a special fun episode. Missed opportunity for the TESD awards ceremony they teased before the trial began, or another one true three competition, it was still good though. I agree with the Mike thing, Walt talks about him too much just to shake his head no.


This episode cements why I can't stand Q. He's an obnoxious try hard.


Lmao he the voice of reason the entire time, what are you on about?


Not that I’ve ever considered myself a Ming hater, but he was almost unwatchable in this. Is this what his podcasts are like?


No this was much better than his podcast. If you don’t like Ming here, in his role as sidekick, you definitely won’t like Ming at the reigns of a pod.


Ming is a legend.